Daredevil has some idealistic vision though. We can't assume he's just blind right. That's just perception. I believe the sonic senses he receive(pattern wise) can create a virtual environment for him to view what's happening at the moment. This all happens in his mind ofcourse. He's got a greater vision compared to us. It's great, I didn't say it is beautiful either to him though
@@gundamspro6901 Ngl, I was hella confused when watching this haha, I've never watched it, but was under the impression Daredevil was at least an antihero, but I was watching this and it was outright villainous.... But, at least that explains it hahaha
Fisk is a more grappling using his strength, bullseye is more ranged but isnt scared to throw a punch, Matt is a more rapid jabs but has to anticipate where they throw their punches
@@ThyNervo Kingpin is ruthless, methodical, manipulative he fights like a brute and uses his resources (e.g his protective/bullet proof suits) for armor and crushes his opponents with overwhelming strength Bullseye can't get close to people and form meaningful relationships, fights at a distant range and crumbles in close range combat with experts (Like Fisk and Daredevil) Daredevil is agile, flexible and a skilled fighter, partly because of his training with Stick and like his father, he can take a beating and get back up.
@@TheFarmerboyproducti Daredevil was trained by Stick who taught him how to fight and use his lack of sight to his advantage but his father was a boxer and at heart he is to and you can see him mixing the brawler side of him with Sticks training, Fisk is a brute that puts all of his power into his hits not thinking about the consequences as he does with anything else in his life, Bullseye is cold and calculated killing everyone no matter who they are with no remorse and absolute precision
@@awsmman764 I actually don't like the background of the Netflix DD with regards to his training from Stick. In the show he only gets a year or 2 of training and it looks like doesn't see Stick from the age of about 12 until he's an adult. For me, the story would've been much better if Stick trained him until he was 18 and then they'd had a falling out about Matt wanting to go to law school.
Thats always been a thing with his character... In the comics, he has killed a guy by breaking a teeth inside of his mouth, and spitting it into a guys head, killing him.
Imagine the shame, the humiliation, of being a Kingpin goon contacted from the afterlife and having to tell the necromancer "I was killed by a flung stapler"
I love how everyone in Daredevil fights like enraged beasts. We can clearly see the damage the fight’s giving them, but we also see the adrenaline just pushing them through the whole thing - and it wearing off and them getting increasingly tired, holding themselves upright just by sheer will. It’s different from other Marvel stuff or action flicks where the characters seemingly have infinite stamina.
@@billross9132 yeah that stuff was in the mcu. But they for some reason after the cancellation pretended it wasn't in the mcu. I hope they handle them well in the future too.
@@josephgreen203 how though? Nobody has answered that question. Daredevil literally proves he can do it just as good if not better. He isn’t limited by eye sight, he can see everything within pretty much a 2+ mile radius. His super senses allow him to see through walls and land punches, throw objects and even shoot guns effectively. The only reason you don’t see him using guns is because he “doesn’t kill”. What you said doesn’t prove that is not the case, Daredevil is better than Bullseye in every way, bullseye is literally one of the worst villains and to pit him against Daredevil, someone who can do everything he does and more is even worse 😂 and to top that off he isn’t even likeable in my opinion. He’s literally the worst character in the series.
Yup, when him and his crew were about to get attacked, foggy decided to be a real man and fight back in order to protect himself and his crew. What a true hero.
@@ricardoortiz4870 Unfortunately, I don't think he will In an interview, Charlie Cox said that Born Again won't be a Sequel to Daredevil's S3 but rather a completely different show Although they could bring him for a movie or another show, who knows, there's still a chance
@erosion271 this is the first time I'm actually really happy about being so wrong I'm really looking forward to the new show (Foggy & Karen are back, Bullseye is back, a new villain, and so on)
Theres this really funny comic. Where he can sense a group of armed guards with night vision goggles coming in on him, and he's like "oh no, night vision. What ever will I do" and proceeds to flick the light switch on
They’d both have to have metal skeletons to take (or give) those blows without bone shattering. And what about their kneecaps and joints for that matter? Fun to watch though.
It's kinda not enough of an explanation, although the show does a good job of showing how serious his injuries are, but in the first season he tells the nurse he was taught to meditate to heal faster.
@@SubzeroBlack68 dude, if Matt still had his gear and wasn't extremely injured from what happened in Defenders I think this whole season would have been a breeze for him.
I think its a callback to the man without fear comic where he literaly deflects bullets with his sticks, them shattering in the process, and whatdya know he was also wearing the black mask at that point
I visually like the fights in Shang-Chi more but I think they do a ton more with Daredevil fights with a MUCH lower budget. Its actually amazing with what the Daredevil crew is pulling off with so little budget.
@@mmorpgal4229 The fight scenes in Daredevil look more convincing and realistic. Daredevil himself uses a lot of boxing and boxing is far more useful than Kung-Fu.
@@mmorpgal4229 Well the fights in that movie is more intense because of its CGI which was used, I mean that’s what the MCU is known for. But the fight scenes in this show is just too realistic and intimidating, it’s like a reincarnation of the TDK trilogy fight sequences.
I love how Matt just goes ALL IN every single time he has to fight someone. He just has such an absolutist mindset about it that I can’t help but respect. I know his dad didn’t want him to fight but he would be insanely proud of how much of a bad ass Matt has become😂
I love how to fight scene compilation you added every piece of even smaller agression Dex has enacted on people and inanimate objects xD Especially love the more harming emotionally bump while jogging.
Love how every time Fisk hits something it clearly does severe damage. Not as strong as his comic book character but still awesome. Love the punch to the wall and him breaking Bullseyes back. Update: Kingpin in Hawkeye is pretty fucking cool. I just don't understand how Kate Bishop kept taking hit after hit after hit from this guy who just ripped the door off of a car lol. 90% of the things in Hawkeye are just way too convenient but I'm glad they brought Donofrio back. They make him look even bigger too which is awesome.
