I’m a 71 year old cradle Catholic who has had a very deep love for the Church and Divine Mercy all of my life. Today I have to stop myself from being constantly angry as I see Satan filling young minds up with all sorts of ideologies that will make them feel like ‘nice’ people and tell them that God isn’t needed. I very much like this young man, he has a good and genuine heart.
I’m 23 in 12 days and I totally feel your frustration, Ive been trying my hardest to not be angry all the time too buddy. Brian has been helping me get through these rough times through education, learning is the only way I can cope with this stuff going on in the world.
I was just getting to a point that I could switch off from all of the craziness in the world today and then this came up. The osmosis of these ideologies is slowly spreading and Satan is using identity politics to divide us, breaking us all into groups of mainly victims. But when I hear that the Church is now doing the same I am horrified. God wrote our names in the very palm of His hand before the beginning of time and we can be sure sure that we are completely and uniquely loved. We are not a group and if any group does feel excluded then please, as individuals, change your behaviour and join the Church and be true to yourself. Don't look for a group pass. When I hear all of this I am reminded of every Marian apparition from Lourdes to Fatima, to Medugoje and I wonder what our Blessed Mother would have to say. This synod often referred to the 'spirit' to guide us, when it certainly isn't the Holy Spirit, but something that St. Ignatius very clearly warned us against. You know what, I'm glad that I'm not 23 and I'm very happy to be where I am today, it's been a very long journey and with quite a few dark times but I never lost faith. Footprints in the sand says it all for me. Nothing happens by chance, just keep praying, especially the Divine Mercy Chaplet and God will return in the most amazing consolation that will bring tears to your eyes.@@lmAIone
A BBC comedy years ago had the line, "Why do politicians spend so much time talking about saving the planet? Because it's easier than fixing the National Health Service." You are spot-on!
Thanks Brian. What many Catholics fail to remember is that the church dogmas - 255 at my last count -- are inerrant and no other church, EO included, has all of them. Therefore, in today's craziness, stay the course! Jesus will always protect his church. Trust in him.
@@MikePasqqsaPekiM I got them a few years ago from a catholic website. Sorry, don't recall which. But just by a tally of random sites, 255 is the number.
@@MikePasqqsaPekiM this list comes from a 1955 work by the theologian Dr. Ludwig Ott. You can find it by simply searching for „list of Catholic dogma“ on Google. Don’t know how complete it is though.
@@MikePasqqsaPekiMThere is not really an official list. Its a bit of a dirty secret of Catholicism. The closest I can find is the Catechism of the Council of Trent. Please see this relevant blog post. A Blockchain-Based Approach to Safeguarding the Teachings of the Church for Future Generations bezalelsapprentice.blogspot.com/2022/07/a-blockchain-based-approach-to.html
Dude, Thank you for this video. So, genuine and real. IME, Pride is hidden deeply when it comes to defending and navigating our faith sometimes. I love how you set it aside here and really thought this video through. Peace be with you and your family.
Epiphany I had during this we all have a broom, a shovel, or a towel. We all possess a means of cleaning up our little part of the world. People are drawn to the peace that surrounds a person like that. As our family or ministry blossoms others will come to see the source of our part and want that too. God bless you!
Paul met the Greeks, even before teaching them the Faith, he said that they had Justice. What characterizes the Blessed are the Cardinal Virtues, and what characterizes the Saints are the Theological Virtues.
People ask me all the time “what do you think about ‘x’ ‘y’ ‘z’ happening in such and such state or such and such country?” And I always say, “Man, for most of human history I wouldn’t have had access to any of this information, not until we’ve created this artificial world where everyone can know about everything happening anywhere. I have to concern myself with right here and now, and pray that evil be vanquished over there, whoever is wrong. I don’t know who’s right, Israel or Palestine. I don’t know, and I’m not going to waste my life researching countless hours just to build a potentially wrong opinion about something I’m not living in that’s half a world away. Let the leaders do it. I’m worried about my sanctity and that of my family’s and local community.”
Wise advice , look after your spiritual life to do the good you can to make a change in your life and those you come into contact with , we have enough battles to fight within our own daily grind to work on that …
@@davidmascarenas9830 Why do so many people use the expression 'to advocate for' something or other? The verb 'to advocate' already does the job. (e.g. 'The politician advocated caution.') Is there a confusion with the noun 'advocate'? (As in 'I am the advocate for the defence in this case'.)
Our circle of influence is much much smaller than our circle of interest. I recall this quote from someone, forget who, and if those words exactly. Maybe it was you in a previous video 😂 God bless brother
My very wise grandmother told me that becoming overwhelmed with the world’s problems is pointless. Staying focused on our communities is what we have to do. I like to pick up trash along the roads where I live. I started picking up more and more and it became overwhelming. I thought about what my grandma said. As 1 person I cannot handle all of the litter. I can only focus on what is nearest to me.
*Pray 7 sorrows rosary + *Pray trad rosary 15 decades everyday until the end. Fear Him seek Him & Love Mary! May Mother reveal to you her Sorrowful heart and why we keep making Her cry.
I just want to thank you for coming back to this topic and answering it. I have personally just been repeating to myself "Jesus, I trust in you" as much as I can, and praying that God's will be done as he wants it done. Nothing that happens thousands of miles away, is going to be anything I can cpersonally change, unless our Lord tells me what he wants me to do. So again, thank you so much for clarifying everything. I loved you on "Pints" and I hope you get to go back again!
