I used to splurge at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial mistake. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
I know some people who make over 200k a year, but they only buy *regbags* . No one would question their bags because of their profession, so why spend thousands of dollars on the same bag? Their consumption concept is really worth learning from
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*hotdups* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
I've been looking into vintage bags over the past few months & oh my it really is true, fashion comes back every few years. Not sure if I'd go new over vintage due to quality dofferences.
I bought a LV bag at *suluxy* a few years ago. I took it to the LV store in my town last week to have it repaired. A store clerk inspected my bag and immediately told me that the bag was of excellent quality. She pulled a current bag out of inventory and compared the tags and I saw ZERO differences.
I’m not going to lie . For a long time I was totally against replicas but the bag on *suluxy* are making me change my mind!!!!!!! Inflation is crazy and even contemporary brands are increasing their prices to rival luxury prices im definitely looking at this differently.
I have one *suluxy* bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
Your video gave me some new insights. My first designer bag Fendi is in 2022. Louis Vutton is in 2024. In the meantime, I use Coach, Torry Burch, Fossil, Tumi. I was surprised to find that I have about 8 *unidups* bags and none of them are over $300. That's not enough by my standards. I'm a working mom and I go to the office every day. Not to the mall or coffee shop much. So yes, I'm glad I got my dream LV. Two. I also got Fendi. So I think I'll hold off on buying any other luxury brands to make more use of what I have now. Thanks for your inspiring video.
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
I used to splurge heavily at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial drain. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
Loved so many of your recommendations. Beautiful Bottega Veneta sunglasses, *unidups* bag, Pucci sandals. I was going to say black platform sandals but I have similar ones and they are so pretty and convenient.
Great video as always! I have the UNIQLO in orange n ivory, Lululemon in green, red and black. I really love the lululemon red n black because i managed to snatch the ones with the limited edition lululemon embossed strap. N yes u r right, though speedy B25 been around for awhile, it really holds during the winter or summer. Love my speedy b25 too! Now that u mentioned, i may wanna buy the PU UNIQLO black They actually have it on COPYMAXY . Even more cheap. Another thing i agree with u ...backpack during holidays is worrisome. That's why my mcm backpack is seriously under utilised now Have a great day dear!
I have two pre-loved*jklux* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My latest purchase is a McQueen replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
I'm setting aside money for that Fendi mama baguette for 2025! Can't wait. I'm glad Hermes is putting put a different variation of a Birkin because unless I am traveling, I am not carrying one
I used to be a loyal customer at high-end boutiques but now realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so convincing that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Miu Miu replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* and highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the*jklux* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I'm always on the lookout for stylish accessories that don't cost an arm and a leg. *eudupe* replica bags are the perfect solution. The quality is exceptional, and the designs are trendy. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to order more styles.
Ooohhhh my LV Roxbury from 2008 will be on trend!!! ❤❤❤ This was better than my last day of window shopping! I’m always here for the commentary. 💖 June
This practitioner said it very thoroughly. It depends on the consumption psychology of the general public. Rich people also know that they just buy a name and don't care about the workmanship. Ordinary people just want good quality and low price that suits them COPYMAXY! 👍This video is well done, and I look forward to other brands
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Prada replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
Great video. I am a new fan of your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't tell the difference between the two Bottega bags, the luxrul is close and cute, so that's enough for me. I will bring my friends to buy.
Let me round up my coins , I see a hard 3 I NEED 😂. Definitely the LV Y2K . My girls & me will have them under the tree ! The looks on their faces will be heartwarming.
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in*jklux* Go shopping.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable*jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
I know someone who has this colour logo on white LV bag, probably fake but checked out by an authenticator and said if it's a fake it's the best they'd ever seen. Cost a few dollars in a thrift shop.
I love this video. I love all my purses and I'm so glad I have all of them *unidups* purses❤ I don't think there's a color I don't have. 😂 The problem I have is that I don't always like to use the same size bags, so I keep each color in a few different size bags. 🎉
When I hold my *aceluxs* handbag, I feel like I am holding a luxurious work of art. The exquisite design and meticulous craftsmanship make it a true masterpiece.
