How do we prove, verifiably, the King James BIBLE is GOD'S fore ordained book, inspired by Him?? After years of turning my back against GOD, living a selfish life. No meaning in life. A life given to drugs and alcohol, One day I met with an accident along with my wife that we both miraculously survived without a scratch, came home and next day I sat on my dining table with a glass of rum and I heard a voice inside my head asking me to pick up the King James BIBLE that was lying in my cupboard shelf for more than a decade. I obeyed that voice, poured out all the liquor in the sink and started reading that BIBLE and for some reason I was able to clearly understand everything I have read and felt that the BIBLE is taking to me, and as days went by I gave my life to CHRIST. Since that day I am in a relationship with my King James BIBLE. I'm still having my struggles with the flesh, but GOD is gracious in times of stumbling. No matter what I come back to the Word. Praise GOD for the wonderful miracle of salvation in my life. I owe Him my all.
You will fight with your flesh until you get the perfect body (same type that Jesus has, travel by thought, through walls etc.). Flesh will be at enmity until then. Galatians is a great read about the struggles between the flesh and the Spirit and also works vs. faith.
[I have posted this in another thread, please forgive for the re-posting!] This is one of the things that crashed me around 45 years ago (until 7 years ago when I finally came to my senses!). I spent 3.5 years in a Bible college, which you can stack onto almost daily church activity and attendance, and Christian elementary and middle school, and all Christian family upbringing. I had read many times of how God has protected His Word. But then Bible college told me that all versions were acceptable to God, and for preaching and teaching, living by, and for leading others to Christ. I could never see just WHY would God abandon the truth of the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic when He allowed the English interpretations. WHY would THE sovereign God go to such lengths to divinely inspire the writing of it, and then store it in jars (Dead Sea scrolls) just to let His Holy Word be demolished in the New Testament, and in modern interpretations? Before I mistakenly traversed into Chinese wisdom literature and mythologies, I cried and beat my chest to God in prayers in all hours of the night. It didn’t make sense to me. I left Bible college and church, though in my deep inner core I always KNEW that there was One True God. I was convinced that I just didn’t fully know or understand Him, therefore I had to search for His ‘missing knowledge’ (Eve’s sin, BTW). God let me run my course until I was completely exhausted, ‘run out’ of my own wisdom and efforts. And then He appeared to me in a waking vision, Hallelujah! 🙌🏼 I immediately clung to Him! I am HIS! I then revisited the topic of translations, and original manuscripts. I found a guy that I had briefly known and gone to Bible college with years ago (David Daniels) who had written several books on this very topic! And much truth that wasn’t public knowledge years ago has now been made public, about Tischendorf’s forgery, Westcott & Hort’s aberrant spiritism, and the absolute and literally diabolical pollution of God’s Word in modern translations. This pollution is the most despicable abomination! Just as our God IS The One True God, and there IS NO OTHER, the AV, KJV is the ONLY version I will 100% trust as being absolutely The Holy Word of God! 🙌🏼
one night I prayed to God to give me a sign that if the kjv is really the perfect word of God, he replied I took my kjv bible I opened it and the first thing my two eyes saw was the word PERFECT i was joy and was amazed because of their are many words in the bible but why the word I see first was PERFECT, Until now, I am amazed at what God has done. Praise Lord Jesus Christ kjv the pure preserved word of God, kjv is mathemathecal perfection, kjv around nationality✝️🙏🔥🌎.
@paulstevenson789 by the way im a filipino but im believe that God use english language to preserve his word and and I believe that God chose the English language to preach his word to other tounge or language and that it has the ability to be translated by translators into other languages or tounge and america is one of the most more Christian in this world, this is the plan of the God in end times that english language has bacame a most spoken univeral language of this world kjv is pure perfect word of God🔥🌎🙏✝️👑.
@@thetcroc.4086that is your opinion - that of a men. I rather listen to what God has to say. Frankly speaking, only God is smart enough to encrypt His word to the degree the KJV (and no other translations) has been encrypted. Considering the bible consists of 66 books written in 3 languages over 1600 years by 40 authors in 3 different continents for it to go through many translations into latin and then the english translation into the kjv which was released near the printing press invention (which mass printed the kjv), only God could have forplanned all these patterns in the kjv. How do I know it wasnt satans doing? 1. KJV is the most popular translation and has led the most amount of people to Christ. 2. Satan tried to encrypt "allahs" word on the quran (all written by 1 person) but the patterns there simply dont even cover 0.1% of what is in the KJV and they are mostly equal amount of good vs bad counts (even a human can do this if they really try). However God knew this and outsmarted Satan with the KJV.
