DEI and dealing with a woke female crew. Everything they touch turns to 💩. Example like they want to make a joke out of the death of Roach. Writers admin were morons.
Who runs Hollywood?.... That's the real question people should be asking themselves and answering at the same time because that runs Hollywood is the real evil on this planet. And let's be honest we all know who runs Hollywood I just can't say because my common will be taken down if I do
@@JonSmith-n7mnah more like inferior people aka activist writers, they want deconstruct male characthers and destroy other characthers for a fruitless agenda. Making a established fictional characther doing the opposite is not refreshing is more like weak writting to cause cheap impact with characthers dont belong to them.
Hollywood's problem with him is he has morals and has respect for the material and the fans. People who hate him represent the trash that makes Hollywood terrible.
Hollywood is filled with people who haven't had an original thought in their entire lives, so they think everything must be "changed for a modern audience" despite that modern audience having no interest in whatever IP they are trying to run into the ground at that given time
@@KONEIL1775A genuine fan with insight to the film world. He knew where things had to be changed because they couldn’t be effectively portrayed, and where the directors were deliberately veering off course.
Fans don't matter. I mean let's face it, people calling themselves "fans" are basically 30+ losers with self respect LOW enough to call themselves "fans". It's about CLASS STORYTELLING. I mean take JRR Tolkien for example. He didn't give a FLYING EFF about people who read his books and he didn't even care if ANYONE read them. Take JKR, her BEST books are the first two; when she was just WRITING A STORY; without any regard to who ever was ready them. The moment she took to the Internet and started REGARDING the fans, started thinking about what THEY wanted how THEY would react what THEY would like is the moment it all started getting shittier. Etc. It's all about DISREGARDING the fans and TELLING YOUR OWN STORY NO MATTER WHAT. That's how all the best stuff was originally made; I mean it's not like Lucas RESPECTED THE FANS making the first SW when there WERE no "fans" to begin with. The sooner Hollywood gives stories back to storytellers and takes them away from producers who only count fans and wonder if the story will succeed, the better. This whole mess is BECAUSE they're thinking of the "fans", like "the fans might be insulted by this powerful white man better add a woman and browninate the man, FOR THE FANS". Fkk the fans.
Why can't Hollywood understand that the reason the books and stories are popular is because they're perfect the way they are! Have faith in the author who hit the mark. Why is it so hard?!
Very hard for them because most forget that Hollywood's mantra is: "we exist to make what already exists even better, and that means chaging things that need changing for that end, then it must be done." And thus it is so.
@@DIARYOFWOKEHOLLYWOOD - Great question! I would answer - why _Hollyweird_ cannot leave established stories alone? HW and the people in it have massive egos. HW and the people in it have no respect for anything - likely not even themselves. HW holds everyone in contempt. HW feels they are the puppet masters ... and they must have control. HW is run by creeps! HW will eventually run out of money to burn....
Henry Cavill's dedication to the source material, being authentic and NOT ALLOWING directors to just do WHATEVER THEY WANT has made him a HERO in the eyes of fans. And this will be the reason that while he may have a target on his back with directors and studios, at the same time fans will RALLY behind him in ANYTHING HE DOES for that very same reason. I dont care if Henry does superman, The Witcher, Warhammer or whatever it is, i like SO MANY other fans WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT ANYTHING he does by actually PAYING to go see it. Because unlike most of the rest of Hollywood, we know that whatever it is that Henry ends up doing, that it will be true to the source material and that he will do it with the same kind of passion that us fans would do it ourselves.
That's the whole point. They don't need authenticity. He carries standards that are at odds with the modern agenda. Even his appearance and his very essence do not fit into modern standards. He is a huge white manly man who will take on the lead role and will save the world according to the plot. In fact, he is the only young actor in Hollywood among men who corresponds to the gold standard of 90s cinema.
The fact that The Witcher tv show has FAILED since Henry's departure is PROOF that the show was going in the wrong direction and would NOT have survived either way. WITHOUT Henry's intervention in the show, The Witcher would have started and ended up as nothing more than a "Game of Thrones knockoff" with FAR too much talking and even less action. That's why i think Season 4 is taking SO LONG for them to make and why i think its going to BOMB SO HARD. I am willing to bet money, that season 4 of The Witcher is going to be some of THE WORST RATINGS EVER on a Netflix show to date.
To me there's no debate, Cavill is one of the few people in hollywood who value authenticity and respect the source material enough to go to the point where he's creating tension on set for this. A hero we all needed
His involvement in a project now certifies that it is nerd approved and will instantly garner support from fans of whatever IP with which it is associated.
@@T57Custodian Let's be honest, they're not dead because of Cavill. They are dead because of all the dumb decisions they insisted on making in spite of his protestations. Maybe if they just listened to him instead of labeling him "difficult."
@@T57CustodianDC dead because they replaced Henry with someone else and because of Ezra Miller. Netflix's Witcher dead because they didn't give even half of the fuck about source material, which made it basically unwatchable for true fans of the Witcher Saga. 40k under attack because everything that's NOT pushing woke narratives is under attack nowadays. If you're not woke, they'll try to destroy you
So basically the only worthwhile parts of the Witcher, was essentially because of Henry Cavill. I can´t imagine how difficult it must´ve been for him to stand his ground, and he has a massive respect from me for doing so
interesting how they call him controlling for wanting to tell the story correctly but it's not controlling when the writers and execs are trying to destroy it
It's creative licensing. This isn't a bad thing inherently. Sometimes a direct translation from paper to film won't look as good, or won't look as good because there isn't enough in the budget for it, or the crux of which can be more accurately conveyed by a slight (or even major) change, etc. It's also not inherently wrong to go in a different direction. There are times where it can improve on the original design. Remaining 100% true to a source like a template was never a golden rule, nor should it be unless said source makes that abundantly clear beforehand, preferably in writing. Where things go South is when you start messing with the core of the source. If anyone cares about changing a hotdog to a hamburger, there's a pretty decent chance that's just mental instability. Even a tweak or two might not be the end of the world, greatly depending on the specifics of said tweaks. It's when a show starts to flat out disregard the core of the original story. Often adding new concepts that weren't planned out at all and basically winging it. Also adding completely pointless changes. Comedic effect could be a reason. Good or bad, there's at least a reason. To add nuance, drama, etc. At least have a reason. 2 dozen pointless changes, especially without any hint of a thought process, is what can kill an otherwise good/great show or movie. There is a fine line between respect for source material and petulant prattling. A lot of times it's not that deep. If the show/movie was already good, just let it pass, don't get caught up on a thing or two. If it was already a dog pile, it was almosr certiablt going to be that regardless.
Henry Cavill IS the Witcher. I won't be watching anyone cosplaying Geralt in Henry's place. Without Henry, there is no Witcher. Having the show stay true to the source material is what made is so beloved and successful. Henry is such a misused commodity in Hollywood. The guy is good at everything. He looks like a Greek god and the fact that he has to keep the writers on track, is just ridiculous. They should give him whatever he wants to play that character. Because without him, there is no show. That's just a fact. Henry is a hero in my opinion. We need more like him who won't compromise their vision for the sake of laziness and arrogance on the part of the writers etc.
You really should see Maul Cosplay ;) He's a professional stuntman. Really nails down the look. Not an actor of course, but has been alongside the Video Game's Voice actor for collations before
Cavill is a rare individual, many look up to actors for who they pretend to be, Henry is a person to look up to for who he actually is. That's a man right there with principle, morals, integrity and strength.
The Witcher is Henry Cavill. Our family watched it together and loved it. We were gutted when the makers decided to stray from the original source and as a consequence, lost Henry…..we will miss watching The Witcher but we love his wonderful portrayal 💛
Nothing against Liam Hemsworth, but I hope the show absolutely f*cking tanks in the 4th season. It's the only way the writers and producers who bungled this, and basically turned gold into lead, are going to learn...
Sadly, they will blame the fans and Cavill when they fail because ... they couldn't possibly have chosen the wrong things to write about while correcting the original bad ideas? could they?/s
@@thewolfchild yep the writting is on the wall, They killed the Witcher but it will be Henry and all of us ignorant peasants that are too stupid to recognise their greatness that will be to blame. I like Liam he's one of ours but he was doomed before he started I'm surprised he took it honestly. They know it too or they wouldn't have pushed Henry's last season with ads everywhere saying he's still the Witcher..... Dickheads
It probably will they’re probably gonna try to make Gerald gay and maybe swap out Siri for a black chick or something ridiculously stupid. The show is only the Witcher by name they trying to make it the Jennifer show he’ll probably take a backseat to his own show I wanna watch it just for the laughs. ‘ cause I’m sure it’s gonna be stupid.😂
I’m praying for it. I canceled Netflix ( MIGHT get it back for Stranger Things) just when I heard what Lauren Hissrich ( Witcher boss) said about Henry.
It's hilarious because if Hollywood's aim would be to make money, put a guy like Henry in charge, and take in the cash. Stop trying to change epic material to turn in it into mediocrity.