Thx for your views. In these turbulent times getting back to what we can control and referring back to the message from Jesus is probably the best option
You are on point , hearing about one more corrupt, cardinal, bishop, or priest ..is not going to enrich my soul ,but reading the word of God , going Mass and receiving the Eucharist , spending time in adoration will! Chill on The good the beautiful and the true . Pax et Bonum
4:15] "I just don't think God intended for us to know about every disaster, every detail of every war, of every misfortune that befalls someone somewhere..." I believe that the operational principle that Brian is searching for is 'subsidiarity' which is taught in the Catechism where it teaches about the Communal Character of the Human Vocation in Part Three, Chapter Two, Article 1 from about paragraph 1878 forward. Twenty five years ago I formulated my personal political thesis as follows: 'decision making authority should be retained at the lowest practical level.' That is subsidiarity in a nutshell. I think you could insert my independently derived formulation of subsidiarity into the Catechism and you would probably never notice, which attests to its universal character. This Bri is what I think you are searching for, and it is already in the Catechism. You could expand my original statement by adding: 'political concern should be focused toward what you have most effective political concern over,' but that is different than our spiritual concerns which can be more universal and should be included in our prayer life precisely because they are outside of our direct political control. The other thing I would recommend, Brian, is get rid of all of that awful stock footage in your videos, it's not needed, is probably a waste of your money, and makes your videos worse.
Amen, great advice and completely agree with the natural limitations god gave us and the devil is most certainly using social media, journaliststic media to lead people away from Jesus. Trust in the lord, great message. Thanks Brian!
It would be really great to hear what you have to say, as a Canadian, on how Catholics should address the spiraling craziness of SOGI in our schools. As a parent and a Catholic, it seems from my end, that homeschooling is the only way to go at this point. Our school board members are muting us when we try to voice our concerns, and they're openly showing hatred and mockery towards our religion (and others, but specifically Catholicism). The fiance of one of our board members dressed up as Jesus in counter protest and said horrible things about traditional families and Christians just a couple weeks ago. What can we do? I realise that as Catholics we are supposed to expect ridicule and abuse to come our way, and carry that cross, but even our Catholic schools are being forced (and some are willing) to teach and support the indoctrination of the gender and 2SLGBTQ+ ideologies.. which very clearly goes against Church teachings.
Please remember that journalism is one of the pillars of a democracy. And adhering to the magisterium (including Fiducia Supplicans) is a pillar of Catholicism.
This made me think about how removed Bishops sometimes are, not through their own fault, but just by the fact that they don’t LIVE in my home! I have to know my faith because I am the first one to answer my children. Then who is teaching catechesis at the church? Usually the laity. And while the director may have a degree, you shouldn’t have to pay for a degree to volunteer to teach youth group. It’s part of our responsibility as Catholics to seek truth and commit it to memory where possible. Thanks for the encouragement.
I am a Lutheran who enjoys your channel a lot. Something I have been convinced of by the events in western culture and in major sects of Christianity is the need for cultural ecumenism within the church. By this I don’t mean the mush mouthed compromising and obscuring of doctrines distinct to different traditions. What I do mean is that many Christians throughout the west are experiencing the same turmoil Catholics are in their respective denominations. I believe one of the most essential steps forward from this uncertain time is to revitalize the historic distinctly Christian culture which cannot be mistaken as provincialism or prejudice. This, I repeat, does not mean compromising doctrine, but gathering around the central truth of Christ. This would require humility from all parties involved to allow room for others without “othering” them. The reformed would have to allow mysticism a place, the Eastern Orthodox would have to allow a place for systematic theology, the Catholics might have to stop talking about Luther uncharitably, the Lutherans might have to be tolerant of Baptists. I am very excited for what you are doing through Fishers Network. Hopefully within the next few years I will be able to help organize something of a conference which would help expose people to other historic and conservative traditions in Christianity. God used poetry and saints’ writings to really drive home this point to me. Your channel does a good job of encouraging people to challenge themselves. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the most beloved, recognizable, and influential public Christian figures were charitable to other Christians and cultured. They were neither cosmopolitan nor provincial but men interested in the universals which indwelled the particular. Why is Lewis so important to Christians of any denomination? Why was Eliot able to hear the heartbeat of western culture so well and write brilliant essays on how Christendom could reclaim its place? What is it about a fourteenth century Florentine man named Dante that captures the imagination and transforms the way we see the world? These along with many others are part of the same tradition that we as a generation are so ignorant of compared to our predecessors. It is not completely our fault, but to . When I was in a reformed church and tried to share my experience and excitement about reading people like Teresa of Avila, Maximus the Confessor, or St John of the Cross I was met with suspicion. Christian mysticism, though completely Orthodox, was seen as heterodox. The topic isn’t as important as the principle I wish to demonstrate which is that individual Christians tend to be uncharitable to completely Orthodox beliefs and don’t even know it. Absolutely, the degree to which dissent is allowed in a church taking communion together is up to those shepherding the flock and they will answer to God for their decisions. When dealing with other Christians outside of our churches, though, WE answer to God for our actions. It never hurts to remember Job and ask ourselves how much of what we are unequivocally claiming is revealed by God and how much is our arrogant speculation. These unnecessary divisions are weakening us against a religion of Secular Humanism which has found unity in our destruction. If we can witness something as contradictory as the “Queers for Palestine” and are exclusively associated with our own sects, we too are instruments in butchering the body of Christ.