@ You’ll find people to engage with you if you set aside your ego. You’re simply making a rhetorical point to push your perspective and pretending it’s a question. No humility.
@ElevateTheWord Yes. It was rhetorical. It was blatantly clear that the video isn't sincere. The software he is using has no less than 10 variations of the text. He doesn't specify which ones to use. None of these claims can be substantiated outside of this software. He said not to take his word for it. I didn't. None of the claims could be substantiated.
This is one of the things that crashed me around 45 years ago (until 7 years ago when I finally came to my senses!). I spent 3.5 years in a Bible college, which you can stack onto almost daily church activity and attendance, and Christian elementary and middle school, and all Christian family upbringing. I had read many times of how God has protected His Word. But then Bible college told me that all versions were acceptable to God, and for preaching and teaching, living by, and for leading others to Christ. I could never see just WHY would God abandon the truth of the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic when He allowed the English interpretations. WHY would THE sovereign God go to such lengths to divinely inspire the writing of it, and then store it in jars (Dead Sea scrolls) just to let His Holy Word be demolished in the New Testament, and in modern interpretations? Before I mistakenly traversed into Chinese wisdom literature and mythologies, I cried and beat my chest to God in prayers in all hours of the night. It didn’t make sense to me. I left Bible college and church, though in my deep inner core I always KNEW that there was One True God. I was convinced that I just didn’t fully know or understand Him, therefore I had to search for His ‘missing knowledge’ (Eve’s sin, BTW). God let me run my course until I was completely exhausted, ‘run out’ of my own wisdom and efforts. And then He appeared to me in a waking vision, Hallelujah! 🙌🏼 I immediately clung to Him! I am HIS! I then revisited the topic of translations, and original manuscripts. I found a guy that I had briefly known and gone to Bible college with years ago (David Daniels) who had written several books on this very topic! And much truth that wasn’t public knowledge years ago has now been made public, about Tischendorf’s forgery, Westcott & Hort’s aberrant spiritism, and the absolute and literally diabolical pollution of God’s Word in modern translations. This pollution is the most despicable abomination! Just as our God IS The One True God, and there IS NO OTHER, the AV, KJV is the ONLY version I will 100% trust as being absolutely The Holy Word of God! 🙌🏼
Brandon! The vine of sodom versions change Matthew 18:22 to say "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times". My 9 year old caught that when his teacher at his Christian school read that verse. He loves and respects his teacher, but still had to speak up and say his King James says seventy times seven.
@@silnodthat’s so amazing that your husband reads the Bible with your son every night. exactly the kind of dad i want to be when i have children, God bless you and your family
100% PROOF the 1611 KJB is the preserved, inerrant, inspired written Word of God. Beautiful. Magnificent. Truly a miracle! Praise God, what a faith-building gift for these last days! 🥰💝🙌🏼
Brother I seriously can't say it enough thank you for your messages an videos. I said most of my life I believed 99% of the bible because of all the interpretations an multiple writings an writers but after watching you sir I can honestly say now I believe 110% that the king james is the word of GOD ONLY GOD HIMSELF COULD HAVE DONE THIS I PRAY HE GUIDE YOU AN PROTECT YOU AN YOURS THANK YOU SIR
Thank you Brother Brandon for honoring God’s True Word! Eyes up! Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Colossians 1:14 "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:" Salvation is obtained by simply believing in Jesus' death (Blood sacrifice), burial and resurrection with all your heart for payment of all your sins, past, present and future.
