The Last Briton

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Reading:
    Brooke, Peter. “India, Post-Imperialism and the Origins of Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ Speech.” The Historical Journal, vol. 50, no. 3, 2007, pp. 669-87.
    Corthorn Paul, Enoch Powell: Politics and Ideas in Modern Britain, Oxford, 2019.
    Cosgrave, Patrick, The Lives of Enoch Powell, Bodley Head, 1989.
    Huxley, Herbert H. “John Enoch Powell and Vergil, ‘Aeneid’ 6. 86-87.” Vergilius (1959-), vol. 44, 1998, pp. 24-27.

Комментарии • 334

  • @ApostolicMajesty
    @ApostolicMajesty  7 месяцев назад +53

    If you enjoyed this video, please like and leave a comment. It helps the channel a lot. Many thanks.

    • @yato329
      @yato329 7 месяцев назад +1

      Have you considered appearing on academic agents show?

    • @mmjohns2705
      @mmjohns2705 7 месяцев назад +2

      You’re by far my favourite historian, be it internet or otherwise. Your clarity and above all knowing and being aware of your own angle of view is truly inspiring and towers above anything or anyone modern.

    • @73elephants
      @73elephants 6 месяцев назад +1

      I certainly *_am_* enjoying this essay, thank you very much!

    • @jimbrown6015
      @jimbrown6015 6 месяцев назад +1

      Really enjoyed this talk. Have lived in N Ireland all my life and am from a Unionist background. Fascinating that Powell's unionism was shaped by what he seen as US interference in the internal affairs of the UK. Fair play to Powell for standing by us over here when so many were willing and still are to sell us out

  • @user-qm7nw7vd5s
    @user-qm7nw7vd5s 7 месяцев назад +94

    Fascinating. Great Britain has produced such towering intellect, and yet their gifts lay unopened…

    • @bigthunder7002
      @bigthunder7002 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@aethelwulfwarlord1475 worse than that, purchased and sold to the highest bidder to be used against the peoples. Now.. who owns you?

    @FRANKMUSIKOFFICIAL 7 месяцев назад +232

    He didn’t offend the public. He offended the regime.

  • @LadyOfShaIott
    @LadyOfShaIott 7 месяцев назад +328

    Superb analysis of a man who was not only a political giant, but a professor of Greek at the age of 25, an army brigadier at 32, a biblical scholar, a poet and a devoted family man. Powell was my grandparents’ MP, for the Ulster Unionists in South Down. I think he understood Ulster Unionism in a way Margaret Thatcher never did. He repeatedly counselled caution in her dealings with the Irish government in Dublin and, rightly, saw the Anglo-Irish Agreement of 1985 as a betrayal of the Union. Notably Powell also introduced measures, via a Private Members Bill in 1985, to oppose experimentation on human embryos. The Bill was inevitably hijacked by pro-life and pro-abortion lobbies and received backing from the churches and opposition from the scientific community. The scientific community thought all decisions on experimentation should be left to a ‘panel of experts’ - sound familiar? However Powell’s intention, stated at the Bill’s second reading, was to ensure it would be ‘unlawful for a human embryo created in vitro fertilisation to be used as the subject of experiment or, indeed, in any other way for any other purpose except to enable a woman to bear a child’. Once again, Powell had an eye to the future and our obligations to the generations that follow us. For anyone interested in reading more about Powell, I’d recommend Simon Heffer’s biography ‘Like The Roman’ which is a meticulous study of the great man’s life.

    • @lokenontherange
      @lokenontherange 7 месяцев назад +18

      Yeah but he read a letter once of an upset civilian so he's evil. /s

    • @goyonman9655
      @goyonman9655 7 месяцев назад +2

      I knew you'd comment aa your family alwaus thought highly of Powell

    • @LadyOfShaIott
      @LadyOfShaIott 7 месяцев назад +25

      @@goyonman9655 Yes. It was quite something for them to have a man of the stature of Powell as their MP. My grandparents were not educated people - like many of their generation they were forced to leave school at age 14 to go to work in not very glamorous jobs. They were in awe of someone as erudite and articulate as Powell. Sadly the really smart people don’t go into politics now, it has become the domain of mid-wits and worse, and we are all paying the price for that.

    • @goyonman9655
      @goyonman9655 7 месяцев назад

      I always say it
      The worst invention of western civillization is the midwit
      A shit byproduct of a high intellectual tradition

    • @padraic1649
      @padraic1649 7 месяцев назад +8

      The historian Camilla Schofield wrote that “Powell’s postcolonial nationalism relied on an obsessive preoccupation with community decline and victimhood”. If there was one community that really did not need an outsider to amplify its sense of decline and victimhood, it was Ulster Protestantism.
      Powell’s antagonism towards immigrants and his animosity towards British membership of the EU had the same emotional root: the terror that, together, they would deprive the British, not of an identity they could live for, but of one they would die for.
      “The breath which condemns submission to laws this nation has not made,” he wrote in 1977, “condemns submission to scales of value which this nation had not willed. To both sorts of submission I ascribe the haunting fear, which I am sure I am not alone in feeling, that we, the British, will soon have nothing left to die for... Patriotism is to have a nation to die for, and to be glad to die for it - all the days of one’s life.”
      This death wish leads, for unionism, to a dead end. Powell, in that infamous speech in 1968, said that allowing dark immigrants to come to England was “like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre”.
      That feverishly imagined funeral pyre is all that Powell and his followers had to warm themselves by. There is a perverse kind of pleasure in this self-destructive rhetoric - the worse things get, the more right the prophet of extinction proves to be.
      The problem with a death wish is that the closer you come to getting what you want, the nearer you are to self-annihilation. Brexit has realised Powell’s dream, but at the cost, for his followers in Northern Ireland, of undermining the hope of an open, forward-looking union on which their collective future depends.
      What remains is the politics of self-pity and an endless railing against the very conditions you yourself have brought into being. If you follow a cruel ghost, you should not be surprised that he leads you into a chilly afterlife.

  • @basicallywellfed3453
    @basicallywellfed3453 7 месяцев назад +40

    He was the last Briton. God save us from.our future having rejected him.

  • @incurableromantic4006
    @incurableromantic4006 7 месяцев назад +92

    Quite simply the greatest Prime Minister we never had. A patriot who put his beliefs ahead of his career, and has been proved 100% correct.

    • @davedavid1052
      @davedavid1052 6 месяцев назад

      Oswald Mosley*

    • @ThomasPrior-wv6zn
      @ThomasPrior-wv6zn 4 месяца назад


    • @phonotical
      @phonotical 13 дней назад

      He couldn't get elected if he ever stood and he knew it

  • @bearsagainstevil
    @bearsagainstevil 7 месяцев назад +157

    I had the good luck to have about a hour long conversation with Enoch Powell he was giving a talk on Russian history in Bristol and we both got there early.
    We mainly talked about Roman and Russian history, one thing he said was for years he had both labour and conservative MPs come up to him in private saying they agreed with his prognosis of where mass immigration would take us , but not to tell anyone.
    He found this very funny the cowardice , he also thought that partition might happen in the uk .
    He was very sure history would prove he had been right .
    A very brilliant man , also l thought a very nice gentleman very honest it was a honour to have met him

    • @atomm3331
      @atomm3331 7 месяцев назад

      Russia currently is not the answer. Their abortion rates alone show the disgusting decline of that society. I blame it on the ongoing affects of communism but they have done nothing to reverse it. They’re weak

    • @rideforever
      @rideforever 7 месяцев назад +5

      Which indicates that the true problem is that Britain had to return to a more physical type of existence -manufacturing- because MPs had become physical cowards and as such could not make any useful decisions.
      A return to the workshop of the world - the last known good position compatible with the current scale of the country after the loss of so much.
      But instead decision makers tried to kick the can down the road and so did nothing.