It's all about ego. They might make the money doing what you said, absolutely, but their fragile egos will be bruised, since it will be Henry responsible for the movie/show's success, and not them
Strangely enough, I don’t think it is about making money anymore. They desperately want to push this agenda at all cost. I think it’s more sinister than just greedy corporate people at this point there’s something going on. They desperately want to force a narrative on people at all cost because it’s extremely dumb business flop after flop should’ve already approved. The shit doesn’t work but they still keep pushing for it anyway so I feel like it’s really just propaganda at this point For the sake of propaganda to try to spoon feed bullshit to cause more and more confusion and chaos and I’m sure someone’s getting rich off of that somehow but if it was strictly about the money, they sure as shit wouldn’t be doing it because it obviously doesn’t work so it has to be somethingmuch more evil and sinister
The studios don't want to 'make' cash. Most movies are made to 'wash' money for all sorts of drug bosses and criminals. Directors don't want to respect the vision of the novel's author, they want to 'deconstruct' the story and have their movie say something else. Plus, there are all sorts of gender and political activists, using Hollywood as their platform to spew out whatever propaganda they feel like. Most actors go with it, either because they are morons, or because they hope to get a role, any role at all.
I'm 67, I grew up submerged in DC and Marvel comics. Back and forth to the comicbook exchange, here in the UK. over decades and even now have amassed a collection of digital comics. Henry *IS* Superman. He embodies everything I've learned about the character from the early depictions. Others may play a character but Henry became the embodiment of the person behind the character - a true English gentleman as well.
4:11 I'mma stop you right there. An industry driven by profit over passion? No. These people don't care about profit. They're passionate about pushing their agenda into everything good. It's a grift.
Was coming to post the same thing. Hollywood has been remaking and adapting everything and the agenda is obvious and not nearly representative of reality. All in the name of representation. It's just not based in reality. It's insulting to anyone who ever opened a book and patronizing to those they claim to represent.
@@laars0001 If the industry dies out, it will be *because* it succumbed to this. That along with AAA developers thinking that giving 40% aim assist to controller players on consoles and 0% aim assist to all players on mouse and keyboard in games that are supposed to be competitive is the right move. They're treating console players and controller players like it's ableism not to give them a handicap or something. Ridiculous.
If they realy cared about profit, then they would produce something the fans enjoy and want to pay for. Since that clearly is not the case, we can say with confidence that they dont care about profit, they dont care about the consumer, they care only about virtue signalin and political correctness. It seems every major company forgot, where the money really comes from.
What did they expect? Henry Cav is a diehard warhammer fan since he was young, and they think they’re gonna twist it with some woke trans agenda? Fuck that. I declare heresy against the emperor! I’m glad he stood up for the authenticity and didn’t just cave. Edit: Dude…the fricking trailer looks soooooo sick. I’m glad they folded and took the public criticism. Now that I think about it, if Cavill is correcting them to make things lore accurate, then you please the audience who already know about Warhammer. I think the producers/writers are trying to find a happy medium where it is also open to new/vanilla fans to understand but I think that route is too cliché given that RUclips exists. If new fans want to dive in, the show can rely on the creators of youtube to give lore context so that it can be enjoyed accurately and fully. If they go the other BS Woke route, they end up writing themselves into a corner.
I think the entertainment industry will learn it the hard way, but they will learn as soon as it hurts their wallet. and it already happened. Rings of Power is a fail because of political agendas and rewriting and reinventing the story, for similar reasons the Witcher show will not continue. And for a similar reason a significant number of people refunded Dragon Age Origins Vail Guard (or as some people call it Fail Guard) on steam. And some shows showed that it's not rocket science to make the fans happy. Like One Piece with real actors and the Fallout Show on Amazon. The recipe for success for both was a no brainer: Stay true to the source material and keep political agendas out! And guess what? It also showed that fans have no isse or people of color are part of the main cast. Because their part comes natural to the plot and is not served as a political agenda! But back to Henry: Of course switching over to a WarHammer show was a no brainer to him at that point. He wouldn't have done it if the Witchers Showrunner would have listened to him, even if he probably is more a WarHammer fan than he is a The Witcher fan.
I know nothing about the Warhammer series. I never played it, but I will watch the show because with Cavill in it, I believe that it will be true to the lore. Even if I don't know it myself.
Didn’t think I could like Henry more than I already did….but I was wrong. My husband (may he RIP) and I are total nerds and; I’m happy to say, we raised another nerd. 😊 I have been painting miniatures for over 25 years and it’s one of my favorite hobbies. My husband used to make full, to scale layouts for his gaming. Back in the day he was very much a fan of Hero Quest. Every Friday we went to the local hobby shop and would play Cheap Ass Games. It was lovely…the three of us also did family game night at home and we’d play things like Bunnies vs Zombies and Witch Trial. It’s nice to know an actor that I actually respect (because there aren’t that many) is a fan of the same genre of hobbies that my family enjoys. ❤😊
It seems insane to me that Hollywood would risk losing a beloved A-List actor from a wildly profitable and successful franchise simply because they wanted to let some writers take creative license on a story. News flash to writers/directors/producers, you are not going to make a name for yourself by hijacking someone else's story. If you have such talent and a story in you, go write your own original work and see how it goes. Don't crap on someone else's success and call it art..
I respect the hell out of that man, and the love he has for the craft. And his passions in general. Biggest mistake anybody could make will be to remove him from a hit TV series or movie just because he doesn’t agree with their direction because he is a diehard fan of the roles that he plays, especially big scenes like Superman, or his current role when he did the Witcher. The man did his research was a fan of the books, comics, games and he’s only trying to help the producers. Make what they’re doing that much better to keep fans in all and coming back for more.
We need more actors like Henry Cavil with Witcher and Superman also Ryan Renolds with marvel and cant forget about Heath Ledger in his role as the Joker!!! These are actors who care about the lore and what fans want, hollywoods the one thing that needs a serious reboot!!!
Hollywood lives in its own echo chamber and when they destroy something.It's met with thunderous applause from the other idiots who think like them and think that it is revolutionary and groundbreaking to destroy the source material that we love
What does joker 2 have to do with it,heath ledger was in batman 2 with Cristian bale which was the bast joker ever on screen ,Phoenix was in the recent joker movie and was a big hit but part 2 like you brought up kinda of proves jayskippz point, about standing your ground.what happened in part 2 of the joker is what happens when you steer clear from the actual character your playing.they didn't just change it from what made the first one famous they took a shit on it.
the real problem with this is why are writers "having their own ideas" about an adaptation of a pre established story? There's already an established and detailed storyline to follow from the games and/or books, adapting an already popular and established franchise is quite literally the worst time to inject new ideas, because the fans of the franchise will already have a preconceived idea of how the story transpires. What this tells me is the writers had no actual creative talent to write something entirely original, so they wanted to use an already popular IP to tell their own special story instead of one that actually follows the IP in question. Basically every modern movie seems to have this problem of the writers self-inserting themselves and completely deviating from what the fans actually want.
They and the bitch of a producer admitted they never read the books or played the games. They had the general gist of what happened and wrote how they wanted. The producer said she wanted a show for young her because there wasn’t one when she was growing up ( I paraphrased) . And she said the show doesn’t need Henry. I am praying the fans prove her wrong.
Right, if they have their own ideas let them go and write down their stories. Then try to get Hollywood to make programs out of them. Don't rewrite other people's ideas/stories that are already written! 😀👍🏼
It makes no sense to me why they would rather replace Cavil who is literally perfect for the role in every way then replace the writers who openly arn't fans of the source material... they are basically flushing money down the toilet
Yurp, it's ego. If they just stick to the original material but obviously adapting it to a series, fans would most likely love it. It's illogical to change what is already beloved.
Ego and arrogance. They think they can do better and are often jealous about original author's success, believing they are better and more deserving it.
It is called the Witcher, it baffled me how a show based on stories about THE WITCHER ended up being focused almost entirely on Princess Cirilla. I like both Yen and Ciri but not at the cost to the witcher. The Witcher was never all about the stong women blah blah blah it had stong female characters but they arnt the damn focus. Grrr they wrecked the witcher and now Henry is out so am I. Im clearly not over it 😂😂. Henry is My favourite Superman ❤
The showrunner admited herself that she wanted the audience to see how strong and important ciri and yen were to the story ( which is actually true ) so she skipped most of geralt development, diluted his personnal journey to focus direclty on ciri and her foster mom. Remember the tv show started at the book 3, because books 1 and 2 were 99% about geralt, then she "generously" gave us a couple of stories from the first two books as flashbacks and that was about it. The abomination called season 2 was about girlbosses being mean or besties to with each others while geralt spent the whole season telling ciri how brave and exceptional she was. Then they spoiled one of the main polt twists that takes place at the very end of the books where emhyr reveals he's ciri's father, you know why? Because thoses dogşhit writers wanted to rush the whole story so they could freely write their own fanfiction for the next 4 or 5 seasons that were supposed to follow the books' order. You know they didn't care about the books because they missed the only thing that really mattered : the concept of destiny, that invisible hand that made ciri's and geralt's path entangled no matter what happened. Instead those idiots treated it like a linear videogame. Screw those hacks who were given the opportunity to adapt on tv a very good and complex story, but instead wanted to do just like nowadays' hollywood clowns do which is thinking they can do better than the source material, stupid parasites clawing to a huge licence and have the audacity to not respect it. They had everything, budget, an epic story and a huge audience coming from the games and books, and they managed to kill it.