There is a group called the Alleluia Community in Augusta, GA that is like what you’re describing. Not an “all roads lead home, man!” kind of group, but ecumenical in a way I haven’t encountered elsewhere. The majority are Roman Catholic, but there is a Lutheran pastor, non-denominational folks, and some mainline Protestants, too. It’s very much about recognizing the sovereignty of God- we can (and should) talk about doctrine and argue (cordially) about it. But there comes a point where two people from different traditions recognize the Holy Spirit working in the other. Their mind doesn’t understand it, but their spirit testifies to the truth. So what do they do? Both can only say “Jesus Christ is Lord and we submit ourselves to Him.” Sometimes you simply must leave it at that and share in the joy of the Lord. It’s about humbling ourselves and actively living out Christian love even when our minds can’t understand what God is doing. Im from the West Coast originally and when I met some of those folks I was shocked at how on fire they were TOGETHER for the Lord. Gives me lots of hope that Jesus really is active and cares about Christians living together in unity. God bless you, brother.
One of your best videos! I have argued that what is at most, local news, gets expanded to a national platform. You have to ask, is this national news? Or Why is this National News? Therein lies either a. the distraction from your world, or b. the need to push an agenda.
You hit the nail on the head Brian. It’s my position 100%. Just get me good old time religion and shut out the noise. God bless you and your good business endeavors
Hey Brian, another interesting guest you could invite to the stream could be Christian B Wagner of the Scholastic Answers apostolate. I think you could both have an interesting discussion together.
More people need to recognize that reading a few news articles does not make you remotely informed nor capable of coming to a conclusion on world events, especially those with long spanning histories. Contrary to popular opinion, you do not have to take a side on matters you know next to nothing about. Focus less on taking sides and more on upholding morality and developing virtues. Focus your time and attention on building up your local community and addressing issues on a local scale where you have direct impact. Read the news on Monday and then turn it off for the rest of the week.
I love your site but I strongly disagree with what you said about using Catholic businesses and Catholics only employing other Catholics. When this is the way it was here in Ireland at one time,protestantú companies only employed protestants and if they did employ Catholics it was for menial work. It causes trouble in society and locks people out economically. Your ability for the job should be the criteria.
Fulton Sheen once said a joke that strangely stuck in my gold-fish memory. It's set in the 19th century about 2 businessmen, one a Catholic and the other a Jew. The Catholic keeps trying to convert the Jew, but he resists. One day, he tells his Catholic friend that he is about to go to Rome, and promises to convert if he is swayed by what the Vatican has to offer. The Catholic friend is quite worried, as he knows of the beauties in the Vatican, but also of the corruption. A little over a month passes by, and the Jewish friend has come back. After an exchange of the latest news, he announces that he is ready to convert to Catholicism. The Catholic friend is quite happy, but perturbed, what had convinced his Jewish business partner? Was it the tomb of Saint Peter? The Sistine Chapel and the magnificent paintings? Was it a woman? The Jewish friend said it was none of those things. He stated all he saw at the Vatican was depravity and corruption. So why? Why did he want to become Catholic? Because, he said, if such a depraved, corrupted, poorly organised structure can survive 2000 years, then truly it is God's will. Scandals in the Church will come and go, but the Church still stands. As Catholics we believe in God's promise. So while we can have our moments of sadness or anger, we must never despair, that would be turning your back on God. During WWII, not many people had a radio, and most communicated by telegraph or written letters, yet news about the war was still passed, the Allies were able to win, a Resistance had been created in different countries, and all this without TV, Twitter, RUclips, TikTok and the such.
You are so right Brian! Sticking to learning more about my faith with your channel and less about the evils you and I can do nothing but pray to God about. Thank you again for your insight.
Absolutely bang on right! People should occupy their minds with these matters to the extent that they can do something about it or should do something differently because of it. Which means that most pewsitting Catholics should pay virtually no attention to any of it, ever.
When I realized that as an individual I simply can't do anything but pray and it is not my cup of tea hence I have left it to The Holy Spirit. I have a firm belief that the process of purifying is undertaken by God Almighty and I quote the promise of our Lord Jesus here, " Peter, you are the rock and on this I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Bad analogy…. The serpent and the temptation it represented was well within Adams sphere of influence and he failed to act. Brian is talking about avoiding what you have no influence or control over.
@@johne.8939 you are also promoting cowardice and sloth. We do have influence over this issue. We can shutoff all donations to the Church until the bergoglian "papacy" is annulled and we can encourage others to do the same. We can communicate that the donations will not come until the bergoglian papacy is annuled.
Michael Sugrue gives a great overview in his RUclips channel. Reading a stoic like Aurelius or a Christian stoic like Boethius is a good place to start thinking in classical philosophical categories. Plato is actually fairly readable but the significance of what is actually being talked about can sometimes go over your head. Learning to have the same intuitions is something that poetry helps with too. It’s seeing reality in terms of universals and particulars which takes a while to get used to. We moderns have grown up in a society that tries to construct a philosophical framework relative to the self versus the classical system which constructs a system around objective ultimate realities outside of ourselves (a much more Christian view).