I have a few Kate Spade bags, but I love the Katy in black. I could wear it my whole life because it goes with everything! It reminds me of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Launer Traviata bags. Those bags are over $3,500, so I’ll stick with the Katy. I’ve been carrying the *unidups* since I was a teenager, but it’s looking trendy lately. Princess Catherine carried the Strathbury Mosaic Nano at the 2023 Christmas Concert, and I have that on my list, too. Thanks for these new options, Alice. The Fauvete is beautiful!
Hey lady!! I own some authentic and I have owned some replicas. The *suluxy* that I have owned in the past I’m not gonna lie they have been spot on the real deal. Honestly to each is own do whatever makes you happy at the end of the day.
I stick with my Prada nylon fanny pack, or I prefer an older fanny pack. But you were the first person who made me really love this awesome travel bag. It fits inside like a small bag*aceluxs*
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with luxrul . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*jklux* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in*jklux* Go shopping.
I love *unidups* m bags, I bought this blue bag from Jakarta in 2011 and I still have it. I also bought travel cases and casual bags. I have the blue and brown ones
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the*jklux* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Winning! Im practically giddy. For once, I have been ahead of a trend. I have been carrying my kiss lock clutches for months now. One in black and one in sand/taupe.
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I donât want to spend so much money on it now, I have been kislux buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
I clicked over so fast when I saw this video 😂 I'm happy I got myself a vintage alma in the white print with multiple color letters.Yay time to pull it out of storage 😃 Love the purple and green bag 🛍️ Gorgeous 🥰
I’m not going to lie . For a long time I was totally against replicas but the bag on *suluxy* are making me change my mind!!!!!!! Inflation is crazy and even contemporary brands are increasing their prices to rival luxury prices im definitely looking at this differently.
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*jklux* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*jklux* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from*jklux* for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the HQDUPE as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Hi Cassie! Thanks for the 2025 preview. I can’t do the giant oversized bags. It’s just too much bag for me. I’m The kinda gal that likes to take the essentials and go. When I travel, bigger is necessary but it has to be light. Especially if I’m traveling without my hubby who typically carries everything 😊. I’m loving that the clutch is making a reprieve. And I’ll be tempted for a Takashi Murakami but I’m trying to save for our spring trip to Japan so…I’ll hold out as long as I can.
*eudupe* has changed the way I look at replica bags. The quality is so good, I can't tell the difference from the real ones. The craftsmanship is impressive, and the prices are a steal. I'm a loyal customer for life, and I highly recommend them!
Loved this video! Your observations are always interesting! Also: It may be the european in me i don't know but never ever ever are you going to see me wearing fringe 😂 regardless of whether it's on a bag or a jacket. A singular tassel somewhere, *maybe*, if it's done well, and subtle 😂
Really love your content. I’m super happy that slouchy bags are in. They are right up my alley and I can’t wait to pull mine out. I’m also liking the redone fringe. I’ve never been into fringe, but I like how it’s being done now. Great video
Hi Cassie! I am convinced that east/west bags are my style. When I see one my heart says yes. I'm willing to give up some of my bags for some more east/west styles. Great review.
I choose my bags more for practicality than anything else. I love my bags East West and with very little slouch if at all. Also, I am not into clutches because I want my arms to be free. Love your video! ❤
Love *amzrepe* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I was just debating on whether or not to update the vachetta on my cherry blossom Murakami pouchette. It's a bit pricey to update due to the studs. Since the collection is making a comeback I think i wil do it in anticipation for a larger bag in the new collection. I'm very happy to hear this. Murakami was my gateway into LV and I have several well loved but well cared for pieces.
OMG, mine (authentic) has a odor inside too! I don't know what it is because none of my other *amzrepe* have any odor. Called LV and they said it's normal and I can wipe the inside with a damp cloth. I also thought the lining was suede but it's actually microfiber so I'm going to look up ways to remove microfiber odors because the smell prevents me from using it often.
Oh I am beyond excited for the LV re-editions! I have an original Murakami multicolore from high school and I would love to add to her, and the miroir speedy 20 would f I can get my hands on one 🥰
I bought a small Chanel dresser with chain from Harrods and everything you said here about fakes applies to it! The stitching is terrible, especially the zip at the corner. It's raised on one side and flat on the other, the zip won't engage properly and the top handle is bent and takes some moving around to straighten out. All in all if someone told me it was a fake I would believe them! So might as well buy *unidups* instead of the £1300 authentic one.