@@camlucas4623 It's hilarious that we think of someone 6'3.5 and 250 pounds as someone a bit too small for the character, but yeah, it's pretty hard to find someone who is both big enough and a good enough actor for the part. D'Onofrio did as good a job as I can imagine
@@mitodrudito5806 Yes, so, yeah, that's a grand total of two actors close to big enough while also being good enough! (MCD was only 1.5 inches taller than D'Onofrio btw, although he weighed about 65 pounds more when performing the role, which is a fair difference)
Dex's story was so good in season 3 and the whole show was the best one on Netflix. I enjoyed the other ones just fine but Daredevil was just so gripping from the start. Daredevil really needs to come to the MCU proper. No explanations needed, just bring him in. And Vincent D'Onofrio disappears into the role of Kingpin. Such a good portrayal.
Wilson Bethel was a brilliant Bullseye. Really hope he comes back to the character and shows up in Daredevil: Born Again to battle DD. He actually looked better in DD costume than Charlie Cox did.
I thought I was the only one who thought that, I don't know why the red suit looks just ridiculous on Charlie, when I saw Bethel wearing it, I just thought "damn, that looks so much better on you"
But I think that when Charlie wears the red suit it's not really him, but a stunt double, or maybe not, maybe there's too much padding in the suit, in the Echo series, Charlie looks much better in that suit
@@Kalelgoodman I haven't watched the Echo show yet but Charlie was in those past DD suits on Netflix. He has a very distinguishable nose. Easy to tell it's him. He did a lot of his own fight stunts as well. Not everything, but a lot.
Kevin Feige already said that Charlie Cox will come back as Daredevil. I do hope they get Wilson Bethel to come back as Bullseye considering he played this character so well
*It's not a "dumb power," moron. He's called "BULLSEYE" because whatever he has in his hands (and you can clearly see) becomes a weapon that he does not miss with. Read a comic-book sometime.
Well, as far as I know, there are three reasons modern humans survived prehistoric times and rose to the top of the food chain: 1) obviously our big brains 2) our running endurance outstrips any animal (even much faster ones) and 3) we’re really good at throwing stuff… better than any other primate
@@rashmirekha1615 I think he has reason thats why he said if you look at hawkeye title you can see it has bulleye logo from comic,yes he isn't near Hawkeye but the show can build him
@@rashmirekha1615 we've never really had a good chance to see what hawkeye could do in the movies, to be honest. Only a few times, most notably in age of ultron. But other than that they never showed his true skill. He IS a badass, so I'm hoping the show will touch on that.
@@Just_The_Krust in the first Avengers, Hawkeye hit the exact spot on S.H.I.E.L.D's helicarrier, while at high altitude himself! As impressive as Bullseye was, he didn't do anything on that level
ppl don't realise how symbolic and epic that scene where he is in daredevils suit and he says " i am daredevil " showing what matt would hv been if he killed his enemies and how relatable they are
I love how much this show showed us the dichotomy between Matt and dex. Both there childhoods were so scarily similar yet who they eventually become is different because of one trait. Empathy.Matt was the daredevil that had empathy because of his Catholic background and faith in his religion,while dex was the daredevil who was a straight up freaking nihilistic psychopath. That's what makes the office fight scene so good. Matt looking at dex wearing the dd suit and then dex says,"I'm daredevil". THIS SHOW IS A MASTERPIECE.
An on-point analysis. One could even take it one step further as their fighting style tend to reflect that very empathy / lack thereof. Matt isn't afraid to get his hands dirty in the pursuit of justice, throwing himself into the fray with very little care for his own wellbeing while Dex thrives from afar, highlighting his aloof nature but more profoundly his inability to connect with anyone on an emotional level.
Really like how Matthew fighting bullseye in his OWN daredevil costume is the physical embodiment of the idea that Matthew is wrestling with his own inner demon(s) while fighting to keep that lethal urge to kill Fisk contained, but also represents how justice like Matthew is BLIND and does not favour any one side (whereas the idea of evil or the actual devil represented by bullseye’s character, in this case being a marksman can see much far ahead) along with the obvious religious symbolism of Forgiveness and repentance, where Karen represents the virtue of patience, Matthew is the sin of wrath, Wilson fisk's sin is greed and possibly lust depending on how you contextualize Vanessa in the series, but mainly the scene is just great
the scene with FBI agent Poindexter taking out the Albanians is incredible. Dex ricocheting his gunshots off the ground and the street signs is so awesome.
Unpopular opinion by Loki Season 2 is probably the most well written in my eyes. And probably the only good show Disney Marvel ever produced other then Moon Knight.
i love how for powers daredevil has: Extremely enhanced senses as well as being an expert hand to hand and weapon combatant while bullseye's only thing is YEEEEEET
It's been a while since I've rewatched Netflix's Daredevil, but I still love the fact that they showed the strengths and weaknesses of Bullseye and Daredevil. Bullseye being superior at a distance but put at a sight disadvantage when placed in a hand-to-hand fight. Also, him just tossing random shit was hilarious but also terrifying because of how lethal your office stationery becomes in his hands. The complete opposite for Daredevil, where he excels at hand-to-hand against him but is nothing but target practice for Bullseye once a distance is set between them. Really great of the producers to elaborate on the character outside of other mediums.. including that one other film. That plus the way it's executed was also a treat to experience. That being said, I hope whatever Marvel is planning for Daredevil in the future has the same grit as this show did.
So happy Wilson Bethel is coming back as Bullseye, phenomenal actor who stole the show as this unique character. Would love to see a Bullseye spin off down the line too, so much potential!
I don't know how to explain it but I love how he moves. He moves like a robot, he doesn't auto walk. It's like every action for him is manual, deliberate. It's perfect.
Since Disney giving them a Tv-MA rating, shit they better have the same type of energy in this series as the first series cause man this shit was dark just what marvel needs as the midnight suns slowly being introduced.
