+Trinexx360 Was more like a snuff film. Quentin Tarantino would have made it better IMO, would probably give Jebus a sword and make him kill everyone. Jebatrix Kiddo :D
That's exactly what I have been saying for years - friends ask me if I had "devine" experience, would it change my mind? The answer is no, because I would contribute it to my mind playing tricks on me, or some mental disease that causes hallucinations and dellusions.
I cant understand how people are satisfied with "God" being the answer to all these big questions. Look where science has gotten us, do you not want to go further? The progress of human understanding is what I love about science and one of my personal goals in life.
+Marius ”Mani” Nilsen Easy. Everything that science managed to do is because God, so God is good by his own merits (according to Christians) and also nicks the merits of science.
Well if you want my take on it, I think a God is ultimately necessary because it explains why we as humans are able to reason at all. It also explains the rational intelligibility of the universe. Many atheists are also materialists, and this ultimately means everytime we think or reason or believe in something, all that is happening is that our brains are undergoing some chemical reaction. This is why many people with these views hold that determinism is true, but if that were the case, there would be nothing to talk about. Every time we "reason" the "reasoning" would have been determined by previous natural causes. It seems more and more absurd to believe that we can reason at all under this worldview. Also, just because God is used as an explanation doesn't mean that it is a wrong explanation. For example, if I were to ask you why does the water in the pot boil? You can give a scientific explanation that heat causes the molecules to shake up and break apart into Hydrogen and Oxygen gas. You can also say, the water is boiling because I'm thirsty and want to make some tea. You can use the laws of internal combustion to explain the motor car engine, you can also say that Henry Ford made it. They are not in conflict with one another. I don't think people's belief in God is holding science back from making any new discoveries. I don't get why people like to create a conflict between God and science.
Even if the god described in the old testament was proven to actually be real, I still wouldn't see any need or reason (beyond some vague threat of punishment) to 'worship' such an immoral being.
Luis: Jesus was SUPPOSED to die on the cross. After all, he knew it was going to be temporary. Years ago, I had some surgery without anesthetic. It was terribly painful, but I knew it was temporary and would "fix" the problem, so I hung in there. In about three hours it was over, and problem fixed. It was bad, but it wasn't impossible. Jesus wasn't supposed to handle three nails. He was supposed to suffer and die...so it's not a definitive answer. there are other, better ones. Take your post, "God supposedly can create a whole universe, walk on water and feed a thousand people with a loaf of bread..but can't handle chariots of iron." THERE. I think that's a better one.
Good observation, Luis. This reminds me of a Borges' short story where Judas was the real Messiah. Without Judas' treason, there would not have been a Christ. I love this Borges' story, it is even more convoluted than the Trinity official line.
Jillian Smith Jesus wasn't real. Even if he was, and everything said about him is true, the whole premise of what the point of the sacrifice was, and how it could possibly seen as good or moral, or even any kind of sacrifice, makes no sense to anyone who actually uses their brain.
And there's the problem with the mindset of the Religious. They simply can't grasp the idea that some of us don't believe someone (a God) created us. This is despite the fact they they have no evidence to support their view.
davids11131113 How can you claim that Star Wars is not real? It happend a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. So were you there to see it not happening? I didn't think so, so it has to be real.
They always asks these stupid questions like, "What if you had a divine experience with god. Would that change your mind?" You might as well ask the caller if he had a divine experience with Zeus, would that change his mind? (And they would proceed to find THAT question absurd, while not recognizing that it's the same damned question they just asked.)
J.D. Fredricksen Then I suggest that you go spend some time getting your thoughts organized and come back when you have the ability to present a coherent thought.
neat that that questioner was so easy to talk with. No quarrel about what you believe with pushback to convert you guys. That's how I became an atheist. Listening to all religions and non religions and deciding which was just a perception and which showed proof.
+foxeh123 I didn't take it as him not caring. I just assumed he was wise and knew not to engage further if he didn't have a good comeback. But maybe I overestimate people?
+Angelica But that's the thing - why is it about having a comeback? It's like he used the question as a weapon, it failed, and then he used another question as a weapon (which also failed). It didn't seem like he had genuine interest in understanding their positions or in re-evaluating his own in light of their answers.