    • @joelpacheco7360
      @joelpacheco7360 7 месяцев назад +2

      Partition is preferable to be subsumed by 3rd world masses and the slums they bring with them.

    • @RoseSharon7777
      @RoseSharon7777 6 месяцев назад +2

      The Book of Daniel and Jeremiah speak about this immigration into Europe. Daniel 2 and Jeremiah 31. The 10 toes of the great Statue that Daniel the prophet interpreted for King of Babylon, Nebecednezzer. The 10 toes of iron (Holy Roman Empire - Christian Europe Kings) would mix with clay (seed of men- other nations). This giant statue is destroyed when a mountain cut without hands (God himself) strikes the image at its feet of 10 toes and the whole thing is destroyed into millions of pieces like chaff in the wind; then the mountain grows and fills the whole earth. Meaning the end of the 6k year reign of evil over the earth and men will learn war no more. Spears will be made into pruning hooks for harvesting and swords beaten into plowshares. And nations will not lift up sword against nations. Peace on earth, FINALLY. But its a hell of a bumpy ride getting there as we are entering now this last great war of ALL time. Its either the greatest time to be alive and witness, or the most horrific time to exist in all human history. 😮

  • @royalirishranger1931
    @royalirishranger1931 6 месяцев назад +23

    My farther knew him in Northern Ireland and stated he reminded him of the biblical figure Elijah. I regret I was to young at the time and never met him. He was most certainly a very great man, the likes of which I doubt will walk amongst us again for a very long time if every.

  • @2085x
    @2085x 4 месяца назад +9

    ENOCH POWELL a Great British citizen, a Legend, A man that time has proven right, a politician with Greatness, a man who should have been listened to, RIP Enoch Powell.

  • @masscreationbroadcasts
    @masscreationbroadcasts 7 месяцев назад +175

    Enoch Powell underestimated the problem.
    Being ruled is less severe than being destroyed from the inside by your own rulers and your history erased.

    • @Pinkdam
      @Pinkdam 7 месяцев назад +8

      You may like the writings of his 'American counterpart' - I use the term loosely, but the similarities are striking - Revilo Pendleton Oliver, which are almost all on the web; Oliver if anything overestimated the problem, but his application of a great classicist's mind to the problems facing our civilisation, and the erudition with which he wrote, put him alongside Powell.

    • @Angrychan
      @Angrychan 6 месяцев назад

      What you did to Indians LMAO CRY

    • @alexandradane3672
      @alexandradane3672 6 месяцев назад +1

      It’s exactly what he predicted ….albeit discreetly ?

      @MIKE_THE_BRUMMIE 4 месяца назад

      "camop of the saints" great book but underestimates the problem but over estimates the response

  • @OhYeah32
    @OhYeah32 6 месяцев назад +12

    Enoch Powell was much loved by the Public . Unfortunately he and the Public were silenced . Enoch was the best prime Minister we never had

  • @Trolloxfayce
    @Trolloxfayce 7 месяцев назад +16

    Fantastic work as always, the slings and arrows this man has had to endure, in life and sadly on into death, has/is a mark of shame on this nation.
    Thank you AM.

  • @hugor1338
    @hugor1338 7 месяцев назад +33

    Which just leaves the question of who is to be The Next Briton. Thank you AM.

  • @LordEriolTolkien
    @LordEriolTolkien 7 месяцев назад +74

    My mother gave birth to me the year his famous speech was given. She regularly, and with wry chagrin, affirms he was right. I couldn't be more proud.

  • @Sir_punchwood
    @Sir_punchwood 6 месяцев назад +20

    This is soul crushing to listen to. I am melancholic.

    • @ronlipsius
      @ronlipsius 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, melancholy is in the wings.

  • @thadtuiol1717
    @thadtuiol1717 7 месяцев назад +107

    By the age of 11, Powell was reading the New Testament in Latin and Greek for bedtime reading. Do you think any of the intellectual and moral pygmies in politics today did that?

    • @kylethedalek
      @kylethedalek 6 месяцев назад +2

      Why would he buy in to religion?
      They all say the same or very similar things.

    • @Lytton333
      @Lytton333 6 месяцев назад +6

      @@kylethedalek As do aetheists.
      The observation is a trivial truism.

    • @eteline_music
      @eteline_music 5 дней назад +1

      Politicians are (at best) mediocre nowadays because they don't have to be anything else

  • @TheSound0fLegends
    @TheSound0fLegends 6 месяцев назад +22

    I've been very fortunate to find your channel. Looking at history in granular levels and in a long format I consider it to be the finest of public contributions to our society.
    I applaud your contribution.

  • @chrisseymour2848
    @chrisseymour2848 7 месяцев назад +20

    How can one man be maligned by so many and yet be right about so much?

  • @wiggawithattitude
    @wiggawithattitude 7 месяцев назад +86

    He is a prime example of someone who's been character assassinated in the most abhorrent manner in order to suit a terrible narrative. It was only when I actually looked into this that I realised it was all lies. I looked forward to watching this in full soon.

    • @K_-_-_-_K
      @K_-_-_-_K 6 месяцев назад +3

      Same sentiment can be extended to Moseley.
      Different ends of the spectrum, similar conclusions.

    • @wiggawithattitude
      @wiggawithattitude 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@K_-_-_-_K yeah I don't know much about Mosley bar the mainstream line, but I'm willing to bet that there's probably a lot of lies there.

    • @K_-_-_-_K
      @K_-_-_-_K 6 месяцев назад +3

      @@wiggawithattitude there's a Thames television interview on youtube a decade before his death, worth a watch.
      His predictions about what Britain would become post war were pretty accurate.

  • @Pinkdam
    @Pinkdam 7 месяцев назад +21

    "People observing the advance of anarchy call for more police, more punishment, more force. These may indeed be necessary; but in themselves they are impotent - in fact, they can become additional weapons in the enemy's armoury - unless the battle is simultaneously fought and won in the moral sphere. The decisive act is to put sense and nonsense, truth and absurdity, back into their right places; and that act is already so difficult that conventional wisdom and polite society have come to regard it as impossible. Have you ever wondered, perhaps, why opinions which the majority of people quite naturally hold are, if anyone dares express them publicly, denounced as 'controversial', 'extremist'. 'explosive', 'disgraceful' and overwhelmed with a violence and venom quite unknown to debate on mere political issues? It is because the whole power of the aggressor depends upon preventing people from seeing what is happening and from saying what they see."
    - Powell, Birmingham, 13th June 1970

  • @georgesdelatour
    @georgesdelatour 6 месяцев назад +6

    I remember a TV appearance of Powell on a panel programme. The panelists were asked who they thought was the best British Prime Minister of the 20th Century. Powell immediately replied "Lord Salisbury". I can't remember his full explanation for why he chose Salisbury. He said something to the effect that Salisbury understood our position in the world better than any other 20th century Prime Minister.

  • @zoidberg444
    @zoidberg444 7 месяцев назад +24

    Powell was the MP for the constituency I grew up in. Wolverhampton South West. My grandfather voted for him. Oddly enough in my home town many of the old sahibs didn't have a bad word to say about him even though he was supposed to be the most evil racist ever.

    • @aclark903
      @aclark903 7 месяцев назад +1

      I think that context is important. Wolverhampton & the West Midlands were diverse earlier than most places outside London.

