great vid. Thanks! When I watched this I thought that it was by a really big youtuber because the video is well organized and clear to understand. Thumbs up.
i love playing support but i keep feeling like i am missing them big plays but watching this has make me think a little bit more on how i could and where i must learn to get better at my role really glad i stumbled on this vid
Im not sure how I haven't found you yet. I don't do ranked however people who are ranked always tell me I should play ranked as I would easily make Diamond with my skills. Awesome guide. You got yourself another sub, keep up the awesome work man.
Thank you so much for tips. I'd gotten to silver playing only support, but listening to your guide on proper order to rush support items and also, stressing once again the importance of map awareness got me into gold. =D Don't know if it was just the simple short format that got me here but I definitely know that something here got into my head. Have turned around a 50-50 win rate to about a 60-40 win rate... for now.
You did a great job introducing and explaining the key concepts. I would've loved to see clips relating to each talking point and perhaps a slow motion breakdown on what the support was doing and how it brought an advantage to the team. It would also be nice to have a description of the warding spots on the images. However, the video as is will be very helpful to new or inexperienced players :)
Pretty good basic video. On a second video (if you make one), I recommend talking about warding paths and recall timers. Generally, if you reset the lane properly and recall, you can buy boots+pink ward then walk into the enemy jungle to put it down, then decide to roam to a lane after or help your ADC, who shouldn't be suffering since the lane should be slowly pushing into him. Also, a lot of lower ELO supports overstay on the map, and all their vision expires. At the professional level, they pick an objective, throw down wards, then instantly go back for more wards once the objective is removed or incontestable. A massive part of the support's job is to make contesting objectives as safe as possible (by granting tactical advantages through vision). Also, a short demonstration of trading from might be good for some players, showing them the dos and don't of trading and zoning as a support. There are probably videos on that, but it's nice to have the support's perspective as well, since there are slight differences. There are probably other things you can add, but these two are the ones I focus on the most whenever I play support. You probably have many more topics to add on top of this as a support main. And the reasons I feel support is under-appreciated at the low ELOs is because 1) they don't understand that vision and vision denial is an objective, and even then they don't have the map awareness to utilize vision or the tactical understanding of the strength of vision denial (especially in combination with vision advantage). 2) You rarely get to kill people and be the obvious hard carry, even if you are in fact the MVP. And 3) it's very team-reliant, and many low ELO players believe they're stuck in low ELO solely because their team sucks. Supports give the team plenty of options and utility for their team to use IF they choose to use it (assuming they even know they're there).
In lower elo, don't bother roaming unless yur adc is useless because most of them can't handle the lane alone so when you're roaming they'll die and/or miss farm For this reason, don't buy mobility boots, so you can take some boots that'll fit yor champ better
+ZERG RUSH Unless you're incredibly good at playing Bard and can solo carry, d suggest you don't waste any money in the champ/pack and try out the champ in ranked, try it in normal
very thorough warding strategy lesson and guide!! thank you oh oh oh so very much. I've been pretty much clueless to the true importance of Ward's; this being my first season playing league. happy to subscribe, look through your strategy guides, and absolve my ignorance! Namaste! ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
i enjoy boots of swiftness on disengage type supports because when your kiting sometimes you cant wait for that speed boost from mobility boots and need to get to your allies quickly.
Would like a part two if you can. Trying to main support but I don't feel comfortable enough in the role yet. Something along the lines of best itemization for the best supports and how to get started early game in lane phase. Never really sure when to go aggressive or be defensive.
Support is actually way more fun if you really get into it. I love hitting stuns and so on, feels good man. Assists are nice to get as well and it's way easier to get your role.
Nice vid! I hate it when i play nami that my adc cant see the difference between me poking/zoning and me engaging early game -,- i also have to tell them : forget about me i Will survive you just last hit
Thanks for making this Support Guide, I'm new to League and my friends added me to their team, and it seems just as that I have to take the support role, even tho I have always been ADC (for now, since it was the role really comfortable to play with for me) - I have no problem with it, since I've kind of expected it, because the stereo type "females play support". And this kinda really motivates me to be a good support? I dunno :D But this really helped me and I will practise to be a good support from now. Thank you!
+Frostwolf As you climb higher that stereotype fades, that females play support. I've supported many female ADC players my self (male) and they have carried me through some deep shit if I may add. For me you should play the role that you feel comfortable with, you should ask your teammates for a chance. ^_^
Hey man, nice vid, earned ur self a sub. I see you havent put out a vid in a month so I would like to say keep making vids cus they're quality. You got a chance to become big as long as you're consistent. Anyways, thanks for the tips man.
Can you explore the support role for season 7, or even 8 (when it comes). so many awesome items, and meta changes happening now. would love to capitalize on that while season 7 still available. Thanks for the guide, great tips and clear explanation.
thanks Milky im a bronze support main, (so yeah im bad) this video helped me alot especially since there are hardly any videos focusing on support. This video helped me alot, and i would love to see a part 2 or an updated guide.