"Who do you think your creator is?" = the stars (which include our sun) Without stars there were only hydrogen & helium in the universe = no life Without the sun the earth would be frozen / not formed = no life Without the sun there would be nothing to eat = no plants with photosynthesis
Max Mustermann: RA'men! I've long thought if I HAD to worship something, it'd be the sun. Not in the sense of tanning all the time, but just in terms of "who created me...' though as you point out, the stars that have already died are really our creator(s). Ours hasn't created anyone yet.
Akhenaten (King Tut's father) tried that ; it didn't work out too well, I'm afraid...because the polytheist clergy weren't too keen on their gravy-train being derailed. I rather suspect that Tut lived in fear for the last couple of years of his short life, but that's another story.
+Steve Darius Ironically, until you show them empirical evidence that negates some of their beliefs. Then, their threshold for what constitutes believable evidence suddenly goes flying through the roof...
Geez, the guy compares Passion of the Christ to the work of Spielberg and claims that SPIELBERG has never produced anything with as much emotional impact? Dude, people still remember Schindler's List 21 years after it came out, and I expect they will still remember it in the years to come. It is a timeless, emotionally provocative movie that resonates through generations not only because of Spielberg's masterful direction, but because of the subject matter with which it deals. Passion of the Christ came out 10 years ago. Who the fuck remembers it?
I really don't think he was expecting the answers he got. He probably honestly thought he was gonna stump them when he called the show. Funny how he was speechless at the end
What an unusual conversation! Well, at least for the Atheist Experience. I mean, most callers want to argue about this or the other, but this guy, he just asked his questions and said goodbye! He didn't sound happy or sad or pleased or disappointed with the answers he got, so we just don't know what this was all about!
I actually respect the caller in this clip, he sounded like he was genuinely curious about what they thought and why. He didn't try to "convert" them or scare them about going to hell, etc. That caller is going to go places in life, expanding the knowledge he has and raised to be polite and considerate. Good on you Mr Caller!
I actually like The Passion of the Christ. I think it's a beautiful movie. Of course, I also love The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Night of the Living Dead... 😕
The sequel to Passion: Jesus walking around heaven going "Check out these holes" "I'm so glad I am not in Hell" "Dying for sins was easy. Look at me now, I'm GOD"
I love Rock'n'Roll You got the who part down. You forgot the what: Sperm and egg. and why: Shagging. Three different explanations and still a theist won't accept them. ;)
+nostalgicpep - Your thinking is flawed. Humanity is all one species. We spread from Africa all over the world in a very, very, very, very gradual manner. We never migrated, we simply spread as the population grew. Our genetics actually have within them the very markers of this progress over the globe, which we can track via mutations and ERV insertions through those populations that have settled and stayed put in their new regions. The reason different areas of the world have different looking people is that those who moved toward colder less sunny areas ended up not needing so much skin pigment and those who had less survived better and soon those populations became lighter skinned. Also the dietary restrictions of some areas shaped how people looked and behaved. Our knowledge doesn't extend deep enough for me to know why certain humans from certain areas have specific features like eye shape or hair texture, but those little details are really meaningless against the fact that it just takes time and things will change. A lot of time. That's all that is needed.
"The Passion of the Christ". A Christian-themed torture porn. If the character on that cross were anybody but Jesus, Christians would have gone into hysterics over the violence of it.
They ask us non-believers what we think and will it result in us believing finally but. .it's been years and at this point is it pretty safe to say that God has run out of places to hide.
If 'god' can exist without a creator then the universe can exist without a creator as well. But the thing is, there's 100% proof the universe exists, and zero percent proof that a god does
If god revealed himself to me so that I know that god exists, I would probably become a misotheist. Just because I know that he exists doesnt force me to worship him. Just because I know he exists doesn´t mean that I throw my moral compass away.
I think the whole concept of time beginning at the big bang is really interesting. Thus actually making the universe eternal, because you can't have... before time. Physicists are getting so close to a decent it's amazing.
I love this bullshit question, "what do you believe in ", as if you don't believe in the omnipotent god , you somehow don"t . have any morals or life foundations.
Mel Gibson's passion of the Christ made me faint. It was a disgusting snuff movie. I have a relatively low tolerance for seeing human blood but to make me faint, that's in a category of its own.
Very respectful caller. That's the kind of people they need more calls from. Never know...one of those calls may have the truth and real evidence that nobody's expecting. I doubt it, but you never know.
My question back to the caller would be.. if someday in the future, you had a personal divine experience from god, his name is Xenu, would you become a Scientologist?