    • @zoidberg444
      @zoidberg444 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@aclark903 Indeed. Immediately after the war we got Italians and Poles. Followed by Indians - many of them tended to be either from Punjab or were Kenyan or Ugandan Asians who had been the middle class in those countries. We also got Windrush from Jamaica and Barbados. Many of these populations within Wolverhampton are already 3rd or 4th generation immigrants but we continued to get waves of new immigrants.
      Very strange place. Wolverhampton at one point had some quite sophisticated industry so you had the management and technical staff who ran these companies as well as the low end metal bashers. It was one of the constituencies which has been ahead of the curve in terms of what the elite intended to do to the country and where it was going as a result. I grew up in the most ghetto part of the town. At my primary school when we played cricket in the summer we could generally play England Vs India Vs West Indies Vs Pakistan if you want an idea of the demographics.

  • @bob_0146
    @bob_0146 7 месяцев назад +31

    Haven't watched this yet. Praying it stays up

  • @nathanbraidman5372
    @nathanbraidman5372 6 месяцев назад +6

    Enoch Powell was a 20th century Titan. After he died in 1998 the Daily Telegraph wrote that "Enoch Powell will survive more surely than any other British politician of the 20th century except Winston Churchill." When the confused citizens of the 21st century seek answers to their desperate predicament "they will find in the writings of Enoch Powell something approaching their Bible."

  • @johnyoung8727
    @johnyoung8727 7 месяцев назад +21

    I had the good fortune of purchasing a portrait of this great man. It hangs proudly in our living room. What a goliath.

    • @larrythomas3623
      @larrythomas3623 6 месяцев назад

      Goliath? A boastful giant who a boy knocked down with a pebble then beheaded?

    • @johnyoung8727
      @johnyoung8727 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@larrythomas3623 Grow up Man !

    • @londongirl1733
      @londongirl1733 2 месяца назад

      We are betrayed as a people and he saw it coming!

    • @johnyoung8727
      @johnyoung8727 2 месяца назад +1

      @@londongirl1733 Absolutely! !

  • @BearsArms45
    @BearsArms45 7 месяцев назад +12

    Wonderfully told, and with all the grandeur of the elite English vocabulary I’ve come to expect from the pillars of British thought.
    I am more of a philosophical simpleton. In my simple opinion, I can sum up all that you’ve so thoughtfully extolled in the common, laymen’s phrase:
    “Enoch was right”

    • @larrythomas3623
      @larrythomas3623 6 месяцев назад

      Now there's some Babu English for you 🤣

  • @RainBird88x
    @RainBird88x 7 месяцев назад +18

    It's amazing that immigration has been an issue for over 60 years, and we still think that it can be solved through the ballot box.

  • @MichaelKennedy-tr1xc
    @MichaelKennedy-tr1xc 7 месяцев назад +9

    thank you for an excellent narrative on this amazing individual. A politician who represents his electorate is sadly a thing of the past.

  • @darrenrenna
    @darrenrenna 7 месяцев назад +7

    This is the first of your videos I have seen, thank you for this thoughtful and very well researched work on a figure in need of revisiting.

  • @23Revan84
    @23Revan84 7 месяцев назад +14

    I love the UK and its people. It bothers me that the U.S. empire sought to dismantle it. In turn it has caused lots and lots of chaos.
    I always respected Powell, he spoke truth and was the man the UK needed. Sadly his time has passed and I feel they missed an opportunity to turn the UK around.

    • @thadtuiol1717
      @thadtuiol1717 7 месяцев назад +2

      We were back stabbed by you lot as far back as 1770 (not 1776). I won't forgive or forget, Billy Yank.

    • @23Revan84
      @23Revan84 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@thadtuiol1717 I am not a Yank, sorry try again. 😂

    • @mrror8933
      @mrror8933 7 месяцев назад

      The US made the choice to back Germany after 1945, also in a way as to screw Britain over: The Marshall Plan.

    • @thesecondsilvereich7828
      @thesecondsilvereich7828 6 месяцев назад +2

      American empire is showing the roman sights of diversity n inflation that will lead to decline

    • @JagdDachshund
      @JagdDachshund 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@thadtuiol1717as a yank aka texan, it wasnt us who dteslryed you from the inside it, it was the Ashkenazi Jews, i have to type weird becuase my comments have been bannwd from RUclips.

  • @simpso0ns
    @simpso0ns 3 месяца назад +3

    Enoch was the greatest british politician ever . Period .
    And in addition a very great man of many talents and an intellectual giant .
    Its unfortunate that he upset the establishment and they destroyed his political career as he could not be controlled by the internationalists .
    An asian muslim british doctor.

    • @NK-ot5tc
      @NK-ot5tc 23 дня назад

      According to Powell, you will never be British. (There may be a very slim possibility but it is very rare)

  • @evolassunglasses4673
    @evolassunglasses4673 7 месяцев назад +31

    Wonderful AM.
    M osley years after WW2 saw the growing power of the Global American Empire and argued for "Europe the Nation" as Britain's and Continental Europe's best chance to brake free from "American occupation".

    • @nickporter574
      @nickporter574 7 месяцев назад

      Yea...that was tried but the Bolsheviks won. America betrayed Europe. Now Europe is f'ed.

    • @fortunatomartino8549
      @fortunatomartino8549 7 месяцев назад

      Britian was already occupied on a governmental level
      The cabal is behind it all

    • @browngreen933
      @browngreen933 7 месяцев назад

      Herr Schnurrbart argued for that before WW2. 😮

    • @tTantPisForFrance
      @tTantPisForFrance 6 месяцев назад +1

      American occupation isn't a problem. All the Americans can force on us is beef burgers. They are racially and culturally Anglo-Saxon Christians and are not a threat to the racial and cultural make up of the UK or any other European nation.
      Now compare this to importing millions of Africans and Asians and erecting thousands of mosques all over our lands and letting them make 4 or 5 babies per generation.

  • @Dionaea_floridensis
    @Dionaea_floridensis 7 месяцев назад +5

    This has been immensely fascinating and illuminating as an American. I'll admit my hamburger brain got confused at times but ill definitely come back to this!

  • @josephwurzer4366
    @josephwurzer4366 7 месяцев назад +19

    Yes “the Dutch Coup in 1688” this was a COUP!

    • @skadiwarrior2053
      @skadiwarrior2053 7 месяцев назад +4

      Glorious Revolution/Dutch Coup; pick your side.

    • @max__pain
      @max__pain 7 месяцев назад +2

      (((Dutch))) coup

    • @davidcollins2648
      @davidcollins2648 7 месяцев назад

      The house of Orange would be followed by the Orange revolution in Ukraine only to have the "orange man (bad!) inflicted on the world in 2016. Orange you curious?

    • @johnisaacfelipe6357
      @johnisaacfelipe6357 6 месяцев назад +1

      Not dutch, it was the coup de grace of the monarchy by the parliament

    • @truthforfreedom.3796
      @truthforfreedom.3796 5 месяцев назад

      It was a coup by the Vatican

  • @malicant123
    @malicant123 6 месяцев назад +8

    This was probably the last, best chance to save Britain. However, I think it was over after WW2.

    • @Seminal_Ideas
      @Seminal_Ideas 6 месяцев назад +4

      Excellent analysis. By entering the fight in 1939 we set in motion the decline and eventual fall of Great Britain.

    • @BirdsfromHuntingdon
      @BirdsfromHuntingdon 6 месяцев назад

      We’re not done just yet.

