I can't even formulate the words of graditude I feel towards your bravery in speaking so openly about this Mike. Thank you for being the hands and feet of what love looks like in loving the LGBTQ+ community.
Hey Pastor Mike, I don’t know where to start with the message, but thank you so much for making this video and sharing your experience!!! When I was younger, I didn’t know people would say being gay is a sin until I got older and found out. I then started doing research and learned about the mistranslations in The Bible and the context. I never heard God tell me it was a sin, rather the opposite and similar things He said to you. Lately I’ve been being more me how He made me and have never felt so close to Him!!! I realized the more intimate we became, the more I was being the person He created and at the same time I realized Christians who would say it is a sin would tear us apart. I would have times where I would be crying and believe them, but whenever I asked God about it and seeked Him He would affirm me how it’s not a sin!!! Rather, He would tell me that there is context to those Scriptures people use against gay people and He is not referring to the lgbtq community at all and He would speak through people at my house to affirm me as well!!! Thank you for sharing your story Pastor Mike it has inspired me to share mine and be the person God made me to be!!! God Bless you abundantly!!! ❤️
Jesus said deny yourself carry your cross and follow Him. The devil will mock everything that God does to confuse us and separate us from the truth. In the contrary of yours God called me out of the lgbtq community in 2019 and He brought me to the situations that the devil used in my childhood to alter my identity and who I was meant to be. God doesn’t change nor his word. What happen to you is what happen to many who want their feelings and same sex attraction to disappear and end up giving up when these don’t. But there’s millions of us who hold on to His word and His truth.
Satan can speak to you in various ways pretending to be god speaking/ you are following you desires / the bible say it is wrong / they is some behavior that would send us to hell
I did not write this but the Holy Spirit brought me to this and I would like to share this with you so that it can encourage you. "Some of the most spiritually gifted people of GOD that I know are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender Christians. The persecution they have endured at the hands of their own Christian brothers and sisters has had two predominant effects: they are pushed away from the church and GOD, or they are forced closer to him. In the closeness, that is often in isolation, they have developed an intimacy that is enviable. In my toughest times, I default to a full-body lean on GOD. Imagine a sustained closeness, a life-dependence-survival stance and the resultant communion". That is the hidden blessing.
AMEN I have often pondered these same messages and have wondered if they aligned with God: the closeness that can come from persecution despite the pain. Not that God supports the marginalization of peoples but that this too can be used for good and for love. THANK YOU
You cannot be openly practicing the sin God condemns and be a minister/ Christian. It’s one thing to struggle and wrestle with sin and even stumble and fall. But continuing to live a lifestyle of sin is degenerate.
Thank you for sharing such a multifaceted testimony. In fact, I was so exhausted after hearing all of your yearning, all of your bearing of your soul, and the years of you being unfocused. In fact, this feels like a book out of the Bible…… in contemporary jargon. Blessing on you, my friend, as you minister.
Ahh, Mike. Discovered your video from Kat Harris’ podcast. I grew up in SBC churches in NC and recently left my church of 10 years bc of my concerns about social rules hurting LGBTQ+ and women. It has been a lonely path, but the Holy Spirit has kept me while figuring out what it means to “be the Church”. I’m so grateful for you and others like you brave enough to speak and lead. Sending you so much love.
Decline of morality and increased confusion happens when you are not spending time with the Word of God and is living in sin. (Watch 9 clips) Leviticus 18:22 “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin. Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman must not put on men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the lord your God. Romans 1:26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. Romans 1:27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. Romans 1:28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Romans 1:29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. Romans 1:30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. Romans 1:31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. Romans 1:32 They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. 1 Corinthians 6:9 Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 1 Corinthians 6:10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people-none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. REPENT AND TURN AWAY FROM SIN 1 John 1:9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. 1 Corinthians 6:11 Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. 1 A woman dressed as a cat ruclips.net/user/shortsJVzeLki7uZg?si=Xys7UW0bzop0u_ct 2 Transformed in the renewing of the mind ruclips.net/video/um9yG6HqTRke/видео.html 3 (Original) 23 minutes in hell-Bill Wiese ruclips.net/video/AYxKRoONrfY/видео.html 4 Protect your children facebook.com/share/r/SnryJ3kvBxDhu1kj/?mibextid=UalRPS 5 The devil is a liar facebook.com/reel/213460317888825?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=9im q16 6 “No one was confused” fb.watch/mjr9jpusmB/?mibextid=v7YzmG 7 Blasphemy inside a so called church ruclips.net/user/shortsNRYJYt_P6no?feature=share 8 Same sex marriage ruclips.net/video/ES6SD6RVcuo/видео.htmlsi=jvH_bIIInSOcCIRW 9 Church struck by lightning after blaspheming God and the Holy Scriptures facebook.com/reel/668875925066535?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw 10 Brainwashed and social transition ruclips.net/user/shortswG5fyQKTl-k?si=8F09Lwuo4TgeQQjp
YES!!!!! You go, Mike! I am a 52 year old who has been indoctrinated in Christian theology my entire life. Since i was young, I had a longing to know God and to hear his voice, but fear kept me from TRUSTING that voice most of my life. Three years ago, I began a journey of writing what bubbled up from within (LIVING waters… like Jesus told the woman at the well). The voice of LOVE changed my life!!!!! I began to TRUST my Poppa without fear for “Perfect love casts out all fear!” My entire view of “God”, humanity, and the Scriptures has transformed! I loved hearing your story, and I cheer you on! You speak words of love and Truth!! God is love. I could write so much on this topic… Just want to wish you well on your journey! Beautiful story of the love of God!!! Love it!!!
35 yo female here who really relates to your words! The Holy Spirit actually hovered over me to witness when I read “(LIVING waters… like Jesus told the woman at the well)”. I have struggled for a long time, to live out the truth of the revelation God has shown me because I come from a very close minded/religious Christian family. Last week, I got into a fight and debate with my sister and had to tell her we cannot have a relationship because of our fundamental differences and her violating the boundary of respect for me and my spouse (my spouse is a non-binary male). I am the youngest of 6 children, and no one in my family respects my spouse’s gender identity, and are all anti-LGBTQIA+ (my mother still loves and respects them to a degree, but doesn’t support their identity and uses the wrong pronouns). Thank you for being a beautiful story and song from the heart of God! I am encouraged by your testimony. Thank you for sharing! God bless you elder sis in Christ 🙏🤍✨
Thank you so much for this video. I’m a lesbian who is exploring Christianity and have felt convicted of many things. Judging ppl for how they look, practicing witchcraft, pridefulness, but never being gay. Your work means a lot to me. Bless you
It's a shame he is leading people to destruction by distorting scripture. The fact that you have itching ears to hear what you want to hear doesn't mean the message is honest or grounded in Scripture because it is not.
Who wrote the scriptures? If He who wrote the scriptures spoke to you the way He spoke to this person, why would you do anything different than this person did? Also can you take your thoughts to God who wrote the scriptures and tell him how you feel this is a twisting of scripture? I don't want to debate what is God's word with you I just want to say please take your thoughts to God instead of the comments section
I got choked up and teary-eyed throughout this video too!! Love this beautiful fellow! Such a pure light in this dark world. While I am a straight female, I can relate a lot to this story and my journey in understanding that LGBTQIA+ is not a bunch of confused victims of society, but strong, beautiful people who suffer ungodly discrimination and abuse. I have such admiration for Michael and all the beautiful people fighting this GOOD fight of true faith! God bless you lovely! 🤍
Hi Mike. I'm really proud of you and what you're doing, and I don't even consider myself a Christian anymore. Despite that, I really like it all. I watched the whole video and it really got me thinking about our time at church in high school, and what I was taught by my parents and by the church my whole damn life. I know I was bigoted growing up; I was taught all of that. And as a heterosexual guy, taught how "gross" and "sinful" being gay was, I'm sure I did a really bad job of loving that community of closeted gay people around me. I was not a person someone could be honest with, and that breaks my heart. I'm sorry for that. I own that. I've learned a lot since then; I've rejected a lot since then. I love you, and I'm excited for what you're going to do. If you're ever in Austin, reach out. And when I'm in Nashville again (I miss that city!), I'll do the same.
Thank you for being so humbled and brave. This wrapped up a series of questions that I had in my mind that I've been seeking answers for I asked intently last night about the real answer. And now I have got it.
I’ve been through many similar moments growing up and getting to know who I am and where I stand with God and as another gay man who loves Jesus I want to say THANK YOU for your yes and for going through your journey and allowing that to be such a blessing to all of us
Wow!!! This is the best thing I have seen in a long time. I pray God will manifest His love though each one of you to this very precious group of people. I pray also that God will bring that special person into your life so that not only will you be allowed to love whom God wants you to love but also that you will be a full example of Gods' love and acceptance of the LGBTQ+. This message has made my spirit rejoice inside me.
Mike, I am very touched by your testimony. Thank you so much for sharing with the world. Thank you for reminding us that we are not alone in this world. This is a very important video for us. Bless you! Needed to hear this today.
Thank you for your story. I saw you interview Tim from the New Evangelicals, and then came to your site. I feel connected when I hear others relating their sacred encounters with the Divine. I have also been to that place and it was also down. It was also at a desperate time for me. My life changed dramatically at that moment, I knew that I had met Mystery. This was a God that I could truly trust. Almost every day, I am aware of changes seemingly in every cell of my existence. It was a gift enough to last forever.
thank you so so much for sharing your story I have had somethings with God over the years with the lord affirming me and the LGBTQ people i've been in tears almost this whole video I truly can feel the holy ghost pouring out as you were sharing
Literally every single Christian struggles and battles against sexual temptation and the guilt and shame that this can cause at some point in their life. Christians do not hate homosexuals or anyone for that matter, yet it's precisely becuase of God's love that we teach God's purposes for humanity in sexuality, which is one man and one woman in a lifelong covenant relationship that reflects the heart of the Gospel or a life of chaste singleness which is also an important calling from God. However, if someone is trying to teach something that directly violates God's word based on personal "revelation" no matter how emotionally convincing it sounds falls into the category of a false teacher. "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions"
I think what he’s getting at is that it isn’t a direct violation of God’s Word. It can be argued that the translations and interpretation that lend themselves to the condemnation of homosexuality may be false teaching, to suit the passions of those in power. Differences tend to put people on the fringes and the margins, to heartbreakingly push them out to accommodate our comfort zone. We fear them. It’s a very human thing to do. We demonstrated that with what was done with Jesus. I believe the church has twisted scripture to capitalize upon shutting out the “outsider”, in this case, the sexual minority, because it just doesn’t “sit right” with us. Jesus’s lowly status did not “sit right” with many of the Pharisees. Neither did his miracles, his message. They believed that they were doing right, that there were holding God’s Scriptures as paramount. But they were living by the letter of the law, which is written with human hands, and not by the Spirit of it. His words did not find a place in them because they had very entrenched and steadfast, scripture-informed theology about who the Messiah would be. Is God saying what we really think He is saying? Or has the message been convoluted by human hands? This is a question of utmost importance. We cannot ascribe things to God that are not of Him…
@@shelbyguizar9036 You are unfortunately under a strong spiritual delusion. The Scripture clearly teaches against homosexuality and all forms of sexual sin in both the Old and New testament. Jesus and His Church welcomes the outsider, and also call them to repent of their sins. God's grace is free, but also transformative it does not allow us to remain in our sin, but to be progressively conformed to Jesus Christ. He answered, “Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Matthew 19:4-6 NRSV bible.com/bible/2016/mat.19.4-6.NRSV
@@shelbyguizar9036, if you haven't done any study on this subject and would like to look at what the Bible actually says, check out a few videos by Dr Michael Brown. His teachings aren't based on translations but the original Hebrew and Greek as he is a scholar.
@@racheljohnson7777 Just wanted to point out that the "translations" come from the original hebrew/greek as translated by scholars as well. I'm not saying anything about Michael Brown having his "translation" of the text right or wrong - just pointing out it's the same thing - except the Bible translations are group/committee of scholars, not just a single person.
I respect the testimony but must respectfully disagree with the conclusion that you can only love LGBT people by affirming them in their sin. The Word is so clear on this and to say that we trust the person of God and not the Bible just is not a tenable view to base your life on. The person of Jesus is the Word incarnate so you cannot separate the person of God from His word. Completely agree that the church has dropped the ball in terms of her ministry of condemnation and shame-heaping towards LGBT people over the past couple centuries, but inviting people to repent and trust in Christ and crucify the flesh and walk in the power of the Spirit is not equal to the shaming we've witnessed. To say there's nothing wrong with LGBT people would make them the only sinless people group in human history aside from our Lord and Savior, when Romans 3 clearly says that we ALL fall short of the glory of God. Affirming sexual immorality of any shape is not love, it's a millstone that leads people away from the faith.
I am trying to stay neutral on this topic, and here is my legitimate question: how is being gay a sin, logically? If you look at other sins, its evident that they cause harm: lying destroys communities, sex before marriage increases risk of spreading disease, violence physically hurts people. If you tell a liar to stop, they don't want to kill themselves. If you tell a person to wait until marriage, then they get married, sex isn't an issue. Telling someone they shouldn't be violent doesn't cause an identity crisis. All of this happens when people address homosexuality: people have killed themselves over this issue. My question is: is it that homosexuality is inherently caused by God and is not a sin, or the way we address it as a society is the sin, and we should more gently, kindly address the issue with love? I am ashamed of the way "Christians" have treated homosexuals over the years, but I don't know if I also want to jump on the recent bandwagon that homosexuality is totally okay, and go against what's written in doctrine (if it is correctly translated).
Spoiler alert: it is not in fact correctly translated. No one that speaks the same language as the people that wrote the original manuscript say that it condemns homosexuality. Looking at all the verses that modern theists claim condemn homosexuality, the people that speak the same language as the writers say that all it actually condemns is incest and pedophilia. Just like how theists today are using the verse about how god created man and woman and interpreting that to mean that he's against trans people, theists did all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince people that the Bible spoke out against homosexuality, when in fact the people that wrote it had never heard of homosexuality because it wasn't public knowledge at that time. It's all bs.
@@scottmoore7588no no no, you’re doing the “mental gymnastics”. I’d like to see your sources for where everyone’s come to the common consensus that the Bible was talking about incest because I can show your sources that show it’s clearly talking about men lying with other men using a different word then the word for incest. You’re compromising the word of God for your values. If you don’t wanna accept it, that’s on you, but don’t spread misinformation. Secondly, God created two genders. Male and female. I am aware that there are intersex people and that’s an interesting topic to discuss. However, people born as biological males or females were born how God wanted them to be born bc God is sovereign. If you don’t believe this once again, that’s on you but don’t spread misinformation.
I see myself in you, I remember crying at night in my bed wishing I was dead, and crying even more knowing even dying wouldn't set me free. I was trapped, and these days I still feel trapped but not the same way. Doubt keeps coming back, whispering that everything I fight for is a lie and I am an agent of the devil without realizing it. But then I find people like you and others, I see that all I try to give is love and understanding, that I try to fight for people like us that are condemmed for being born this way. But then I also realize how my life was much more simple when I never tried fighting for it, staying far from the bible even though I love Christ and want to follow his steps. It reminded me how our lives are easier when we actually do not try to be more like him. It is when we want to do good and follow God's principle that the enemy fights for us to give up again because otherwise he has lost. I will not go as far as quotin how sometimes he comes as an angel of light for that would be a huge accusation, but rather I would say like you said it's about research and not taking the words for only what they are. I don't remember the verse but I know there is a passage in the scripture than encourages us to be critical and not to follow blindly. On a more human level I cannot imagine how literally millions how people are supposed to experience the same miracle of God turning them straight just to glorify his power like so many tend to say. It just makes no sense. I think most believe we are trying to corrupt and twist everything starting with acceptiong gay christians. But it's not the case, we are just trying to open their eyes on the fact we are loved, we are meant to do something more, and we are not us anymore if we change. I am starting to realize how different my life would be if I hadn't accepted myself, the good I would not have experienced, the people I wouldn't know now. It feels like they believe we can't be or do good and be gay at the same time. And it's a really weird fixation to me too, that people living their lives want to ruin others so bad, when it gives them nothing, except a feeling of "superiority" or "purity". That feels wrong. I may not have experienced God like you did, but I know he speaks to us in ways mwe understand. But I also knw that my tears and the love I felt through you as I listen to your story and that of others isn't fake or "provoked" by something else. I want the world to feel that love, I want them to see the world through Jesus' eyes and heart. When I am alone in nature I see God in his creation and I feel welcome, I see his actions through people around me even if they do not realize it. Why do we humans try so hard to define him and put him in a specific box and deny everyone's feeling and testimony about him is beyond me. I know I am not perfect, I will never be. I will always try to be a better me and keep my eyes open just like my ears. The fact it's hard doesn't mean it's not right. On the contrary. I will never abandon God just like he never abandoned me. Even when I was stupid and did things I regret now. Why would he abandon me and wait for me to change ? I abandon him, just like you I listen to what I want to hear and live in fear, a fear that prevents me from connecting with him truly. I know what my cross is, even if I sometimes forget. It's not being gay, not at all. It's doubt. Doubting him, doubting what I feel, what I hear, or not hear for that matter. It always feel so daunting when I hear pastor begin a sentence saying "I need to talk about something wrong in our society" and feeling like a finger is pointed at me. I just want to run away, like I have something to hide, or that I am a criminal. I will never say I am a good Christian, nor that I have only done good. Buy my experiences with people and their testimony of me is not my doing. I do not make them say I am a good person, I am just grateful they did. I am not doing anything "wrong" (As in to others, like I said I made mistakes and regret things) but I feel like I am a criminal for trying to be who I am. It's funny in a way too, how I realized the more I suppress my "gayness" the less "me" I feel and the less good I become. Even with people I enjoy. I lie, dodge questions, and try to flee again. I do not want to anymore. I am not a mistake, my legacy is not to be "an example of the grace of God". I will do good, stay as true to the way Jesus lived as it is exactly what we are meant to do. I know one day I wil see him and thank him for never giving up on me. And if he permits hug him, as silly as it sounds. But I would hug my brother on earth, why not hug my big brother in heaven too. Are we not God's children too after all ? Sorry for the long comment, but the tears felt good. Also, nice moustache my friend, God bless you. (Sorry if I missed some mistakes)
THANK YOU!!!!! May your passionate support and LOVE for the LGBTQ+ community not only save lives but also remove the scales of lies off the eyes and heart the evangelical church. I am no longer a christian but your testimony gives me hope for those who still are in the church...hiding or hating.
