Palpatine's plan seems to rely heavily on that everyone is incompetent. If there was a competent naval officer, they probably start asking basic questions to realize something was off. "The C.I.S. completely out guns us, has more advance tech that should be easy to produce with their industry and has a brilliant strategy, why does it seem like they are holding back?" "Why are there so many calls going out and from to C.I.S. planets from the Chancellor's office?"
But he did have good reason for this assumption. Most officers in the navy were just territorial guard officers promoted to ranks of admirals or work directly under him. Republic didn't have competent navy prior to war and by extend most of oficer core was dead weight worst then British colonial forces. In fact that is one of the reasons for criticism of Jedi taking command. Competent people were kept out of the front line and couldn't do shit, even if they did see that something is wrong. In fact most blamed Jedi for whole disaster.
Now that you mention it, yes. I suspect this mostly worked too because the Republic was so incredibly corrupt. Corruption rarely lets competent people fill roles they would be good at, and those roles - roles of power, glory, fame, and prestige in the eyes of those who seek them riding the waves of corruption - are simply stocked full of incompetent people there by merits of corruption alone, with a little help from its good friend nepotism, rather than actually knowing what the heck they are doing. Such people are also easily prone to ideological zealotry, due to their mentality of trying to protect themselves and their position above all else, and so kissing up to people in power to please them, rather than being critical of them, and holding them accountable (noting here one of the backbones of democracy is people both doing, and also being able to for real hold the ones in power accountable for their actions) is something they are very bad at. In the case of the Republic - Even if some officers and what have you could smell the smoke, and bring the case up with actual evidence, Palpatine had so much political control and cache in the incredibly incompetent and corrupt Senate, that due to his position as Supreme Chancellor he was virtually untouchable unless the Senate decided to oust him. Remember, the Republic fell long before it took the name of the Empire, and so Palpatine was just the guy who kicked down the crumbling house that was already rotten to the core from millennia of incompetence, mistakes, lack of actual democracy, as well as Sith meddling in the shadows.
"Master Sifo-Dyas requested the most powerful army in the galaxy. We have worked with only the best shipbuilders to fulfill that request." - Lama Su about the Acclamator-class ships for the Grand Army of the Republic
I think the writers had to limit Anakin’s tactical prowess. I mean, the man is a walking war crime, could you imagine if he had more than three brain cells?
Maybe Anakin didn't use the Aclamators because he doesn't like sand, and the Aclamators were the only Republic capitol ships used at Geonosis, a very sandy planet.
@@ALLMINDmercenarysupportsystem I'm fairly sure venators were used in the second battle of geonosis, but yeah, they were the only capitals at the first
Honestly, they seem like they'd be even better than the ISD at the job of actually occupying planets for the Empire. I mean, they're a mobile firebase with enough firepower to overwhelm anything smaller than another Star Destroyer and carry enough troops to capture and hold your average planet.
@@thebighurt2495 the Acclamator is cool, but at the end of the day just a battle taxi, similar to how APCs are used nowdays. Sure it can dish out some damage to support disembarking but its shields & armor are just not up to prolonged engagements, it also lacks ion canons wich means it is rather ineffective against well shielded ships, an ISD could bring several Acclamators down at once because of its extensive ion loadout that strips the pretty weak Acclamator shields fast. But still, as the empire i would have kept them as inexpensive patrol craft, but hey the writers sure like to justify every obvious shortcoming of imperial designs that play into the rebels strenghts with the "Tarkin doctrine" especially that for some reason the Empire has almost no point defense on later designs, conviniently making their ships weak against fighters & bomers...the only ship types the rebels have an abundance of🙄 The ISD is an excellent capital & command ship and contrary to the movies should never engage alone or just with other ISDs, if they retrofitted the Acclamator, Venator & Victory cruisers and made battlegroups with just one ISD supported by a Venator, two Victory and four Acclamators, the rebellion would have been squashed instantly as their fighter & bomber tactics would have been ineffective.... It would have also been cheaper than building & manning thousands of ISDs that have to fight & cant really protect against bomber swarms.
Okay, I wanna see the Kaminoans' first reactions to the Acclamator, because clinical as they are, even *they* must have been overjoyed at what Geetsly called their "dream ship"
I feel like they're not going to like it, since the Republic coughs up a lot of dough just for a single clone, and they're going to need replacements for every single damned clone that dies or is taken out of the fight by some injury, not just replacements, and they need more too, so lets say a clone is worth about 25k credits with equipment and all, losing seven hundred, replacing those seven hundred is going to cost less, costing less means less profits for kaminoans and everyone else involved with creating that equipment, so maximum clone casualties would be beneficial for kaminoans, since it secures their job for the next few years and make tons of credits
A note on turbolasers: not all turbolasers are equal. The dual turbo lasers mounted on the Venator were far more powerful than the quad turbolasers on the Acclimator. Think of it like the WWII warships: the 8-10" guns mounted on cruiser versus the 16" guns of a main line battleship.
Thank you I was flabbergasted when he said flat out that it had "more capital ship weapons then the Venator" like if you want to argue for the price/tonnage fine but the Venator basically is all fighters and 8 dual heavy turbo lasers and point defense with practically no secondary or ion batteries. I believe the Ven even had 4 nose torpedo tubes. At the end of the day I think for space combat Republic fleets should have been a mix of Venators and navel combat refits of the acclimators.
It is a shame that the Acclamators weren't shown that much in Star Wars The Clone Wars seasons. Hopefully Bad Batch Season 2 would rectify it as the Empire would have to use the Clone Wars-era ships and should not transition to current Imperial ones that quickly like they did with the Clone Troopers and Kamino.
Yeah they actually need to show that the empire used the Republic tech until they had got the new equipment and fighters I would like to in the future. Make star wars rise of the empire from the early empire to the fall of it at jakku . With it there would be multiple story's and paths you could either be a clone in the empire, officer, pilot and so on for the empire for the rebels story you could be a member of a rebel cell or the alliance itself, officer, pilot so on. The game would be enjoyable with missions and free roaming being fundamental, character customisation would be available, when in battles it would be if your character gets kills you get to play as the hero or special unit. Missions would be a mix of legends and cannon with some others thrown in for fun. Like the PSP games some will have you switching from space to land.
Acclamators did actually get employed by the Empire, mostly to ferry slaves in cargo decks and some imperial variants were refitted for bombardments, others fell into the civilian markets as ideal cargo hauling vessels. They even went as far as to make Mk II upgraded versions of them. Acclamators would actually outlive the Venators and the Empire due to their robust design. Hera Sindula actually owned one as her flagship called The Lodestar during the New Republic era.
Sovereign-class Reaper: "Our numbers shall darken the skies." Kuat of Kuat: "Hey, Bobby! Make more of them Acclimator things, then dunk on that over-sized cuttlefish."
the crew count of the Fighter Based Acclamator would probably go up cuz fighters need work teams and they would probably be categorized as ships crew, though being smaller and faster would make them a better carrier. id go with an Acclamator and some destroyer based ships, kinda like how we do it in real life.
I'd anchor a group of smaller warships to a single Venator, because the Venator is a very capable command ship. A Venator, 3 Acclamators and a number of Arquitens, Carracks, and Republic Support Frigates would be a versatile battle group capable of tackling numerous threats and still be a force to be reckoned with in a planetary assault capacity
It would be great if someone from the star wars writing team was less lazy and researched military strategy/lore. The venator is a carrier… which means it’s not a destroyer. That’s why you have destroyers. Logic.
While the Acclamator's were good ships they lacked the sensors and command and control capabilities of the Venator's. So while the ratio of numbers of each built should of been tweaked, the Venator still has an important job to do.
its designed for the venator to be the core and the acclimator to be the support send one venator in with a fleet of acclimators following and nothing can best it
@@chrisk3127 the venator was suppose to be the command ship because it has more people and can easily control the battlefield. It was to be treated as a flagship more than anything
What if The Acclamators were the Core Warship heavy cruiser Design and Venators were the carriers and Transports , but palpatine wanting the Star destroyer to be fully developed , reversed their roles before Full production began and created a Gap of a Heavy frontline warship ? Leading to the Victor initiative of Victory class Star destroyer and later imperial star destroyer
Want you to know I never give a shit about the Star Wars vehicle breakdowns, or really anything that isn't character stories, but I still click and play it to give you views because you are one of the more genuine and accurate Star Wars channels on RUclips. Keep it up and always do what makes ya happy
I imagine there would be at least one Republic admiral who rolled around with something like 150 of these things specced into various fleet roles and the Flagship vessel being surrounded by 4-8 other Acclamators which were modified to have extra shield generators and point defense.
According to Empire at War the Acclamator remained in front-line service with the Imperial Navy as a support craft well after the Venerator was retired. And I love that.
I also love, keeping in mind Palpy and his little inner circle were thinking years ahead before war even ended, that the last variant designed was specifically for orbital bombardment. From dream craft of pragmatics designing the pen-ultimate galactic fighting force, to terror barges of the empire.
One of the cooler aspects of the Acclamator, which was shown in the 2003 animated series (and maybe the newer show too can’t remember) was that it was designed to float on the surface of the ocean. Makes sense when you think about who commissioned them but it’s still pretty cool :)
To be fair, Venator and Victory would do the same. Both had center of mass on the back to balance wedge shape and wide stable hull, so wouldn't capsize. How they disembarked on Mon Calamari in CW? From side airlock or jumped from upper hull? Loading ramps were on the bottom and you can't deploy any vehicles by tiny airlock. Opening cargo bays underwater, even fo subs deplyment, doesn't seems wise.
It was underused because of the cost and issues that came with it the empire used these for a bit until there new star destroyers arrived painted in empire colours then scrapped some maintained Republic colours as these where slowly phased out during the early rise of the empire.
I personally believed that Victory class was direct replacement for Acclimator and it also was underused. Because Empire preferred clunky and too universal Imperials (they were designed as fast Battleships, but then refitted as Assault Ship resulting with lot of glaring issues). So Empire ironically repeat same mistake as the Jedi, but for different reasons.
IMHO, something like Acclamators would serve the Empire better than ISDs. I mean, for police duties a strategically placed Acclamator could cower much more distance than an ISD in the same time. So they would be a perfect fast response force for the rebellion hit and run attacks. I once calculated, that for the same space as LAATs usually take on the Acclamator, it could take ~300 TIE fighters. So an Acclamator variant (with newer and more advanced turbolasers, shields and reactors, and most of the original Acclamator problems ironed out), could easily hold around 100 TIE fighters, some bombers, and a relatively small 1000-5000 complement of stormtroopers and their vehicles, with the ability to land for deployment of Juggernauts and AT-ATs. This would be enough to deal with most of the threats rebel could provide, and when facing a capital ship, then call for an ISD, or even something like Allegiance.