@@MsSharondenadel That makes it even worse don't you think? Geralt got me hooked, his character and story Ciri and Yen were part of his story and I loved that but they blew it. They should have trusted Henry and the fans it would have been as popular as GOT. I saw an interview where she admitted this type of fantasy films wernt her thing she had no experience with it. So why ignore the ones that love it and do have experience in it.... makes no sense. This could have been so good :(
@@deb9711 Yes, it makes it worse, but they don't care about lore, fans, or even the legacy left by a beloved franchise. All they care is about using succesful and popular stories, universes as a Platform to spread their twisted politics while making tons of cash on the process. The same showrunners who ruined the potential of a wonderful witcher show don't care, they genuinely believe they did an outstanding job but if it failed it's just because the audience was too dumb and ungrateful to understand their work. They'll ruin another franchise without hesitation if some directors are dumb enough to invest money in them again ( which i doubt, witcher's failure marked all of the idiots who worked on it )
I’m not a big gamer myself but kudo’s to Henry. Sticking to source material and playing roles the way they were meant to be played is something to be commended, not ignored. Hollywood rarely depicts authenticity, it’s all about exaggeration and doing whatever it takes to make a buck. I’m a big fan of Henry Cavill and glad he’s sticking to his morals.
I can totally identify with Henry. I was a fashion photographer, and constantly butted heads with so-called *creative director's.* People who order creative about, yet have no creative talent of their own. They wanted me to light sets their way, which begged the question as to why I was specifically hired, if they were going to try and change my methods. I would then be labelled as being "difficult" for standing my ground and not being compromised.
He was the perfect Geralt. He was correct in leaving when he did. I respect him so much for staying true to the source material. We need more actors like this.
No matter what Hollywood says, Henry Cavill has my respect 100%. I see what they did to the Witcher, and he fought to keep it to the source material. The producers and writers had no respect for that. Everyone else was on board with that. No one but Cavill resisted so of course they accused him of being problematic. That's what those fascists do if you are not with them. And what they did with that Black Adam film was disgusting. I won't support anything those people do from now on. DC can go spit. They shit on the best Superman ever to hype a movie that turned out to be garbage. Cavill would be the kind of dude I'd gladly want to hang out with. Geek out over video games and Warhammer figurines while having a pint and watching some football.
I totally support Henry Cavill. Me, my parents, my brothers, my friends & neighbours are deeply knowing of these worlds. Either beeing fantasy or Warhammer 40K, (& sci-fi in general). I respect the stand. So does everybody here.
I have a friend who met him once when he was filming for Superman, the first one he did. She said he was the nicest guy. Really polite and kind. She wasn't allowed to take pictures, due to PR stuff, but she brought him cookies and (I think) introduced him to her husband. I am glad he tried to keep true to source material.
Henry is a Gem Whatever show or movie he's on, he'll always respect and fight for the source material You know they are deviating and falling down when Henry is fighting for the authenticaty or he's leaving the project
The fact they we even ask the question if he is a "hero" in regards to him being steadfast in his opinions is indicative of where we are today. He is a person of integrity and cares about the source material. That should be applauded by anyone with any sense of honor. Good for him. He is one of the good ones.
I'm glad he stood his ground. Netflix had been doing Anime based off games like Onimusha without knowing lore at all, then wondering why it a major flop ultimately gets cancled off.
I’m extremely proud of him for standing up for not only the source material but the whole damn fandom! Thank you Henry. You’re a real one. Guys like you don’t grow on trees.
Hollyweird demands subservience and obedience from their minions. Henry refused to bend the knee on his beliefs and therefore was feared and shunned by Hollyweird. Henry will always find a home within his fans in whatever it may be. Protect this sage.
What is it with the whole industry that they don't want to give the fans what they want? Authenticity is and should be imperative to making movies and TV shows. Do the writers not read the source material? Apparently not. If they can't listen to the one person who knows more about the source material and know how the characters should act, then what's the point? Henry Cavill seems to know what he's doing. He's great in the part. Why make things worse by trying to fix what isn't broken? Whatever happened with taking pride in what you do in your career? The creative team doesn't seem to take pride in the Witcher storyline. It's a shame to, because the books are great. Isn't the show taken from the books? If so, then why not stick with what actually works to begin with? As popular as the books are, wouldn't you think that by following the books would make the show just as popular? Someone really needs to talk to the people at Netflix. Better yet, someone needs to buy them the books to read. Then they will have to apologize to Henry. Spending more money just to do it wrong is a waste.
the industry and Hollywood do not take what the fans want into account, well they do to a point but they are all about the pursuit of the dollars if what the fans want and what they think will make them more money comes into play, which way do you think Hollywood goes?
@@hellshade2 I think it is even worse. I believe some people pay big money to these persons (producers) to see their woke agenda on big and small screen and it worth a lot of them. Why? who knows, what is their benefit from this. I am damn sure they have maybe on the long term.
@@MMSZoli okay, first i am going to have to call you on this "woke" bullshit. no one can say what woke means and the only thing we can confer is that "woke" is just shit that people who use the term don't like. also political connotations. i get the fact that there are people that don't like certain things and that's fine, you don't have to watch things that you don't want to. but just because you don't like a thing and don't want to watch it or see it does not give you the right to make that decision for everybody. but getting back to the Hollywood issue, Hollywood, like any other business is concerned about making money and they will go anyway they think they can make money. what fans want is secondary....
Honestly it's easy to understand. Hollywood does not care about (good) writing, everything is a product of the times and for some reason hollywood thinks everything needs to be political. Pushing a certain narrative is in their interest wether it adds or takes from a well writen story. The sad truth is, hollywood has enough money to keep the charades up for a while and they have a monopoly on creators and directors just like the game industry is in a choke hold by Triple A publishers. Untill it hurts their bottom line, we will not see any major changes. But remember at the end of the day we consumers hold the power to make or break a company, do not buy From certain companies and in time they have to change their policies cause guess what, that's the only power we hold over them. We do hurt their bottem line when push comes to shove. That's what i did with ubisoft and EA i refuse to buy from them cause they have hurt too much developers i've held in high regards. I blamed the studio's for caving in to them but at the end of the day they need each other but the balance is way out of wack. They are so out of touch with their consumers it's so unreal yet here we are.
What I love about Henry is he seems like a genuine guy who wants to give the fans what they deserve. He comes across as honest and driven by authenticity. A class act. It's the movie producers/studios that mess everything up! If only more actors had the integrity to fight for better productions we would have less crappy content from these big studios that ruin our experiences..
Hollywood doesn't deserve an actor of his caliber. I've been a fan of his since I saw him on Midsomer Murders. Even then it was obvious he gave the role his all, making the character believable.
Hollywood is wrong with the fact that will not stick to the source matiral from comic books, videos, and lore created by the orignal writers. Hollywood does not know what they are doing, The art panel is right there in the comics. Every actor and created write should always protect the Source materials. Its not our book or video game, or boardgame. It's the creators that should be respected, and protected.
This is like the battle against Disney with Hugh Jackman and Ryan Ronalds for Wolverine as it was focus on wolverine past and what made him the current him. The scene was actually a much needed scene but disney decided to remove it and it showed than the two actors do not agree with Disney decision with it.
So many books and series end up sucking and failing at the box office because, you take this book or book series. It has a fully described world characters with specific personalities and arcs. They're a massive success and people want to see it on the screen the same or relatively the same to what was in the books. Then Hollywood goes and hires writers, actors and directors who are like well we're going to leave out all the relevant stuff to the book and change everything that the readers loved because, we think it better.... and then the movie flops. Like learn from your years of mistakes and stop changing things. Henry Cavill is a hero for standing up and being like "you can't change this. This isn't something that would ever happen in this world or with this character." It's why everyone who loves him, also respects him. At least he's a voice of reason.
It is a true shame that hollywood has forgotten the role they play. It is to make good cinema and shows. It's not to push identity politics, or force people to their knees to worship the ground they walk on. Integrity is a good thing, a few more, no alot more actors that will stand their ground for the right reasons would be wonderful. I will stick with my old moives and reruns over the toxic shock that has invading entertainment.
I am glad he is out of The Witcher. I personally could last 1.5 of episodes of the season 1 (and then my ears and eyes began bleeding), thinking “how could he ever agree to be involved in THAT rubbish??”; now I see ho much he struggled. Good man! Decent and honest person ❤ If he ever gives acting classes in London then I will be one of the first people to sign up for them, just because I respect him a lot (not because I have any acting talent 😂😂😂).
We need more actors like Henry. So many of my favorite characters across many different franchises have been ruined by Hollywood wanting to do something different or inclusive. These stories and comics have been written years before the movies come out. Hollywood has no right to change someone else's story to fit their own propaganda. It's a slap in the face to the original creator. Especially if that original creator is dead.
The moment Henry left, they were already strayed. Hemsworth is going to puppet his role and same as his older brother Love and Thunder turning Thor into a joke , Geralt will be the same. Sadly by time I write this it already is too late 😮💨
As a huge fan of the genre, the source material means everything to me. Writer's creative visions have destroyed so many stories. We need more people like Cavil to fight for the source material.
I applaud his integrity and honesty, sticks to his guns and remains faithful to what he believes.. Hollywood is so far removed from what it once was, it is in danger of imploding under it's own self importance.