So, in a nice interesting and rather encoded way, by current events in remote area you meant the annihilation of Gaza and you're saying that we shouldn't say anything about the IDF Gaza stuff, right?
Much better. I simply could not stand the Matt grade video. Got negative vibes going really hard. I’ve noticed a lot of apologist also going negative. They’ve since straightened out and returned to their strong points. Leave the church politics to the pole, the cardinals and bishops. We all need to take care of that trunk in our eyes before criticizing others’ splinters. Be humble. Always pray for the pope.
Yes! I also believe laity needs to be more encouraged to find more reverent churches and move away from the modernist churches. We must uplift and elevate the bar.
I dont know the answer, but when you say that God didnt make us to be so beyond our limits, i agree, but then i also think: God also gave us our reason and intelligence to arrive at creating things such as the internet and hence global news… So perhaps it’s just about what ought we to do. I think subsidiarity might simply be the answer.
I have cut down my time online, listen to the new once or twice a day, and practice the Catholic Faith I was baptized into 76 years ago. Think about what your life was like before all this 24/7 "news" nonsense. As for the present pope, I simply ignore him and am waiting for the next puff of white smoke!
@harleymann2086 I am not going to engage in a debate with someone who is obviously trolling, so this will be my last reply, until I see good will. I will offer a frw examples, out of dozens: From changing the words of the Our father (Italian language), to welcoming sodomites who adopted a child, telling them that God loves them as they are, from teaching that God willed the plurality of religions to teaching that adulterers can receive Holy Eucharist, from teaching that also a muslims can attain salvation, to teaching that Dogma is too selective, from teaching that the 10 commandments are not absolute laws to ... It's really easy to find articles from critics of Mr Bergoglio, if you are honest, and really want to find such critics. Once I will see good will, and you will read also critics, not only apologists, then I will be convinced of your good will and I will gladly engage in debate. If your are not interested in hearing the other side ... pointless wasting time 🤷🏻♂️
@harleymann2086 I think your questions might have been too difficult. People these days really dont like being held accountable when they are trying to hold others accountable. That mirror hurts too much to look into.
I recommend you look to the scriptures and put aside your concerns about a man made religion and it’s human leader. It’s a distraction placed by Satan Our relationship with God is personal… us and Him. Release yourself from the bonds of this nonsense. This nonsense changes, God never changes. It’s not difficult. Read Gods Word.
The Church is holy but the catholic church is not. If it were the it would not be said, more than 200,000 children are estimated to have suffered sexual abuse from Spain's Catholic clergy, an independent commission has found.
Jesus was a man, he came in an incarnated body, so saying "man-made religion" is not helping your case. Jesus, the man with both human nature and divine nature, established the Catholic Church. You are welcome to join us anytime.
For those asking, here's the link to Fishers Network: www.fishersnetwork.com
I’m a 71 year old cradle Catholic who has had a very deep love for the Church and Divine Mercy all of my life. Today I have to stop myself from being constantly angry as I see Satan filling young minds up with all sorts of ideologies that will make them feel like ‘nice’ people and tell them that God isn’t needed. I very much like this young man, he has a good and genuine heart.
I’m 23 in 12 days and I totally feel your frustration, Ive been trying my hardest to not be angry all the time too buddy.
Brian has been helping me get through these rough times through education, learning is the only way I can cope with this stuff going on in the world.
I was just getting to a point that I could switch off from all of the craziness in the world today and then this came up. The osmosis of these ideologies is slowly spreading and Satan is using identity politics to divide us, breaking us all into groups of mainly victims. But when I hear that the Church is now doing the same I am horrified. God wrote our names in the very palm of His hand before the beginning of time and we can be sure sure that we are completely and uniquely loved. We are not a group and if any group does feel excluded then please, as individuals, change your behaviour and join the Church and be true to yourself. Don't look for a group pass. When I hear all of this I am reminded of every Marian apparition from Lourdes to Fatima, to Medugoje and I wonder what our Blessed Mother would have to say. This synod often referred to the 'spirit' to guide us, when it certainly isn't the Holy Spirit, but something that St. Ignatius very clearly warned us against. You know what, I'm glad that I'm not 23 and I'm very happy to be where I am today, it's been a very long journey and with quite a few dark times but I never lost faith. Footprints in the sand says it all for me. Nothing happens by chance, just keep praying, especially the Divine Mercy Chaplet and God will return in the most amazing consolation that will bring tears to your eyes.@@lmAIone
A BBC comedy years ago had the line, "Why do politicians spend so much time talking about saving the planet? Because it's easier than fixing the National Health Service." You are spot-on!
Yes Minister?
@@jaqian"His Master's Voice" Radio 4 with Robert Hardy.
Wise words as always.
You have reinforced my decision to avoid Twitter today, and strictly limit my time in the future. Thanks.
Catholics need to uplift other Catholics! amazing video as always Brian.
We should pray/intercede for each other and for our leaders
Thanks Brian. What many Catholics fail to remember is that the church dogmas - 255 at my last count -- are inerrant and no other church, EO included, has all of them. Therefore, in today's craziness, stay the course! Jesus will always protect his church. Trust in him.
What’s a reliable source with those dogmas? I’m familiar with many, but never have found “this is the official list”
@@MikePasqqsaPekiM I got them a few years ago from a catholic website. Sorry, don't recall which. But just by a tally of random sites, 255 is the number.
