  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 105

  • @ivkuasenov
    @ivkuasenov 4 месяца назад +6

    Good job archangel Michael who fought the evil liar. Glory to God for always backing the one who loves Him. Amen

    • @1John3.8
      @1John3.8 Месяц назад +1

      Jude 1:9
      Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”

  • @FaithAndMystery
    @FaithAndMystery 4 месяца назад +4

    "God, guide me in my choices throughout life. Let your law guide me in every decision I make, and give me clarity to know your will."

  • @j.peters1222
    @j.peters1222 4 месяца назад +4

    Simply put: Lucifer become enamored with his own image. This was why iniquity was found in him. Lucifer was not satisfied with his position in heaven. His arrogance lead to his downfall. He truly believed that he could beat God and take his place. That will never happen. God's power is so immense that it defies measurement. He sees all and knows all.

  • @spring0585
    @spring0585 4 месяца назад +5

    I praise God every day of my life because he has been so compassionate to me. My family and I have found daily motivation in the spoken words of this channel, and I am appreciative of the chance to achieve financial independence. God is amazing; adding $80k a month to my portfolio is not little change. Lord, thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @Daniel_O0
      @Daniel_O0 4 месяца назад

      I’m so happy for you dear, please can you elaborate more about this 🙏
      I’m having a lot of family crisis lately. I definitely believe you’re God sent 🙏🙏

    • @Jayakumar-nd2by
      @Jayakumar-nd2by 4 месяца назад

      I know her! She is an expert and a licensed broker, she is accountable and has all the skills needed to ensure that your investments yield positive results. I like the fact that she is detailed and explains everything to you.

    • @Daniel_O0
      @Daniel_O0 4 месяца назад

      Hi! How can I contact her directly?

    • @spring0585
      @spring0585 4 месяца назад

      Yeah you can easily connect with her on

    • @spring0585
      @spring0585 4 месяца назад

      What’s app

  • @SecretsOfScripture
    @SecretsOfScripture 4 месяца назад +6

    "God, help me make the right decisions in my life. Guide me on the path that leads to my best life."

  • @carolhanson8330
    @carolhanson8330 4 месяца назад +12

    I saw the enemy in a dream. He was incredibly beautiful and I thought it was Jesus. Then suddenly I was told it's not the Lord, it's satan. And I began to run away. End of the dream.

    • @KrystalCoast
      @KrystalCoast 4 месяца назад

      Do you have many dreams along this line?? That would have shaken me for days.

    • @Dankehum
      @Dankehum 4 месяца назад +1

      Lol , lucifer is not even the devil. Hes not even mentioned in the blible. Please dont be an ignorant and educate yourself

    • @Deewayne2K18
      @Deewayne2K18 4 месяца назад

      It sounds like you need to educate yourself. Lucifer is in the Bible. ​@@Dankehum

    • @davidh5429
      @davidh5429 4 месяца назад +3

      ​@@DankehumIsaiah 14:12 kjv/nkjv How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    • @KevinThomas-vq5xu
      @KevinThomas-vq5xu 4 месяца назад

      In memphis and walked passed satin... I growled at em 1st.... And Shim growled back... I yelled tic tok ya time is short lol

  • @ScottyEdwardsHulme
    @ScottyEdwardsHulme 4 месяца назад +3

    Build Your Temple On The Rock 🪨 OF FAITH And Honor Thy Mother And Father For This Is The First Commandment With Promise. Fear And Satisfaction With The Lord Is When Elohim Is Most Glorified. Fear Of The Lord Is The Beginning Of Knowledge, Fools Despise Wisdom And Instructions.

    • @plainwhitepaper3898
      @plainwhitepaper3898 4 месяца назад +1

      Not the first commandment. I Am the Lord your God, thou shall have no other god's before me. First commandment.
      Christ Ist commandment, was just alike. You shall love the Lord your God with all you heart mind and soul. With all your strength.

  • @ScottyEdwardsHulme
    @ScottyEdwardsHulme 4 месяца назад +2

    I'm Yeshua For I AM SALVATION. Come Back 🎉

  • @steven-jn3vu
    @steven-jn3vu 4 месяца назад

    Don't look at yourself mighty than you are

  • @randomvintagefilm273
    @randomvintagefilm273 4 месяца назад +2

    I grew up thinking angels just did what they were told to do. I never saw them as having a mind of their own, able to exercise their free will. I love learning about the heavenly realm

  • @kravmaga24
    @kravmaga24 4 месяца назад +2

    Watch and Pray

  • @Neraa777
    @Neraa777 4 месяца назад +2

    Jesús was a Morning Star too !

    • @MER1CA_1st
      @MER1CA_1st 4 месяца назад

      Jesus is the true/real/only morning, lucifer is a FAKE 1

    • @3242rj
      @3242rj 4 месяца назад +1

      If you are reading something besides the KJV, it might say that.
      Lucifer is cherubim,Satan is a Seraphim. They are not the same.