1 Cor: 6:9-11 Know ye not that the un-righteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not decieved, neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified , but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
@@neaworld3960amen the Lord washes and transforms us when we come to Him in repentance. His word is clear on all issues a Christian faces in life. Jesus said “ you must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven “
As a fellow sharer in the sufferings of those afflicted with unwanted same-sex desires, I have learned the following: God has never asked anyone to wait for an absence of temptation in order to obey him. And also, any temptation which God has allowed to remain after union with him is to be endured, not embraced.
Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us. It was powerful to listen to. Thank you for the good work you are doing. I'm a lesbian Christian.
Your story is beautiful. Anytime God speaks, and His child listens is beautiful. Your story, every word of it, all that came to me is Proverbs 3:5- Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will guide your steps. He wants you to trust Him, Mike. I'm gay too, but I am first His child. I seek Him. So that is pervasive. And that's all He wants from me. Nothing more. It's His first commandment. May God bless you !! And all that you do in His name.
Ok.. We don't know each other personally, although we have many friends in common as I spent 3 years in the same school with you. Honestly, I was super offended when I read the title of your video but I listened to the whole thing WITHOUT judgement and had an open mind. I'm assuming you're open to honest feedback and questions about your testimony? If so, I have a few. First of all, no one can negate your experiences with the Holy Spirit, I've had my own. They are Holy and not everyone will understand. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing, I honor that. question : Do you believe that marriage between a man and a woman represents Christ and His Bride? If so where does marriage between two men fit into that dichotomy? You said that you value the words of the person of the Holy Spirit above the Bible, do you believe Jesus is the living word of God and if so, do you believe he contradicts Himself? When Jesus reveals Himself to you does He reveal the meaning of scripture to you while doing so? Where do people who feel sexually attracted to children fit into this? Why do you use the secular use of the rainbow to represent gay-pride personally in your coming out post? Do you believe the symbol of the rainbow was a promise God made under the Noahic covenant to never flood the earth again? I am not being mean, I really want to know more, this video left me super confused and feeling very protective over the church. I grew up in a very religious cult, Jesus saved me when I was 18. He pursued me as a Bridegroom and called me to beautify the bride and prepare her for His return. I have this thing in me that loves the whole church, messy as she is and a lot of the words you spoke were so harsh and gossipy honestly. It's feels like you're throwing the church under the bus to validate your pain, that doesn't feel fair. I sincerely hope you made this video to have discussions and heartfelt dialog. We'll see if there is fruit! Thats how we judge spiritual things right? By the fruit it produces. SINCERELY praying for your journey, you have a lot of responsibility right now. Praying for discernment of what you hear but more importantly discernment for the ppl who are listening to you.
The bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. When it was translated in English a court hearing was made to change many words in the bible. Leviticus 20:13 “If a man also lies with a male, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination”. Now the reason why it doesn’t say man shall not lay with man is because of a mistranslation. The original text was “man shall lie with boy”. This would mean pedophilia not homosexuality as a group but instead rape/incest. I’m sure you have also probably read in the Bible about Sodom and Gomorrah. That part about the Bible talks a lot about sodomites and in that portion of the bible, the sin that sodom committed wasn’t homosexuality. The sin was the raping of God's angels. The Sodomites also did stuff like murder and excessive drinking. The sin was in the rape not in the sexuality itself. Today's definition of sodom is different from back in that time. Back then Sodimites were also prostitutes. Now The first time the word “homosexual” appeared in any bible was in the Revised Standard Version (RSV) published on February 11, 1946. In the RSV’s translation of 1 Corinthians 6:9, the word “homosexual” was used in lieu of the Greek words “malakoi” and “arsenokoitai.” Researchers agree today these words translate loosely to “effeminacy,” and “pervert,” or “sexual pervert.” The decision to use the word “homosexual” instead of the accurate translations was voted on by the RSV committee. 1946 explores how this mistranslation ignited the anti-gay movement within American conservative Christians. You're probably thinking what does the past and translation have to do with now. Well, you can’t really make a rebuttal when your sources are wrong and biased. If you want a real translation read a bible directly translated from the Greek or Hebrew version.
I wanted to add one more comment to the previous, as I've been giving this post and Mikes heart a lot of heartfelt consideration. When Jesus called me (we only come if we're called), he pursued me. He would wake me up in the middle of the night and He would show me how to enter into the holiest of holies by ministering to Him. Then we would sit in the living room, I would read the Bible and He would reveal secrets, He loves to share secrets with His friends. Sometimes when I would spend time with Him he would say something I've never read or heard and then I would read it later in the Bible, it would blow my mind. There is more to my testimony but all this to say, the Jesus that revealed Himself to me revealed Himself in Spirit and in TRUTH, they go hand in hand. Anyone who says they listen to the Holy Spirit and not the Bible is going to be deceived. And worse, deceive others. I love Jesus, I love His Bride and I'm sincerely asking the people engaged on this post to seek God's word to discern if something is truly spiritual, or you will be deceived!!! God says His ppl perish for lack of knowledge. This is less about homosexuality than it is about following erroneous teaching to me. Hate me if you want but I'm only putting myself out there on a public post (which is bad for our mental health, admit it) because I LOVE Jesus's Bride and I want Him to have His full reward. Praying for you Mike, its easy to see you're hurting and I can't imagine struggling with the things you have and I'm truly compassionate for your feelings. But be careful, you are going to mislead ppl and keep them from their own deliverance if you are deceived.
I’m a bisexual woman who has accepted that fact less than a year ago. Since then I’ve wondered if accepting and embracing this part of me that I’ve always tried to deny and suppress was the right call and if I’m doing ok by God. This video helped me be sure that I was made this way and He made no mistake. So thank you.
Thank you, for sharing your story, especially for sharing that you went through inner healing sessions and God did not change your orientation. I find it interesting that Jesus mentioned the Eunuchs belonging to one of three categories. Your story is very encouraging.
I felt a sick pit in my stomach every time you spoke about God and what God was saying to you. How you described God speaking to you is how the enemy speaks. When you spoke about how you shouldn’t have asked for prayer it reminded me about how Satan would love nothing more than to keep us on an island, all alone. Of course he would make you think that you shouldn’t have asked for prayer, when we pray, things happen. You spoke of multiple spiritual experiences and that also was unsettling. When we rely too heavily on experiences rather than His written word, that leaves so much room for error. Does the spiritual experience match up to what the Bible says? My other questions are 1. What do the scriptures say about homosexuality? 2. What does the Bible say about prayer? 3.What does the Bible say about relying too heavily on “spiritual experiences”? 4.Should we rely on other people’s opinions over what the Bible says? 5. What does the word say about being a teacher? We all have sin and we are all guilty but I personally believe that God will never allow us to accept our sin. He is always walking with us as we learn from Him to choose a righteous life.
I think when we judge others experiences with God then we step into the spirit of religion and end up acting out of the spirit of the Pharisees. We cannot judge someone’s experiences with the Lord. We are not on their journey or have the same history with God that they do.
Jesus corrected the religious and their self righteousness. The Bible doesn’t deal with homosexuality. Translated wrongly in 1946. Sorry for your opinion that matches church but not Christ.
Hey Mike! I was wondering, would you be willing to make a video going into the six verses you had mentioned and why you don’t feel like they apply to homosexual ppl? I feel like it would bring a lot of clarity.
Thank you! I am a white, southern, Presbyterian, 67 year old man who has lived his life trying to please everyone but God…in the name of God. After a failed marriage and many wrong paths taken I found love with a kind, generous of spirit man. I did not know life could be so fulfilling! But until I heard this message, I did not realize that I still had some work to do. I can’t thank you enough for sharing this message and sharing your truth. Your message is the most impactful one I have ever heard and I can promise you this 67-year-old guy is smiling from ear to ear! THANK YOU!!!
We have to be very careful of deception in this world today. Now, having said that, I thought I was gay as well, battling with lust, BUT Jesus always let me know that when I want a boyfriend or to have intercourse with a guy, He always would lead me away from it. Christians can’t have homosexual thoughts that they act upon and go inherit the kingdom of God. We have to crucify our flesh, and pick up our cross and follow Jesus
God spoke to me through this video. The words you said, He has been speaking to me for years and has showed me time and time again the truth. But somewhere along the way I always forget what He has told me. This video helped me tear down my defenses again and let myself hear Him. Thank you for sharing your story and I just want you to know it will forever be a bookmark in my story. And I will not forget again.
I couldn't protect myself from God and His nature... Same friend, I've had my boss ask me if I'm ok so many times because I was just crying over God's goodness before work. I can hardly think about Him without crying. I love the way you described it ❤
"I too was in my living room and have experienced moments recalling my past where things just didn't seem "normal" when I realized God does have His plan. 59 years of life and I could go on sharing those noments, but will refrain from stealing your moment. However, I will share a similar moment you also experienced about being "people". The voice in my head spoke to me on understanding who I really was. To stop labeling ourselves as man or woman and realize WE ARE FIRST ALL HUMANS before labeling ourselves as man/woman, gay/straight, black/white. Today, having put GOD first in my life, allows me to see God's work still in progress. And I agree, God/the Holy Spirit doesn't exclude his children in no way or form. How can people accept changes in history and in society yet not be open to the possibility that what was going on over thousands of years ago (even before Christ) condoning homosexuality can no longer exist?
I am sincerely curious what you think about the people that have an exact opposite testimony from you? That they are convinced that God lead them out of the lifestyle and said to them that homosexuality is a sin? Because both things cannot be true at the same time, how do we deal with that?
@@CherubEros I personally know people with the opposite testimony, and I have the sincere question what we do with that? Because both cannot be true at the same time, and I strugle to take a stance in this subject. I put some links down with opposite testimonies: ruclips.net/video/1mc-2NIj_uw/видео.htmlsi=5OlSZblriSk3Apse ruclips.net/video/CNSrBGUIQQc/видео.htmlsi=j4WQbiBypqoPG8VH
@@mnoorlander9205 So I’ve watched the first one, and tho they both wanted it, they both had their hesitation. God saw this and their future and wept for them. This is my interpretation, and I DO NOT speak for God. So I’ll let God speak for himself, but that’s what it looks like to me.
@@mnoorlander9205 saw the second one and… [redacted] …so, that guy was partying up and living his life without God, where as Mike has loved GOD his whole life. One was a slave to sin, the other walked with God, probably tripped a few times. One has to master himself still and yet be slave to God, the other already is a slave to God and has mastered. That’s my guess. I’m going to be following Mike, and tho I should not judge him, if God is using him, we’d only have to look.
The sad thing is you violated your own rules in your coaching courses to arrive at this conclusion.. while it's clear this is an extremely vulnerable posture for you and a painful one.. where do we draw the line? Should we tell the addict that his addiction is a genetic disposition and to make peace with it, should we tell the married man or woman to make peace with the reoccurring sexual desires to sleep with someone else even if they're pursuing a 'meaningful' relationship with someone other than their own spouse? After all, perhaps they won't feel so alone. What about those with gender dysphoria, or child attraction? Just go with it right? You fell for the age old lie from the garden of 'Did God Really Say?' I'm sorry that their is pain and suffering in this life and that there is struggle. We may be fairly disconnected from it in the West, but this is the story of the Church, of the Bride of the Messiah. There is hope, there is healing and there is also the struggle to fight the good fight in between. Our forefathers in the faith left us the legacy of patient endurance and tenacity... not microwave 'everything now' christianity.
@Stilgar74: I’m sorry that gay lives are such an inconvenience for you and your limited worldview. God’s love is unconditional. Your love is conditional.
“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11:33-36
I had a very good friend who felt the same about wanting to be "fixed and relieved of the gay demon". He actually went to a Baptist Church and begged them. He had gone through so much bullying and hatred that he was fed up he could not change the way he was no matter how much he tried. He had known he was gay since kindergarten before he even knew what the word for it was because he was already attracted to a boy when he was a child. He has since embraced who he is and is living a much healthier life because he has accepted who he is as a gay man.
I’m so thankful that through RUclips there are enough scholars (one being Bart Ehrman) who have shown me how the Bible has been mistranslated by mistake and/or altered on purpose. For me, being gay is normal and natural.
The first time i literally felt Gods love was when i realized that anything we do pales in comparison to His love. Can we love like that? What would it be like if i could love you with a fraction of that love and if you were to act the same way. Nothing you do could ever seperate you from that love. Nothing ever. How bold is it to say God loves me as i am not as i could be. Boldy come to God as say I am xxxx and You love me fully as I am
I went to a church and was a youth leader for years. There was this boy who was very much so gay and everyone knew because he didn’t hide it. No one wanted to mentor him but I decided to because he was extremely suicidal. I didn’t agree with his actions, I still don’t agree with homosexuality but my job wasn’t to fix that boy but to love him. I simply wanted him to know he was loved so we talked or would just sit in silence. I didn’t bring up scripture or even try and convince him to pray. He ended up taking his life and my heart shattered. I found out years later that he was meeting with an elder for conversion therapy. I felt so angry because when did being a Christian become about shaming those who are different. I do not agree that God said you should be gay. But I can’t convince you one way or the other. Both the OT and the NT are very clear about homosexuality. But I do agree that you are a person Christ died for along with everyone else on the LGBTQ community. I hate how Christians feel the need to “fix” those who are gay. That’s not their place. I respect your journey even though I disagree but I do humbly agree that as people we can do so much better.
Unfortunately, the Christian need to vocalize all the "lovingly disagree" stuff does just as much harm to the LGBTQ+ community as the outright hatred like conversion therapy. Saying "I don't AGREE with homosexuality but it's not my job to FIX them" is so othering and reinforces the narrative that it's wrong and that something has to change for us to be right. And it certainly doesn't feel loving. I can say for certain as a queer trans person who spent the first 20+ years of my life surrounded by "loving disagreement" with other terrified, closeted LGBTQ+ people that it was so insidious to my sense of worth and belonging. I have been suicidal since I was a preteen and I ONLY heard the "loving disagreement". *I* kept myself here. My own love for living because I'm a curious person. That and my dog. Not my family, not my church leaders. Nobody lovingly disagreeing with me kept me from dying by suicide. The "loving disagreement" is what convinced me and countless others that we are worthless. Because it IS NOT a choice to be gay. Our secret mournful prayers are not to stop making bad choices. We pray in shame and silence and the deepest grief you can't even begin to imagine, to be CHANGED, to be literally different as people - to change our very identities. We don't choose who we are, or else we would be able to simply stop being gay any of the thousands of times we prayed for it out of sheer despair and hopelessness. That is the real experience of many, many LGBTQ+ youth in the church. That the "loving disagreement" is so pervasive to the mental and spiritual health of LGBTQ+ youth, yet still remains a such a consistent action by people who are TOLD it's causing harm - *that is not loving*. I am not trying to argue with you. If you really want to love the LGBTQ+ community as I think you are, then my hope is that you'll read this and empathize and really try to understand that the way Christians speak to LGBTQ+ youth really really matters. I'm still living, but so many die by suicide because straight people in the church don't want to hear us begging to be truly loved without being reminded that you think who we are is wrong. LGBTQ+ people in the church NEED to be heard in our pain and we need people to listen to us when we say "that's not loving" even if that doesn't make sense to you just because you think having sex with someone who has the same genitals as you do is a sin. I hope you have a great day, and I hope that my words can communicate my thoughts properly!