I'm a bronze I supp main, in my opinion it's harder to climb as supp do to your reliance on your team( I am not saying I'm stuck I'm bronze because of my team)
+The Red Snorlax I agree man, as a support with little to know dps, you have to rely on having a at least decent adc, you could play a mage "support" but honestyl as a general rule i dont enjpy playing them.i main mostly soraka and thresh (in ranked) and sometimes ali, and it can be hard because of how reliant you are on having a good adc. sure if you're good enough you can make up for it but not a whole lot and not always.
+Markise Daniels I think Blitzcrank in lower Elos is a good choice because even the most retarded adc can shoot a target that is grabbed and then knocked up, hence basically incapacitated for 4-5 seconds. It's also great for zoning because people are really really scared from your grab. And essentially your grab is gamebraking. You can miss literally all your grabs in the game but if you just hit one at the right time, it can make the comeback for your team if they're behind. Finally, your passive is easily abused to bait enemies, especially in lower Elos where if people see a low-health target most of the time they just mindlessly jump on them even if they have 0 vision around.
I love playing support as either Nami or Morgana for an aggressive support and Janna for a passive aggressive support. Although I prefer playing Nami overall because of how amazing her kit works for me. I just love landing a double or triple bubble on the enemy team and watch as my team decimates them. Also occasionally stealing kills as Nami is just so funny to me that I cant help but have a giggle that bursts into maniacal laughter when they happen. When ks as Morg, it's less funny and more predictable since i build mostly utility ap items on her after boots, sightstone and Frost Queens' Claim.
I want to play support, but I don't know how or which hero to use for support since I'm just a beginner. That's why in every game I'll just try to help my other team mates or deal more damage as much as possible whenever I notice that I have low HP and can be dead anytime. And also avoid stealing kills from others. But I could really use some help to become a good support.
Unfortunately in the depths of low elo like bronze and silver its very hard to carry as a support. It doesnt matter how much CC you can land if your adc or team doesnt take advantage of it then it doesnt matter. Also no support can be that good of a split pusher so when your team makes a bad decision you have to follow even if your typing and pinging saying, no dont do that and its either go and die with them or get blamed for it going wrong. Theres only one thing low elo understands and thats damage. If you really want to play support and move up as one, learn morgana, lux, annie and zyra. They have CC with damage potential. Zyra got me out of bronze and when played right is SUPER annoying to lane against but your adc might complain your affecting their farm. If you notice they just suck at last hitting ignore them. Once I learned her I was consistently 3rd or 2nd in damage dealt and sometimes, even first. Basically hang back in a fight, save your W seeds and then when the time is right, use E to snare, pop two W seeds right on the enemy Q on the seeds and enemy then ult. With a Rhylais your spitting plants will slow them after the snare goes then as they try and get out of your ult they get knocked up and your spitting plants increase in attack speed thanks to the ult. This not only has helped me win teamfights but if I get outnumbered I always take at least 1 or 2 down with me.
Yeah quite true, in lower ELO or anywhere it's hard to carry as Support. Lots of people might say youre just bad etc... But yeah. I can't carry, I can't be a yasuo mid that carries. So I play Support. but I rely on my team being decent, otherwise, if they feed early and keep fucking up, it's all over usually. Yeah maybe should play some dmg supports. Only thing that lower elo enemies+players (most of them) understand is damage and kills... they need to be rekt. I used to Play Zyra but she isnt so good anymore, but brand and morgana yes
what i mean by updated is like with the edition of new support items such as eye of the oasis and when it is better to get that instead of the other upgrade. similar to that.
I feel like ppl always only make guides for pretty new players because they are comparatively easy to make. I would like to see more in depth guides. For one special Champ or on how to wavecontrol (lasthitting the 3 caster minions for example). Maybe make a guide with tips when you should go roam (my adc's seem to die all the time i leave). What do you do if you fall behind the enemy bot lane and get zoned or something. So basically, for new players this guide is really good, but go for some more advanced tactics :)
+Lee Sin I go W because it permanently increases your movement speed and the skill itself is really good to slow down your enemies. But yeah it all depends on the player.
Sona is a very good support for peeling and crude control and late game u can do dmg and setup kills for everybody and if u are good with her and can hit a 5 man ult that will be an instant ace 4 ur team ^^
I'll tell you my story as a support. I've started playing as a support a few weeks ago and I had no idea how to play. I chose Lux and just thought healing teammates is the only thing I have to do, besides that I can keep playing as usual. So that's why I kept farming minions and when my ADC said stop doing that I said why do you take all of them. OMG! Eventually he left the bottom lane and I kept playing alone. Interestingly I fought against 2 players and I killed them for a few times. And wrote my ADC "see I can do it by myself". So I want to say sorry if he/she hears me, I was just an ignorant. LoL
I'm terrible at support. Please make more videos! You could even pick a support and talk about their specific mechanics. I NEED help since I'm always getting stuck playing as support in blind queue and I'm terrible. Is there such a thing as a carry support? Zyra?