@@urlauburlaub2222 the main advantage of the Acclamator is its rediculous FTL speed making it perfect fast reaction ship. Thus you need less Acclamators to cover the larger area (to react in a reasonable time). Victory was much slower. The idea is for help to arrive before rebels were able to inflict any signifficant damage. Then launch a flock of TIEs and make them finish the job.
Sounds like the Acclamator is a better deal than the Venator to be honest fast, intense, and versatile in its own way and didn't need much crew members awesome detail on the Acclamator Geetsly keep up the good work dude 10/10.
I think its weird how it doesn't have windows on the bridge so why have a bridge way up on top of a long neck ,could've just had the bridge inside the ship better protected
@@kyleslavik6324 I think this actually might be some sort of error. Star Wars is pretty infamous for writers tossing all sorts of numbers around to make stuff sound impressive. The munificent’s two primary turblasers, for example, have been listed as being powerful enough to crack a small moon. What’s telling is that the primary armament listed for the acclimators are just ‘turbolasers.’ It says nothing about the size or how destructive they are outside of that. Hell, the Death Star guns in those towers along either side of the trench are classified as ‘turbolasers,’ but they have their own heavy, medium and light delineations. Just as you might have light and heavy variants of a machine gun or pistol. The venator has very visible large turbolasers classified as ‘heavy’ ones, which makes me really think they aren’t on the same level as acclimator ones.
Post Clone Wars, a slightly modified Acclimator would have made a fantastic cargo ship in the Outer Rim. Very very fast, able to carry a lot of cargo. ... and protect it against pirates. A independent owner operator company based out of one would make a small fortune, and a transport company that had a few could make a large fortune. And as for a mercenary company, the amount of firepower that could be brought to bare would just swamp any local planetside ground forces in the Outer Rim. And during the Galactic Civil War it would have made an ideal base ship for medium sized Rebel Forces, particularly with its hyperdrive. Nothing is catching it and getting to the exit point before it, it's leaving ISDs in its dust. And if the Rebels got their hands on or modified one to be the carrier variant.....? In the New Republic era, the production line should have been started up again, it would have made a great ship for stabilising the Outer Rim, especially if loaded up with X-Wings as a Sector Patrol ship for fast response. But I just want one for my backwater adventurers, and their employees....
My idea for my Repúblic fleet: 4 Acclamator class for land invasión 3 Venator class for charging the neccesary equipment and ships to protect a planet or doing an invasión 4 Victory class for get reiforcement
For some perspective the largest non super volcanic eruption was mt.tambora at a vei of 7 and it was estimated to be only 2-3 gigatons were the famous krakatoa was 200 magatons.the turbolasers on the ship are truly amazing
Thanks the maker they didn't let Saxton invent those values for anything outside AotC cross-sections. It's my first SW album ever and I still have many of my childhood Acclamator variants drawings somewhere, but man, putting earthly units into SW? So many nerds have shortened lifespan due to hypertension due to him.
The most amount of hype i got when playing as the zaan consortioum in empire at war is when i unlock this bad boy through imperial Black market. The fighters it carries, the torpedos and laser cannons it bears. It May snap in half if a big ship focuses on it but man, it gets The job done.
The problem is, the Venator was the 'aircraft carrier' of the time, whilst as stated, the Acclamator was more akin to a heavy cruiser. The problem is, aircraft carriers should never be deployed as 'frontline vessels', but the Republic (and the Jedi) were quite happy with that. When the Malevolence was discovered, and eventually found attempting to attack a medical station, three Venators were sent after it.... the problem is, they didn't have the firepower to inflict anything more than minor damage. If 5 Acclamators were assigned to that role, with a couple of Venators for fighter support, the Malevolence would not have survived that engagement.
Don't forget that the Prosecutor, an Acclamator that had gone dark but was quickly repaired by the Clone Commando's of Delta Squad, and the Arrestor, which had come to assist after answering an SOS call managed to cripple and then destroy a Lucrehulk class droid control ship in the Corbantis system. Strong little ships.
The acclamator was probably one of if not the most adaptable ship in the clone wars, the empire wasted them as by using them to transport slaves. The republic didn't use all their ships properly, also i think hera syndulla had one of these to.
She used an Acclamator as her command and capital ship in Alphabet Squadron, yes. It was even able to go toe to toe with an (albeit undermanned and only half armed) ISD
To be fair, they would be almost perfect policing cruiser for Emipre. It could deploy troops, fighters, carried supplies, was rather fast, decently armed, capable of orbital bombardment. Only thing it lacked, was intimidating size of ISD.
The Acclamator and the Munificent where the best ships of their respective factions. Highly versatile and incredibly flexible, they where able to use their strenghts to overome their weaknesess! They are my two favorite starships in Star Wars!
Yeah the term "turbolaser" contains a wide spread of weapons, it's basically what we call cannons. The Turbolasers of Aclamators aren't visible, wich would suggest that they are fairly small. While on a Venator you have large visible turrets with big cannons. It's probably compareable with that Aclamators TLs have a smaller caliber like say 20-30mm while Venators have 120-150mm. The damage difference are worlds apart
Me and the clanks just chillin at some random backwater planet until 24 fucking Acclamators pop out of hyperspace to a planet in bumbfuck no where. "Sir, what happened? They usually just deploy a couple venators!" *They hired an economist...*
@@flamebreaker7318 Well, then I sure hope the CIS don't figure out that they can one shot these ships as long as they bring proton cannons with them. Imagine having a fleet and it is great and built to brawl, except for if your enemy brings a specific type of cannon with them. Then your fleet folds like wet tissue paper.
@@ocadioan Worse yet, those exact cannons are present on Munificent and Providence class ships (see ROTS and Clone Wars s2e2), two of the most common Separatist ships.
The Acclamator class Cruiser is one of my favorite ships in Star Wars. I always loved the design and how tough and reliable it was. It definitely needed more love in my opinion. If there were more Acclamators in alot of the battles in the Clone Wars, they definitely would have gone different. But that's just my opinion.
An _upgunned_ Acclimator pure combat variant would have been a very useful ship for the GAR. It could be used both as fast response vessel to shore up crumbling defences where needed, and also used as a heavy raider for behind the lines Calvary runs. Imagine if it also carried a large number of proton bombs? Then it could just remove map coordinates in groundside battles on planets.💣 A heavily shielded StarFortress that could actually make it to the target (and quickly). Just one Acclimator with a bomb bay full of proton bombs instead of carrying ground forces could have won the first battle of Geonosis without the Clone and Jedi causalities💀, by carpet bombing the CIS forces (and Core ships) that were out in the open. Then the Clone ground troops and Jedi become just a clean up crew, that then have the numbers to carry the battle into the tunnels. But having a few of the pure combat Acclimators doing hit and run raids on CIS planets would do massive damage and disruption. And with its amazingly fast hyperdrive it could hit anywhere, predicting the next targets would be difficult for the CIS. The carrier variant loaded up with Y-Wings is also an option, the Y-Wings are deployed while the Acclimator is a bit outside the system, then they all hit the target simultaneously and then immediately jump out after doing their damage. And at the rendezvous point the Y-Wings dock and get rearmed, and rested and so on, ready for the next target. Once the class 0.6 hyperdrive takes their raiding party there.... quickly. A couple of ARC-170s can be deployed from out of system to recon for likely soft military/industrial targets in CIS space. The CIS would have to waste so much resources having to defend against such raids, and it might be beyond their capabilities or just substantially affect their front line battle-readiness. And for the combat variant Acclimator on front line duties, load it up with a lot more missiles in its magazines and more launchers so it could salvo them in huge numbers and it would have made it a terror during pitched battles. It would be a nimble cost effective heavy hitter for taking out enemy capital ships. In fact if the GAR had instead gone all in on having a variety of Acclimator models as the backbone of their fleet, they would have been more powerful. And a lot more mobile and flexible. And having a bunch of different mission profile ships all sharing the same basic hull design would not only have logistics benifits it would have confused enemy intelligence and quick ship identification in battle. ...... who am I kidding, the GAR would have painted them different colours. 🤔 🙄
I always loved the Acclamator, but I believe they should have use it in conjunction with the Venator more often, the former being the main anti-capital ship brawler while the Venator fulfill it's Carrier role while also providing fire support with it's powerful heavy turbolasers
Yeah fall of the Republic is cool mod. But JESUS those Acclimators crumple like wet tissue paper when they get shot at, I swear the Acclimators in Vanilla Imperial conquest are tankier then that, long as you dont divert power to weapons anyway. It just feels WRONG somehow, and i don't know why.
@@jaywerner8415 It sound fairly reasonable actually. If your ship is designed for having enormous open spaces to store huge ground force complements, then that is a bunch of space that is a vulnerability from a structural design point. You see the same in constructions today. A small square can be incredibly strong against outside forces, but scale it up and it starts being more and more difficult to support even its own weight.
if the Republic has its own Tactical Droids, they will immediately spotted this flaw and asked for more Acclamator-class warships to be deployed. Of course, Palpatine can just given them false promise until the Outer Rim Sieges started because he needed to secure all possible routes to make the Republic came out on top.
My belief is that the Acclamator was superior in terms of utility, however the larger size and reputation of the Venator was symbolically important. Given the ships didn't initially have hangar bays, it would be a massive oversight to have your primary command be positioned in a ship that wasn't specialized for naval combat so much as troop transport and overwatch. The separatist fleets knew to focus Venators because of the threat their presence posed above ground. Troop transports were likely targeted more so by orbital defenses rather than fleets which explains the massive firepower the Acclamators possessed. They weren't meant to draw attention. They cut through the skies and obliterated anything that would threaten the landing process for the GAR. They were uncompromising in their roles and were likely far more abundant than shown. Since the shows and movies focus around the main characters, troop transports are less of a priority.
Yes, I definitely believe that an Acclamator only needed a crew of 700, while something like a Venator required 7400 crew, despite being maybe twice its total volume. I also definitely believe that the Acclamator has superior firepower to the Venator, despite it not having any visible gun installations, while the Venator has 8 huge visible installations for its weaker turbolasers. And hey, I am absolutely convinced that has most of its internal space dedicated to troop transports is definitely structurally sound enough for frontline combat, _and_ has enough fuel and a great hyperdrive capable of propelling all of this mass at a much faster speed than the Venator, despite the Venator having significantly more and bigger engines than the Acclamator. Let us say it like it is. The Acclamator numbers don't make sense, because numbers _never_ make sense in Star Wars. According to this, the Acclamator is both cheaper, smaller, better armed and armoured and has more freight capacity than the Venator, yet we see exactly none of that on screen.
