FOR FREE MEDICARE HELP, please call my Medicare partner, Chapter Medicare, 352-841-0632 PETITION to support YOUR LOCAL Social Security Office: Petition to RAISE FICA CAP: Private consultation with Dr. Ed? Schedule: Get ALL your questions answered privately AND support all of our FREE CONTENT!
Rand Paul is one of those nut-cases that think any public good is a "collectivist plot" to "destroy freedom." He's a stealth Social Darwinist as most libertarians are. And he's not even a consistent libertarian. He learned real quick what the Israel lobby can do if you question US Middle East policy - and he hasn't said a word since.
Damn right - these naysayers who only support legislation that gives them something are America's problem. Instead of working class folks supporting one another, we are constantly infighting like a bunch of sailors on a sinking ship pulling each other back down in order to lift ourselves up to the open door.
Same, the government are the ones who are getting something for nothing. They use it for other crap. They could be managing it and growing the social security funds by investing it all, but they rather piss it away.
Dido! Yes, Republicans don't care about all the money you paid in. Probably because they already spent it in Iraq and Afghanistan! Two useless wars Republicans have gotten us into! Got to keep that money flowing into the war machine!
A few retires had asked me to wait until I'm 65 years aold to collect Social Secuirty Check, I told them I would rather collect it at the of 62 becaue you don'r know what will happen in 5 years...and Trumps not even in Office yet and he's already talking about raising the retirement age to 70 year old in which I believe is the wrong age to retire period.
Most will not live to 70 years old these people are crazy ! No one should have there retirement age at 70 years old how about make hectic pay there fair share in taxes instead of taking from the poor my God the greed of the rich is sickening !!
I have a bunch of relatives that lived to 90+ and a few to 100. One uncle is currently 102. I know it doesn’t work out for a lot of people but waiting on Social Security and dying before you collect much is way better than taking it early and living to 100 and being short on money for decades.
Too late... the ones that wanna mess up social security have control of all three branches of government and both houses of Congress... Yall just voted them in because you were told to hate equality and immigrants.
So if these senators want to cut or eliminate a retirement system that we paid into for decades then I guess it would only be fair that they forfeit their lavish pension when they retire.
Obviously, if they raise the SS age to 88 then our crisis is adverted. Anybody who says retirement age should be raised until 70, has never worked a hard days work in their life!
@@am-fil advert 1 of 2 verb ad·vert ad-ˈvərt adverted; adverting; adverts Synonyms of advert intransitive verb 1 : to turn the mind or attention -used with to adverted to the speaker 2 : to call attention in the course of speaking or writing : make reference -used with to adverted to foreign-language sources
Trumps your president, deal with it. They are only millionaires because they have laundered billions through Ukraine back to themselves while young men die.
We all need to tell these millionaires of billionaires to get bent. Social Security funds are the American workers money. Period. And that they’re not getting there dirty,sneaky, lying hands on it?
They all are part of the "wealth class"...and the more $$ that can be legislated away from middle and lower-class Americans the more $$ the wealth class can have/keep/spend for itself!...but, hey, don't worry, just keep on scrolling! The average American's inattention to politics (its just toooo boring) over the past 70 years has allowed all this F.S.* to come to a head with "47"! F.S.= Fornication Doodo
At 61 I work in the kitchen of a very large restaurant. Never get to sit down, always on the move between kitchen duties and working with dish (dishwashers). I love work, but my right foot, lower back and both knees are in constant pain. I can't imagine someone my age working a hard trade like construction having to wait 9 more years. These fools should either be voted out of office or be committed to hard labor for a few years. Then lets see if their opinion changes.
Raise the FICA tax. If someone makes a million dollars a month, why should they keep paying into The system when you can only get $4873 A month and that is if you delay until the age of 70.
Cause I can guarantee if you’re making $1 million a month you’ve been using the other American people’s tax dollars to get that money in your pocket. This is how. By using all the roads and interstates system, and the other infrastructure and everything that everybody else has been paying for their whole working life. That’s why you owe and have an obligation to the other people in this country to help support there SSI, SSDI, Medicare, unemployment and Workmen’s Compensation. You get it now.
According to the Society of Actuaries, the life expectancy of Americans has been declining since 2019 and is expected to continue to decline into the foreseeable future. This decline in life expectancy is unprecedented in any advanced economy. At the same time, the nation's wealthy want us to retire later. Incredible!
Wow are they trying to work us to the bone. They should lower so American can enjoy our remaining life. I want to be able to enjoy life while I can still walk.
Yes, disabled through your work is truly shameful whomever you worked for got their pound of flesh. I personally will sign any petition that will introduce a bill to tax people appropriately. Also need representation that truly cares and knows the system and will advocate for Social Security
Remember the Gilded Age was Trump's good ole times. Robber barrons, pollution, poisoned meat, unsafe working conditions, prison for those who "get out of line". And corruption on a grand scale. Trust me Tamany Hall was nothing compared to the swamp creatures now in power.
I know. Can you believe Paul and Munchman? West Virginia is a poor state. They should be voting for anything that might put some money in those peoples pockets.
Under current rules when the trust fund is empty then they pay putbfrom what is coming in. Everyone gets roughly 78 percent. The can has been kicked down the road for many many years.
I would like to see those politicians, who live pampered lives, step into the working man/women's shoes and then talk about increasing that age. Instead put the rate if its gonna be kept in place on income period regardless of source.
Unfortunately you can’t do that here unless you’re a railroad worker or maybe a public employee that has a pension that can skip the Social Security program.
Biden suggested that..... And yall voted for the man that openly and loudly told the wealthy that they would be even more wealthy if he won... And now we will start to see what it truly means to have a haves vs have nots society... Classism at its finest... If you are not making more than $500,000 a year AFTER taxes, you will be one of the have nots... Republicans got yall to hate anyone not straight, white, male and Christian... but are the very ones trying to destroy social security....