My silver Speedy 20 will be here tomorrow. BTW it is coated canvas, not the mirror leather of old days. I think they had to many cracking issues. Hope I love it!!!
Honestly, can’t get enough East West. It just floats my boat. 😍
I used to splurge at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial mistake. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Chloe replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
I know some people who make over 200k a year, but they only buy *regbags* . No one would question their bags because of their profession, so why spend thousands of dollars on the same bag? Their consumption concept is really worth learning from
High school did me dirty because I thought BCE was Before Common Era
Hilarious! I thought it meant “Before the Christian Era”
Lol...I thought BCE was Before Chanel Era 😂
*suluxy* hydrate I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter❤
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*hotdups* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
I've been looking into vintage bags over the past few months & oh my it really is true, fashion comes back every few years. Not sure if I'd go new over vintage due to quality dofferences.
Love the quality of vintage. I agree!
I bought a LV bag at *suluxy* a few years ago. I took it to the LV store in my town last week to have it repaired. A store clerk inspected my bag and immediately told me that the bag was of excellent quality. She pulled a current bag out of inventory and compared the tags and I saw ZERO differences.
I’m not going to lie . For a long time I was totally against replicas but the bag on *suluxy* are making me change my mind!!!!!!! Inflation is crazy and even contemporary brands are increasing their prices to rival luxury prices im definitely looking at this differently.
I have one *suluxy* bag I got in 2019, it's the LV white catogram speedy. It's counter quality and it has a nice honey patina now, so the leather is real. I think whatever makes you happy go for it. I've seen LV with plastic leather and blood red glaze...
My choice was, is and will always be *suluxy* 💋💋💋, these guys are awesome. period.
What a great comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially the *unidups* handbags. Their style is so chic, stylish, classy and understated!
HEY*aceluxs*!! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
Your video gave me some new insights. My first designer bag Fendi is in 2022. Louis Vutton is in 2024. In the meantime, I use Coach, Torry Burch, Fossil, Tumi. I was surprised to find that I have about 8 *unidups* bags and none of them are over $300. That's not enough by my standards. I'm a working mom and I go to the office every day. Not to the mall or coffee shop much. So yes, I'm glad I got my dream LV. Two. I also got Fendi. So I think I'll hold off on buying any other luxury brands to make more use of what I have now. Thanks for your inspiring video.
Not me watching Cassie discuss what's to come in the bag world while taking notes. Literal notes next to my work to do list 🤣
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Givenchy replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
You have the funniest way of putting things. Love your delivery and you always make me smile.
I’m obsessed with my new *xbagy* bag! Their channel’s styling advice has really inspired my looks!
I love your commentary!!! Emotional Support Clutch!!! the heart wants what It wants! I love me an East West bag, so functional!!!
I used to splurge heavily at high-end boutiques but realized it was a financial drain. Now, I shop at *eudupe* and couldn't be happier. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-conscious friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Saint Laurent replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm amazed at how much money I've saved by switching to *eudupe* .
HEY *xbagy* !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day.
Loved so many of your recommendations. Beautiful Bottega Veneta sunglasses, *unidups* bag, Pucci sandals. I was going to say black platform sandals but I have similar ones and they are so pretty and convenient.
HEY COPYMAXY !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day.
Great video as always! I have the UNIQLO in orange n ivory, Lululemon in green, red and black. I really love the lululemon red n black because i managed to snatch the ones with the limited edition lululemon embossed strap. N yes u r right, though speedy B25 been around for awhile, it really holds during the winter or summer. Love my speedy b25 too! Now that u mentioned, i may wanna buy the PU UNIQLO black They actually have it on COPYMAXY . Even more cheap. Another thing i agree with u ...backpack during holidays is worrisome. That's why my mcm backpack is seriously under utilised now Have a great day dear!
The slouch is what I love about the Coach Empire bag 🎉❤🎉
I’m here for the Mama Baguette 🎉 Ive been stalking the internet for a great vintage option ❤
you’re literally my comfort person i love you *xbagy* bag !