I main Support. Here's really important stuff: Have control of your sorroundings. In laning phase, always have vision, be sure where the enemy jungler is, pay attention to ganks, you need to keep track of enemy summoners (e.g. when the enemy carry has no flash), yo need to check your carry's mana (and your own mana of course) before going all-in or making a play. Warn him to be careful when needed, if you have enough wards and lane control you can even ward the enemy jungle and dragon. If you're gonna roam, do it as fast as you can, if you have to wait too much for the gank then just leave, go back to base or to your lane. In teamfights, well, it depends too much on the champion you're playing, but usually just protect your carry and try too CC the hell outta the enemy carry. Also, if you have a hook, please don't hook the enemy tank. Makes no sense, unless your tryng to stop him from making a rupture in your team's formation. Aim for the squishies and that's pretty much it. CS is important too. In some point, your carry is not gonna be in lane and you'll have to defend. So last hitting minions is very important. A fed support is a fed carry, and if the carry isn't good, then at least he isn't gonna die 23 times. The most important advice ever - when in solo blind pick, never trust your carry! NEVER! You can always bet isn't gonna get the kill, so be prepared for that.
Crowd control and peel are two different things. Crowd control is using stuns, roots, slows to take enemy champs out of the fight peel is the specific tactic of preventing enemy champs from attacking your teams carries. Which typically means employing crowd control but can even be as simple as offering yourself as a sacrifice In summary, CC is both offensive and defensive effects upon enemy champs Peel is protecting your teams carries. "peel Garen off of the ADC"
Being a support main that recently got from Bronze 4 to Gold 5, I can say that in those elos you do nkt want to sacrifice yourself for your adc. The base rule of any role in LoL is to not die. As a support you should do everything to keep your team alive, but never for the cost of yohr own life. There are moments when you can literally get your adc 5/0 on lane and then "steal" a few minions and they will afk. And for people that queue solo, pick supports that are easy to read for your teammates. Otherwise yoh are risking being lect alone in your plays. Leona is a good example. Alistar, Thresh. Very often as Sona I moved to poke to have my adc go all in and die. Last hint is, as a support you are in the position to observe the minimap the most. Use it. You can send pings with it. Mark the enemy jungler for your team. Mark their roams. Mark their objective attempts. Help your team globally.
I did not like all in supports like Leona... I'm not Gold 5 yet but almost there; so far I've encountered mostly adc's that do not follow me in. Sure, they're easy to read champs but I've developed a habit of not even engaging because of the amount of adc's (and the rest of the team) that do not follow up. Horrible habit. Braum is an excellent engager and so is Nami, both my mains :/ It's just sad when even your duo will see you towerdive and ult a below 25% HP adc and not do anything about it... They have a mind of their own and it is completely unpredictable, so I follow their lead and never go for all-in engages first! Nami's bubble is the most I'll do, then wait for a follow up of the adc. Not really an option on leo.. And I really relate with your sona experiences. Personally I don't dare to play thresh in ranked because it requires good synergy on last hitting minions and I find him pretty difficult to play with in 5v5 teamfights. Any advice on what a thresh should do in a teamfight?
IMHO the best alround, generic, safe to take as first pick Support champ is Braum by far. -Peel -CC -Good laning phase (with lucian can lane bully so easily) -Great mid game team fight -Becomes a great tank late game. -His shield wrecks many ults making the likes of Ez players cry.
so I've always had this conflict: should I be getting ruby sightstone as a staple, and get talisman, face, or frost queen? or should I be getting eye of oasis/watchers?
I was never good at tanky supports. That's why I would always play range supports like Janna Raka or Morg. Whenever I'm behind on a tanky support I would feel useless because I would be squishy. I was never good at shot calling too ToT I would love to learn how to be good at tanky supports though.
my only concern is about "worse come to worse, sacrifice yourself for your laner". If they are doing well and have multiple kills early in the game, then i can see it. But if the adc is not getting kills and just not doing well in any way, save yourself. It's not worth you getting further behind because they are over-extending.
Really enjoyed your video a- nice work. I know people ask this all the time, but do you think it's possible or just as possible as other roles to climb solo/dynamic queue as a support main? Or should I go learn how to play a typical mid/top/jg carry role for that? It seems like, and I could be wrong, that a majority of bronze and silver elo games are determined in the first 10-15 minutes by a top/mid/jg who gets fed, before the supp has even had time to be much of an influence.
+VanillaSkinny It's possible with Support, just recently when I was on school holidays I ranked up a smurf of mine from S5 to P2 within 4 days or so mainly with Support. In my opinion it's probably the best role for learning how to play the game because you have a taste of everything. But yeah it's true in low elo's games are usually determined in the early stage of the match, the best advice I can give is that you should play to improve not to win.
What can we do as a support in late game, between 2 team-fights ? I main Bard as Champion and... aside from warding, i don't know where to go or what to do in such moments... can give me advices ?
is it odd that when i supp i carry exhaust and heal? i mean i just feel like forget flash only because like you said if you have to sacrifice yourself to make sure you adc live then what's the need of flash right? idk i mean when i carry exhaust and heal i do better than with flash?
I love playing thresh support when he was out as a free to play character and i just was ripped of by someone else when i tried to buy the skin/champion, so i was wondering if you had any extra threshes or thresh skins on accounts you don't use, thanks!
+Milky very nice video, keep up good work, i main support and my elo is platinum v, my main champs are naut, leona and braum,do you think that i can reach diamond till the end of this season? Thank you
I think you should also try some other champs like nami, thresh, bard and so on, not only the meta picks, then you Can reach it for sure:) and play with an adc Mate (Helps the most) :) sorry for Bad englisch
your video helped me a lot but what if my ADC got attacked by 3 champ. like (jungle and ADC and sup)and I only playing with support like soraka. I tried to save my ADC by healing but it is not enough because of their damage is much more than my heal and if I run away they report me and if I stayed and died the say that I noob and also report me what should I do???
