I have the tendency to watch your videos for 2-3 times, because they are so rich and insightful! It's like coming back to an inspiring novel after a certain üeriod of time.
As a male INFJ, my sensitivity primarily relates to the feelings and emotions of others (Fe), rather than my own emotions being affected, especially not by someone else. Coupled with a lifetime of deeply observing, analyzing, and understanding emotions and behaviors (Ti), I tend to process my own feelings logically, rather than truly feeling them emotionally. That said, I do experience emotions, probably deeper and more complex than most. Though they are primarily in response to someone else and/or their situation, when absorbing what others are feeling or even when I just imagine what someone might be feeling. -- But almost never about/for myself. Someone might be able to make we question/doubt something about myself (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) - But it's impossible for anybody to either hurt my feelings or insult/offend me. Only a very select few might reach the point of me specifically giving them that type of influence - But those few that would be able to do that, wouldn't. So, I guess depending on how you look at it, you could say I’m either highly sensitive or not sensitive at all. Just not in the way most might think. :)
INTJ female in her early 20s here! Both by uncle and my mom are INFJs and with our Ni in common I feel like they are the only people I have a true connection with. It's always interesting discussing topics with them and the hours pass by so quickly XD Then, I've also noticed their way to take things personally oh so often which has made me more careful with what I say. And I feel like I've helped them with setting boundaries for themselves and getting them to realize that they do not have to always be a people pleaser haha.
I’m a male INFJ and I have a female INTJ at work that I speak to once in a while. It’s great chemistry! We love to dissect and discuss the human behavior of our coworkers 😅 she’s got strong opinions and so do I.
Thats a real nice gender reversal. One thing Ive noticed, when there is an INTJ female, and a male INFJ, they tend to have worked much better on their weakness, they tend to be much better rounded.
Interesting thoughts about AI and the future of INTJs. I am a total fan of AI, use chatgpt , and am fascinated about this instrument. Lately, a good colleague of mine said to me jokingly (?): " Now, I dont have to meet you so often, I can discuss subjects with the AI". Well....😞 Nevertheless, I think that we will be still needed - since we "propagate" logic and analytical thinking in our circle of friends/colleagues - and they probably believe us more than they believe in the AI chatgpt. Also, we can "correct" their thinking situationally, on the spot - but I might be wrong in my assessment (see my colleague's statement above).
@meinungabundance7696 i haven't been too enamored with AI, I still prefer to do my own investigation, AI makes too many mistakes, but I'm excited with the implications of jt.
Wish I could meet an INTJ I find them the most interesting personality type, as an INFJ. I think it's the extroverted thinking but even way moreso the fact that we're the only 2 types that lead with introverted intuition. I still don't fully grasp the entire concept of Ni but I know that we see the world VERY differently than the vast majority of people. And it's very isolating feeling at times while also feeling unique. Feel on different planes of perceiving the world compared with others
@iloveTool Intuition is very complicated idea, something that Jung struggled with. But it xNxx types find so interesting in each other, that and I suspect being introverted helps alot, but because we are both so introverted that makes it so hard for our types to meet. But it's not impossible.
@@iloveTool you're right, there are way more sensors out there, but you can stack the odds in your favor a bit by going to activities that N types enjoy more. Like things that stimulate curiosity for one.
Vision in Advengers 2 is to me a prime example of INFJ. The religious side is actually not such a good indicator in real life. Most INTJs I've met were the religious ones actually. INFJs will tend more to be interested in religious principles and how they positively resonate with social dynamics rather than the belief aspect I think. Actually, the INTJ hurting INFJs feelings after some time can also be true the other way around. Sometimes when I gave logical responses to INTJs I really deeply hurt them by mistake and I regret it. Stereotypically it's more INTJ but it can really go both ways and I was very surprised by that. Regarding INFJs being tired with people that's very true but despite that INFJs can't just reject people because they're aware of this greater potential people are capable to reach when they work together. Keeping good relationships maintains cohesion in society and INFJs are more aware of these complexe dynamics. So even though people take dumb decisions, they know staying an approachable and social member of society and fitting in means not rejecting people. You just can't ignore others forever. It will backfire in one way or another someday. Support won't be there when you'll truly need it the most if you don't keep your relationships alive. INFJs just know that continuing to like people no matter what and staying connected to them is logically the right thing to do in short. It may seem contradictory at first glance but it's really not in the end. I know sometimes it looks like INFJs actually want to be mean towards people and they're not brave enough to do so but it's not really lecturing it correctly. In fact it's just their impulsivity but that's not really what they actually want deep down. INFJs don't interpret daring to be mean as being brave but rather bold and weak I think cause it's letting others impact your emotional state and lose your tempe. It's just interesting to see them react that way and for curiosity. They just don't want to be mean deep down no matter they're hurt, that's not who they are despite the fact they're pissed of with people on the moment. They'll always regret it later even if they feel good in the moment. INTJs usually have a hard time getting the INFJ nature and this profound positivity. I heavily disagree with the planning point tho, INFJs are also great at planning. They can easily envision what they want to do and how to achieve it step by step. Especially with planning things for people and social events. I've noticed INTJs as well as NT types can jump to conclusions as well in conversation because they can overinterpret your words sometimes and then say you contradicted yourself later on or you meant something really mean according to them while in reality you never implied such things but they create their own story with what you said pretty much and then use it to assume things about you that have simply never been what you think. Regarding the fact that INFJs can think the grass is greener on the other side, I think it's more a misunderstanding of INFJs' emotionality and mood. Being more in touch with their feelings means sometimes INFJs know having the right environment can really impact their mood and put them in a betrer mental state to deal better with something. And I've noticed that from relatives and some INTJs around me that they can struggle to get how their environment can actually impact their emotional state and make them more stressed without them realizing it's the cause of their sudden lack of productivity for example. They can struggle to see they don't feel right and something goes wrong with their emotional state. Overall I've noticed that all thinker types tend to have difficulties with conveying their intentions about what they say. It seems they don't see the context of delivery can truly impact the reception of their message, the point in saying it and help communicate something better to be listened to stop complaining about others not listening to you. But people won't listen to you if they think you want to humiliate them and not actively help them. But to INFJs emotions actually make a lot of sense and there is a spectrum of emotions you could have in reaction to specific things implied. It's just not binary but different potential answers. If emotions wouldn't make sense at all, it wouldn't be weird for someone to laugh when they're hurt for example but of course that would be weird because it's not an expected reaction according to the situation. I just think INFJs and INTJs capacity to go deeper only relies on their ressources but both are definitely equally capable to go deeper in things. It's probably that it doesn't feel like it is the case for INTJs because they tend to be very decisive people, and that's not how INFJs appear to them but INFJs rather advance more thoroughtly in depth I would say by not missing steps and acknowledging each point and make sure to solve every single one of them to never have to reconsider their insight later or the least possible.