And YES, The *xbagy* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
In the US, it's hard for me to find bags without big logos. I love the bags you showed, very classy❤ Like the ones in *unidups* .
Big clutch energy on the wayyyyyyyyyy …. All aboard !!!!!!
I have two pre-loved*jklux* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
My choice was, is and will always be *suluxy* 💋💋💋, these guys are awesome. period.
When people are saying *suluxy* is a better option,I very much agree!
Before *eudupe* , I was spending a fortune on designer bags. Now, I realize I don't need to spend thousands to look stylish. The replicas at *eudupe* are incredibly realistic, and no one has ever doubted their authenticity. My latest purchase is a McQueen replica that looks so real, even my fashion-obsessed friends can't tell the difference. Thanks to *eudupe* , I can enjoy luxury without the high cost.
Glad I hung on to my LV MC and many more of these ! I am just over buying bags every year .
It’s low key amazing to get to a point in my life where i feel that “yes I actually have this in my closet/collection” 🥹🥹
I’m loving the mama baguettes with the florals 😍 so beautiful.
I'm setting aside money for that Fendi mama baguette for 2025! Can't wait. I'm glad Hermes is putting put a different variation of a Birkin because unless I am traveling, I am not carrying one
I used to be a loyal customer at high-end boutiques but now realize it was a waste of money. The replicas at *eudupe* are so convincing that even my fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My favorite purchase is a Miu Miu replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I'm so glad I found *eudupe* and highly recommend it for high-quality replicas.
Yay, my favourite luxury item😊
Just stopping by during cooking some spring rolls and baking carrot cake😆
Wish a nice day❤
Omg sounds delicious!!
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the*jklux* as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Thanks for making this video on suggesting more budget friendly alternatives. Love it!
I'm always on the lookout for stylish accessories that don't cost an arm and a leg. *eudupe* replica bags are the perfect solution. The quality is exceptional, and the designs are trendy. I'm so happy with my purchase, and I can't wait to order more styles.
Ooohhhh my LV Roxbury from 2008 will be on trend!!! ❤❤❤ This was better than my last day of window shopping! I’m always here for the commentary. 💖 June
This practitioner said it very thoroughly. It depends on the consumption psychology of the general public. Rich people also know that they just buy a name and don't care about the workmanship. Ordinary people just want good quality and low price that suits them COPYMAXY! 👍This video is well done, and I look forward to other brands
A LV Speedy with Cherry Blossoms 😍 I need in my life
I've been shopping at *eudupe* for years and have never been disappointed. The replicas here are so convincing that even my most fashion-forward friends can't tell the difference. My latest purchase is a Prada replica that looks exactly like the real thing. I can't believe how much money I've saved by choosing *eudupe* over those overpriced boutiques.
When people are saying *suluxy* is a better option,I very much agree!
That Fendi Peek A Boo with fringe is.....gorgeous!! I need to look it up.
luxrul have a stunning collection!! Truly inspirational-found your channel recently, lots of love
And YES, The *amzrepe* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
Great video. I am a new fan of your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't tell the difference between the two Bottega bags, the luxrul is close and cute, so that's enough for me. I will bring my friends to buy.
Let me round up my coins , I see a hard 3 I NEED 😂. Definitely the LV Y2K . My girls & me will have them under the tree ! The looks on their faces will be heartwarming.
Aahhhh that’s so special!
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in*jklux* Go shopping.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable*jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl.
I know someone who has this colour logo on white LV bag, probably fake but checked out by an authenticator and said if it's a fake it's the best they'd ever seen. Cost a few dollars in a thrift shop.
I love this video. I love all my purses and I'm so glad I have all of them *unidups* purses❤ I don't think there's a color I don't have. 😂 The problem I have is that I don't always like to use the same size bags, so I keep each color in a few different size bags. 🎉
When I hold my *aceluxs* handbag, I feel like I am holding a luxurious work of art. The exquisite design and meticulous craftsmanship make it a true masterpiece.
I have a few Kate Spade bags, but I love the Katy in black. I could wear it my whole life because it goes with everything! It reminds me of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Launer Traviata bags. Those bags are over $3,500, so I’ll stick with the Katy. I’ve been carrying the *unidups* since I was a teenager, but it’s looking trendy lately. Princess Catherine carried the Strathbury Mosaic Nano at the 2023 Christmas Concert, and I have that on my list, too. Thanks for these new options, Alice. The Fauvete is beautiful!