    • @Zadir09
      @Zadir09 Месяц назад

      it will rise again. To heights unimaginable and then will collapse. Read Apocalypse 17 and Isaias 23: 15-18. Apocalypse references the first Queen Elizabeth who started the empire. Who if you know history, stood for 48 hours and refused to go to her bedchamber after seeing something that horrified her. She passed shortly after. What could have horrified her to that level that she would say: “if you had seen what I had just, you wouldn’t go in there either” Yes she said this. Now read Apocalypse 18:7 “As much as she hath glorified herself, and hath been in delicacies, so much give her torment and mourning: because she saith in her heart: I sit a queen, and a widow I am not, and mourning I shall not see” Verse 8 is even more depressing: and as it said a plague did come immediately after her reign. Death and mourning. Famine. Then later a great fire (Reign of Charles II). Even if you hate all religion, but know English history, read apocalypse 17 and 18. Original translation from Greek from the 1580s
      in Isaiah the “King” is QE2 who reigned, as the book literally says 70 years. And again as is written, it was a time of peace and prosperity. Remember a Queen Regnant is a synonym for King . Soon we are going to see the other elements of Isaiah 23:17-18 begin to manifest and we will see London become the harlot city that fulfills the description of the Revelation 17 harlot city as “Babylon the Great” as the “Woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, gilded with gold, peals, and precious stones. Holding a golden cup in her hand.” (John may have mistaken the orb as a cup, or it is reference to the chalice and sacrament the COE changed) Her forehand had “Mystery: Babylon the Great” written on it. St. john actually said he was struck with awe after which an angel asked “Why do you marvel?” It was explained how the riches were gained.
      Her profits will be sacred to the LORD and He will give them to those who dwell with Him - in Jerusalem. The connection is that Jerusalem experienced a period of 70 years as well. Jerusalem has been described as a harlot city. In 2 Chronicles 21:11, 13, Jeremiah 2:20 and Isaiah 1:21 Jerusalem is specifically described as a harlot city for following after all manner of ways that are not of the LORD. (Not today’s Jerusalem City, the original centuries and centuries back)
      This resulted in the Southern Kingdom with Jerusalem as its capital city experiencing captivity for 70 years in the Babylonian Empire. At the end of the 70 years, they were allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple that had been destroyed. But it didn’t take long for harlotries to resume and The Land was overrun again and again by the various Empires through the centuries
      The Old Empire was a “great trading city” situated “on the waters” who gained her riches immorally and was “drunk on the blood of martyrs” martyrs of either denomination.
      Christians are not permitted to murder unless in defense. These Prots and Caths were earnestly committed and were of no threat to life. Henry, Mary, Edward, and Elizabeth Tudor and her councilors did just that. I don’t care really centuries later, but it did happen that way. The royals today are NOT the issue either as they are decoys, as they have become “caged” as well after William of orange was forced to surrender prerogative over the right to issue currency to a private bank.
      Elizabeth was female and had to rely on a totally different set of skills to accomplish what an Empress must. (“England was declared to be and always have been an Empire” as the text said and was made law under the parliament of Henry the 8th. and global conquest really began with her) She also reversed laws on charging massive interest on loans. Prior to Henry the 8ths “conversion” this was illegal as well. You were not allowed to charge interest. Edward VI, the little boy, again banned it declaring it an “odious and most deceptive practice”. Elizabeth didn’t have that absolute stability in her right to the throne. And she was raised to put her nation above all else, what a terrible spot to be in! So she again, repealed the law under financial pressure.
      These verses imo are in reference to the city corporation of london. Not the UK or its constituent realms and kingdoms. But it may be worth looking at the financial practices of the bank of england/federal reserve (they operate in unison)
      And the British Gov proposed the NZ AU CA UK union of some type just this past year and I guarantee we will approve it. “Which has not yet come” (as of paul’s writing) The 8th will be of the 7th (empire)”
      The United Kingdom under Solomon
      The British Empire
      --------- we are here ------
      I suspect the next will be an official unification of the Anglo-American empire as our military (who is the foundation of any state, is once again more or less one)
      And the US/UK wherever, are NOT bad people. It’s specifically in relation to a walled city in one of those places. That practices a specific type of monitory policy which now almost all nations do. It may be why Hernry 8th was so fervent about changing latin prayer to English. The our father in latin translates to, “forgive us our DEBTS as we forgive those INDEBTED to us”. See some connections here too or am I insane?
      I might be nuts, but can we try not to follow the end times scripture word for word as a manual. It’s stressful. Why even mess with things like that?
      And the biggest tragedy is that everyone involved seems to believe they are doing the right thing. Not seeing the consequences later on.

  • @tatenokaienjoyer
    @tatenokaienjoyer 7 месяцев назад +14

    This was an absolutely incredible video! Keep uo the good work!

  • @dramares
    @dramares 7 месяцев назад +11

    The last of many great men.

  • @lindsaytwort8655
    @lindsaytwort8655 6 месяцев назад +2

    Highly intelligent and highly educated. My husband would say over and over, this man is the last true Patriot of England. He was ahead of his time, but no one would listen. Now the tide is turning in Europe very quickly, many have warned us including Douglas Murray and his book on The death of Europe. What are we going to do about it?

    • @golfbulldog
      @golfbulldog 6 месяцев назад +1

      If we are going to be British, ie. abide by the rule of law, in our response to the challenge of losing our native cultural heritage in an attempt to be inclusive to a global menagerie of cultures, then we must use laws, new laws. We would need to pass laws which make it inconvenient for immigrants to not assimilate to British ways of life. Similar laws have been passed in Europe before; can the British people be so outraged by the current decline to approach voting for a party which would pass those laws. I am considering no foreign ownership of media, no foreign ownership of property (or at least key iconic areas of British life which are currently owned by middle Eastern regimes) etc...

  • @mackenshaw8169
    @mackenshaw8169 7 месяцев назад +8

    Britain still had a critical role to play as a statebuilder in much of its former Empire. The Malaysian Federation only survived and war with Indonesia averted due to Operation CLARET and the Royal Navy still have large aircraft carriers to deploy. Likewise Yemen has never recovered from British withdrawl.

    • @robruss62
      @robruss62 7 месяцев назад +1

      Still does...
      Britain has a larger economy than Russia, yet Vichy liberals and Tory quislings have left Britain with 20% of Russia's ships, tanks, planes, and missiles.
      Parliament coughed up 400 billion pounds to pay for shutting down the economy. No fiscal handwringin, no squeals of outrage over cost.
      Those clowns could fund a hundred frigates and corvettes, thirty patrol submarines, and a thousand fighter planes and attack aircraft, as well as a thousand tanks.
      Recruitment policies designed to limit forces could be junked in an hour, diversity HR officers removed, and 300000 officers and servicemen recruited from assorted nationalists, Commonwealth loyalists, and other rich recruitment pools.
      And at minimum fuss British forces (bolstered by 19 reactivated nuclear missile and attack subs, and a hundred or more armed merchant vessels) would be sent back into Guyana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Fifji, as well as Zimbabwe, South Sudan, and Somaliland.
      What in Gods name would the gutless weakling in Washington do? What could Xi and Putin do? What could Europe do?
      China and Russia are in full blown revanch mode, and America is in funk. British revanchist policy would even be popular in much of the Commonwealth, especially as alternative to China.
      the Falklands and Brexit have reversed the verdict of Suez. If any fairly competent and ambitious leader with a modicum of vision stepped forward, Britain could cheaply and easily reassert her great power status and recussitate the Empire in this neo imperialist fashion.
      And the little Englanders, Euro quislings, and Anglophobe left could be firmly told to go to hell.

