The 70 Week Prophecy - Bill Pinto

  • Опубликовано: 10 янв 2023
  • There are a multitude of interpretations of the 70 week prophecy. Sixteenth century Jesuit scholar Francisco Ribera asserted that there was a large gap between the 69th and 70th week of the prophecy of Daniel 9. Modern dispensationalists have picked up this Jesuit reckoning. Such claim that the final week of the prophecy details the reign of antichrist, who, according to them, is yet to appear. But as the Protestant reformers recognized, this cannot be the case.
    Join Bill Pinto as he expounds upon the 70 week prophecy of Daniel 9 and its connection to the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel 8:14.
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Комментарии • 27

  • @rbdvs67
    @rbdvs67 Год назад +7

    Thank you brother Bill, this is a great, full explanation of the 70 weeks of Daniel's people (Jews) given from God through Gabriel. I was under the spell from Rome of a future 70th week for over 2 decades but it never settled in my heart as truth. There was something that always seemed off about that false teaching. Praise God always.

  • @ashm3697
    @ashm3697 11 месяцев назад

    Great work

  • @a.w.1259
    @a.w.1259 Год назад +3

    Thank you so much for sharing your insight. This is by far the best explanation I have ever heard and confirms exactly what I believed regarding Daniel's 70 week prophecy!

  • @ZJesusIsTheWay
    @ZJesusIsTheWay Год назад

    Thank you

  • @FEBC23
    @FEBC23 Год назад +2

    Could you please, also cover the end of times prophecy, from revelations? 🙏

    • @KP-fg1ux
      @KP-fg1ux Год назад +1

      Praise King JESUS 🤴

    • @rangerglass
      @rangerglass Год назад


    • @rainbowchaser9604
      @rainbowchaser9604 7 месяцев назад

      Revelation is written by Cerinthus & not from God. It's a deception from the wicked one. If you knew the voice of your shepherd, you would know Jesus isn't speaking in Revelation. It's the wicked one, masquerading as Jesus & very badly too

  • @kylontobias
    @kylontobias Год назад

    The question is: What happened in the vision? 2300 days of the Sanctuary and Host being trodden under foot. During the Babylonian captivity, there was no sanctuary. Therefore obviously, Daniel didnt understand how a sanctuary would be desolate when there is no sanctuary. The time in Daniel 8 started obviously after the first horn of the goat, which was Alexander. Because its a horn out of one of the four kings who popped up after Alexander's death i 323bc. How then could the 2300 days start in 457BC before alexander? Obviously, the 70 week count is how long before the temple is built, and Messiah to come, was the purpose of Daniel 9 70 week. But the 2300 was about how long that sanctuary and host would be trodden under foot.

  • @billhesford6098
    @billhesford6098 Год назад +1

    70 ad.

  • @kylontobias
    @kylontobias Год назад

    Actually, the prophecy of "70 Weeks" was a vision in itself. A similar expanded version of its own vision without dreams or pictures, is Daniel 11. Simply straight forward words were accounted as a vision. (Daniel 10:14).

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt Год назад

    Isn’t it ironic that Desmond Ford perverted one third of the SDA pastors when we take into consideration that Lucifer did the same in heaven. Because he also turned one third of the holy realm into the unholy.

  • @paulwilfridhunt
    @paulwilfridhunt Год назад

    Matthew 24:40-44 KJV
    Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
    I have often wondered if the above verse means the following.
    We who are on the path of righteousness and truth but not yet fully perfected or reached perfect holiness are one person.
    But the one person that we are, still has some of the previous unrighteous person that we used to be.
    At some stage God will harvest us or judge us,
    And instead of having two parts to ourselves we will be one part
    And suddenly a person will become either fully righteous or unrighteous.
    And the pathway of righteousness is made easy and attainable.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад

      Hi Paul, I see that parable as a warning that there is no safety in delaying to make a commitment to Christ. As those that trifle with God will one day be abruptly called to judgement. We have a video on the secret rapture where we talk about this a little. God bless, Chris.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry Yes Chris you are absolutely right.I agree with you 100%.
      It is definitely a warning. It’s a warning that can produce a greater fear of God.
      Its interesting isn’t it that God destroyed the entire world with the flood and all the people in it, except for the 8 on the Ark.
      But He also died on the cross of Calvary for everyone to save us.
      The flood teaches us to fear God. And the cross teaches us the love of God.
      And whilst He wants to save everybody and has compassion for everyone, well explained by Jesus weeping over Jerusalem for not knowing the time of their visitation, nevertheless, He can only save those who have the predisposition to be saved.
      It’s funny the secret rapture thing. I never believed it. It just didn’t ring true for me.
      Lovers of truth often seem to have an innate knowing of what is true without necessarily having all the evidence to prove it, at the very outset.
      But as we don’t know who the lovers of truth are, until they become lovers of truth, especially as they themselves don’t know, just as we, once upon a time, didn’t know that would we would be what we are today; We therefore give everybody the benefit of the doubt, and assume that all those whom we come in
      contact with, could be saved.
      I have done a bunch of videos, all of which I’m not pleased with and about to take down, except for my testimony. However I did do one on predestination which I think is an important subject for the mature believers.
      I have arrived at the realisation that God knew that if He didn’t predestinate the lives of those whom He knew would become obedient to Him, and bring them to a place whereby repentance was possible, they wouldn’t be able to repent or repent effectively.
      Hence the reason for predestination. Clearly God wants us to know about predestination therefore He mentions it in Scripture.
      And this knowledge gives us some solace when we see those who are not responding to the gospel as they should, because ultimately we can consider that maybe God hasn’t given them an orchestrated life to bring them to a place to successfully repent;
      Because if they aren’t predestined it’s because He knows that they were never going to pay the price of repentance and complete obedience to God. And if this is the case, He doesn’t predestinate them.
      And accordingly we don’t feel so upset at the sight of those who reject the gospel if we take all this into consideration.
      And just as God knew before He created the angels, the ones who would be faithful to Him, and those who would be unfaithful; But He also knew before he created us, those of us who would ultimately be obedient to Him, and those who would be disobedient.
      But because the power of Satan is so strong, God also knew that without His intervention with the orchestrated life or the predestinated life, the powers of Satan, would overpower us, making our repentance ineffectual that’s if we did indeed ever actually repent.
      This is clearly explained when Satan wanted to sift Peter from the flock. And he would have been able to do it, if Jesus had not intervened with prayer.
      And Peter had seen it all. He had seen all the miracles. And maybe ( I’m not sure) this might have even been after he knew that Jesus was the son of the living God. He had been with the Lord for maybe 3 years. But nevertheless Satan could have sifted him. But Jesus intervened with prayer and prevented it.
      But the ransom of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is an offer Satan cannot refuse. And this ransom gives Jesus the right to help those ones, whom He knows will ultimately be faithful to Him, invariably unbeknown to themselves, by bringing them to a place, whereby they can indeed repent of their own free will. And it’s upon this realisation that predestination makes sense.
      But because God knows all things, He also knows ahead of time, the prayers that would be offered up for the salvation of others, and these are prayers that were yet to be prayed long after His decision to predestinate, and they play a role in His decision as to whom He would predestine. Hence we can play a part in it.
      Therefore we pray with all fervour, beseeching God, believing that our petitions for the salvation of others, sometimes fastings too, are being effectual, although He saw our prayers long before He created those whom we are praying for.
      In a way we are trying to influence God’s decision of the past with our prayers from the future. But maybe time, as we know it, doesn’t exist with God. Maybe He is outside of time. Maybe this is how we should view it and say in this instance that time is no more.
      Regrettably the Calvinists have a terrible view of predestination. But if only they had realised that God needed to predestinate; because without it none would be saved.
      If they had realised this one thing, their dreadful errors would not have occurred. And what terrible errors they are.
      I’ll check out your video on the secret rapture.

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry As we honestly appraise our lives as believers, we will acknowledge, that if we had the life of those who are disinterested in the gospel, then we too, would in all probability, be equally disinterested.
      And without the knowledge of predestination, we could perhaps think it was unfair, that they didn’t get a different life, that could have more easily brought them to repentance.
      For I know in my case, the life that God gave me, contributed to finally bringing me to a place whereby I could actually repent.
      However, I also know that if I hadn’t taken that hard fall from my business horse, at around age 35, I would not have repented and become the believer I am today.
      But God knowing all things knew that this is what it would take to bring me to my senses. Therefore He set it up or didn’t block it so it would happen.
      But as I look back over my life I see many things besides this business fall, all of which have contributed to my repentance.
      But I also see others who didn’t really get a life to contribute to them receiving the Saviour.
      And without this knowledge of predestination which God tells us about in the scriptures, I could perhaps be perplexed why God chose me and not them.
      And if there is no other reason for us to be aware of predestination, other than understanding why the lost are lost, this reason in itself could be all sufficient.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад

      @@paulwilfridhunt We do not believe in predestination as was taught by John Calvin and Augustine. While it is true that God has foreknowledge of who will be saved or lost, this does not mean that he determined it to be so. The Bible says that God desires all to come to repentance:
      2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, *not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.*
      To say that some were predestined to be lost, as in it was decided by God and not the individual is an incomprehensible thought concerning the character of God and goes against the passage above along with others.
      Calvin taught total depravity and that we are born sinners along with kindred heresies. These things make up the doctrine of predestination, as according to Calvin and Augustine, men are totally depraved, meaning that the will has nothing to do with conversion as it is not something they even have any control over. While we are no doubt depraved and our will is bent to evil, sin is still a choice we make, otherwise God becomes the author of sin since He created us.
      We have some podcast episodes on these subjects. Here is the trailer to one of themвидео.html

    • @paulwilfridhunt
      @paulwilfridhunt Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry Thank you for your reply. I will check out those links.
      Regarding predestination I would say it this way. It’s not so much that God has determined who will be lost. Because in actuality all are lost without the Saviour.
      Essentially He rescues or saves. And whilst He would have preferred that none perished in the flood but their unrighteousness prevented Him from saving them.
      And likewise He saves those whom He knows will ultimately pay the price with their grateful obedience to Him. He knows who they are, although we might not know and they might not know.
      Who in their right mind would have ever thought Saul the persecutor of the early church would become the devout follower of Jesus Christ. But God knew that Paul had unbeknownst to himself and everyone else, a heart to please God.
      However Paul like us was predestined by God, not to force repentance upon Paul, but instead to bring him to a place where repentance was possible.
      God could have brought Caiaphas to the same place but AS he would not have repented there was no point bringing him to that place where repentance was possible, because it would have been impossible, because he was never going to repent.
      But because God knows who will repent He therefore makes it possible for them to repent by giving them a particular life that culminates in arriving at a place where repentance is now possible.
      He helps them to get there. But without this help they won’t get there.
      I got a lot of help not just on the day of my repentance but I can see many contributing factors over the years prior to my conversion.
      But I also see others who did not get this help. And this might seem unfair if we don’t take into consideration that if God didn’t help them it’s because He knew that they wouldn’t exercise their free will to repent.
      In my case I had looked into the idea of surrendering my life to Christ. Heaven and hell were not on my radar at the time.
      But eventually I decided against it. It was going to be too hard. I didn’t want people to leave me in droves. So I flagged it.
      However shortly thereafter I became sick with a strange illness. I couldn’t eat or drink or sleep and all my bones were aching. I couldn’t even have a teaspoon of water. This went on for 3 days.
      Plus I was having most nightmarish thoughts imaginable, so much so that I thought I was having a nervous breakdown.
      But in my desperation for some sleep I made a deal with God. I told Him that if He would let me go to sleep I would go to an evangelistic meeting that was going to held that evening and do it any which way He wanted me to.
      And suddenly I went to sleep and had the most beautiful peaceful sleep. But I woke in time to keep my bargain with God. So I went to the meeting and knelt down publicly up the front and said the sinners prayer.
      I never expected anything after that except the loss of respect which I knew I would lose.
      But God quickly did a whole bunch of stuff in my life that gave me great conviction. I would have crawled over broken glass to get to church on Sunday.
      Ok God didn’t force me to repent. I chose to repent of my own free will. But God had to set it up so that I could. Different strokes for different folks. It’s called predestination. We all have a different story.

  • @jaimeneves3745
    @jaimeneves3745 Год назад

    I loved this teaching until the stoning of Stephen became your arbitrary marker for the end of the 70th week without any scriptural evidence. Disappointing. I've also never heard of an investigative judgment anywhere in the Bible (what is that??). So what happened in 1844? Nothing as far as i can research. Things are worse off than ever. No movement other than more deception. By the way, you keeping all God's commandments or just Sabbath? Never heard a single mention of another commandment...Denominational bias as usual.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +6