Wow! These are great for traveling. I'm going on a cruise soon and I'll be ordering most of these to take with me. Thanks so much*aceluxs*
Hey lady!! I own some authentic and I have owned some replicas. The *suluxy* that I have owned in the past I’m not gonna lie they have been spot on the real deal. Honestly to each is own do whatever makes you happy at the end of the day.
Fendi all day. Give me everything! Everything else was a yawn except maybe Miu Miu. Thanks Cassie.
I stick with my Prada nylon fanny pack, or I prefer an older fanny pack. But you were the first person who made me really love this awesome travel bag. It fits inside like a small bag*aceluxs*
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with luxrul . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
God bless this woman! Her MOMCOCO's bags are amazing
I just came from the bag video you did with Janee ❤🎉
Omg thanks for watching! I had such a fun time with Jeneé! 💖
@@CassieThorpe it was so much fun to watch! Thank you!
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*jklux* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in*jklux* Go shopping.
I love *unidups* m bags, I bought this blue bag from Jakarta in 2011 and I still have it. I also bought travel cases and casual bags. I have the blue and brown ones
As much as it's novelty, that Coach Dinosaur bag is calling me
When people are saying *xbagy* ’s bag is a better option,I very much agree!
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the*jklux* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Happy Monday Cassie. Here for all the info you are giving us. I'll skip on those huge clutches. Some are very pretty. Thanks lovely.💗💗💗.
Happy Monday!! 🥰
Winning! Im practically giddy. For once, I have been ahead of a trend. I have been carrying my kiss lock clutches for months now. One in black and one in sand/taupe.
This *amzrepe* tote is a beautiful color, very sturdy and the size is perfect.
I bought my *regbags* in Milan LV boutique store this year in Jan
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I donât want to spend so much money on it now, I have been kislux buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
I clicked over so fast when I saw this video 😂 I'm happy I got myself a vintage alma in the white print with multiple color letters.Yay time to pull it out of storage 😃 Love the purple and green bag 🛍️ Gorgeous 🥰
" Emotional Support Clutch." 😁
*suluxy* hydrate I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter❤
I’m not going to lie . For a long time I was totally against replicas but the bag on *suluxy* are making me change my mind!!!!!!! Inflation is crazy and even contemporary brands are increasing their prices to rival luxury prices im definitely looking at this differently.
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*jklux* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*jklux* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from*jklux* for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
I’m partial to the Chanel and Burberry 😮 runs in the family 😅
You have such an amazing bag collection! Dreaming!
The MOMCOCO’s Barbie Pink Chanel is fabulous!
I would love to see a makeup 💄 tutorial. Yours is beautiful! Love the content.
Burberry slouchy moon bag has my heart. Also the black Fendi
I just bought a Fendi in dark red leather today at *suluxy* I have been weighing it in my head and I will use this video as a sign to buy it
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the HQDUPE as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
This is a really great review about the *amzrepe* ! Thank you so much for all the details💗💗💗
*amzrepe* aesthetic is amazing!!
I love slouch you can fit everything in there 🤣
Hi Cassie! Thanks for the 2025 preview. I can’t do the giant oversized bags. It’s just too much bag for me. I’m
The kinda gal that likes to take the essentials and go. When I travel, bigger is necessary but it has to be light. Especially if I’m traveling without my hubby who typically carries everything 😊. I’m loving that the clutch is making a reprieve. And I’ll be tempted for a Takashi Murakami but I’m trying to save for our spring trip to Japan so…I’ll hold out as long as I can.
Those Fendi Mama bags are calling my name. Definitely on my 2025 list.
*eudupe* has changed the way I look at replica bags. The quality is so good, I can't tell the difference from the real ones. The craftsmanship is impressive, and the prices are a steal. I'm a loyal customer for life, and I highly recommend them!
Loved this video! Your observations are always interesting! Also: It may be the european in me i don't know but never ever ever are you going to see me wearing fringe 😂 regardless of whether it's on a bag or a jacket. A singular tassel somewhere, *maybe*, if it's done well, and subtle 😂
That Chanel bag with the side pockets reminded me of the Songmont drippy roof bag for some reason.