    • @Pinkdam
      @Pinkdam 7 месяцев назад

      @@robruss62 Very true. Great Britain in the second phase of their war outproduced 'industrial' Germany (and the taken Czech plant) in ships (massively) planes (modestly) and in the odd year, *even in tanks* !
      We are like Gulliver tied down by Lilliputians, knowing that in the last event we could break free, but all too conscious of what would happen to all the little men around us if we ever made the total, desperate exertion needed to snap bonds that will not yield to a wiggle here or a tug there.

  • @margaretthatcherisdead.5793
    @margaretthatcherisdead.5793 7 месяцев назад +9

    With the Reform UK party on the rise great men like this can lead our nation back into greatness.

    • @alsoascot02
      @alsoascot02 6 месяцев назад +2

      Sadly I dont think the UK has great many great men and what great men it might have are not collected in Reform.
      Powell's education and his formative years have him a vision of what the British Empire was. As is repeatedly stated in this entry Powell was a realist. He had little time for populist claptrap. He wanted Britain as the British Empire to retain, it's existence as a major world power.
      I figure he was opposed to immigration because it undermined the identity and cultural homogeneity of the central governing authority. And he didn't like the existence of the Commonwealth as it was not dominated by the civilising influence of the Britain that controlled the British Empire he grew up in.

    • @buckshot9521
      @buckshot9521 6 месяцев назад

      Don't compare Farage and his like to an intellectual giant like Powell.

    • @TheSm1thers
      @TheSm1thers 6 месяцев назад

      I hope Reform get in so we can fix this bloody democracy. Shame Clegg's AV referendum failed tbh, because at least we'd have a slightly better system. It's pretty obvious the 2 main parties don't represent the interests of the British people. They need to be held to account better. Both lie considerably and with the issue of immigration, the people in these parties generally (with very few exceptions) just write it off as racist ignoring that the majority of people in the country voted for Brexit, many for the reason of wanting better control over immigration, which is not even necessarily racist. For Labour to dismiss it like that they're just disenfranchising the working classes they're meant to represent, while ultimately they don't care about them. Meanwhile the Conservatives pander nonstop but don't live up to anything, and are actively a detriment to this country. The reality btw is it's just facts that if you bring in considerable amounts of people from war torn 3rd world countries with largely different cultural values and instead of even actually seeing them as people they see them as a way to keep wages down for their donors (when you take into account inflation minimum wage is fairly low rn) and they don't even bother to properly find a way to help integrate many of them, so no wonder there's people turning to crime. Like fair enough to the immigrants who just try and live their lives as good citizens, who wouldn't want to leave a country in a dire state to a 1st world country, I have nothing against people who immigrate here legally personally. It's ultimately down to our politicians to come up with a solution rather than bury their heads in the sand, and that goes for any problem in our country. They live very different lives to the average voter, and they're arrogant thinking that they'll get voted for regardless of their concerns for the average voter, so they don't have to face the consequences of their actions or lack of actions.

  • @KirklandRed100s
    @KirklandRed100s 6 месяцев назад +5

    not a British but I wish Britain ruled the world still.

    • @larrythomas3623
      @larrythomas3623 6 месяцев назад

      It never did.

    • @KirklandRed100s
      @KirklandRed100s 6 месяцев назад +4

      @@larrythomas3623 it’s good to know that all the accusations of Great Britain being a colonial power are completely unfounded

  • @HypervoxelRBX
    @HypervoxelRBX 7 месяцев назад +13

    We should have listened to him

  • @bufferly5595
    @bufferly5595 6 месяцев назад +5

    Actual Briton here, I can promise you English we're not going anywhere anytime soon.

  • @potatokitty
    @potatokitty 4 месяца назад +3

    From the commonwealth, I say: My condolences.

  • @99IronDuke
    @99IronDuke 7 месяцев назад +19

    Excellent stream, at one stage in WWII Powell was the youngest Brigadier in the British Army.

  • @Kwisatz-Chaderach
    @Kwisatz-Chaderach 4 месяца назад +2

    Thank you, AM!

  • @elliskaranikolaou2550
    @elliskaranikolaou2550 7 месяцев назад +7

    What a wonderful channel. Thank you. Subscribed.

  • @king638
    @king638 7 месяцев назад +7

    A really fantastic video analysis! Thank you for your hard work.
    You mentioned that Britain has been going downhill ever since 1907, perhaps you could do a video exploring the various reasons why and laying out a timeline for us?

  • @Sharon_Mc
    @Sharon_Mc 28 дней назад +1

    🇬🇧 Well researched. Thank you.
    If I remember correctly, Enoch Powell's speech was at the Midland Hotel in Birmingham .

  • @Chevrondazur
    @Chevrondazur 6 месяцев назад +2

    History has taught us that empires do not last forever. The third Reich merely lasted twelve years: 1933-1945. But the British Empire lasted much longer, having succesfully managed to morph into the Commonwealth. Countries that were never in the Empire want to join ! Its last real show of strength and unity was in 1914 when all Dominions and Colonies immediatly joined the U.K. in the Great War. At the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 the Dominions insisted that they should be full participants and join the League of Nations, In 1921 most of Ireland became a Dominion. In 1931 the Dominions were recognized as fully independant, under a common Sovereign who wore many different Crowns. We know the rest. After having been an exporter of people to the Empire, Britan became an importer. Could this have been predicted ? The son of Indian Empire immigrants as Prime Minister of Great Britain ? The ultimate revenge of the Raj ? Let's admit it, he his more posh than most current British politicians. All is not lost !

  • @anneliesesteden390
    @anneliesesteden390 Месяц назад +1

    I was alerted to the 1968 speech some 20 years ago,when it resonated with what I saw developing in our‘ multicultural‘ society. I bought a biography of Enoch Powell,the most expensive book I ever bought$84.- CDN. I read it from beginning to end.He was a prophet. But of course he was much more. And I like‘ He was the best Prime Minister we never had‘!😍(. A Canadian,born in Germany,who spent a year in England as a young girl, born in 1937!)

    • @NK-ot5tc
      @NK-ot5tc 23 дня назад

      You may be interested to note that as a female you don't have the analytical brainpower to solve complex problems. That's according to Mr. Powell. He doesn't seem to be a person who changes his mind frequently.

    • @hyamsnetwork990
      @hyamsnetwork990 10 дней назад

      1968 + 33 years = 2001.

  • @simonfraser6365
    @simonfraser6365 7 месяцев назад +12

    "Ultimus Romanorum" may be translated as "last" but in fact the title predates that use of "ultimare" (later ultimatus), in fact much of the use of the title occurs during the republic such as Longinus as denoted by brutus "ultimus" in this sense is more similar to our modern english use of the word, it's thought to actually attest to "a paragon of traditional roman values" (which incidentally Belisarius fails on given the behaviour of his wife Antonina)

    • @thadtuiol1717
      @thadtuiol1717 7 месяцев назад

      Belisarius was a giant cuck and his officers and co-generals knew it. Justinian was right to keep him in a box.

  • @jewelcitizen2567
    @jewelcitizen2567 7 месяцев назад +7

    A Titan of intellect.

  • @tennesseeprepper5102
    @tennesseeprepper5102 5 месяцев назад +2

    The terrible decision to admit those from other parts of the world beginning in 1948 is a slow moving catastrophe that will end the English nation as we know it. Combined with cultural Marxism, it has left the British without defenseless on their own soil.
    Powell saw the implications, articulated them, was reviled for the rest of his life, and will be a banner under whose name the English remnant will struggle for survival in the near future. Thank you for the thoughtful commentary and historical narrative

    • @NK-ot5tc
      @NK-ot5tc 23 дня назад

      One positive about immigration: there is someone to blame if the economy goes south. Without that safety valve people will have to face some stark and sobering realities not about their country but about themselves and their place in the world.