Same. However there is a fan made expansion known as Fall of the Republic. Channels like Corey’s Datapad and Eckhartsladder talk about them and Corey was involved in the creation of FOTR from what I remember.
The solution is almost never just "Bring more of x" The reason the Venator is in the role it's in is because space battles during the clone wars mostly played out like battle during the War in the Pacific. Running a bunch of cruiser's down mid won't do you any good when the enemy has wave after wave of fighters and bombers. Whatever ships do end up reaching the enemy will then just get their teeth kicked in by the enemies battle line because they didn't just suicide charge and hope for the best. The Acclamator is very good for the role it is in but there is more to battle than just the ship's stat sheet.
I really like the acclamator. It is definitely a great Assault ship. It's probably my favorite one for sure. I remember playing republic commando and exploring the variant that was designed for that specific game.
While an Acclamator could be reconfigured to act as a carrier it’s is likely that it was far less effective than a purpose build carrier ship. Carrier operations are complex and go beyond simply how many fighters can be carried into a fight. The launch, recovery and maintenance of fighters also impacts the vessel’s performance and these are complex processes that a non-purpose built vessel would struggle with. Given that a Venator was roughly half the price of a stock Acclamator (59 million vs 111 million credits) it makes a lot of sense the Republic would prioritize Venators. After all, given that the core worlds had vast populations it is unlikely that raw man power was a significant bottle neck for the Republic fleet. Consider that the 1000 Ventors deployed at the battle of Coruscant only needed 0.0007 percent of the planet’s population to operate, while an equal number of Acclamator would cost almost twice as much to build in terms of credits.
Dang, I've been completely underestimating the Acclamtors seen in Episode 2 and the first season or so of The Clone Wars. These ships are awesome. I still like the Venators, but these ships are easily now my number 2 favorite and I'd put them in my fleet right alongside the Ventors.
Honestly, though, them beating Lucrehulks in the likes of Republic Commando sure is always a surprise. One must wonder if some of the ships are heavily modified to take down such bigger ships.
I always figured the acclimators were TOO good for palatine's plan...they made the battle lean TOO far in the republic's favor as he wanted it to drag out and be close, while giving himself time to groom anakin
@@minicle426 didn’t palatine used the victory in the early empire a lot like he wanted to use the victory and imperator in his new army, so he kept them back even though both could turn the battle
@@SuperGamefreak18 the more important restriction of the CIS is what he did to the humble B1s. there are numerous stories of separatists improveing them the scary levels of competence without increasing costs. the most recent one i can remember had a small number of B1s beat an even number group ARC troopers in battle. imagine an army with the numbers of the CIS's cheapest ground units but greater competence than of some of the grand armie's best soldiers.
3 venators or 30 Acclamators hmm yeah I'm choosing the the 30 Acclamators 10 normal version, 10 fighter carries and 10 heavily armed version that would make one dangerous fleet that the Separatists would learn to fear.
@ocadioan true true though I kinda feel like the Republic used their fleets wrong. You have an entire planet to get into atmosphere go where it's not heavily defending then launch your forces in the ways to counter the enemy defensives without getting your forces killed.
@@armycowboy4313 I generally think it is best not to think too much about the tactics displayed on screen. Especially since the complete lack of a dedicated supply train vehicle would suggest that they could _only_ put down close enough to the objectives that the vehicles can get there without refueling or needed extra rations or ammunition.
Great video, thanks for the presentation. I had a question, that part where you say "proved a match for Lucrehulk-class Core ships, though they struggled against some of the larger Separatist vessals" ? I was under the impression Lucrehulk's were larger than everything Separatist's had bar the Malevolence. Just wondering what larger ships you were referring to.
You're thinking of the Lucrehulk-class battleship. The center ball is the Core ship, it can detach from the rest of the donut. The same kind as the one that Yoda ordered shot down on Geinosis. The Core ship had almost no weapons though so saying an Acclamator can handle one doesn't say much
The core ship refers to just the ball section in the middle of the Lucrahulk. Lucrahulk refers to the ship formed by the core ship joined to the cargo ring it docks into. The Lucrahulk was the largest ship the CIS had beside the Malevolence. While the acclimator could take on the core ship, it struggled against the Lucrahulk, the largest standard ship of the CIS. I hope that helped.
@@joelbibeault1169 man, i didn't think they took those things into battle, at least intentionally, seem to get zapped pretty easy. It does strike me as odd to wax poetic about the badassery of Acclamator while comparing it to a defenseless floating sphere.
@@seanofhumanity5942 well they didn't really, they just happened to catch Core ships separated from the rest of the battleship since before the outbreak of the war the Republic ordered the Trade Federation to disband their navy, and separating the Core was their work around. The Core ships were still extremely durable though, the SPHA one shot a Munificent but took nearly 10 shots to drop an unshielded Core ship. So the comparison is more showing that the Acclamators weapons were heavy enough to overcome it.
It's largely reasonable to expect the Gigaton number to actually be gigajoule... ending up in the *many* megaton range, exactly what you'd need repeatable firepower enough to Base Delta Zero a planet over a day or so. Both reasonable, and in line with what we see the ship being able to do in recorded lore. If a mere Acclaimator could fire multiple 300 gigaton shots, then the SWG could vaporize WH 40k Spacehulks in minutes. I doubt we'd scale Star Wars capital ships to such a tier.
I appreciate that you did not mention the Acclamator II's crew requirements. I have discovered a discrepancy in the Acc II's crew requirements on wookeepedia. The -pedia claims that the Acc I requires 700, referencing the cross-section, while the Acc II requires 20141, referencing the SWSaga d20. Both Accs require the same number of crew in the d20 at 20141 crew each. Since both Accs have the same number of crew in the d20, then it can be assumed that the cross-section crew of 700 would apply to both Accs. Though the Acc II would possibly have an additional 50-150 crew to man the additional weapons (my opinion on that). As for the 16000 troops carried, it breaks down to 9,000 fighting troops and 6,000 HQ and support troops. Those support troops would include field medic, mechanics, drivers and pilots for all the vehicles in the bay. Accs were mobile homes for these troopers after all. As for why the Republic opted to deploy Venators over Accs for space battles, was that the Ven's 8 dual heavy turbolasers (which had much better firing angles and outputs than the Acc's quad light Turbolasers), They had medium turbolaser and more than doubled the Heavy Laser Cannons that the Accs had, along with an extensive fighter complement made them better equipped for taking on the larger ships that the CIS had in ship to ship battle and more roles. The Jedi also took a liking to the ships design and size, often making them their flagships. This is why the Venator is also referred to as the Jedi Cruiser (called cruisers by the CIS as they did not use the same ship classification system). Of course, the Jedi were supposed to be peacekeepers, not warriors in command of troops, so they had to learn much in the heat of battle on how to lead armies. This is why they often had poor judgement in combat tactics (could be seen as a similar learning curve that American officers during the American Civil War had to go through). it does makes for good and fun storytelling, though. Going forwards to the Empire. They had at least 3 reasons for removing the Accs and Vens (at least out of frontpage news) and replacing them with the ISD. 1st, the Republic ships symbolized Democracy and the Jedi Order to many worlds that saw them in action. So, phasing out the Republic's and Jedi's presence was an important part of the emperor's plans. 2nd, the ISD was a larger and more intimidating vessel than the Accs and Vens, though the ISD was essentially an Acc and Ven combined, as it took features from both (Troop/cargo capacity and HQ/control capabilities from the Acc, Weapons and fighter capabilities from the Ven). Lastly, to fill the ISD's crew (37k-47k crew + 9k troopers), they'd need to indoctrinate massive numbers from the planets under their control. This made many of them diehard loyalists to the emperor, (them and their planets). That means less likely of an uprising, on the planets they controlled. In closing I love both the Accs and Vens greatly. The Clone Wars is probably my favorite era. (Though, for sentimental reasons I like the Original Trilogy best).
The prequel designers did a much better job creating warships and vehicles than the OT designers. The imperial military makes no sence, while prequel era armies and fleets are much better designed.
I always loved the Acclamator. It is extremely adaptable to almost all combat situations, capable of taking on opponents, that the Venator would not be able to even hold a candle to. Granted, Venator never was supposed to go into combat directly but given how it was used, Acclamators would have been better choice instead on the front line, with Venators providing support from way behind.
I think it's very interesting but probably not as realistic as you make it. First the raw materials for that number of Acclamators would be difficult to get. Also like a single shot from an artillery piece in the ryloth saga brought on of those ships down. I find it hard to believe they could battle it out with a capital ship for a while.
That’s because it has a hybrid metal hull that absorbs blaster bolts bud those Cannons where physical projectiles the tactical droid used those specifically cause that’s the acclimaters weakness
I'm a little confused on the cost of the Acclamator vs the Venator. Even in the new canon sources Rise of the Separatists & Collapse of the Republic, the Venator cost was 59,000,000 credits while the Acclamator was 110,000,000 credits. From those costs, an Acclamator would be nearly twice as expensive as a Venator. Were there cheaper variants or am I missing something? Also another missed opportunity in the New Republic era. If I was a senator with clout, I would've had CEC analyse the schematics and create a new modular, efficient, & cost-effective successor to the Acclamator. Any weaknesses could be covered by fielding new variants and repair issues would be solved with shared parts commonality (or ingenuity from older Rebel veterans).
Was the Acclamator good? Yes. Was it more powerful than the Venator or just more overpowered in general? Definitely not. 4:24 12 Quad Turbolasers were all well and good, except it’s firepower is eclipsed by the 8 HEAVY, keyword HEAVY Dual Turbolasers and 2 MEDIUM Turbolasers on the Venator. The Quad weapons on the Acclamator were regular LIGHT turbolasers. It’s why they aren’t visible on the ship versus how visible they are on the Venator. And being 111,000,00 credits, it was certainly NOT cheaper when you can get 2 Victories for a little over the same cost as an Acclamator. I will grant it’s torpedo complement is far greater than the Venator. But pound for pound in Turbolasers they can’t match the Venator which replaced them as the main line capital ship. Though I will argue that they should’ve kept some Acclamators in a frigate role.
I blame old Palpy for putting the Venators front and center, he wanted a bloody stalemate before the Republic gradually began gaining momentum, not Republic space superiority right out of the gate.
i love your videos geetsly! your videos cover all the things i wanted to know and i love the references/comparisons to other ships you make so it makes it easier to understand. thanks for the vids and keep making these awesome videos!
