Starfield was the first Bethesda game I didn't pre-order or even buy since fallout 3. I was SO hoping for starfield to be a new generation open world. It genuinely sucks to see Bethesda fall so far.
Well Bethesda isn't exactly the young company it used to be and they never changed their "good enough" approach to making games. So yeah someone else needs to replace Bethesda at this point.
I dont know if i would've had fun with starfield because I got a dumpster pc and no xbox but I doubt I would've. Don't think it deserved innovative gameplay award on steam though but I've ranted enough about those awards elsewhere so I'll stop here. Also 6:00, savage as always Sseth
As much as I dislike Todd for constantly overhyping stuff he has a weird form of charisma. I just can't bring myself to dislike him. I've seen a number of interviews with him and he seems like a really nice guy I'd love to have a beer with.
Awwww, you didn't show the ad... Sseth ads are great, they meld into his comedy.
Funny enough he did predicted the new Skyrim payed mods XD
Starfield was the first Bethesda game I didn't pre-order or even buy since fallout 3. I was SO hoping for starfield to be a new generation open world. It genuinely sucks to see Bethesda fall so far.
Well Bethesda isn't exactly the young company it used to be and they never changed their "good enough" approach to making games. So yeah someone else needs to replace Bethesda at this point.
Hell yeah more Ssethvids please!
I dont know if i would've had fun with starfield because I got a dumpster pc and no xbox but I doubt I would've. Don't think it deserved innovative gameplay award on steam though but I've ranted enough about those awards elsewhere so I'll stop here. Also 6:00, savage as always Sseth
Starfield did well but the game was boring but that because of the characters in the game
Honestly the shipbuilding is the only new interesting thing but it doesn't matter because you are so rarely in your ship.
I couldn't get into Starfield. I restarted it like 3 times but barely got past the first fight the game lol
Thankfully I didn't buy it
As much as I dislike Todd for constantly overhyping stuff he has a weird form of charisma. I just can't bring myself to dislike him. I've seen a number of interviews with him and he seems like a really nice guy I'd love to have a beer with.
He got that illusion skill to 100