@@kyurei4478Any & every type can present in various ways, as we’ve got subtypes (such as those described thru Dario Nardi’s work), as well as healthy & unhealthy versions across a spectrum. It sounds to me like you probably have some unhealthy INTJs around you, and it’s possible that they may be mistyped, but unless we can draw from a very large sample, we often only see part of the picture-your observations may be accurate, but won’t apply to ALL INTJs. As for proclivities of all INTJs, we do have to develop the correlation between what we feel & how our environment influenced our emotions-totally agree with your point on that topic! 💯 . I was born into an all-narc family, but didn’t know till close to 40 that all of the vibes I felt were ALWAYS correct-I disregarded all of those gut feelings and other bodily sensations that were indicting danger, for example, and here I was always waiting for “solid evidence,” when it was there all along. It’s a shame that acknowledging & developing our intuition isn’t part of our life education as a collective. Of course, it’s all by design, since we’d be nearly impossible to control by governments & other ruling forces, if we had confidence & agency in ourselves.
@@MoPoppins Of course, I totally agree, any type can present variations, I never said otherwise. But we can identify different personality types for a reason. I think you judge these INTJs quite severely. INTJs who are simply immature could already present these traits I've seen among many over the years. INTJs refusing to acknowledge they have feelings is quite common for example. They would naturally develop over time. Of course that's only my observations and experience, just like it is regarding INFJs in this video. Again, I'm not saying this will apply to any INTJ by any means, only that it seems to be likely to happen. That may be surprising to you but that was always the same for me. I was always reluctant to follow my intuition because it simply didn't make sense to me so I doubted about it and needed to understand things, but yet it was effective and correct nonetheless. Over time I came to accept the fact that I had to follow my gut feelings because it was inexplicably way too accurate and helpful, even though it would probably sound crazy to any other type to do so. But since INxJs possess an abnormaly strong intuition, following it is our nature and how we can develop our full potential. We can count on it in our case. We have to accept ourselves. That is definitely a problem all INxJs face, the lack of validation from the external world and the understanding of yourself. That might be the crux of why an INxJ's life is so solitary and complicated. I think this helps us to not fear the unknown unlike most people who are almost paralysed when they can't rely on concrete evidence because most of their decisions will rely on getting it and they're extremly dependant of it in the end. That's why we'll always be the firsts to react and why we can anticipate. Logic requires solid evidence but us INxJs simply defy concrete evidence and we don't rely on facts to succeed to be right no matter what people could say. We have this capacity to deduce and intuitively understand what is right or more likely based on probabilities and observation of the external world alone with experience. Solid evidence is usually only useful for us to understand the reasons why we were right in the first place. We can easily see the end of the process before getting the details of it. Logic seems to be a thinking process that is simply too slow for us. Indeed it's a real shame that intuition isn't acknowledged at all in society but it has to do with the fact that the way intuition works exactly is very obscure and taps into our unconscious. So our own mind can't really explain it itself unlike logic, feelings and sensation. Thus, it is unreliable and not everybody can count on it. We can ourselves only because it is naturally extremely developed for us but not for others. I think there is definitely a high level of hypocrisy coming from most people though who don't even recognize they use their intuition daily but attribute it to logic when their reasoning isn't always strictly logical and there is a part of assuming things that seem obvious but not directly provable. Pure logic doesn't rely on high probabilities and fair assumptions, intuition does. Both are intertwined for almost everyone cause they don't argue how logical reasoning itself works. As an INFJ, it's usually hard to differenciate my Introverted Intuition from my Introverted Thinking cause both are usually treated very similarly. I wonder if ISTPs feel the same because they're the only other personality type that shares it with us. We revere logical reasoning like the new god that guides all our decisions in our modern civilizations and don't question it. There was a time before the rise of Science when the entire population was made of believers where people relied more on their feelings and what seemed morally right to guide their decisions. I don't know what a society based on intuition and consciousness would look like. Probably a society leaning more toward philosophy, creativity and metaphysics. Antic Greece was probably the closest to that. The problem I can see though is that the mind itself can't naturally explain the process of intuition. But who knows, maybe when intuition will be clear enough we'll be able to decompose its process, we'll study it in class and intuition will finally appear clear and easily explanable. I think intuition has something to do with conscience itself and maybe only when Science will have uncovered the deepest secrets of the mind and how to recreate consciousness, we will finally be understood. We're just way too complex beings for our own good, no matter some will take it as being smug or feeling superior, it's simply acknowledging our own condition. Also the biggest problem might be that we're too rare so we feel different and weird to people instead of being respected and understood for who we are. I feel like allowing to develop logical reasoning for our life education is already a threat for governments and other ruling forces. It's true that they can still use logical fallacies to manipulate us though since what seems perfectly logical rules in our modern societies after all.
@@kyurei4478 With regard to intuition being validated as a “legit” form of evidence, there will always be those who dismiss it because they’re narcissistic & either don’t possess much of it, nor have they developed whatever aptitudes they have for it, but I would think that for rational Sensors, if they saw that someone had a track record for being accurate, then the stats would allow them to place their trust in someone, though I suppose those without pattern recognition would be averse to trusting anyone before an event came to pass, since that’s their only understanding of what “realness” embodies. I can often predict outcomes, while my sister is surprised by them, even if I explain to her the reasoning. If she can’t see it in the real world, then it “doesn’t exist,” no matter how many times it’s occurred.
Frank, would you be interested in making a video about INTJs and their "struggle" in daily life in the following sense: I have the feeling that sometimes I am being perceived as "trouble maker", when I only want to clarify the issue. Example: I went to the rheumatologist and got physiotherapy prescribed as one of the measures. All good - but the physiotherapist did not follow doctors'orders, but has his own "diagnosis" and tried to explain to me that his diagnosis is differend and he can do his own therapy program. I called the doctor who was very pissed (sorry) and corrected physiotherapist's direction: Why does it happen to us ? Or is it happening to me only? I could give many examples. People seem to underestimate our logical thinking - this physiotherapist never thought that I will consult my doctor again - well this is not what people usually do. I have to mention that I am a female, which may be the reason that some "authorities and institutions" dont take me seriously. I also have to mention that I live in Switzerland, which is otherwise a very "correct" country in a sense of reasoning and logical thinking. But in spite of that, there are also issues.....
Personally I would disagree with INFJs wanting to hear emotions back. While we can pick up on them well it is burdensome to do so and interferes with our ability to use our intuition.
INTJ+INFJ can be interesting. Usually the only point of conflict is Fe vs Te. Not sure if it can be solved or you just make a few compromises and get used to the rest of it. 🙂
P.S. we are more sensitive as it relates to others, than we are regarding ourselves. You guys have FI, so you tend to take things personally, in a way we don’t. Our FE means that we relate to the external world, by gauging the overall emotional state of the group, or the person, in order to effectively work with the group, or the person, so that we meet our objective. It is rather cold and detached, in a way.