+bad1dobby Yeah. He asked them a hypothetical question. They each answered it sincerely. To answer your question, the point could be pressed. "Okay, you're confident that it would never happen. But we're dealing with a hypothetical. And whether you would be guided by your own experience...even if that experience is outside of what you expect." Angelina Jolie won't walk in this room right now, plant a big kiss on you and drag you out the door to the nearest private place. But, hypothetically, if that WERE to happen, what would your reaction be?
***** Point taken. You're right that the Jolie scenario is at least possible. I was settling for trying to use the statistical unlikelihood to express the it's not even 50:50. It's thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisss unlikely to be true. But that was inadequate.
"It is time to tell people the unvarnished truth: to stand up for man’s mind and this earth, and against any version of mysticism or religion." -Leonard Peikoff-1986
3:36 my first reaction would be to seek out a neurologist. 4:29 the passion play of the chrust movie, was a snuff film and Gibson should be hospitalized as well the people that found life changing value in the POS movie.
At the start the caller says he has been watching their show for a while now. Then, at the end he asks how often do they have their show on, because he just saw it right now. People will Troll.
one of the most amusing stories i've heard about Gibson's movie....I have a jewish friend who went, and at one part, there is a section they are quoting directly from the Torah, and it's a well known passover prayer my friend has known since childhood...nothing special about it to him... When that section that came up, my friend reflexively started reciting the prayer...people around him started thinking he was having some kind of religious experience and were trying to touch him and in complete awe of him.... and once he realized people were seeing him that way, he started laughing hysterically about it....
I love how the caller asks at the end when the show is on, even though he mentions at the beginning that he’d been following the show regularly. Hahahah! Yeah.
1) Specificness does not require will because? 2) How did natural come about? Where did the natural laws come from? Why should they always be in place?
Tell them to watch the movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster. I believe that even religious people will get something from this one. it's the other side of the mystery that makes people feel that we are not alone....for a completely different, but equally amazing reason. I especially loved her response when she was asked. "So you want us to take this all on Faith?" Priceless.
In fact,the very definition of a miracle is that it happens very infrequently and that it cannot be explained by other means than the supernatural.That is exactly what life is.
I love the theistic regulars that this show gets. People who are willing to hear the other side argue, and consider the possibiities. Goodness if everyone did that just once or twice I think religious numbers would die out, leaving only the weakest of minds.
As much as I like watching some callers getting shut down by the hosts (Jeff, especially, going all "fire and brimstone" on them is a guilty pleasure of mine :-) ), it's really nice when the get a reasonable caller like this. To me, you could tell he was listening to what they said, and his questions (loaded or not) were asked politely. Probably one of my favourite callers to listen to.
I know, this is why I used the word "typically" as a qualifier. Creationists are constantly under the misguided idea that we should see (with the naked eye) evolution in action, as if one species of animal is going to evolve into another before our eyes. This is like claiming continents don't drift b/c we can't go out to the ocean and watch it happen while we're there for a couple of hours.
the creator centers my heart, as well as the hearts of all motion in our universe, from an atom to a star to a galaxy. the creator is the source of mater, its more of a mechanism than an entity.
Laws and theories are two completely different things. Neither is considered "higher" than the other. Laws are merely descriptions of how we have observed things to happen. Theories explain WHY they happen that way. One is the play by play description of a football game, and the other is the film analysis where you figure out why it went the way it did. Laws are limited to telling you WHAT happens - if you want to know why, you look at theory.
IMO the universes creation was an after affect of the last universe ending. Its like how if the continent keep drifting apart they will eventually go back together only to eventually drift apart again
I've been an atheist since I was 14; I'm now 47. And while I keep an open mind to other explanations, @00:52 "we don't believe that there was a *guy* who created the earth" just reinforced all of those 33 years in a few seconds. It does not make any sense to me whatsoever. Not the earth, not the solar system, not the galaxy, not this universe nor any other...
I've woken up feeling that I've had some kind of profound revelation... which lasted until I was fully awake and realized that that was just the aftermath of a bizarre dream.
When I saw the Passion in the theater at age 13 I cried and said "how could they do that to jesus?" I watched it again recently and I truly laughed my ass off for the way they are arbitrarily kicking the shit out of him the whole time. It's hilarious.
I saw the passion of the christ, and it didn't turn me into a christian.
Still an Atheist.
I fell asleep after 30 min. But definitly, if I had stayed awake it would have turned me christian (sarcasm).