@@MikePasqqsaPekiM this list comes from a 1955 work by the theologian Dr. Ludwig Ott. You can find it by simply searching for „list of Catholic dogma“ on Google. Don’t know how complete it is though.
Lolol that’s circular reasoning. Don’t use it please. Also No other church has these dogmas that we made up, is also bad logic.
@@MikePasqqsaPekiMThere is not really an official list. Its a bit of a dirty secret of Catholicism. The closest I can find is the Catechism of the Council of Trent. Please see this relevant blog post.
A Blockchain-Based Approach to Safeguarding the Teachings of the Church for Future Generations
Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I appreciate the approach of your channel.
Dude, Thank you for this video. So, genuine and real. IME, Pride is hidden deeply when it comes to defending and navigating our faith sometimes. I love how you set it aside here and really thought this video through. Peace be with you and your family.
Thank you for being honest and transparent. Your videos, as of late, have been really intriguing and convicting.
Amen! Thank you Brian for your work. You certainly give our family hope. God bless your family and your work🙏.
Epiphany I had during this we all have a broom, a shovel, or a towel. We all possess a means of cleaning up our little part of the world. People are drawn to the peace that surrounds a person like that. As our family or ministry blossoms others will come to see the source of our part and want that too. God bless you!
What to do? Say ‘good’ and focus on the goal, heaven. Do one’s duty and increase joy
Paul met the Greeks, even before teaching them the Faith, he said that they had Justice.
What characterizes the Blessed are the Cardinal Virtues, and what characterizes the Saints are the Theological Virtues.
Well put, Brian! I’m going to be significantly reducing my time online and reading the news…but I won’t be cutting your channel 😊👊
People ask me all the time “what do you think about ‘x’ ‘y’ ‘z’ happening in such and such state or such and such country?” And I always say, “Man, for most of human history I wouldn’t have had access to any of this information, not until we’ve created this artificial world where everyone can know about everything happening anywhere. I have to concern myself with right here and now, and pray that evil be vanquished over there, whoever is wrong. I don’t know who’s right, Israel or Palestine. I don’t know, and I’m not going to waste my life researching countless hours just to build a potentially wrong opinion about something I’m not living in that’s half a world away. Let the leaders do it. I’m worried about my sanctity and that of my family’s and local community.”
Good advice! Blessings thank you!
Thank you Brian God bless you
Good answer here, brother. God bless you.
Extremely good advice, Brian!!! God bless you!!! ❤🙏🙏🙏
Wise advice , look after your spiritual life to do the good you can to make a change in your life and those you come into contact with , we have enough battles to fight within our own daily grind to work on that …
No this is advocating for cowardice and weakness.
@@davidmascarenas9830 really? ok !
@@davidmascarenas9830 Why do so many people use the expression 'to advocate for' something or other? The verb 'to advocate' already does the job. (e.g. 'The politician advocated caution.') Is there a confusion with the noun 'advocate'? (As in 'I am the advocate for the defence in this case'.)
Wow. AMAZING insights. Thank you! :)
Our circle of influence is much much smaller than our circle of interest.
I recall this quote from someone, forget who, and if those words exactly. Maybe it was you in a previous video 😂
God bless brother
My very wise grandmother told me that becoming overwhelmed with the world’s problems is pointless. Staying focused on our communities is what we have to do. I like to pick up trash along the roads where I live. I started picking up more and more and it became overwhelming. I thought about what my grandma said. As 1 person I cannot handle all of the litter. I can only focus on what is nearest to me.
*Pray 7 sorrows rosary +
*Pray trad rosary 15 decades everyday until the end.
Fear Him seek Him & Love Mary!
May Mother reveal to you her Sorrowful heart and why we keep making Her cry.
Thanks Brian. God Bless
Great reminder for me to focus more on my developing Catholic faith (in RCIA) than on polarizing news or politics
Thank you! I think my limited attention should be bent towards prayer instead of worrying about things I can do nothing about.
I just want to thank you for coming back to this topic and answering it. I have personally just been repeating to myself "Jesus, I trust in you" as much as I can, and praying that God's will be done as he wants it done. Nothing that happens thousands of miles away, is going to be anything I can cpersonally change, unless our Lord tells me what he wants me to do. So again, thank you so much for clarifying everything. I loved you on "Pints" and I hope you get to go back again!
Thx for your views. In these turbulent times getting back to what we can control and referring back to the message from Jesus is probably the best option
"Shepherdless". Very well said Brian.
You are on point , hearing about one more corrupt, cardinal, bishop, or priest ..is not going to enrich my soul ,but reading the word of God , going Mass and receiving the Eucharist , spending time in adoration will!
Chill on The good the beautiful and the true .
Pax et Bonum
Love this
"That’s how we’re gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love." -Rose Tico, Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.
Good man, carry on, God bless!
4:15] "I just don't think God intended for us to know about every disaster, every detail of every war, of every misfortune that befalls someone somewhere..."
I believe that the operational principle that Brian is searching for is 'subsidiarity' which is taught in the Catechism where it teaches about the Communal Character of the Human Vocation in Part Three, Chapter Two, Article 1 from about paragraph 1878 forward.