Many, many businesses either legally or illegally push their employees out around age 60, even force them out, or eliminate their position or redefine it with requirements they know the current employee does not have, or reduce the pay levels or make the positions part-time to avoid benefits to encourage employees to quit. The problem is - who will hire someone in their 60’s, when there are thousands of younger folks, clamoring for the few jobs. Some places don’t even hire people in their 50’s. So, what are people to do to survive for a decade with no income or one reduced to unlivable levels (don’t say that 60 year old professionals should all start working at McDonald’s or Walmart for pennies.) And also. this is the age when people most need Medicare (which is not available at age 60.) I know these politicians are thinking only of how to reduce spending in the short term, but are not considering the main question of how is a person to live in the gap between eligibility for Social Security and being employable. Not all of us have tons of savings, or stocks, and can exist on those for years. The rich will be fine, we know, no matter what the circumstances are- but most of us are not that wealthy.
Over a period of 35 years, $270,000 has been CONFISCATED (not paid, not contributed, not a volunteer withholding) from my earnings. I turn 62 in 2027 with every intention to begin getting back what was taken from me. If the government bureaucrats insist on pushing the retirement age out to 70, then something is going to break. I believe that it is not necessary to go into details regarding the spectrum across which breakage will occur.
Let me understand this right those three can stay in the office until they die and they don’t do anything, but as hard-working people don’t wanna work all of our life, especially to the age of 70. Unbelievable.
Social security is in jeopardy and they are giving government workers who already have fat pension more money. How dumb are the politicians more and more people might face a tough time in retirement. Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save. Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire.
The increasing prices have impacted my plan to retire at 62, work part-time, and save for the future. I'm concerned about whether those who navigated the 2008 financial crisis had an easier time than I am currently experiencing. The combination of stock market volatility and a decrease in income is causing anxiety about whether I'll have sufficient funds for retirement.
This is precisely why I like having a portfolio coach guide my day-to-day market decisions: with their extensive knowledge of going long and short at the same time, using risk for its asymmetrical upside and laying it off as a hedge against the inevitable downward turns, their skillset makes it nearly impossible for them to underperform. I've been utilizing a portfolio coach for more than two years, and I've made over $800,000.
Annette Christine Conte is the licensed advisor I use and i'm just putting this out here because you asked. You can Just search the name. You’d find necessary details to work with to set up an appointment.
Thanks for sharing. I curiously searched for her full name and her website popped up immediately. I looked through her credentials and did my due diligence before contacting her.
Wow, politicians who fly into work on Monday to go to work and leave on Thursday. While the rest of us work 40-60 hours a week and some of us two jobs. Do you wonder why we’re worn out by 62 when they want us to wait till 70. I not like we sit on our ass in congress all day and get nothing done. And then head out for a drink. We are the people who make this country work.
I want to retire at 62. I'm 60 now. My field is software engineering. Ageism is real. I fight it every interview I do. I want out of the game at this point. My resume' is stellar.
To be fair, Rand Paul said not to give people who are over the age of 65 money just because they have teenagers at home. These teenagers are not disabled and the workers are not disabled but they're getting money just because they're 65 and they have children. Well duh didn't they think that they'd still have to support their children in their old age? Talk about ice cream and unicorns!
Rand Paul is disappointing on so many levels. As a physician, he should understand better than most members of Congress that people who work manual labor jobs break down PHYSICALLY, much younger than 70. His dad Ron was a libertarian, but also an OB/GYN, and somewhat decent when it came to these sort of issues. Ron didn't like the idea of torture, for example, and he sure would NOT have been OK with Trump not being held accountable for his actions, bringing in millionaires as advisors, etc. And as an OB/GYN I doubt Ron would have been OK with the overturn of Roe. But Rand? Rand is further to the right than his libertarian father in many ways, which is very weird. Rand is also a guy who created his own separate ophthalmology board so he could take a test that he designed, rather than taking the standard recertification exam for his specialty, so there's that…
@@michellebalnozan3972 -- In that case shame on Ron Paul as well, because (1) as an OB/GYN he should understand there are absolutely medically necessary times that a pregnancy must be terminated, and (2) he is old enough to have been practicing as an MD before Roe, and therefore be familiar with the sepsis wards full of young female patients that had to be maintained because of Backalley procedures, so he (3) should know that more women will die without access to termination on demand, and leave behind other children to be raised without a mother.
Tax the milioners and billionaires:If they raise Social Security age 70 how many years a person who got retirement will enjoying his retirement ??? Maybe year or two and die:Some people die and never have chance to enjoy his retirement:It is shame from our politicians:How about term limits for senators and representatives????Only two terms that all :
Well those congressmen can stay at their jobs until they are relics. They must think that all jobs are as easy as theirs. All they really have to do is get reelected by our dumb asses.
Sadly, Mike Lee is my Senator and what he tried to do last minute to raise the SS age is totally and completely unacceptable! I used to be a big supporter of Lee, but he has been in Washington way too long and has lost touch with his constituents. There are a number of other options to keep SS whole, including removing limitations on Income contributions to SS. Shame on Lee and Paul for not being transparent and exploring all possible options before penalizing those that have contributed to SS for most their lives and need or want to retire at the current FRA.
Rand after going to the congress gym and sauna and getting his perm done, and collecting his obscene pension telling working construction workers they have to wait to 70. This man should be Luigi fixed .
Our representatives in government need to be on the same Social Security plan as everyone else, that will create a condition where they will be making decisions in the best interest of the people.
Why do people let others decide who their retirement age should be. I decided that when I first started working that I wanted to, didn’t mean I was going to, be able to retire by at least by 55.