I hope that no-one watches the new Superman movies and the new Witcher seasons that they've made without Henry Cavill because Hollywood and D.C are stupid to drop a guy that embodies those characters as perfect as he does !! Henry's passion and fan following would've only made them more money by staying true to the Lore.....Because this is what the fans want and deserve to see !! What's the point in making-up stories that don't make sense to what people know about those characters.....They're spoiling all our beloved characters and stories we've all grown-up knowing, following and loving !! Basically, we need more people like Henry Cavill so things stay honest and true instead of making a mockery of them !!
More need to tell Netflix and Disney to pound sand! That’s the only way they listen! Disney is now truly feeling the loss of income. The actors and directors want to blame fans, FINE! Enough is Enough
As a Disney Company singer & piano player under MICHAEL EISNER, and from doing professional acting, I STAND WITH HENRY CAVILL doing great work as a great "method actor" , THE BEST THERE IS IN HOLLYWOOD !!
He's a hero to fans! The powers that be, would be wise to listen. Ignoring your audience is a path to irrelevance & what Hollywood fears most: Financial ruin.
Hollywood hates him for all the reasons we love him. He is probably the most respected actor living today, and he’ll never get the recognition he deserves. He embodies the heroes he plays. Stand up for what he believes in, does what’s right regardless of consequence. I’ll pay money for any movie he is in, just to support him.
Henry Cavil is what we wished Mark Hamil would be coming out of Luke Skywalker. Hes true to his fans, willing to stand up against the woke idiocy and cult of DEI thats rampant in the industry. As for DC, Im 100% convinced that Peter Safran is remaining a 'silent' partner on purpose. While James Gunn is the faceman, I dont really think he has the power everyone is thinking he does in running 'all things DC", as almost EVERYTHING that DC is doing isnt James Gunns style, its a corporate HollyWoke style of doing things. I think they gave him a truckload of money to shut up and do a few more projects that he wants to do and maybe repair his tarnished image with the ability to do more in the future if he plays ball, meanwhile Peter Safran is making the major decisions and staying out of the news because he doesnt have the fan voice to carry public opinion.
I totally agree, Henry is a beacon for the fans regarding the integrity of a story's source material. Unfortunately, we didn't learn many new facts in this story line. The 25 minutes did seem to repeat and repeat and repeat the same exact phrasing that could have cleaning and more clearly have been edited to, maybe, a 5-6 minute video. His clashes aren't deliberate choices to be difficult, but to show his strong loyalty and willingness to stay true to original material and not let fans of the franchise down. (How many times do we need that repeated within 25 minutes?)
3:13 There was/is absolute no “creative vision” behind Netflix Witcher because there are absolutely no creative writers working for that show... OR, for that matter, creative & talented people producing it. It's purely woke political garbage and bad fanfic level writing exploiting The Witcher IP to promote their agenda.
@@HeraldoftheMEME They gender/race/color swap characters (and, no, there is never a good reason to do that), change key points about the canon to make the female leads girl bosses (then prioritize their screen time over the male lead), create characters that do exist in Witcher canon simply to promote their dei agenda. There's more, but here's my question for you: Why do people like you reply to comments like mine with this question? Even though the list of woke in this show been thoroughly identified and addressed by (probably) millions of people by now on similar threads about this subject all over the internet? How have you not seen the same list of legitimate criticisms about this show floating around by now?
@joebrenner6245 who did they do this with the characters of the show ? Other than Frigilla ? Also ...why. Doesn't it bother you that they casted a British Guy to play Geralt when the guy and not of Slavic origin which the game and books are inspired by ? Or better yet is portrayed by some dude that has an American accent lol ? ..I like how your first go to is anti-woke nonsense a not the writing which is the meat and potatos of why most people had an issue with which is valid ... Nothing wrong with race swapping or gender swapping so long as it gets written intelligently into the story which other than gender swapping you haven't actually keyed into these nuance points you said you were going with. Henry had issues that they were trying to deviate so much away from the source materials which he never once mentioned as he shouldn't had to do with a character being gender swapped. I get it if this played in integral role as to the person needing to be a specific gender but your just crying over a big nothing burger bro and that why you keep getting replies 😂...cause you have yet to explain how these changes that you mention have anything to do with why there issues to begin with and how they drastically change the plot for the worse.... I don't even need to dig. These are literal issues that I'm pointing to you that they mentioned why Cavill decided to leave.... But I'm sure you're going to tell me more specific examples rather than the general ones you did so that I can turn around and apologize for making assumptions about you...don't worry I'll wait
@@HeraldoftheMEMEif race swaps do not matter are you ok with a white person playing black panther? I am not. Black panther is one of the only African super heroes we have.
@@the_gratefulgamer 😂🤣👍Hence why it’s the new Disney. Disney’s been doing that for at least a decade now. Sell your company to Disney and watch it burn. Look how Netflix ruined the Witcher.
Man wanted to act as a hero, and by the end became a hero. Trying to save a whole franchise. Sadly however, this is the real world, and heroes don’t always win. All we can hope for is that it sparks a change.
Henry is a hero. Hollywood is toxic.
Yes he is along with Ryan and Hugh that fought Disney against putting DEI in Deadpool and Wolverine.✊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Hear, hear.
DEI and dealing with a woke female crew. Everything they touch turns to 💩. Example like they want to make a joke out of the death of Roach. Writers admin were morons.
Who runs Hollywood?.... That's the real question people should be asking themselves and answering at the same time because that runs Hollywood is the real evil on this planet. And let's be honest we all know who runs Hollywood I just can't say because my common will be taken down if I do
Yep 👍
We need more actors like Henry. The way "hollywood" thinks they rewrite stories is disgusting.
Yeah Henry and Jensen are my favorite actor's because of what they do
@@DEATHøfKryptøn Ackles?
@@derplololol9717 Of course they means Ackles, who else :D
Disgusting!!?!? lol that’s a bit much ?? Surely you must recognise a difference between a comic and a screen so one may not work on the other
@@JonSmith-n7mnah more like inferior people aka activist writers, they want deconstruct male characthers and destroy other characthers for a fruitless agenda. Making a established fictional characther doing the opposite is not refreshing is more like weak writting to cause cheap impact with characthers dont belong to them.
Hollywood's problem with him is he has morals and has respect for the material and the fans.
People who hate him represent the trash that makes Hollywood terrible.
Hollywood is filled with people who haven't had an original thought in their entire lives, so they think everything must be "changed for a modern audience" despite that modern audience having no interest in whatever IP they are trying to run into the ground at that given time
the trash= 99,9% of Hollywood
He's also a genuine fan himself
@@KONEIL1775A genuine fan with insight to the film world. He knew where things had to be changed because they couldn’t be effectively portrayed, and where the directors were deliberately veering off course.
Fans don't matter. I mean let's face it, people calling themselves "fans" are basically 30+ losers with self respect LOW enough to call themselves "fans".
It's about CLASS STORYTELLING. I mean take JRR Tolkien for example. He didn't give a FLYING EFF about people who read his books and he didn't even care if ANYONE read them. Take JKR, her BEST books are the first two; when she was just WRITING A STORY; without any regard to who ever was ready them. The moment she took to the Internet and started REGARDING the fans, started thinking about what THEY wanted how THEY would react what THEY would like is the moment it all started getting shittier. Etc.
It's all about DISREGARDING the fans and TELLING YOUR OWN STORY NO MATTER WHAT. That's how all the best stuff was originally made; I mean it's not like Lucas RESPECTED THE FANS making the first SW when there WERE no "fans" to begin with. The sooner Hollywood gives stories back to storytellers and takes them away from producers who only count fans and wonder if the story will succeed, the better. This whole mess is BECAUSE they're thinking of the "fans", like "the fans might be insulted by this powerful white man better add a woman and browninate the man, FOR THE FANS".
Fkk the fans.
Why can't Hollywood understand that the reason the books and stories are popular is because they're perfect the way they are! Have faith in the author who hit the mark. Why is it so hard?!
Very hard for them because most forget that Hollywood's mantra is: "we exist to make what already exists even better, and that means chaging things that need changing for that end, then it must be done." And thus it is so.
"Why can’t Hollywood leave great stories alone? Probably because their motto is 'If it ain’t broke, break it dramatically.' I’m with you, Kat!"
But what will do writers in movie? And other
Because they want writing credit for rewriting the show
I would answer - why _Hollyweird_ cannot leave established stories alone?
HW and the people in it have massive egos.
HW and the people in it have no respect for anything - likely not even themselves.
HW holds everyone in contempt.
HW feels they are the puppet masters ... and they must have control.
HW is run by creeps!
HW will eventually run out of money to burn....
Henry Cavill's dedication to the source material, being authentic and NOT ALLOWING directors to just do WHATEVER THEY WANT has made him a HERO in the eyes of fans. And this will be the reason that while he may have a target on his back with directors and studios, at the same time fans will RALLY behind him in ANYTHING HE DOES for that very same reason. I dont care if Henry does superman, The Witcher, Warhammer or whatever it is, i like SO MANY other fans WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT ANYTHING he does by actually PAYING to go see it. Because unlike most of the rest of Hollywood, we know that whatever it is that Henry ends up doing, that it will be true to the source material and that he will do it with the same kind of passion that us fans would do it ourselves.
But they're not inclusive enough. Hollywood can correct that and make it better surely 😂😂
Henry Cavill: champion of fans, slayer of bad scripts, and bane of directors with too much 'creative freedom.' Thanks for the rallying cry, Chris!"
Cavill is the very person that the Halo series needed. What a waste of millions of dollars on what could have been.