@@Captain_Of_A_Starship I don't click links random people send me. I don't want an argument, so I'll reply to your written question in good faith in the hopes that youre actually open to what I have to say and not just trying to set me up for an argument. Not be cynical, I'm just used to the Christian keyboard warriors who just want to fight with me bc of my identity and outspoken support for the LGBTQ+ community. If you aren't open to it, just know that I'm not going to waste time arguing with you, so if thats your intention I'll just move along. But: Yes it is othering, because homosexuality isn't a choice, so you are disagreeing with a person's literal sense of self. To purposefully ignore a person's identity and act like you can "disagree" outside of the context of rejecting their very personhood is the entire problem. You don't have to say "God hates f*gs" to communicate the same exact message in other words. If you hate homosexuality, you hate homosexuals, period - because it is NOT a choice, it's just the way we are, it's part of our identities. If you don't hate homosexuals, then it's important to listen to what we're saying and try to unravel millenia of homophobia, with the intent to include us and lift us up in the exact same way as heterosexuals without bias, and without backhanded rebukes disguised as "loving disagreement". I assumed this was clear in my comment, so I apologize that it wasn't. You can lovingly disagree with choices. But you can't disagree with identity without othering whoever identity you don't like. And just to be clear, again, it is not a choice to be gay.
@@Captain_Of_A_Starship ok, so you were just commenting to argue with me. That's disappointing. I have heard everything you've said many times before. The lives of LGBTQ+ people, especially LGBTQ+ youth, in the church are worth reevaluating old ways (as has been done with COUNTLESS other archaic Christian ways). You can't have it both ways. Either hold onto those archaic ways that cost LGBTQ+ people their very lives, or be willing to be open to new ways of thinking. I'm not here to argue so I won't bother responding to what you've argued against what I said. They're very common arguments within the church and have been addressed both within and without the church by multiple Christian leaders, scientists, psychologists, etc. Either keep to the old ways or change. LGBTQ+ people do not owe the church our lives and our identities simply because of an unwillingness within the church to hold the nuance and space for us that challenges fundamentalism. I spent over 20 years in church in a long line of pastors and ministers. I went to Bible school. I have my degree in biology, where I studied sexuality in humans and in many other species as well. I am gay myself. It is NOT a choice, its not an illness, it's not the result of trauma, its just the way we are. Your understanding of homosexuality is flawed and outdated and skewed by your Christian fundamentalism. You can either choose to listen to the LGBTQ+ people who are begging for the church to change how we're treated and spoken to, or not. But don't delude yourself into thinking it won't be the cause of endless pain, grief, suffering, and death by suicide for countless more LGBTQ+ people in the church. You just can't have it both ways.
Neither the Old Testament or the New are "very clear about homosexuality". They are not. It is important to look at what the original text actually said, then the context in which it was said. It is also important to consider whether you are actually applying the Scriptures wholly to your own life, before excluding people from the Kingdom of God because of their application. For example, there are serious translations issues with the Leviticus passage, but this becomes largely immaterial. If you start reading the Torah at Sinai, you will be convinced long before you get to Leviticus 20:13 that these laws were spoken to Israel in its day and are not meant to be applied to followers of God today. Then, there is the matter of trajectory hermeneutics. The Scriptures are rife with passages that accept or endorse human slavery and the slave trade (far more than the 6 that arguably address LGBTQ+ issues). While it took some time for unity to be reached on this issue, I do not believe that there are is any right-minded Christian or Jewish doctrine that uses God to justify human slavery today. Throughout Scripture, we see God dealing with the current cultural practices and making them more just. Viewed in their context of the people who wrote it and to whom it was written, all of Scripture is radically oriented towards a more just society, even if it was not perfectly just to our modern standards. We are to continue God's trajectory towards a more just and equal society.
Thank you, stay faithful and you already have been so faithful, we need you. We need someone who knows his true nature and can lead his people. We ALL need our Savior close in our lives or we will lose our eternal inheritance. Thank you so much! 😢
Crying along with you Mike ❤️ It's all about love. When we're able to transcend the written word and see through the eyes of Love and Spirit, you finally know the TRUTH. God will wreck our minds when we truly comprehend how much He loves us. I was a fierce Christian when i realized my transformation suddenly seemed to stop and i didn't know why. I realized it's because the doctrines i lived by didnt allow me to love people ALL THE WAY. I can only love them enough to want them to be saved. Saved from what? When i began seeing through the eyes of Love, sacred cows started coming down. Sin, hell, salvation...etc. deconstruction happens to make way for reconstruction. The new wine skin will scandalize the church. They think they're already in it. Religious spirit is the most sneaky coz you never really know you have it.
Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Leviticus 20:13 “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” Leviticus 26:14-20 “But if you will not listen to me and will not do all of these commandments, if you spurn my statutes, and if your soul abhors my rules, so that you will not do all my commandments, but break my covenant, then I will do this to you: I will visit you with panic, with wasting disease and fever that consume the eyes and make the heart ache. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. I will set my face against you, and you shall struck down before your enemies. Those who hate you shall rule over you, and you shall flee when none pursues you. And if in spite of this you will not listen to me, then I will discipline you again sevenfold for your sins, and I will break the pride of your power, and I will make your heavens like iron and your earth like bronze. And your strength shall be spent in vain, for your land shall not yield their fruit.
So, I've never experienced anything like what you've described. I'm a trans woman who is a distant Christian at best. I've been told that being myself is wrong, by the majority of my family, but every chance I am able to express myself as a female, I'm at peace and happy.
Tysm for sharing your testimony. I myself, am a Bisexual Christian and I know deep down inside that if I fall in love with a woman that it is not wrong for me to be in a relationship with said woman. But the church makes me doubt this time and time again EVEN if I know this is what god wanted for me. But this video will definitely help me and others like me to feel less alone and guilty and bad and shamed for being gay. I can’t not put into words how much this video means to me. Ty so so so much.
You can’t be bisexual and call yourself a chrsitian. You should know what true christianity means, and start reading a Bible. You also need to go for a deliverance to be set free from demons who cause you to fall in live with woman if you are a women instead of man. It’s writen in the bible about those who went opossite of the way they have been created. God does not do mistakes, he never created a human being being gay, lesbian etc etc etc God created woman and man to join together, not opposite. It would be nice if people start reading their Bible to know God and not making up their own thing just to justify their wrong way. I can suggest you to check here COJIM ( City of Jesus International Ministry) to learn properly who is God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. Peace be with you
Mike! You are a brave, brave man! And my love and respect has only grown. Even if my mind can't absorb and comprehend the depth of your journey; it is rare to find people as committed as you have been to courageously embrace the process of walking in the light. You will surely feel the sword of accusation more than ever... but know... there are many of us who embrace your humanity with loving, childlike simplicity... which is the same way we embrace our own. I accept you... and believe in your integrity. Because of this, I trust that you will continue to move toward Jesus even in this tremendous upheaval that most of us will never come close to experiencing. May your travels through this stage of your life be interrupted continually with the joy of your first love, Jesus Christ. Jeff Tarbill
Hi. Thank you so much for your honesty. I was dragged up in Christianity. However I've always loved the lord. My daughter is pro lbt etc. And I love and accept her, and this always sat poorly with me. Thank you. You've helped so much
Everyone's journey is unique. Similar to yours, it took a while for me to completely accept myself as gay. But being a philosopher in my thinking, I have always been true to myself, and I have found that many (not all) Christians fail to really understand what Jesus did for religion. I belong to an American Baptist church that accepts gay and lesbians. From my point of view, Christ taught that loving God and loving your neighbor are the two great commandments that fulfill and really replace all the Old Testament laws. Paul in the love chapter of First Corinthians says that of faith, hope and love, that love is the most important Christian value. So, all the discriminatory and exclusive kind of rules in the Bible should be subservient to love. If a Christian really believes in Christian love, he/she would understand and accept that. It is a great disservice to Christianity to see many Christians filled with hatred towards LGBTQ+ people. Where is their love? Thank you for the work you are doing.
@@aaroncphelps I think the relationship a person has with Christ is very personal and individual. It is only between me and God. At age 73 before every action I take I ask for God's help. According to one study reported by Ethan Lusby, 55 percent of conservative Christians would throw their adolescent child out of their house if they told them they were gay or lesbian. Whatever doctrinal difference we have, you cannot possibly think that this is God's will or in any possible way an expression of love. You should check the teenage and gay suicide rates. We have outgrown many laws in the Bible. We no longer practice slavery. If you are going to interpret the Bible, at least interpret it in the most loving way possible. I think Christ is meant to save our souls. Sex is just a physical aspect of our lives that will disappear if and when we reach heaven, just like a disabled person's infirmities will disappear. I am not saying a homosexual is disabled, but in heaven I don't think it will matter what our bodies are like, only whether or not we loved others. As God is actively alive in my life right now I feel my salvation is assured as much as any one can. Whatever else goes on in my life I let Jesus take care of it. It is Him and only Him I follow. Who are you to judge me? I mean really!
@@aaroncphelps Your idea of confronting me is so wrong on many levels. You state that we are all one. In the sense that in Romans 12 we are all one body in Christ this is true. But as Paul says, each part of the body has its own function. Are we all eyes, or all hands? No. To be a part of the body of Christ we all have to work together and appreciate our differences and different functions. Besides, on judgement day every person will stand alone before God. I could make a strong case that the Roman Catholics and the evangelical Protestants are destroying themselves because of their many problematic positions on sex. Priestly abuse of altar boys is rampant. I’ve already mentioned how conservatives would rather disown their own children than accept them as gay. The Boy Scouts are currently paying out millions for over 18,000 sexually abused scouts. The military is awash in sexual abuse scandals. College campuses are filled with sex activity and many rapes are under reported. Second the church does not tell me about gay sex, I and other gays are telling it about accepting gay sex. Third, do you think any person wants to be gay? You should read more of the coming out stories on You Tube that display the terrible struggles gay youth have in even coming to accept themselves as being gay. You still seem to think this is a choice. If Mike’s work can help even one gay person live a better life and avoid depression or self-destruction, Praise the Lord! I know you have indicated that you also have struggled with this. I would think you would have more understanding. Fourth, doctors say that every adult should have sex at least three times a week to stay healthy. So, abstinence is not only stupid but unhealthy. And if hetero couples have sex every night, gay couples should have the same human right. Fifth, sex is really fun. It is one of the best creations of God. You religious radicals insist on making sex a moral conundrum and a constant guilt trip. Are you crazy? Sixth, I know that the New Testament advises Christians to gently correct others if they see a brother or sister go awry. But you also have to be wary of Pharisee-ism. Your arrogance is self-defeating. Paul in Romans 3 says all have sinned and no one is any better than anyone else. “Confronting a person” is just a semantic trick to tell yourself you are not judging me. Of course, you are judging me. Judge not lest you be judged! Sorry for being so harsh, but that’s the way I see it.
I began attending church five years ago, and the first church I went to was pretty law-oriented. I was aware that the Bible describes homosexuality as an abomination in God's eyes. One day, I prayed and asked God if He had changed His law and accepted homosexual behavior. That weekend, I found myself having feelings for a girl in the church and started feeling reluctant to be intimate with men. This made me realize that God had delivered me. Even today, I sometimes experience homosexual feelings during spiritual low points, but I know who saved me. These feelings now serve as a reminder for me to turn to God. After one year, God called me into ministry and told me that I was part of the plan of the Kingdom of Heaven, and now I'm attending seminary, getting trained to be a pastor.
Praise The ONE True living God! God did not change His mind about Homosexuality. It was always against the law of God and if you live in, you're trampling the free sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross! Ask Jesus, Ask Jesus to help you out, He wil
Unpopular opinion: I personally had to leave church. I was high one night and I realized that God was real. I still don't want to go back to church, but I do feel like I am more aware of God. Not like he aproves my behavior, while I'm high and stuff, but i have finally met them. I always studied, never knew
I got to the same conclusion on an only marginally different journey. God bless your ministry. God has a future for you if you're gay. You can marry and love unconditionally so that you can focus on helping others instead of changing your sexuality. You can adopt. There is much good fruit for you to show from your journey to the church. They prop up gay people who are still suffering afraid to lose their friends and family in the church. No one should ever have to live in fear of their own church disowning them, its rotten fruit.
As we know, God never contradicts His word. It is clear that NO sin will enter heaven. (Romans 6:33). Galatians 5:19-21 NIV The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this WILL NOT inherit the kingdom of God. Homosexuality is sin. Therefore it was NOT God who wanted you to be gay. God wants to make you free. Free of the sin. That is why the sacrifice of the perfect Son of God- Jesus is crucial. His blood started the new covenant. Only through Jesus we can be saved from the consequence of sin- eternal death. (John 14:6) If we believe in Him and obey His words/ commandments (Mt 7:21-23) your sins are forgiven and no longer remembered. (1.John 1:9) The fact is that when you are in God's presence, your sinful desires slowly disappear. You will no longer have perverted desires for the same sex or be addicted to pornography. There are many testimonies of people being free of the homosexuality. Remember that God hates the sin, but LOVES the sinner. That is why John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. God knows how hard your situation is. But your conscience is telling you something. God wants to give you His transcendetal peace and believe me, He will lead you through this if you allow Him so. You are not alone. ❤ God made you in His image, nobody on this Earth is like you. You are worth every minute I spent writing this. Because I want you to have an eternal life. Ask the Holy spirit to show you the truth and read your bible.
Mike I love you, but no....I thought you were going down the road of God keeping you gay so that you could reach gay people because you know what it feels like. That God was going to use your situation for good, but did you say you're going to date men? Did you say the bible does not condemn homosexual activity? Where then is it affirmed? If God did speak to you no one has a right to tell you different but I hope you tested every spirit and not let what you 'felt' lead you. Mike I love you. I will be praying for you.
"If God did speak to you no one has a right to tell you different." WHAT? So, if God gave me a revelation to commit adultery or some other sin, it's all good? No one should tell me different? I believe we have every right as Christ followers to gently correct a mislead Christian if their behaviour is at odds with Scripture. Here's a hint - if your personal revelation contradicts the revelation of God's Word, it's no revelation at all.
Hi. I saw this video last night. I was crying last night because i feel this turmoil about being gay and wanting to follow Christ. I’ve met a man whom i deeply love yet this fear gets to me and then there’s videos on yt that deny homosexuality and their reasoning makes sense and then i find videos like this that makes me feel hopeful…
Hi dear. Fellow Christ-ian here. Jesus lovingly said: "If any, man desires to follow me, let Him DENY Himself, take up His Cross, and follow me. Anyone who does not deny Himself and pick up His Cross is not worthy of me." Jesus, during His final moments on Earth (physically) said: Father, let this cup pass from Me, BUT NEVERTHELESS, NOT MY WILL, BUT YOUR will be Done. Also, the Bible says: " No temptation has come upon you ,that is uncommon to man" Do you know 1 Peter 5 :6 That says "Resist the devil, and He will flee" Also: "1 Peter 1: Be ye Holy, just as I am Holy" or "Be ye Perfect, just as I am perfect "
No matter the orientation, I realized the more you actually identify and become more like the actual Christ, the more you’re hated especially by the Christian’s…
So many Christians claim all these wonderful experiences, I'm almost 70 years old and God has never spoken to me. I had to stop watching a 1/3 of the way through, it was too depressing.
god has been talking to me for years to stop calling unclean what he's sanctified. i'm like... "ok so now what???" it's so refreshing to hear that he has spoken this to you also, mike! this was so heart felt!
Hi dear. Fellow Christ-ian here. Jesus lovingly said: "If any, man desires to follow me, let Him DENY Himself, take up His Cross, and follow me. Anyone who does not deny Himself and pick up His Cross is not worthy of me." Jesus, during His final moments on Earth (physically) said: Father, let this cup pass from Me, BUT NEVERTHELESS, NOT MY WILL, BUT YOUR will be Done. Also, the Bible says: " No temptation has come upon you ,that is uncommon to man" Do you know 1 Peter 5 :6 That says "Resist the devil, and He will flee" Also: "1 Peter 1: Be ye Holy, just as I am Holy" or "Be ye Perfect, just as I am perfect"
Broken kid here, THANK YOU MIKE!You helped me want to be alive when I was in the dark. Reaching out to me in high school and taking me in made a huge impact in my life. I’m crying happy tears for you. Much love on your new journey ❤️ you deserve so so soooo much love!