Raising the social security retirement age hits the American people in two ways. First, it forces most Americans to work longer, reducing the number of years of retirement available to be enjoyed and taking retirement away from many who will not live long enough to retire. Secondly, this will reduce the number of years our social security benefits can grow before macing out at age 70. If republicans raise the full retirement age from 67 to 68, then there will only be two years of annual 8% growth available instead of the three available today!!!! This will reduce the maximum benefit available significantly!!!!! This move by republicans will devastate the American people, greatly increase poverty, and increase homelessness!!!!! RESIST!!!!!!!
Social security fairness act? How stupid. Social security is in jeopardy and they are giving government workers who already have fat pension more money. How dumb are the politicians
I’m a retired state worker receiving a pension which in no way is large. I paid into the social security system at my other jobs and meet guidelines to get it. People who collect private pensions were not affected or penalized by WEP and can collect their entire social security benefit that they are entitled to. Why shouldn’t we get ours as well?? It’s also not 90% like I keep hearing. It’s based on the year you turned 62, years worked and the age you retire.
@@sallythibodeaux7992what they are talking about is the formula to figure your benefit. They use your AIME (average indexed monthly earnings) and apply a formula to it. About the first $1000 is counted at 90%. The problem was that for people with a pension , their benefit was being calculated like they were a low income worker who had worked for 35 years. So they reduced the percentage on a scale to around 40%. The law that was passed removed this .
@@angelasmith1112 In 2024, the Social Security tax limit was $168,600, meaning people who earned more than that amount were not required to pay the tax. The tax limit in 2023 was $160,200. In 2025, the maximum taxable earnings limit is rising to $176,100. Any current worker earning up to this amount will be required to pay the Social Security tax of 6.2% on their income each for both employees and employers.
I'm not sure why it's SHOCKING since Rand and his dad Ron have been talking about this for years. If that bill only applied to congress and made it mandatory for all elected officials to retire at 70... I'd get on board with that.
The wealthiest of Americans do not pay a fair share of taxes. One specific entitlement, namely the tax cap, is a huge problem. Always going to be a budget shortfall because Congress refuses to force the wealthy to pay the same tax percentage as the middle class. FYI: Trump cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans. He said doing this would cause a trickle down effect leading to greater prosperity. The wealthiest did acheive greater prosperity because they were given a sweet deal on taxation. The trickle down effect is Trump pissing down our backs and telling us it's raining. Now we got DOGE run by Musk. this is going to be catastrophic for the middle class.
Ronald Reagan did the same damn thing in1984! Reduced income taxes for the rich from 90% to 35% and raised income taxes on the middle class from 10% to 30%. And his reasoning was it would trickle down to the middle class. Voodoo economics! Same old games. Different time.
By your comment that eliminates you from the solutions to the issue. SS has been the primary reason this country has maintained a dominant presence in the world. There is no better program for confiscating earnings to be immediately injected into the economy.
Yes. They need to redo the calculation for these civil servants who have paid in. Why should they get a 90% give back with a government pension. We straight SS recipients get 40 to 50% reimbursement. Plus some genius thru in a year retro activeThey must really believe straight SS recipients are stupid. We are not. Fix this. Very biased . government taking care of their own.
@sharyn4271 yeah they would think it's Great to lose 1/2 at Every downturn of the market and have their employer have their account in a "Blackout" period (2009 by switching companies) until the markets had came back up. Was a GREAT Time.
@sharyn4271 I've lived most of my life barely making ends meet. I doubt I would have even had a clue how to invest that if I had the choice. The money would have gone to children's shoes and other basic needs that often were not met. I'm 73 now and I would be homeless and hungry if not for Social Security. FDR was a great man figuring out how people could maintain their dignity once they could no longer work.
This is totally messed up. Why are people with pensions going to get all this money, and continue to collect SS? While people that don't have pensions get none of that and they get no decent raise? A lot of people on SS is their only income, and its peanuts. I don't think this is fair at all.
So you are telling me that in ten years when I am 80 years old I will be receiving 21% less dollars. When I will probably need the money more due to age related issues, I will have less money to live on. You have to love our government. Do our politicians make payments to social security? What kind of retirement do politicians get? I guess this means I will have to sell my home, move to the country and raise chickens and my own food, oh wait, I too old for that now. I guess I can move to a 3rd world country, if they will send my SS check there.
Raise it to 100 for that matter... but give everyone owed the option to cash out what they already paid in. If Congress hadn't already spent all of our contributions to line their corrupt pockets, everyone would be retiring at 55 to 60 years of age.
That doesn't work. The majority of people in America are going to get more out of Social Security than they put in. If you let the upper middle class, a small percentage no more than 10% of all, and the wealthy cash out, then the rest are going to really be left high and dry.
Nobody’s SS check will be cut. We just need to stop all of the waste in govt & invest some of that savings into SS. Yes we need to raise the cap & raise the retirement age by at least 1 year. If we can put billions into Ukraine & billions into green energy then why can’t we put billions into SS too? And stop the scare tactics about privatization.
Many injustices have occurred financially. Please do give individuals and couples enough to live on and enough to fix a flat tire, pay someone to mow the lawn or help with elderly care. This keeps people out of Assisted Living which is excessively expensive for people to pay for. Assisted living can be several thousand dollars while SS Income is less than $2,000 for many. We need enough to pay for help when we do need it.
How many people over 65 are still working? 😳 Isn't there a problem with "agism" in corporate "America"? What kind of job will someone age 68 look for???
Actually raising the retirement age is a good idea. As well as lowering the minimum with a stiff reduction to 60 or so and the max with increased benefits to perhaps 75. Medicare to 60 or so with an appropriate increase in tax rate. SSA does not fit current retirement age ranges well, and there are serious difficulties in doing so before 65 unless you have a lot saved. A lot of people are worn out by 60.
No 70 is ridiculous ! Time for these politicians to be gone out of our government. They are out of touch ! Cut his pension and stop insider trading and lobbying! See how fast they change tgeir mind. Oh and term limits !