+adham hassan as a support, you have to prevent things like that from happening by warding & you have to see ganks coming by keep tabs on the enemy jungler. look at the mini map (have good map awareness helps alot)
+adham hassan I play now Support for 3 years and i am in Diamond :) 1.) I could say you, if you don't ward then there is this Problem. 2.) in this meta now i would Not Pick soraka, she is Not that good now. 3.) try to Help him only if possible, and dont listen to the Community, they are always toxic 4.) try to play only Support with a teammate adc, then Calls are easier and ganks Can be Seen easier 5.) play sometimes adc and jungler so you learn what your opponent and your Mate Can Do __i m sorry for Not always perfekt englisch, i m from germany
Stay in the back line with your carries and keep shielding them at appropriate times, if the enemy team manages to break through your front line then you should ult to push them back and heal your team. Also, never have ignite on her because your kit lacks CC seeing how your Q has a pretty long cool down, so put exhaust on and use it at appropriate times.
+Milky ahhhhh thankss!! sometimes find that when my team gets ahead , we arent able to close the game out and in result we lose. Does champion select plays a part too? also janna> naut? haha
+chan haiqiang If you can pull off a good ult then yeah you can counter Naut. He recently just got nerfed so his lane phase isn't that good. Yeah in order to close the game you want to fight for baron, dragon or go for a pick.
Finally someone talks about support...
Ive searching for support guides here for ages
+Slender Ash Glad you enjoyed it!
Your picture makes this danmaku even better.
I recently started playing LoL and my friends says that I suck at support and this video helped me a lot!
I still suck but with style :D
+Jorge Calvo Practice makes perfect ;)
+Milky well I recently got an S as Supp with Poppy, so than you :)
@@joorge.7 damn so you're Challenger now?
This video is of pro quality.
The explanations were clear and very well done.
You also seem to be really good at the game.
I hope you do more.
+Oxy Worgon Thanks mate, I'm currently busy with school right now but expect more videos soon.
i was worried when i saw your last vid was a few months ago.
Looking forward to them :)
great vid. Thanks! When I watched this I thought that it was by a really big youtuber because the video is well organized and clear to understand. Thumbs up.
big youtubers would give better examples in video following what he says, not just random teamfights. But i agree in a level with you
Bro ty for the guide I've been looking all around for a general support guide and this is the only one I could find :D
i love playing support but i keep feeling like i am missing them big plays but watching this has make me think a little bit more on how i could and where i must learn to get better at my role really glad i stumbled on this vid
I just started playing at the end of last season and this guide helps so much! Thank you Milky for your timeless support advice!
:13 "it's the most selfless role of the game"
so THAT'S why my friends suck ass at support!!
IMVADER2 ooh selfless. ..
I understoood selfish and got confused xD
maybe thats why i am so good on Support ^^
Good as overview and how to video! Now your role makes more sense, keep it up milky!
Im not sure how I haven't found you yet. I don't do ranked however people who are ranked always tell me I should play ranked as I would easily make Diamond with my skills. Awesome guide. You got yourself another sub, keep up the awesome work man.
I'm a support main myself and I'd say this was a great guide! I just subbed as I look forward to more awesome videos. Keep it up :)
I fucking love playing support but no one ever thank me for the save or kill I give them 😓 feels bad men...
You get used to it man, real recognizes real.
Really I always get complimented when I make a play your team don't deserve support players
Hard feelings man. I went 2/13/30 as Thresh yet none of my teammates except Varus thanked me for feeding Varus and taking Jinx ults for them.
+AaronGaming101 Melendez yeah I feel you bro..
i know what ur talking about, thats why i main thresh, so people say "what a god threah" if i for example land a flash hook predicting a ezreal E
Thanks a lot for the guide ! I particularly love the warding maps you took the time to make, it's great !
Thanks for this guide even though it's 1 year old!!
I've just started maining support, and then this guide came on my screen!
Thank you so much for tips. I'd gotten to silver playing only support, but listening to your guide on proper order to rush support items and also, stressing once again the importance of map awareness got me into gold. =D Don't know if it was just the simple short format that got me here but I definitely know that something here got into my head. Have turned around a 50-50 win rate to about a 60-40 win rate... for now.
You did a great job introducing and explaining the key concepts.
I would've loved to see clips relating to each talking point and perhaps a slow motion breakdown on what the support was doing and how it brought an advantage to the team. It would also be nice to have a description of the warding spots on the images.
However, the video as is will be very helpful to new or inexperienced players :)
Very instructive and helpful, keep up the good work!
+acyl daas Cheers mate :)
+Milky whats the music at 0:03?
+Karol Niedziałkowski The song name is in the description :)
Pretty good basic video.
On a second video (if you make one), I recommend talking about warding paths and recall timers. Generally, if you reset the lane properly and recall, you can buy boots+pink ward then walk into the enemy jungle to put it down, then decide to roam to a lane after or help your ADC, who shouldn't be suffering since the lane should be slowly pushing into him.