There are tons of MCU villains that are threatening but I think they dont have that deranged psychopathy or unique skills that Bullseye or Fisk has. Only villain I can really say is any where near as threatening is High Evolutionary.
Wilson Fisk was shown easily repping 500lbs on bench press, and he's fighting a man who can throw any object with lethal, near-perfect precision. Every time Fisk gets his hands on him, he tosses Bullseye across the room. Fisk is also supposed to be a genius...
I really hope the fight scenes in the daredevil Disney plus show are like these because these are some of the best fight scenes I’ve ever seen. These are impressively choreographed
My favorite moment of season 3 was that dex was never explicitly called “bullseye.” Throughout that season, and I especially loved how they finally revealed who his character was in the earlier episodes of that season. In the very first scene where he’s introduced he single handedly kills like 15 assassins coming after Fisk with only his handgun and he doesn’t miss a single shot, and honestly when I first saw that my initial reaction wasn’t “oh this guy is obviously bullseye.” I thought it was going to be some new character entirely or something lol. But when the very next episode was Fisk going through Dex’s backstory and child dex put on the bullseye baseball cap I was like “that’s fucking sick, what a cool character reveal!” Such an amazing show I really hope the MCU doesn’t fuck this great show and character up like it looks like they’re about to do. “Born again” HAS to be good and I desperately want it to be since daredevil is my favorite marvel hero next to spiderman.
I love the balance between somewhat grounded realism and comicbook superpower nonsense this Bullseye has... no explanation to his "powers" or any need to justify that he can just use anything as a deadly weapon with perfect accuracy because thats just what he does... its not too over the top, but not held back by trying to be too realistic either... nicely done
@@seacow9770 haha I like the way you're thinking, could just watch the one specific scene but you choose to watch the entire masterpiece of S3.. that's the way it should be!
I've never seen the show but it's amazing how easy it would be to make a parody of it. And all you would have to do is make everything slightly more ridiculous than it already is, which is actually a huge compliment because it means these fight scenes as insane as possible without being unbelievable and turning into comedy.
Best thing about these seasons, every character is so fleshed out and we feel connected to them. Born Again is definitely gonna need the same episode amount as these ones.
I love what they did with Bullseye. He definitely requires a whole bag of tricks for our hero to beat! Most of the villains up to this point were close range fighters, but Bullseye takes the fights to a new level by being pretty good at close range, but being a damn demon from far away! Anything and everything is lethal in his hands from a good distance away, and DD's not just playing defense while he's pitching all that crap, but having to intercept it before it hits other people, too! Loved these fights this season!
@@hubbyboy658 He’s confirmed now. We better get Bullseye vs Punisher, Bullseye getting revenge on Daredevil and Kingpin and causing a negative impact/turning point/that’s creates trouble, Bullseye kills Vanessa, Bullseye hits Daredevil where it hurts, Bullseye in a comic accurate costume, and with his fully formed comic accurate personality, maybe get Bullseye employed by another mob boss.
Disney needs and I MEAN NEEDS… to misplace the rights towards Marvel. We’ve gotten stupid bullshit like the Phase 4 of the MCU, just feels like Disney is trying make MCU Phase 4 like the CW/Arrowverse shows. Also, Disney ruined Marvel Animation, which is a big pain in the ass. Warner Bros owns DC but at least they know what they’re doing with the company. Their animation is one of the most successful pieces of art I’ve seen, wow.
Yet Disney has said they will be creating a more adult selection to they're inventory eventually. But when that will happen may be long off like the X-Men
@@officialnoquestion I've heard from some other people in comments that daredevil and punisher will be rebooted in 2022 but nothing official has actually come out hopefully it will happen tho
@@bigfloppa2529 This is true and Disney does want to bring them back and add Deadpool to its content. So hopefully we get that adult section sometime in 22
@@officialnoquestion I have a feeling it's a definite for 22, as Multiverse 9f Madness is meant to be a full fledged horror movie, which, I have a feeling won't be 12A rated.... As I'm not sure it would be a Horror movie if it was... Hahaha
If Disney just allows Marvel to have fights like that in the MCU… man you can even cut out the blood and brutality but give me some well-choreographed sequences like these
I was so hyped about Bullseye's suit in the next season. The dude was a freaking problem throughout the season. We already got Fisk in the MCU and rumors are Matt Murdock would be too. Let's hope we get the same Bullseye
OMG just seeing this remind me of how good the Netflix daredevil show was... It might've been the best superhero live action show ever. It's hard to argue and bullseye in this season.... Hell THE ENTIRE SEASON was just genius. The entire show is. Hard to beat and I just can't see Disney doing him a complete justice but I hope they can
When you realize the irony of the man who has some of the best eyes in the world being rivals with a guy who lost his sight years ago. Symbolism!
Daredevil has some idealistic vision though. We can't assume he's just blind right. That's just perception. I believe the sonic senses he receive(pattern wise) can create a virtual environment for him to view what's happening at the moment. This all happens in his mind ofcourse. He's got a greater vision compared to us. It's great, I didn't say it is beautiful either to him though
@@augmentedspy2887 I was thinking more of the metaphorical aspect but yeah true.
Theres even more which is why I love this season so much and which made the climax battle at the finale so satisfying and entertaining
It’s also ironic Bullseye is wearing Daredevil’s red suit and Daredevil is wearing black, looking more like Bullseye lol
@@augmentedspy2887 get a life men
Ah yes, the epic fight scene bullseye vs his apartment
He almost got decked by his apartment there! Next I'd like to see Daredevil vs Dex' apartment!
Daredevil would win,hes got the power of the hallway leading to the apartment 😂😂
@@epsilon5808 daredevil's apartment vs Dex's apartment. Save that one for the Disney+ daredevil reboot
Meh, it was better in the comics.
I like how they emphasized that Daredevil is a better fighter but Bullseye is a better marksman which kept it grounded, believable and entertaining.
i dont even understand what's going on. why would bullseye cover his eyes.