SSI isn't funded from the SS fund genius. It's not an either or. Stop being a dick about people with disabilities they're not the problem, the rich robber barons like Elon Musk want you to think that and being a schmuck you fell for it.
Remove the cap on the FICA tax. But don't let them divide us into hating on those who collect SSI and think of them as deadbeats. They will harm everyone, including the innocents.
Well said. SSI is a disgrace-taxpayers being baby daddies for millions of fatherless children and a free retirement pension for millions of aged foreigners made US citizens the second they turn 65. Disgusting. Time to take SSI AWAY.
A lot of people have been paying into Social Security for 45 plus years, myself included. Also keep in mind some do get more out then they paid in, but some pay in for years then die before they collect a cent so there is some balance.
Many of our coworkers died by 40s - 60s. Most when getting wonderful MEDICARE Advantage Plans denying their Lifesaving Treatment, claiming also their plan is suddenly not for those to go to Nursing Home or Hospise or stay in the Hospital for 1 day extra for what they approved was outpatient surgery... This might really make me crying as Angel Rand Paul or his father are Doctors who want to cut your healthy lifespan without FICA TAXES ON BILLIONAIRE AND MILLIONAIRE CEOs...
FOR FREE MEDICARE HELP, please call my Medicare partner, Chapter Medicare, 352-841-0632
PETITION to support YOUR LOCAL Social Security Office:
Petition to RAISE FICA CAP:
Private consultation with Dr. Ed? Schedule: Get ALL your questions answered privately AND support all of our FREE CONTENT!
Something for nothing my ass. I've been paying into S.S. and so have my employers ever since i was 15. I'm 69 now.
Rand Paul is one of those nut-cases that think any public good is a "collectivist plot" to "destroy freedom." He's a stealth Social Darwinist as most libertarians are. And he's not even a consistent libertarian. He learned real quick what the Israel lobby can do if you question US Middle East policy - and he hasn't said a word since.
Damn right - these naysayers who only support legislation that gives them something are America's problem. Instead of working class folks supporting one another, we are constantly infighting like a bunch of sailors on a sinking ship pulling each other back down in order to lift ourselves up to the open door.
Same, the government are the ones who are getting something for nothing. They use it for other crap. They could be managing it and growing the social security funds by investing it all, but they rather piss it away.
Dido! Yes, Republicans don't care about all the money you paid in. Probably because they already spent it in Iraq and Afghanistan! Two useless wars Republicans have gotten us into! Got to keep that money flowing into the war machine!
Social security at age 70 is not a retirement plan. It's a burial benefit.
A few retires had asked me to wait until I'm 65 years aold to collect Social Secuirty Check, I told them I would rather collect it at the of 62 becaue you don'r know what will happen in 5 years...and Trumps not even in Office yet and he's already talking about raising the retirement age to 70 year old in which I believe is the wrong age to retire period.
That's the whole point. If they keep raising the age turn eventually no one will be alive to connect and they will have killed Social Security.
Yeah you're right, that's social security with one foot in the grave and holding the shovel.
Most will not live to 70 years old these people are crazy ! No one should have there retirement age at 70 years old how about make hectic pay there fair share in taxes instead of taking from the poor my God the greed of the rich is sickening !!
I have a bunch of relatives that lived to 90+ and a few to 100. One uncle is currently 102. I know it doesn’t work out for a lot of people but waiting on Social Security and dying before you collect much is way better than taking it early and living to 100 and being short on money for decades.
How about we take away their pay after they get voted out
Too late... the ones that wanna mess up social security have control of all three branches of government and both houses of Congress... Yall just voted them in because you were told to hate equality and immigrants.
No one should get paid after they are fired in the first place.
So if these senators want to cut or eliminate a retirement system that we paid into for decades then I guess it would only be fair that they forfeit their lavish pension when they retire.
That ain't going to happen. Why do you think they spend millions to get a $175,000 job ! Government is simply a crime cartel !
Obviously, if they raise the SS age to 88 then our crisis is adverted. Anybody who says retirement age should be raised until 70, has never worked a hard days work in their life!
Are you nuts?
@@jameslewan7026 They told us during COVID, you will get nothing, and like it!
Are you sarcasm impaired@@jameslewan7026
Averted, no such word as adverted.
@@am-fil advert
1 of 2
ad·vert ad-ˈvərt
adverted; adverting; adverts
Synonyms of advert
intransitive verb
: to turn the mind or attention -used with to
adverted to the speaker
: to call attention in the course of speaking or writing : make reference -used with to
adverted to foreign-language sources
I love it when millionaires tell me when I can retire.
Ain't that something!
Trumps your president, deal with it. They are only millionaires because they have laundered billions through Ukraine back to themselves while young men die.
We all need to tell these millionaires of billionaires to get bent.
Social Security funds are the American workers money. Period. And that they’re not getting there dirty,sneaky, lying hands on it?
Right, those damn Greedy BILLIONAIRES who don't have 2 worry about paying bills, insurance, rent & buying Food....
They stay in office as long as they can ….getting paid.Dam disgraceful them getting raises and we deserve nothing !!!!!!!
What is wrong with these people?!? They are so far removed it’s incredible!!
They all are part of the "wealth class"...and the more $$ that can be legislated away from middle and lower-class Americans the more $$ the wealth class can have/keep/spend for itself!...but, hey, don't worry, just keep on scrolling! The average American's inattention to politics (its just toooo boring) over the past 70 years has allowed all this F.S.* to come to a head with "47"!
F.S.= Fornication Doodo
Delusional, detatached from reality.
No... they know exactly what their doing, most folks just can't see it.
Yeah cause they have a biggy bank to use and the. Say it’s drained
Gee, that’s how i feel about Rand Paul, stop giving him something for nothing! Cut his pay!