Do you know that the "church" people lied to you about the Bible and how Billy Graham changed it? Yes, it's important to know God loves you and that you love God. But, you can't enter through the narrow gate unless you know Truth. The Truth will set you free. Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were molested, raped, or abused and something inside of them blocks off a certain type of body but it doesn't happen to everyone that is abused. And those that choose to live like Eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex-characteristics, but opposite in regards to gender. Male or female is determined by gender located in your brain, designated by God, at birth. Transgender people still have one gender or the other but opposite of their sex characteristics. Notice, it says for the SAKE of THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN and that means God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships. The last are now first and the first are now last. Do you see it yet? Anyone that ever taught the LIE of monetary tithing or sold anything using the gospel and won't repent and stop and also give the money back is now last and they won't make it to heaven until they own up and repent. The LGBT community is now first. God has this planned. Stay out of the fake Bibles. Any book full of lies is actually a sorcery book. It has been altered more than you think and God says Her laws are written on our hearts in the end times so we don't need that sorcery book anyhow! So, if you're going to read the Bible, be careful! Delete the messages sent from the messenger and YOU CHOOSE to reject Jesus Christ Himself and you will NOT make it to heaven.*
@@elijahreincarnated8218 @Elijah Reincarnated there were many people who had their sexual parts cut off or sewn up etc… at that time. It was a common practice, sadly, at that time. I think that is important to mention as well.
Mike-God bless you brother. God is so in love with you and always will. God loves everyone (period). However-when you say things like “we love and trust the person of Jesus, not the Bible” then you have lost me.
Just gonna give the whole context "...Im saying this on behalf of us as a team. We value God as a person, we love and trust this PERSON, not the Bible, not ideology, not doctrine, God, the Holy spirit who is dwelling among us. We love and trust this person..." we've lost the whole point if were giving the letters the same importance as the person.
@@samdenton280 all scripture is useful. It is profitable. yep. Training in righteousness, yes. But the Holy Spirit must guide our reading. The book written by human hands, written about God, must NOT become our God. A text read by humans means that the interpretation will not be infallible. A human interpretation of God that happens to miss the point? Scary. We NEED a Savior to guide us into all truth.
My point was All Scripture is inspired by God; meaning it was breathed into the men that wrote it so that we may be complete and equipped. Of course you don’t make The Bible -God, but it is His ONLY Written word and we can’t disregard it as Mike was saying . That is my point .
@@samdenton280 When Paul says "all Scripture", he was referring to is the Hebrew Scriptures, i.e. the Old Testament. The New Testament did not exist at the time. He was referring Timothy to the Hebrew Scriptures and speaking of their continued application in the Jesus Movement.
Oh Mike. I am so thrilled for you. I am overjoyed and celebrate with you! Undoing indoctrination of man and reaffirming the true unconditional love of God!!! Hallelujah
This is so incredible Mike. I don’t really even have the words. I’m ridiculously proud of you. One of the biggest reasons I left the church was because of its stand on lgbtq+. I left feeling disappointed and heart broken at the disconnect between the Jesus I had always known and the Church I had experienced. I haven’t really been back since school ended. This video really gave me hope for the church that I haven’t had in a very, very long time. I cut most all ties that I had remaining in Redding, but every memory I had of our car ride conversations were a bright spot in my memory of my time there and I kept following you all of these years because of that. I never would have known what you were going through, and I’m so sorry for how much it must have hurt to live those experiences. Your heart has always been very clearly sincere and kind and genuine, and I’m just so overwhelmingly happy to see you fully embracing who you’re meant to be and walking in that. Thank you, and your team for doing this. I’m really overwhelmed with hope.
Carissa, I love your comment! Unfortunately it reflects the fact that we see people leaving the church in droves these days. The Church is not doing its homework on this topic, thus misinterpreting these passages in a way that has caused much damage. My prayer is that God will reveal the truth! God bless you!
@@mp2753 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”, Leviticus 18:22. God has prohibited this across multiple prophets several times.
Where in the Bible is the word homosexual ,it is not there because it did NOT EXIST.You do not know the circumstances for the wording used in the Bible , it has been reinterpreted 100 s of times in 2 thousand yrs.
Mike you are precious and brave. Good for you for following Jesus even though it’s hard. About three years ago, the Holy Spirit led me to “Love is an Orientation “ by AndrewMarin, after I had a crisis of faith over this issue. I would appreciate your prayers for me, I want to walk in His will.
Also, the amount of men I know who have done sexual things when they were boys with other boys is quite high and they hadn’t ever really told anyone either. Also, separately, the amount of men I know who have sexual trauma who also haven’t ever told anyone is quite high. I would love to start something someday with someone to create a space or narrative so that men can come forward and have a place for this to come out. Anyways, thanks for sharing this story. It is so so important.
@Glenn Ryan I'm single, actually always have been single. I've had sexual encounters here and there but they lee nowhere. I honestly can not concive it as not sinful, which causes me more struggle, but I see your point and I support you. Hope you keep happy.
@@elvist2810 Becket Cook is a born again Christian and has a lot of good videos with his story of living for 20 years as a gay man in Hollywood ruclips.net/video/8do7KS_G1PU/видео.html
You got it right , it’s been a great revelation to you and all our people thank you. Christian same gender love between men is acceptable by God ✝️🏳️🌈🇺🇸🙋♂️💙👍⭐️🌈
I hope you find love and joy with a special man as you have with God. I hope you also surround yourself with Christians who know that being gay is ok and not condemned. Peace.
Mike if you believe rationalizing YOUR sin as a download from God as it’s OK to live an unnatural sexual relationship with men sexually, does NOT work with the Lords thoughts about your life or any man’s life. I’m so sorry for you having to deal with this perversion. I just want to say again…I’m sorry
Hi Deborah! It appears from your comment that you haven’t studied this topic very much from a theological standpoint. I encourage you to seek the true meaning of the so-called gay passages. You have made several assumptions in your very short paragraph that simply are not true! You appear to make the assumption that all same-sex activity is sin. But that cannot be supported by Scripture nor has any book on this topic yet proven such thesis! There are six passages in the Bible that condemn homosexual activities. But there are over 200 passages in the Bible that condemn heterosexual activities. If you do the work then you will see that only abusive sexual activities(rape, incest, sex with slaves, sex with children, sex with prostitutes, temple prostitution) are being condemned in both homosexual and heterosexual references. I truly hope you will do your homework before continuing to make such comments! LGBTQ kids have a high suicide rate, and if they come from a Christian home that already high rate goes up by nine times! And all of this has been happening only in the past few decades since the word “homosexual” first entered the Bible in 1946. God bless you.
Thank you pastor mike for your video It was very informative, very uplifting with a side of confusion. But hopefully. The one seed that needs to be planted and grow is the fact you should not judge a book. By its cover, we're all the same and all deserve love and we all are expected to give love. Never. In the definition of love was there a description of who we should love and not love? A black man, a white woman, a gay man, a straight man. That's just the cover. The ones that judge are the same on the inside as the ones they're judging The shell just looks a little different. We need to learn to spread love. And not judgment.
I can see how sought the Lord over the years. Please pray over the “understandings” that came with the scriptures at your bible camp I believe?Because Satan knows Gods word too and even tried to trick Jesus in the dessert by asking Jesus to worship him. Pray and bind any deception when you experience spiritual revelations. The enemy is real and fights hard.
Totally agree. I witnessed warfare from God and a demon inside a person who “spreads the word of God” with lies that do not align with HIS WORD. I am so thankful that the real God, not the wolf in sheep’s clothing won the battle and miraculously redeemed my young daughter in matter of hours from the spirit of homosexuality. The Bible especially talks about homosexuality in Romans 1:26
So, during the last few years, when the LBTQ community grew, I tried to figure out what God thinks about it. I'm not gay, but that doesn't mean that God doesn't support these people. I personally start to think/believe that being gay is totally okay in God's eyes. I'm not 100% sure yet about that but I'm still on an adventure with God to discover his opinion about this area (Mike, heads up for being that vulnerable!). What I'm struggle though, is with the transgender people. I cannot wrap my head around the idea that God is perfect and has plans for us and made us perfect, and yet he failed to put us into the right body. If anything, questioning your own identity, your body, feels like the biggest victory that the enemy could do. In the first encounter between the devil and Jesus, the enemy tried to question him in his identity. Who he was etc. "IF you're son of God then why don't you xyz". I'm wondering now, If from a God's point of view, if he supports gay people. But not transgender. And with this, I don't mean that he condemns them or that we should do that. (not at all actually) But again, I just can't wrap my head around believing on one hand that God is perfect and made us perfect and he has plans for us and on the other hand there are people that can't even take their body as fundemental basis for their identity. What do other people/christians think about this? Let me know. I'm very interested! :)
God is perfect and creates only perfect people. That includes everyone! All! We have no right to exclude God’s creation. Even if we don’t understand their struggles, we are called to Love unconditionally as He loves.
You will find the answer in His Word. Romans 1:26 Whoever tells you something that goes against God’s word , it’s not God. It’s a world dressed in sheep’s clothing.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. Psalm 89:13 You have a strong arm; Your hand is mighty, Your right hand is exalted. Matthew 5:27-30 You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. THIS IS THE SPIRIT OF THE ANTICHRIST SPEAKING TO HIM NOT GOD. PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE A PASTOR JUST FOR HIS TITLE. STUDY THE WORD FOR YOURSELF. WE DO NOT CONDEMN AN INDIVIDUAL FOR BEING GAY. BUT IT IS A SIN. DON'T LET THE DEVIL LIE TO YOU OR CONFUSE YOU ABOUT YOUR IDENTITY. GOD DOES NOT WANT ANYONE TO BE GAY, OR AN ALCOHOLIC OR A RAPIST, OR AN ADDICT. HE WANTS TO SET US FREE! THE END TIMES ARE SO NEAR. THE ONLY WORD THAT WE SHOULD BE LISTENING TO IS THE WORD OF GOD, NOT ANYTHING THIS WORLD HAS TO SAY OR EVEN OUR OWN LOGIC. DISCERN WITH THE WORD OF GOD. IF THERE IS A SPIRIT SAYING ANYTHING CONTRARY TO THE WORD OF GOD, THEN IT IS NOT OF GOD. WAKE UP.
Jay, there are six passages in the Bible condemning homosexual activities. But there are over 200 passages in the Bible condemning heterosexual activities. In ALL these passages the Bible is referring to abusive sexual activity (rape, incest, pederasty, prostitution, sex with slaves, etc). The Bible never NEVER condemns same-sex monogamous committed relationships! I will pray for you as you deal with your sin of homophobia! God bless you!
We are not to judge this man, but to put him before the Lord and pray for him, because he is loved by God - created by Him. And we are to test the spirit speaking against the Word of God to know whether it is a true or false spirit, and never lean on our own understanding or emotions. God does not provide a revelation against Himself, but there is a liar who will skew His word for a (new and false) revelation, as we read in the beginning at the Garden of Eden. As it is written, John 4:24, we must worship in spirit and in truth (spirit is never separate of truth, if it’s real worship). Our lives are meant to continually worship Him, only, in all that we say, think and do (e.g. post on YT); and be transformed by the renewal of our minds, test/prove the will of God (this a commandment for Christians) Romans 12:2; unfortunately so many were, are, and will be deceived into believing that they knew God, but God never knew them (Matthew 7:15-23). Please, with a real love in my heart I implore us all, read the Bible. Everyday. Pray. Always (as the apostle Paul calls us to do, with a humble and repentant heart, and for our enemies that they may know Christ Jesus). Seek the wisdom of God, above our own and anyone else’s, and test all things that we may discern what is good and what is evil, turning away from what is evil.
My father often says these days as he has also somehow deconstructed in one way or another that it's not about religion it's about the relationship with Jesus and God that's it. I may never be a Christian because of my own experiences with that religion and the fact that religion in itself is not for me, but I will say that the only rule I will ever try to follow to my fullest is the golden rule. Because that was the only rule that meant anything to me. And I think it meant a lot to Jesus. It is the most common sense rule and this common sense rule is a rule that a lot of Christians especially evangelical Christians cannot follow or actually will not because they have been indoctrinated so deep into believing that hate is love.
I have no words to say I've been tearing up when I saw this video idk if I was ment to see this our not all I know is iv been questioning things lately about myself as a transwoman because I get so much negative from everyone around me bout LGBT lifestyle or character is wrong and abd people telling me God made Man and woman and i will always be a man and im going against gods creation but what do you expect from a town in NC in which this state needs someone like you because no one will fight LGBT rights here may this is why im writing this to let people know that this work to justify a community is in much need here State wide this state has suppressed the community so much here it feels like im the only one with a desire to fight even people that are a part of the community wont fight because they feel like its not the way to be 😢 but I pray that things will change. 🦋
Hi dear. Fellow Christ-ian here. Jesus lovingly said: "If any, man desires to follow me, let Him DENY Himself, take up His Cross, and follow me. Anyone who does not deny Himself and pick up His Cross is not worthy of me." Jesus, during His final moments on Earth (physically) said: Father, let this cup pass from Me, BUT NEVERTHELESS, NOT MY WILL, BUT YOUR will be Done. Also, the Bible says: " No temptation has come upon you ,that is uncommon to man" Do you know 1 Peter 5 :6 That says "Resist the devil, and He will flee" Also: "1 Peter 1: Be ye Holy, just as I am Holy" or "Be ye Perfect, just as I am perfect"
Wonderfully authentic as usual. ❤ You are extremely trustworthy, and I honor you and your experience. So much love to you, Mike. And so many blessings on your journey! 😘
I have to give you 10 thumbs up on this topic. I am not here to judge anyone of these so-called profits here on RUclips. I am from a spiritual background and I have seen many things being around my Grandmother may God bless her soul. She would say God loves everyone and he is always forgiving no matter who you are just ask for forgiveness for your sins not for who he created you to be. He knows the ones who will try their best to walk on the right path and the ones who won't. Jesus/God warns us that these false profits will take his word which is in the Bible and twist the scriptures to their likeness. Every time I try to listen to them preach is always about homosexuality and God doesn't like Gays and Lesbians who are these people to judge. I will say to God, who gives these people the authority to point fingers, it seems like they forgot the part in the Bible where God said Judge not because I am the only man that has the power and the Authority to judge his children. So I stop looking at them because I can feel the Holy Spirit in me knows what they are saying is not right. I have been Gay all my life since I know myself never attracted to women and had no desire to be with one and never had a problem with my family because they believed God created us in his image and likeness. For the Gay men and women out there I know it's very hard for your parents and friends to accept you but, live for God not them and you will ok see how God will set you free mentally. Love you all and may God continue to look after us and the ones who don't believe in him or us. I will leave you with this: they love to tell us and quote, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of us Gays but they left out the part where other things were going there, like murders, thieves, rapists, etc. Do not fall for this false profits 🙏 ❤️
I can't even formulate the words of graditude I feel towards your bravery in speaking so openly about this Mike. Thank you for being the hands and feet of what love looks like in loving the LGBTQ+ community.
Hey Pastor Mike, I don’t know where to start with the message, but thank you so much for making this video and sharing your experience!!! When I was younger, I didn’t know people would say being gay is a sin until I got older and found out. I then started doing research and learned about the mistranslations in The Bible and the context. I never heard God tell me it was a sin, rather the opposite and similar things He said to you. Lately I’ve been being more me how He made me and have never felt so close to Him!!! I realized the more intimate we became, the more I was being the person He created and at the same time I realized Christians who would say it is a sin would tear us apart. I would have times where I would be crying and believe them, but whenever I asked God about it and seeked Him He would affirm me how it’s not a sin!!! Rather, He would tell me that there is context to those Scriptures people use against gay people and He is not referring to the lgbtq community at all and He would speak through people at my house to affirm me as well!!! Thank you for sharing your story Pastor Mike it has inspired me to share mine and be the person God made me to be!!! God Bless you abundantly!!! ❤️
Jesus said deny yourself carry your cross and follow Him. The devil will mock everything that God does to confuse us and separate us from the truth. In the contrary of yours God called me out of the lgbtq community in 2019 and He brought me to the situations that the devil used in my childhood to alter my identity and who I was meant to be. God doesn’t change nor his word. What happen to you is what happen to many who want their feelings and same sex attraction to disappear and end up giving up when these don’t. But there’s millions of us who hold on to His word and His truth.
Satan can speak to you in various ways pretending to be god speaking/ you are following you desires / the bible say it is wrong / they is some behavior that would send us to hell
@@alanaban1840 huh?
I did not write this but the Holy Spirit brought me to this and I would like to share this with you so that it can encourage you. "Some of the most spiritually gifted people of GOD that I know are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender Christians. The persecution they have endured at the hands of their own Christian brothers and sisters has had two predominant effects: they are pushed away from the church and GOD, or they are forced closer to him. In the closeness, that is often in isolation, they have developed an intimacy that is enviable. In my toughest times, I default to a full-body lean on GOD. Imagine a sustained closeness, a life-dependence-survival stance and the resultant communion". That is the hidden blessing.