All sin was paid at the cross by the blood of Jesus Christ. 1 Timothy 2: “6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” Here Timothy says that God paid for “All” not “all believers”. The definition of ransom is a payment for the release of a prisoner from captivity, in this case the world was the prisoner of sin and that ransom was paid by Christ which means that the whole world is no longer in captivity until the end of the age of grace. Christ died for the whole world when we were sinners (Rom 5:8) not when we believe, the payment was made for ALL. At the cross the law was abolished, meaning we’re no longer under the law (Rom 4:15) but we are under grace and God stopped imputing sins at the cross : 2 Cor. “18 And all things are of God, who HATH reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.” Colossians 2:”13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;” He forgave us before we were believers and that reconciled him to us. See at the cross the wall (Sin) between man and God was broken which allows both parties to be reconciled, Jesus Christ reconciled himself to the whole world by his sacrifice on the cross. We are to be reconciled to him by faith on the gospel of Paul ; 2 Cor “20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.” Rom 5: “10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” See here you have the 2 parts, 1st “when we were enemies” so there is a part of the reconciliation that happened when we were enemies at the cross (the atonement) and a 2nd which saves (“saved by his life”) us which is by faith in the gospel. There are 2 parts of reconciliation from both parties, God and us. God reconciled himself to us at the cross by paying the ransom for ALL, and thus the middle wall of partition was broken we are no longer in sin’s captivity and able to be reconciled to him by faith in the gospel and obtain salvation. So to be clear, we don’t get forgiveness when we believe because 1. There is nothing to forgive post cross because God stopped imputing sins at the cross (2 Cor 5:19) 2. The atonement necessary for forgiveness was already made by Jesus Christ whether we believe or not. If I pay your debt, you’re free from that debt whether you believe I’ve paid it or not. Everyone has already received atonement for sins, belief is not necessary for that, blood is, Hebrews 9:”22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.” Now you may ask what separates us from the unbelievers? Faith is the answer, unbelievers aren’t saved even though they’re forgiven because they don’t have the righteousness and justification of Christ obtained by faith (Rom 1:17;Rom 3:21-22;Rom 4:5; Rom 5:19; Rom 6:18; etc.), which is necessary to get to heaven (Rom 5:17-21). In Christ we have eternal life thanks to his righteousness and justification, but outside of Christ we are spiritually dead and do not have life. Problems that arise when we confuse salvation with forgiveness ; 1. What sins need to be forgiven when God stopped imputing sins at the cross (2 Cor 5:19)? 2. How can there still be ransom when Christ paid the ransom? (1 Timothy 2:6) How can you still be indebted when someone has paid your debt? 3. If the whole world wasn’t forgiven, did God reconcile himself to sin? 4. No where in Paul’s epistles does he ever tell us how to get forgiven but he tells us how to get saved multiple times. 5. Why does Romans 3:25 say “sins that are PAST” if God didn’t stop imputing sins at the cross? To conclude all sins prior the cross were atoned for by Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour when we died reconciling himself to us. That atonement satisfied God enough for him to Forgive the WORLD. Also there is no need for atonement of sins post cross because they are not being imputed , hence the word “PAST” in Romans 3:25. We get saved when we believe the gospel (1 Cor 15:1-4) and the righteousness and justification of Christ necessary for eternal life are imputed to us. What you need to retain from this is that forgiveness and salvation are not the same, one HAPPENED at the cross and one happens when an individual believes the gospel and is sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
Firstly this is NOT numerology. This is simply counting up the words in the KJB. Numerology is the use of numbers to predict the future. In Hebrew and Greek the letters of the alphabet are used for numbers. People even try to assert that that is numerology as well! In Genesis 1 God spoke 343 words using the KJB. That is 7times 7 times 7. I counted them myself! No other translation has that count. The nearest being the NIV (nearly inspired version). Try reading Brandon’s book Sealed By The King. Over 500 pages of copious notes and research.Irrefutable evidence. Then there is the work of Ivan Panin who spent a lifetime investigating the numeric patterns in the Hebrew Bible. That was well over a century ago.
@karlbro7287I call it the not inspired version and the worst is esv essentially satans version If you have the wrong Book do they have the right Jesus.
Thank you! Eric from True Roots Ministries sent me here. I have actually been using that very same Bible software for many years. It was developed by a lady in Pastor Mike's church out of Missouri and it is excellent
God bless you, Brandon. I hope to meet you in person someday and I can’t wait to break bread with you in heaven amongst all the saints. YOU ARE A BLESSING!!!
"Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him." Malachi 3 : 16-17
Thank you for your work, Brandon. I am glad the Lord continues to use you to bring forth these truths about His word in the English language, the King James Bible. It is a blessing as a Christian to know I have God's eternal preserved word in my hands when I open the KJB. I actually am saddened by textual critics who reject the preservation of God's word in the KJB, because they go forward in doubt and have no final, settled authority in their life. Hopefully some of them will reconsider the evidence supporting the King James and come to faith that they truly have God's word too. Psa 86:4 Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. Psa 86:5 For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.