Also, a lot of lower ELO supports overstay on the map, and all their vision expires. At the professional level, they pick an objective, throw down wards, then instantly go back for more wards once the objective is removed or incontestable. A massive part of the support's job is to make contesting objectives as safe as possible (by granting tactical advantages through vision).
Also, a short demonstration of trading from might be good for some players, showing them the dos and don't of trading and zoning as a support. There are probably videos on that, but it's nice to have the support's perspective as well, since there are slight differences.
There are probably other things you can add, but these two are the ones I focus on the most whenever I play support. You probably have many more topics to add on top of this as a support main.
And the reasons I feel support is under-appreciated at the low ELOs is because 1) they don't understand that vision and vision denial is an objective, and even then they don't have the map awareness to utilize vision or the tactical understanding of the strength of vision denial (especially in combination with vision advantage). 2) You rarely get to kill people and be the obvious hard carry, even if you are in fact the MVP. And 3) it's very team-reliant, and many low ELO players believe they're stuck in low ELO solely because their team sucks. Supports give the team plenty of options and utility for their team to use IF they choose to use it (assuming they even know they're there).
+Oreoclan Awesome ideas man, I'll be sure to talk about these topics when I'm free to make my next video. Cheers mate.
In lower elo, don't bother roaming unless yur adc is useless because most of them can't handle the lane alone so when you're roaming they'll die and/or miss farm
For this reason, don't buy mobility boots, so you can take some boots that'll fit yor champ better
thanks for the tip.
+TeamPill You're welcome bro
So I can't play bard in low elo? Fuck then I just wasted 10$
+ZERG RUSH Unless you're incredibly good at playing Bard and can solo carry, d suggest you don't waste any money in the champ/pack and try out the champ in ranked, try it in normal
+Escalusfr yeah I think I will try to git gud as bard
great video and edits! :D
It helped me a lot, you deserve a lot of more subscribers
Thank you very much man, seriously you helped a lot i started from 0 to 10.
I love support,but i was really struggling this helped me so much thanks!!
Loved the clips in the vid, very entertaining to watch :)
Thank you all for 500 subs, I'll upload another guide when I can!
+Milky I like your profile picture. Also great guide it helped me for sure!
500 you have 2k
Please make more, this was really informative!
great video man, you deserve more subs. keep at it!
very thorough warding strategy lesson and guide!! thank you oh oh oh so very much. I've been pretty much clueless to the true importance of Ward's; this being my first season playing league. happy to subscribe, look through your strategy guides, and absolve my ignorance! Namaste! ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
i enjoy boots of swiftness on disengage type supports because when your kiting sometimes you cant wait for that speed boost from mobility boots and need to get to your allies quickly.
Would like a part two if you can. Trying to main support but I don't feel comfortable enough in the role yet.
Something along the lines of best itemization for the best supports and how to get started early game in lane phase. Never really sure when to go aggressive or be defensive.
+Niacinth No worries man, we'll wait for Season 6 to settle in and I'll make a video when I can. What server do you play on btw?
+Milky Sounds good bud, cheers. I'm on EU West. I take it you're on Oceania?
Niacinth That's dope, and yeah I am. It's pretty quiet here.
Support is actually way more fun if you really get into it. I love hitting stuns and so on, feels good man. Assists are nice to get as well and it's way easier to get your role.
Dinosaur or when you save your adc from 4 enemy champs
Nice vid! I hate it when i play nami that my adc cant see the difference between me poking/zoning and me engaging early game -,- i also have to tell them : forget about me i Will survive you just last hit
Very nicely done, keep up the good quality videos ^_^
Thanks for making this Support Guide, I'm new to League and my friends added me to their team, and it seems just as that I have to take the support role, even tho I have always been ADC (for now, since it was the role really comfortable to play with for me) - I have no problem with it, since I've kind of expected it, because the stereo type "females play support". And this kinda really motivates me to be a good support? I dunno :D But this really helped me and I will practise to be a good support from now. Thank you!
That stereotype is one of the reasons why I want to main top instead 😂
+Frostwolf As you climb higher that stereotype fades, that females play support. I've supported many female ADC players my self (male) and they have carried me through some deep shit if I may add. For me you should play the role that you feel comfortable with, you should ask your teammates for a chance. ^_^
Hey man, nice vid, earned ur self a sub. I see you havent put out a vid in a month so I would like to say keep making vids cus they're quality. You got a chance to become big as long as you're consistent. Anyways, thanks for the tips man.
+Jason Mires Got my final year of my schooling, I don't really have the time right now. But in the future I'll be far more consistent.
Milky Oh I see. Well good luck to you.
Jason Mires Thanks dude
Really great vid man. Helped a lot. Maybe you can start recording your games and showing us some advanced pro strats.
Pretty sound advice!
Can you explore the support role for season 7, or even 8 (when it comes). so many awesome items, and meta changes happening now. would love to capitalize on that while season 7 still available. Thanks for the guide, great tips and clear explanation.
thanks Milky im a bronze support main, (so yeah im bad) this video helped me alot especially since there are hardly any videos focusing on support. This video helped me alot, and i would love to see a part 2 or an updated guide.