@@Jamplays592 Bullseye has (Stole? Not sure) Daredevil's costume. The guy in black is Daredevil himself.
@@Jamplays592 you'll only understand if you actually WATCH the show yk
@@gundamspro6901 Ngl, I was hella confused when watching this haha, I've never watched it, but was under the impression Daredevil was at least an antihero, but I was watching this and it was outright villainous.... But, at least that explains it hahaha
@@Jamplays592 bullseye had a copy of daredevils suit, and the copy had eye holes. You can see them if you look closely
I'm amazed that they made a character as nutty and deranged as bullseye an actual person without being goofy, he is actually really scary
Yeah every scene of him kept me on edge
i mean you gotta admit, him throwing random shit at people is pretty amusing
well there was the goat scene
He is just as deadly and unstable in the comics
@@bomes2084 which worked with how he acts and his upbringing in life , and how he’s socially awkward.
I like how Fisk, Daredevil and Bullseye all have fighting styles which reflect their personalities
Can you elaborate?
Fisk is a more grappling using his strength, bullseye is more ranged but isnt scared to throw a punch, Matt is a more rapid jabs but has to anticipate where they throw their punches
@@ThyNervo Kingpin is ruthless, methodical, manipulative he fights like a brute and uses his resources (e.g his protective/bullet proof suits) for armor and crushes his opponents with overwhelming strength
Bullseye can't get close to people and form meaningful relationships, fights at a distant range and crumbles in close range combat with experts (Like Fisk and Daredevil)
Daredevil is agile, flexible and a skilled fighter, partly because of his training with Stick and like his father, he can take a beating and get back up.
@@TheFarmerboyproducti Daredevil was trained by Stick who taught him how to fight and use his lack of sight to his advantage but his father was a boxer and at heart he is to and you can see him mixing the brawler side of him with Sticks training, Fisk is a brute that puts all of his power into his hits not thinking about the consequences as he does with anything else in his life, Bullseye is cold and calculated killing everyone no matter who they are with no remorse and absolute precision
@@awsmman764 I actually don't like the background of the Netflix DD with regards to his training from Stick. In the show he only gets a year or 2 of training and it looks like doesn't see Stick from the age of about 12 until he's an adult. For me, the story would've been much better if Stick trained him until he was 18 and then they'd had a falling out about Matt wanting to go to law school.
The fact that you get anxious whenever Bullseye gets some distance between himself and Matt shows how well thought out the fight choreography is
It’s so satisfying when he throws something without even looking and it nails his target.
Right? He can kill you with anything lol
Bullsey: what ever game your playing it wont work u cant defeat my
Hawkeye no I know *groans* but HE can
Daredevil: hold my beer
@@Neos_ghost Oh yeah bullseye did impersonate hawkeye during the dark avengers run/ secret invasion.
i know these scenes are suppose to be serious but the amount of random shit bullseye just throws is hilarious
Thats always been a thing with his character...
In the comics, he has killed a guy by breaking a teeth inside of his mouth, and spitting it into a guys head, killing him.
@@lucas-xf7rc that's some strong cheeks
It’s badass!
Bullseye is a sniper rifle. The random shit around him are his bullets
Imagine the shame, the humiliation, of being a Kingpin goon contacted from the afterlife and having to tell the necromancer "I was killed by a flung stapler"
I love how everyone in Daredevil fights like enraged beasts. We can clearly see the damage the fight’s giving them, but we also see the adrenaline just pushing them through the whole thing - and it wearing off and them getting increasingly tired, holding themselves upright just by sheer will.
It’s different from other Marvel stuff or action flicks where the characters seemingly have infinite stamina.
That is a very very very accurate observation. You are completely right.
Except The Punisher.
@@johnlever6696 I agree, I didn't pay attention to such detail but you worded it very nicely. Excellent observation
I would say civil war is an exception, the get very tired and sluggish in that
@@pzdizzle Frank built different
The Daredevil series did a good job with bullseye, and I especially love how they gave him daredevils costume.
Very much like Dark Reign.
Well gives new meaning to Collin Ferrels line of I want a bloody costume in the Daredevil movie.
Wait that dude was bullseye? That just blew my mind because I had no idea.
I wasn't a fan of his backstory but how he used weapons - spot on.
@@teecoughman6161 you clearly weren’t paying attention to the show
4:45 My favorite fight scene!
dude i know right so action packed and exciting literally had me on the edge of my seat the whole time
I was holding my breath, I thought the jogger was gonna kill dex second! Kudos to the choreographers of that scene.
Flawless Victory
I dont understand the jogger scene
@@nganbas it's sarcasm bro.😂😂
Man, that Bullseye fight with Daredevil where he uses everything as a weapon still gives me the chills. Cant wait to see what the MCU does with him.
I can wait... The mcu will ruin his ass
@@sgnikethre9477 ikr
Technically this is the mcu but not anymore. Let's see how marvel treats this character in canon
@@billross9132 yeah that stuff was in the mcu. But they for some reason after the cancellation pretended it wasn't in the mcu. I hope they handle them well in the future too.
@@isomericgamer6644 prolly cause since daredevil is back in Marvel's hand they don't wanna promote Netflix's shows as they make nothing out of them.
Daredevil is a king at close quarters, but bullseye is a god at range.
Daredevil is a god at range too. Watch the series again 😂 especially season 1 he can literally do everything Bullseye can.
@@XTreMeHunTer98 not the way dex do it
@@davidohayon4193 how is it different from the way Dex do it?
@@XTreMeHunTer98 the difference is bullseye can throw anything effectively unlike daredevil and anybody else that's all
@@josephgreen203 how though? Nobody has answered that question. Daredevil literally proves he can do it just as good if not better. He isn’t limited by eye sight, he can see everything within pretty much a 2+ mile radius. His super senses allow him to see through walls and land punches, throw objects and even shoot guns effectively. The only reason you don’t see him using guns is because he “doesn’t kill”. What you said doesn’t prove that is not the case, Daredevil is better than Bullseye in every way, bullseye is literally one of the worst villains and to pit him against Daredevil, someone who can do everything he does and more is even worse 😂 and to top that off he isn’t even likeable in my opinion. He’s literally the worst character in the series.