We rule. -INFJ (p.s. so do Intjs) also, have you been in an argument with your INFJ yet? If we care enough, “biting” is an understatement. That’s why we like you guys; you do it whenever/wherever, and can get away with it, in a way we can’t. Not the INFJ. So we save it up, until we are furious, and then we unleash hell. But this is not common. Also, you guys are more cuddly and affectionate, when you are close with someone, and we are surprisingly less so. We are both misunderstood. Jordan Peterson cries way too much, in my opinion, and gets baited into arguments too easily, but I generally agree with him, as a person. I am married to an INTJ, and think you guys are the best. -INFJ, AGAIN
I would like to know if I was well seem like I love RUclipsrs have them all around them. The ones at cedar INFJ and INTJ's tend to ghost and ignore me so I don't know if they are really INTJ and INFJ
I'd argue its more about just getting out more often, a numbers game. If there is a 2% chance of meeting one, we're looking at a one in 50 chance. So you would have to meet atleast ~50 people to meet an INTJ or INFJ. You could stack the odds more in your favor and going out to things and places these people would like to. Also its important to be able to recognize one when you find one. I personally like to practice sizing people up quickly, on the fly. I choose my responses carefully and wait for how they respond. xNxx types and xSxx types respond differently.
I’m thinking of making my own tee & tank screens (maybe those ones you run thru a laser printer, or one I can stencil on with paint), with messages that make it clear I’m an INTJ or Ni-dom. It’ll be a fun social experiment, since we all have to wear clothes outside. I don’t wear things with logos or messages, since I’d rather have something custom that strongly resonates with me, so I figure I’ll just experiment with whatever elicits responses. I live in the Greater LA area, so I figure it’d be easy to attract the eye of someone who knows MBTI, this being a numbers game and all. 😁 Some tentative ideas: - INTJ - Limited Edition: INTJ - Sigma INTJ - Rare Gem 💎 (INTJ) - (a pie chart image & a teeny little sliver w/ a line pointed towards it-description reads, “0.02% INTJ female”) --- I’ll be a half-century old this year, and exactly half a lifetime ago, I used to make my own tee printouts (you know how we’ve got opinions about everything that we feel compelled to broadcast)-I wanna get back to that, but with better quality, and there are tons of commercial options for small-scale selling, so this is just one way to attract specific people’s attention when we’re out in public, like when out at a market or outside exercising or whatever.
@@theintjperspective2958 So far I always tested as INTJ and know it as well. But I rarely see videos on that topic. I agree that it depends on the rested state and also to how much noise and people I'm exposed to. For me a short nap is the best way to get rid of it. How about you? Do you and your wife deal the same way with it or do you have different strategies to deal with sensory overload?
@@eabuchsiI’m turning 50 this year, and without exception, SOLITUDE as always been an effective panacea. If I want to attend to self-care, I’m the only one who can take care of me, 100% of the time. Every single person possesses and gives off an energy, which we receive and react to, albeit only subconsciously for some of us. I used to feel like my nerves were always raw & exposed, and felt so vulnerable & fried, almost incessantly-my only respite was when I was alone. Things are *exponentially* better now, thanks to TRULY WIRELESS BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES. I don’t know if you regularly wear/use noise-cancelling or noise-isolating headphones, but they’re a total game-changer! When you block out the noise/sounds from your surroundings, life is much more peaceful. You may still want to hear a muffled version of your reality, but when it’s no longer at full-volume, the stress levels plummet. If you haven’t tried this yet, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll become a convert! 💯 If I need a refresh or reset, time alone to decompress and give myself exactly what I need at that time, has never once failed me.
I would love a Q&A video with you & your wife! Getting some insight as to how your 2 dynamics work & where you both feel you could improve, would be interesting.
Ive met some super freakin arrogant infjs. Yea, they are sensitive tho. Door slammers. But...I love Bernie Sanders. And, David Bowie was an awesome alien.
The relocation for IN types might be important, since you can find surroundings more suitable to your type. IN-types have much more in common and get along better with French than Swiss German, (for example) who are rather S-types. (it was like this in my case). Any location has obviously its own problems, but there are some issues that are not relevant for me which would be relevant to an S-type.
Yea there has been some speculation of N and S types in different cultures. But most of it has been anecdotal. I'd argue, countries that have been more at risk, more vulnerable, tend to be more xSxx types. And Germany's history during the Napoleonic, Medieval was pretty turbulent for example, i.e. more vulnerable. But going of of this theory of mine, more isolated, more secure areas should be more open as xNxx. Italy, England, and Japan should be more xNxx types. One doesn't need to mention the Swiss geographical security to make a guess. But Im not too well versed on Swiss ethnic divisions. Russia for example, who is probably the most geographically vulnerable should be the most xSxx country. But its all pretty complicated. Modern mass communication, from the internet to the printing press may have affected things. There may be also an angle of what they used to call being "Cosmopolitan" back in the 18th century may also be an indicator of xNxx thinking spreading. Overlays would undoubtedly overlap with the enlightenment movement.
@@theintjperspective2958 I think it is much more a question of the "collective character" and "collective subconsciouss" than of geographical and historical facts. CG Jung was talking extensively about it (and was critized for it, because some people did not understand it. They reproached him for talking about Jewish or French collective character, reproachinng him for being nazist, which is absurd.) As to "being vulnerable" theory: Poland is definitely an INFP country. And Russia is for sure not an S-country, although I admit that I dont know the whole Russia. A pretty simple test: S-countries can plan and organise - you see it immediately. INFP country is much rather chaotic and sometimes Kafkaesk. Jung also stated that there is an inborn predestination to the type, which would rather eliminate the historical context. What I love about your channel, is the fact that you always answer our comments. THANK YOU FOR THAT!
@@meinungabundance7696 Yea I mean you could test everyone in a country and average them out. But its just not quantity but quality, as I imagine some people have more sway over the masses, celebrities and politicians. I suppose great thinkers held some sway over collective subconscious
I’m INTJ (discovered mtbi recently and yes, still in that god complex meme mode) and my partner is an infj. Our differences are very obvious. If I ask him why he liked doing the things he do, why did you like that game, why did you like that book etc. his answers will always start with “I dunno… I guess i just like it” and then give me a bunch of wish washy things that don’t make sense to me, cuz he remembers the feeling he felt, not really the content. Where as I can give the exact reason why I enjoy what I enjoy. We talk at length every day and we never run out of things to talk about. We love talking about physiology history religion politics. And because I’m a bit older, I’m the one who has better social skills, I just don’t care about most people.
@@theintjperspective2958 Have you had time to take a look yet? CSJ is the reason why I think Jordan Peterson is an INTP. He's got a couple of typing videos on it.