Cavill is not only the hero we needed, he was the hero we wanted.
Henry talks about his favorite video games like he is my best friend from school.
He‘s both. Desperately needed in this time of fading sanity and very much wanted for his authenticity, skill and dedication.
And the hero we deserved!
Slow clap 👏
@@Random_Bansheewell… he has been in flop after flop so never a really good actor
His being authentic is why I like him. Screw Hollywood!
That's the whole point. They don't need authenticity. He carries standards that are at odds with the modern agenda. Even his appearance and his very essence do not fit into modern standards. He is a huge white manly man who will take on the lead role and will save the world according to the plot.
In fact, he is the only young actor in Hollywood among men who corresponds to the gold standard of 90s cinema.
I didn't know that
Cavill rocks! He personifies the expression "By fans for fans"!
The fact that The Witcher tv show has FAILED since Henry's departure is PROOF that the show was going in the wrong direction and would NOT have survived either way. WITHOUT Henry's intervention in the show, The Witcher would have started and ended up as nothing more than a "Game of Thrones knockoff" with FAR too much talking and even less action. That's why i think Season 4 is taking SO LONG for them to make and why i think its going to BOMB SO HARD. I am willing to bet money, that season 4 of The Witcher is going to be some of THE WORST RATINGS EVER on a Netflix show to date.
To me there's no debate, Cavill is one of the few people in hollywood who value authenticity and respect the source material enough to go to the point where he's creating tension on set for this. A hero we all needed
Let's all be honest. They need Cavill more than Cavill needs them.
His involvement in a project now certifies that it is nerd approved and will instantly garner support from fans of whatever IP with which it is associated.
He is also the angel of death for series and universes.
Dc dead
Witcher dead
40k being attacked.
@@T57Custodian Let's be honest, they're not dead because of Cavill. They are dead because of all the dumb decisions they insisted on making in spite of his protestations. Maybe if they just listened to him instead of labeling him "difficult."
@@T57CustodianDC dead because they replaced Henry with someone else and because of Ezra Miller.
Netflix's Witcher dead because they didn't give even half of the fuck about source material, which made it basically unwatchable for true fans of the Witcher Saga.
40k under attack because everything that's NOT pushing woke narratives is under attack nowadays.
If you're not woke, they'll try to destroy you
Sooooooooooo TRUE !!
Deadpool foreshadowed this.
The Cavillrene
This comment deserves more likes! 😄
I stand with Cavill and all actors who refuse woke idiocracy.
There wasn't any woke about the changes they wanted just bad writing. Period
@@Shaundak21bad writing because of woke bullshit.
@@Shaundak21 Maybe their wokeness influenced their writing
@@Shaundak21 that's a very disingenuous take, but a fair POV.
@@PrimalistOptimus Nah, it is very disingenuous and an unfair POV to say this has anything to do with "woke."
"Woke" doesn't mean "changes to a story"
So basically the only worthwhile parts of the Witcher, was essentially because of Henry Cavill. I can´t imagine how difficult it must´ve been for him to stand his ground, and he has a massive respect from me for doing so
interesting how they call him controlling for wanting to tell the story correctly but it's not controlling when the writers and execs are trying to destroy it
I don't understand why Hollywood is obsessed with screwing around with the source material.
Do it properly or don't bother. Stay strong Henry 👍
Because they can’t separate their ideology from being a professional, this is what happens when you employ mentally unstable brats 😂
Everything gotta be either Gay or Bi nowadays 🤣 imagine if they made Geralt Bi. Woooo that would be crazy mad
DEI, devil worship and hate of traditional values.
Keep digging. There is a genocidal reason.
It's creative licensing. This isn't a bad thing inherently. Sometimes a direct translation from paper to film won't look as good, or won't look as good because there isn't enough in the budget for it, or the crux of which can be more accurately conveyed by a slight (or even major) change, etc. It's also not inherently wrong to go in a different direction. There are times where it can improve on the original design. Remaining 100% true to a source like a template was never a golden rule, nor should it be unless said source makes that abundantly clear beforehand, preferably in writing.
Where things go South is when you start messing with the core of the source. If anyone cares about changing a hotdog to a hamburger, there's a pretty decent chance that's just mental instability. Even a tweak or two might not be the end of the world, greatly depending on the specifics of said tweaks. It's when a show starts to flat out disregard the core of the original story. Often adding new concepts that weren't planned out at all and basically winging it. Also adding completely pointless changes. Comedic effect could be a reason. Good or bad, there's at least a reason. To add nuance, drama, etc. At least have a reason. 2 dozen pointless changes, especially without any hint of a thought process, is what can kill an otherwise good/great show or movie.
There is a fine line between respect for source material and petulant prattling. A lot of times it's not that deep. If the show/movie was already good, just let it pass, don't get caught up on a thing or two. If it was already a dog pile, it was almosr certiablt going to be that regardless.
Henry Cavill IS the Witcher. I won't be watching anyone cosplaying Geralt in Henry's place. Without Henry, there is no Witcher.
Having the show stay true to the source material is what made is so beloved and successful. Henry is such a misused commodity in Hollywood. The guy is good at everything. He looks like a Greek god and the fact that he has to keep the writers on track, is just ridiculous. They should give him whatever he wants to play that character. Because without him, there is no show. That's just a fact. Henry is a hero in my opinion. We need more like him who won't compromise their vision for the sake of laziness and arrogance on the part of the writers etc.
My thoughts exactly! Nobody else can be the Witcher! Henry "IS" the Witcher!
@@dallasmore6703 just like nobody else can play Superman. I’m not gonna even see James guns Superman trailer
Actually the real witcher is Michał Żebrowski
You really should see Maul Cosplay ;) He's a professional stuntman. Really nails down the look. Not an actor of course, but has been alongside the Video Game's Voice actor for collations before
Henry is literally the REAL Superhero the fans need!
Absolutely 100% spot on.
Cavill is a rare individual, many look up to actors for who they pretend to be, Henry is a person to look up to for who he actually is. That's a man right there with principle, morals, integrity and strength.
The Witcher is Henry Cavill. Our family watched it together and loved it. We were gutted when the makers decided to stray from the original source and as a consequence, lost Henry…..we will miss watching The Witcher but we love his wonderful portrayal 💛
This is why he is the king of the nerds, and I would follow him to whatever end. King of the nerds !!!
(Raises sword) King of the Nerds!
Shit! Where's my sword?!😂
Hail to the King!!! Now give me some sugar baby!
Nothing against Liam Hemsworth, but I hope the show absolutely f*cking tanks in the 4th season. It's the only way the writers and producers who bungled this, and basically turned gold into lead, are going to learn...
Sadly, they will blame the fans and Cavill when they fail because ... they couldn't possibly have chosen the wrong things to write about while correcting the original bad ideas? could they?/s
@@thewolfchild yep the writting is on the wall, They killed the Witcher but it will be Henry and all of us ignorant peasants that are too stupid to recognise their greatness that will be to blame. I like Liam he's one of ours but he was doomed before he started I'm surprised he took it honestly. They know it too or they wouldn't have pushed Henry's last season with ads everywhere saying he's still the Witcher..... Dickheads
It probably will they’re probably gonna try to make Gerald gay and maybe swap out Siri for a black chick or something ridiculously stupid. The show is only the Witcher by name they trying to make it the Jennifer show he’ll probably take a backseat to his own show I wanna watch it just for the laughs. ‘ cause I’m sure it’s gonna be stupid.😂
I’m praying for it.
I canceled Netflix ( MIGHT get it back for Stranger Things) just when I heard what Lauren Hissrich ( Witcher boss) said about Henry.
The minute they lost caville, I knew I wouldn’t even bother with the next, pile of hot s…. There’s nothing there I’ll miss except Caville
It's hilarious because if Hollywood's aim would be to make money, put a guy like Henry in charge, and take in the cash. Stop trying to change epic material to turn in it into mediocrity.
Medicore ppl not able to make a masterpiece even from the most noble raw material.
It's all about ego. They might make the money doing what you said, absolutely, but their fragile egos will be bruised, since it will be Henry responsible for the movie/show's success, and not them
Strangely enough, I don’t think it is about making money anymore. They desperately want to push this agenda at all cost. I think it’s more sinister than just greedy corporate people at this point there’s something going on. They desperately want to force a narrative on people at all cost because it’s extremely dumb business flop after flop should’ve already approved. The shit doesn’t work but they still keep pushing for it anyway so I feel like it’s really just propaganda at this point For the sake of propaganda to try to spoon feed bullshit to cause more and more confusion and chaos and I’m sure someone’s getting rich off of that somehow but if it was strictly about the money, they sure as shit wouldn’t be doing it because it obviously doesn’t work so it has to be somethingmuch more evil and sinister
The studios don't want to 'make' cash. Most movies are made to 'wash' money for all sorts of drug bosses and criminals. Directors don't want to respect the vision of the novel's author, they want to 'deconstruct' the story and have their movie say something else. Plus, there are all sorts of gender and political activists, using Hollywood as their platform to spew out whatever propaganda they feel like. Most actors go with it, either because they are morons, or because they hope to get a role, any role at all.
Unfortunately artistic people cant help but put their flare on the things they do because it makes them feel important.