I’m a bit skeptical about the claims of those turbolasers tbh. From my understanding, the primary armament is listed as ‘turbolasers,’ but it’s unknown if they’re of the medium, light, or heavy variety. The Venator has eight heavy ones, and they’re incredibly large guns given the size of the rest of the ship. By comparison, the gun towers on the sides of the first Death Star trench in ANH are classified as ‘turbolasers’ too, despite their size and comparably low power level. Given how we don’t really see any guns, barbettes, or much else in the acclimator trenches, I think these turbolasers might be closer in size and power to the ones it’s supposed to have. Acclimators also seem to be too small to have a reactor system large and/or powerful enough to be cheap, incredibly fast, and provide enough power to operate turbolasers of the caliber described in the video, while *also* affording enough space onboard to carry thousands of troopers and hundreds of vehicles. Star Wars is pretty infamous for putting down numbers to sound impressive without actually thinking about them or cross-referencing if they work with other material, and I think this is an example of that issue.
Nothing wrong with the Venators, just that the Republic Navy would have made much more effective & proper use of them if it wasn't for Palpatine pulling strings around that forced the Navy to make-do with what they have. I think a composition of at least 3 Venators & a half dozen of Acclamators would make a great power projection fleet
The Acclamator-class assault ship was my favorite for the Clone wars era/Prequel era; definitely liked it above the Venator class, but I am actually beginning to like the Venator just a touch more, as a decent fleet carrier of massive wings of star fighters, disembarking them all in a very efficient manner.
I assume the Venator had better command and control systems. The Acclamator was designed to be the perfect Assault ship. It had massive firepower and ground support capabilities, but that won’t do you any good if you can’t coordinate effectively.
The Acclamator is my ideal Star Wars ship. Honestly, I’m surprised the Republic didn’t expand on them more as they could have been a more cost-effective fighting force than the Venator and Victory class destroyers. I’ve even come up with some of my own custom variants, and my personal Star Wars homebrew character is a Clone Engineer who roams the galaxy in a salvaged Acclamator crewed by droids he salvaged, repaired, and has become friends with over the years.
@@AKUJIVALDO A very good question! Though I feel you misunderstand just how sophisticated droids are in Star Wars. Droids can achieve a level of sentience in Star Wars the longer they go without their memories being wiped. They can develop personalities, interests, and hobbies outside of their original programming. As for the fuel question, hypermatter fuel is a relatively common due to the amount of starships flying around space. The Acclamator can travel the span of the galaxy twice on a full hypermatter fuel tank, and is the fastest cruiser class ship in Star Wars. My character is also an engineer, so provides the services of repairing machinery, droids, and vehicles to whoever can pay him. Having an all droid crew reduces maintenance costs, and allows him to put more towards the ship. As a salvager, he frequents old Clone Wars battlefields and scavenges what he can find and either adds it to his personal collection or sells it to whoever can afford it. This is one of the things that brings him into contact with the nascent Rebel Alliance as he begins selling weapons and vehicles to them in exchange for refueling his ship.
@@thetalon100 Droids inevitably go full Skynet without your MC can have a bit fun before he will be terminated. Also, for ship to be crewed it needs at least 200 droids(human crew being a 700(in 3 shifts?) if it is 2 shifts that would make droid count at least 320 or so)...and I doubt basic Roger Roger would cut as anything above basic spacer. So, Tactical Droid, upgraded B-1s(NCOs), ect...
Not to mention the fact that two Acclamator, one fully crewed and one operated by a Republic Commando Squad took down a Lucrehulk with relative ease. And the Lucrehulk had the advantage of damaging the Commando Acclamator well before the fully crewed one arrived.
Honestly, my ideal Clone Wars era Republic fleet would feature Acclamators as the backbone of the fleet, supported by Venators in a dedicated carrier role, and supported by Arquitens-class light cruisers and Carrack cruisers as support-screening ships. Ideally I’d also be able to field Victory Star Destroyers along with Imperial-I Star Destroyers, Secutor-class Star Destroyers, Mandator II-class Star Dreadnoughts, and Praetor-class Battlecruisers.
Multiple variants could be made of such a vessel. Troop transport, fighter carrier, anti-capital ship just loaded with guns and missile batteries, even mobile hospitals. Near endless possabilities
I've made it a point to conquer the galaxy in Empire at War with only Acclamators. Those proton torpedoes, or missiles depending on the mod, are no joke. They are especially handy as a lot of mods allow you to build them just about anywhere so you could have dozens of them by the time you get an actual capital ship out.
love that FractalSponge ignores that firepower re-write calc nonsense. Teratonnes is what they put out, not gigatonnes. He would know as he's Ansel Hsaio and worked on the Essential Guide to Warefare.
Although slow, I still think my favorite was the victory. 12 quad turbos, 40 double turbos, and 80 concussion missile launchers. I imagine if anyone was on a planet seeing this appear in the air, all you could do is pee your pants and cry.
The sorce book for the Acclimators' weapon output, Attack of the Clones: Incredible Cross-sections, is quite unreliable when it comes to how powerful they are. It claims that the ball turrets on the LAAT/i have a yield that would be equal to half of the Hiroshima bomb per shot! On top of that it really feels like most of the time the writers just plucked numbers out of thin air because they sounded impressive. Like yes, these are very advanced and destructive weapons, but nothing we see on screen, or even off screen (with the exception of superweapons), comes close to the figures that book is claiming. Plus, a lot of these compliment figures seem to forget that internal volume is a thing, as if it were really to carry that many troops and vehicles in the space provided by the cross-section book, they would be crammed together like tetris peices.
The Acclamator shared the huge weakspot in the back of the vessel with the Venator. The totally exposed engines. Notice none of the actual star destroyer class ships had engines sticking out. The Acclamator did it for cargo and crew capacity, Venator for room for the massive flight deck.
I always thought acclamations deserved more attention and screen time in the films and shows, especially after seeing their role in empire at war as main line frigates/ light cruisers with an even spread of capital grade weapons, ordinance, point defense, and attack craft squadrons on board to handle any threat or make excellent force multipliers in fleet engagements.
I'm fighting the urge to play an Empire at War modded campaign, I love the clone wars era ships, I love everything about the technology of the era. I miss Star Wars.
The two ships were made to act as a system. The Venator was a carrier (though poorly used in that role). The Acclimator was a heavy frigate/multirole ship.
Yea, and the Imperial 2 supposedly had 60 turbo-laser banks, but we’ve only ever seen them firing from like 8 dorsal deck turrets. The stats have never actually lined up with the on-screen abilities of Star Wars ships.
It would have served very well as a front line warship complemented by smaller cruises and corvettes as well as a fully stocked venator rather then a venator only partly filled with fighters
The Acclamator’s were so good. I would definitely always pick the Acclamator’s over the Venators since we get more with them and you can just have one build with some hangers in it to make for them basic version flaw.
The Acclamator in ‘03 clone wars launched an accurate amount of LAAT gunships to invade a planet instead of just 4
Semi-accurate, since that was still a whole darn lot.
It was a fuckin cool scene tho
That we can agree, Captain Idiot.
Ah yes launching millions
They could carry about 30 gunships
Palpatine's plan seems to rely heavily on that everyone is incompetent. If there was a competent naval officer, they probably start asking basic questions to realize something was off.
"The C.I.S. completely out guns us, has more advance tech that should be easy to produce with their industry and has a brilliant strategy, why does it seem like they are holding back?"
"Why are there so many calls going out and from to C.I.S. planets from the Chancellor's office?"
"Why does the Chancellor have this ominous looking black cloak"
@@Vandal_Hawk63 "No, trooper, I'm not in distress, you can return to whatever it is you're doing. I said I'm fi-" [gets shot]
But he did have good reason for this assumption. Most officers in the navy were just territorial guard officers promoted to ranks of admirals or work directly under him. Republic didn't have competent navy prior to war and by extend most of oficer core was dead weight worst then British colonial forces. In fact that is one of the reasons for criticism of Jedi taking command. Competent people were kept out of the front line and couldn't do shit, even if they did see that something is wrong. In fact most blamed Jedi for whole disaster.
Now that you mention it, yes. I suspect this mostly worked too because the Republic was so incredibly corrupt. Corruption rarely lets competent people fill roles they would be good at, and those roles - roles of power, glory, fame, and prestige in the eyes of those who seek them riding the waves of corruption - are simply stocked full of incompetent people there by merits of corruption alone, with a little help from its good friend nepotism, rather than actually knowing what the heck they are doing. Such people are also easily prone to ideological zealotry, due to their mentality of trying to protect themselves and their position above all else, and so kissing up to people in power to please them, rather than being critical of them, and holding them accountable (noting here one of the backbones of democracy is people both doing, and also being able to for real hold the ones in power accountable for their actions) is something they are very bad at.
In the case of the Republic - Even if some officers and what have you could smell the smoke, and bring the case up with actual evidence, Palpatine had so much political control and cache in the incredibly incompetent and corrupt Senate, that due to his position as Supreme Chancellor he was virtually untouchable unless the Senate decided to oust him. Remember, the Republic fell long before it took the name of the Empire, and so Palpatine was just the guy who kicked down the crumbling house that was already rotten to the core from millennia of incompetence, mistakes, lack of actual democracy, as well as Sith meddling in the shadows.
That’s an entire B plot to the Republic Commando novels.
"Master Sifo-Dyas requested the most powerful army in the galaxy. We have worked with only the best shipbuilders to fulfill that request." - Lama Su about the Acclamator-class ships for the Grand Army of the Republic
Scammer above, I'm surprised it didn't get removed already.
I think the writers had to limit Anakin’s tactical prowess. I mean, the man is a walking war crime, could you imagine if he had more than three brain cells?
Maybe Anakin didn't use the Aclamators because he doesn't like sand, and the Aclamators were the only Republic capitol ships used at Geonosis, a very sandy planet.
@@ALLMINDmercenarysupportsystem It’s course and rough and gets everywhere.
@@felixthescholarlytitan4437 Especially if you let them Aclamators go all over the galaxy...
@@ALLMINDmercenarysupportsystem I'm fairly sure venators were used in the second battle of geonosis, but yeah, they were the only capitals at the first
@@themedivaltrainerdawson4951 I meant the first battle.
Im glad the Acclamator is getting some love, its definitely my favorite large ship from the Clone Wars. It's not flashy, but it gets the job done
Honestly, they seem like they'd be even better than the ISD at the job of actually occupying planets for the Empire. I mean, they're a mobile firebase with enough firepower to overwhelm anything smaller than another Star Destroyer and carry enough troops to capture and hold your average planet.