I'm a bronze I supp main, in my opinion it's harder to climb as supp do to your reliance on your team( I am not saying I'm stuck I'm bronze because of my team)
In bronze*
+The Red Snorlax I agree man, as a support with little to know dps, you have to rely on having a at least decent adc, you could play a mage "support" but honestyl as a general rule i dont enjpy playing them.i main mostly soraka and thresh (in ranked) and sometimes ali, and it can be hard because of how reliant you are on having a good adc. sure if you're good enough you can make up for it but not a whole lot and not always.
+Markise Daniels I think Blitzcrank in lower Elos is a good choice because even the most retarded adc can shoot a target that is grabbed and then knocked up, hence basically incapacitated for 4-5 seconds. It's also great for zoning because people are really really scared from your grab. And essentially your grab is gamebraking. You can miss literally all your grabs in the game but if you just hit one at the right time, it can make the comeback for your team if they're behind. Finally, your passive is easily abused to bait enemies, especially in lower Elos where if people see a low-health target most of the time they just mindlessly jump on them even if they have 0 vision around.
thank you iv never known how to play support and couldn't find and recent
woow what a nice video to watch! And btw Happy New Year dude realy such a nice video. Keep this awsome video's up. good luck bro peace
I love playing support as either Nami or Morgana for an aggressive support and Janna for a passive aggressive support. Although I prefer playing Nami overall because of how amazing her kit works for me. I just love landing a double or triple bubble on the enemy team and watch as my team decimates them. Also occasionally stealing kills as Nami is just so funny to me that I cant help but have a giggle that bursts into maniacal laughter when they happen. When ks as Morg, it's less funny and more predictable since i build mostly utility ap items on her after boots, sightstone and Frost Queens' Claim.
I want to play support, but I don't know how or which hero to use for support since I'm just a beginner. That's why in every game I'll just try to help my other team mates or deal more damage as much as possible whenever I notice that I have low HP and can be dead anytime. And also avoid stealing kills from others. But I could really use some help to become a good support.
this is great bro! thanks for the guide! :)
Unfortunately in the depths of low elo like bronze and silver its very hard to carry as a support. It doesnt matter how much CC you can land if your adc or team doesnt take advantage of it then it doesnt matter. Also no support can be that good of a split pusher so when your team makes a bad decision you have to follow even if your typing and pinging saying, no dont do that and its either go and die with them or get blamed for it going wrong.
Theres only one thing low elo understands and thats damage. If you really want to play support and move up as one, learn morgana, lux, annie and zyra. They have CC with damage potential. Zyra got me out of bronze and when played right is SUPER annoying to lane against but your adc might complain your affecting their farm. If you notice they just suck at last hitting ignore them. Once I learned her I was consistently 3rd or 2nd in damage dealt and sometimes, even first. Basically hang back in a fight, save your W seeds and then when the time is right, use E to snare, pop two W seeds right on the enemy Q on the seeds and enemy then ult. With a Rhylais your spitting plants will slow them after the snare goes then as they try and get out of your ult they get knocked up and your spitting plants increase in attack speed thanks to the ult. This not only has helped me win teamfights but if I get outnumbered I always take at least 1 or 2 down with me.
Yeah quite true, in lower ELO or anywhere it's hard to carry as Support. Lots of people might say youre just bad etc... But yeah. I can't carry, I can't be a yasuo mid that carries. So I play Support. but I rely on my team being decent, otherwise, if they feed early and keep fucking up, it's all over usually.
Yeah maybe should play some dmg supports. Only thing that lower elo enemies+players (most of them) understand is damage and kills... they need to be rekt. I used to Play Zyra but she isnt so good anymore, but brand and morgana yes
Great vid. Really helped mate thanks a lot. Could you also talk about when to recall, when and how to roam, and a little more about Annie support pls
+Dylan Mukeza Yeah man I'll include that in the next video when I have the time.
what i mean by updated is like with the edition of new support items such as eye of the oasis and when it is better to get that instead of the other upgrade. similar to that.
I feel like ppl always only make guides for pretty new players because they are comparatively easy to make. I would like to see more in depth guides. For one special Champ or on how to wavecontrol (lasthitting the 3 caster minions for example). Maybe make a guide with tips when you should go roam (my adc's seem to die all the time i leave). What do you do if you fall behind the enemy bot lane and get zoned or something.
So basically, for new players this guide is really good, but go for some more advanced tactics :)
now i know where i place my wards xD. thanks A lot
You are already fed in all those videos
I think I will start to main supp after this video
thank u for ma king the video! very useful!
Great Guide helped me a lot
Dope video fam ❤️
Aussie or Kiwi for sure, great video man, i wanna main Thresh Janna Ali and this video helps
if want to main janna. Max E first and after W. Ive seen so many jannas maxing Q with no reason
+Saller Raczmanikow actually i think q is better after e because the cooldown gets reduced with each level and thats crucial to teamfights unlike w
+Lee Sin I go W because it permanently increases your movement speed and the skill itself is really good to slow down your enemies. But yeah it all depends on the player.
+Milky you go W first or second after E?
Alex Morales E>W>Q
I used some sequence of your video for mine, I let a link in the description for your video.
Nice work ( it's just video, not your text ^^ ).