I'm 67, I grew up submerged in DC and Marvel comics. Back and forth to the comicbook exchange, here in the UK. over decades and even now have amassed a collection of digital comics. Henry *IS* Superman. He embodies everything I've learned about the character from the early depictions. Others may play a character but Henry became the embodiment of the person behind the character - a true English gentleman as well.
4:11 I'mma stop you right there. An industry driven by profit over passion? No. These people don't care about profit. They're passionate about pushing their agenda into everything good. It's a grift.
Was coming to post the same thing. Hollywood has been remaking and adapting everything and the agenda is obvious and not nearly representative of reality. All in the name of representation. It's just not based in reality. It's insulting to anyone who ever opened a book and patronizing to those they claim to represent.
The industry will die out before succumbing to this.
@@laars0001 If the industry dies out, it will be *because* it succumbed to this.
That along with AAA developers thinking that giving 40% aim assist to controller players on consoles and 0% aim assist to all players on mouse and keyboard in games that are supposed to be competitive is the right move. They're treating console players and controller players like it's ableism not to give them a handicap or something. Ridiculous.
If they realy cared about profit, then they would produce something the fans enjoy and want to pay for. Since that clearly is not the case, we can say with confidence that they dont care about profit, they dont care about the consumer, they care only about virtue signalin and political correctness.
It seems every major company forgot, where the money really comes from.
What did they expect? Henry Cav is a diehard warhammer fan since he was young, and they think they’re gonna twist it with some woke trans agenda? Fuck that. I declare heresy against the emperor! I’m glad he stood up for the authenticity and didn’t just cave.
Edit: Dude…the fricking trailer looks soooooo sick. I’m glad they folded and took the public criticism. Now that I think about it, if Cavill is correcting them to make things lore accurate, then you please the audience who already know about Warhammer. I think the producers/writers are trying to find a happy medium where it is also open to new/vanilla fans to understand but I think that route is too cliché given that RUclips exists. If new fans want to dive in, the show can rely on the creators of youtube to give lore context so that it can be enjoyed accurately and fully. If they go the other BS Woke route, they end up writing themselves into a corner.
Thats the guy who will fuck the contract with all the consequences because "fuck you, you will not destroy this"
I think the entertainment industry will learn it the hard way, but they will learn as soon as it hurts their wallet. and it already happened. Rings of Power is a fail because of political agendas and rewriting and reinventing the story, for similar reasons the Witcher show will not continue. And for a similar reason a significant number of people refunded Dragon Age Origins Vail Guard (or as some people call it Fail Guard) on steam.
And some shows showed that it's not rocket science to make the fans happy. Like One Piece with real actors and the Fallout Show on Amazon. The recipe for success for both was a no brainer: Stay true to the source material and keep political agendas out!
And guess what? It also showed that fans have no isse or people of color are part of the main cast. Because their part comes natural to the plot and is not served as a political agenda!
But back to Henry: Of course switching over to a WarHammer show was a no brainer to him at that point. He wouldn't have done it if the Witchers Showrunner would have listened to him, even if he probably is more a WarHammer fan than he is a The Witcher fan.
I know nothing about the Warhammer series. I never played it, but I will watch the show because with Cavill in it, I believe that it will be true to the lore. Even if I don't know it myself.
Didn’t think I could like Henry more than I already did….but I was wrong. My husband (may he RIP) and I are total nerds and; I’m happy to say, we raised another nerd. 😊
I have been painting miniatures for over 25 years and it’s one of my favorite hobbies. My husband used to make full, to scale layouts for his gaming. Back in the day he was very much a fan of Hero Quest.
Every Friday we went to the local hobby shop and would play Cheap Ass Games. It was lovely…the three of us also did family game night at home and we’d play things like Bunnies vs Zombies and Witch Trial.
It’s nice to know an actor that I actually respect (because there aren’t that many) is a fan of the same genre of hobbies that my family enjoys. ❤😊
Very cool
It seems insane to me that Hollywood would risk losing a beloved A-List actor from a wildly profitable and successful franchise simply because they wanted to let some writers take creative license on a story. News flash to writers/directors/producers, you are not going to make a name for yourself by hijacking someone else's story. If you have such talent and a story in you, go write your own original work and see how it goes. Don't crap on someone else's success and call it art..
@@patrickb.8485 100% you absolutely nailed that. I could not agree with you more!
You're missing the point. They're using this shit to peddle their ideology. That is more important than money to them.
Exactly that!!!
He is not an A-list actor. I love Henry, but he's just not that.
@@herryvaliant7689 I'd disagree, but respect your opinion, thanks for the feedback.
The Netflix vision for the Witcher was disgusting. Their spinoff show was laughably bad it wasn’t even in the Witcher universe. It was so dumb.
I respect the hell out of that man, and the love he has for the craft. And his passions in general. Biggest mistake anybody could make will be to remove him from a hit TV series or movie just because he doesn’t agree with their direction because he is a diehard fan of the roles that he plays, especially big scenes like Superman, or his current role when he did the Witcher. The man did his research was a fan of the books, comics, games and he’s only trying to help the producers. Make what they’re doing that much better to keep fans in all and coming back for more.
We need more actors like Henry Cavil with Witcher and Superman also Ryan Renolds with marvel and cant forget about Heath Ledger in his role as the Joker!!! These are actors who care about the lore and what fans want, hollywoods the one thing that needs a serious reboot!!!
Hollywood lives in its own echo chamber and when they destroy something.It's met with thunderous applause from the other idiots who think like them and think that it is revolutionary and groundbreaking to destroy the source material that we love
Did you see Joker 2?
What does joker 2 have to do with it,heath ledger was in batman 2 with Cristian bale which was the bast joker ever on screen ,Phoenix was in the recent joker movie and was a big hit but part 2 like you brought up kinda of proves jayskippz point, about standing your ground.what happened in part 2 of the joker is what happens when you steer clear from the actual character your playing.they didn't just change it from what made the first one famous they took a shit on it.
the real problem with this is why are writers "having their own ideas" about an adaptation of a pre established story? There's already an established and detailed storyline to follow from the games and/or books, adapting an already popular and established franchise is quite literally the worst time to inject new ideas, because the fans of the franchise will already have a preconceived idea of how the story transpires. What this tells me is the writers had no actual creative talent to write something entirely original, so they wanted to use an already popular IP to tell their own special story instead of one that actually follows the IP in question. Basically every modern movie seems to have this problem of the writers self-inserting themselves and completely deviating from what the fans actually want.
They and the bitch of a producer admitted they never read the books or played the games. They had the general gist of what happened and wrote how they wanted.
The producer said she wanted a show for young her because there wasn’t one when she was growing up ( I paraphrased) . And she said the show doesn’t need Henry.
I am praying the fans prove her wrong.
Right, if they have their own ideas let them go and write down their stories. Then try to get Hollywood to make programs out of them. Don't rewrite other people's ideas/stories that are already written! 😀👍🏼
It makes no sense to me why they would rather replace Cavil who is literally perfect for the role in every way then replace the writers who openly arn't fans of the source material... they are basically flushing money down the toilet
Yurp, it's ego.
If they just stick to the original material but obviously adapting it to a series, fans would most likely love it. It's illogical to change what is already beloved.
Ego and arrogance. They think they can do better and are often jealous about original author's success, believing they are better and more deserving it.
Henry is the hero we knew we needed and is exactly what we got. Hollywood needs to wake the f up. This man is a treasure.
A nerd who loves and looks like every superhero in our beloved stories? What more could we ask for?🙌❤️🔥
He needs to be a producer & do it exactly how it should be
It is called the Witcher, it baffled me how a show based on stories about THE WITCHER ended up being focused almost entirely on Princess Cirilla. I like both Yen and Ciri but not at the cost to the witcher. The Witcher was never all about the stong women blah blah blah it had stong female characters but they arnt the damn focus. Grrr they wrecked the witcher and now Henry is out so am I. Im clearly not over it 😂😂.
Henry is My favourite Superman ❤
Here, Here, well said. 💯🤜🤛✌️✌️
Perfectly stated.....
The showrunner admited herself that she wanted the audience to see how strong and important ciri and yen were to the story ( which is actually true ) so she skipped most of geralt development, diluted his personnal journey to focus direclty on ciri and her foster mom.
Remember the tv show started at the book 3, because books 1 and 2 were 99% about geralt, then she "generously" gave us a couple of stories from the first two books as flashbacks and that was about it.
The abomination called season 2 was about girlbosses being mean or besties to with each others while geralt spent the whole season telling ciri how brave and exceptional she was.
Then they spoiled one of the main polt twists that takes place at the very end of the books where emhyr reveals he's ciri's father, you know why? Because thoses dogşhit writers wanted to rush the whole story so they could freely write their own fanfiction for the next 4 or 5 seasons that were supposed to follow the books' order.
You know they didn't care about the books because they missed the only thing that really mattered : the concept of destiny, that invisible hand that made ciri's and geralt's path entangled no matter what happened.
Instead those idiots treated it like a linear videogame.
Screw those hacks who were given the opportunity to adapt on tv a very good and complex story, but instead wanted to do just like nowadays' hollywood clowns do which is thinking they can do better than the source material, stupid parasites clawing to a huge licence and have the audacity to not respect it.
They had everything, budget, an epic story and a huge audience coming from the games and books, and they managed to kill it.
