Every time I see your lecture videos you remind me of this very nice quote so that i forwarded it directly to you."Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher."I wish i were one of your students either during my undergraduate or Post-graduate medical study;b/c Learning from a truly great teacher like Dr.Nejeeb is discovery-not studying. And a thousand days seem like one day for the inspired pupil.I will never pass a day without hearing at least one video lectures of yours for the past couple of years.And in all of my experience with your lectures,to be perfect of perfectly,what i have got all afterwards are;you've been more than a teacher; you've been an inspiration.When i see your lecture videos on any topics,i realize that you are like the rising sun that comes to fill the empty and dark minds with the light of the education.Thus,i wish you have more years of health and prosperity to light the way for others.Last,but not least;i appreciate your big heart and all your guts working to shape little minds.Some people change the world and you are among them. Be safe my iconic teacher.
Thank you for your love and support. ❤ May you be blessed with knowledge, prosperity, love, and happiness, always. ❤ We wish you success and happiness in every walk of life and good luck in your future endeavors.❤
Thank you sir, your work in this platform really makes me to question my inner self. You are really a motivation for me Sir, your endurance is what I aspire to achieve
I'm grateful for your insightful lectures, sir. Although I'm in Class 12, I find your explanations more conceptual and informative. I love and respect you,sir.❤
1-neutrophills are the most abundant leuckocytes in the blood 2-neutrophills are very mobile due to their dynamic cytoskeleton. 3-chemical mediators especially leukotriene B4, platelet activating factor and tnf released by the resident cells (mast cells, resident macrophages and endothelial cells) attract neutriphills the most (among all leuckocytes), therfore they are first and the most abundant leuckocyte to respond to acute inflammation 4-neutrophils after reaching the site of injury get activated and released chemoattractant to attract more neutrophils. As a result second wave of neutrophils will come and then resident cells +first wave neutrophils +second wave neutrophils all will release mediators for next wave of neutrophils. Most important chemoattractant of neutrophils is interleukin A.
Every time I see your lecture videos you remind me of this very nice quote so that i forwarded it directly to you."Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher."I wish i were one of your students either during my undergraduate or Post-graduate medical study;b/c
Learning from a truly great teacher like Dr.Nejeeb is discovery-not studying. And a thousand days seem like one day for the inspired pupil.I will never pass a day without hearing at least one video lectures of yours for the past couple of years.And in all of my experience with your lectures,to be perfect of perfectly,what i have got all afterwards are;you've been more than a teacher; you've been an inspiration.When i see your lecture videos on any topics,i realize that you are like the rising sun that comes to fill the empty and dark minds with the light of the education.Thus,i wish you have more years of health and prosperity to light the way for others.Last,but not least;i appreciate your big heart and all your guts working to shape little minds.Some people change the world and you are among them.
Be safe my iconic teacher.
Thank you for your love and support. ❤
May you be blessed with knowledge, prosperity, love, and happiness, always. ❤
We wish you success and happiness in every walk of life and good luck in your future endeavors.❤
Thank you sir, your work in this platform really makes me to question my inner self.
You are really a motivation for me Sir, your endurance is what I aspire to achieve
Bohut khob sir🎉
Big fan sir you helped me alot sir, thankyou sir.
Very impressive my dear sir
Sir the great
Sir plse give a lecture about whole classification of antibacterial drugs
I'm grateful for your insightful lectures, sir. Although I'm in Class 12, I find your explanations more conceptual and informative.
I love and respect you,sir.❤
Thank you for all the love and respect❤
Very informative guruji
Very informative topic sir
After learning from your old lectures this is very easy topic to understand ❤❤
Glad to hear that
We love you too, Sir ❤
Thank you❤
yay! Good morning sir, great topic!
Very informative lecture❤
thanks alot @13aymenshafiq4
thanks your response means alot @13aymenshafiq4
Glad you like it@13aymenshafiq4
I am a first-year MBBS student and recently watched your video on WBCs, which was explained very well. Thank you for providing it ❤
Alot of love
You are most welcome❤ Keep supporting ❤
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Sir Love you ❤️
Love you more dear❤
Thank you for the audiolecture sir! Hope to hear your podcast in Spotify🙏🏻
Most welcome @alexander8987
1-neutrophills are the most abundant leuckocytes in the blood
2-neutrophills are very mobile due to their dynamic cytoskeleton.
3-chemical mediators especially leukotriene B4, platelet activating factor and tnf released by the resident cells (mast cells, resident macrophages and endothelial cells) attract neutriphills the most (among all leuckocytes), therfore they are first and the most abundant leuckocyte to respond to acute
4-neutrophils after reaching the site of injury get activated and released chemoattractant to attract more neutrophils.
As a result second wave of neutrophils will come and then resident cells +first wave neutrophils +second wave neutrophils all will release mediators for next wave of neutrophils.
Most important chemoattractant of neutrophils is interleukin A.
sir we need more podcast like this
Great topic ❤️🙌🏻
Glad you think so!
Thank you for your Love
sir plez make a lecture on leptospirosis
Sir i love you more
Boss of the Medico Dr najeeb sir 🙌
Dr Najeeb you should start a podcast please , it would be very helpful for student .
I love you forever