Wait a minute..government employees can retire at 55. But he wanted to make everyone else work till 70 to pay for their increase in benefits?
At 61 I work in the kitchen of a very large restaurant. Never get to sit down, always on the move between kitchen duties and working with dish (dishwashers). I love work, but my right foot, lower back and both knees are in constant pain. I can't imagine someone my age working a hard trade like construction having to wait 9 more years. These fools should either be voted out of office or be committed to hard labor for a few years. Then lets see if their opinion changes.
How can I work till 70 in corporate America I can’t even find a job at 58 with the discrimination going on !?🙄🙏
You must be white
Yeah only fast food will hire
"We can't be finding nobody!" Says every corporation. Yeah, "cow waste" is what I'm saying.
Retirement at 67 is already a challenge because it is almost impossible to get hired on your mid fifties already.
Raise the FICA cap! Everyone needs to pay to save it! Not just the poor/middle class. 🙃
Won't happen on Musk's watch.
Raise the FICA tax. If someone makes a million dollars a month, why should they keep paying into The system when you can only get $4873 A month and that is if you delay until the age of 70.
Cause I can guarantee if you’re making $1 million a month you’ve been using the other American people’s tax dollars to get that money in your pocket.
This is how.
By using all the roads and interstates system, and the other infrastructure and everything that everybody else has been paying for their whole working life.
That’s why you owe and have an obligation to the other people in this country to help support there SSI, SSDI, Medicare, unemployment and Workmen’s Compensation. You get it now.
Remove the CAP COMPLETELY, but I know it was the Damn RATPUBS Idea about the CAP, so they didn't pay into the system... They're not fooling anyone....
@@ChrisSadowski-pp1npI will Never see that kind of money in my SS CHECK....
According to the Society of Actuaries, the life expectancy of Americans has been declining since 2019 and is expected to continue to decline into the foreseeable future. This decline in life expectancy is unprecedented in any advanced economy. At the same time, the nation's wealthy want us to retire later. Incredible!
Pretty soon we'll be working until we die.
That's their plan.
There is already tons of seniors that do still in fact work and collect SS and have to until they die . It's super sad .
It's already happening
I just retired last year, am thinking I need to go back to work given what may be going on next year. SMGDH!
my boyfriend is 45 and has worked since age 12
Wow are they trying to work us to the bone. They should lower so American can enjoy our remaining life. I want to be able to enjoy life while I can still walk.
Know how you feel. I was disabled on the job.
@ my husband too.
Yes, disabled through your work is truly shameful whomever you worked for got their pound of flesh. I personally will sign any petition that will introduce a bill to tax people appropriately. Also need representation that truly cares and knows the system and will advocate for Social Security
Remember the Gilded Age was Trump's good ole times. Robber barrons, pollution, poisoned meat, unsafe working conditions, prison for those who "get out of line". And corruption on a grand scale. Trust me Tamany Hall was nothing compared to the swamp creatures now in power.
Time to get rid of Rand Paul and the other senators and other politicians who don't care about this
Wait till Elon Musk gets in there you want have any SS.
Rand Paul and others are wealthy and could care less about such proposal would have on senior citizens.
Whoever living in his state, Should
I know. Can you believe Paul and Munchman? West Virginia is a poor state. They should be voting for anything that might put some money in those peoples pockets.
I have been saying that 4 YEARS...but there r SOOOO many Ignorant & Gullible & Stupid here in America !!!!!!!!!
No one should be working at 70
@@brandon7913 im 67 and still working
especially in government.
No one should be "forced" to be working at 70, that's for sure.
No one is saying to work until 70. Just don’t collect until then.
@@johnscott2746 And this fact makes it any better to be told when you are able to collect your benefits? I don't think anyone would think so 🤔
I am so tired of people wanting to punish we the taxpayer for Congress not having their act together.
So politicians keep getting raise after raise but senior citizens are going to get cuts. Is that what you’re saying?
Under current rules when the trust fund is empty then they pay putbfrom what is coming in. Everyone gets roughly 78 percent. The can has been kicked down the road for many many years.
Those people should be voted out of office
I would like to see those politicians, who live pampered lives, step into the working man/women's shoes and then talk about increasing that age. Instead put the rate if its gonna be kept in place on income period regardless of source.
After about 55, it's hard to find and hold a job
You're not willing to live with 5 other people in a 1-bedroom apartment. That's the perceived issue.
So the 70yo could do heavy labor jobs when they can’t even bend their knees along with other ailments and illnesses
The vote was 93 against and 3 for. It would have raised the age to 70.
Some Republicans and all democrats will never vote for this. He crazy 70?????🤬🤬🤬
If I were to do things all over again, I would refuse to pay Social Security taxes, and I would save my own!
Unfortunately you can’t do that here unless you’re a railroad worker or maybe a public employee that has a pension that can skip the Social Security program.
@@hermancm Then you can go to congress and cry that the system is rigged against them and get SS benefits.
The country doesn’t allow middle class professionals work that long. Layoffs are killing that dream.
My teacher friends got their raise, and I'm happy for them. We need to work towards a raise for all, except the very wealthiest.
No. Don't raise retirement age.
Exactly ! Age 67 is old enough ! Don't raise the retirement age, period.
Tax the billionaires! 😡
Top 10 percent of people already pay 72 percent of the taxes. The other 90 percent of us pay only 28 percent of the income tax. They are being taxed.
Tax em? Come 2033 I think we should just appropriate 100% of their wealth... Tell em in American everyone's got to struggle.
Elon needs a special tax.
Biden suggested that..... And yall voted for the man that openly and loudly told the wealthy that they would be even more wealthy if he won... And now we will start to see what it truly means to have a haves vs have nots society... Classism at its finest... If you are not making more than $500,000 a year AFTER taxes, you will be one of the have nots... Republicans got yall to hate anyone not straight, white, male and Christian... but are the very ones trying to destroy social security....