Twenty five years ago I formulated my personal political thesis as follows: 'decision making authority should be retained at the lowest practical level.' That is subsidiarity in a nutshell. I think you could insert my independently derived formulation of subsidiarity into the Catechism and you would probably never notice, which attests to its universal character. This Bri is what I think you are searching for, and it is already in the Catechism.
You could expand my original statement by adding: 'political concern should be focused toward what you have most effective political concern over,' but that is different than our spiritual concerns which can be more universal and should be included in our prayer life precisely because they are outside of our direct political control.
The other thing I would recommend, Brian, is get rid of all of that awful stock footage in your videos, it's not needed, is probably a waste of your money, and makes your videos worse.
Amen, great advice and completely agree with the natural limitations god gave us and the devil is most certainly using social media, journaliststic media to lead people away from Jesus. Trust in the lord, great message. Thanks Brian!
I’m not Catholic, more Lutheran/Baptist, and I appreciate this video. The world is soooo incredibly overwhelming right now.
It would be really great to hear what you have to say, as a Canadian, on how Catholics should address the spiraling craziness of SOGI in our schools. As a parent and a Catholic, it seems from my end, that homeschooling is the only way to go at this point. Our school board members are muting us when we try to voice our concerns, and they're openly showing hatred and mockery towards our religion (and others, but specifically Catholicism). The fiance of one of our board members dressed up as Jesus in counter protest and said horrible things about traditional families and Christians just a couple weeks ago. What can we do? I realise that as Catholics we are supposed to expect ridicule and abuse to come our way, and carry that cross, but even our Catholic schools are being forced (and some are willing) to teach and support the indoctrination of the gender and 2SLGBTQ+ ideologies.. which very clearly goes against Church teachings.
Homeschooling is the only way, yes.
What is the name of the beautiful background music in Brian's videos
You're bang on!
Please remember that journalism is one of the pillars of a democracy. And adhering to the magisterium (including Fiducia Supplicans) is a pillar of Catholicism.
Fiducia supplicans is not binding to the faithful. It is not an infallible document
This made me think about how removed Bishops sometimes are, not through their own fault, but just by the fact that they don’t LIVE in my home! I have to know my faith because I am the first one to answer my children. Then who is teaching catechesis at the church? Usually the laity. And while the director may have a degree, you shouldn’t have to pay for a degree to volunteer to teach youth group. It’s part of our responsibility as Catholics to seek truth and commit it to memory where possible. Thanks for the encouragement.
Keep the faith, the faith in the church and the holy Spirit working with it and pray.
Recognize what YOU have control over and stop stressing about what you don't.
I am a Lutheran who enjoys your channel a lot. Something I have been convinced of by the events in western culture and in major sects of Christianity is the need for cultural ecumenism within the church. By this I don’t mean the mush mouthed compromising and obscuring of doctrines distinct to different traditions. What I do mean is that many Christians throughout the west are experiencing the same turmoil Catholics are in their respective denominations. I believe one of the most essential steps forward from this uncertain time is to revitalize the historic distinctly Christian culture which cannot be mistaken as provincialism or prejudice. This, I repeat, does not mean compromising doctrine, but gathering around the central truth of Christ. This would require humility from all parties involved to allow room for others without “othering” them. The reformed would have to allow mysticism a place, the Eastern Orthodox would have to allow a place for systematic theology, the Catholics might have to stop talking about Luther uncharitably, the Lutherans might have to be tolerant of Baptists. I am very excited for what you are doing through Fishers Network. Hopefully within the next few years I will be able to help organize something of a conference which would help expose people to other historic and conservative traditions in Christianity. God used poetry and saints’ writings to really drive home this point to me. Your channel does a good job of encouraging people to challenge themselves. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the most beloved, recognizable, and influential public Christian figures were charitable to other Christians and cultured. They were neither cosmopolitan nor provincial but men interested in the universals which indwelled the particular. Why is Lewis so important to Christians of any denomination? Why was Eliot able to hear the heartbeat of western culture so well and write brilliant essays on how Christendom could reclaim its place? What is it about a fourteenth century Florentine man named Dante that captures the imagination and transforms the way we see the world? These along with many others are part of the same tradition that we as a generation are so ignorant of compared to our predecessors. It is not completely our fault, but to . When I was in a reformed church and tried to share my experience and excitement about reading people like Teresa of Avila, Maximus the Confessor, or St John of the Cross I was met with suspicion. Christian mysticism, though completely Orthodox, was seen as heterodox. The topic isn’t as important as the principle I wish to demonstrate which is that individual Christians tend to be uncharitable to completely Orthodox beliefs and don’t even know it. Absolutely, the degree to which dissent is allowed in a church taking communion together is up to those shepherding the flock and they will answer to God for their decisions. When dealing with other Christians outside of our churches, though, WE answer to God for our actions. It never hurts to remember Job and ask ourselves how much of what we are unequivocally claiming is revealed by God and how much is our arrogant speculation. These unnecessary divisions are weakening us against a religion of Secular Humanism which has found unity in our destruction. If we can witness something as contradictory as the “Queers for Palestine” and are exclusively associated with our own sects, we too are instruments in butchering the body of Christ.
