I've been playing around with the brightness of the gradient light strip. I find 100% to distracting so I've got mine set to 60% at the moment. I'd be interested to hear what others have got their set to?
What I am having problems with is hooking up my Xbox Series X and LG 95TR to my LG C3. I don't get any sound. I connected my tv to the sound bar via eArc and the Xbox to the Sync Box, to the TV. I get no sound. Any help would be appreciated.
@@ProjectSmartHome I figured it out. You have to connect the Xbox to the Sound bar's HDMI in, then connect it to port 4 on the 8K Sync Box, then to the eARC port on the TV.
amazing video, it was very informative. thank you
Thank you for your feedback 👍
Is the hue bridge really necessary or not? Does the lights work without it?
I can't see how the solution would work without a hue bridge as you need to provide bridge details when setting up the hdmi sync box.
Thank you so much for watching and subscribing!
I've been playing around with the brightness of the gradient light strip. I find 100% to distracting so I've got mine set to 60% at the moment. I'd be interested to hear what others have got their set to?
What I am having problems with is hooking up my Xbox Series X and LG 95TR to my LG C3. I don't get any sound. I connected my tv to the sound bar via eArc and the Xbox to the Sync Box, to the TV. I get no sound. Any help would be appreciated.
I'll let you know how I get on when I plug in my Xbox x.
@@ProjectSmartHome I figured it out. You have to connect the Xbox to the Sound bar's HDMI in, then connect it to port 4 on the 8K Sync Box, then to the eARC port on the TV.
Just about to buy this, did you buy from Philips direct or somewhere else?
I bought the hue sync box from Philips direct and the gradient strip from Amazon.
Can it's work without hue bridge!
As far as I am aware you need the Hue bridge to get the Philips Hue Sync Box to work with the lights..