If they are going to cut out Social Security, then they need to stop taking it out of our income or paychecks.
Many, many businesses either legally or illegally push their employees out around age 60, even force them out, or eliminate their position or redefine it with requirements they know the current employee does not have, or reduce the pay levels or make the positions part-time to avoid benefits to encourage employees to quit. The problem is - who will hire someone in their 60’s, when there are thousands of younger folks, clamoring for the few jobs. Some places don’t even hire people in their 50’s. So, what are people to do to survive for a decade with no income or one reduced to unlivable levels (don’t say that 60 year old professionals should all start working at McDonald’s or Walmart for pennies.) And also. this is the age when people most need Medicare (which is not available at age 60.) I know these politicians are thinking only of how to reduce spending in the short term, but are not considering the main question of how is a person to live in the gap between eligibility for Social Security and being employable. Not all of us have tons of savings, or stocks, and can exist on those for years. The rich will be fine, we know, no matter what the circumstances are- but most of us are not that wealthy.
Remove the FICA cap.
Over a period of 35 years, $270,000 has been CONFISCATED (not paid, not contributed, not a volunteer withholding) from my earnings. I turn 62 in 2027 with every intention to begin getting back what was taken from me. If the government bureaucrats insist on pushing the retirement age out to 70, then something is going to break. I believe that it is not necessary to go into details regarding the spectrum across which breakage will occur.
Let me understand this right those three can stay in the office until they die and they don’t do anything, but as hard-working people don’t wanna work all of our life, especially to the age of 70. Unbelievable.
Romans called it economic slavery
Social security is in jeopardy and they are giving government workers who already have fat pension more money. How dumb are the politicians more and more people might face a tough time in retirement. Low-paying jobs, inflation, and high rents make it hard to save. Now, middle-class Americans find it tough to own a home too, leaving them without a place to retire.
The increasing prices have impacted my plan to retire at 62, work part-time, and save for the future. I'm concerned about whether those who navigated the 2008 financial crisis had an easier time than I am currently experiencing. The combination of stock market volatility and a decrease in income is causing anxiety about whether I'll have sufficient funds for retirement.
This is precisely why I like having a portfolio coach guide my day-to-day market decisions: with their extensive knowledge of going long and short at the same time, using risk for its asymmetrical upside and laying it off as a hedge against the inevitable downward turns, their skillset makes it nearly impossible for them to underperform. I've been utilizing a portfolio coach for more than two years, and I've made over $800,000.
Could you kindly elaborate on the advisor's background and qualifications?
Annette Christine Conte is the licensed advisor I use and i'm just putting this out here because you asked. You can Just search the name. You’d find necessary details to work with to set up an appointment.
Thanks for sharing. I curiously searched for her full name and her website popped up immediately. I looked through her credentials and did my due diligence before contacting her.
Wow, politicians who fly into work on Monday to go to work and leave on Thursday. While the rest of us work 40-60 hours a week and some of us two jobs. Do you wonder why we’re worn out by 62 when they want us to wait till 70. I not like we sit on our ass in congress all day and get nothing done. And then head out for a drink. We are the people who make this country work.
Who's going work till 70 half are gone by then.
You do know that when SS was implemented, the life expectancy was 65, now it's 77.
Thats cotrect this quy is misleading everyone so you go along with it till its too late
@sctexan5392 if the government had not robbed fund for 60 years there would be eccess.. This guy is selling steer manure
@@sctexan5392 Everything I read says for women it's now 87.
@@waynemarter149 If your family lives into their 90s or hundreds, waiting is the smart move. Ed seems to lean more to FRA, not 70.
We will have to stand up for ourselves.
They don't have to raise the age to receive social security they just need to eliminate the cap on earnings to pay into FICA
They are not going to stop the monetary funnel from the rich to raise the cap.
@everettcalhoun8197 there rich enough they wouldn't even miss a few dollars to make social security benefits solvent permanently
Vote out Rand Paul! He a career politician who done nothing for the Americans! 62yo is enough! & not 70!
I want to retire at 62. I'm 60 now. My field is software engineering. Ageism is real. I fight it every interview I do. I want out of the game at this point. My resume' is stellar.
Hello and thanks for all you doing.
To be fair, Rand Paul said not to give people who are over the age of 65 money just because they have teenagers at home. These teenagers are not disabled and the workers are not disabled but they're getting money just because they're 65 and they have children. Well duh didn't they think that they'd still have to support their children in their old age? Talk about ice cream and unicorns!
I keep saying stop giving lawmakers something for nothing people shouldn't be paid for sitting on their ass complaining and doing nothing
Rand Paul is disappointing on so many levels. As a physician, he should understand better than most members of Congress that people who work manual labor jobs break down PHYSICALLY, much younger than 70.
His dad Ron was a libertarian, but also an OB/GYN, and somewhat decent when it came to these sort of issues. Ron didn't like the idea of torture, for example, and he sure would NOT have been OK with Trump not being held accountable for his actions, bringing in millionaires as advisors, etc.
And as an OB/GYN I doubt Ron would have been OK with the overturn of Roe.
But Rand? Rand is further to the right than his libertarian father in many ways, which is very weird.
Rand is also a guy who created his own separate ophthalmology board so he could take a test that he designed, rather than taking the standard recertification exam for his specialty, so there's that…
You're misinformed. Ron Paul spoke at pro life rallies. You are trying to label people.
Maybe money and power is more important than people to him and doesn't matter if he was a doctor or not.
@@michellebalnozan3972 -- In that case shame on Ron Paul as well, because (1) as an OB/GYN he should understand there are absolutely medically necessary times that a pregnancy must be terminated, and (2) he is old enough to have been practicing as an MD before Roe, and therefore be familiar with the sepsis wards full of young female patients that had to be maintained because of Backalley procedures, so he (3) should know that more women will die without access to termination on demand, and leave behind other children to be raised without a mother.