I think Jordan Peterson is moreso ENFJ. Since he describes himself as extraverted. But, I suppose he might have become more extraverted with age and practice?
Really? I think he's INTP. He doesn't have any Se whatsoever. Clumsy physically. Ti hero because he is very, very particular about the words he chooses to use. He is much more pragmatic and systematic rather than idealistic and affilative.
@_Thunderball_ well that's an entire video in it self. But to be brief; I've watched many of his interviews, and videos class room lectures, read all of his books, and many of his book recommendations. And he definitely appears as idealistic. He cares about the wellness of others on an emotional level. He wants people to be their best in a caring way. Not to mention his work is in therapy, if he was analytical, he would work more in psychological research not therapy and education. Besides INFJ is basically synonymous for the "counselor" or therapist types. 9/10 I a person is a therapist, odds are pretty strong that they are an INFJ. Also him getting fired from that university for refusing to conform to gender nouns is an odd hill to die on, exactly what an INFJ would do. An analytical type would of done things differently for sure,it was a stance based on idealism not logic, regardless of anyone's view on the issue is. And on the xxxJ aspect there are quite bit to go on here. Firstly he has strongly held convictions and sticks to them, so much so this often puts him in alot of confrontations. He also has a hard time seeing many issues from multi perspectives. He also very, very, particularly in his exact meaning of what he says, none of the verbal slipperyness of an xNxP type. An interesting note is his personal appearance, it is very curated and exact typical of xxxJs. Lastly his vision or ideal of what he things is right and wrong has never wavered or changed. He basically is a moral philosopher and pundit on virtual behavior. He dislikes being in the spot light but his moral conviction compell him to sacrifice himself, for the well being of others, what he perceives as their mental well being. Critical decisive, and moralistic. Logical people don't concern themselves so much with moral philosophy. They don't care what is right, only with understanding how things actually are. Morality, right and wrong, is not in the realm of logic.
And yes, pls make a video "how to be mean to people being an INTJ". I cannot quite agree with your concept that INTJs dont care about people. They care about CERTAIN people, not all of them. You also care about your mother and your family and your girlfriend - I assume. You put your videos out in the public - not caring about people? Being INTJ myself, I dare to present a thesis that I rather care about people's thoughts than their feelings. Their thoughts interest me more. But caring about the thoughts is also caring about people, isn't it?
@meinungabundance7696 well I care about individuals, not so much people if that makes sense. But INTJs can be pretty vicious like INFJs can because we can see weaknesses and exploit them.
In psychology, people traditionally talk about hurt feelings. On the other hand, the damage caused by babbling logical nonsense is not discussed. The feelers don't seem to have something like this on their radar.
Maybe it was meant more in a way that we have more of "You need to be more emotional to fix the relationship", but we have less of "You need to be more logical to fix the relationship".
As a feeler, logical nonsense is on my radar (i.e. research and logical fallacies are utilized to stop this issue) but I know thinkers can spot these issues faster than me. Do you guys think that there are more tools to discern logical nonsense than hurt feelings? One can use logical fallacies for example, to not be persuaded by idiocy. Then there is Stoicism which can teach the philosophy of not letting others emotions control you. Perhaps these issues are more about expanding your toolset to remedy them?
I think INFJs are great so long as they don’t attempt to make me abide by their Fe. I generally find Fe detestable & aggravating, so trying to control me with _their idea_ of “proper conduct” is a short path to a nuclear scale argument.
Fe doesn't care to make people abide by rules it is more so reading the room. In my experience the INTJ is the one trying to get people to abide by logic but having a disdain for anyone who is able to pickup on what they cannot.
I'm pretty sure you're talking a lot about INFPs when talking INFJs in this video. This is the most common mistype in MBTI. This probably comes from the lack of understanding of what Fe function is in MBTI. Fe has nothing to do with emotions or empathy, it's about group feel, social intellect and manipulation. In my experience it's pretty easy to figure out if that's an INFP or INFJ. INFPs are probably the most introverted type around. They love being in the feely world and healthily engaging with Ne doesnt require social interaction. INFJ on the other hand is probably the most extroverted out of the introvert types, as engaging with Fe requires socializing. Also, if you see an emotional INFJ - yea they're playing or it's an INFP. I'm of the mind that it's useless to look for similarities between types based on letters in their acronym, it's better to look at functions. INFPs and INFJs dont have a single shared function. They're somewhat similar but they get there in completely different ways. INTPs and INTJs - same thing. Both nerds, but underlying composition is totally different. But yeah INFJs are fun. They remind me of a young myself before I got infested with the doomer/critic virus. So intuitive yet so idealistic. In my experience INFJs do not mesh well with INTJs, but we do with INFPs :P
"Also, if you see an emotional INFJ-yea they're playing or it's an INFP." Welp, you have confirmed it. As an INFJ I must be a robot like my INTJ boyfriend. I guess we are meant to be together. 🌈🦋🦄
Speaking of AI: It does recognise humor, which is not a logical thing. If you send a text to AI and ask if it is humorous or not, it will answer the quuestion. Also, AI can not only SUMMARISE a text , but also draw CONCLUSIONS from it, which is a total different story.
humor is an interesting aspect of intelligence, its sometimes studied in psychology. I like to think of humor as when we don't under stand an instance, where it doesn't logical sense but it doesn't. AI should be able to do this eventually.
Sorry to be a "nuisance", but Hitler was not an INFJ. He was a Sensation type: he painted, wanted to be an architect (not a favorite profession by N-types). Hitler had no empathy. What might look as INFJ can be his border-line condition. He was over-emotional and moody, which is not the same as a Feeling function.
I have the tendency to watch your videos for 2-3 times, because they are so rich and insightful! It's like coming back to an inspiring novel after a certain üeriod of time.
@meinungabundance7696 well that's great I guess, I've always felt it's harder to digest info from a video than it is from reading
As a male INFJ, my sensitivity primarily relates to the feelings and emotions of others (Fe), rather than my own emotions being affected, especially not by someone else. Coupled with a lifetime of deeply observing, analyzing, and understanding emotions and behaviors (Ti), I tend to process my own feelings logically, rather than truly feeling them emotionally.
That said, I do experience emotions, probably deeper and more complex than most. Though they are primarily in response to someone else and/or their situation, when absorbing what others are feeling or even when I just imagine what someone might be feeling. -- But almost never about/for myself.
Someone might be able to make we question/doubt something about myself (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) - But it's impossible for anybody to either hurt my feelings or insult/offend me. Only a very select few might reach the point of me specifically giving them that type of influence - But those few that would be able to do that, wouldn't.