There is a group called the Alleluia Community in Augusta, GA that is like what you’re describing. Not an “all roads lead home, man!” kind of group, but ecumenical in a way I haven’t encountered elsewhere. The majority are Roman Catholic, but there is a Lutheran pastor, non-denominational folks, and some mainline Protestants, too. It’s very much about recognizing the sovereignty of God- we can (and should) talk about doctrine and argue (cordially) about it. But there comes a point where two people from different traditions recognize the Holy Spirit working in the other. Their mind doesn’t understand it, but their spirit testifies to the truth. So what do they do? Both can only say “Jesus Christ is Lord and we submit ourselves to Him.” Sometimes you simply must leave it at that and share in the joy of the Lord. It’s about humbling ourselves and actively living out Christian love even when our minds can’t understand what God is doing. Im from the West Coast originally and when I met some of those folks I was shocked at how on fire they were TOGETHER for the Lord. Gives me lots of hope that Jesus really is active and cares about Christians living together in unity. God bless you, brother.
This made me cry man.
Brian everything you said is so true it hurts my heart…
Thank you for making this buddy
One of your best videos! I have argued that what is at most, local news, gets expanded to a national platform. You have to ask, is this national news? Or Why is this National News? Therein lies either a. the distraction from your world, or b. the need to push an agenda.
Brian please invite Dr. E Michael Jones on your show. Logos Rising should be required reading for all Catholics.
You hit the nail on the head Brian. It’s my position 100%. Just get me good old time religion and shut out the noise. God bless you and your good business endeavors
No this is complete cowardice and weakness.
Hey Brian, another interesting guest you could invite to the stream could be Christian B Wagner of the Scholastic Answers apostolate. I think you could both have an interesting discussion together.
More people need to recognize that reading a few news articles does not make you remotely informed nor capable of coming to a conclusion on world events, especially those with long spanning histories. Contrary to popular opinion, you do not have to take a side on matters you know next to nothing about. Focus less on taking sides and more on upholding morality and developing virtues.
Focus your time and attention on building up your local community and addressing issues on a local scale where you have direct impact. Read the news on Monday and then turn it off for the rest of the week.
Your are a font of common senseb...ty
It occurs why are we calling it rehabilitation of known and harden sinners? Its actually only reinstallation of those sinners.
String video 👊🏻
I love your site but I strongly disagree with what you said about using Catholic businesses and Catholics only employing other Catholics. When this is the way it was here in Ireland at one time,protestantú companies only employed protestants and if they did employ Catholics it was for menial work. It causes trouble in society and locks people out economically. Your ability for the job should be the criteria.
Or maybe it's time to acknowledge the Orthodox were right all along!
Fulton Sheen once said a joke that strangely stuck in my gold-fish memory.
It's set in the 19th century about 2 businessmen, one a Catholic and the other a Jew. The Catholic keeps trying to convert the Jew, but he resists. One day, he tells his Catholic friend that he is about to go to Rome, and promises to convert if he is swayed by what the Vatican has to offer.
The Catholic friend is quite worried, as he knows of the beauties in the Vatican, but also of the corruption.
A little over a month passes by, and the Jewish friend has come back. After an exchange of the latest news, he announces that he is ready to convert to Catholicism. The Catholic friend is quite happy, but perturbed, what had convinced his Jewish business partner? Was it the tomb of Saint Peter? The Sistine Chapel and the magnificent paintings? Was it a woman?
The Jewish friend said it was none of those things. He stated all he saw at the Vatican was depravity and corruption. So why? Why did he want to become Catholic?
Because, he said, if such a depraved, corrupted, poorly organised structure can survive 2000 years, then truly it is God's will.
Scandals in the Church will come and go, but the Church still stands. As Catholics we believe in God's promise. So while we can have our moments of sadness or anger, we must never despair, that would be turning your back on God.
During WWII, not many people had a radio, and most communicated by telegraph or written letters, yet news about the war was still passed, the Allies were able to win, a Resistance had been created in different countries, and all this without TV, Twitter, RUclips, TikTok and the such.
You are so right Brian! Sticking to learning more about my faith with your channel and less about the evils you and I can do nothing but pray to God about. Thank you again for your insight.
Colorist here: I am in awe at how you get those deep purples. Not an easy color to get.
Amen Brother!!! Yes!!!
Solutions are what we need
good stuff
Keep pushing forward! I love your style of thinking.
Absolutely bang on right! People should occupy their minds with these matters to the extent that they can do something about it or should do something differently because of it. Which means that most pewsitting Catholics should pay virtually no attention to any of it, ever.
Christians in the past had to worry about getting martyred and now we cannot handle the news? Christians have lost all courage.
When I realized that as an individual I simply can't do anything but pray and it is not my cup of tea hence I have left it to The Holy Spirit.
I have a firm belief that the process of purifying is undertaken by God Almighty and I quote the promise of our Lord Jesus here, " Peter, you are the rock and on this I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Good message!!
Cowardly message
When the serpent showed up to the garden do you think Adam could have solved the problem by pretending he was not there and going off to read a book?
To have distracted oneself in the face of temptation would surely have been a wise reaction.
Bad analogy…. The serpent and the temptation it represented was well within Adams sphere of influence and he failed to act. Brian is talking about avoiding what you have no influence or control over.
@@christopher4192you're missing the point. These Catholic influencers like to blame Adam for not protecting Eve from the serpant.