How do Mcconnel and Paul keep getting elected in Kentucky and being so powerful considering the small population of the state?
Easy, popular vote
@@JodizzleSlotRizznope gerimandering by the republicans
Southern Hospitality, y'all.
Uneducated electorate easy to control
Poorly educated population.
Tax the milioners and billionaires:If they raise Social Security age 70 how many years a person who got retirement will enjoying his retirement ??? Maybe year or two and die:Some people die and never have chance to enjoy his retirement:It is shame from our politicians:How about term limits for senators and representatives????Only two terms that all :
Well those congressmen can stay at their jobs until they are relics. They must think that all jobs are as easy as theirs. All they really have to do is get reelected by our dumb asses.
Don't think Americans will like this to much.
Mike Lee is my senator from Utah. I wish he would retire
Don’t vote for him make a campaign about this !
3% Unfairness Act.
Sadly, Mike Lee is my Senator and what he tried to do last minute to raise the SS age is totally and completely unacceptable! I used to be a big supporter of Lee, but he has been in Washington way too long and has lost touch with his constituents. There are a number of other options to keep SS whole, including removing limitations on Income contributions to SS. Shame on Lee and Paul for not being transparent and exploring all possible options before penalizing those that have contributed to SS for most their lives and need or want to retire at the current FRA.
Retirement age already raised to age 70. Guess we are expected to literally work until we drop dead on the job
Thank you for such steadfast commitment.
Rand after going to the congress gym and sauna and getting his perm done, and collecting his obscene pension telling working construction workers they have to wait to 70. This man should be Luigi fixed .
Enlisted military got screwed. Our social security was only paid on basic salary. The rest of your pay was not figured in for SS!!!
I just don't get what the drive is for politicians to hurt us old geezers...
Thank you Dr Ed for continuing your efforts to help people.
Our representatives in government need to be on the same Social Security plan as everyone else, that will create a condition where they will be making decisions in the best interest of the people.
Why do people let others decide who their retirement age should be. I decided that when I first started working that I wanted to, didn’t mean I was going to, be able to retire by at least by 55.
Raising the social security retirement age hits the American people in two ways. First, it forces most Americans to work longer, reducing the number of years of retirement available to be enjoyed and taking retirement away from many who will not live long enough to retire. Secondly, this will reduce the number of years our social security benefits can grow before macing out at age 70. If republicans raise the full retirement age from 67 to 68, then there will only be two years of annual 8% growth available instead of the three available today!!!! This will reduce the maximum benefit available significantly!!!!!
This move by republicans will devastate the American people, greatly increase poverty, and increase homelessness!!!!!
People that never worked a freaking hard day in their life ! So lets raise the age!
Social security fairness act? How stupid. Social security is in jeopardy and they are giving government workers who already have fat pension more money. How dumb are the politicians
Fat pension, huh? Tell us what this fat pension is. And these "fat pensions" came with skinny paychecks.
I’m a retired state worker receiving a pension which in no way is large. I paid into the social security system at my other jobs and meet guidelines to get it. People who collect private pensions were not affected or penalized by WEP and can collect their entire social security benefit that they are entitled to. Why shouldn’t we get ours as well?? It’s also not 90% like I keep hearing. It’s based on the year you turned 62, years worked and the age you retire.
@@sallythibodeaux7992what they are talking about is the formula to figure your benefit. They use your AIME (average indexed monthly earnings) and apply a formula to it. About the first $1000 is counted at 90%. The problem was that for people with a pension , their benefit was being calculated like they were a low income worker who had worked for 35 years. So they reduced the percentage on a scale to around 40%. The law that was passed removed this .
That is because private pensions still paid social security on wages
@@catherinekuntz8306 Again, ignorance. I have a state pension and i am paying SS.
Why don't high salary incomes have to pay into SS but they get to have benefits when they retire...HOW IS THAT FAIR!?
Where are you getting that data?
@@angelasmith1112 In 2024, the Social Security tax limit was $168,600, meaning people who earned more than that amount were not required to pay the tax. The tax limit in 2023 was $160,200. In 2025, the maximum taxable earnings limit is rising to $176,100. Any current worker earning up to this amount will be required to pay the Social Security tax of 6.2% on their income each for both employees and employers.
I'm not sure why it's SHOCKING since Rand and his dad Ron have been talking about this for years.
If that bill only applied to congress and made it mandatory for all elected officials to retire at 70... I'd get on board with that.
The wealthiest of Americans do not pay a fair share of taxes.
One specific entitlement, namely the tax cap, is a huge problem.
Always going to be a budget shortfall because Congress refuses to force the wealthy to pay the same tax percentage as the middle class.
FYI: Trump cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans.
He said doing this would cause a trickle down effect leading to greater prosperity.
The wealthiest did acheive greater prosperity because they were given a sweet deal on taxation.
The trickle down effect is Trump pissing down our backs and telling us it's raining.
Now we got DOGE run by Musk. this is going to be catastrophic for the middle class.
Ronald Reagan did the same damn thing in1984! Reduced income taxes for the rich from 90% to 35% and raised income taxes on the middle class from 10% to 30%. And his reasoning was it would trickle down to the middle class. Voodoo economics! Same old games. Different time.
It wasn’t a good plan for the start. That being said we need people with legitimate retirement knowledge to fix it.
By your comment that eliminates you from the solutions to the issue. SS has been the primary reason this country has maintained a dominant presence in the world. There is no better program for confiscating earnings to be immediately injected into the economy.
Yes. They need to redo the calculation for these civil servants who have paid in. Why should they get a 90% give back with a government pension. We straight SS recipients get 40 to 50% reimbursement. Plus some genius thru in a year retro activeThey must really believe straight SS recipients are stupid. We are not. Fix this. Very biased . government taking care of their own.
cut the salaries of the senators and representatives to a low five figure. MAKE THEM work for it
For what?
