Hi, blesspanda! True, these are some difficult words. Maybe we can give you some simple definitions: proselytize (v) [PRAH-sluh-ties] - to try to make someone believe what you believe transcendent (adj) [tran-SEN-dent] - unable to be understood by normal categories devout (adj) [duh-VOWT] - devoted; very committed to something or someone creed (n) - a set of beliefs that influences the way you live skeptic (n) - a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief secular (adj) [SECK-you-ler] - having no connection with traditional forms of religion Hope this helps!
These are difficult words.🎉
Hi, blesspanda! True, these are some difficult words. Maybe we can give you some simple definitions:
proselytize (v) [PRAH-sluh-ties] - to try to make someone believe what you believe
transcendent (adj) [tran-SEN-dent] - unable to be understood by normal categories
devout (adj) [duh-VOWT] - devoted; very committed to something or someone
creed (n) - a set of beliefs that influences the way you live
skeptic (n) - a person who doubts the truth or value of an idea or belief
secular (adj) [SECK-you-ler] - having no connection with traditional forms of religion
Hope this helps!
The definitions did help a lot, thanks so much.👍🥹