4:46 That's dedication to include ALL fight scenes 😂
Hahahahahaha omg
Dex was such an asshole lmao
4:17 can we PLEASE just appreciate how much of a badass Foggy is?
yes, courage to the max.
Yup, when him and his crew were about to get attacked, foggy decided to be a real man and fight back in order to protect himself and his crew. What a true hero.
They made a guy who throws things really good look cool.
The choreographing and special effects of this show truly were amazing.
Bullseye always cool
I hope Bullseye returns in Born Again.
@@ricardoortiz4870 Unfortunately, I don't think he will
In an interview, Charlie Cox said that Born Again won't be a Sequel to Daredevil's S3 but rather a completely different show
Although they could bring him for a movie or another show, who knows, there's still a chance
They do that with other heroes too. Not the first time. It’s called cloning-because-we-can’t-come-up-with-new-ideas, lol.
@erosion271 this is the first time I'm actually really happy about being so wrong
I'm really looking forward to the new show (Foggy & Karen are back, Bullseye is back, a new villain, and so on)
Bullseye is one of those villains who you’re not supposed to like but they’re just so badass
Wilson Bethel was stunt double for Charlie Cox and
is an expert MA fighter 👍👌
@@MartinSmithsince when 😭😭
That’s how they make most villains nowadays. 🥱
5:36 I loved this scene soo much, he puts his gun down and picks up a fucking crowbar and launches it at a dudes head. I loved bullseye in this show..
it's always confused me why he never just knocks out the lights and fights in a pitch black room.
Because us as an audience couldn't see shit too. Don't forget we aren't blind
It's like he breaks the fourth wall and cares about the audience enough to not use all advantages
Theres this really funny comic. Where he can sense a group of armed guards with night vision goggles coming in on him, and he's like "oh no, night vision. What ever will I do" and proceeds to flick the light switch on
daredevil? you think a blind guy like daredevil knows where each light bulb has been placed? i dont think he even remembers what a brick looked like.
Cuz he likes fair play!
I swear, this dude has taken WAAAAAAY too many blows to the head to be making it through these fights conscious.
To be fair he’s in bullet proof armor
@@joebynum9056 Not his jaw though
They’d both have to have metal skeletons to take (or give) those blows without bone shattering. And what about their kneecaps and joints for that matter? Fun to watch though.
@@maxgemstone7257 doesn't really matter
It's kinda not enough of an explanation, although the show does a good job of showing how serious his injuries are, but in the first season he tells the nurse he was taught to meditate to heal faster.
10:15 i love how daredevil deflects the crystal shards being thrown by bullseye.
Lol if he kept his batons he could of dealt with Bullseye a lot easier. Deflect all his ranged attacks and close the distance to hand to hand combat
@@SubzeroBlack68 dude, if Matt still had his gear and wasn't extremely injured from what happened in Defenders I think this whole season would have been a breeze for him.
I think its a callback to the man without fear comic where he literaly deflects bullets with his sticks, them shattering in the process, and whatdya know he was also wearing the black mask at that point
Daredevil by FAR has the best fight scenes in the MCU.
I visually like the fights in Shang-Chi more but I think they do a ton more with Daredevil fights with a MUCH lower budget. Its actually amazing with what the Daredevil crew is pulling off with so little budget.
@@mmorpgal4229 imagine if the budget was bigger..
@@mmorpgal4229 shang chi fight scenes are amazing, i love that movie and can’t wait for the next.
@@mmorpgal4229 The fight scenes in Daredevil look more convincing and realistic. Daredevil himself uses a lot of boxing and boxing is far more useful than Kung-Fu.
@@mmorpgal4229 Well the fights in that movie is more intense because of its CGI which was used, I mean that’s what the MCU is known for. But the fight scenes in this show is just too realistic and intimidating, it’s like a reincarnation of the TDK trilogy fight sequences.
I like the way they literally use ANYTHING as weapons 😅
I love how Matt just goes ALL IN every single time he has to fight someone. He just has such an absolutist mindset about it that I can’t help but respect. I know his dad didn’t want him to fight but he would be insanely proud of how much of a bad ass Matt has become😂
Like Batman. Or Captain America. Or…a majority of other comic book characters.
I love how to fight scene compilation you added every piece of even smaller agression Dex has enacted on people and inanimate objects xD Especially love the more harming emotionally bump while jogging.
Love how every time Fisk hits something it clearly does severe damage. Not as strong as his comic book character but still awesome. Love the punch to the wall and him breaking Bullseyes back.
Update: Kingpin in Hawkeye is pretty fucking cool. I just don't understand how Kate Bishop kept taking hit after hit after hit from this guy who just ripped the door off of a car lol. 90% of the things in Hawkeye are just way too convenient but I'm glad they brought Donofrio back. They make him look even bigger too which is awesome.
I wish they could’ve found a bigger guy to play him but I love Vincent and he’s more realistic
@@camlucas4623 It's hilarious that we think of someone 6'3.5 and 250 pounds as someone a bit too small for the character, but yeah, it's pretty hard to find someone who is both big enough and a good enough actor for the part. D'Onofrio did as good a job as I can imagine
@@e.j.leonard2379 despite being black clarke duncan in dd 2003(its shit movie btw) is big and imposing
@@mitodrudito5806 Yes, so, yeah, that's a grand total of two actors close to big enough while also being good enough! (MCD was only 1.5 inches taller than D'Onofrio btw, although he weighed about 65 pounds more when performing the role, which is a fair difference)
@@e.j.leonard2379 Brian Shaw would be perfect
Dex's story was so good in season 3 and the whole show was the best one on Netflix. I enjoyed the other ones just fine but Daredevil was just so gripping from the start. Daredevil really needs to come to the MCU proper. No explanations needed, just bring him in. And Vincent D'Onofrio disappears into the role of Kingpin. Such a good portrayal.