+Trinexx360 Was more like a snuff film. Quentin Tarantino would have made it better IMO, would probably give Jebus a sword and make him kill everyone. Jebatrix Kiddo :D
I saw it. Raised Catholic. No longer Catholic. That movie was torture porn or something.
Trinexx360 was kind of boring. Thought there would be more plot line and not just start and end with him being tortured
Yeah, I saw it in the theater to see what all the fuss was about, and it was indeed garbage.
That's exactly what I have been saying for years - friends ask me if I had "devine" experience, would it change my mind? The answer is no, because I would contribute it to my mind playing tricks on me, or some mental disease that causes hallucinations and dellusions.
I cant understand how people are satisfied with "God" being the answer to all these big questions. Look where science has gotten us, do you not want to go further? The progress of human understanding is what I love about science and one of my personal goals in life.
+Marius ”Mani” Nilsen
Easy. Everything that science managed to do is because God, so God is good by his own merits (according to Christians) and also nicks the merits of science.
God is an easy answer, even if it's wrong or unsupported. Science is hard, bro.
its because they need god.they need a god because they are so scared of life.they should start living their life.
Well if you want my take on it, I think a God is ultimately necessary because it explains why we as humans are able to reason at all. It also explains the rational intelligibility of the universe. Many atheists are also materialists, and this ultimately means everytime we think or reason or believe in something, all that is happening is that our brains are undergoing some chemical reaction. This is why many people with these views hold that determinism is true, but if that were the case, there would be nothing to talk about. Every time we "reason" the "reasoning" would have been determined by previous natural causes. It seems more and more absurd to believe that we can reason at all under this worldview. Also, just because God is used as an explanation doesn't mean that it is a wrong explanation. For example, if I were to ask you why does the water in the pot boil? You can give a scientific explanation that heat causes the molecules to shake up and break apart into Hydrogen and Oxygen gas. You can also say, the water is boiling because I'm thirsty and want to make some tea. You can use the laws of internal combustion to explain the motor car engine, you can also say that Henry Ford made it. They are not in conflict with one another. I don't think people's belief in God is holding science back from making any new discoveries. I don't get why people like to create a conflict between God and science.
Because people need their spiritual safety blanket and feel contented that they think they know all the answers.
Even if the god described in the old testament was proven to actually be real, I still wouldn't see any need or reason (beyond some vague threat of punishment) to 'worship' such an immoral being.
If that god exist, then this is probably hell.
Yeah, even when he gets aggressive against us - we all have iron carriages nowadays. : 3
Taxtro Great xDDDD
thank you. even if God was proven to exist he's an absolutely evil being that is immoral and disgusting in his ways
davids11131113 the Old Testament is a real thing I see them all the time, just not "real"
I watched Thor in more than one movie! That's multiple verification! Thor exists!!
Hail the thunderer! Praise him!
secret identities are for pussys
He's the god of Thunder.
Sorry Tanmay, lightning is real, Mt. Olympus is real, thus proving Zeus is real. Eat my bolts Thor!
Do you know how he makes thunder ? ..............@@JayLeber
I wish TAE would have Jeff Dee on more often.
He is concise, logical and fun.
God supposedly can create a whole universe, walk on water and feed a thousand people with a loaf of bread...but can't handle three nails? come on man.
Luis Hernandez.
That's a good one, I'm gunna use that! Cheers.
Luis: Jesus was SUPPOSED to die on the cross. After all, he knew it was going to be temporary. Years ago, I had some surgery without anesthetic. It was terribly painful, but I knew it was temporary and would "fix" the problem, so I hung in there. In about three hours it was over, and problem fixed. It was bad, but it wasn't impossible. Jesus wasn't supposed to handle three nails. He was supposed to suffer and die...so it's not a definitive answer. there are other, better ones. Take your post, "God supposedly can create a whole universe, walk on water and feed a thousand people with a loaf of bread..but can't handle chariots of iron." THERE. I think that's a better one.
Good observation, Luis. This reminds me of a Borges' short story where Judas was the real Messiah. Without Judas' treason, there would not have been a Christ. I love this Borges' story, it is even more convoluted than the Trinity official line.
Jillian Smith Jesus wasn't real. Even if he was, and everything said about him is true, the whole premise of what the point of the sacrifice was, and how it could possibly seen as good or moral, or even any kind of sacrifice, makes no sense to anyone who actually uses their brain.
if Jesus went down to earth to be killed knowing he could be resurrected again - it wasnt much of a sacrifice was it.........