AMEN I have often pondered these same messages and have wondered if they aligned with God: the closeness that can come from persecution despite the pain. Not that God supports the marginalization of peoples but that this too can be used for good and for love. THANK YOU
As a trans woman struggling to find her place in God's story, I needed to read this. Thank you.
You cannot be openly practicing the sin God condemns and be a minister/ Christian. It’s one thing to struggle and wrestle with sin and even stumble and fall. But continuing to live a lifestyle of sin is degenerate.
Levticus 18:22
@@starlightangelsophia God bless you. Jesus loves you and sees you.
Thank you for sharing such a multifaceted testimony. In fact, I was so exhausted after hearing all of your yearning, all of your bearing of your soul, and the years of you being unfocused. In fact, this feels like a book out of the Bible…… in contemporary jargon. Blessing on you, my friend, as you minister.
Ahh, Mike. Discovered your video from Kat Harris’ podcast. I grew up in SBC churches in NC and recently left my church of 10 years bc of my concerns about social rules hurting LGBTQ+ and women. It has been a lonely path, but the Holy Spirit has kept me while figuring out what it means to “be the Church”. I’m so grateful for you and others like you brave enough to speak and lead. Sending you so much love.
Decline of morality and increased confusion happens when you are not spending time with the Word of God and is living in sin.
(Watch 9 clips)
Leviticus 18:22 “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.
Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman must not put on men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the lord your God.
Romans 1:26 That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other.
Romans 1:27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.
Romans 1:28 Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.
Romans 1:29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip.
Romans 1:30 They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents.
Romans 1:31 They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy.
Romans 1:32 They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.
1 Corinthians 6:9 Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality,
1 Corinthians 6:10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people-none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.
1 John 1:9 But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
1 Corinthians 6:11 Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
1 A woman dressed as a cat
2 Transformed in the renewing of the mind
3 (Original) 23 minutes in hell-Bill Wiese
4 Protect your children
5 The devil is a liar
6 “No one was confused”
7 Blasphemy inside a so called church
8 Same sex marriage
9 Church struck by lightning after blaspheming God and the Holy Scriptures
10 Brainwashed and social transition
YES!!!!! You go, Mike! I am a 52 year old who has been indoctrinated in Christian theology my entire life. Since i was young, I had a longing to know God and to hear his voice, but fear kept me from TRUSTING that voice most of my life. Three years ago, I began a journey of writing what bubbled up from within (LIVING waters… like Jesus told the woman at the well). The voice of LOVE changed my life!!!!! I began to TRUST my Poppa without fear for “Perfect love casts out all fear!” My entire view of “God”, humanity, and the Scriptures has transformed! I loved hearing your story, and I cheer you on! You speak words of love and Truth!! God is love. I could write so much on this topic… Just want to wish you well on your journey! Beautiful story of the love of God!!! Love it!!!
35 yo female here who really relates to your words! The Holy Spirit actually hovered over me to witness when I read “(LIVING waters… like Jesus told the woman at the well)”. I have struggled for a long time, to live out the truth of the revelation God has shown me because I come from a very close minded/religious Christian family. Last week, I got into a fight and debate with my sister and had to tell her we cannot have a relationship because of our fundamental differences and her violating the boundary of respect for me and my spouse (my spouse is a non-binary male). I am the youngest of 6 children, and no one in my family respects my spouse’s gender identity, and are all anti-LGBTQIA+ (my mother still loves and respects them to a degree, but doesn’t support their identity and uses the wrong pronouns). Thank you for being a beautiful story and song from the heart of God! I am encouraged by your testimony. Thank you for sharing! God bless you elder sis in Christ 🙏🤍✨
Thank you so much for this video. I’m a lesbian who is exploring Christianity and have felt convicted of many things. Judging ppl for how they look, practicing witchcraft, pridefulness, but never being gay. Your work means a lot to me. Bless you
Jesus does not support that
As a gay man this is probably the most important video I've watched in years. Thank you ❤
It's a shame he is leading people to destruction by distorting scripture. The fact that you have itching ears to hear what you want to hear doesn't mean the message is honest or grounded in Scripture because it is not.
Not a choice
Who wrote the scriptures? If He who wrote the scriptures spoke to you the way He spoke to this person, why would you do anything different than this person did? Also can you take your thoughts to God who wrote the scriptures and tell him how you feel this is a twisting of scripture? I don't want to debate what is God's word with you I just want to say please take your thoughts to God instead of the comments section
I'm glad this is helpful to you and I hope your heart is healed and full
This story. Thank you for the grace and the bravery. Cried through the entire video.
I got choked up and teary-eyed throughout this video too!! Love this beautiful fellow! Such a pure light in this dark world. While I am a straight female, I can relate a lot to this story and my journey in understanding that LGBTQIA+ is not a bunch of confused victims of society, but strong, beautiful people who suffer ungodly discrimination and abuse. I have such admiration for Michael and all the beautiful people fighting this GOOD fight of true faith! God bless you lovely! 🤍
This was incredible and a blessing. Thank you for sharing your personal story, which is moving and inspirational. You are much appreciated.
As a trans woman christian I relate so much with your journey. Thank you
Hi Mike. I'm really proud of you and what you're doing, and I don't even consider myself a Christian anymore. Despite that, I really like it all. I watched the whole video and it really got me thinking about our time at church in high school, and what I was taught by my parents and by the church my whole damn life. I know I was bigoted growing up; I was taught all of that. And as a heterosexual guy, taught how "gross" and "sinful" being gay was, I'm sure I did a really bad job of loving that community of closeted gay people around me. I was not a person someone could be honest with, and that breaks my heart. I'm sorry for that. I own that. I've learned a lot since then; I've rejected a lot since then. I love you, and I'm excited for what you're going to do. If you're ever in Austin, reach out. And when I'm in Nashville again (I miss that city!), I'll do the same.
Hey man! Great to hear from you! :) thank you for your kind message. I hope we get to connect some time.
Thank you. I know we don't know each other but thank you for this comment.
Thank you for being so humbled and brave. This wrapped up a series of questions that I had in my mind that I've been seeking answers for I asked intently last night about the real answer. And now I have got it.
I blieve this video was a God send for me. Thank you so much! It comforted my spirit and I felt like you shared a authentic testimony. Thank you.
I’ve been through many similar moments growing up and getting to know who I am and where I stand with God and as another gay man who loves Jesus I want to say THANK YOU for your yes and for going through your journey and allowing that to be such a blessing to all of us
God bless you strong men of God!! I stand with you brother!! 🙏🤍
Wow!!! This is the best thing I have seen in a long time. I pray God will manifest His love though each one of you to this very precious group of people. I pray also that God will bring that special person into your life so that not only will you be allowed to love whom God wants you to love but also that you will be a full example of Gods' love and acceptance of the LGBTQ+. This message has made my spirit rejoice inside me.
Mike, I am very touched by your testimony. Thank you so much for sharing with the world. Thank you for reminding us that we are not alone in this world. This is a very important video for us. Bless you! Needed to hear this today.
Thank you for your story. I saw you interview Tim from the New Evangelicals, and then came to your site. I feel connected when I hear others relating their sacred encounters with the Divine.
I have also been to that place and it was also down. It was also at a desperate time for me. My life changed dramatically at that moment, I knew that I had met Mystery. This was a God that I could truly trust. Almost every day, I am aware of changes seemingly in every cell of my existence.
It was a gift enough to last forever.
You have expressed things which I have not got words for yet.
I'm so glad you shared this. What a journey in faith.
thank you so so much for sharing your story I have had somethings with God over the years with the lord affirming me and the LGBTQ people i've been in tears almost this whole video I truly can feel the holy ghost pouring out as you were sharing
Ditto 🙏
Literally every single Christian struggles and battles against sexual temptation and the guilt and shame that this can cause at some point in their life. Christians do not hate homosexuals or anyone for that matter, yet it's precisely becuase of God's love that we teach God's purposes for humanity in sexuality, which is one man and one woman in a lifelong covenant relationship that reflects the heart of the Gospel or a life of chaste singleness which is also an important calling from God.
However, if someone is trying to teach something that directly violates God's word based on personal "revelation" no matter how emotionally convincing it sounds falls into the category of a false teacher.
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions"
I think what he’s getting at is that it isn’t a direct violation of God’s Word. It can be argued that the translations and interpretation that lend themselves to the condemnation of homosexuality may be false teaching, to suit the passions of those in power. Differences tend to put people on the fringes and the margins, to heartbreakingly push them out to accommodate our comfort zone. We fear them. It’s a very human thing to do. We demonstrated that with what was done with Jesus. I believe the church has twisted scripture to capitalize upon shutting out the “outsider”, in this case, the sexual minority, because it just doesn’t “sit right” with us. Jesus’s lowly status did not “sit right” with many of the Pharisees. Neither did his miracles, his message. They believed that they were doing right, that there were holding God’s Scriptures as paramount. But they were living by the letter of the law, which is written with human hands, and not by the Spirit of it. His words did not find a place in them because they had very entrenched and steadfast, scripture-informed theology about who the Messiah would be. Is God saying what we really think He is saying? Or has the message been convoluted by human hands? This is a question of utmost importance. We cannot ascribe things to God that are not of Him…
You are unfortunately under a strong spiritual delusion. The Scripture clearly teaches against homosexuality and all forms of sexual sin in both the
Old and New testament. Jesus and His Church welcomes the outsider, and also call them to repent of their sins. God's grace is free, but also transformative it does not allow us to remain in our sin, but to be progressively conformed to Jesus Christ.
He answered, “Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Matthew 19:4-6 NRSV
@@shelbyguizar9036, if you haven't done any study on this subject and would like to look at what the Bible actually says, check out a few videos by Dr Michael Brown. His teachings aren't based on translations but the original Hebrew and Greek as he is a scholar.
@@racheljohnson7777 Just wanted to point out that the "translations" come from the original hebrew/greek as translated by scholars as well. I'm not saying anything about Michael Brown having his "translation" of the text right or wrong - just pointing out it's the same thing - except the Bible translations are group/committee of scholars, not just a single person.
I respect the testimony but must respectfully disagree with the conclusion that you can only love LGBT people by affirming them in their sin. The Word is so clear on this and to say that we trust the person of God and not the Bible just is not a tenable view to base your life on. The person of Jesus is the Word incarnate so you cannot separate the person of God from His word. Completely agree that the church has dropped the ball in terms of her ministry of condemnation and shame-heaping towards LGBT people over the past couple centuries, but inviting people to repent and trust in Christ and crucify the flesh and walk in the power of the Spirit is not equal to the shaming we've witnessed. To say there's nothing wrong with LGBT people would make them the only sinless people group in human history aside from our Lord and Savior, when Romans 3 clearly says that we ALL fall short of the glory of God. Affirming sexual immorality of any shape is not love, it's a millstone that leads people away from the faith.
This is Truth 💪💪💪💪
what a beautiful, incredible story. thank you for sharing this w/ the world!!! :D
I am trying to stay neutral on this topic, and here is my legitimate question: how is being gay a sin, logically?
If you look at other sins, its evident that they cause harm: lying destroys communities, sex before marriage increases risk of spreading disease, violence physically hurts people.
If you tell a liar to stop, they don't want to kill themselves. If you tell a person to wait until marriage, then they get married, sex isn't an issue. Telling someone they shouldn't be violent doesn't cause an identity crisis.
All of this happens when people address homosexuality: people have killed themselves over this issue. My question is: is it that homosexuality is inherently caused by God and is not a sin, or the way we address it as a society is the sin, and we should more gently, kindly address the issue with love? I am ashamed of the way "Christians" have treated homosexuals over the years, but I don't know if I also want to jump on the recent bandwagon that homosexuality is totally okay, and go against what's written in doctrine (if it is correctly translated).
Spoiler alert: it is not in fact correctly translated. No one that speaks the same language as the people that wrote the original manuscript say that it condemns homosexuality. Looking at all the verses that modern theists claim condemn homosexuality, the people that speak the same language as the writers say that all it actually condemns is incest and pedophilia. Just like how theists today are using the verse about how god created man and woman and interpreting that to mean that he's against trans people, theists did all kinds of mental gymnastics to convince people that the Bible spoke out against homosexuality, when in fact the people that wrote it had never heard of homosexuality because it wasn't public knowledge at that time. It's all bs.
This is spot on.
Yes the Bible is right
@@scottmoore7588no no no, you’re doing the “mental gymnastics”. I’d like to see your sources for where everyone’s come to the common consensus that the Bible was talking about incest because I can show your sources that show it’s clearly talking about men lying with other men using a different word then the word for incest. You’re compromising the word of God for your values. If you don’t wanna accept it, that’s on you, but don’t spread misinformation. Secondly, God created two genders. Male and female. I am aware that there are intersex people and that’s an interesting topic to discuss. However, people born as biological males or females were born how God wanted them to be born bc God is sovereign. If you don’t believe this once again, that’s on you but don’t spread misinformation.
I see myself in you, I remember crying at night in my bed wishing I was dead, and crying even more knowing even dying wouldn't set me free. I was trapped, and these days I still feel trapped but not the same way. Doubt keeps coming back, whispering that everything I fight for is a lie and I am an agent of the devil without realizing it. But then I find people like you and others, I see that all I try to give is love and understanding, that I try to fight for people like us that are condemmed for being born this way. But then I also realize how my life was much more simple when I never tried fighting for it, staying far from the bible even though I love Christ and want to follow his steps. It reminded me how our lives are easier when we actually do not try to be more like him. It is when we want to do good and follow God's principle that the enemy fights for us to give up again because otherwise he has lost. I will not go as far as quotin how sometimes he comes as an angel of light for that would be a huge accusation, but rather I would say like you said it's about research and not taking the words for only what they are. I don't remember the verse but I know there is a passage in the scripture than encourages us to be critical and not to follow blindly. On a more human level I cannot imagine how literally millions how people are supposed to experience the same miracle of God turning them straight just to glorify his power like so many tend to say. It just makes no sense. I think most believe we are trying to corrupt and twist everything starting with acceptiong gay christians. But it's not the case, we are just trying to open their eyes on the fact we are loved, we are meant to do something more, and we are not us anymore if we change. I am starting to realize how different my life would be if I hadn't accepted myself, the good I would not have experienced, the people I wouldn't know now. It feels like they believe we can't be or do good and be gay at the same time. And it's a really weird fixation to me too, that people living their lives want to ruin others so bad, when it gives them nothing, except a feeling of "superiority" or "purity". That feels wrong. I may not have experienced God like you did, but I know he speaks to us in ways mwe understand. But I also knw that my tears and the love I felt through you as I listen to your story and that of others isn't fake or "provoked" by something else. I want the world to feel that love, I want them to see the world through Jesus' eyes and heart. When I am alone in nature I see God in his creation and I feel welcome, I see his actions through people around me even if they do not realize it. Why do we humans try so hard to define him and put him in a specific box and deny everyone's feeling and testimony about him is beyond me. I know I am not perfect, I will never be. I will always try to be a better me and keep my eyes open just like my ears. The fact it's hard doesn't mean it's not right. On the contrary. I will never abandon God just like he never abandoned me. Even when I was stupid and did things I regret now. Why would he abandon me and wait for me to change ? I abandon him, just like you I listen to what I want to hear and live in fear, a fear that prevents me from connecting with him truly. I know what my cross is, even if I sometimes forget. It's not being gay, not at all. It's doubt. Doubting him, doubting what I feel, what I hear, or not hear for that matter. It always feel so daunting when I hear pastor begin a sentence saying "I need to talk about something wrong in our society" and feeling like a finger is pointed at me. I just want to run away, like I have something to hide, or that I am a criminal. I will never say I am a good Christian, nor that I have only done good. Buy my experiences with people and their testimony of me is not my doing. I do not make them say I am a good person, I am just grateful they did. I am not doing anything "wrong" (As in to others, like I said I made mistakes and regret things) but I feel like I am a criminal for trying to be who I am. It's funny in a way too, how I realized the more I suppress my "gayness" the less "me" I feel and the less good I become. Even with people I enjoy. I lie, dodge questions, and try to flee again. I do not want to anymore. I am not a mistake, my legacy is not to be "an example of the grace of God". I will do good, stay as true to the way Jesus lived as it is exactly what we are meant to do. I know one day I wil see him and thank him for never giving up on me. And if he permits hug him, as silly as it sounds. But I would hug my brother on earth, why not hug my big brother in heaven too. Are we not God's children too after all ?
Sorry for the long comment, but the tears felt good.