  • @tomster1414
    @tomster1414 7 месяцев назад +8

    Incredible mind , his baby toe had more intelligence , common sense and integrity than our entire establishment currently .

  • @HowToSandAFloor
    @HowToSandAFloor 6 месяцев назад +2

    This is great, subscribed and listening to the tucker Ukraine one after this!

  • @philipbrooks402
    @philipbrooks402 7 месяцев назад +7

    A first in classics from Trinity College Cambridge; youngest professor in the British Empire; private to Brigadier during WWII. In short, a genius as well as being incredibly prescient in his forecasts. Yet the Conservatives gave us that serial loser Heath, a second in PPE from Oxford, who lost in '66 and '74, twice,' to Harold Wilson and again in '75 to Margaret Thatcher.

  • @sorrysirmygunisoneba
    @sorrysirmygunisoneba 7 месяцев назад +5

    Fantastic, can’t wait to watch this 👌

  • @camsesii2287
    @camsesii2287 7 месяцев назад +8

    In Public Schools in America we were taught that the British Empire ended when Queen Victoria died in 1901. After that they are just Britain. But it's not true. I always knew that wasn't true. There was still all those colonies around the world. It's always interesting to hear from British people what actually happened.

    • @thadtuiol1717
      @thadtuiol1717 7 месяцев назад +10

      Are you lot ever taught anything even closely resembling the truth in your 'schools'?

    • @alexhubble
      @alexhubble 7 месяцев назад +1

      You could argue that, yes, the empire was dead. No one had told it, so it stumbled around for another 60 years. But dead it was. Probably german naval build up. It's argued the German Navy couldn't beat the Royal Navy. That's true but to beat the German Navy required a concentration of power in the home fleet. This meant that the colonies east of India had no cover. Australia and New Zealand had no reason to stay in an arrangement that could not protect them. There it is, required power projection exceeded capacity to project!

    • @mattmoffitt2902
      @mattmoffitt2902 7 месяцев назад

      You must’ve gone to a pretty bad US public school because I never got taught anything like that

    • @alsoascot02
      @alsoascot02 6 месяцев назад

      WW1 was the beginning of the end of the British Empire.

    • @alsoascot02
      @alsoascot02 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@alexhubblethe Royal Navy had no need to defeat the German Navy.
      Germany as a central European land power could never really afford a Navy large enough to realistically compete. Germany needed a massive land army to protect itself from hostile powers on both its East and West European borders.
      It was major miscalculation for the UK to get involved. It could only have benefitted from almost any other outcome than the one it cost a million Empire dead to create.

  • @iainInSpace
    @iainInSpace 7 месяцев назад +11

    Powell gave a speech at my school. Despite all the different races of students, there was rapt silence.

  • @sebastian5671
    @sebastian5671 7 месяцев назад +7

    This was an excellent video!

    @MIKE_THE_BRUMMIE 7 месяцев назад +18

    My home city is an occupied territory today, a filthy enclave of antithetical alien culture

    • @kayriz5838
      @kayriz5838 6 месяцев назад

      What exactly is this antithetical culture you speak of , can you be more specific sir

      @MIKE_THE_BRUMMIE 6 месяцев назад

      @@kayriz5838 Islam it's that simple

      @MIKE_THE_BRUMMIE 4 месяца назад

      Islam, a culture that by it's very nature wishes to dominate and subjugate those not in its grip.

  • @Konrad_Festung
    @Konrad_Festung 7 месяцев назад +2

    Following up my SuperChat now that I've finally had the chance to listen to this in its entirety.
    I have 'known' about Enoch Powell for awhile, but only to a very shallow degree. I knew he was / is vaunted as one of England's greatest politicians of the last century among our circles. I knew about the 'rivers of blood' speech but had never read it in its length.
    Glad this stream was able to elucidate for me more about Powell. I think his 'sovereignty first' take on geopolitics to be quite refreshing, especially when you read histories of this era where everything is glossed over grossly as 'east vs west' 'democracy vs communism' etc. It is interesting to read about a man who stood simply for the interests of his nation, bottom line.
    I would have to put more thought into this line of thinking but to me his 'sovereignty pragmatism' and anti immigration stances reminds me of one Viktor Orban in Hungary. A politician who is not afraid to court ostensible enemies if it means acting in the purest interests of the Hungarian nation. There is probably more you could unpack there.
    I digress, good stream and keep up the good work AM.
    Fun Fact: AM's response to my superchat prompted me to change my RUclips username for the first time in years because of how he mispronounced it (through no fault of his own, it was quite unique) and I was worried about that mistake continuing in the future 😂

  • @spanglestein66
    @spanglestein66 27 дней назад

    The last true patriotic conservative….a great man …his words have echoed through time

  • @BlackPigeonPilled
    @BlackPigeonPilled 7 месяцев назад +4

    Saw you on 'yule 23, appreciate this AM 🇬🇧

  • @indigenousnorwegianeuropa4145
    @indigenousnorwegianeuropa4145 7 месяцев назад +11

