Controversies of Joseph Smith's Polygamy, by Dr. Brian Hales

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Brian Hales 2010 FAIR conference lecture.

Комментарии • 29

  • @schmo7777
    @schmo7777 8 лет назад +6

    best overview I have seen so far. very informative !

  • @33sylvia33
    @33sylvia33 7 лет назад +2

    I don't like his answer about excess of women....Brigham Young said a lot of things that we don't believe now. What about more baby boy's dying than girls, all the soldiers dying.....? It would be better to say we do not know. I like to think that all things will work out and that the Lord's way is monogomy as he said in Jacob 5. The practice of plural marriage was compared in scripture to the Abrahamic sacrifice....where there was a ram in the thicket....Abraham did not have to sacrifice Isaac after all. No unless we are totally different beings, we will not have to live this in the eternities.

    • @unusedmillstones2380
      @unusedmillstones2380 6 лет назад +1

      33sylvia33 what a great point!
      we turned the 'test' into the fulfillment

    • @GeorgeDemetz
      @GeorgeDemetz 3 месяца назад

      Face the real truth, not what you like or why you think that the god of political correctness us greater than the mind if God!!!

  • @MichelleCreate324
    @MichelleCreate324 12 лет назад +1

    Great video! I'm enjoying the websites mentioned also.

  • @GeorgeDemetz
    @GeorgeDemetz 3 месяца назад +1

    Also, Isaiah correctly prophesied that there would be polygamy during the millenniem in Isaiah 4:1 is a true revelation! And, if they all are worthy if exaltation, would they all be together?!? If couse, they would?!? Dont be naive and rely on your iwn wisdom, ir lack if it!!! There us no envy in the celestial kingdom, however, if a worth couple choses that they do int want it, they can always make the second level, as nd if a woety one chises not to be married at all, then they can unherit the first level snd be s ministering angel!!!

  • @powell747
    @powell747 12 лет назад +5

    how is he covering the truth? looks to me like like he is sharing the facts...

    • @GeorgeDemetz
      @GeorgeDemetz 3 месяца назад

      Yea, he is covering the facts which are the truth!!!

  • @evelynnehatchard
    @evelynnehatchard 9 лет назад +3

    Regarding polygamy in the next life:
    From "Polygamy an Abrahamic Sacrifice" by VH Cassler
    Some in LDS culture assume that polygamy is not merely a doctrinal necessity but a circumstantial necessity in the hereafter. Generally this assumption takes one of two forms. In the first form of the assumption, some assert that there will be more women who inherit the celestial fullness than men, and since everyone in the highest level of the celestial kingdom is married, polygamy then must follow as a natural consequence of the sex ratio there. This “folkways” is unsound both doctrinally and demographically. There is simply no basis for assuming a celestial sex ratio highly skewed in favor of women.
    First, how could God be no respecter of persons and create a system where one spirit, because of gender, has a much better chance of reaching the celestial kingdom than the other gender? If God is the author of all fairness and if gender equality is a foundational principle of the gospel, he could not have authored such a system. Even if this system were somehow fair, for such an outcome to ensue would mean that the male gender was disproportionately assigned to or an attribute of weaker spirits. There is no doctrinal or scriptural basis for such a belief.
    For those who feel polygamy is ubiquitous in the celestial kingdom, this belief demands that, at a minimum, twice as many women make it to the celestial kingdom as men. But human demographics argues against such a conclusion. Approximately 106 male babies are born on earth for every 100 female babies born. [20] More males have existed on earth than females. Yet by age five, the sex ratio is about 1:1, for male babies are more susceptible to genetic disorders. Therefore, a large number of males die before the age of accountability and are automatically saved in the celestial kingdom. Also, male deaths through such mechanisms as the wholesale killing of male children by an enemy power (e.g., in Moses’ time and in Jesus’ time), or males laying down their lives in righteous defense of family and homeland also increases the pool of males eligible for the celestial kingdom. Using established demographic procedures, several BYU sociologists declare in perhaps only a partially tongue-in-cheek essay that they can demonstrate there will be more males in the celestial kingdom than females! [21]
    All the foregoing serves to make the point that it is by no means clear that females will outnumber males in the celestial kingdom. There is absolutely no scriptural or empirical basis upon which to assert the sex ratio of the celestial kingdom. If we cannot confidently assume that there will be more exalted women than exalted men, then one cannot conclude that polygamy must then follow.
    [20] Indeed, some estimate that up to 60% more male fetuses are conceived than female fetuses. However, most miscarriages and stillbirths involve male fetuses, so the ratio of males to females at birth is lower--though still favoring males--than the conception ratio would indicate. (See Stephan Klasen, “‘Missing Women’ Reconsidered,” World Development 22, no. 7 [1994]: 1061-1071.) [Back to manuscript]
    [21] See Tim Heaton, et al., “In the Heavens Are Parents Single?: Report No. 1,” Dialogue 17, no. 1, (Spring 1984): 84-86. [Back to manuscript]

    • @unusedmillstones2380
      @unusedmillstones2380 6 лет назад +2

      Evelynne Hatchard until we get actual revelation concerning the ration, members should shut the mouth.

  • @peggythornton5372
    @peggythornton5372 5 лет назад +2

    society is confused with all the polygamy in the worlfd. Abraham was ordained of God. Joseph Smith was thed ordained Prophet of the Restoration to restore all things that were in the Church of Jesus Christ iof Former Day Saints.

  • @RetzyWilliams
    @RetzyWilliams 11 лет назад

    Many animals in nature have many mates, so you would say it's at minimum natural for men to want many wives for procreation. Also, many accounts in history speak of men in different cultures having multiple heirs from different women, and their decendants lived on to prosper, so why the fuss? You can choose to participate in it or not theoretically.

  • @RickyMon
    @RickyMon 9 лет назад

    Loved it...

  • @austintwiwble1111
    @austintwiwble1111 9 лет назад

    I don't know Lana But you sure are sporting that ONE EYE icon.

  • @101mythbuster
    @101mythbuster 12 лет назад

    @TrickTrolan You do realize that "celestial" is just another word for heavenly, don't you? Celestial kingdom is exactly the same as saying heavenly kingdom, or kingdom of heaven. I assume you have no interest in going there since you happen to think it's gay.

  • @GeorgeDemetz
    @GeorgeDemetz 3 месяца назад

    Dont forget Jacob 2:30!!!