@@johne.8939 you are also promoting cowardice and sloth. We do have influence over this issue. We can shutoff all donations to the Church until the bergoglian "papacy" is annulled and we can encourage others to do the same. We can communicate that the donations will not come until the bergoglian papacy is annuled.
@@davidmascarenas9830 spoken like a consumer, not a lay faithful.
Our example changes the world, not our opinion- random Twitter guy I saw
Mic drop...
Medieval Grindset
What are some good beginner sources for philosophy?
Michael Sugrue gives a great overview in his RUclips channel. Reading a stoic like Aurelius or a Christian stoic like Boethius is a good place to start thinking in classical philosophical categories. Plato is actually fairly readable but the significance of what is actually being talked about can sometimes go over your head. Learning to have the same intuitions is something that poetry helps with too. It’s seeing reality in terms of universals and particulars which takes a while to get used to. We moderns have grown up in a society that tries to construct a philosophical framework relative to the self versus the classical system which constructs a system around objective ultimate realities outside of ourselves (a much more Christian view).
Good liturgy. It teaches philosophy without you realising it is happening.
Very good perspective for maintaining our love for our Catholic faith and avoiding the insanity of our times.
So, in a nice interesting and rather encoded way, by current events in remote area you meant the annihilation of Gaza and you're saying that we shouldn't say anything about the IDF Gaza stuff, right?
Wisdom, let us attend.
Much better. I simply could not stand the Matt grade video. Got negative vibes going really hard.
I’ve noticed a lot of apologist also going negative. They’ve since straightened out and returned to their strong points. Leave the church politics to the pole, the cardinals and bishops. We all need to take care of that trunk in our eyes before criticizing others’ splinters. Be humble. Always pray for the pope.
Thank you, Mr. Brian, thank you.
Yes! I also believe laity needs to be more encouraged to find more reverent churches and move away from the modernist churches. We must uplift and elevate the bar.
I dont know the answer, but when you say that God didnt make us to be so beyond our limits, i agree, but then i also think: God also gave us our reason and intelligence to arrive at creating things such as the internet and hence global news…
So perhaps it’s just about what ought we to do. I think subsidiarity might simply be the answer.
This was perfect.
Seriously? Christians used to worry about being turned into candles and now we can't handle watching the news?
Pope need to be clear
Well, maybe you could stop living in the 16th century...
I have cut down my time online, listen to the new once or twice a day, and practice the Catholic Faith I was baptized into 76 years ago.
Think about what your life was like before all this 24/7 "news" nonsense. As for the present pope, I simply ignore him and am
waiting for the next puff of white smoke!
Do pope francis defend all religions
Yes except Catholicism
Where are the jobs? 🤔
Stick with the barque of Peter. No pope is impeccable nor inerrant.
They do, however, hold to and teach Catholic truth.
Noice. Let’s go read some books.
Really? This is a really cowardly message. We are so weak we can't watch the news?
@@davidmascarenas9830 him no say that bro
Convert to orthodoxy
In nun dated.
How I wish that we had a Catholic Pope 🤷🏻♂️
@harleymann2086 Catholic
@harleymann2086 he teaches heresies.
He came out and said “being antisemitic is a greater evil in the world than insulting God.” Thats blasphemous
@harleymann2086 I am not going to engage in a debate with someone who is obviously trolling, so this will be my last reply, until I see good will.
I will offer a frw examples, out of dozens:
From changing the words of the Our father (Italian language), to welcoming sodomites who adopted a child, telling them that God loves them as they are, from teaching that God willed the plurality of religions to teaching that adulterers can receive Holy Eucharist, from teaching that also a muslims can attain salvation, to teaching that Dogma is too selective, from teaching that the 10 commandments are not absolute laws to ...
It's really easy to find articles from critics of Mr Bergoglio, if you are honest, and really want to find such critics.
Once I will see good will, and you will read also critics, not only apologists, then I will be convinced of your good will and I will gladly engage in debate. If your are not interested in hearing the other side ... pointless wasting time 🤷🏻♂️
@harleymann2086 I think your questions might have been too difficult. People these days really dont like being held accountable when they are trying to hold others accountable. That mirror hurts too much to look into.
You say you’re learning about the Catholic faith so what makes you think you can be an influencer to others ?Such egotism so obnoxious!
The only thing appropriate to do during an interregnum period is to wait, and pray.
I'm losing a lot of interest in Matt's channel
Vote him out! Place our own men on the college of Cardinals!
I recommend you look to the scriptures and put aside your concerns about a man made religion and it’s human leader.
It’s a distraction placed by Satan
Our relationship with God is personal… us and Him.
Release yourself from the bonds of this nonsense. This nonsense changes, God never changes.
It’s not difficult. Read Gods Word.
Jesus founded the Catholic Church. All others were founded by men like Luther, Calvin, Mohammed, etc,
The Church is holy but the catholic church is not. If it were the it would not be said, more than 200,000 children are estimated to have suffered sexual abuse from Spain's Catholic clergy, an independent commission has found.
Jesus was a man, he came in an incarnated body, so saying "man-made religion" is not helping your case. Jesus, the man with both human nature and divine nature, established the Catholic Church. You are welcome to join us anytime.
You are the one who has the man made religion. A religion made by one man: you.
Was it the Roman Catholic Church? Would Jesus recognise it?
I agree with this message. We should be careful about being prideful. Follow Christ.
you hould put fishers network link in description or pin comment