Also, nice moustache my friend, God bless you. (Sorry if I missed some mistakes)
Im so proud of you Mike! 💜💜💜
THANK YOU!!!!! May your passionate support and LOVE for the LGBTQ+ community not only save lives but also remove the scales of lies off the eyes and heart the evangelical church. I am no longer a christian but your testimony gives me hope for those who still are in the church...hiding or hating.
I could feel God all over this testimony… This was beautiful & brave. This queer, Jesus-loving woman stands with you in love & solidarity.
1 Cor: 6:9-11 Know ye not that the un-righteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not decieved, neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified , but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
@@neaworld3960amen the Lord washes and transforms us when we come to Him in repentance. His word is clear on all issues a Christian faces in life. Jesus said “ you must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven “
@@neaworld3960 Nor effeminate? What (per)version is that? It’s disgusting for you to try to twist scripture to assert your ungodly, hateful views 😡
No saying his name as a curse is a sin also.
As a fellow sharer in the sufferings of those afflicted with unwanted same-sex desires, I have learned the following:
God has never asked anyone to wait for an absence of temptation in order to obey him. And also, any temptation which God has allowed to remain after union with him is to be endured, not embraced.
Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us. It was powerful to listen to. Thank you for the good work you are doing. I'm a lesbian Christian.
Your story is beautiful. Anytime God speaks, and His child listens is beautiful.
Your story, every word of it, all that came to me is Proverbs 3:5-
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will guide your steps.
He wants you to trust Him, Mike.
I'm gay too, but I am first His child. I seek Him. So that is pervasive.
And that's all He wants from me. Nothing more.
It's His first commandment.
May God bless you !! And all that you do in His name.
Ok.. We don't know each other personally, although we have many friends in common as I spent 3 years in the same school with you. Honestly, I was super offended when I read the title of your video but I listened to the whole thing WITHOUT judgement and had an open mind. I'm assuming you're open to honest feedback and questions about your testimony? If so, I have a few. First of all, no one can negate your experiences with the Holy Spirit, I've had my own. They are Holy and not everyone will understand. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing, I honor that.
question : Do you believe that marriage between a man and a woman represents Christ and His Bride? If so where does marriage between two men fit into that dichotomy? You said that you value the words of the person of the Holy Spirit above the Bible, do you believe Jesus is the living word of God and if so, do you believe he contradicts Himself? When Jesus reveals Himself to you does He reveal the meaning of scripture to you while doing so? Where do people who feel sexually attracted to children fit into this? Why do you use the secular use of the rainbow to represent gay-pride personally in your coming out post? Do you believe the symbol of the rainbow was a promise God made under the Noahic covenant to never flood the earth again?
I am not being mean, I really want to know more, this video left me super confused and feeling very protective over the church. I grew up in a very religious cult, Jesus saved me when I was 18. He pursued me as a Bridegroom and called me to beautify the bride and prepare her for His return. I have this thing in me that loves the whole church, messy as she is and a lot of the words you spoke were so harsh and gossipy honestly. It's feels like you're throwing the church under the bus to validate your pain, that doesn't feel fair.
I sincerely hope you made this video to have discussions and heartfelt dialog. We'll see if there is fruit! Thats how we judge spiritual things right? By the fruit it produces. SINCERELY praying for your journey, you have a lot of responsibility right now. Praying for discernment of what you hear but more importantly discernment for the ppl who are listening to you.
The bible was originally written in Hebrew and Greek. When it was translated in English a court hearing was made to change many words in the bible.
Leviticus 20:13 “If a man also lies with a male, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination”. Now the reason why it doesn’t say man shall not lay with man is because of a mistranslation.
The original text was “man shall lie with boy”. This would mean pedophilia not homosexuality as a group but instead rape/incest.
I’m sure you have also probably read in the Bible about Sodom and Gomorrah. That part about the Bible talks a lot about sodomites and in that portion of the bible, the sin that sodom committed wasn’t homosexuality.
The sin was the raping of God's angels. The Sodomites also did stuff like murder and excessive drinking.
The sin was in the rape not in the sexuality itself. Today's definition of sodom is different from back in that time. Back then Sodimites were also prostitutes.
Now The first time the word “homosexual” appeared in any bible was in the Revised Standard Version (RSV) published on February 11, 1946.
In the RSV’s translation of 1 Corinthians 6:9, the word “homosexual” was used in lieu of the Greek words “malakoi” and “arsenokoitai.” Researchers agree today these words translate loosely to “effeminacy,” and “pervert,” or “sexual pervert.”
The decision to use the word “homosexual” instead of the accurate translations was voted on by the RSV committee.
1946 explores how this mistranslation ignited the anti-gay movement within American conservative Christians. You're probably thinking what does the past and translation have to do with now. Well, you can’t really make a rebuttal when your sources are wrong and biased. If you want a real translation read a bible directly translated from the Greek or Hebrew version.
I wanted to add one more comment to the previous, as I've been giving this post and Mikes heart a lot of heartfelt consideration. When Jesus called me (we only come if we're called), he pursued me. He would wake me up in the middle of the night and He would show me how to enter into the holiest of holies by ministering to Him. Then we would sit in the living room, I would read the Bible and He would reveal secrets, He loves to share secrets with His friends. Sometimes when I would spend time with Him he would say something I've never read or heard and then I would read it later in the Bible, it would blow my mind. There is more to my testimony but all this to say, the Jesus that revealed Himself to me revealed Himself in Spirit and in TRUTH, they go hand in hand. Anyone who says they listen to the Holy Spirit and not the Bible is going to be deceived. And worse, deceive others. I love Jesus, I love His Bride and I'm sincerely asking the people engaged on this post to seek God's word to discern if something is truly spiritual, or you will be deceived!!! God says His ppl perish for lack of knowledge. This is less about homosexuality than it is about following erroneous teaching to me. Hate me if you want but I'm only putting myself out there on a public post (which is bad for our mental health, admit it) because I LOVE Jesus's Bride and I want Him to have His full reward. Praying for you Mike, its easy to see you're hurting and I can't imagine struggling with the things you have and I'm truly compassionate for your feelings. But be careful, you are going to mislead ppl and keep them from their own deliverance if you are deceived.
@@jupiterrising887 your funny "monkey logic". well, it's the truth you don't have to like it. Its been proven they literally had a court case about it
@@jupiterrising887 Abraham married his half-sister Mary and God blessed their union. Does that sound natural to you.
@@jupiterrising887 that doesn't change the fact that she was once his sister
I’m a bisexual woman who has accepted that fact less than a year ago. Since then I’ve wondered if accepting and embracing this part of me that I’ve always tried to deny and suppress was the right call and if I’m doing ok by God. This video helped me be sure that I was made this way and He made no mistake. So thank you.
I’m so glad! ❤
Thank you, for sharing your story, especially for sharing that you went through inner healing sessions and God did not change your orientation. I find it interesting that Jesus mentioned the Eunuchs belonging to one of three categories. Your story is very encouraging.
I felt a sick pit in my stomach every time you spoke about God and what God was saying to you. How you described God speaking to you is how the enemy speaks. When you spoke about how you shouldn’t have asked for prayer it reminded me about how Satan would love nothing more than to keep us on an island, all alone. Of course he would make you think that you shouldn’t have asked for prayer, when we pray, things happen. You spoke of multiple spiritual experiences and that also was unsettling. When we rely too heavily on experiences rather than His written word, that leaves so much room for error. Does the spiritual experience match up to what the Bible says?
My other questions are 1. What do the scriptures say about homosexuality?
2. What does the Bible say about prayer?
3.What does the Bible say about relying too heavily on “spiritual experiences”? 4.Should we rely on other people’s opinions over what the Bible says? 5. What does the word say about being a teacher?
We all have sin and we are all guilty but I personally believe that God will never allow us to accept our sin. He is always walking with us as we learn from Him to choose a righteous life.
I think when we judge others experiences with God then we step into the spirit of religion and end up acting out of the spirit of the Pharisees. We cannot judge someone’s experiences with the Lord. We are not on their journey or have the same history with God that they do.
Jesus corrected the religious and their self righteousness. The Bible doesn’t deal with homosexuality. Translated wrongly in 1946. Sorry for your opinion that matches church but not Christ.
Hey Mike! I was wondering, would you be willing to make a video going into the six verses you had mentioned and why you don’t feel like they apply to homosexual ppl? I feel like it would bring a lot of clarity.
There are already a lot of resources pertaining to the clobber passages. I would recommend Matt Vines and the reformation project.
Absolutely brilliant! Thank you so much!
Thank you! I am a white, southern, Presbyterian, 67 year old man who has lived his life trying to please everyone but God…in the name of God. After a failed marriage and many wrong paths taken I found love with a kind, generous of spirit man. I did not know life could be so fulfilling! But until I heard this message, I did not realize that I still had some work to do. I can’t thank you enough for sharing this message and sharing your truth. Your message is the most impactful one I have ever heard and I can promise you this 67-year-old guy is smiling from ear to ear! THANK YOU!!!
We have to be very careful of deception in this world today. Now, having said that, I thought I was gay as well, battling with lust, BUT Jesus always let me know that when I want a boyfriend or to have intercourse with a guy, He always would lead me away from it. Christians can’t have homosexual thoughts that they act upon and go inherit the kingdom of God. We have to crucify our flesh, and pick up our cross and follow Jesus
Amen, justifying sin is terrible 🙏 praise God for your strength 💯🕊️
God spoke to me through this video. The words you said, He has been speaking to me for years and has showed me time and time again the truth. But somewhere along the way I always forget what He has told me. This video helped me tear down my defenses again and let myself hear Him. Thank you for sharing your story and I just want you to know it will forever be a bookmark in my story. And I will not forget again.
thank you so much for ur testimony... crying while watching ur video.. God bless you even more..
I couldn't protect myself from God and His nature... Same friend, I've had my boss ask me if I'm ok so many times because I was just crying over God's goodness before work. I can hardly think about Him without crying. I love the way you described it ❤
"I too was in my living room and have experienced moments recalling my past where things just didn't seem "normal" when I realized God does have His plan. 59 years of life and I could go on sharing those noments, but will refrain from stealing your moment. However, I will share a similar moment you also experienced about being "people". The voice in my head spoke to me on understanding who I really was. To stop labeling ourselves as man or woman and realize WE ARE FIRST ALL HUMANS before labeling ourselves as man/woman, gay/straight, black/white. Today, having put GOD first in my life, allows me to see God's work still in progress. And I agree, God/the Holy Spirit doesn't exclude his children in no way or form. How can people accept changes in history and in society yet not be open to the possibility that what was going on over thousands of years ago (even before Christ) condoning homosexuality can no longer exist?
Thank you Mike, for your words of encouragement and hope. I am 54 struggling with same sex attraction.
Might I suggest you don’t struggle with your attractions but the heterosexist and homophobic ideology imposed on you?
Love this!! bro you and your team have a lot of work to fix and believe God is going to do some wonderful things through you and the gay community 😀
I am sincerely curious what you think about the people that have an exact opposite testimony from you? That they are convinced that God lead them out of the lifestyle and said to them that homosexuality is a sin? Because both things cannot be true at the same time, how do we deal with that?
Legit. Can you provide the opposite testimony? I want to watch those too.
@@CherubEros I personally know people with the opposite testimony, and I have the sincere question what we do with that? Because both cannot be true at the same time, and I strugle to take a stance in this subject. I put some links down with opposite testimonies:
@@mnoorlander9205 thank you 💗
@@mnoorlander9205 So I’ve watched the first one, and tho they both wanted it, they both had their hesitation. God saw this and their future and wept for them. This is my interpretation, and I DO NOT speak for God. So I’ll let God speak for himself, but that’s what it looks like to me.
@@mnoorlander9205 saw the second one and… [redacted] …so, that guy was partying up and living his life without God, where as Mike has loved GOD his whole life. One was a slave to sin, the other walked with God, probably tripped a few times. One has to master himself still and yet be slave to God, the other already is a slave to God and has mastered. That’s my guess. I’m going to be following Mike, and tho I should not judge him, if God is using him, we’d only have to look.
The sad thing is you violated your own rules in your coaching courses to arrive at this conclusion.. while it's clear this is an extremely vulnerable posture for you and a painful one.. where do we draw the line? Should we tell the addict that his addiction is a genetic disposition and to make peace with it, should we tell the married man or woman to make peace with the reoccurring sexual desires to sleep with someone else even if they're pursuing a 'meaningful' relationship with someone other than their own spouse? After all, perhaps they won't feel so alone. What about those with gender dysphoria, or child attraction? Just go with it right? You fell for the age old lie from the garden of 'Did God Really Say?' I'm sorry that their is pain and suffering in this life and that there is struggle. We may be fairly disconnected from it in the West, but this is the story of the Church, of the Bride of the Messiah. There is hope, there is healing and there is also the struggle to fight the good fight in between. Our forefathers in the faith left us the legacy of patient endurance and tenacity... not microwave 'everything now' christianity.
nice slippery slope you got there.
Amen! Agreed!
Mmm...Needs more if Netflix's Heartstopper 😏
@Stilgar74: I’m sorry that gay lives are such an inconvenience for you and your limited worldview. God’s love is unconditional. Your love is conditional.
“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For
who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again?
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.”
Romans 11:33-36
I had a very good friend who felt the same about wanting to be "fixed and relieved of the gay demon". He actually went to a Baptist Church and begged them. He had gone through so much bullying and hatred that he was fed up he could not change the way he was no matter how much he tried. He had known he was gay since kindergarten before he even knew what the word for it was because he was already attracted to a boy when he was a child. He has since embraced who he is and is living a much healthier life because he has accepted who he is as a gay man.
I’m so thankful that through RUclips there are enough scholars (one being Bart Ehrman) who have shown me how the Bible has been mistranslated by mistake and/or altered on purpose. For me, being gay is normal and natural.
The first time i literally felt Gods love was when i realized that anything we do pales in comparison to His love. Can we love like that? What would it be like if i could love you with a fraction of that love and if you were to act the same way. Nothing you do could ever seperate you from that love. Nothing ever. How bold is it to say God loves me as i am not as i could be. Boldy come to God as say I am xxxx and You love me fully as I am
Thanks for sharing your story. Maybe you can create another video explaining the context about those 6 passages in the bible. I just subscribed.
I went to a church and was a youth leader for years. There was this boy who was very much so gay and everyone knew because he didn’t hide it. No one wanted to mentor him but I decided to because he was extremely suicidal. I didn’t agree with his actions, I still don’t agree with homosexuality but my job wasn’t to fix that boy but to love him. I simply wanted him to know he was loved so we talked or would just sit in silence. I didn’t bring up scripture or even try and convince him to pray. He ended up taking his life and my heart shattered. I found out years later that he was meeting with an elder for conversion therapy. I felt so angry because when did being a Christian become about shaming those who are different.
I do not agree that God said you should be gay. But I can’t convince you one way or the other. Both the OT and the NT are very clear about homosexuality. But I do agree that you are a person Christ died for along with everyone else on the LGBTQ community. I hate how Christians feel the need to “fix” those who are gay. That’s not their place. I respect your journey even though I disagree but I do humbly agree that as people we can do so much better.
Unfortunately, the Christian need to vocalize all the "lovingly disagree" stuff does just as much harm to the LGBTQ+ community as the outright hatred like conversion therapy. Saying "I don't AGREE with homosexuality but it's not my job to FIX them" is so othering and reinforces the narrative that it's wrong and that something has to change for us to be right. And it certainly doesn't feel loving. I can say for certain as a queer trans person who spent the first 20+ years of my life surrounded by "loving disagreement" with other terrified, closeted LGBTQ+ people that it was so insidious to my sense of worth and belonging. I have been suicidal since I was a preteen and I ONLY heard the "loving disagreement". *I* kept myself here. My own love for living because I'm a curious person. That and my dog. Not my family, not my church leaders. Nobody lovingly disagreeing with me kept me from dying by suicide. The "loving disagreement" is what convinced me and countless others that we are worthless. Because it IS NOT a choice to be gay. Our secret mournful prayers are not to stop making bad choices. We pray in shame and silence and the deepest grief you can't even begin to imagine, to be CHANGED, to be literally different as people - to change our very identities. We don't choose who we are, or else we would be able to simply stop being gay any of the thousands of times we prayed for it out of sheer despair and hopelessness. That is the real experience of many, many LGBTQ+ youth in the church. That the "loving disagreement" is so pervasive to the mental and spiritual health of LGBTQ+ youth, yet still remains a such a consistent action by people who are TOLD it's causing harm - *that is not loving*. I am not trying to argue with you. If you really want to love the LGBTQ+ community as I think you are, then my hope is that you'll read this and empathize and really try to understand that the way Christians speak to LGBTQ+ youth really really matters. I'm still living, but so many die by suicide because straight people in the church don't want to hear us begging to be truly loved without being reminded that you think who we are is wrong. LGBTQ+ people in the church NEED to be heard in our pain and we need people to listen to us when we say "that's not loving" even if that doesn't make sense to you just because you think having sex with someone who has the same genitals as you do is a sin. I hope you have a great day, and I hope that my words can communicate my thoughts properly!