And there's the problem with the mindset of the Religious. They simply can't grasp the idea that some of us don't believe someone (a God) created us. This is despite the fact they they have no evidence to support their view.
Yeah, a lot of them assume everyone is gullible and lacking in intelligence like they are.
IF there is a God? he or she have been playing hide and seek since man walked the earth.
I can't remember who said it but I do remember the quote. "If god created man in his own image, how come I'm not invisible?"
Duke 42 that's funny! Any religion that says man was created in God's image is utter misguidance. You should look into islam and see what it teaches.
Paul Lovio All religion is misguidance. Islam is as ridiculous as the rest.
Duke 42 have you found guidance? What is it?
Paul Lovio Is there some reason I should be seeking guidance?
A whole lot of people have watched Star Wars too, that doesn't make it true at all.
davids11131113 WTF, Star Wars is the truth! Star Wars is the way!
davids11131113 How can you claim that Star Wars is not real? It happend a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. So were you there to see it not happening? I didn't think so, so it has to be real.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
+Angry Duck dude...duuuuddee...for real?it came from Georgle Lucas` MIND.
Heidi Mendoza George Lucas has claimed it came from his mind.That doesn't make it true. Can you prove the event's from Star Wars didn't happen?
Diarrhea of the mouth, constipation of the brain.
They always asks these stupid questions like, "What if you had a divine experience with god. Would that change your mind?" You might as well ask the caller if he had a divine experience with Zeus, would that change his mind? (And they would proceed to find THAT question absurd, while not recognizing that it's the same damned question they just asked.)
I would like to meet Zeus he's way cooler than God a little pervert but not as violent.
No, but it would be proof positive that the Vampire Bunnies are taking over our brains! ...as I've secretly believed for years.
The "who" is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.... everyone knows that, right?
FSM or GOD or UNIVERSE or ENERGY or GRAVITY of QUANTUM FLUX or...a rose is a rose by any other name.
J.D. Fredricksen So you are saying that god is the same as gravity?
Brammy007a I am saying words don't always illuminate.
J.D. Fredricksen Then I suggest that you go spend some time getting your thoughts organized and come back when you have the ability to present a coherent thought.
Brammy007a Right back at you....
neat that that questioner was so easy to talk with. No quarrel about what you believe with pushback to convert you guys. That's how I became an atheist. Listening to all religions and non religions and deciding which was just a perception and which showed proof.
*long honest answer to his question*
*asks his next question*
He literally doesn't care about his answer.
+foxeh123 I didn't take it as him not caring. I just assumed he was wise and knew not to engage further if he didn't have a good comeback. But maybe I overestimate people?
+foxeh123 They're always like that when they are stumped. They just move on. It was never about the question or the answer.
+Angelica But that's the thing - why is it about having a comeback? It's like he used the question as a weapon, it failed, and then he used another question as a weapon (which also failed). It didn't seem like he had genuine interest in understanding their positions or in re-evaluating his own in light of their answers.
"Who do you think your creator is?" = the stars (which include our sun)
Without stars there were only hydrogen & helium in the universe = no life
Without the sun the earth would be frozen / not formed = no life
Without the sun there would be nothing to eat = no plants with photosynthesis
Max Mustermann: RA'men! I've long thought if I HAD to worship something, it'd be the sun. Not in the sense of tanning all the time, but just in terms of "who created me...' though as you point out, the stars that have already died are really our creator(s). Ours hasn't created anyone yet.
Akhenaten (King Tut's father) tried that ; it didn't work out too well, I'm afraid...because the polytheist clergy weren't too keen on their gravy-train being derailed. I rather suspect that Tut lived in fear for the last couple of years of his short life, but that's another story.
@@jilliansmith7123 Just remember to worship the sun, not the son.
srg914: you got it! R'Amen!
Facts !!!
1979 ALIEN came out, what a great Movie, specially at that time. It had a well deserved impact, so Weyland Yutani and aliens are real?
These vids helped me out as a teenager. Thanks Jeff Dee!
believers in god have such a low threshold for belief
+Steve Darius lol, true, they're easily convinced. This idiot thinks the popularity of a movie has a say in what is true.
+Steve Darius Ironically, until you show them empirical evidence that negates some of their beliefs. Then, their threshold for what constitutes believable evidence suddenly goes flying through the roof...