    Norway and Britain have been in regular con-
    tact for over a thousand years. Even before the
    Vikings sailed towards the west, Norwegians
    were crossing the North Sea on peaceful trad-
    ing errands. The first Viking raids began on the
    east coast of Britain in the late 8th century, and
    by the end of the 9th century Viking hordes had
    overrun the kingdoms of East Anglia,
    Northumbria and Mercia. Settlements grew up
    in the Orkneys, the Faroes, the Shetlands, the
    Hebrides, and the Isle of Man. Ireland was also
    attacked, and Viking kingdoms were estab-
    lished in Dublin, Limerick, and Waterford.
    Alfred the Great held out against the Viking
    forces in Wessex, and nearly defeated them at
    the end of the 9th century. His son, Edward the
    Elder, continued the reconquest of England and
    before his death in 924 had regained Mercian
    and East Anglian territory. However, the
    Vikings renewed their attacks on England in
    980, and the country came under the rule of
    King Canute of Denmark and, for a short time,
    Norway. By the 11th century, the Vikings had
    either been driven out or had become integrat-
    ed into the British population, and the hostilities
    ceased. The Scandinavian conquests in England
    greatly affected the country, leaving traces of
    Viking dialects, place-names, personal names
    and social organisation. The Vikings were
    astute tradesmen, and developed townships
    such as York (Jorvik). A variant of Norwegian,
    called Norn, was spoken on the Orkney Islands
    until the 1700s.
    The Viking chiefs were also influenced by
    their visits to British shores. One chief, Olaf
    Tryggvason, was baptised in England in 991,
    and on his return to Norway began to
    Christianise the country. Later, Olaf II con-
    tinued to spread Christianity. The two Olafs
    were assisted in their attempts to establish the
    power of the monarchy by bishops from the
    British Isles. In return, they placed estates they
    had confiscated from Viking chieftains in the
    hands of the British church. In the 11th and
    12th centuries, the clergy of the Scottish isles
    were brought under the dominion of the church
    of Norway. Ties were forged between individual
    British and Nor wegian churches and often
    resulted in practical exchanges of manpower
    and resources. British artisans helped to build
    the cathedral in Stavanger and the Lyse monas-
    tery in Bergen, while the St Magnus Cathedral
    in Kirkwall, on the Orkney Islands, was built by
    Nor wegian earls. Many of the same ar tisans,
    artists and engineers worked on the cathedrals
    in Trondheim, Norway and Lincoln, England.
    The cathedrals share many similar architectural
    features, most noticeably the twin column struc-
    At late as the 14th century, the inhabitants of
    the Shetland Islands were paying an annual
    tithe to Bergen. In the 15th and 16th centuries
    English and Scottish merchants competed with
    a declining Hanseatic League for trade privile-
    ges in the Norwegian towns. Many Britons sett-
    led in Norway. After the Great Fire of London,
    in 1666, there was a huge demand in Britain for
    timber for repairs and reconstruction. Timber
    was brought over from Norway, and ships
    returned to Norway laden with foodstuffs,
    tobacco and cheap goods. In the 18th century
    the English style came into fashion in Norway,
    and wealthy Norwegian shipowners in the
    coastal towns acquired luxury goods from
    Britain: furniture, silver, glass and ceramics.
    When the Napoleonic Wars began, Norway was
    under Danish rule, and suffered from the naval
    actions the English took against the Danish fleet.
    The continental blockade of England caused
    great poverty in Norway, and led to national
    bankruptcy. The sufferings endured at this time
    are vividly described in Henrik Ibsen’s poem
    about Terje Vigen. Eventually, Karl Johan of
    Sweden defeated Denmark, and a condition of
    the peace was that Denmark transferred all its
    rights in Norway to Sweden. However, the
    Nor wegian people resented the agreement, and
    the Swedes compromised. In 1815, Norway was
    declared “a free, independent, indivisible, and
    inalienable kingdom united with Sweden under
    one king”. The union with Sweden lasted until
    1905, and was a union of monarchy alone: in
    matters of government, finance, the economy,
    defence and law the two countries acted as
    separate entities.
    During the 19th century, relations between
    Norway and Britain continued to develop. In
    the mid-1800s, an Englishman called Thomas
    Bennett settled in Christiania - which was the
    name given to Oslo by King Christian IV, who
    rebuilt the town after it was razed by fire in
    1624. In 1850, Bennett began to organise tours
    of the Norwegian mountains for curious and
    adventurous Britons. Nor wegians also travelled
    to Britain, including the poet Åsmund Olavsson
    Vinje, who recorded his impressions in
    A Norseman’s View of Britain and the British
    (1863). The eccentric tales of three English
    fishermen who roamed Norway in search of
    perfect fishing appeared in a humorous book
    called Three in Norway by Two of Them (1882),
    the anonymous authors in fact being J.A. Lees
    and W.J. Clutterbuck. The English visitors
    par ticularly applauded the fine cof fee they were
    served in the huts of even the poorest peasants.
    In 1905, Nor way petitioned for independence,
    and Britain took a sympathetic view of
    Nor way's case. The Nor wegian parliament, the
    Storting, chose Prince Carl, the second son of
    Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark, to be
    their king. Prince Carl was elected by referend-
    um in November 1905, and was crowned King
    Haakon VII on 22 June 1906, in Nidaros
    Cathedral in Trondheim. His wife, Princess
    Maud Alexandria, the youngest daughter of
    Edward VII of England, became Queen.
    The Norwegian polar explorer and scientist,
    Fridtjof Nansen, had been sent to Britain in
    1905 to petition for support for Norwegian inde-
    pendence, and became Norwegian Ambassador
    to Britain in 1906. Nansen was a confirmed
    anglophile, and was readily adopted by British
    society, charming those he met with his brood-
    ing Viking looks and courteous intelligence.
    He was welcomed at Court, and became a close
    associate of King Edward VII. Nansen also
    strongly supported the choice of Prince Carl
    and Princess Maud as the first king and queen
    of an independent Norway.
    On 9 April 1940 the Germans attacked Norway,
    and presented a series of demands to the
    Norwegian government, including that the
    government should ask the population and
    army to submit to the German troops. Norway
    refused to concede, and fought the Germans
    with British and French assistance. After fight-
    ing began on the Western Front, the British
    were forced to withdraw their forces from north-
    ern Norway, and the Norwegian government
    decided to continue the battle from beyond
    Norwegian shores. In June 1940, King Haakon
    and the government crossed to the UK on the
    British ship Devonshire and took up residence
    in London. From here they were able to send
    morale-boosting broadcasts from London to
    occupied Norway, and also to direct the
    establishment of the Free Norwegian Armed
    Forces, which subsequently played an active
    part in the Allied war effort.
    On 7 May 1945 the Germans surrendered,
    and the Norwegian home forces took over the
    country. King Haakon, Crown Prince Olav and the
    Norwegian government returned to a liberated
    Norway in June 1945. Every year the city of
    Oslo provides the Christmas tree in Trafalgar
    Square as an expression of the continuing grati-
    tude of the Norwegians for the assistance and
    hospitality shown them by the British during
    the war.

  • @alexandradane3672
    @alexandradane3672 6 месяцев назад +1

    Great stuff . As a new Subscriber , I thoroughly look forward to enjoying the works of this channel.

  • @99IronDuke
    @99IronDuke 7 месяцев назад +12

    Watching this now, excellent stream. Britain's original mistake was failing to make something politically solid out of the Old Commonwealth (Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and, back in the day, South Africa) C. 1890-1908, as I have said many times. Joining WWI, in 1914, and above all raising a huge Army, was the original sin of Britain, again as I have said many times, and the Washington Naval Treaty and ending the Anglo-Japanese alliance was Britain, willfully, giving away her naval supremacy...

    • @robruss62
      @robruss62 7 месяцев назад

      CANZUK could happen today. A pity it's been lost in post Brexit bungling

    • @brantdanger
      @brantdanger 7 месяцев назад +1

      Churchill eviscerated the British Empire by going all-in to destroy the one nation that could have stopped Communism. There was no bigger blunder than Britain's role in WWII.

  • @MikeSmith-go8wk
    @MikeSmith-go8wk 9 дней назад +1

    The most popular politician of his generation. He used to get truck loads of fan mail from the british public. The royal mail had to send seperate trucks to his house.

  • @paultaylor7947
    @paultaylor7947 6 месяцев назад +1

    Its gone gone gone and we cant go on like
    This anymore

  • @davidragsdale7923
    @davidragsdale7923 7 месяцев назад +7

    This was great!

  • @tancreddehauteville764
    @tancreddehauteville764 6 месяцев назад +4

    Powell was a man of many contradictions. I always considered him to be far too intellectual and academic to be a politician, a profession that requires a certain pragmatism, which Powell lacked. Nevertheless, he was a great thinker and certainly a man of principle.

  • @ballshippin3809
    @ballshippin3809 6 месяцев назад +1

    The mainstream neo-liberal political and media establishment tried to portray and dismiss Powell as nothing more than a racist relic from the past. In reality he was an intellectual juggernaut with much life experience and could forsee the mess this country has been turned into today. R.I.P. Mr Powell

  • @VideovigilanteUSA
    @VideovigilanteUSA 7 месяцев назад +2

    I just watched the Last Czar on a tv Streaming station , very well done works with this Channels topics .

  • @pacey2509
    @pacey2509 6 месяцев назад +1

    So sad that this man was overlooked by the mainstream, if we had all listened to him we wouldn’t be in this mess. The largest empire on earth reduced to soon a majority ethnic nation of crime and lawlessness. 😢

  • @samuel88andrews
    @samuel88andrews 7 месяцев назад +8

    My question is a client state to who? As an American with extensive familial connection to the empire I cant help but wonder where the fatherland of my culture went wrong. It is to the point where Britain is a joke to me and where I desire nothing to do with the land of my ancestors. Its like watching a successful man fall into addiction and keep repeating the cycle of self destruction, not that America is any better, we are only 20 years behind.