    • @Andrew-ix4eo
      @Andrew-ix4eo 4 месяца назад +1

      Jesus is the Morning Star that arises in our hearts and also what Lucifer means in origin, this allows us to see that he was and now is defeated in darkness and shackles and called the devil or satan believer we have to remeber the enemy presents himself as a being of light and his followers as beings of righteousness
      Solus Christus ❤

  • @sherrysteffen7765
    @sherrysteffen7765 4 месяца назад +1

    God have mercy on me and all the children of yours. I Love you Lord of Lord's and King of King's Jesus Christ our God. 7:56 ❤❤❤❤❤Keep my heart pure like a child so I stay on your Path so your Heavens can come down to your children with a pure heart. Thank you for Your blood on the crosss that your children has hope and your Love. Thank you Jesus Christ for your Love.❤❤❤❤❤ 11:08

  • @Shawney-jf6kc
    @Shawney-jf6kc 4 месяца назад +3

    Satan wanted to be worshipped higher than his creator. 🤭

    • @santipierinirees3994
      @santipierinirees3994 4 месяца назад

      I don’t believe that’s how it happened

    • @2021noname
      @2021noname Месяц назад

      @@santipierinirees3994well what’s your perspective on it

  • @wendythomas192
    @wendythomas192 4 месяца назад +2


  • @JPGola-n9w
    @JPGola-n9w 4 месяца назад +5

    🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒Please 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.

  • @JekiusVlogs
    @JekiusVlogs 4 месяца назад +1


  • @QueenAlyss1
    @QueenAlyss1 3 месяца назад

    Lucifer= Jupiter. Satan= Saturn.

  • @tonyjaa-e9f
    @tonyjaa-e9f 3 месяца назад

    Lucifer as nothing to do with satan. "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star. revelation 22:16." Lucifer and satan are not the same. Lucifer is merciful not satan.

  • @plainwhitepaper3898
    @plainwhitepaper3898 4 месяца назад

    What happened to Lucifer; Ezekiel 28:II-I9 Genesis 6:I-3 Jude I:6

  • @jorgeborrero8862
    @jorgeborrero8862 4 месяца назад

    Isaiah 40:28
    Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.
    Psalm 147:5
    Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.
    Psalm 40:5
    You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told.
    Psalm 36:7
    How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
    Psalm 86:5
    For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.
    Psalm 145:8-9
    The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.
    Nahum 1:7
    The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.
    Lamentations 3:25
    The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
    Micah 7:7-8
    I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.
    Isaiah 45:22
    Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.

  • @smileypc44
    @smileypc44 4 месяца назад +1

    The stream ended so abruptly lol

  • @butchcassidy9625
    @butchcassidy9625 4 месяца назад

    This seems like something rich kids do. Like it's part of what they're life is suppose to be because of how they live. After this 2 years they forget all about it. Doing this 2 year thing is like scratching a notch in there belt.

  • @truthmonger7
    @truthmonger7 4 месяца назад

    For more on this topic, No King But Caesar & The Return Of The Melchisedec is available online at Advantage Books. Peace to all.

  • @jorgeborrero8862
    @jorgeborrero8862 4 месяца назад

    Ephesians 6:8
    whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a bondservant or is free.
    Matthew 16:27
    For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay each person according to what he has done.
    2 Corinthians 5:10
    we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.
    Ecclesiastes 12:14
    God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
    Matthew 12:36
    I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak,
    Revelation 20:12
    And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.
    Revelation 11:18
    The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.
    Revelation 22:12
    Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.

  • @edwardramos7427
    @edwardramos7427 Месяц назад

    This is an evil world and it sucks living here..

  • @lisalovett487
    @lisalovett487 4 месяца назад

    Well we all know he had Diddy working for him😂

  • @chrisa.8175
    @chrisa.8175 4 месяца назад

    Is satan a spirit or a fallen angel being???

  • @bonniegettingthrumyday2866
    @bonniegettingthrumyday2866 4 месяца назад

    Jealous of brilliant humans

  • @AngelOfDeathSM
    @AngelOfDeathSM 3 месяца назад +1

    Who hear or see this story and all what its write in the Bible ?😏🙄
    NOBODY KNOWS THE TRUTH, this its just religion!

  • @ScottyEdwardsHulme
    @ScottyEdwardsHulme 4 месяца назад

    Vengeance Is Mine Sayeth The Lord And It's The Dish Best Served Ice Cold. -287 Kelvin In The Voids Of Nothingness Going To Voids Of Nothingness Back To Voids Of Nothingness Perpetual Engine Of Elohims Laws Nobody Can Hear Your Screams.

  • @doldi5400
    @doldi5400 Месяц назад

    Lucifer is not bad. We're just brainwash of thinking morningstar is evil.