As low as their IQ ..................
Geez, the guy compares Passion of the Christ to the work of Spielberg and claims that SPIELBERG has never produced anything with as much emotional impact?
Dude, people still remember Schindler's List 21 years after it came out, and I expect they will still remember it in the years to come. It is a timeless, emotionally provocative movie that resonates through generations not only because of Spielberg's masterful direction, but because of the subject matter with which it deals.
Passion of the Christ came out 10 years ago.
Who the fuck remembers it?
What the blue balls is Passion of the Christ?
SonicGamingChannel It was a torture porn movie made by Mel Gibson about Jesus. It was kind of a big deal back when it came out.
Oh.... Ohhh Ok, now I remember. I was wondering why all of those people was watching.
SeraphinaAizen1 it was 21 years ago? Whoa, damn I'm getting old
If he's trying to compare that film with Spielberg's movies then ET blows it out of the water
"The Passion of the Christ" was snuff porn.
The Bashing of the Christ, Great movie (0:
_Christian_ Snuff Porn, which makes it acceptable for family viewing.
I'm laughing way too hard at that.
Shocking I'm laughing way too hard at that.
Ha ha, glad you like it (-;
I really don't think he was expecting the answers he got. He probably honestly thought he was gonna stump them when he called the show. Funny how he was speechless at the end
Jeff Dee is a great artist and a wonderful thinker.
That was the most pleasant caller I've heard so far. They're normally nut jobs!
What an unusual conversation! Well, at least for the Atheist Experience.
I mean, most callers want to argue about this or the other, but this guy, he just asked his questions and said goodbye!
He didn't sound happy or sad or pleased or disappointed with the answers he got, so we just don't know what this was all about!
"My grandmother died last week."
"I'm very sorry; who killed her?"
The caller took time and actually listened to what Jeff and Ashley had to say. One of the few I've heard do that, I'm surprised. I respect that.
I actually respect the caller in this clip, he sounded like he was genuinely curious about what they thought and why. He didn't try to "convert" them or scare them about going to hell, etc. That caller is going to go places in life, expanding the knowledge he has and raised to be polite and considerate. Good on you Mr Caller!
I actually like The Passion of the Christ. I think it's a beautiful movie.
Of course, I also love The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Night of the Living Dead... 😕
House of 1000 corpses?!
+Mychael Darklighter Let's be friends lol
They're coming to get you, Barbara!
Creation created itself. Why do we need an outside agency who created itself and then created creation.
Jazzy: yeah, no kidding!
I know who my creator is! Joe Pesci! And George Carlin is his prophet!
Pesci save the queen. Praise Carlin.
We were wandering in the darkness until George Carlin, peace be upon him, showed us the way and the light. Praise and Glory be to Pesci alone. Amen.
Pesci just looks like a guy who can get things DONE ! Ramen
Joe Pesci did not create anything, he's just the person to pray to.
My creator? Hum .. That would have been my mom and dad.
Jason and the Argonauts..was very moving...
Haha, love the part where he DIDN'T complain about the hosts' answers. I think that was the best part of the clip.
i've seen the ten commandments quite a few times. great movie but it did not turn me into a jew.
these guys where very professional. Hats off to you!
gO to TRuthCOnTEstco9m, read THe PreseNT~!76
That is going to sound very offensive to people with no hats.
The sequel to Passion: Jesus walking around heaven going "Check out these holes" "I'm so glad I am not in Hell" "Dying for sins was easy. Look at me now, I'm GOD"
I like this caller, very respectful, and open to discussion.
who do i think my creator is?
there are two of them and i know both of them.
*MOM AND DAD*, who else?
I love Rock'n'Roll
You got the who part down. You forgot the what: Sperm and egg. and why: Shagging.
Three different explanations and still a theist won't accept them. ;)
Worship Christ! He sacrificed a holiday weekend in Jerusalem for you sins!
+nostalgicpep - Your thinking is flawed.
Humanity is all one species. We spread from Africa all over the world in a very, very, very, very gradual manner. We never migrated, we simply spread as the population grew. Our genetics actually have within them the very markers of this progress over the globe, which we can track via mutations and ERV insertions through those populations that have settled and stayed put in their new regions. The reason different areas of the world have different looking people is that those who moved toward colder less sunny areas ended up not needing so much skin pigment and those who had less survived better and soon those populations became lighter skinned. Also the dietary restrictions of some areas shaped how people looked and behaved. Our knowledge doesn't extend deep enough for me to know why certain humans from certain areas have specific features like eye shape or hair texture, but those little details are really meaningless against the fact that it just takes time and things will change.