@@thebighurt2495 the Acclamator is cool, but at the end of the day just a battle taxi, similar to how APCs are used nowdays. Sure it can dish out some damage to support disembarking but its shields & armor are just not up to prolonged engagements, it also lacks ion canons wich means it is rather ineffective against well shielded ships, an ISD could bring several Acclamators down at once because of its extensive ion loadout that strips the pretty weak Acclamator shields fast. But still, as the empire i would have kept them as inexpensive patrol craft, but hey the writers sure like to justify every obvious shortcoming of imperial designs that play into the rebels strenghts with the "Tarkin doctrine" especially that for some reason the Empire has almost no point defense on later designs, conviniently making their ships weak against fighters & bomers...the only ship types the rebels have an abundance of🙄
The ISD is an excellent capital & command ship and contrary to the movies should never engage alone or just with other ISDs, if they retrofitted the Acclamator, Venator & Victory cruisers and made battlegroups with just one ISD supported by a Venator, two Victory and four Acclamators, the rebellion would have been squashed instantly as their fighter & bomber tactics would have been ineffective.... It would have also been cheaper than building & manning thousands of ISDs that have to fight & cant really protect against bomber swarms.
Okay, I wanna see the Kaminoans' first reactions to the Acclamator, because clinical as they are, even *they* must have been overjoyed at what Geetsly called their "dream ship"
I wish I could send massages over the internet. 😢
“Magnificent aren’t they?”
“Yes, Most impressive.”
I feel like they're not going to like it, since the Republic coughs up a lot of dough just for a single clone, and they're going to need replacements for every single damned clone that dies or is taken out of the fight by some injury, not just replacements, and they need more too, so lets say a clone is worth about 25k credits with equipment and all, losing seven hundred, replacing those seven hundred is going to cost less, costing less means less profits for kaminoans and everyone else involved with creating that equipment, so maximum clone casualties would be beneficial for kaminoans, since it secures their job for the next few years and make tons of credits
A note on turbolasers: not all turbolasers are equal.
The dual turbo lasers mounted on the Venator were far more powerful than the quad turbolasers on the Acclimator.
Think of it like the WWII warships: the 8-10" guns mounted on cruiser versus the 16" guns of a main line battleship.
Thank you I was flabbergasted when he said flat out that it had "more capital ship weapons then the Venator" like if you want to argue for the price/tonnage fine but the Venator basically is all fighters and 8 dual heavy turbo lasers and point defense with practically no secondary or ion batteries. I believe the Ven even had 4 nose torpedo tubes. At the end of the day I think for space combat Republic fleets should have been a mix of Venators and navel combat refits of the acclimators.
It is a shame that the Acclamators weren't shown that much in Star Wars The Clone Wars seasons.
Hopefully Bad Batch Season 2 would rectify it as the Empire would have to use the Clone Wars-era ships and should not transition to current Imperial ones that quickly like they did with the Clone Troopers and Kamino.
Yeah they actually need to show that the empire used the Republic tech until they had got the new equipment and fighters I would like to in the future. Make star wars rise of the empire from the early empire to the fall of it at jakku . With it there would be multiple story's and paths you could either be a clone in the empire, officer, pilot and so on for the empire for the rebels story you could be a member of a rebel cell or the alliance itself, officer, pilot so on. The game would be enjoyable with missions and free roaming being fundamental, character customisation would be available, when in battles it would be if your character gets kills you get to play as the hero or special unit. Missions would be a mix of legends and cannon with some others thrown in for fun. Like the PSP games some will have you switching from space to land.
They are also shown in the clone wars micro series from 2003.
@@CloneScavengerVulpin8389 never watched it properly but I've seen bits a good show I watched the other star wars the clone wars series.
@@declangaming24 there are clips of every episode on RUclips and Disney plus.
If you are interested in taking the time to watch it all.
Acclamators did actually get employed by the Empire, mostly to ferry slaves in cargo decks and some imperial variants were refitted for bombardments, others fell into the civilian markets as ideal cargo hauling vessels. They even went as far as to make Mk II upgraded versions of them. Acclamators would actually outlive the Venators and the Empire due to their robust design. Hera Sindula actually owned one as her flagship called The Lodestar during the New Republic era.
Sovereign-class Reaper: "Our numbers shall darken the skies."
Kuat of Kuat: "Hey, Bobby! Make more of them Acclimator things, then dunk on that over-sized cuttlefish."
Me playing Project Stardust:
the crew count of the Fighter Based Acclamator would probably go up cuz fighters need work teams and they would probably be categorized as ships crew, though being smaller and faster would make them a better carrier. id go with an Acclamator and some destroyer based ships, kinda like how we do it in real life.
I'd anchor a group of smaller warships to a single Venator, because the Venator is a very capable command ship. A Venator, 3 Acclamators and a number of Arquitens, Carracks, and Republic Support Frigates would be a versatile battle group capable of tackling numerous threats and still be a force to be reckoned with in a planetary assault capacity
It would be great if someone from the star wars writing team was less lazy and researched military strategy/lore.
The venator is a carrier… which means it’s not a destroyer.
That’s why you have destroyers.
@@lucaschudleigh7193 the star destroyer class is more equivalent to a battleship than a destroyer
having acclamators and venetors mixed together in a fleet of empire at war is fun to see also with arquinten ship support
While the Acclamator's were good ships they lacked the sensors and command and control capabilities of the Venator's. So while the ratio of numbers of each built should of been tweaked, the Venator still has an important job to do.
Yes but they still weren’t around much. If more fleets had them, they would’ve been better off.
its designed for the venator to be the core and the acclimator to be the support send one venator in with a fleet of acclimators following and nothing can best it
@@spikeyboy7907 or modify a acclimator to be the command ship with a few of the warship and carrier versions escorting it
@@chrisk3127 the venator was suppose to be the command ship because it has more people and can easily control the battlefield. It was to be treated as a flagship more than anything
What if The Acclamators were the Core Warship heavy cruiser Design and Venators were the carriers and Transports , but palpatine wanting the Star destroyer to be fully developed , reversed their roles before Full production began and created a Gap of a Heavy frontline warship ? Leading to the Victor initiative of Victory class Star destroyer and later imperial star destroyer
I like the "Gunship" variant in Republic at War. It replaces the hangar and troop storage with a bunch of missile tubes.
I like the tons of variants in FotR (even though Acclamators aren't that great in that mod)
Dam. Im glad a variant ljke that exists. Hehe
@@CHRF-55457 ikr? Instead of 20 missile tubes, it had like 40.
Want you to know I never give a shit about the Star Wars vehicle breakdowns, or really anything that isn't character stories, but I still click and play it to give you views because you are one of the more genuine and accurate Star Wars channels on RUclips. Keep it up and always do what makes ya happy
I imagine there would be at least one Republic admiral who rolled around with something like 150 of these things specced into various fleet roles and the Flagship vessel being surrounded by 4-8 other Acclamators which were modified to have extra shield generators and point defense.
According to Empire at War the Acclamator remained in front-line service with the Imperial Navy as a support craft well after the Venerator was retired.
And I love that.
I also love, keeping in mind Palpy and his little inner circle were thinking years ahead before war even ended, that the last variant designed was specifically for orbital bombardment.
From dream craft of pragmatics designing the pen-ultimate galactic fighting force, to terror barges of the empire.
One of the cooler aspects of the Acclamator, which was shown in the 2003 animated series (and maybe the newer show too can’t remember) was that it was designed to float on the surface of the ocean. Makes sense when you think about who commissioned them but it’s still pretty cool :)
Could they perhaps go under water like Mon Cal ships?🤔
To be fair, Venator and Victory would do the same. Both had center of mass on the back to balance wedge shape and wide stable hull, so wouldn't capsize.
How they disembarked on Mon Calamari in CW? From side airlock or jumped from upper hull? Loading ramps were on the bottom and you can't deploy any vehicles by tiny airlock. Opening cargo bays underwater, even fo subs deplyment, doesn't seems wise.
I loved the level on that acclamator ship in republic commando!
Same here
The ending of that level is just gorgeous
ah the RAS Prosecutor good times.
It was underused because of the cost and issues that came with it the empire used these for a bit until there new star destroyers arrived painted in empire colours then scrapped some maintained Republic colours as these where slowly phased out during the early rise of the empire.
Did you have stroke
I personally believed that Victory class was direct replacement for Acclimator and it also was underused. Because Empire preferred clunky and too universal Imperials (they were designed as fast Battleships, but then refitted as Assault Ship resulting with lot of glaring issues). So Empire ironically repeat same mistake as the Jedi, but for different reasons.
IMHO, something like Acclamators would serve the Empire better than ISDs. I mean, for police duties a strategically placed Acclamator could cower much more distance than an ISD in the same time. So they would be a perfect fast response force for the rebellion hit and run attacks. I once calculated, that for the same space as LAATs usually take on the Acclamator, it could take ~300 TIE fighters. So an Acclamator variant (with newer and more advanced turbolasers, shields and reactors, and most of the original Acclamator problems ironed out), could easily hold around 100 TIE fighters, some bombers, and a relatively small 1000-5000 complement of stormtroopers and their vehicles, with the ability to land for deployment of Juggernauts and AT-ATs. This would be enough to deal with most of the threats rebel could provide, and when facing a capital ship, then call for an ISD, or even something like Allegiance.
@@solarissv777 better yet, bringing in supprted tector
@@urlauburlaub2222 the main advantage of the Acclamator is its rediculous FTL speed making it perfect fast reaction ship. Thus you need less Acclamators to cover the larger area (to react in a reasonable time). Victory was much slower. The idea is for help to arrive before rebels were able to inflict any signifficant damage. Then launch a flock of TIEs and make them finish the job.
Sounds like the Acclamator is a better deal than the Venator to be honest fast, intense, and versatile in its own way and didn't need much crew members awesome detail on the Acclamator Geetsly keep up the good work dude 10/10.
@Random Guy yeah but it had powerful turbolasers at least what the video covered.
I think its weird how it doesn't have windows on the bridge so why have a bridge way up on top of a long neck ,could've just had the bridge inside the ship better protected
@@kyleslavik6324 I think this actually might be some sort of error. Star Wars is pretty infamous for writers tossing all sorts of numbers around to make stuff sound impressive. The munificent’s two primary turblasers, for example, have been listed as being powerful enough to crack a small moon. What’s telling is that the primary armament listed for the acclimators are just ‘turbolasers.’ It says nothing about the size or how destructive they are outside of that. Hell, the Death Star guns in those towers along either side of the trench are classified as ‘turbolasers,’ but they have their own heavy, medium and light delineations. Just as you might have light and heavy variants of a machine gun or pistol. The venator has very visible large turbolasers classified as ‘heavy’ ones, which makes me really think they aren’t on the same level as acclimator ones.