@@Captain_Of_A_Starship I don't click links random people send me. I don't want an argument, so I'll reply to your written question in good faith in the hopes that youre actually open to what I have to say and not just trying to set me up for an argument. Not be cynical, I'm just used to the Christian keyboard warriors who just want to fight with me bc of my identity and outspoken support for the LGBTQ+ community. If you aren't open to it, just know that I'm not going to waste time arguing with you, so if thats your intention I'll just move along. But: Yes it is othering, because homosexuality isn't a choice, so you are disagreeing with a person's literal sense of self. To purposefully ignore a person's identity and act like you can "disagree" outside of the context of rejecting their very personhood is the entire problem. You don't have to say "God hates f*gs" to communicate the same exact message in other words. If you hate homosexuality, you hate homosexuals, period - because it is NOT a choice, it's just the way we are, it's part of our identities. If you don't hate homosexuals, then it's important to listen to what we're saying and try to unravel millenia of homophobia, with the intent to include us and lift us up in the exact same way as heterosexuals without bias, and without backhanded rebukes disguised as "loving disagreement". I assumed this was clear in my comment, so I apologize that it wasn't. You can lovingly disagree with choices. But you can't disagree with identity without othering whoever identity you don't like. And just to be clear, again, it is not a choice to be gay.
@@Captain_Of_A_Starship ok, so you were just commenting to argue with me. That's disappointing. I have heard everything you've said many times before. The lives of LGBTQ+ people, especially LGBTQ+ youth, in the church are worth reevaluating old ways (as has been done with COUNTLESS other archaic Christian ways). You can't have it both ways. Either hold onto those archaic ways that cost LGBTQ+ people their very lives, or be willing to be open to new ways of thinking. I'm not here to argue so I won't bother responding to what you've argued against what I said. They're very common arguments within the church and have been addressed both within and without the church by multiple Christian leaders, scientists, psychologists, etc. Either keep to the old ways or change. LGBTQ+ people do not owe the church our lives and our identities simply because of an unwillingness within the church to hold the nuance and space for us that challenges fundamentalism. I spent over 20 years in church in a long line of pastors and ministers. I went to Bible school. I have my degree in biology, where I studied sexuality in humans and in many other species as well. I am gay myself. It is NOT a choice, its not an illness, it's not the result of trauma, its just the way we are. Your understanding of homosexuality is flawed and outdated and skewed by your Christian fundamentalism. You can either choose to listen to the LGBTQ+ people who are begging for the church to change how we're treated and spoken to, or not. But don't delude yourself into thinking it won't be the cause of endless pain, grief, suffering, and death by suicide for countless more LGBTQ+ people in the church. You just can't have it both ways.
Neither the Old Testament or the New are "very clear about homosexuality". They are not. It is important to look at what the original text actually said, then the context in which it was said. It is also important to consider whether you are actually applying the Scriptures wholly to your own life, before excluding people from the Kingdom of God because of their application. For example, there are serious translations issues with the Leviticus passage, but this becomes largely immaterial. If you start reading the Torah at Sinai, you will be convinced long before you get to Leviticus 20:13 that these laws were spoken to Israel in its day and are not meant to be applied to followers of God today. Then, there is the matter of trajectory hermeneutics. The Scriptures are rife with passages that accept or endorse human slavery and the slave trade (far more than the 6 that arguably address LGBTQ+ issues). While it took some time for unity to be reached on this issue, I do not believe that there are is any right-minded Christian or Jewish doctrine that uses God to justify human slavery today. Throughout Scripture, we see God dealing with the current cultural practices and making them more just. Viewed in their context of the people who wrote it and to whom it was written, all of Scripture is radically oriented towards a more just society, even if it was not perfectly just to our modern standards. We are to continue God's trajectory towards a more just and equal society.
Mmm...Needs more if Netflix's Heartstopper 😏
Thank you, stay faithful and you already have been so faithful, we need you. We need someone who knows his true nature and can lead his people. We ALL need our Savior close in our lives or we will lose our eternal inheritance. Thank you so much! 😢
Crying along with you Mike ❤️ It's all about love. When we're able to transcend the written word and see through the eyes of Love and Spirit, you finally know the TRUTH. God will wreck our minds when we truly comprehend how much He loves us.
I was a fierce Christian when i realized my transformation suddenly seemed to stop and i didn't know why. I realized it's because the doctrines i lived by didnt allow me to love people ALL THE WAY. I can only love them enough to want them to be saved. Saved from what? When i began seeing through the eyes of Love, sacred cows started coming down. Sin, hell, salvation...etc. deconstruction happens to make way for reconstruction. The new wine skin will scandalize the church. They think they're already in it. Religious spirit is the most sneaky coz you never really know you have it.
loved this!
Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Leviticus 20:13 “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”
Leviticus 26:14-20 “But if you will not listen to me and will not do all of these commandments, if you spurn my statutes, and if your soul abhors my rules, so that you will not do all my commandments, but break my covenant, then I will do this to you: I will visit you with panic, with wasting disease and fever that consume the eyes and make the heart ache. And you shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. I will set my face against you, and you shall struck down before your enemies. Those who hate you shall rule over you, and you shall flee when none pursues you. And if in spite of this you will not listen to me, then I will discipline you again sevenfold for your sins, and I will break the pride of your power, and I will make your heavens like iron and your earth like bronze. And your strength shall be spent in vain, for your land shall not yield their fruit.
He's a delusional man trying to preach his version of what he wants the Bible to be
So, I've never experienced anything like what you've described. I'm a trans woman who is a distant Christian at best. I've been told that being myself is wrong, by the majority of my family, but every chance I am able to express myself as a female, I'm at peace and happy.
Have you tried UCC church? They are open minded!
Tysm for sharing your testimony. I myself, am a Bisexual Christian and I know deep down inside that if I fall in love with a woman that it is not wrong for me to be in a relationship with said woman. But the church makes me doubt this time and time again EVEN if I know this is what god wanted for me. But this video will definitely help me and others like me to feel less alone and guilty and bad and shamed for being gay. I can’t not put into words how much this video means to me. Ty so so so much.
You can’t be bisexual and call yourself a chrsitian. You should know what true christianity means, and start reading a Bible. You also need to go for a deliverance to be set free from demons who cause you to fall in live with woman if you are a women instead of man.
It’s writen in the bible about those who went opossite of the way they have been created. God does not do mistakes, he never created a human being being gay, lesbian etc etc etc
God created woman and man to join together, not opposite. It would be nice if people start reading their Bible to know God and not making up their own thing just to justify their wrong way.
I can suggest you to check here COJIM ( City of Jesus International Ministry) to learn properly who is God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.
Peace be with you
Mike! You are a brave, brave man! And my love and respect has only grown. Even if my mind can't absorb and comprehend the depth of your journey; it is rare to find people as committed as you have been to courageously embrace the process of walking in the light. You will surely feel the sword of accusation more than ever... but know... there are many of us who embrace your humanity with loving, childlike simplicity... which is the same way we embrace our own. I accept you... and believe in your integrity. Because of this, I trust that you will continue to move toward Jesus even in this tremendous upheaval that most of us will never come close to experiencing. May your travels through this stage of your life be interrupted continually with the joy of your first love, Jesus Christ. Jeff Tarbill
Hi. Thank you so much for your honesty. I was dragged up in Christianity. However I've always loved the lord. My daughter is pro lbt etc. And I love and accept her, and this always sat poorly with me. Thank you. You've helped so much
Everyone's journey is unique. Similar to yours, it took a while for me to completely accept myself as gay. But being a philosopher in my thinking, I have always been true to myself, and I have found that many (not all) Christians fail to really understand what Jesus did for religion. I belong to an American Baptist church that accepts gay and lesbians. From my point of view, Christ taught that loving God and loving your neighbor are the two great commandments that fulfill and really replace all the Old Testament laws. Paul in the love chapter of First Corinthians says that of faith, hope and love, that love is the most important Christian value. So, all the discriminatory and exclusive kind of rules in the Bible should be subservient to love. If a Christian really believes in Christian love, he/she would understand and accept that. It is a great disservice to Christianity to see many Christians filled with hatred towards LGBTQ+ people. Where is their love? Thank you for the work you are doing.
@@aaroncphelps I think the relationship a person has with Christ is very personal and individual. It is only between me and God. At age 73 before every action I take I ask for God's help. According to one study reported by Ethan Lusby, 55 percent of conservative Christians would throw their adolescent child out of their house if they told them they were gay or lesbian. Whatever doctrinal difference we have, you cannot possibly think that this is God's will or in any possible way an expression of love. You should check the teenage and gay suicide rates. We have outgrown many laws in the Bible. We no longer practice slavery. If you are going to interpret the Bible, at least interpret it in the most loving way possible. I think Christ is meant to save our souls. Sex is just a physical aspect of our lives that will disappear if and when we reach heaven, just like a disabled person's infirmities will disappear. I am not saying a homosexual is disabled, but in heaven I don't think it will matter what our bodies are like, only whether or not we loved others. As God is actively alive in my life right now I feel my salvation is assured as much as any one can. Whatever else goes on in my life I let Jesus take care of it. It is Him and only Him I follow. Who are you to judge me? I mean really!
@@aaroncphelps Your idea of confronting me is so wrong on many levels. You state that we are all one. In the sense that in Romans 12 we are all one body in Christ this is true. But as Paul says, each part of the body has its own function. Are we all eyes, or all hands? No. To be a part of the body of Christ we all have to work together and appreciate our differences and different functions. Besides, on judgement day every person will stand alone before God.
I could make a strong case that the Roman Catholics and the evangelical Protestants are destroying themselves because of their many problematic positions on sex. Priestly abuse of altar boys is rampant. I’ve already mentioned how conservatives would rather disown their own children than accept them as gay. The Boy Scouts are currently paying out millions for over 18,000 sexually abused scouts. The military is awash in sexual abuse scandals. College campuses are filled with sex activity and many rapes are under reported.
Second the church does not tell me about gay sex, I and other gays are telling it about accepting gay sex.
Third, do you think any person wants to be gay? You should read more of the coming out stories on You Tube that display the terrible struggles gay youth have in even coming to accept themselves as being gay. You still seem to think this is a choice. If Mike’s work can help even one gay person live a better life and avoid depression or self-destruction, Praise the Lord! I know you have indicated that you also have struggled with this. I would think you would have more understanding.
Fourth, doctors say that every adult should have sex at least three times a week to stay healthy. So, abstinence is not only stupid but unhealthy. And if hetero couples have sex every night, gay couples should have the same human right.
Fifth, sex is really fun. It is one of the best creations of God. You religious radicals insist on making sex a moral conundrum and a constant guilt trip. Are you crazy?
Sixth, I know that the New Testament advises Christians to gently correct others if they see a brother or sister go awry. But you also have to be wary of Pharisee-ism. Your arrogance is self-defeating. Paul in Romans 3 says all have sinned and no one is any better than anyone else. “Confronting a person” is just a semantic trick to tell yourself you are not judging me. Of course, you are judging me. Judge not lest you be judged!
Sorry for being so harsh, but that’s the way I see it.
You are a beautiful person. Thank you for sharing.
I began attending church five years ago, and the first church I went to was pretty law-oriented. I was aware that the Bible describes homosexuality as an abomination in God's eyes. One day, I prayed and asked God if He had changed His law and accepted homosexual behavior. That weekend, I found myself having feelings for a girl in the church and started feeling reluctant to be intimate with men. This made me realize that God had delivered me. Even today, I sometimes experience homosexual feelings during spiritual low points, but I know who saved me. These feelings now serve as a reminder for me to turn to God. After one year, God called me into ministry and told me that I was part of the plan of the Kingdom of Heaven, and now I'm attending seminary, getting trained to be a pastor.
Praise The ONE True living God! God did not change His mind about Homosexuality. It was always against the law of God and if you live in, you're trampling the free sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross! Ask Jesus, Ask Jesus to help you out, He wil
Unpopular opinion: I personally had to leave church. I was high one night and I realized that God was real. I still don't want to go back to church, but I do feel like I am more aware of God. Not like he aproves my behavior, while I'm high and stuff, but i have finally met them. I always studied, never knew
I got to the same conclusion on an only marginally different journey. God bless your ministry. God has a future for you if you're gay. You can marry and love unconditionally so that you can focus on helping others instead of changing your sexuality. You can adopt. There is much good fruit for you to show from your journey to the church. They prop up gay people who are still suffering afraid to lose their friends and family in the church. No one should ever have to live in fear of their own church disowning them, its rotten fruit.
As we know, God never contradicts His word. It is clear that NO sin will enter heaven. (Romans 6:33).
Galatians 5:19-21 NIV
The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this WILL NOT inherit the kingdom of God.
Homosexuality is sin. Therefore it was NOT God who wanted you to be gay. God wants to make you free. Free of the sin.
That is why the sacrifice of the perfect Son of God- Jesus is crucial. His blood started the new covenant. Only through Jesus we can be saved from the consequence of sin- eternal death. (John 14:6) If we believe in Him and obey His words/ commandments (Mt 7:21-23) your sins are forgiven and no longer remembered. (1.John 1:9)
The fact is that when you are in God's presence, your sinful desires slowly disappear. You will no longer have perverted desires for the same sex or be addicted to pornography. There are many testimonies of people being free of the homosexuality. Remember that God hates the sin, but LOVES the sinner. That is why John 3:16 says:
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
God knows how hard your situation is. But your conscience is telling you something. God wants to give you His transcendetal peace and believe me, He will lead you through this if you allow Him so. You are not alone. ❤
God made you in His image, nobody on this Earth is like you. You are worth every minute I spent writing this. Because I want you to have an eternal life. Ask the Holy spirit to show you the truth and read your bible.
Mike I love you, but no....I thought you were going down the road of God keeping you gay so that you could reach gay people because you know what it feels like. That God was going to use your situation for good, but did you say you're going to date men? Did you say the bible does not condemn homosexual activity? Where then is it affirmed? If God did speak to you no one has a right to tell you different but I hope you tested every spirit and not let what you 'felt' lead you.
Mike I love you.
I will be praying for you.
Amen! Yes!
"If God did speak to you no one has a right to tell you different." WHAT? So, if God gave me a revelation to commit adultery or some other sin, it's all good? No one should tell me different? I believe we have every right as Christ followers to gently correct a mislead Christian if their behaviour is at odds with Scripture. Here's a hint - if your personal revelation contradicts the revelation of God's Word, it's no revelation at all.
@Unwise Wise Man You say it's not a contradiction because you twist his word.
Hi. I saw this video last night. I was crying last night because i feel this turmoil about being gay and wanting to follow Christ. I’ve met a man whom i deeply love yet this fear gets to me and then there’s videos on yt that deny homosexuality and their reasoning makes sense and then i find videos like this that makes me feel hopeful…
Email contact@mikemaeshiro.com for support :)
Hi dear. Fellow Christ-ian here. Jesus lovingly said: "If any, man desires to follow me, let Him DENY Himself, take up His Cross, and follow me. Anyone who does not deny Himself and pick up His Cross is not worthy of me."
Jesus, during His final moments on Earth (physically) said: Father, let this cup pass from Me, BUT NEVERTHELESS, NOT MY WILL, BUT YOUR will be Done.
Also, the Bible says: " No temptation has come upon you ,that is uncommon to man" Do you know 1 Peter 5 :6 That says "Resist the devil, and He will flee"
Also: "1 Peter 1: Be ye Holy, just as I am Holy" or "Be ye Perfect, just as I am perfect "
No matter the orientation, I realized the more you actually identify and become more like the actual Christ, the more you’re hated especially by the Christian’s…
So many Christians claim all these wonderful experiences, I'm almost 70 years old and God has never spoken to me. I had to stop watching a 1/3 of the way through, it was too depressing.
god has been talking to me for years to stop calling unclean what he's sanctified. i'm like... "ok so now what???" it's so refreshing to hear that he has spoken this to you also, mike! this was so heart felt!
Hi dear. Fellow Christ-ian here. Jesus lovingly said: "If any, man desires to follow me, let Him DENY Himself, take up His Cross, and follow me. Anyone who does not deny Himself and pick up His Cross is not worthy of me."
Jesus, during His final moments on Earth (physically) said: Father, let this cup pass from Me, BUT NEVERTHELESS, NOT MY WILL, BUT YOUR will be Done.
Also, the Bible says: " No temptation has come upon you ,that is uncommon to man" Do you know 1 Peter 5 :6 That says "Resist the devil, and He will flee"
Also: "1 Peter 1: Be ye Holy, just as I am Holy" or "Be ye Perfect, just as I am perfect"
Broken kid here, THANK YOU MIKE!You helped me want to be alive when I was in the dark. Reaching out to me in high school and taking me in made a huge impact in my life. I’m crying happy tears for you. Much love on your new journey ❤️ you deserve so so soooo much love!
