Shincheonji Tactics (But It Makes Perfect Sense)

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • In this video I respond to a tactic often used by SCJ members whereby they state that because their doctrine makes perfect sense to them, therefore it must be true.

Комментарии • 11

  • @lemmetjie
    @lemmetjie 3 дня назад +4

    Subjectivity plays a role. What “makes sense” to one person might not make sense to another due to different perspectives, experiences, or other cognitive biases. Personal coherence doesn’t guarantee objective truth. The influence of confirmation bias is another thing. People tend to interpret evidence that supports their existing beliefs while ignoring contradictory information.
    What seems sensible based on available information might change with new evidence or broader perspectives. The perception of something making sense can evolve as our understanding deepens.

  • @gaarasama4494
    @gaarasama4494 3 дня назад +1

    You are a very smart guy. If only more people could be a fraction of who you are and just decide to discern for themselves by doing their own research as well as investigate matters instead of just believing in ‘truths’ from sources that tell them to ‘trust me bro’, the world would have enough smart people for organizations like these to ever exist. Even if they still managed to be the stubborn weeds that can grow on the cracks of a sidewalk, people would still be knowledgeable to differentiate between what is food and what is poisonous.

  • @estevaocunha5302
    @estevaocunha5302 3 дня назад +2

    Hi Laurie, I understand what you're saying, and no, I'm not educated in all this metalogy. One question, how can I know that what you're saying makes sense too? Because as the Bible says in 2 Colossians 8, the philosophy of the world has nothing of God, and SCJ uses this verse a lot. In a very direct way, SCJ uses this verse to say that all wisdom from the world is evil and only SCJ has the truth. I cannot convince anyone of SCJ with this metalogy that you bring here because they think that everything is evil. But the question here is, we know that all these metalogies came from centuries and centuries transmitted by the human mind. How can I know that what you say makes any sense at all? By the truth? That is, there are many fallacies of human philosophies that could never be proven... and many that are said to have been proven = "became the truth", make no sense either.... at least some.
    So I also try to understand that when a methodology that you mention here is realized and proven over time, does it become true? Then it can be confirmed that it is true!
    I hope I made myself understood! 😅

    • @SCJSkeptic
      @SCJSkeptic  3 дня назад +3

      //One question, how can I know that what you're saying makes sense too? //
      I don't really understand why you are asking me this question in this way. I cannot tell you what makes sense to you. That's outside of my control. I can however explain the laws of logic to you and present various methodologies for reaching conclusions about the world and you can tell me what you agree or disagree with. I have never met someone, whether religious or secular that disagreed with the laws of logic. Note that philosophical branches like logic and epistemology is often taught in Christian apologetic courses. It is generally not considered as anti-Christian. Many Christians even believe that logic originates from God.
      //Because as the Bible says in 2 Colossians 8, the philosophy of the world has nothing of God, and SCJ uses this verse a lot.//
      Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.
      This is an explanation of this verse from a Christian website:
      Paul mentions "philosophy," which he means in a very specific sense. This is not a broad reference to all meanings of that term. The Bible's stance on deep thinking, logic, and philosophy-as-philosophy is very positive (Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1; Proverbs 15:28). In this context, Paul is condemning philosophy which is based on explicitly anti-Christian principles. In verse 4, he referred to these kinds of arguments as "deceptive," using a Greek term which implies trickery or cheating. In other words, actual critical thinking is not the problem. Self-deluding, worldly philosophical "tricks" are the problem (2 Timothy 3:7). The false teachers of Colossae are using these kinds of attacks against Christ.
      // In a very direct way, SCJ uses this verse to say that all wisdom from the world is evil and only SCJ has the truth. I cannot convince anyone of SCJ with this metalogy that you bring here because they think that everything is evil.//
      Yeah but they also think that any interpretation of the bible that differs from theirs is evil, so their closed mindedness block almost any form of disagreement either way. I would simply ask them what about logic they disagree with and try to see if they would disagree with any of the laws of logic. I have never interacted with an SCJ member that disagreed with the law of non-contradiction since they reference it often in the church.
      //But the question here is, we know that all these metalogies came from centuries and centuries transmitted by the human mind. How can I know that what you say makes any sense at all? By the truth? That is, there are many fallacies of human philosophies that could never be proven... and many that are said to have been proven = "became the truth", make no sense either.... at least some.//
      I agree that logic originates from the human mind however many Christians, including Man Hee Lee believes that logic originated from God. Can you give some examples of the many fallacies of human philosophies you are referring to? I don't understand what you are talking about.
      //So I also try to understand that when a methodology that you mention here is realized and proven over time, does it become true? Then it can be confirmed that it is true!//
      You are confusing methodologies for truth claims. It's simply not the same thing. I don't get the point you are trying to make.

  • @bujinkanatori
    @bujinkanatori 2 дня назад +1

    such a nice smoothing voice.
    Have you thought about making audiobooks?

    • @SCJSkeptic
      @SCJSkeptic  2 дня назад +2

      I have yes 😁. Maybe in the future

  • @joshbeckett8412
    @joshbeckett8412 3 дня назад +1

    Whats with the ski mask?

    • @SCJSkeptic
      @SCJSkeptic  3 дня назад +1

      I was too lazy to comb my hair