So, I guess depending on how you look at it, you could say I’m either highly sensitive or not sensitive at all. Just not in the way most might think. :)
INTJ female in her early 20s here! Both by uncle and my mom are INFJs and with our Ni in common I feel like they are the only people I have a true connection with. It's always interesting discussing topics with them and the hours pass by so quickly XD
Then, I've also noticed their way to take things personally oh so often which has made me more careful with what I say. And I feel like I've helped them with setting boundaries for themselves and getting them to realize that they do not have to always be a people pleaser haha.
Yea that's one thing I'm thankful for my mother helping to be more careful with my words. That and being able to hold deep conversations with them.
I’m a male INFJ and I have a female INTJ at work that I speak to once in a while. It’s great chemistry! We love to dissect and discuss the human behavior of our coworkers 😅 she’s got strong opinions and so do I.
Thats a real nice gender reversal. One thing Ive noticed, when there is an INTJ female, and a male INFJ, they tend to have worked much better on their weakness, they tend to be much better rounded.
That would be such a fun dynamic! 😁
- INTJ female
Love the new hairstyle! :)
Thanks, it's a great summer cut
Interesting thoughts about AI and the future of INTJs. I am a total fan of AI, use chatgpt , and am fascinated about this instrument. Lately, a good colleague of mine said to me jokingly (?): " Now, I dont have to meet you so often, I can discuss subjects with the AI". Well....😞
Nevertheless, I think that we will be still needed - since we "propagate" logic and analytical thinking in our circle of friends/colleagues - and they probably believe us more than they believe in the AI chatgpt. Also, we can "correct" their thinking situationally, on the spot - but I might be wrong in my assessment (see my colleague's statement above).
@meinungabundance7696 i haven't been too enamored with AI, I still prefer to do my own investigation, AI makes too many mistakes, but I'm excited with the implications of jt.
Wish I could meet an INTJ I find them the most interesting personality type, as an INFJ. I think it's the extroverted thinking but even way moreso the fact that we're the only 2 types that lead with introverted intuition. I still don't fully grasp the entire concept of Ni but I know that we see the world VERY differently than the vast majority of people. And it's very isolating feeling at times while also feeling unique. Feel on different planes of perceiving the world compared with others
@iloveTool Intuition is very complicated idea, something that Jung struggled with. But it xNxx types find so interesting in each other, that and I suspect being introverted helps alot, but because we are both so introverted that makes it so hard for our types to meet. But it's not impossible.
@@theintjperspective2958 the odds are super low. Meeting a Sensor 90 some % chance lol
@@iloveTool you're right, there are way more sensors out there, but you can stack the odds in your favor a bit by going to activities that N types enjoy more. Like things that stimulate curiosity for one.
Vision in Advengers 2 is to me a prime example of INFJ.
The religious side is actually not such a good indicator in real life. Most INTJs I've met were the religious ones actually. INFJs will tend more to be interested in religious principles and how they positively resonate with social dynamics rather than the belief aspect I think.
Actually, the INTJ hurting INFJs feelings after some time can also be true the other way around. Sometimes when I gave logical responses to INTJs I really deeply hurt them by mistake and I regret it. Stereotypically it's more INTJ but it can really go both ways and I was very surprised by that.
Regarding INFJs being tired with people that's very true but despite that INFJs can't just reject people because they're aware of this greater potential people are capable to reach when they work together. Keeping good relationships maintains cohesion in society and INFJs are more aware of these complexe dynamics. So even though people take dumb decisions, they know staying an approachable and social member of society and fitting in means not rejecting people. You just can't ignore others forever. It will backfire in one way or another someday. Support won't be there when you'll truly need it the most if you don't keep your relationships alive. INFJs just know that continuing to like people no matter what and staying connected to them is logically the right thing to do in short. It may seem contradictory at first glance but it's really not in the end.
I know sometimes it looks like INFJs actually want to be mean towards people and they're not brave enough to do so but it's not really lecturing it correctly. In fact it's just their impulsivity but that's not really what they actually want deep down. INFJs don't interpret daring to be mean as being brave but rather bold and weak I think cause it's letting others impact your emotional state and lose your tempe. It's just interesting to see them react that way and for curiosity. They just don't want to be mean deep down no matter they're hurt, that's not who they are despite the fact they're pissed of with people on the moment. They'll always regret it later even if they feel good in the moment. INTJs usually have a hard time getting the INFJ nature and this profound positivity.
I heavily disagree with the planning point tho, INFJs are also great at planning. They can easily envision what they want to do and how to achieve it step by step. Especially with planning things for people and social events.
I've noticed INTJs as well as NT types can jump to conclusions as well in conversation because they can overinterpret your words sometimes and then say you contradicted yourself later on or you meant something really mean according to them while in reality you never implied such things but they create their own story with what you said pretty much and then use it to assume things about you that have simply never been what you think.
Regarding the fact that INFJs can think the grass is greener on the other side, I think it's more a misunderstanding of INFJs' emotionality and mood. Being more in touch with their feelings means sometimes INFJs know having the right environment can really impact their mood and put them in a betrer mental state to deal better with something. And I've noticed that from relatives and some INTJs around me that they can struggle to get how their environment can actually impact their emotional state and make them more stressed without them realizing it's the cause of their sudden lack of productivity for example. They can struggle to see they don't feel right and something goes wrong with their emotional state.
Overall I've noticed that all thinker types tend to have difficulties with conveying their intentions about what they say. It seems they don't see the context of delivery can truly impact the reception of their message, the point in saying it and help communicate something better to be listened to stop complaining about others not listening to you. But people won't listen to you if they think you want to humiliate them and not actively help them.
But to INFJs emotions actually make a lot of sense and there is a spectrum of emotions you could have in reaction to specific things implied. It's just not binary but different potential answers. If emotions wouldn't make sense at all, it wouldn't be weird for someone to laugh when they're hurt for example but of course that would be weird because it's not an expected reaction according to the situation.
I just think INFJs and INTJs capacity to go deeper only relies on their ressources but both are definitely equally capable to go deeper in things. It's probably that it doesn't feel like it is the case for INTJs because they tend to be very decisive people, and that's not how INFJs appear to them but INFJs rather advance more thoroughtly in depth I would say by not missing steps and acknowledging each point and make sure to solve every single one of them to never have to reconsider their insight later or the least possible.
What type do you test as?
INFJ precisely. Your perspective was very interesting. Thanks for sharing it.
@@kyurei4478Any & every type can present in various ways, as we’ve got subtypes (such as those described thru Dario Nardi’s work), as well as healthy & unhealthy versions across a spectrum.
It sounds to me like you probably have some unhealthy INTJs around you, and it’s possible that they may be mistyped, but unless we can draw from a very large sample, we often only see part of the picture-your observations may be accurate, but won’t apply to ALL INTJs.
As for proclivities of all INTJs, we do have to develop the correlation between what we feel & how our environment influenced our emotions-totally agree with your point on that topic! 💯 . I was born into an all-narc family, but didn’t know till close to 40 that all of the vibes I felt were ALWAYS correct-I disregarded all of those gut feelings and other bodily sensations that were indicting danger, for example, and here I was always waiting for “solid evidence,” when it was there all along.