Well apparently Charlie Cox is going to be appearing in Spider-Man: No Way Home (as Matt Murdock the lawyer, not daredevil).
honestlycit was amazing
Wilson Bethel needs to come back as Bullseye too. He gave a hell of a performance.
@@MrMisterBatman make it more brutal enemy
I haven't seen S3 of JJ yet, but yeah...DD was easily the best of the 5 if you ask me. Really not even close.
I find it amazing that they made “throwing shit accurately” a really dangerous ability XD
Wilson Bethel was a brilliant Bullseye. Really hope he comes back to the character and shows up in Daredevil: Born Again to battle DD. He actually looked better in DD costume than Charlie Cox did.
Cap. Mask looks better fitted on Charlie
I thought I was the only one who thought that, I don't know why the red suit looks just ridiculous on Charlie, when I saw Bethel wearing it, I just thought "damn, that looks so much better on you"
But I think that when Charlie wears the red suit it's not really him, but a stunt double, or maybe not, maybe there's too much padding in the suit, in the Echo series, Charlie looks much better in that suit
@@Kalelgoodman I haven't watched the Echo show yet but Charlie was in those past DD suits on Netflix. He has a very distinguishable nose. Easy to tell it's him. He did a lot of his own fight stunts as well. Not everything, but a lot.
I think cause Charlie is never clean shaven
Something about a mortal man being terrifyingly accurate with his shots feels more badass than some superpowers
Kevin Feige already said that Charlie Cox will come back as Daredevil. I do hope they get Wilson Bethel to come back as Bullseye considering he played this character so well
He will, same as Punisher. Set photos of all them plus Daredevil leaked
How is it that Bullseye has both the dumbest and most lethal power ever.
"He throws stuff...
Like, really really hard".
*It's not a "dumb power," moron.
He's called "BULLSEYE" because whatever he has in his hands (and you can clearly see) becomes a weapon that he does not miss with.
Read a comic-book sometime.
The real meaning of "random bull$h|t go!"
Well, as far as I know, there are three reasons modern humans survived prehistoric times and rose to the top of the food chain:
1) obviously our big brains
2) our running endurance outstrips any animal (even much faster ones)
and 3) we’re really good at throwing stuff… better than any other primate
@@mrdropkicker1 Vast majority of mfs I see cant run for more than 20 seconds of full sprint. Many animals can out perform that so what u on about
More like he's got perfect aim.
Imagine this Bullseye in Hawkeye series.
hes just build different yk?
Hawkeye is no where near the level of bullseye here
@@rashmirekha1615 I think he has reason thats why he said if you look at hawkeye title you can see it has bulleye logo from comic,yes he isn't near Hawkeye but the show can build him
@@rashmirekha1615 we've never really had a good chance to see what hawkeye could do in the movies, to be honest. Only a few times, most notably in age of ultron. But other than that they never showed his true skill. He IS a badass, so I'm hoping the show will touch on that.
@@Just_The_Krust in the first Avengers, Hawkeye hit the exact spot on S.H.I.E.L.D's helicarrier, while at high altitude himself! As impressive as Bullseye was, he didn't do anything on that level
ppl don't realise how symbolic and epic that scene where he is in daredevils suit and he says " i am daredevil " showing what matt would hv been if he killed his enemies and how relatable they are
Yeah I came when he said "it’s daredeviling time" and daredeviled all over them
@@petrwarthursty2011 overplayed joke
@@GrifterTheBoyIdiot not 3 months ago, it wasn’t
@@petrwarthursty2011yes it was
The entire Daredevil series has some of the best fight choreography I’ve seen.
I love how much this show showed us the dichotomy between Matt and dex. Both there childhoods were so scarily similar yet who they eventually become is different because of one trait. Empathy.Matt was the daredevil that had empathy because of his Catholic background and faith in his religion,while dex was the daredevil who was a straight up freaking nihilistic psychopath. That's what makes the office fight scene so good. Matt looking at dex wearing the dd suit and then dex says,"I'm daredevil". THIS SHOW IS A MASTERPIECE.
An on-point analysis. One could even take it one step further as their fighting style tend to reflect that very empathy / lack thereof. Matt isn't afraid to get his hands dirty in the pursuit of justice, throwing himself into the fray with very little care for his own wellbeing while Dex thrives from afar, highlighting his aloof nature but more profoundly his inability to connect with anyone on an emotional level.
Oh the Duality of Daredevil and Bullseye is the best you explained it so well
Dex:I'm Daredevil...
Sandy Cheeks:No, you ain't!
This is literally the whole point of the Bible, and yet people say it doesn't make any sense. Dex chose the dark side.
Really like how Matthew fighting bullseye in his OWN daredevil costume is the physical embodiment of the idea that Matthew is wrestling with his own inner demon(s) while fighting to keep that lethal urge to kill Fisk contained, but also represents how justice like Matthew is BLIND and does not favour any one side (whereas the idea of evil or the actual devil represented by bullseye’s character, in this case being a marksman can see much far ahead) along with the obvious religious symbolism of Forgiveness and repentance, where Karen represents the virtue of patience, Matthew is the sin of wrath, Wilson fisk's sin is greed and possibly lust depending on how you contextualize Vanessa in the series, but mainly the scene is just great
The Menace is Back 🎯🔪
For real, I can't wait !!!!
Obi wan: "I have the high ground!"
Bullseye: "And?"
I mean, Anakin kinda said the same
Poindexter with any blaster would be op.
@@desmonddoolin2680 he doesn't need to...
the scene with FBI agent Poindexter taking out the Albanians is incredible. Dex ricocheting his gunshots off the ground and the street signs is so awesome.
This was the greatest season of any MCU show, Ever.....