Your ending made me wanna scream “GO OFF” - my heart, Mike. Wow! Thank you for this.
Do you know that the "church" people lied to you about the Bible and how Billy Graham changed it? Yes, it's important to know God loves you and that you love God. But, you can't enter through the narrow gate unless you know Truth. The Truth will set you free. Eunuchs that are born that way are transgender. Eunuchs made that way by others were molested, raped, or abused and something inside of them blocks off a certain type of body but it doesn't happen to everyone that is abused. And those that choose to live like Eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven are bisexual people that choose partners of the same sex-characteristics, but opposite in regards to gender. Male or female is determined by gender located in your brain, designated by God, at birth. Transgender people still have one gender or the other but opposite of their sex characteristics. Notice, it says for the SAKE of THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN and that means God prefers for people to be in LGBT relationships. The last are now first and the first are now last. Do you see it yet? Anyone that ever taught the LIE of monetary tithing or sold anything using the gospel and won't repent and stop and also give the money back is now last and they won't make it to heaven until they own up and repent. The LGBT community is now first. God has this planned. Stay out of the fake Bibles. Any book full of lies is actually a sorcery book. It has been altered more than you think and God says Her laws are written on our hearts in the end times so we don't need that sorcery book anyhow! So, if you're going to read the Bible, be careful!
Delete the messages sent from the messenger and YOU CHOOSE to reject Jesus Christ Himself and you will NOT make it to heaven.*
@@elijahreincarnated8218 @Elijah Reincarnated there were many people who had their sexual parts cut off or sewn up etc… at that time. It was a common practice, sadly, at that time. I think that is important to mention as well.
Mike-God bless you brother. God is so in love with you and always will. God loves everyone (period).
However-when you say things like “we love and trust the person of Jesus, not the Bible” then you have lost me.
Just gonna give the whole context "...Im saying this on behalf of us as a team. We value God as a person, we love and trust this PERSON, not the Bible, not ideology, not doctrine, God, the Holy spirit who is dwelling among us. We love and trust this person..." we've lost the whole point if were giving the letters the same importance as the person.
So what do you do w/Scripture like 2 Timothy 3:16?
@@samdenton280 all scripture is useful. It is profitable. yep. Training in righteousness, yes. But the Holy Spirit must guide our reading. The book written by human hands, written about God, must NOT become our God.
A text read by humans means that the interpretation will not be infallible. A human interpretation of God that happens to miss the point? Scary. We NEED a Savior to guide us into all truth.
My point was All Scripture is inspired by God; meaning it was breathed into the men that wrote it so that we may be complete and equipped.
Of course you don’t make The Bible -God, but it is His ONLY Written word and we can’t disregard it as Mike was saying . That is my point .
@@samdenton280 When Paul says "all Scripture", he was referring to is the Hebrew Scriptures, i.e. the Old Testament. The New Testament did not exist at the time. He was referring Timothy to the Hebrew Scriptures and speaking of their continued application in the Jesus Movement.
REALLY WELL DONE, my friend!!!!
Oh Mike. I am so thrilled for you. I am overjoyed and celebrate with you! Undoing indoctrination of man and reaffirming the true unconditional love of God!!! Hallelujah
@@jupiterrising887 are you proud of the condemnation you cast upon others? Where is the fruit of YOUR spirit?
I’m LGBTQ lesbian and trans and god is happy for me I talk to god about it first and god help me come out i would not be who I am without god guidance
This is so incredible Mike. I don’t really even have the words. I’m ridiculously proud of you. One of the biggest reasons I left the church was because of its stand on lgbtq+. I left feeling disappointed and heart broken at the disconnect between the Jesus I had always known and the Church I had experienced. I haven’t really been back since school ended. This video really gave me hope for the church that I haven’t had in a very, very long time. I cut most all ties that I had remaining in Redding, but every memory I had of our car ride conversations were a bright spot in my memory of my time there and I kept following you all of these years because of that. I never would have known what you were going through, and I’m so sorry for how much it must have hurt to live those experiences. Your heart has always been very clearly sincere and kind and genuine, and I’m just so overwhelmingly happy to see you fully embracing who you’re meant to be and walking in that. Thank you, and your team for doing this. I’m really overwhelmed with hope.
Carissa, I love your comment! Unfortunately it reflects the fact that we see people leaving the church in droves these days. The Church is not doing its homework on this topic, thus misinterpreting these passages in a way that has caused much damage. My prayer is that God will reveal the truth! God bless you!
Sorry to tell yall that the Bible makes it abundantly clear that acting on homosexual desires is sinful.
Acted upon homosexuality. Having thoughts or feelings is just temptation. Temptation isn't sin, living out those thoughts or feelings is.
@@mp2753 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”, Leviticus 18:22.
God has prohibited this across multiple prophets several times.
Yea bro heterosexual is sin too
Lust itself is sin so cut it off as the scripture tells u
Where in the Bible is the word homosexual ,it is not there because it did NOT EXIST.You do not know the circumstances for the wording used in the Bible , it has been reinterpreted 100 s of times in 2 thousand yrs.
Mike you are precious and brave. Good for you for following Jesus even though it’s hard. About three years ago, the Holy Spirit led me to “Love is an Orientation “ by AndrewMarin, after I had a crisis of faith over this issue. I would appreciate your prayers for me, I want to walk in His will.
Also, the amount of men I know who have done sexual things when they were boys with other boys is quite high and they hadn’t ever really told anyone either. Also, separately, the amount of men I know who have sexual trauma who also haven’t ever told anyone is quite high. I would love to start something someday with someone to create a space or narrative so that men can come forward and have a place for this to come out.
Anyways, thanks for sharing this story. It is so so important.
lOVED THIS. As a gay christian man, in the closet, suffering so much. how or where can I get some help from you guys?
@Glenn Ryan it's a horrible place. I should know. How are you coping?
@Glenn Ryan I'm single, actually always have been single. I've had sexual encounters here and there but they lee nowhere. I honestly can not concive it as not sinful, which causes me more struggle, but I see your point and I support you. Hope you keep happy.
@Glenn Ryan I can feel your struggle. If you ever need to talk, I'm a good listener. Take care.
@Glenn Ryan I know. Same here too. If you want, give me your email and we can correspond when we need to vent.
@@elvist2810 Becket Cook is a born again Christian and has a lot of good videos with his story of living for 20 years as a gay man in Hollywood
You got it right , it’s been a great revelation to you and all our people thank you. Christian same gender love between men is acceptable by God ✝️🏳️🌈🇺🇸🙋♂️💙👍⭐️🌈
Praying for you, hope God heals all the brokeness you went through.
I hope you find love and joy with a special man as you have with God. I hope you also surround yourself with Christians who know that being gay is ok and not condemned. Peace.
Mike if you believe rationalizing YOUR sin as a download from God as it’s OK to live an unnatural sexual relationship with men sexually, does NOT work with the Lords thoughts about your life or any man’s life.
I’m so sorry for you having to deal with this perversion. I just want to say again…I’m sorry
Hi Deborah! It appears from your comment that you haven’t studied this topic very much from a theological standpoint. I encourage you to seek the true meaning of the so-called gay passages. You have made several assumptions in your very short paragraph that simply are not true! You appear to make the assumption that all same-sex activity is sin. But that cannot be supported by Scripture nor has any book on this topic yet proven such thesis!
There are six passages in the Bible that condemn homosexual activities. But there are over 200 passages in the Bible that condemn heterosexual activities. If you do the work then you will see that only abusive sexual activities(rape, incest, sex with slaves, sex with children, sex with prostitutes, temple prostitution) are being condemned in both homosexual and heterosexual references.
I truly hope you will do your homework before continuing to make such comments! LGBTQ kids have a high suicide rate, and if they come from a Christian home that already high rate goes up by nine times! And all of this has been happening only in the past few decades since the word “homosexual” first entered the Bible in 1946.
God bless you.
You are an extremely angry person.
Kindness and love is more important than anything, for our human spirit beings, animals creatures n nature, love is love for anyone x
God bless you for sharing!
Thank you pastor mike for your video It was very informative, very uplifting with a side of confusion.
But hopefully.
The one seed that needs to be planted and grow is the fact you should not judge a book. By its cover, we're all the same and all deserve love and we all are expected to give love. Never.
In the definition of love was there a description of who we should love and not love? A black man, a white woman, a gay man, a straight man. That's just the cover. The ones that judge are the same on the inside as the ones they're judging The shell just looks a little different.
We need to learn to spread love.
And not judgment.
I can see how sought the Lord over the years. Please pray over the “understandings” that came with the scriptures at your bible camp I believe?Because Satan knows Gods word too and even tried to trick Jesus in the dessert by asking Jesus to worship him. Pray and bind any deception when you experience spiritual revelations. The enemy is real and fights hard.
Totally agree. I witnessed warfare from God and a demon inside a person who “spreads the word of God” with lies that do not align with HIS WORD. I am so thankful that the real God, not the wolf in sheep’s clothing won the battle and miraculously redeemed my young daughter in matter of hours from the spirit of homosexuality.
The Bible especially talks about homosexuality in Romans 1:26
So, during the last few years, when the LBTQ community grew, I tried to figure out what God thinks about it. I'm not gay, but that doesn't mean that God doesn't support these people. I personally start to think/believe that being gay is totally okay in God's eyes. I'm not 100% sure yet about that but I'm still on an adventure with God to discover his opinion about this area (Mike, heads up for being that vulnerable!). What I'm struggle though, is with the transgender people. I cannot wrap my head around the idea that God is perfect and has plans for us and made us perfect, and yet he failed to put us into the right body. If anything, questioning your own identity, your body, feels like the biggest victory that the enemy could do. In the first encounter between the devil and Jesus, the enemy tried to question him in his identity. Who he was etc. "IF you're son of God then why don't you xyz".
I'm wondering now, If from a God's point of view, if he supports gay people. But not transgender. And with this, I don't mean that he condemns them or that we should do that. (not at all actually) But again, I just can't wrap my head around believing on one hand that God is perfect and made us perfect and he has plans for us and on the other hand there are people that can't even take their body as fundemental basis for their identity.
What do other people/christians think about this? Let me know. I'm very interested! :)
God is perfect and creates only perfect people. That includes everyone! All! We have no right to exclude God’s creation. Even if we don’t understand their struggles, we are called to Love unconditionally as He loves.
You will find the answer in His Word. Romans 1:26
Whoever tells you something that goes against God’s word , it’s not God. It’s a world dressed in sheep’s clothing.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. Psalm 89:13 You have a strong arm;
Your hand is mighty, Your right hand is exalted. Matthew 5:27-30 You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. THIS IS THE SPIRIT OF THE ANTICHRIST SPEAKING TO HIM NOT GOD. PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE A PASTOR JUST FOR HIS TITLE. STUDY THE WORD FOR YOURSELF. WE DO NOT CONDEMN AN INDIVIDUAL FOR BEING GAY. BUT IT IS A SIN. DON'T LET THE DEVIL LIE TO YOU OR CONFUSE YOU ABOUT YOUR IDENTITY. GOD DOES NOT WANT ANYONE TO BE GAY, OR AN ALCOHOLIC OR A RAPIST, OR AN ADDICT. HE WANTS TO SET US FREE! THE END TIMES ARE SO NEAR. THE ONLY WORD THAT WE SHOULD BE LISTENING TO IS THE WORD OF GOD, NOT ANYTHING THIS WORLD HAS TO SAY OR EVEN OUR OWN LOGIC. DISCERN WITH THE WORD OF GOD. IF THERE IS A SPIRIT SAYING ANYTHING CONTRARY TO THE WORD OF GOD, THEN IT IS NOT OF GOD. WAKE UP.
Jay, there are six passages in the Bible condemning homosexual activities. But there are over 200 passages in the Bible condemning heterosexual activities. In ALL these passages the Bible is referring to abusive sexual activity (rape, incest, pederasty, prostitution, sex with slaves, etc). The Bible never NEVER condemns same-sex monogamous committed relationships!
I will pray for you as you deal with your sin of homophobia!
God bless you!
KEEP TALKING IN ALL CAPS lol I will not be listening
I highly recommend for you to do research on original Bible translations and historical context
We are not to judge this man, but to put him before the Lord and pray for him, because he is loved by God - created by Him. And we are to test the spirit speaking against the Word of God to know whether it is a true or false spirit, and never lean on our own understanding or emotions. God does not provide a revelation against Himself, but there is a liar who will skew His word for a (new and false) revelation, as we read in the beginning at the Garden of Eden.
As it is written, John 4:24, we must worship in spirit and in truth (spirit is never separate of truth, if it’s real worship). Our lives are meant to continually worship Him, only, in all that we say, think and do (e.g. post on YT); and be transformed by the renewal of our minds, test/prove the will of God (this a commandment for Christians) Romans 12:2; unfortunately so many were, are, and will be deceived into believing that they knew God, but God never knew them (Matthew 7:15-23). Please, with a real love in my heart I implore us all, read the Bible. Everyday. Pray. Always (as the apostle Paul calls us to do, with a humble and repentant heart, and for our enemies that they may know Christ Jesus). Seek the wisdom of God, above our own and anyone else’s, and test all things that we may discern what is good and what is evil, turning away from what is evil.
Mmm...Needs more if Netflix's Heartstopper 😏
My father often says these days as he has also somehow deconstructed in one way or another that it's not about religion it's about the relationship with Jesus and God that's it. I may never be a Christian because of my own experiences with that religion and the fact that religion in itself is not for me, but I will say that the only rule I will ever try to follow to my fullest is the golden rule. Because that was the only rule that meant anything to me. And I think it meant a lot to Jesus. It is the most common sense rule and this common sense rule is a rule that a lot of Christians especially evangelical Christians cannot follow or actually will not because they have been indoctrinated so deep into believing that hate is love.
Thank you for sharing this. I needed to hear it. I’m so excited for what God has done and is doing in your life
I have no words to say I've been tearing up when I saw this video idk if I was ment to see this our not all I know is iv been questioning things lately about myself as a transwoman because I get so much negative from everyone around me bout LGBT lifestyle or character is wrong and abd people telling me God made Man and woman and i will always be a man and im going against gods creation but what do you expect from a town in NC in which this state needs someone like you because no one will fight LGBT rights here may this is why im writing this to let people know that this work to justify a community is in much need here State wide this state has suppressed the community so much here it feels like im the only one with a desire to fight even people that are a part of the community wont fight because they feel like its not the way to be 😢 but I pray that things will change. 🦋
Hi dear. Fellow Christ-ian here. Jesus lovingly said: "If any, man desires to follow me, let Him DENY Himself, take up His Cross, and follow me. Anyone who does not deny Himself and pick up His Cross is not worthy of me."
Jesus, during His final moments on Earth (physically) said: Father, let this cup pass from Me, BUT NEVERTHELESS, NOT MY WILL, BUT YOUR will be Done.
Also, the Bible says: " No temptation has come upon you ,that is uncommon to man" Do you know 1 Peter 5 :6 That says "Resist the devil, and He will flee"
Also: "1 Peter 1: Be ye Holy, just as I am Holy" or "Be ye Perfect, just as I am perfect"
Wonderfully authentic as usual. ❤ You are extremely trustworthy, and I honor you and your experience. So much love to you, Mike. And so many blessings on your journey! 😘
I have to give you 10 thumbs up on this topic. I am not here to judge anyone of these so-called profits here on RUclips. I am from a spiritual background and I have seen many things being around my Grandmother may God bless her soul. She would say God loves everyone and he is always forgiving no matter who you are just ask for forgiveness for your sins not for who he created you to be. He knows the ones who will try their best to walk on the right path and the ones who won't. Jesus/God warns us that these false profits will take his word which is in the Bible and twist the scriptures to their likeness. Every time I try to listen to them preach is always about homosexuality and God doesn't like Gays and Lesbians who are these people to judge. I will say to God, who gives these people the authority to point fingers, it seems like they forgot the part in the Bible where God said Judge not because I am the only man that has the power and the Authority to judge his children. So I stop looking at them because I can feel the Holy Spirit in me knows what they are saying is not right. I have been Gay all my life since I know myself never attracted to women and had no desire to be with one and never had a problem with my family because they believed God created us in his image and likeness. For the Gay men and women out there I know it's very hard for your parents and friends to accept you but, live for God not them and you will ok see how God will set you free mentally. Love you all and may God continue to look after us and the ones who don't believe in him or us. I will leave you with this: they love to tell us and quote, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of us Gays but they left out the part where other things were going there, like murders, thieves, rapists, etc. Do not fall for this false profits 🙏 ❤️