  • @WayneWeaving
    @WayneWeaving 4 месяца назад

    Thought they were 2 different entites

  • @kensthorne7060
    @kensthorne7060 4 месяца назад

    That's not true that Satan walks the earth, he's bound in chains in the center of earth an will be released at the appointed time

  • @timhaley3459
    @timhaley3459 4 месяца назад

    How many have looked into the word "Lucifer" that is from the Latin Vulgate (and found in the King James Bible), to see WHO is really being spoken of once at Isaiah 14:12 ? Proverbs 18:2 says: "A stupid person takes no pleasure in understanding; He would rather disclose what is in his heart", making no serious effort to "uncover the truth", just making an "off-the-cuff " comment that has no value or is accurate, accepting and continuing to spread the falsehood that Satan is "Lucifer".
    How many have read Isaiah 14 completely through CAREFULLY ? Most will readily believe what a religious leader will tell them without verifying whether or not what he said is "truth". They are NOT like the ancient Beroeans who "examined the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so", of what the apostle Paul said was true.(Acts 17:11)
    So, who is "Lucifer" at Isaiah 14:12 ? What is Isaiah 14 about ? This: "For Jehovah (God's name, see Isa 12:2, KJV) will show mercy to Jacob (after being exiled in ancient Babylon for 70 years, Jer 25:12, in its minor fulfillment), and he will again choose Israel (that transitions to spiritual Israel, see Matt 21:42-44)."
    "He will settle them in their land (of Israel), and the foreign residents will join them and attach themselves to the house of Jacob. And peoples will take them and bring them to their own place, and the house of Israel will possess them as male and female servants in Jehovah’s land; and they will be the captors of those who held them captive, and they will have in subjection those who were forcing them to work."
    "In the day when Jehovah gives you rest from your pain and from your turmoil and from the hard slavery imposed on you, you will recite this proverb against the KING OF BABYLON: “How the one forcing others to work has met his end ! How the oppression has ended !"(Isa 14:1-4)
    So, Isaiah 14 is about "the king of Babylon", or Babylonian dynasty of kings, especially King Nebuchadnezzar (reigned 625-582 B.C.E.), who was fierce in his attitude and actions.(see Dan 2 and 3) King Nebuchadnezzar, who built ancient Babylon into an empire over his 43 year reign, was "the one furiously striking peoples with unceasing blows, the one angrily subduing nations with relentless persecution".(Isa 14:6)
    But "Jehovah has broken the rod of the wicked, the staff of rulers", when he took down ancient Babylon by means of the Medo-Persians on October 5/6 539 B.C.E., the night that King Belshazzar of Babylon saw "the handwriting on the wall" at Daniel 5, whereby shortly after this, he was killed by Medo-Persian soldiers.(Dan 5:30)
    So at Isaiah 14:12-15, it accurately says: "How you (the Babylonian dynasty of kings) have fallen from heaven, O shining one ("shining one", Hebrew heylel, meaning "shining one, morning star"), son of the dawn ! How you have been cut down to the earth, you who vanquished nations !"
    "You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens. Above (or over) the stars of God (or kings of Israel) I will lift up my throne, and I will sit down on the mountain of meeting, in the remotest parts of the north. I will go up above the tops of the clouds; (in their arrogance, they will say) I will make myself resemble the Most High.’ Instead, you will be brought down to the Grave, to the remotest parts of the pit."
    And then at Isaiah 14:16, 17, it says: "Those seeing you will stare at you; They will closely examine you, saying, ‘Is this THE MAN (King Nebuchadnezzar) who was shaking the earth, who made kingdoms tremble (compare Dan 3:1-23), who made the inhabited earth like the wilderness and overthrew its cities (see Jer 25:15-25), who refused to let his prisoners go home ?’ "
    Then at Isaiah 14:22, it says: "I will rise up against them,” declares Jehovah of armies. “And I will wipe out from BABYLON name and remnant and descendants and posterity,” declares Jehovah." Clear as the nose on a person's face, the only problem is that people CANNOT find their noses, when it is right in front of them.
    So, "Lucifer" at Isaiah 14:12 in some Bibles is NOT Satan (meaning "resistor") the Devil (meaning "slanderer"), but was the Babylonian dynasty of kings, who sought to be a "shining one", who sought "the limelight", who sought to be "No 1" on the earth, but which Jehovah caused to "fall from heaven" and die as so many other political governments have done, "here today, gone tomorrow", and will also happen to the entire political system in the near future, as Daniel 2:44, 45 shows.

  • @ancientruth5298
    @ancientruth5298 4 месяца назад

    There two Satans Azazel the dragon prince of hell and the supreme anointed cherubim of the most high guardian of throne Godrel or God in gad tribe hebrew .....

  • @RstesotTv
    @RstesotTv 4 месяца назад

    Zeus. Pergamos. Berlin.

  • @ScottyEdwardsHulme
    @ScottyEdwardsHulme 4 месяца назад

    There Is No Satan And The Prison Planet Of The Fallen Angels Watchers Is Saturn.

    • @Deewayne2K18
      @Deewayne2K18 4 месяца назад

      No Satan? Like I said in your other comment, where in the world do you get your information? And fallen angels are trapped on Saturn? I think you need to study the Bible and stop with your opinions. The Bible tells us the truth.

  • @ScottyEdwardsHulme
    @ScottyEdwardsHulme 4 месяца назад

    Judus Ascariot Was Not An Killer Of Yeshua. He Was Bi Sexual And Loved Me The Most.

    • @Deewayne2K18
      @Deewayne2K18 4 месяца назад +1

      Nowhere in Scripture does it say that Judas was bi-sexual. I don't know where people like you get your information.