It’s a shame that acknowledging & developing our intuition isn’t part of our life education as a collective. Of course, it’s all by design, since we’d be nearly impossible to control by governments & other ruling forces, if we had confidence & agency in ourselves.
@@MoPoppins Of course, I totally agree, any type can present variations, I never said otherwise. But we can identify different personality types for a reason.
I think you judge these INTJs quite severely. INTJs who are simply immature could already present these traits I've seen among many over the years. INTJs refusing to acknowledge they have feelings is quite common for example. They would naturally develop over time. Of course that's only my observations and experience, just like it is regarding INFJs in this video. Again, I'm not saying this will apply to any INTJ by any means, only that it seems to be likely to happen. That may be surprising to you but that was always the same for me. I was always reluctant to follow my intuition because it simply didn't make sense to me so I doubted about it and needed to understand things, but yet it was effective and correct nonetheless. Over time I came to accept the fact that I had to follow my gut feelings because it was inexplicably way too accurate and helpful, even though it would probably sound crazy to any other type to do so. But since INxJs possess an abnormaly strong intuition, following it is our nature and how we can develop our full potential. We can count on it in our case. We have to accept ourselves. That is definitely a problem all INxJs face, the lack of validation from the external world and the understanding of yourself. That might be the crux of why an INxJ's life is so solitary and complicated. I think this helps us to not fear the unknown unlike most people who are almost paralysed when they can't rely on concrete evidence because most of their decisions will rely on getting it and they're extremly dependant of it in the end. That's why we'll always be the firsts to react and why we can anticipate. Logic requires solid evidence but us INxJs simply defy concrete evidence and we don't rely on facts to succeed to be right no matter what people could say. We have this capacity to deduce and intuitively understand what is right or more likely based on probabilities and observation of the external world alone with experience. Solid evidence is usually only useful for us to understand the reasons why we were right in the first place. We can easily see the end of the process before getting the details of it. Logic seems to be a thinking process that is simply too slow for us.
Indeed it's a real shame that intuition isn't acknowledged at all in society but it has to do with the fact that the way intuition works exactly is very obscure and taps into our unconscious. So our own mind can't really explain it itself unlike logic, feelings and sensation. Thus, it is unreliable and not everybody can count on it. We can ourselves only because it is naturally extremely developed for us but not for others. I think there is definitely a high level of hypocrisy coming from most people though who don't even recognize they use their intuition daily but attribute it to logic when their reasoning isn't always strictly logical and there is a part of assuming things that seem obvious but not directly provable. Pure logic doesn't rely on high probabilities and fair assumptions, intuition does. Both are intertwined for almost everyone cause they don't argue how logical reasoning itself works. As an INFJ, it's usually hard to differenciate my Introverted Intuition from my Introverted Thinking cause both are usually treated very similarly. I wonder if ISTPs feel the same because they're the only other personality type that shares it with us. We revere logical reasoning like the new god that guides all our decisions in our modern civilizations and don't question it. There was a time before the rise of Science when the entire population was made of believers where people relied more on their feelings and what seemed morally right to guide their decisions. I don't know what a society based on intuition and consciousness would look like. Probably a society leaning more toward philosophy, creativity and metaphysics. Antic Greece was probably the closest to that. The problem I can see though is that the mind itself can't naturally explain the process of intuition. But who knows, maybe when intuition will be clear enough we'll be able to decompose its process, we'll study it in class and intuition will finally appear clear and easily explanable. I think intuition has something to do with conscience itself and maybe only when Science will have uncovered the deepest secrets of the mind and how to recreate consciousness, we will finally be understood. We're just way too complex beings for our own good, no matter some will take it as being smug or feeling superior, it's simply acknowledging our own condition. Also the biggest problem might be that we're too rare so we feel different and weird to people instead of being respected and understood for who we are. I feel like allowing to develop logical reasoning for our life education is already a threat for governments and other ruling forces. It's true that they can still use logical fallacies to manipulate us though since what seems perfectly logical rules in our modern societies after all.
@@kyurei4478 With regard to intuition being validated as a “legit” form of evidence, there will always be those who dismiss it because they’re narcissistic & either don’t possess much of it, nor have they developed whatever aptitudes they have for it, but I would think that for rational Sensors, if they saw that someone had a track record for being accurate, then the stats would allow them to place their trust in someone, though I suppose those without pattern recognition would be averse to trusting anyone before an event came to pass, since that’s their only understanding of what “realness” embodies.
I can often predict outcomes, while my sister is surprised by them, even if I explain to her the reasoning. If she can’t see it in the real world, then it “doesn’t exist,” no matter how many times it’s occurred.
Frank, would you be interested in making a video about INTJs and their "struggle" in daily life in the following sense: I have the feeling that sometimes I am being perceived as "trouble maker", when I only want to clarify the issue. Example: I went to the rheumatologist and got physiotherapy prescribed as one of the measures. All good - but the physiotherapist did not follow doctors'orders, but has his own "diagnosis" and tried to explain to me that his diagnosis is differend and he can do his own therapy program. I called the doctor who was very pissed (sorry) and corrected physiotherapist's direction:
Why does it happen to us ? Or is it happening to me only? I could give many examples. People seem to underestimate our logical thinking - this physiotherapist never thought that I will consult my doctor again - well this is not what people usually do.
I have to mention that I am a female, which may be the reason that some "authorities and institutions" dont take me seriously. I also have to mention that I live in Switzerland, which is otherwise a very "correct" country in a sense of reasoning and logical thinking. But in spite of that, there are also issues.....
Personally I would disagree with INFJs wanting to hear emotions back. While we can pick up on them well it is burdensome to do so and interferes with our ability to use our intuition.
INTJ+INFJ can be interesting. Usually the only point of conflict is Fe vs Te. Not sure if it can be solved or you just make a few compromises and get used to the rest of it. 🙂
Loved this one but now I'm waiting on that UFO content dude, I'm sure you must have some serious research on it.
@hazen-kain I've done a bit, and I want to add a unique perspective to it for sure, it's a bit daunting though.
P.S. we are more sensitive as it relates to others, than we are regarding ourselves. You guys have FI, so you tend to take things personally, in a way we don’t. Our FE means that we relate to the external world, by gauging the overall emotional state of the group, or the person, in order to effectively work with the group, or the person, so that we meet our objective. It is rather cold and detached, in a way.
That's an interesting way of putting it
We rule. -INFJ (p.s. so do Intjs) also, have you been in an argument with your INFJ yet? If we care enough, “biting” is an understatement. That’s why we like you guys; you do it whenever/wherever, and can get away with it, in a way we can’t. Not the INFJ. So we save it up, until we are furious, and then we unleash hell. But this is not common. Also, you guys are more cuddly and affectionate, when you are close with someone, and we are surprisingly less so. We are both misunderstood. Jordan Peterson cries way too much, in my opinion, and gets baited into arguments too easily, but I generally agree with him, as a person. I am married to an INTJ, and think you guys are the best. -INFJ, AGAIN
YES! Finally! thanks.