A lot of time. That's all that is needed.
paul d then explain Morocco please. It's in Africa, and moroccans aren't black. Explain black Australians as well please
"The Passion of the Christ". A Christian-themed torture porn. If the character on that cross were anybody but Jesus, Christians would have gone into hysterics over the violence of it.
The good old loaded question fallacy.
What about when The Life of Brian came out, look at the impact that film had. And it's way more entertaining and accurate haha
Boy, these guys are smart/rational/logical. That's why I keep watching. I learn a lot.
They ask us non-believers what we think and will it result in us believing finally but. .it's been years and at this point is it pretty safe to say that God has run out of places to hide.
Jeff Dee is one of my all time favorite artists! His arguments against theism are great! I wish I had discovered this show years ago.
Everything in the universe is of natural origin. No gods necessary.
who is creator of your creator!!!
If 'god' can exist without a creator then the universe can exist without a creator as well. But the thing is, there's 100% proof the universe exists, and zero percent proof that a god does
more people watched star wars, i guess the force is real
The funny thing is religious folks are the ones that actually have no idea where did we come from.
I appreciate that the caller was respectful sometimes people are not
I know my creator, I call them "mom" and "dad"
callers don't take science classes.
I guess we shouldn't be scheduling all the science classes for Sunday. Cuz they've got a thing. Oh wait.
science is awesome
that is soo deep
"...and if you don't agree you can fuck off!"
@@robertbeaulieu1717 hahaha 😆
If god revealed himself to me so that I know that god exists, I would probably become a misotheist. Just because I know that he exists doesnt force me to worship him. Just because I know he exists doesn´t mean that I throw my moral compass away.
That's a word which Theists need to be introduced to.
@@stephaniecuellar3192 what the fuck are you talking about
The passion of the Christ is an awful movie, it's just a collection of violent scenes. It doesn't make any sense at all as a movie.
+FDK Right, and don't they know that Jebus spoke English?
So it follows the book to the letter then.
I think the whole concept of time beginning at the big bang is really interesting. Thus actually making the universe eternal, because you can't have... before time. Physicists are getting so close to a decent it's amazing.
Even though your comment is 2 months old, I giggled once I hit the "plus 1 cup" ending. Brilliant. =)
I love this bullshit question, "what do you believe in ", as if you don't believe in the omnipotent god , you somehow don"t . have any morals or life foundations.
Mel Gibson's passion of the Christ made me faint. It was a disgusting snuff movie.
I have a relatively low tolerance for seeing human blood but to make me faint, that's in a category of its own.
thank (dare I say) God for Christians... without them you'd have no show
Have you met an angry Muslim?!?
+Casey Harrington Same god, different haircut.
Very respectful caller. That's the kind of people they need more calls from. Never know...one of those calls may have the truth and real evidence that nobody's expecting. I doubt it, but you never know.
My creators were my mother and father.
My question back to the caller would be.. if someday in the future, you had a personal divine experience from god, his name is Xenu, would you become a Scientologist?
+bad1dobby Yeah. He asked them a hypothetical question. They each answered it sincerely. To answer your question, the point could be pressed. "Okay, you're confident that it would never happen. But we're dealing with a hypothetical. And whether you would be guided by your own experience...even if that experience is outside of what you expect."
Angelina Jolie won't walk in this room right now, plant a big kiss on you and drag you out the door to the nearest private place. But, hypothetically, if that WERE to happen, what would your reaction be?
***** Point taken. You're right that the Jolie scenario is at least possible. I was settling for trying to use the statistical unlikelihood to express the it's not even 50:50. It's thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisss unlikely to be true. But that was inadequate.
"It is time to tell people the unvarnished truth: to stand up for man’s mind and this earth, and against any version of mysticism or religion."
-Leonard Peikoff-1986
The sum total of anything supernatural that has ever been discovered anywhere on earth is precisely zero!
I can’t believe in this day and age there is people that are this SENCLESS
The use of the word Creator, in the US Constitution, was unfortunate. It would have been a better document if had been left out.