I agree
Punisher season 1 for me barely
Unpopular opinion by Loki Season 2 is probably the most well written in my eyes. And probably the only good show Disney Marvel ever produced other then Moon Knight.
Bro the very end when wilson slams dex in the corner of the wall gave me chills, he ABSOLUTELY destroyed that mans spine 🥶🥶🥶
Ah yes we have all 3 fighting game archetypes here: high mobility in-fighter, keep away zoner, and grappler with the broken command grabs.
Only fools like John Campea will be in denial
i love how for powers daredevil has: Extremely enhanced senses as well as being an expert hand to hand and weapon combatant while bullseye's only thing is YEEEEEET
that bullseye dude did really good job in creating the character. really really good acting
I don't care what nerds say, Bullseye is superhuman. No natural human has dexterity and reflexes like that.
In marvel, he's just enhanced because there are actul superheroes running around
Gosh the fight scenes were so good. Being able to pick up ANYTHING and throw it with precision would be such a great skill.
It's been a while since I've rewatched Netflix's Daredevil, but I still love the fact that they showed the strengths and weaknesses of Bullseye and Daredevil.
Bullseye being superior at a distance but put at a sight disadvantage when placed in a hand-to-hand fight. Also, him just tossing random shit was hilarious but also terrifying because of how lethal your office stationery becomes in his hands.
The complete opposite for Daredevil, where he excels at hand-to-hand against him but is nothing but target practice for Bullseye once a distance is set between them.
Really great of the producers to elaborate on the character outside of other mediums.. including that one other film. That plus the way it's executed was also a treat to experience. That being said, I hope whatever Marvel is planning for Daredevil in the future has the same grit as this show did.
So happy Wilson Bethel is coming back as Bullseye, phenomenal actor who stole the show as this unique character. Would love to see a Bullseye spin off down the line too, so much potential!
It's funny to me that when the guy starts destroying his apartment through a mental break down the camarea man just spins in circles
I don't know how to explain it but I love how he moves. He moves like a robot, he doesn't auto walk. It's like every action for him is manual, deliberate. It's perfect.
Now that Daredevil: Born Again is a thing, i want Bullseye to come back with great style.
Since Disney giving them a Tv-MA rating, shit they better have the same type of energy in this series as the first series cause man this shit was dark just what marvel needs as the midnight suns slowly being introduced.
It needs to basically be Daredevil season 4 or it won't work imo
09:45 must be one of the best falling kicks of all time
3:46 that kick is just so satisfying
Daredevil Gets Hit Once: *Knocked Out*
Bullseye gets hit 1000 and 1 times: *Perfectly Fine*
The custume is bulletproof
Bullseye was wearing an armored costume
Bullseye is using DD's armored suit, while Murdock is back only using his plain black clothes.
When all the comments here saying the suit is bullet prove. But his jaw is out there
@@HanWang_Austin the jaw is also the one of the strongest bones in the human body and people normally don't target it
Season 3 was epic and the fact the show stopped was tragic. A truly masterful series.
Daredevil fighting is the funniest shit out of context, just look at 10:15
I don’t get it what is he doing
I 100% agree with you dude. No matter how many times I watch it, that part of this fight always makes me snicker.
The noises Bullseye makes are funny as hell too. He gets kicked in the stomach and goes “UGH!”
Man, why can't the actual MCU be as fucking cool as this? The dude just throws stuff and he is umtpillion times more threatening than any MCU villain
Subjective just because you feel he's more treating doesn't mean everyone else does
There are tons of MCU villains that are threatening but I think they dont have that deranged psychopathy or unique skills that Bullseye or Fisk has. Only villain I can really say is any where near as threatening is High Evolutionary.
"Every Bullseye Fight Scene"..... "Bullseye calmly bump into another dude when running" lol
Wilson Fisk was shown easily repping 500lbs on bench press, and he's fighting a man who can throw any object with lethal, near-perfect precision. Every time Fisk gets his hands on him, he tosses Bullseye across the room. Fisk is also supposed to be a genius...
You make a good point. Keep him close, break his hands, cave his head in.
Bullseye Fight Scenes | Daredevil
* Bullseye vs sick woman.
* Bullseye vs wall.
* Bullseye vs jogger.
Seriously though, this was a great series.
10:53 he got no backup in the fight.... get it?
Yes and it’s hilarious 😂
I really hope the fight scenes in the daredevil Disney plus show are like these because these are some of the best fight scenes I’ve ever seen. These are impressively choreographed
I like the fight in the finale where Matt still tries to save Fisk and his wife from Dex.
Matt was saving his wife, not Fisk. He only chooses to spare Fisk once he's already won the fight.
The one in the church is better it has more h2h combat
I love that not only is his aim perfect, but he can also throw anything with the speed and power necessary to make it as lethal as he wants
Him ricocheting the baseball and beaming Matt straight in the face killed me the first time I saw it 😂
Man how did they find someone with such good aim? Great casting!
My favorite moment of season 3 was that dex was never explicitly called “bullseye.” Throughout that season, and I especially loved how they finally revealed who his character was in the earlier episodes of that season. In the very first scene where he’s introduced he single handedly kills like 15 assassins coming after Fisk with only his handgun and he doesn’t miss a single shot, and honestly when I first saw that my initial reaction wasn’t “oh this guy is obviously bullseye.” I thought it was going to be some new character entirely or something lol.
But when the very next episode was Fisk going through Dex’s backstory and child dex put on the bullseye baseball cap I was like “that’s fucking sick, what a cool character reveal!” Such an amazing show I really hope the MCU doesn’t fuck this great show and character up like it looks like they’re about to do. “Born again” HAS to be good and I desperately want it to be since daredevil is my favorite marvel hero next to spiderman.