@@SultanOfAwesomeness the Venator would most likely have more intense firepower than the Acclamator.
Post Clone Wars, a slightly modified Acclimator would have made a fantastic cargo ship in the Outer Rim.
Very very fast, able to carry a lot of cargo.
... and protect it against pirates.
A independent owner operator company based out of one would make a small fortune, and a transport company that had a few could make a large fortune.
And as for a mercenary company, the amount of firepower that could be brought to bare would just swamp any local planetside ground forces in the Outer Rim.
And during the Galactic Civil War it would have made an ideal base ship for medium sized Rebel Forces, particularly with its hyperdrive.
Nothing is catching it and getting to the exit point before it, it's leaving ISDs in its dust.
And if the Rebels got their hands on or modified one to be the carrier variant.....?
In the New Republic era, the production line should have been started up again, it would have made a great ship for stabilising the Outer Rim, especially if loaded up with X-Wings as a Sector Patrol ship for fast response.
But I just want one for my backwater adventurers, and their employees....
I've always had a dream-regiment that i'd develop if i was a Jedi general, and the acclamator would always be my choice of ship for that regiment.
My idea for my Repúblic fleet:
4 Acclamator class for land invasión
3 Venator class for charging the neccesary equipment and ships to protect a planet or doing an invasión
4 Victory class for get reiforcement
For some perspective the largest non super volcanic eruption was mt.tambora at a vei of 7 and it was estimated to be only 2-3 gigatons were the famous krakatoa was 200 magatons.the turbolasers on the ship are truly amazing
Thanks the maker they didn't let Saxton invent those values for anything outside AotC cross-sections. It's my first SW album ever and I still have many of my childhood Acclamator variants drawings somewhere, but man, putting earthly units into SW? So many nerds have shortened lifespan due to hypertension due to him.
The most amount of hype i got when playing as the zaan consortioum in empire at war is when i unlock this bad boy through imperial Black market.
The fighters it carries, the torpedos and laser cannons it bears.
It May snap in half if a big ship focuses on it but man, it gets The job done.
Acclamators and Venators are both great ships. The Venator was extremely well designed just not used in the proper role.
The problem is, the Venator was the 'aircraft carrier' of the time, whilst as stated, the Acclamator was more akin to a heavy cruiser. The problem is, aircraft carriers should never be deployed as 'frontline vessels', but the Republic (and the Jedi) were quite happy with that. When the Malevolence was discovered, and eventually found attempting to attack a medical station, three Venators were sent after it.... the problem is, they didn't have the firepower to inflict anything more than minor damage.
If 5 Acclamators were assigned to that role, with a couple of Venators for fighter support, the Malevolence would not have survived that engagement.
Don't forget that the Prosecutor, an Acclamator that had gone dark but was quickly repaired by the Clone Commando's of Delta Squad, and the Arrestor, which had come to assist after answering an SOS call managed to cripple and then destroy a Lucrehulk class droid control ship in the Corbantis system. Strong little ships.
The acclamator was probably one of if not the most adaptable ship in the clone wars, the empire wasted them as by using them to transport slaves.
The republic didn't use all their ships properly, also i think hera syndulla had one of these to.
She used an Acclamator as her command and capital ship in Alphabet Squadron, yes. It was even able to go toe to toe with an (albeit undermanned and only half armed) ISD
@Gay Birb I didn't know that.
@@kingpanda4871 with the right modifications an acclamator could stand up to an ISD at full compacity.
Always felt Luke could have used one as a kind of mobile Jedi Praxium.
To be fair, they would be almost perfect policing cruiser for Emipre. It could deploy troops, fighters, carried supplies, was rather fast, decently armed, capable of orbital bombardment. Only thing it lacked, was intimidating size of ISD.
The Acclamator and the Munificent where the best ships of their respective factions.
Highly versatile and incredibly flexible, they where able to use their strenghts to overome their weaknesess!
They are my two favorite starships in Star Wars!
If i was a pirate during the civil war, i would steal a acclamator class assault ship (the empire literally scrapped all of em)
Yeah the term "turbolaser" contains a wide spread of weapons, it's basically what we call cannons.
The Turbolasers of Aclamators aren't visible, wich would suggest that they are fairly small. While on a Venator you have large visible turrets with big cannons.
It's probably compareable with that Aclamators TLs have a smaller caliber like say 20-30mm while Venators have 120-150mm. The damage difference are worlds apart
Me and the clanks just chillin at some random backwater planet until 24 fucking Acclamators pop out of hyperspace to a planet in bumbfuck no where.
"Sir, what happened? They usually just deploy a couple venators!"
*They hired an economist...*
"So much better than the venator"
Meanwhile in TCW:
Gets one shot by a ground proton cannon
Yea Acclamator depiction on screen has always been consistent, it's a nearly unarmed troop transport.
That was a physical projectile weapon wich is the acclimaters weakness as the metal used to make it is a hybrid that absorbs laser attacks
@@flamebreaker7318 Well, then I sure hope the CIS don't figure out that they can one shot these ships as long as they bring proton cannons with them. Imagine having a fleet and it is great and built to brawl, except for if your enemy brings a specific type of cannon with them. Then your fleet folds like wet tissue paper.
@@ocadioan Worse yet, those exact cannons are present on Munificent and Providence class ships (see ROTS and Clone Wars s2e2), two of the most common Separatist ships.
The Acclamator class Cruiser is one of my favorite ships in Star Wars. I always loved the design and how tough and reliable it was. It definitely needed more love in my opinion. If there were more Acclamators in alot of the battles in the Clone Wars, they definitely would have gone different. But that's just my opinion.
I aim to please.
I miss the clone wars era before revenge of the Sith came out. I love seeing all the phase 1 clones and acclimator ships were my childhood
An _upgunned_ Acclimator pure combat variant would have been a very useful ship for the GAR.
It could be used both as fast response vessel to shore up crumbling defences where needed, and also used as a heavy raider for behind the lines Calvary runs.
Imagine if it also carried a large number of proton bombs?
Then it could just remove map coordinates in groundside battles on planets.💣
A heavily shielded StarFortress that could actually make it to the target (and quickly).
Just one Acclimator with a bomb bay full of proton bombs instead of carrying ground forces could have won the first battle of Geonosis without the Clone and Jedi causalities💀, by carpet bombing the CIS forces (and Core ships) that were out in the open. Then the Clone ground troops and Jedi become just a clean up crew, that then have the numbers to carry the battle into the tunnels.
But having a few of the pure combat Acclimators doing hit and run raids on CIS planets would do massive damage and disruption. And with its amazingly fast hyperdrive it could hit anywhere, predicting the next targets would be difficult for the CIS.
The carrier variant loaded up with Y-Wings is also an option, the Y-Wings are deployed while the Acclimator is a bit outside the system, then they all hit the target simultaneously and then immediately jump out after doing their damage.
And at the rendezvous point the Y-Wings dock and get rearmed, and rested and so on, ready for the next target.
Once the class 0.6 hyperdrive takes their raiding party there.... quickly.
A couple of ARC-170s can be deployed from out of system to recon for likely soft military/industrial targets in CIS space.
The CIS would have to waste so much resources having to defend against such raids, and it might be beyond their capabilities or just substantially affect their front line battle-readiness.
And for the combat variant Acclimator on front line duties, load it up with a lot more missiles in its magazines and more launchers so it could salvo them in huge numbers and it would have made it a terror during pitched battles.
It would be a nimble cost effective heavy hitter for taking out enemy capital ships.
In fact if the GAR had instead gone all in on having a variety of Acclimator models as the backbone of their fleet, they would have been more powerful.
And a lot more mobile and flexible.
And having a bunch of different mission profile ships all sharing the same basic hull design would not only have logistics benifits it would have confused enemy intelligence and quick ship identification in battle.
...... who am I kidding, the GAR would have painted them different colours. 🤔 🙄
I always loved the Acclamator, but I believe they should have use it in conjunction with the Venator more often, the former being the main anti-capital ship brawler while the Venator fulfill it's Carrier role while also providing fire support with it's powerful heavy turbolasers
The Fotr Acclamator 1, carrier class, is overpowered with its fighter support, its useful as long as it is not targeted, which it usually is.
Yeah fall of the Republic is cool mod. But JESUS those Acclimators crumple like wet tissue paper when they get shot at, I swear the Acclimators in Vanilla Imperial conquest are tankier then that, long as you dont divert power to weapons anyway.
It just feels WRONG somehow, and i don't know why.
@@jaywerner8415 true
@@jaywerner8415 It sound fairly reasonable actually. If your ship is designed for having enormous open spaces to store huge ground force complements, then that is a bunch of space that is a vulnerability from a structural design point. You see the same in constructions today. A small square can be incredibly strong against outside forces, but scale it up and it starts being more and more difficult to support even its own weight.
The class 0.6 hyperdrive with its 250,000 light-year range is insane.
if the Republic has its own Tactical Droids, they will immediately spotted this flaw and asked for more Acclamator-class warships to be deployed. Of course, Palpatine can just given them false promise until the Outer Rim Sieges started because he needed to secure all possible routes to make the Republic came out on top.
My belief is that the Acclamator was superior in terms of utility, however the larger size and reputation of the Venator was symbolically important. Given the ships didn't initially have hangar bays, it would be a massive oversight to have your primary command be positioned in a ship that wasn't specialized for naval combat so much as troop transport and overwatch. The separatist fleets knew to focus Venators because of the threat their presence posed above ground. Troop transports were likely targeted more so by orbital defenses rather than fleets which explains the massive firepower the Acclamators possessed. They weren't meant to draw attention. They cut through the skies and obliterated anything that would threaten the landing process for the GAR. They were uncompromising in their roles and were likely far more abundant than shown. Since the shows and movies focus around the main characters, troop transports are less of a priority.
I love both the Acclamator-class and Venator-class warships! Both are my favorite in the Republic. Though the Acclamator does deserve more attention.
Yes, I definitely believe that an Acclamator only needed a crew of 700, while something like a Venator required 7400 crew, despite being maybe twice its total volume. I also definitely believe that the Acclamator has superior firepower to the Venator, despite it not having any visible gun installations, while the Venator has 8 huge visible installations for its weaker turbolasers.
And hey, I am absolutely convinced that has most of its internal space dedicated to troop transports is definitely structurally sound enough for frontline combat, _and_ has enough fuel and a great hyperdrive capable of propelling all of this mass at a much faster speed than the Venator, despite the Venator having significantly more and bigger engines than the Acclamator.
Let us say it like it is. The Acclamator numbers don't make sense, because numbers _never_ make sense in Star Wars. According to this, the Acclamator is both cheaper, smaller, better armed and armoured and has more freight capacity than the Venator, yet we see exactly none of that on screen.