You are providing a great service, sir!
NO, not fair to make people work until they are gone, and then can't collect!!!
QUIT Giving THEM? Something For Nothing? Thats RICH coming from THAT Direction!
I’m sure that given a choice, most workers would have chosen to keep their FICA deductions and invest it themselves.
@sharyn4271 yeah they would think it's Great to lose 1/2 at Every downturn of the market and have their employer have their account in a "Blackout" period (2009 by switching companies) until the markets had came back up. Was a GREAT Time.
I've lived most of my life barely making ends meet. I doubt I would have even had a clue how to invest that if I had the choice. The money would have gone to children's shoes and other basic needs that often were not met. I'm 73 now and I would be homeless and hungry if not for Social Security. FDR was a great man figuring out how people could maintain their dignity once they could no longer work.
This is totally messed up. Why are people with pensions going to get all this money, and continue to collect SS? While people that don't have pensions get none of that and they get no decent raise? A lot of people on SS is their only income, and its peanuts. I don't think this is fair at all.
Why didn’t you work for a state, city, county or federal career with a pension-at least now tell your kids and grandkids
Money can be saved into a 401k, Roth IRA, brokerage investment account, high yield saving account to help with the social security benefits.
Eliminate the income ceiling for S. S. tax contributions!
I'm 66 & will take it this April, mechanic since high-school, my fingers are worn out.
I am 66 also.when will my ssdi turn to retirement. This is crazy
So you are telling me that in ten years when I am 80 years old I will be receiving 21% less dollars. When I will probably need the money more due to age related issues, I will have less money to live on. You have to love our government. Do our politicians make payments to social security? What kind of retirement do politicians get?
I guess this means I will have to sell my home, move to the country and raise chickens and my own food, oh wait, I too old for that now. I guess I can move to a 3rd world country, if they will send my SS check there.
Raise it to 100 for that matter... but give everyone owed the option to cash out what they already paid in. If Congress hadn't already spent all of our contributions to line their corrupt pockets, everyone would be retiring at 55 to 60 years of age.
That doesn't work. The majority of people in America are going to get more out of Social Security than they put in. If you let the upper middle class, a small percentage no more than 10% of all, and the wealthy cash out, then the rest are going to really be left high and dry.
Thank you! I've been saying this. Like the lottery payouts. An option to take the annuity payments or lump sum. I'd take the lump sum myself.
Nobody’s SS check will be cut. We just need to stop all of the waste in govt & invest some of that savings into SS. Yes we need to raise the cap & raise the retirement age by at least 1 year. If we can put billions into Ukraine & billions into green energy then why can’t we put billions into SS too? And stop the scare tactics about privatization.
I totally Agree with you,Sir
Politicians are very Smart and intelligent..... most of the time they serve their PURPOSES first and then us Americans
Many injustices have occurred financially. Please do give individuals and couples enough to live on and enough to fix a flat tire, pay someone to mow the lawn or help with elderly care. This keeps people out of Assisted Living which is excessively expensive for people to pay for. Assisted living can be several thousand dollars while SS Income is less than $2,000 for many. We need enough to pay for help when we do need it.
Didn’t France just try this! Average age of death is 76.
I was a single mom, on SSDI now. I have no home to pass down so my daughters 44 and 42 will need SS. Raise the FICA cap.
How many people over 65 are still working? 😳 Isn't there a problem with "agism" in corporate "America"? What kind of job will someone age 68 look for???
Raise the retirement to 70 is the easy way out.NO WAY
This is crock of BS…. Just pay me out what I paid in and stop taking more of my money and I’ll freaking disappear
Actually raising the retirement age is a good idea. As well as lowering the minimum with a stiff reduction to 60 or so and the max with increased benefits to perhaps 75. Medicare to 60 or so with an appropriate increase in tax rate. SSA does not fit current retirement age ranges well, and there are serious difficulties in doing so before 65 unless you have a lot saved. A lot of people are worn out by 60.
No 70 is ridiculous ! Time for these politicians to be gone out of our government. They are out of touch ! Cut his pension and stop insider trading and lobbying! See how fast they change tgeir mind. Oh and term limits !
Remove the cap on earning. Get all the deadbeats off SSI.
SSI isn't funded from the SS fund genius. It's not an either or. Stop being a dick about people with disabilities they're not the problem, the rich robber barons like Elon Musk want you to think that and being a schmuck you fell for it.
It’s coming soon in Washington! Stay turned.
Remove the cap on the FICA tax. But don't let them divide us into hating on those who collect SSI and think of them as deadbeats. They will harm everyone, including the innocents.
Well said. SSI is a disgrace-taxpayers being baby daddies for millions of fatherless children and a free retirement pension for millions of aged foreigners made US citizens the second they turn 65. Disgusting. Time to take SSI AWAY.
How about all the wages be social security taxable.
A lot of people have been paying into Social Security for 45 plus years, myself included. Also keep in mind some do get more out then they paid in, but some pay in for years then die before they collect a cent so there is some balance.
They need to leave it right where it is, period !
Stop raising the age of retirement those of us that's work paid in and now ready to retire.
Many of our coworkers died by 40s - 60s. Most when getting wonderful MEDICARE Advantage Plans denying their Lifesaving Treatment, claiming also their plan is suddenly not for those to go to Nursing Home or Hospise or stay in the Hospital for 1 day extra for what they approved was outpatient surgery... This might really make me crying as Angel Rand Paul or his father are Doctors who want to cut your healthy lifespan without FICA TAXES ON BILLIONAIRE AND MILLIONAIRE CEOs...
Thank you for the update. 👍🙏
quit giving social security to those who never contributed to the fund!
How did they get by with that? Did not even contribute!!
Like who?
Thank-you Dr. Weir for the knowledge you bring to us.