Yamaha C3X vs Kawai GX3 Grand Pianos Review - Main Differences and Demonstration

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @pianomanic71
    @pianomanic71 2 года назад +11

    I've played both and the GX3 is head and shoulders above th Yamaha in both tone and touch

  • @VaneS-f1b
    @VaneS-f1b 5 дней назад

    Hi thank you for the video. So if I understand correctly the kawai has a slight lighter touch than the yamaha? I am looking for a grand piano where is easier to play trills and scales. Would you suggest the kawai gx3 for that?

  • @mfurman
    @mfurman 6 месяцев назад +1

    Very good review. Thank you.

  • @okapiiisky8664
    @okapiiisky8664 3 года назад +3

    Thanks for your honest impression, it will help me a lot to choose either one in the future.

  • @B-S-K
    @B-S-K 4 года назад +8

    I am very satisfied with my Yamaha C3x :-) !!

  • @albertoplazola906
    @albertoplazola906 4 года назад +2

    Very helpful, thanks

  • @joonjeong4878
    @joonjeong4878 2 года назад +4

    YAMAHA sounds better in this video. It sounds clearer and more precise.

  • @ricardolimacaixeta5823
    @ricardolimacaixeta5823 4 года назад +1

    Please, could you tell me what is the piece of music you played at the beginning?

  • @izumi11954
    @izumi11954 4 года назад +2

    oh didn't know that Yamaha only has 5 years warranty in UK, but in Canada and US are 10 years. do you know why is that ??? thanks

    • @G.Saint-Star
      @G.Saint-Star 3 года назад +27

      It comes down to culture. Yamaha knows you European guys will be playing real classical music. Hammering the instrument day in day out play Chopin etudes, Rachmaninoff preludes, lots of scales. Meanwhile, Americans buy the piano for decoration in the house or for the kids to play Mary had a little lamb or chopsticks on it. They know a 10 year old American piano will be brand new with no use. Cause all we do is watch tv and eat French fries all day.

    • @benjaminsmith2287
      @benjaminsmith2287 3 года назад +1

      @@G.Saint-Star A lot of Yamahas are in schools in the USA or performance venues or nightclubs like jazz clubs or supper clubs. The Steinways sometimes are more purchased for furniture in homes (though they also are in universities and schools and jazz clubs and supper clubs). The C and now CX Yamahas are considered "workhorses."

    • @G.Saint-Star
      @G.Saint-Star 3 года назад

      @@benjaminsmith2287 well all I know is I can’t afford one. Most real classical pianists can’t.

    • @benjaminsmith2287
      @benjaminsmith2287 3 года назад

      @@G.Saint-Star Yes, most. But there's the used market or uprights. Some don't mind the action difference in uprights.

    • @FIFIx30
      @FIFIx30 3 года назад

      @@G.Saint-Star self burn. Those are rare