+Shikusai Naosora (Envylast) No problem man, thanks for letting me know :)
i hope you do more guides soon i like your channel so far.
Sona is a very good support for peeling and crude control and late game u can do dmg and setup kills for everybody and if u are good with her and can hit a 5 man ult that will be an instant ace 4 ur team ^^
I'll tell you my story as a support. I've started playing as a support a few weeks ago and I had no idea how to play. I chose Lux and just thought healing teammates is the only thing I have to do, besides that I can keep playing as usual. So that's why I kept farming minions and when my ADC said stop doing that I said why do you take all of them. OMG!
Eventually he left the bottom lane and I kept playing alone. Interestingly I fought against 2 players and I killed them for a few times. And wrote my ADC "see I can do it by myself". So I want to say sorry if he/she hears me, I was just an ignorant. LoL
please make a more detailed video on when to roam :))
hey milky! im really happy that you made a support guide. i play annie mid but i want to try it support. can you tell the build?
I'm terrible at support. Please make more videos! You could even pick a support and talk about their specific mechanics. I NEED help since I'm always getting stuck playing as support in blind queue and I'm terrible. Is there such a thing as a carry support? Zyra?
I main Support. Here's really important stuff:
Have control of your sorroundings. In laning phase, always have vision, be sure where the enemy jungler is, pay attention to ganks, you need to keep track of enemy summoners (e.g. when the enemy carry has no flash), yo need to check your carry's mana (and your own mana of course) before going all-in or making a play. Warn him to be careful when needed, if you have enough wards and lane control you can even ward the enemy jungle and dragon.
If you're gonna roam, do it as fast as you can, if you have to wait too much for the gank then just leave, go back to base or to your lane. In teamfights, well, it depends too much on the champion you're playing, but usually just protect your carry and try too CC the hell outta the enemy carry.
Also, if you have a hook, please don't hook the enemy tank. Makes no sense, unless your tryng to stop him from making a rupture in your team's formation. Aim for the squishies and that's pretty much it.
CS is important too. In some point, your carry is not gonna be in lane and you'll have to defend. So last hitting minions is very important. A fed support is a fed carry, and if the carry isn't good, then at least he isn't gonna die 23 times.
The most important advice ever - when in solo blind pick, never trust your carry! NEVER! You can always bet isn't gonna get the kill, so be prepared for that.
I put blank spaces and all that in my comment, but the didn't appear so it looks messy, hope it helps anyway
Thanks for the video, really informative and helping the newer players get to grips with the game. ( like me :D)
Great video. Please make a next one.
great guide thanks bro :D
Crowd control and peel are two different things.
Crowd control is using stuns, roots, slows to take enemy champs out of the fight
peel is the specific tactic of preventing enemy champs from attacking your teams carries. Which typically means employing crowd control but can even be as simple as offering yourself as a sacrifice
In summary, CC is both offensive and defensive effects upon enemy champs
Peel is protecting your teams carries. "peel Garen off of the ADC"
Being a support main that recently got from Bronze 4 to Gold 5, I can say that in those elos you do nkt want to sacrifice yourself for your adc. The base rule of any role in LoL is to not die. As a support you should do everything to keep your team alive, but never for the cost of yohr own life. There are moments when you can literally get your adc 5/0 on lane and then "steal" a few minions and they will afk.
And for people that queue solo, pick supports that are easy to read for your teammates. Otherwise yoh are risking being lect alone in your plays. Leona is a good example. Alistar, Thresh. Very often as Sona I moved to poke to have my adc go all in and die.
Last hint is, as a support you are in the position to observe the minimap the most. Use it. You can send pings with it. Mark the enemy jungler for your team. Mark their roams. Mark their objective attempts. Help your team globally.
I did not like all in supports like Leona... I'm not Gold 5 yet but almost there; so far I've encountered mostly adc's that do not follow me in. Sure, they're easy to read champs but I've developed a habit of not even engaging because of the amount of adc's (and the rest of the team) that do not follow up. Horrible habit. Braum is an excellent engager and so is Nami, both my mains :/
It's just sad when even your duo will see you towerdive and ult a below 25% HP adc and not do anything about it...
They have a mind of their own and it is completely unpredictable, so I follow their lead and never go for all-in engages first! Nami's bubble is the most I'll do, then wait for a follow up of the adc. Not really an option on leo..
And I really relate with your sona experiences.
Personally I don't dare to play thresh in ranked because it requires good synergy on last hitting minions and I find him pretty difficult to play with in 5v5 teamfights. Any advice on what a thresh should do in a teamfight?
It's sad that u stop making videos , them are so good
can you pls do a picture of the warding spots so i can print it? it would help alot. ps: awesome vid it really helped me!
Nice guide mate, +1 for Oce.
I’m a support main, but then I want to learn more about it.
Thanks this vid helped a lot
I love support. nothing better then watching your buffed team turn a tide because of your efferts to keep them alive
Awesome! Thank you very much
Its helpeful thank you so much ^^
Introsong and Outrosong? :3 nice vid helps a lot!
IMHO the best alround, generic, safe to take as first pick Support champ is Braum by far.
-Good laning phase (with lucian can lane bully so easily)
-Great mid game team fight
-Becomes a great tank late game.
-His shield wrecks many ults making the likes of Ez players cry.