One question: Where can you meet another INTJs or INFJs??? They are so rare. It seems that all I meet are Sensation types (S).
I would like to know if I was well seem like I love RUclipsrs have them all around them. The ones at cedar INFJ and INTJ's tend to ghost and ignore me so I don't know if they are really INTJ and INFJ
I'd argue its more about just getting out more often, a numbers game. If there is a 2% chance of meeting one, we're looking at a one in 50 chance. So you would have to meet atleast ~50 people to meet an INTJ or INFJ. You could stack the odds more in your favor and going out to things and places these people would like to. Also its important to be able to recognize one when you find one. I personally like to practice sizing people up quickly, on the fly. I choose my responses carefully and wait for how they respond. xNxx types and xSxx types respond differently.
I’m thinking of making my own tee & tank screens (maybe those ones you run thru a laser printer, or one I can stencil on with paint), with messages that make it clear I’m an INTJ or Ni-dom.
It’ll be a fun social experiment, since we all have to wear clothes outside. I don’t wear things with logos or messages, since I’d rather have something custom that strongly resonates with me, so I figure I’ll just experiment with whatever elicits responses.
I live in the Greater LA area, so I figure it’d be easy to attract the eye of someone who knows MBTI, this being a numbers game and all. 😁
Some tentative ideas:
- Limited Edition: INTJ
- Sigma INTJ
- Rare Gem 💎 (INTJ)
- (a pie chart image & a teeny little sliver w/ a line pointed towards it-description reads, “0.02% INTJ female”)
I’ll be a half-century old this year, and exactly half a lifetime ago, I used to make my own tee printouts (you know how we’ve got opinions about everything that we feel compelled to broadcast)-I wanna get back to that, but with better quality, and there are tons of commercial options for small-scale selling, so this is just one way to attract specific people’s attention when we’re out in public, like when out at a market or outside exercising or whatever.
Do you as an INTJ and your wife as an INFJ experience sensory overload? I read that these two types can struggle with that.
Oh yes we do, it can really shut me down sometimes. If im well rested I can endure it, but there have been times where it just killed me.
@@theintjperspective2958 So far I always tested as INTJ and know it as well. But I rarely see videos on that topic. I agree that it depends on the rested state and also to how much noise and people I'm exposed to. For me a short nap is the best way to get rid of it. How about you? Do you and your wife deal the same way with it or do you have different strategies to deal with sensory overload?
@@eabuchsiI’m turning 50 this year, and without exception, SOLITUDE as always been an effective panacea. If I want to attend to self-care, I’m the only one who can take care of me, 100% of the time.
Every single person possesses and gives off an energy, which we receive and react to, albeit only subconsciously for some of us. I used to feel like my nerves were always raw & exposed, and felt so vulnerable & fried, almost incessantly-my only respite was when I was alone. Things are *exponentially* better now, thanks to TRULY WIRELESS BLUETOOTH HEADPHONES. I don’t know if you regularly wear/use noise-cancelling or noise-isolating headphones, but they’re a total game-changer! When you block out the noise/sounds from your surroundings, life is much more peaceful. You may still want to hear a muffled version of your reality, but when it’s no longer at full-volume, the stress levels plummet. If you haven’t tried this yet, I can pretty much guarantee you’ll become a convert! 💯
If I need a refresh or reset, time alone to decompress and give myself exactly what I need at that time, has never once failed me.
I would love a Q&A video with you & your wife! Getting some insight as to how your 2 dynamics work & where you both feel you could improve, would be interesting.
What I'm married? Why am I always the last to know. But seriously, dont tell my girlfriend Im married. She'll kill me.
He said GF in the video.
Ive met some super freakin arrogant infjs. Yea, they are sensitive tho. Door slammers. But...I love Bernie Sanders. And, David Bowie was an awesome alien.
@danab172 yes they tend to have a tremendous depth to them, real idealists
The relocation for IN types might be important, since you can find surroundings more suitable to your type. IN-types have much more in common and get along better with French than Swiss German, (for example) who are rather S-types. (it was like this in my case).
Any location has obviously its own problems, but there are some issues that are not relevant for me which would be relevant to an S-type.
Yea there has been some speculation of N and S types in different cultures. But most of it has been anecdotal. I'd argue, countries that have been more at risk, more vulnerable, tend to be more xSxx types. And Germany's history during the Napoleonic, Medieval was pretty turbulent for example, i.e. more vulnerable. But going of of this theory of mine, more isolated, more secure areas should be more open as xNxx. Italy, England, and Japan should be more xNxx types. One doesn't need to mention the Swiss geographical security to make a guess. But Im not too well versed on Swiss ethnic divisions. Russia for example, who is probably the most geographically vulnerable should be the most xSxx country. But its all pretty complicated. Modern mass communication, from the internet to the printing press may have affected things. There may be also an angle of what they used to call being "Cosmopolitan" back in the 18th century may also be an indicator of xNxx thinking spreading. Overlays would undoubtedly overlap with the enlightenment movement.
@@theintjperspective2958 I think it is much more a question of the "collective character" and "collective subconsciouss" than of geographical and historical facts. CG Jung was talking extensively about it (and was critized for it, because some people did not understand it. They reproached him for talking about Jewish or French collective character, reproachinng him for being nazist, which is absurd.)
As to "being vulnerable" theory: Poland is definitely an INFP country. And Russia is for sure not an S-country, although I admit that I dont know the whole Russia. A pretty simple test: S-countries can plan and organise - you see it immediately. INFP country is much rather chaotic and sometimes Kafkaesk.
Jung also stated that there is an inborn predestination to the type, which would rather eliminate the historical context.
What I love about your channel, is the fact that you always answer our comments. THANK YOU FOR THAT!
@@meinungabundance7696 Yea I mean you could test everyone in a country and average them out. But its just not quantity but quality, as I imagine some people have more sway over the masses, celebrities and politicians. I suppose great thinkers held some sway over collective subconscious
I’m INTJ (discovered mtbi recently and yes, still in that god complex meme mode) and my partner is an infj. Our differences are very obvious. If I ask him why he liked doing the things he do, why did you like that game, why did you like that book etc. his answers will always start with “I dunno… I guess i just like it” and then give me a bunch of wish washy things that don’t make sense to me, cuz he remembers the feeling he felt, not really the content. Where as I can give the exact reason why I enjoy what I enjoy.
We talk at length every day and we never run out of things to talk about. We love talking about physiology history religion politics. And because I’m a bit older, I’m the one who has better social skills, I just don’t care about most people.