3:36 my first reaction would be to seek out a neurologist. 4:29 the passion play of the chrust movie, was a snuff film and Gibson should be hospitalized as well the people that found life changing value in the POS movie.
At the start the caller says he has been watching their show for a while now. Then, at the end he asks how often do they have their show on, because he just saw it right now. People will Troll.
I think that caller was starting to think.
one of the most amusing stories i've heard about Gibson's movie....I have a jewish friend who went, and at one part, there is a section they are quoting directly from the Torah, and it's a well known passover prayer my friend has known since childhood...nothing special about it to him... When that section that came up, my friend reflexively started reciting the prayer...people around him started thinking he was having some kind of religious experience and were trying to touch him and in complete awe of him.... and once he realized people were seeing him that way, he started laughing hysterically about it....
Wow. What an excellent exchange. It's so refreshing.
The Passion of the Christ had 2,000 years of Hype…. but Jesus, The Bible or The Movie have given very little Hope but tons of Hate!
It is called pure delusion
I love how the caller asks at the end when the show is on, even though he mentions at the beginning that he’d been following the show regularly. Hahahah! Yeah.
1) Specificness does not require will because?
2) How did natural come about? Where did the natural laws come from? Why should they always be in place?
At least the caller was respectful at the end.
It has not stopped almost completely at all.
Tell them to watch the movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster. I believe that even religious people will get something from this one. it's the other side of the mystery that makes people feel that we are not alone....for a completely different, but equally amazing reason. I especially loved her response when she was asked. "So you want us to take this all on Faith?" Priceless.
Good film,that one!
Go to their website. They stream the shows online and they're available for download afterwards.
Not for all countries. Then as well pressures are still there and we could evolve sometime without warning theoretically.
I would think that I ate a portabella that was way out of date, if I saw dog.
Beware of God
Given the fellowship of the ring grossed 200 million more is dollars than passion of christ, does that mean it's factual! Lol
In fact,the very definition of a miracle is that it happens very infrequently and that it cannot be explained by other means than the supernatural.That is exactly what life is.
My parents. My 23andme prove this.
What proof do you have.
I love the theistic regulars that this show gets. People who are willing to hear the other side argue, and consider the possibiities. Goodness if everyone did that just once or twice I think religious numbers would die out, leaving only the weakest of minds.
As much as I like watching some callers getting shut down by the hosts (Jeff, especially, going all "fire and brimstone" on them is a guilty pleasure of mine :-) ), it's really nice when the get a reasonable caller like this. To me, you could tell he was listening to what they said, and his questions (loaded or not) were asked politely. Probably one of my favourite callers to listen to.
I know, this is why I used the word "typically" as a qualifier. Creationists are constantly under the misguided idea that we should see (with the naked eye) evolution in action, as if one species of animal is going to evolve into another before our eyes. This is like claiming continents don't drift b/c we can't go out to the ocean and watch it happen while we're there for a couple of hours.
the creator centers my heart, as well as the hearts of all motion in our universe, from an atom to a star to a galaxy. the creator is the source of mater, its more of a mechanism than an entity.
Laws and theories are two completely different things. Neither is considered "higher" than the other. Laws are merely descriptions of how we have observed things to happen. Theories explain WHY they happen that way. One is the play by play description of a football game, and the other is the film analysis where you figure out why it went the way it did. Laws are limited to telling you WHAT happens - if you want to know why, you look at theory.
IMO the universes creation was an after affect of the last universe ending. Its like how if the continent keep drifting apart they will eventually go back together only to eventually drift apart again
First the caller says he has been watching the show for a while and then at the end he asks how often it is on because "I just saw it right now."
I've been an atheist since I was 14; I'm now 47.
And while I keep an open mind to other explanations, @00:52 "we don't believe that there was a *guy* who created the earth" just reinforced all of those 33 years in a few seconds.
It does not make any sense to me whatsoever. Not the earth, not the solar system, not the galaxy, not this universe nor any other...
I've woken up feeling that I've had some kind of profound revelation... which lasted until I was fully awake and realized that that was just the aftermath of a bizarre dream.
When I saw the Passion in the theater at age 13 I cried and said "how could they do that to jesus?" I watched it again recently and I truly laughed my ass off for the way they are arbitrarily kicking the shit out of him the whole time. It's hilarious.
God would need to stick his big ass out of the clouds for me to believe. Haha
@pancake1567 Yeah, I was surprised. He probably actually learned something. That's refreshing to see.