I always thought bullseye was your typical boring villain. This actor made him so much more interesting
3:20 never fails to make me laugh
I love the balance between somewhat grounded realism and comicbook superpower nonsense this Bullseye has... no explanation to his "powers" or any need to justify that he can just use anything as a deadly weapon with perfect accuracy because thats just what he does... its not too over the top, but not held back by trying to be too realistic either... nicely done
I like how Daredevil gets no cut hallway fight scenes and Bullseye gets no cut living room mental breakdown scenes
The part where Fisk picks up bullseye and broke his back on the wall.
I felt that.
Ah yes my favorite fight scene in the whole show: Bullseye vs. that jogger
Yeah my favorite is definitely him vs Dr. Mercer.
I find it funny how In daredevils mind he's probably thinking "this man bouta start throwing shit again".
This season was a masterpieeeece, way too good, this character was one of the best part of the show
Disney can rob this character from the creators and Netflix but they'll never be able to make anything this cool
I love Bullseye just because of the way he kills people. The dude's aim is so bullshit, I love it.
Nice vid. Haven’t seen season 3 yet but by the looks of this video, I should
You should see it!It s one of my favourite season besides season 2.The action and emotions are fantastic
It’s the best season
@@keep.coolscenes Bruh, season 2 is the worst season.
@@Flome810 *How?*
@@Flome810 all seasons are good
Damn...if there was season 4 we would have had Daredevill vs Bullseye
Considering Bullseye is a cripple now idk how fair of a fight that would’ve been
@@seacow9770 there is an post credit scene in the last episode of season 3
@@kd9-3.73 oh shit really? Time to rewatch season 3
@@seacow9770 yup post credit scene shows him getting that adamantium spine like in the comics
@@seacow9770 haha I like the way you're thinking, could just watch the one specific scene but you choose to watch the entire masterpiece of S3.. that's the way it should be!
I've never seen the show but it's amazing how easy it would be to make a parody of it. And all you would have to do is make everything slightly more ridiculous than it already is, which is actually a huge compliment because it means these fight scenes as insane as possible without being unbelievable and turning into comedy.
Gosh they did SUCH A GREAT JOB with their fights WOWOW
4:47 this is the best fight scene.
Always loved this character. The way that he throws things to perfectly hit his targets is just so cool looking to me
Matt's biggest mistake was to increase the distance between him and Bullseye.
Best thing about these seasons, every character is so fleshed out and we feel connected to them. Born Again is definitely gonna need the same episode amount as these ones.
I love what they did with Bullseye. He definitely requires a whole bag of tricks for our hero to beat! Most of the villains up to this point were close range fighters, but Bullseye takes the fights to a new level by being pretty good at close range, but being a damn demon from far away! Anything and everything is lethal in his hands from a good distance away, and DD's not just playing defense while he's pitching all that crap, but having to intercept it before it hits other people, too! Loved these fights this season!
Bullseye us such an interesting character.. hope he comes back in next season 👍👍
Netflix show is cannon now, so there's a high probability of him comeback
I wish they didn’t have Bullseye looking like a Goodwill-budget Iron Fist.
@@hubbyboy658 He’s confirmed now. We better get Bullseye vs Punisher, Bullseye getting revenge on Daredevil and Kingpin and causing a negative impact/turning point/that’s creates trouble, Bullseye kills Vanessa, Bullseye hits Daredevil where it hurts, Bullseye in a comic accurate costume, and with his fully formed comic accurate personality, maybe get Bullseye employed by another mob boss.
@@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 Yes!!!! Im so exited for what the new daredevil show will give to us
What the writers of Daredevil did was beautiful.
I wish Disney just let them do more of this
Disney is the kind of company that rejects scripts and movies if they’re not political enough.
Disney needs and I MEAN NEEDS… to misplace the rights towards Marvel. We’ve gotten stupid bullshit like the Phase 4 of the MCU, just feels like Disney is trying make MCU Phase 4 like the CW/Arrowverse shows. Also, Disney ruined Marvel Animation, which is a big pain in the ass.
Warner Bros owns DC but at least they know what they’re doing with the company. Their animation is one of the most successful pieces of art I’ve seen, wow.
This series is so good. Disney wouldn’t not revive it due to too dark
Yet Disney has said they will be creating a more adult selection to they're inventory eventually. But when that will happen may be long off like the X-Men
@@officialnoquestion I've heard from some other people in comments that daredevil and punisher will be rebooted in 2022 but nothing official has actually come out hopefully it will happen tho
@@bigfloppa2529 This is true and Disney does want to bring them back and add Deadpool to its content. So hopefully we get that adult section sometime in 22
@@officialnoquestion I have a feeling it's a definite for 22, as Multiverse 9f Madness is meant to be a full fledged horror movie, which, I have a feeling won't be 12A rated.... As I'm not sure it would be a Horror movie if it was... Hahaha
@@mastere6115 man that would be dope but you never know with Feige
I love how as soon as his back is broken the video ends 🤣
Daredevil is the best superhero show ever created in my opinion.
If Disney just allows Marvel to have fights like that in the MCU… man you can even cut out the blood and brutality but give me some well-choreographed sequences like these
I was so hyped about Bullseye's suit in the next season. The dude was a freaking problem throughout the season. We already got Fisk in the MCU and rumors are Matt Murdock would be too. Let's hope we get the same Bullseye
Watch nwh.
It's already all in the MCU, what are you on about...
bullseye would be so badass if he was on the thunderbolts team
My best line-up:
Baron Zemo
US Agent
Red Hulk
Replace songbird with ghost and we have a deal
OMG just seeing this remind me of how good the Netflix daredevil show was... It might've been the best superhero live action show ever. It's hard to argue and bullseye in this season.... Hell THE ENTIRE SEASON was just genius. The entire show is. Hard to beat and I just can't see Disney doing him a complete justice but I hope they can
It's funny how he almost intentionally nerfs himself by not using a gun most times and just throws random shit and is still super overpowered
Daredevil has more realistic fight scene and reasonable take downs than Harley Quinn.
Its a more grounded show...
Was that a question in the first place?
What a shitty comparison