    • @gch8810
      @gch8810 7 месяцев назад +12

      Britain is unfortunately a client state to the U.S.

    • @skadiwarrior2053
      @skadiwarrior2053 7 месяцев назад

      Aren't we all client states of International finance and globalism now?@@gch8810

    • @nickporter574
      @nickporter574 7 месяцев назад +5

      Look at the real history! European civilaztion ended at the battle of stalingrad. But the english and americans were fooled into taking out Europes best chance. The Bolsheviks completed the job unfortunately.

    • @wiggawithattitude
      @wiggawithattitude 7 месяцев назад +5

      You should look to your own nation to find the source of the problem. It's the policies of the US that caused all of this.

    • @brantdanger
      @brantdanger 7 месяцев назад +2

      Well, you can start with looking into why the US and UK fought on the wrong side of WWII, while consistently telling the world they were the good guys.

  • @redroverredrover679
    @redroverredrover679 7 месяцев назад +1

    So frustrating i wanna download this and the conversion services arent recognizing it as a link. "Server Error". Suspicious

  • @sebabecasis1913
    @sebabecasis1913 6 месяцев назад +1

    Brilliant work, thank you.

  • @jakubrokita2261
    @jakubrokita2261 6 месяцев назад +1

    I guess the only thing one has to hold against him that he advocated for the recruitment from West Indies before the subsequent change of heart and the Speech.

  • @President.Macron
    @President.Macron 7 месяцев назад +8

    Any plans to create a stream about Charles de Gaulle?

    • @23Revan84
      @23Revan84 7 месяцев назад +2

      Didn’t he do one a while back?

    • @skadiwarrior2053
      @skadiwarrior2053 7 месяцев назад +2

      He did one not too long ago.

    • @GodsOwnPrototype
      @GodsOwnPrototype 7 месяцев назад

      @drsppsrd3737 He has one scheduled for the 16th of Feb 20:00 GMT

    • @ajsj
      @ajsj 6 месяцев назад

  • @coachmen8508
    @coachmen8508 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @hughjass7914
    @hughjass7914 5 месяцев назад +1

    The rivers of blood are overlapping the levies now.

  • @TheDAT9
    @TheDAT9 7 месяцев назад +2

    Yes, the last true Britain. There will be no more.

  • @maxdaryl3201
    @maxdaryl3201 6 месяцев назад +2

    Glorious Revolution or Dutch Coup? Love it

  • @Sharon_Mc
    @Sharon_Mc 28 дней назад +1

    🇬🇧 Enoch Powell is buried in Warwick cemetery, if I remember correctly.

  • @tiamatxvxianash9202
    @tiamatxvxianash9202 6 месяцев назад

    A phenomenal presentation. A great title for what could be a series on the decline and fall of the European empires over the past centuries, as they were absorbed and/or conquered under the American Aegis of today's global world. A who's who of the last Spaniard, Portuguese, Dutch, French, German and English.
    Britain has no reason to feel remorse for the final chapters of her reign. Better that she was destined to be diplomatically and economically conquered by the descendants of her former offspring than being reduced to ashes like her Germanic cousins.

    • @alsoascot02
      @alsoascot02 6 месяцев назад

      It's easy to argue that Europe's self immolation, if not entirely the result of WW1, and particularly the British Empires involvement, certainly started and accelerated after the Great War.
      WW1 certainly destroyed the age of European Empires, including the British Empire. The UK and it Empire certainly never really recovered from the near bankruptcy the WW1 instigated.
      What exactly did the UK and the British Empire gain from participating in WW1 is a question that has no good answer as I see it.

  • @nigel447
    @nigel447 6 месяцев назад

    often quoted "judge the action not then man" we all have a personal culture shaped by our lived experience, Powells experience like all of his generation was shaped by the war where he saw our best give their lives, impacted by the suffering and violence giving rise to a quest for meaning, a need for a purpose to justify this experience, whatever your views you cannot deny his immense contributions to society and culture, with hindsight we can judge his actions but it is wrong to deny his patriotism, intellect and moral character defined by his personal cultural lens.

  • @Lee-hq6tf
    @Lee-hq6tf 6 месяцев назад +4

    What a great man. Enoch was right!

  • @lonewolfandcub668
    @lonewolfandcub668 6 месяцев назад +2

    Well, just look at British streets now.

  • @deanedge5988
    @deanedge5988 7 месяцев назад

    Finally: the rehabilitation of John Stonehouse; justice at last for Reggie Perring. Great talk - thank you.

  • @richtea615
    @richtea615 Месяц назад

    The last British statesman. We shall not see his like again.

  • @jamesreed1239
    @jamesreed1239 3 месяца назад +1

    He forsaw something, he was a intellect and scholar and had a revelation which has now come true.

  • @bryanrobinson8886
    @bryanrobinson8886 6 месяцев назад +1

    Yeah I believe Powell was British first and upmost. Most of his predictions are for the most part true. I remember writing about nationalists/nationalism in the wake of Donald Trump's election to the Presidency of the United States. I, at the time, didn't understand what it meant that the United Kingdom was not going to be a part of Europe until I read his (Powell's) Brigham speech which made it far more clear that Britain or the British Empire was not a national state in the sense it has ceased to operate like a sovereign state. Moreover, Britain has not really been a part of Europe since Henry the Fifth of England. It was not ever going to work that the British Empire would be a piece of super in international organizations like NATO or the EU. The vassalage of the UK is on clear display when you see the actions it has taken in the years following the Brexit vote. I see the British identity being lost on of immigration, non- compatible cultural norms from the coming generations, lack of military independence in being the water carriers for the United States and NATO. The special operations or invasion of Ukraine by Russia showed not only Britain not ready for global crisis or independent coordination but neither are its European counterparts in NATO. So, Britain as the head of some common wealth of nations dashed to pieces by the monarchy itself with the first faux abdication of Prince Harry. Also the mad dash of former colonial domains rejecting the monarchy altogether. Also the Republic of South Africa's determination to side against nearly all of the British allies engaged in a conflict is telling. But it is no wonder why the political situation of the British, as a state is almost dead on arrival wherever they attend. Or hesitate to see what the Americans are going to do. Even the importation of Ukrainian refugees has gone almost as bad as it could go for the UK. I believe this is going to be a fact of life in most of if, not of the Western nations or statlets in the coming future. 😢

  • @tzazosghost8256
    @tzazosghost8256 6 месяцев назад +1

    It is highly likely that Powell's very intellectual classicism was his undoing. The power of his speaches is beyond reproach, but such classicist references would obviously expose him to misinterpretation.

  • @Dionaea_floridensis
    @Dionaea_floridensis 7 месяцев назад +4

    You have a lovely accent

  • @ivanbro1208
    @ivanbro1208 3 месяца назад

    Could you please speak a bit more on Salazar from Portugal? Sounded interesting

  • @N108funshow
    @N108funshow 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you.

  • @jr8260
    @jr8260 7 месяцев назад

    What is the name of the picture at 0:14? Or is it part of a mural in some church?

  • @hrearden6993
    @hrearden6993 7 месяцев назад +2

    Was he the guy in Monty Python's Holy Grail who was the King of the Britons?

  • @turinhorse
    @turinhorse 7 месяцев назад +1

    Certainly arent any Britons left now. No English left either. You gave your proud country away. Americans are doing the same but at least we are fighting for it.