I wish they remade Star War Empire at War but added a Clone Wars Era. That would be sweet
Same. However there is a fan made expansion known as Fall of the Republic. Channels like Corey’s Datapad and Eckhartsladder talk about them and Corey was involved in the creation of FOTR from what I remember.
There used to be battlefront commander mod that had both eras in one game but they are splitting it into two separate mods now
empire at war has mods for any era of starwars, you should take a look as they are very well made
Plenty of mods for that. Fall of the Republic i would highly recommend.
there are some mods like Fall of the Republic for it but for some reason, they always make the Acclamator super weak.
Not to mention, the Acclamator is simply badass.
The solution is almost never just "Bring more of x" The reason the Venator is in the role it's in is because space battles during the clone wars mostly played out like battle during the War in the Pacific. Running a bunch of cruiser's down mid won't do you any good when the enemy has wave after wave of fighters and bombers. Whatever ships do end up reaching the enemy will then just get their teeth kicked in by the enemies battle line because they didn't just suicide charge and hope for the best. The Acclamator is very good for the role it is in but there is more to battle than just the ship's stat sheet.
I really like the acclamator. It is definitely a great Assault ship. It's probably my favorite one for sure. I remember playing republic commando and exploring the variant that was designed for that specific game.
While an Acclamator could be reconfigured to act as a carrier it’s is likely that it was far less effective than a purpose build carrier ship. Carrier operations are complex and go beyond simply how many fighters can be carried into a fight. The launch, recovery and maintenance of fighters also impacts the vessel’s performance and these are complex processes that a non-purpose built vessel would struggle with.
Given that a Venator was roughly half the price of a stock Acclamator (59 million vs 111 million credits) it makes a lot of sense the Republic would prioritize Venators. After all, given that the core worlds had vast populations it is unlikely that raw man power was a significant bottle neck for the Republic fleet. Consider that the 1000 Ventors deployed at the battle of Coruscant only needed 0.0007 percent of the planet’s population to operate, while an equal number of Acclamator would cost almost twice as much to build in terms of credits.
Dang, I've been completely underestimating the Acclamtors seen in Episode 2 and the first season or so of The Clone Wars. These ships are awesome. I still like the Venators, but these ships are easily now my number 2 favorite and I'd put them in my fleet right alongside the Ventors.
Honestly, though, them beating Lucrehulks in the likes of Republic Commando sure is always a surprise. One must wonder if some of the ships are heavily modified to take down such bigger ships.
@@michaelandreipalon359 Or the Lucerhulk in RC was just a basic lightly armed freighter model hastily pressed into service as a combat warship.
Same man. I never realized how much versatility they had as a war vessel. It is kinda crazy.
@@michaelandreipalon359 Maybe they were.
@@kingorange7739 But it's the cool kind of crazy that I love.
I always figured the acclimators were TOO good for palatine's plan...they made the battle lean TOO far in the republic's favor as he wanted it to drag out and be close, while giving himself time to groom anakin
That… That actually explains quite a bit.
@@felixthescholarlytitan4437 yeah because he done the same thing to the CIS and thier B-3 and B-4 super battle droids
Seemingly why they barely used the Victory Class either.
@@minicle426 didn’t palatine used the victory in the early empire a lot like he wanted to use the victory and imperator in his new army, so he kept them back even though both could turn the battle
@@SuperGamefreak18 the more important restriction of the CIS is what he did to the humble B1s. there are numerous stories of separatists improveing them the scary levels of competence without increasing costs. the most recent one i can remember had a small number of B1s beat an even number group ARC troopers in battle.
imagine an army with the numbers of the CIS's cheapest ground units but greater competence than of some of the grand armie's best soldiers.
I'd rather be a captain of an Acclamator over the Venator.
Definitely true
3 venators or 30 Acclamators hmm yeah I'm choosing the the 30 Acclamators 10 normal version, 10 fighter carries and 10 heavily armed version that would make one dangerous fleet that the Separatists would learn to fear.
Just hope that the CIS don't bring those proton cannons from Ryloth. Otherwise, you are 30 shots away from having no Acclamators.
@ocadioan true true though I kinda feel like the Republic used their fleets wrong. You have an entire planet to get into atmosphere go where it's not heavily defending then launch your forces in the ways to counter the enemy defensives without getting your forces killed.
@@armycowboy4313 I generally think it is best not to think too much about the tactics displayed on screen. Especially since the complete lack of a dedicated supply train vehicle would suggest that they could _only_ put down close enough to the objectives that the vehicles can get there without refueling or needed extra rations or ammunition.
@ocadioan hence why they get shot down more often then not.
Great video, thanks for the presentation. I had a question, that part where you say "proved a match for Lucrehulk-class Core ships, though they struggled against some of the larger Separatist vessals" ? I was under the impression Lucrehulk's were larger than everything Separatist's had bar the Malevolence. Just wondering what larger ships you were referring to.
You're thinking of the Lucrehulk-class battleship. The center ball is the Core ship, it can detach from the rest of the donut. The same kind as the one that Yoda ordered shot down on Geinosis. The Core ship had almost no weapons though so saying an Acclamator can handle one doesn't say much
The core ship refers to just the ball section in the middle of the Lucrahulk. Lucrahulk refers to the ship formed by the core ship joined to the cargo ring it docks into. The Lucrahulk was the largest ship the CIS had beside the Malevolence. While the acclimator could take on the core ship, it struggled against the Lucrahulk, the largest standard ship of the CIS.
I hope that helped.
Maybe the Acclamators seen in the Republic Commando video game are heavily modified to be a match against such behemoths.
@@joelbibeault1169 man, i didn't think they took those things into battle, at least intentionally, seem to get zapped pretty easy. It does strike me as odd to wax poetic about the badassery of Acclamator while comparing it to a defenseless floating sphere.
@@seanofhumanity5942 well they didn't really, they just happened to catch Core ships separated from the rest of the battleship since before the outbreak of the war the Republic ordered the Trade Federation to disband their navy, and separating the Core was their work around. The Core ships were still extremely durable though, the SPHA one shot a Munificent but took nearly 10 shots to drop an unshielded Core ship. So the comparison is more showing that the Acclamators weapons were heavy enough to overcome it.
It's largely reasonable to expect the Gigaton number to actually be gigajoule... ending up in the *many* megaton range, exactly what you'd need repeatable firepower enough to Base Delta Zero a planet over a day or so. Both reasonable, and in line with what we see the ship being able to do in recorded lore. If a mere Acclaimator could fire multiple 300 gigaton shots, then the SWG could vaporize WH 40k Spacehulks in minutes. I doubt we'd scale Star Wars capital ships to such a tier.
Hmm...I wonder if this video will source the book that claims the Accamator's turbolaser has a 200Gigaton power output per shot.
4:54 Yep there it is. That source book was written by a guy in a fan war with star trek. He put in stupid numbers so his side could win. No joke.
What sourcebook was this again?
@@michaelandreipalon359 the 'incredible cross sections book series’
Ah, thanks.
@@michaelandreipalon359 More specifically it's the 'attack of the clone’s incredible cross sections book'. Just to save you a few minutes.
I appreciate that you did not mention the Acclamator II's crew requirements. I have discovered a discrepancy in the Acc II's crew requirements on wookeepedia. The -pedia claims that the Acc I requires 700, referencing the cross-section, while the Acc II requires 20141, referencing the SWSaga d20. Both Accs require the same number of crew in the d20 at 20141 crew each. Since both Accs have the same number of crew in the d20, then it can be assumed that the cross-section crew of 700 would apply to both Accs. Though the Acc II would possibly have an additional 50-150 crew to man the additional weapons (my opinion on that). As for the 16000 troops carried, it breaks down to 9,000 fighting troops and 6,000 HQ and support troops. Those support troops would include field medic, mechanics, drivers and pilots for all the vehicles in the bay. Accs were mobile homes for these troopers after all.
As for why the Republic opted to deploy Venators over Accs for space battles, was that the Ven's 8 dual heavy turbolasers (which had much better firing angles and outputs than the Acc's quad light Turbolasers), They had medium turbolaser and more than doubled the Heavy Laser Cannons that the Accs had, along with an extensive fighter complement made them better equipped for taking on the larger ships that the CIS had in ship to ship battle and more roles. The Jedi also took a liking to the ships design and size, often making them their flagships. This is why the Venator is also referred to as the Jedi Cruiser (called cruisers by the CIS as they did not use the same ship classification system). Of course, the Jedi were supposed to be peacekeepers, not warriors in command of troops, so they had to learn much in the heat of battle on how to lead armies. This is why they often had poor judgement in combat tactics (could be seen as a similar learning curve that American officers during the American Civil War had to go through). it does makes for good and fun storytelling, though.
Going forwards to the Empire. They had at least 3 reasons for removing the Accs and Vens (at least out of frontpage news) and replacing them with the ISD. 1st, the Republic ships symbolized Democracy and the Jedi Order to many worlds that saw them in action. So, phasing out the Republic's and Jedi's presence was an important part of the emperor's plans. 2nd, the ISD was a larger and more intimidating vessel than the Accs and Vens, though the ISD was essentially an Acc and Ven combined, as it took features from both (Troop/cargo capacity and HQ/control capabilities from the Acc, Weapons and fighter capabilities from the Ven). Lastly, to fill the ISD's crew (37k-47k crew + 9k troopers), they'd need to indoctrinate massive numbers from the planets under their control. This made many of them diehard loyalists to the emperor, (them and their planets). That means less likely of an uprising, on the planets they controlled.
In closing I love both the Accs and Vens greatly. The Clone Wars is probably my favorite era. (Though, for sentimental reasons I like the Original Trilogy best).
The prequel designers did a much better job creating warships and vehicles than the OT designers. The imperial military makes no sence, while prequel era armies and fleets are much better designed.
I always loved the Acclamator. It is extremely adaptable to almost all combat situations, capable of taking on opponents, that the Venator would not be able to even hold a candle to. Granted, Venator never was supposed to go into combat directly but given how it was used, Acclamators would have been better choice instead on the front line, with Venators providing support from way behind.
I think it's very interesting but probably not as realistic as you make it. First the raw materials for that number of Acclamators would be difficult to get. Also like a single shot from an artillery piece in the ryloth saga brought on of those ships down. I find it hard to believe they could battle it out with a capital ship for a while.