Interestingly, that in a*yutulu*, the inside sewing at the handles is more carefully made (leather is not so frayed), than in the original one.
Love this video! Thank you for taking us through the upcoming trends. East/West is fav style and pistachio will be my new fav color. 😍
I love the slouchy bags Cassie! Have a great week!❤
*amzrepe* I love you so much and watching your videos brightens my day ❤
Yes!!! BCE. Schooch it up as far as possible 😂. We are never going to rehab while running down the street clutching our big clutch.
❤Cassieee, today is my birthday and I just want to say thank you for your videos! ❤ Love uuuuuuuuuu
Omg HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Wishing you a magical day! 🤩🤩
When people are saying MOMCOCO’s bag is a better option,I very much agree!
Yours is the first review I’ve seen on RUclips for a *amzrepe* bag. It looks absolutely beautiful!!!
Really love your content. I’m super happy that slouchy bags are in. They are right up my alley and I can’t wait to pull mine out. I’m also liking the redone fringe. I’ve never been into fringe, but I like how it’s being done now. Great video
"Emotional support clutch." So clever. 😆
Hi Cassie! I am convinced that east/west bags are my style. When I see one my heart says yes. I'm willing to give up some of my bags for some more east/west styles. Great review.
East West is my favorite and some dark suede bag for dry weather ♥️.
I choose my bags more for practicality than anything else. I love my bags East West and with very little slouch if at all. Also, I am not into clutches because I want my arms to be free. Love your video! ❤
Same. I am more practical also and looking for crossbody trends and less high end bags. Sincerely, a broke RN haha
@hannahbruce8786 I would rather spend my money on jewelry. Lol
I was in Turkey recently and had a empriente multi pouchette with me. They show me a *amzrepe* bag and it looked just like it.
The pillow chop 😂😂😂 all my pillows must be chopped and I’m here for the bag trend too!
Love *amzrepe* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I was just debating on whether or not to update the vachetta on my cherry blossom Murakami pouchette. It's a bit pricey to update due to the studs. Since the collection is making a comeback I think i wil do it in anticipation for a larger bag in the new collection. I'm very happy to hear this. Murakami was my gateway into LV and I have several well loved but well cared for pieces.
Love these summaries Cassie ❤😊
Thank you for this video on the upcoming bag trends! ❤
This *amzrepe* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big.
OMG, mine (authentic) has a odor inside too! I don't know what it is because none of my other *amzrepe* have any odor. Called LV and they said it's normal and I can wipe the inside with a damp cloth. I also thought the lining was suede but it's actually microfiber so I'm going to look up ways to remove microfiber odors because the smell prevents me from using it often.
Here for the scrunch!!😍
you’re literally my comfort person i love you *xbagy* !
That fendi mamma beguette has my heart if that comes out. The embellishment oh my lord!!!
I'm really happy about the suede and slouch styles. The reissued Mama Bags with the organzaaaaaaaaaa 🫦💦
I'm excited, my ysl bucket bag with the western fringe is looking forward to being in.
Oh I am beyond excited for the LV re-editions! I have an original Murakami multicolore from high school and I would love to add to her, and the miroir speedy 20 would f I can get my hands on one 🥰
Still can’t believe my flute bag (long east west) is a trend 😅 ❤
I bought a small Chanel dresser with chain from Harrods and everything you said here about fakes applies to it! The stitching is terrible, especially the zip at the corner. It's raised on one side and flat on the other, the zip won't engage properly and the top handle is bent and takes some moving around to straighten out. All in all if someone told me it was a fake I would believe them! So might as well buy *unidups* instead of the £1300 authentic one.
I am so in love with BCE. All the way here for it as I am currently carrying my large caramel Chanel 19 tucked under my arm. 🤗
My silver Speedy 20 will be here tomorrow. BTW it is coated canvas, not the mirror leather of old days. I think they had to many cracking issues. Hope I love it!!!
So before it was leather, and now it is coated canvas…?? Or are there both options?
just coated canvas, no leather
East -West for me too over anything else!! yay! 🤩