The image is from the animated television show "Dilbert," which is based on the comic strip of the same name by Scott Adams. The specific scene shown is from the episode titled "The Knack," where young Dilbert is diagnosed with "The Knack" for engineering.
I recognize Maurice LaMarche when I hear him, the doctor sounds like a more subdued Orson Welles.
Engineers solve problems.
Problems like beauty?
@@jonjohnson102no, cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy
Bro wtf is wrong with being a engineer
A fate worse than death, just don’t forget to not take account for air resistance
You poor thing
hey look buddy, I'm an engineer
Buildin' a centry!
@@apkohtmy most sincere condolences goes out to your family.
What shows is that
it's "Dilbert"
The image is from the animated television show "Dilbert," which is based on the comic strip of the same name by Scott Adams. The specific scene shown is from the episode titled "The Knack," where young Dilbert is diagnosed with "The Knack" for engineering.