@@MsSharondenadel That makes it even worse don't you think? Geralt got me hooked, his character and story Ciri and Yen were part of his story and I loved that but they blew it. They should have trusted Henry and the fans it would have been as popular as GOT. I saw an interview where she admitted this type of fantasy films wernt her thing she had no experience with it. So why ignore the ones that love it and do have experience in it.... makes no sense. This could have been so good :(
@@deb9711 Yes, it makes it worse, but they don't care about lore, fans, or even the legacy left by a beloved franchise. All they care is about using succesful and popular stories, universes as a Platform to spread their twisted politics while making tons of cash on the process.
The same showrunners who ruined the potential of a wonderful witcher show don't care, they genuinely believe they did an outstanding job but if it failed it's just because the audience was too dumb and ungrateful to understand their work.
They'll ruin another franchise without hesitation if some directors are dumb enough to invest money in them again ( which i doubt, witcher's failure marked all of the idiots who worked on it )
Once a studio gives this man creative control, they should just watch the money roll in. Hollywood hates money.
I think they just want to have their cake and shit in it too.
Agreed. The goal is the message not money.
they love losing money
They like to see their name on the end credits. The higher, the better. But that’s impossible if they can’t meddle with it.
Warhammer 40k just got confirmed!
Henry is the good guy in this story. We need more of this sort.
I’m not a big gamer myself but kudo’s to Henry. Sticking to source material and playing roles the way they were meant to be played is something to be commended, not ignored. Hollywood rarely depicts authenticity, it’s all about exaggeration and doing whatever it takes to make a buck. I’m a big fan of Henry Cavill and glad he’s sticking to his morals.
I pray Henry gets to lead a charge on one of his favorite franchises as a producer someday. He's an example of who we need.
Henry is not only fighting for his believes, he is fighting for OURS too!
Anyone who has seen a story or game they loved get thrashed by Hollywood when it was made into a movie or series appreciates Henry and his efforts.
I can totally identify with Henry. I was a fashion photographer, and constantly butted heads with so-called *creative director's.* People who order creative about, yet have no creative talent of their own. They wanted me to light sets their way, which begged the question as to why I was specifically hired, if they were going to try and change my methods. I would then be labelled as being "difficult" for standing my ground and not being compromised.
It sounds like Cavill is exactly the kind of Movie/TV star we all hope each one would be in staying true to the characters they portray.
He was the perfect Geralt. He was correct in leaving when he did. I respect him so much for staying true to the source material. We need more actors like this.
No matter what Hollywood says, Henry Cavill has my respect 100%. I see what they did to the Witcher, and he fought to keep it to the source material. The producers and writers had no respect for that. Everyone else was on board with that. No one but Cavill resisted so of course they accused him of being problematic. That's what those fascists do if you are not with them.
And what they did with that Black Adam film was disgusting. I won't support anything those people do from now on. DC can go spit. They shit on the best Superman ever to hype a movie that turned out to be garbage.
Cavill would be the kind of dude I'd gladly want to hang out with. Geek out over video games and Warhammer figurines while having a pint and watching some football.
He tried to keep The Witcher and Warhammer free from Hollywood's BS full rewrites.
"Often at risk of being oversimplified" is a diplomatic way of putting it
Man, i can't wait to see Henry Cavill become a movie director, imagine the movies he would do🤯
We need more actors like Henry Cavil, he understands what is needed and what is wanted by fans and himself!
He's one of us. He has a lot of respect in the Gaming community.
I totally support Henry Cavill. Me, my parents, my brothers, my friends & neighbours are deeply knowing of these worlds.
Either beeing fantasy or Warhammer 40K, (& sci-fi in general). I respect the stand. So does everybody here.
Gunn is killing Superman when DC didn't bring back Henry! You have to stand up for the source!
DC is no where surviving. So Gunn DC is not gonna work. Tbh current DC is bad. THe recent batman movie isnt even the best.
@@momokosakurada605 I will never accept that guy as Batman.
@@AA-ed6ek DC is dying they dont listen to the fans. many fans were waiting for Batman and Robin game for a long time arkham style.
Hollywood doesn’t deserve Henry Cavill.
I have a friend who met him once when he was filming for Superman, the first one he did. She said he was the nicest guy. Really polite and kind. She wasn't allowed to take pictures, due to PR stuff, but she brought him cookies and (I think) introduced him to her husband. I am glad he tried to keep true to source material.
Safe to say I personally became a fan of the Witcher because of Henry Cavil. 13:00 And This was heartbreaking to watch
I don't get why replaced him as Superman ?? James gun can suck it I won't support this new dc trash
@ ya I personally feel that was a huge mistake.
Lady: Thats so cool
Henry: Is it?
Bravo, Henry, Hollywood needs more people like you! Keep standing your ground, many of us are behind you! Be blessed.
Time ticks away while Hollywood simply waits for the old guard to die and get out of their way.
There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to do things right! Keep up the good work Henry!
Hollywood doesn't deserve such a amazingly talented, dedicated to his roles and generally a down to earth dude.
Netflix is done 😂
Netflix/Disney/Amazon are all in the same bucket they all WOKE A HOLES
Henry is a Gem
Whatever show or movie he's on, he'll always respect and fight for the source material
You know they are deviating and falling down when Henry is fighting for the authenticaty or he's leaving the project
Cavill's integrity seems to make him a little more like Superman than we initially thought; beyond wearing a costume.
I think most people watched the slow solely due to Henry Cavill. Once he left, no one watched it. The true fans left
The fact they we even ask the question if he is a "hero" in regards to him being steadfast in his opinions is indicative of where we are today. He is a person of integrity and cares about the source material. That should be applauded by anyone with any sense of honor. Good for him. He is one of the good ones.
I'm glad he stood his ground. Netflix had been doing Anime based off games like Onimusha without knowing lore at all, then wondering why it a major flop ultimately gets cancled off.
Never mind the cow bell, we need more Cavill.
He started playing a hero in his early career and now he’s an authentic real life hero.
I’m extremely proud of him for standing up for not only the source material but the whole damn fandom! Thank you Henry. You’re a real one. Guys like you don’t grow on trees.
Hollyweird demands subservience and obedience from their minions. Henry refused to bend the knee on his beliefs and therefore was feared and shunned by Hollyweird. Henry will always find a home within his fans in whatever it may be. Protect this sage.
The fact that their other Witcher series bombed so hard. Shows that he was right.
What is it with the whole industry that they don't want to give the fans what they want? Authenticity is and should be imperative to making movies and TV shows. Do the writers not read the source material? Apparently not. If they can't listen to the one person who knows more about the source material and know how the characters should act, then what's the point? Henry Cavill seems to know what he's doing. He's great in the part. Why make things worse by trying to fix what isn't broken?
Whatever happened with taking pride in what you do in your career? The creative team doesn't seem to take pride in the Witcher storyline. It's a shame to, because the books are great. Isn't the show taken from the books? If so, then why not stick with what actually works to begin with? As popular as the books are, wouldn't you think that by following the books would make the show just as popular? Someone really needs to talk to the people at Netflix. Better yet, someone needs to buy them the books to read. Then they will have to apologize to Henry.
Spending more money just to do it wrong is a waste.
the industry and Hollywood do not take what the fans want into account, well they do to a point but they are all about the pursuit of the dollars if what the fans want and what they think will make them more money comes into play, which way do you think Hollywood goes?
@@hellshade2 I think it is even worse. I believe some people pay big money to these persons (producers) to see their woke agenda on big and small screen and it worth a lot of them. Why? who knows, what is their benefit from this. I am damn sure they have maybe on the long term.
@@MMSZoli okay, first i am going to have to call you on this "woke" bullshit. no one can say what woke means and the only thing we can confer is that "woke" is just shit that people who use the term don't like. also political connotations. i get the fact that there are people that don't like certain things and that's fine, you don't have to watch things that you don't want to. but just because you don't like a thing and don't want to watch it or see it does not give you the right to make that decision for everybody.
but getting back to the Hollywood issue, Hollywood, like any other business is concerned about making money and they will go anyway they think they can make money. what fans want is secondary....
Woke, does choke all franchises.💯
Stick to the source material, always. 💯
Peace out people. 🤜🤛✌️✌️✌️✌️
Honestly it's easy to understand. Hollywood does not care about (good) writing, everything is a product of the times and for some reason hollywood thinks everything needs to be political. Pushing a certain narrative is in their interest wether it adds or takes from a well writen story.
The sad truth is, hollywood has enough money to keep the charades up for a while and they have a monopoly on creators and directors just like the game industry is in a choke hold by Triple A publishers. Untill it hurts their bottom line, we will not see any major changes.
But remember at the end of the day we consumers hold the power to make or break a company, do not buy From certain companies and in time they have to change their policies cause guess what, that's the only power we hold over them. We do hurt their bottem line when push comes to shove.
That's what i did with ubisoft and EA i refuse to buy from them cause they have hurt too much developers i've held in high regards. I blamed the studio's for caving in to them but at the end of the day they need each other but the balance is way out of wack. They are so out of touch with their consumers it's so unreal yet here we are.
Henry needs to write and direct. He stays true to the source and has genuine passion
What I love about Henry is he seems like a genuine guy who wants to give the fans what they deserve. He comes across as honest and driven by authenticity. A class act. It's the movie producers/studios that mess everything up! If only more actors had the integrity to fight for better productions we would have less crappy content from these big studios that ruin our experiences..