Really helped dude
so I've always had this conflict: should I be getting ruby sightstone as a staple, and get talisman, face, or frost queen? or should I be getting eye of oasis/watchers?
I was never good at tanky supports. That's why I would always play range supports like Janna Raka or Morg. Whenever I'm behind on a tanky support I would feel useless because I would be squishy. I was never good at shot calling too ToT I would love to learn how to be good at tanky supports though.
7:29 that alistar play.. woww
my only concern is about "worse come to worse, sacrifice yourself for your laner". If they are doing well and have multiple kills early in the game, then i can see it. But if the adc is not getting kills and just not doing well in any way, save yourself. It's not worth you getting further behind because they are over-extending.
I have to agree with this..especially if adc if feeding and unable to dodge enemy team..
Really enjoyed your video a- nice work. I know people ask this all the time, but do you think it's possible or just as possible as other roles to climb solo/dynamic queue as a support main? Or should I go learn how to play a typical mid/top/jg carry role for that? It seems like, and I could be wrong, that a majority of bronze and silver elo games are determined in the first 10-15 minutes by a top/mid/jg who gets fed, before the supp has even had time to be much of an influence.
+VanillaSkinny It's possible with Support, just recently when I was on school holidays I ranked up a smurf of mine from S5 to P2 within 4 days or so mainly with Support. In my opinion it's probably the best role for learning how to play the game because you have a taste of everything. But yeah it's true in low elo's games are usually determined in the early stage of the match, the best advice I can give is that you should play to improve not to win.
+Milky Thanks - solid advice
thank you for the guide
Can I add something? > Fixing your carries' mistakes. This is one of the most important things to know is when you should or shouldn't help.
What can we do as a support in late game, between 2 team-fights ? I main Bard as Champion and... aside from warding, i don't know where to go or what to do in such moments... can give me advices ?
start a team fight is your best bet.
As Bard you MUST roam.
- Coming from a Plat 2 Bard main ^^
protect your carry by stunning or healing and setting escapes for your teammates
is it odd that when i supp i carry exhaust and heal? i mean i just feel like forget flash only because like you said if you have to sacrifice yourself to make sure you adc live then what's the need of flash right? idk i mean when i carry exhaust and heal i do better than with flash?
I love playing thresh support when he was out as a free to play character and i just was ripped of by someone else when i tried to buy the skin/champion, so i was wondering if you had any extra threshes or thresh skins on accounts you don't use, thanks!
what are some good support to play in gold right now ?
How many supports do we got here?:D
Sona main right here.
nami all the way.
That was many
I main Nami.
Make more Videos!
You're doing great! :)
ohhhhhhh that's amazing dude
Did anyone else chuckle when he showed the map with colour blind reference and red green stars?
Thanks it help me alot
swiftness boots really creeping into meta as of patch 6.7-6.8
+DAYMAN Yeah definitely, I made this video in preseason before Swifts became popular otherwise I would've included it in this video ;)
+Milky yea I thought so, just trying to throw a little more help in with this great guide is all :D
You have some nice intro/outro music
+Milky very nice video, keep up good work, i main support and my elo is platinum v, my main champs are naut, leona and braum,do you think that i can reach diamond till the end of this season? Thank you
I think you should also try some other champs like nami, thresh, bard and so on, not only the meta picks, then you Can reach it for sure:) and play with an adc Mate (Helps the most) :)
sorry for Bad englisch
how is it going ? Any progress ?
Helped a lot
your video helped me a lot but what if my ADC got attacked by 3 champ. like (jungle and ADC and sup)and I only playing with support like soraka. I tried to save my ADC by healing but it is not enough because of their damage is much more than my heal and if I run away they report me and if I stayed and died the say that I noob and also report me what should I do???
+adham hassan as a support, you have to prevent things like that from happening by warding & you have to see ganks coming by keep tabs on the enemy jungler. look at the mini map (have good map awareness helps alot)
The man
+adham hassan
I play now Support for 3 years and i am in Diamond :)
1.) I could say you, if you don't ward then there is this Problem.
2.) in this meta now i would Not Pick soraka, she is Not that good now.
3.) try to Help him only if possible, and dont listen to the Community, they are always toxic
4.) try to play only Support with a teammate adc, then Calls are easier and ganks Can be Seen easier
5.) play sometimes adc and jungler so you learn what your opponent and your Mate Can Do
__i m sorry for Not always perfekt englisch, i m from germany
hey! nice guide you have! btw I main support janna . do you have any tips on janna and how to play her effectively ? (currently im in s2)
Stay in the back line with your carries and keep shielding them at appropriate times, if the enemy team manages to break through your front line then you should ult to push them back and heal your team. Also, never have ignite on her because your kit lacks CC seeing how your Q has a pretty long cool down, so put exhaust on and use it at appropriate times.
+Milky ahhhhh thankss!! sometimes find that when my team gets ahead , we arent able to close the game out and in result we lose. Does champion select plays a part too? also janna> naut? haha
+chan haiqiang If you can pull off a good ult then yeah you can counter Naut. He recently just got nerfed so his lane phase isn't that good. Yeah in order to close the game you want to fight for baron, dragon or go for a pick.
+Milky thank you so much !!