That’s because it has a hybrid metal hull that absorbs blaster bolts bud those Cannons where physical projectiles the tactical droid used those specifically cause that’s the acclimaters weakness
I'm a little confused on the cost of the Acclamator vs the Venator. Even in the new canon sources Rise of the Separatists & Collapse of the Republic, the Venator cost was 59,000,000 credits while the Acclamator was 110,000,000 credits. From those costs, an Acclamator would be nearly twice as expensive as a Venator. Were there cheaper variants or am I missing something?
Also another missed opportunity in the New Republic era. If I was a senator with clout, I would've had CEC analyse the schematics and create a new modular, efficient, & cost-effective successor to the Acclamator. Any weaknesses could be covered by fielding new variants and repair issues would be solved with shared parts commonality (or ingenuity from older Rebel veterans).
Most consistent Star Wars lore numbers
You are missing nothing, Acclamators simply are way More expansive than Venators. I guess the 0.6 hyperdrive came at quite a cost.
@@likeleo8657 I think it’s just common inconsistency in star wars lore numbers
Acclamators were made out of a fancy laser resistant metal there weakness was projectile weapons
Was the Acclamator good? Yes. Was it more powerful than the Venator or just more overpowered in general? Definitely not. 4:24 12 Quad Turbolasers were all well and good, except it’s firepower is eclipsed by the 8 HEAVY, keyword HEAVY Dual Turbolasers and 2 MEDIUM Turbolasers on the Venator. The Quad weapons on the Acclamator were regular LIGHT turbolasers. It’s why they aren’t visible on the ship versus how visible they are on the Venator. And being 111,000,00 credits, it was certainly NOT cheaper when you can get 2 Victories for a little over the same cost as an Acclamator. I will grant it’s torpedo complement is far greater than the Venator. But pound for pound in Turbolasers they can’t match the Venator which replaced them as the main line capital ship. Though I will argue that they should’ve kept some Acclamators in a frigate role.
The Acclamator is hands down my favourite ship. So versatile, well-armed, and good looking.
I blame old Palpy for putting the Venators front and center, he wanted a bloody stalemate before the Republic gradually began gaining momentum, not Republic space superiority right out of the gate.
why Always palpatine they were called jedi cruisers the jedi wanted them for everything and used the venators wrongly
This is good to know as I always viewed the acclimator as a troop carrier good for only that, and being fat targets for the CIS
i love your videos geetsly! your videos cover all the things i wanted to know and i love the references/comparisons to other ships you make so it makes it easier to understand. thanks for the vids and keep making these awesome videos!
I’m a bit skeptical about the claims of those turbolasers tbh. From my understanding, the primary armament is listed as ‘turbolasers,’ but it’s unknown if they’re of the medium, light, or heavy variety. The Venator has eight heavy ones, and they’re incredibly large guns given the size of the rest of the ship. By comparison, the gun towers on the sides of the first Death Star trench in ANH are classified as ‘turbolasers’ too, despite their size and comparably low power level. Given how we don’t really see any guns, barbettes, or much else in the acclimator trenches, I think these turbolasers might be closer in size and power to the ones it’s supposed to have.
Acclimators also seem to be too small to have a reactor system large and/or powerful enough to be cheap, incredibly fast, and provide enough power to operate turbolasers of the caliber described in the video, while *also* affording enough space onboard to carry thousands of troopers and hundreds of vehicles. Star Wars is pretty infamous for putting down numbers to sound impressive without actually thinking about them or cross-referencing if they work with other material, and I think this is an example of that issue.
Nothing wrong with the Venators, just that the Republic Navy would have made much more effective & proper use of them if it wasn't for Palpatine pulling strings around that forced the Navy to make-do with what they have.
I think a composition of at least 3 Venators & a half dozen of Acclamators would make a great power projection fleet
The Acclamator-class assault ship was my favorite for the Clone wars era/Prequel era; definitely liked it above the Venator class, but I am actually beginning to like the Venator just a touch more, as a decent fleet carrier of massive wings of star fighters, disembarking them all in a very efficient manner.
8:48 lmaoo that line made my day
I assume the Venator had better command and control systems. The Acclamator was designed to be the perfect Assault ship. It had massive firepower and ground support capabilities, but that won’t do you any good if you can’t coordinate effectively.
The Acclamator is my ideal Star Wars ship. Honestly, I’m surprised the Republic didn’t expand on them more as they could have been a more cost-effective fighting force than the Venator and Victory class destroyers. I’ve even come up with some of my own custom variants, and my personal Star Wars homebrew character is a Clone Engineer who roams the galaxy in a salvaged Acclamator crewed by droids he salvaged, repaired, and has become friends with over the years.
Droids aren't sentient...
Also, where he gets fuel to power a fooking CAPITAL Ship?
@@AKUJIVALDO A very good question! Though I feel you misunderstand just how sophisticated droids are in Star Wars. Droids can achieve a level of sentience in Star Wars the longer they go without their memories being wiped. They can develop personalities, interests, and hobbies outside of their original programming.
As for the fuel question, hypermatter fuel is a relatively common due to the amount of starships flying around space. The Acclamator can travel the span of the galaxy twice on a full hypermatter fuel tank, and is the fastest cruiser class ship in Star Wars. My character is also an engineer, so provides the services of repairing machinery, droids, and vehicles to whoever can pay him. Having an all droid crew reduces maintenance costs, and allows him to put more towards the ship. As a salvager, he frequents old Clone Wars battlefields and scavenges what he can find and either adds it to his personal collection or sells it to whoever can afford it. This is one of the things that brings him into contact with the nascent Rebel Alliance as he begins selling weapons and vehicles to them in exchange for refueling his ship.
@@thetalon100 Droids inevitably go full Skynet without your MC can have a bit fun before he will be terminated.
Also, for ship to be crewed it needs at least 200 droids(human crew being a 700(in 3 shifts?) if it is 2 shifts that would make droid count at least 320 or so)...and I doubt basic Roger Roger would cut as anything above basic spacer. So, Tactical Droid, upgraded B-1s(NCOs), ect...
7:44 I've gotta wonder why Fluttershy and Scout from TF2 are just casually standing there...
depends if the crew was more expensive then the metals to craft it
they had a lot of disposable clones
Not to mention the fact that two Acclamator, one fully crewed and one operated by a Republic Commando Squad took down a Lucrehulk with relative ease. And the Lucrehulk had the advantage of damaging the Commando Acclamator well before the fully crewed one arrived.
Honestly, my ideal Clone Wars era Republic fleet would feature Acclamators as the backbone of the fleet, supported by Venators in a dedicated carrier role, and supported by Arquitens-class light cruisers and Carrack cruisers as support-screening ships. Ideally I’d also be able to field Victory Star Destroyers along with Imperial-I Star Destroyers, Secutor-class Star Destroyers, Mandator II-class Star Dreadnoughts, and Praetor-class Battlecruisers.
Multiple variants could be made of such a vessel. Troop transport, fighter carrier, anti-capital ship just loaded with guns and missile batteries, even mobile hospitals. Near endless possabilities
I've made it a point to conquer the galaxy in Empire at War with only Acclamators. Those proton torpedoes, or missiles depending on the mod, are no joke. They are especially handy as a lot of mods allow you to build them just about anywhere so you could have dozens of them by the time you get an actual capital ship out.
TIE Scout as the pathfinder unit - sensor ping as close to the enemy starbase as possible - deploy 6 Acclamators at point-blank range - laugh evilly?
When I saw that thing land on the water and deploy hundreds of troops I got chills
love that FractalSponge ignores that firepower re-write calc nonsense. Teratonnes is what they put out, not gigatonnes. He would know as he's Ansel Hsaio and worked on the Essential Guide to Warefare.
Although slow, I still think my favorite was the victory. 12 quad turbos, 40 double turbos, and 80 concussion missile launchers. I imagine if anyone was on a planet seeing this appear in the air, all you could do is pee your pants and cry.
In one of the star wars the clone wars episodes one aclamator got taken out by 1 shot from a grounded flack gun
The CIS proton cannons punch thorough the shield and armor
It just shows how powerful the seps upgraded their ground defenses since before that their alternative was the DSD
It’s basically a one man army crack open the orbital defences and then stage a large scale planetary invasion with one ship
The sorce book for the Acclimators' weapon output, Attack of the Clones: Incredible Cross-sections, is quite unreliable when it comes to how powerful they are. It claims that the ball turrets on the LAAT/i have a yield that would be equal to half of the Hiroshima bomb per shot! On top of that it really feels like most of the time the writers just plucked numbers out of thin air because they sounded impressive. Like yes, these are very advanced and destructive weapons, but nothing we see on screen, or even off screen (with the exception of superweapons), comes close to the figures that book is claiming.
Plus, a lot of these compliment figures seem to forget that internal volume is a thing, as if it were really to carry that many troops and vehicles in the space provided by the cross-section book, they would be crammed together like tetris peices.
Fuck the Venator
Now I want to build a Lego Acclamator
The best option is a mix of Venator and Acclamator. Venator it a great carrier tonit at the center with Acclamators escorting it is a win
*coughs in New Republic-era Nebula-class*
The Acclamator shared the huge weakspot in the back of the vessel with the Venator. The totally exposed engines. Notice none of the actual star destroyer class ships had engines sticking out. The Acclamator did it for cargo and crew capacity, Venator for room for the massive flight deck.
there is an unnamed 'frigate' variant of this ship in legends used by the empire, updated bridge and sensor equipment, improved firepower and hangars.
I always thought acclamations deserved more attention and screen time in the films and shows, especially after seeing their role in empire at war as main line frigates/ light cruisers with an even spread of capital grade weapons, ordinance, point defense, and attack craft squadrons on board to handle any threat or make excellent force multipliers in fleet engagements.
I'm fighting the urge to play an Empire at War modded campaign, I love the clone wars era ships, I love everything about the technology of the era. I miss Star Wars.
The two ships were made to act as a system. The Venator was a carrier (though poorly used in that role). The Acclimator was a heavy frigate/multirole ship.
This is literally my FAVORITE Star Wars ship. Built so many in EAW
Yea, and the Imperial 2 supposedly had 60 turbo-laser banks, but we’ve only ever seen them firing from like 8 dorsal deck turrets. The stats have never actually lined up with the on-screen abilities of Star Wars ships.
It would have served very well as a front line warship complemented by smaller cruises and corvettes as well as a fully stocked venator rather then a venator only partly filled with fighters
The Acclamator’s were so good. I would definitely always pick the Acclamator’s over the Venators since we get more with them and you can just have one build with some hangers in it to make for them basic version flaw.
I could be wrong about this but I remember the Acclamator being unarmed in Canon
It’s wild that the bridge of the Acclamator looks like Jar Jar’s head.
Anyone who ever played Republic Commando knows exactly how huge those torpedo tubes really were.