Hollywood doesn't deserve an actor of his caliber.
I've been a fan of his since I saw him on Midsomer Murders. Even then it was obvious he gave the role his all, making the character believable.
Hollywood is wrong with the fact that will not stick to the source matiral from comic books, videos, and lore created by the orignal writers. Hollywood does not know what they are doing, The art panel is right there in the comics. Every actor and created write should always protect the Source materials. Its not our book or video game, or boardgame. It's the creators that should be respected, and protected.
This is like the battle against Disney with Hugh Jackman and Ryan Ronalds for Wolverine as it was focus on wolverine past and what made him the current him. The scene was actually a much needed scene but disney decided to remove it and it showed than the two actors do not agree with Disney decision with it.
What gets me they LIE and try and say the writers happy with the changes. They think we’re stupid! Do not insult my intelligence!
@@dmahar0224 dont forget but they have ruined what would have been great. Tbh Deadpool 2 the cut content was actually much needed in the movie
So many books and series end up sucking and failing at the box office because, you take this book or book series. It has a fully described world characters with specific personalities and arcs. They're a massive success and people want to see it on the screen the same or relatively the same to what was in the books. Then Hollywood goes and hires writers, actors and directors who are like well we're going to leave out all the relevant stuff to the book and change everything that the readers loved because, we think it better.... and then the movie flops. Like learn from your years of mistakes and stop changing things. Henry Cavill is a hero for standing up and being like "you can't change this. This isn't something that would ever happen in this world or with this character." It's why everyone who loves him, also respects him. At least he's a voice of reason.
It is a true shame that hollywood has forgotten the role they play. It is to make good cinema and shows. It's not to push identity politics, or force people to their knees to worship the ground they walk on. Integrity is a good thing, a few more, no alot more actors that will stand their ground for the right reasons would be wonderful. I will stick with my old moives and reruns over the toxic shock that has invading entertainment.
I am glad he is out of The Witcher. I personally could last 1.5 of episodes of the season 1 (and then my ears and eyes began bleeding), thinking “how could he ever agree to be involved in THAT rubbish??”; now I see ho much he struggled.
Good man! Decent and honest person ❤
If he ever gives acting classes in London then I will be one of the first people to sign up for them, just because I respect him a lot (not because I have any acting talent 😂😂😂).
We need more actors like Henry. So many of my favorite characters across many different franchises have been ruined by Hollywood wanting to do something different or inclusive. These stories and comics have been written years before the movies come out. Hollywood has no right to change someone else's story to fit their own propaganda. It's a slap in the face to the original creator. Especially if that original creator is dead.
Without Henry There Is NO Witcher 🤦🏻♀️
Not gunna watch Witcher with Hemsworth as Gerald. Hemsworth will do what they want him too and stray from authenticity. Pathetic
The moment Henry left, they were already strayed. Hemsworth is going to puppet his role and same as his older brother Love and Thunder turning Thor into a joke , Geralt will be the same. Sadly by time I write this it already is too late 😮💨
I grew up with Christopher Reeves Super Man, and to me, Henry is Super Man!
As a huge fan of the genre, the source material means everything to me. Writer's creative visions have destroyed so many stories. We need more people like Cavil to fight for the source material.
I applaud his integrity and honesty, sticks to his guns and remains faithful to what he believes.. Hollywood is so far removed from what it once was, it is in danger of imploding under it's own self importance.
I hope that no-one watches the new Superman movies and the new Witcher seasons that they've made without Henry Cavill because Hollywood and D.C are stupid to drop a guy that embodies those characters as perfect as he does !!
Henry's passion and fan following would've only made them more money by staying true to the Lore.....Because this is what the fans want and deserve to see !!
What's the point in making-up stories that don't make sense to what people know about those characters.....They're spoiling all our beloved characters and stories we've all grown-up knowing, following and loving !!
Basically, we need more people like Henry Cavill so things stay honest and true instead of making a mockery of them !!
I certainly won't.
More need to tell Netflix and Disney to pound sand! That’s the only way they listen!
Disney is now truly feeling the loss of income. The actors and directors want to blame fans, FINE! Enough is Enough
As a Disney Company singer & piano player under MICHAEL EISNER, and from doing professional acting, I STAND WITH HENRY CAVILL doing great work as a great "method actor" , THE BEST THERE IS IN HOLLYWOOD !!
He's a hero to fans! The powers that be, would be wise to listen. Ignoring your audience is a path to irrelevance & what Hollywood fears most: Financial ruin.
We need more guys like Henry who actually cares about what he is portraying
Hollywood hates him for all the reasons we love him. He is probably the most respected actor living today, and he’ll never get the recognition he deserves. He embodies the heroes he plays. Stand up for what he believes in, does what’s right regardless of consequence. I’ll pay money for any movie he is in, just to support him.
Advocacy for authenticity vs bending the knee to ideology. Never underestimate a single dissenting voice. If you don’t hear one, make it yours.
Henry Cavil is what we wished Mark Hamil would be coming out of Luke Skywalker. Hes true to his fans, willing to stand up against the woke idiocy and cult of DEI thats rampant in the industry. As for DC, Im 100% convinced that Peter Safran is remaining a 'silent' partner on purpose. While James Gunn is the faceman, I dont really think he has the power everyone is thinking he does in running 'all things DC", as almost EVERYTHING that DC is doing isnt James Gunns style, its a corporate HollyWoke style of doing things. I think they gave him a truckload of money to shut up and do a few more projects that he wants to do and maybe repair his tarnished image with the ability to do more in the future if he plays ball, meanwhile Peter Safran is making the major decisions and staying out of the news because he doesnt have the fan voice to carry public opinion.
He's a hero to the fans (MONEY FOR HOLLYWIERD) and a thorn in the side for the woke losers in Hollywierd.
I totally agree, Henry is a beacon for the fans regarding the integrity of a story's source material. Unfortunately, we didn't learn many new facts in this story line. The 25 minutes did seem to repeat and repeat and repeat the same exact phrasing that could have cleaning and more clearly have been edited to, maybe, a 5-6 minute video. His clashes aren't deliberate choices to be difficult, but to show his strong loyalty and willingness to stay true to original material and not let fans of the franchise down. (How many times do we need that repeated within 25 minutes?)
3:13 There was/is absolute no “creative vision” behind Netflix Witcher because there are absolutely no creative writers working for that show... OR, for that matter, creative & talented people producing it. It's purely woke political garbage and bad fanfic level writing exploiting The Witcher IP to promote their agenda.
What was woke about the first season about the first 2 seasons ? Can you give specific examples?
@@HeraldoftheMEME They gender/race/color swap characters (and, no, there is never a good reason to do that), change key points about the canon to make the female leads girl bosses (then prioritize their screen time over the male lead), create characters that do exist in Witcher canon simply to promote their dei agenda.
There's more, but here's my question for you: Why do people like you reply to comments like mine with this question? Even though the list of woke in this show been thoroughly identified and addressed by (probably) millions of people by now on similar threads about this subject all over the internet?
How have you not seen the same list of legitimate criticisms about this show floating around by now?
@joebrenner6245 who did they do this with the characters of the show ? Other than Frigilla ? Also ...why. Doesn't it bother you that they casted a British Guy to play Geralt when the guy and not of Slavic origin which the game and books are inspired by ? Or better yet is portrayed by some dude that has an American accent lol ? ..I like how your first go to is anti-woke nonsense a not the writing which is the meat and potatos of why most people had an issue with which is valid ... Nothing wrong with race swapping or gender swapping so long as it gets written intelligently into the story which other than gender swapping you haven't actually keyed into these nuance points you said you were going with. Henry had issues that they were trying to deviate so much away from the source materials which he never once mentioned as he shouldn't had to do with a character being gender swapped. I get it if this played in integral role as to the person needing to be a specific gender but your just crying over a big nothing burger bro and that why you keep getting replies 😂...cause you have yet to explain how these changes that you mention have anything to do with why there issues to begin with and how they drastically change the plot for the worse.... I don't even need to dig. These are literal issues that I'm pointing to you that they mentioned why Cavill decided to leave.... But I'm sure you're going to tell me more specific examples rather than the general ones you did so that I can turn around and apologize for making assumptions about you...don't worry I'll wait
@@HeraldoftheMEMEif race swaps do not matter are you ok with a white person playing black panther? I am not. Black panther is one of the only African super heroes we have.
I respect the hell out of Henry for being so real and upfront. He loves the franchise and won’t compromise!
Netflix is the new Disney.🤷🏻♂️
And in the bad sense too.
I have never seen a more accurate comment
No. It's the New Blockbuster. It's begun sh--ting itself in the foot.
@@the_gratefulgamer 😂🤣👍Hence why it’s the new Disney. Disney’s been doing that for at least a decade now. Sell your company to Disney and watch it burn. Look how Netflix ruined the Witcher.
All the film/ TV companies are doing the same thing.
Man wanted to act as a hero, and by the end became a hero. Trying to save a whole franchise.
Sadly however, this is the real world, and heroes don’t always win. All we can hope for is that it sparks a change.
Henry is one of the nicest people there is. He stands up whenever a woman enters the room and plays tabletop warhammer, the dude is a legend
Seen every Superman, even grew up with the originals. Henry is the best Superman ever.
Nobody can top chris reeve imo but i do think henry is a close 2nd and did great in the reboot