I would love to see a video of your thoughts on C.S. Joseph. He's a RUclips creator with a unique perspective on MBTI
Alright, I'll give him a look
@@theintjperspective2958 Have you had time to take a look yet? CSJ is the reason why I think Jordan Peterson is an INTP. He's got a couple of typing videos on it.
Hi 👋 could you please talk about how have better relationship with people as an intj
I have a romance video, but I may do more on the topic in the future. Social skills are important.
What happened to your hair 😮
It's just a phase I'm going through 😆
I think Jordan Peterson is moreso ENFJ. Since he describes himself as extraverted. But, I suppose he might have become more extraverted with age and practice?
Really? I think he's INTP. He doesn't have any Se whatsoever. Clumsy physically. Ti hero because he is very, very particular about the words he chooses to use. He is much more pragmatic and systematic rather than idealistic and affilative.
Yea its really hard sometimes. As with people like him they spend alot of time talking so it's hard to tell. But to me he seems to be introverted.
@@theintjperspective2958 Hey, can you give your reasoning why you think JP is an INFJ? He seemed to be a pretty clear INTP for me.
@_Thunderball_ well that's an entire video in it self. But to be brief; I've watched many of his interviews, and videos class room lectures, read all of his books, and many of his book recommendations. And he definitely appears as idealistic. He cares about the wellness of others on an emotional level. He wants people to be their best in a caring way. Not to mention his work is in therapy, if he was analytical, he would work more in psychological research not therapy and education. Besides INFJ is basically synonymous for the "counselor" or therapist types. 9/10 I a person is a therapist, odds are pretty strong that they are an INFJ. Also him getting fired from that university for refusing to conform to gender nouns is an odd hill to die on, exactly what an INFJ would do. An analytical type would of done things differently for sure,it was a stance based on idealism not logic, regardless of anyone's view on the issue is. And on the xxxJ aspect there are quite bit to go on here. Firstly he has strongly held convictions and sticks to them, so much so this often puts him in alot of confrontations. He also has a hard time seeing many issues from multi perspectives. He also very, very, particularly in his exact meaning of what he says, none of the verbal slipperyness of an xNxP type. An interesting note is his personal appearance, it is very curated and exact typical of xxxJs. Lastly his vision or ideal of what he things is right and wrong has never wavered or changed. He basically is a moral philosopher and pundit on virtual behavior. He dislikes being in the spot light but his moral conviction compell him to sacrifice himself, for the well being of others, what he perceives as their mental well being. Critical decisive, and moralistic. Logical people don't concern themselves so much with moral philosophy. They don't care what is right, only with understanding how things actually are. Morality, right and wrong, is not in the realm of logic.
And yes, pls make a video "how to be mean to people being an INTJ". I cannot quite agree with your concept that INTJs dont care about people.
They care about CERTAIN people, not all of them. You also care about your mother and your family and your girlfriend - I assume. You put your videos out in the public - not caring about people? Being INTJ myself, I dare to present a thesis that I rather care about people's thoughts than their feelings. Their thoughts interest me more. But caring about the thoughts is also caring about people, isn't it?
@meinungabundance7696 well I care about individuals, not so much people if that makes sense. But INTJs can be pretty vicious like INFJs can because we can see weaknesses and exploit them.
In psychology, people traditionally talk about hurt feelings. On the other hand, the damage caused by babbling logical nonsense is not discussed. The feelers don't seem to have something like this on their radar.
Yea xNTx ramblings can be disheartening
Maybe it was meant more in a way that we have more of "You need to be more emotional to fix the relationship", but we have less of "You need to be more logical to fix the relationship".
@@fadingintent How they all say the biggest crap just for the sake of peace.
As a feeler, logical nonsense is on my radar (i.e. research and logical fallacies are utilized to stop this issue) but I know thinkers can spot these issues faster than me. Do you guys think that there are more tools to discern logical nonsense than hurt feelings? One can use logical fallacies for example, to not be persuaded by idiocy. Then there is Stoicism which can teach the philosophy of not letting others emotions control you. Perhaps these issues are more about expanding your toolset to remedy them?
@@melissabennett8022 😆
I think INFJs are great so long as they don’t attempt to make me abide by their Fe. I generally find Fe detestable & aggravating, so trying to control me with _their idea_ of “proper conduct” is a short path to a nuclear scale argument.
Fe doesn't care to make people abide by rules it is more so reading the room. In my experience the INTJ is the one trying to get people to abide by logic but having a disdain for anyone who is able to pickup on what they cannot.
I'm pretty sure you're talking a lot about INFPs when talking INFJs in this video. This is the most common mistype in MBTI. This probably comes from the lack of understanding of what Fe function is in MBTI. Fe has nothing to do with emotions or empathy, it's about group feel, social intellect and manipulation.
In my experience it's pretty easy to figure out if that's an INFP or INFJ. INFPs are probably the most introverted type around. They love being in the feely world and healthily engaging with Ne doesnt require social interaction. INFJ on the other hand is probably the most extroverted out of the introvert types, as engaging with Fe requires socializing. Also, if you see an emotional INFJ - yea they're playing or it's an INFP.
I'm of the mind that it's useless to look for similarities between types based on letters in their acronym, it's better to look at functions. INFPs and INFJs dont have a single shared function. They're somewhat similar but they get there in completely different ways. INTPs and INTJs - same thing. Both nerds, but underlying composition is totally different.
But yeah INFJs are fun. They remind me of a young myself before I got infested with the doomer/critic virus. So intuitive yet so idealistic. In my experience INFJs do not mesh well with INTJs, but we do with INFPs :P
No. I'm not. You're taking this too personally.
"Also, if you see an emotional INFJ-yea they're playing or it's an INFP."
Welp, you have confirmed it. As an INFJ I must be a robot like my INTJ boyfriend. I guess we are meant to be together. 🌈🦋🦄
@@melissabennett8022 😆
It's in relation to his wife. So yes an INTJ who is very logical will think an INFJ is emotional.
Speaking of AI: It does recognise humor, which is not a logical thing. If you send a text to AI and ask if it is humorous or not, it will answer the quuestion. Also, AI can not only SUMMARISE a text , but also draw CONCLUSIONS from it, which is a total different story.
humor is an interesting aspect of intelligence, its sometimes studied in psychology. I like to think of humor as when we don't under stand an instance, where it doesn't logical sense but it doesn't. AI should be able to do this eventually.
@@theintjperspective2958 It IS already doing it! I've checked 2 weeks ago. It recognizes humor in texts.
Sorry to be a "nuisance", but Hitler was not an INFJ. He was a Sensation type: he painted, wanted to be an architect (not a favorite profession by N-types). Hitler had no empathy. What might look as INFJ can be his border-line condition. He was over-emotional and moody, which is not the same as a Feeling function.
Intuitives are also into art.