      Hi Jaime,
      Thank you for your questions.
      You stated this was an “arbitrary marker without any scripture evidence” I will repeat the scriptural evidence that I gave. We must keep in mind that the scriptures may seem circumstantial or arbitrary if only read on their own but not if we read them in connection with Daniel’s 70 week prophecy. For example, Stephen’s stoning, many scholars fixed at 34 AD, and I showed in the video using 457 BC as the starting date for the 70 weeks, the 490 years would end in 34 AD.
      Also you stated “I love this teaching and I was following it until the stoning of Stephen” If you liked the study up until the stoning of Stephen, that means you would have been in agreement with the first three dates given. That is, 457 BC, 27 AD (baptism), and 31 AD (crucifixion).
      If one accepts 457 BC, then the other dates cannot be moved. The starting date for the 70 weeks is 457 BC, then you add 483 years until the Messiah’s baptism, then another 3.5 years until the crucifixion. Those numbers follow from the starting date.
      Our dates are 457 BC, 27 AD, 31 AD, and 34 AD. 34 AD marks the end of the 70 weeks, or 490 years.
      If our starting date is correct, the rest is simple maths. Therefore, we must look for something significant that took place in 34 AD in connection with the Jewish people. Why in connection with the Jewish people? Remember the first thing Gabriel said to Daniel? “70 weeks are determined upon thy people.” Dan 9:24. The 70 weeks (490 years) that begin in 457 BC would end in 34 AD. Those 490 years Gabriel says were allotted to Daniel’s people, the Jews. When we come to Acts 7, we see Stephen being brought before the Sanhedrin because he was preaching about Jesus. Acts 7 records 56 verses where Stephen recounts to the council the history of Israel, beginning with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, etc., and up to Solomon’s temple. In verse 57, it says of the council, “Then they cried with a loud voice and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord.”
      The Jewish leaders knew where Stephen was heading regarding Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of David, and that they crucified Him. That’s why they stopped him and stoned him.
      The 70 weeks, the allotted time for the Jews, was running out. And by stoning Stephen, the first Christian martyr, the Jews ended their probationary time as God’s chosen people.
      The last thing Stephen says when they rushed upon him was, “Behold I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God” Act 7:56.
      Why did God give Stephen a vision of Jesus standing up just before his martyrdom? And what is its significance with the end of probation for the Jewish church?
      Michael is not an angel, but Jesus, the chief prince and commander of the angels. See Dan 9:25, 10:21, 12:1, 12:11, 1Th 4:16, Joh 5:28, Jos 5:13-15, Exo 23:20-21, 1Co 10:4.
      When Jesus stands up in Dan 12:1, it signifies the close of human probation. Notice the verse says, “At that time shall Michael stand up.” What is the result of Michael standing up? “And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” That is the seven last plagues that begin when probation ends. “And at that time, the people shall be delivered everyone that shall be found written in the book.” That is when the saints are caught up to be forever with the Lord, 1 Th 4:16. That is the true rapture.
      That’s why just before his death at the hand of the Jews, God gave Stephen a vision of Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Signifying the end of the 70 weeks, the 490 years, that were determined upon Daniel’s people, the Jews. Just a few verses later we read, “Therefore they that were scattered abroad, went everywhere preaching the word” Ac 8:4, demonstrating the Jews were no longer God’s people. Testimony had to be first given in Jerusalem and in all Judea and now the gospel would go to all the world.
      Jesus told his disciples, “Ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.” Act 1:8 There was still 3.5 years left in Daniel’s prophecy. 3.5 years later in AD 34, Stephen is stoned. The 70 weeks have ended.
      Point 1. AD 34 ends the 70 weeks.
      Point 2. Stephen is stoned in AD 34 while giving a sermon before the Jewish council on their entire history as God’s people.
      Point 3. The Jews stopped their ears, meaning? They did not want to listen to God’s words.
      Point 4. Just before Stephen dies, he sees a vision of Jesus standing at the right hand of God, which when understood in connection with Daniel 12:1, means Jesus is no longer interceding, and when he stands up, signifies the close of probation. God still gave the Jews 3.5 years after they crucified his Son to accept the testimony of the apostles, and Stephen, through God’s mercy, sought to appeal to them through their own history and the prophets. Yet the scripture says, “They stopped their ears and ran upon him with one accord.” Incidentally, at the beginning of Stephen’s address before the council, the Bible says in Acts 6:15, “And all that sat in the council looking steadfastly on him [Stephen], saw his face as if it had been the face of an angel.” What more could God do?
      Point 5. The next thing we read is Christ’s disciples are scattered abroad, and they went everywhere preaching the word. The disciples had followed their master’s instructions, they testified in Jerusalem and in all Judea until the stoning of Stephen, which took place in AD 34, that ended their allotted time as God’s people. They had killed Jesus in AD 31, just as Gabriel told Daniel. Then 3.5 years later, they also killed the first Christian martyr, Stephen. Their time was up. Now God would bring his message of salvation to all the Christian words through the church! No wonder Stephen saw Jesus standing up on the right hand of God.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +4

      Your other question was about the investigative judgment in scripture, and 1844.
      The term “investigative judgment” may not be found in the Bible, but the judgment certainly is. Ecc 12:14, Act 24:25, 1Pe 4:17, Heb 9:27, 2Co 5:10, Mat 12:36, and Rev 20:11-13, 15.
      Ecc 12:14 and 2Co 5:10 declare that we will all give account for the things we have done in our lives, even the secret things. And in Rom 2:14-16, it says we will also be judged according to our thoughts.
      The Bible tells us of a record kept of our deeds, both good and bad by which all people will be judged.
      Dan 12:1 says, When God shall deliver his people, it will be everyone that shall be found written in the book. This is the Book of Life. The Christian whose name remains in the Book of Life will be saved. See Jesus’ words in Rev 3:5. All others will be cast into the lake of fire Rev 20:15 and judged according to their works Rev 20:12.
      At the close of probation, Jesus declares, “And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be.” Rev 22:12
      The Bible is clear there is a judgment and the execution of the judgment for both the righteous and unrighteous. According as his works shall be, Rev 22:12.
      There was an investigation into the record books before judgment can be executed. That’s what the investigative judgment means. The Bible records such a judgment scene in Dan 7:9-10. The books being opened mean that the judgment was about to begin, and the things recorded in the books were about to be examined. See also Jesus’ parable about the fishing net Mat 13:47-50.
      No honest Christian can deny the judgment.
      What has this to do with 1844? More precisely, October 22, 1844 is the end of Daniel’s 2300 day prophecy in Dan 8:14. The first 490 years were determined, or cut off, for Daniel’s people, which expired in 34 AD. The remaining 1810 expired in 1844. Notice what was to happen. Then, the sanctuary was to be cleansed Dan 8:14. In 1834, a man named William Miller was studying Daniel’s prophecy of 70 weeks and 2300 days. After much reluctance, he finally began sharing his study. Others also around the world were sharing the same interpretation. After an initial disappointment in 1843, Miller became convinced that the Lord would return in 1844, as he rightly determined, the 2300 days to terminate in 1844.
      His exposition and timing of the prophecy is correct, however he wrongly interpreted the event that was to take place in 1844.
      Miller believed that the sanctuary to be cleansed was the earth, by fire at the second coming of Christ. It caused a great awakening in America and was called the Midnight Cry. Many believers sold all they had and were joyfully expecting to see the Lord return, but it ended in a great disappointment.
      Many were ridiculed and abandoned the faith. But a small band of believers were convinced that their exposition of the prophecy was correct. And eventually they realised that their understanding of the event that was to take place in October 22, 1844 was incorrect. It wasn’t the earth that was to be cleansed.
      This led them to study both the earthly sanctuary and the heavenly sanctuary, of which the earthly sanctuary was only a type, Heb 8:1-2, 9:7-8, 23-24.
      They also saw Dan 7:10 as the judgment scene in heaven where the record books would be opened, and the people would be judged. Then they realised that their interpretation of the 2300 days and the 70 weeks was correct and now they had the right event that was to take place at the end of the 2300 days in 1844. It was the sanctuary in heaven that was to be cleansed. Through the judgment, the record of sin contained in the books would be cleansed by our true high priest, Jesus. See Heb 2:17, 3:1, 4:14-15, 5:1-6, 8:1-2, 10:21. Then as they studied the sanctuary service on earth, they saw that the Day of Atonement (tenth day of the seventh month in Lev 16) was called the Day of Judgment.
      To this day, it is the most solemn day to the Jews, called Yom Kippur in Hebrew. On this day, Israel’s high priest would enter into the holiest part of the sanctuary on behalf of the people of Israel to officiate in cleansing the record of sin that had been recorded through the daily service by the sprinkling of the blood of the sin offering within the sanctuary and before the veil. When this work was finished, the sanctuary would be cleansed, Lev 16:29-34. This was only a type of what was going to take place in the heavenly sanctuary, and this work began at the termination of the 2300 days, when the sanctuary shall be cleansed. When Christ returns, it will be without sin unto salvation Heb 9:28. His work as high priest ended the judgment, and the record of sin has been cleansed, and now probation closes, and Jesus declares, He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. Rev 22:11. Now probation closes, and the Lord returns to reward every man according as his work shall be.
      So why October 22? That was the date in 1844 when the Karaite Jews (the most conservative) kept Yom Kippur that year. The Day of Atonement fell on October 22, 1844. This led to a small faithful group of believers ultimately becoming the worldly Seventh Day Adventist Church, of which I am not a part, as today they believe in the Trinity and many other errors.
      The original pioneers were faithful, Bible believing Christians. The truth about prophecy and the judgment also led them to the binding claims of all the ten commandments: as God’s moral law it the basis upon which we are judged. This truth also led them to the 4th commandment, the observance of the Sabbath.
      I pray this will help to answer your questions.
      God bless, Bill.

    • @jaimeneves3745
      @jaimeneves3745 Год назад +2

      @@earthenvesselsministry I certainly appreciate the time and effort put into the response BIll. I will examine further. Be blessed for loving God