Praise the Lord! Thank you brother for the undeniable proof that the standardised King James Bible (the “settled in heaven” and final word of God) is available to us all for these last days. I’m so grateful for your humility and love for the brethren and also for the pure words of our Lord Jesus Christ! LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalms 119:89 KJV
Another great video especially for those who may be new to the great wonders of God and these number patterns that God has placed in his word to prove the inspiration of the King James Bible and that he exists.
Brandon, Noah Harrari is talking about producing a Bible for the one world religion. Your research has shown how sensitive God's word is to any change whatsoever. I believe He has made it impossible for AI to alter His word and He has demonstrated this through your work. I have shared your videos around and have also purchased your book in support. I love all this. Thankyou so much.
Once again, verifiable mathematical proof of the divine inspiration of the Holy Bible! I am just astounded at the wisdom and the level of detail God has put into his Word. Praise God! Ecc 7:27
A phenomenal series by a lamp in the dark! Check out "a bridge to babylon" there are 2 parts of it and also the "modern versions" video by them.. I believe "Chris pinto" has to do w those videos... theyre top notch when it comes to bible related content.
I bought a KJV bible at the book store because of your videos and as soon I put the bible on the counter the lady serving me said the words 'mathematically impossible.' My eyes lit up and I was taken aback so I asked her if she meant the bible. She said no she was speaking to someone on her headset😂 But what are the chances that those two words were said as soon as I put the bible on the counter to buy it😮 Still gives me goosebumps! Great work Brandon❤
Happy and blessed to be KJVO. If you haven't come to the knowledge of the truth that can only be found in the KJV Bible it's because you haven't been called to it: John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. Jesus is the Word of God. So is the Bible. Jesus and the Bible are the same thing. Jesus was pure and undefiled, so the Bible must be pure and undefiled. Only one version of Jesus came. So there should only be one version of the Bible.
My KJV is never on the shelf... Lol Its almost always open, and most certainly always on my desk if not in my hands. However, I do have many KJVs, so I do have some on the shelves. Lol If Jesus were standing amongst us talkin about this, I'd tell Him He was just showin off. LOL 😆 No one can do that, man. Just Him. Like all the rest of it. Blessed be He. He left these lil nuggets for those who like to dig. 😍🥰 I found somethin cool today too. Thank You, Abba, for You, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, which teaches us these little golden nuggets of You. Thank You.
Yes Brandon, the King James Bible is God’s Holy preserved, perfect book!! Here’s one that blew my mind. The word “sin” is in the King James 448 times, the word “blood” is 447 times. That computes to the realization that there is “1” sin that is not covered by the blood. Every Bible believer knows what that sin is. Our God is so incredible!! Praise Him!!
@ I can’t take credit karlbro. I heard it on a RUclips channel and can’t remember whose? But it was so incredible that I’ll never forget it. Blessings to you!
im a filipino but tagalog bible is corrupted and God lead me to read kjv bible i believe that God use english language to preserved his word because english language is the most spoken universal language of this world. kjv is mathematical perfection,kjv around nationality kjv is the pure preserved word of God✝️🔥🙏🌎👑.
@@ChrisPerkins-i7hhe preserved it in other languages too lol not everyone speaks English, and a believer can translate the important parts of the KJV to another language
The fact the English language is the most widely spoken on Earth and the KJV is the biggest selling book ever is no mistake. Also the KJV has no copyright attached to it, it's available for all.
1 Corinthians 2:12 (KJV) Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
@@jamesperkins5752 The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is in the public domain in most countries, including the United States, because the copyright has expired. Here are some key points to consider: Original Publication: The KJV was first published in 1611, which means it has been out of copyright for centuries in places where copyright terms are based on the life of the author plus a certain number of years or by a fixed term from the date of publication. Public Domain: Since there's no surviving copyright, anyone can reproduce, distribute, or adapt the text of the KJV without needing permission or paying royalties. This includes printing, publishing online, or incorporating the text into other works. Specific Editions: However, while the text itself is in the public domain, specific editions might have copyrights due to unique editorial work, such as new introductions, annotations, cross-references, or formatting. For example, if someone publishes a new edition with significant additional content or a unique layout, those elements might be copyrighted. Reprinting: You can freely copy the text of the KJV as it was originally published, but you should be cautious about modern editions that might contain copyrighted material. Global Considerations: While it's generally public domain in most Western countries, copyright laws can differ around the world, so it's wise to check local laws if you're outside traditional Western legal frameworks. To summarize, you can copy and distribute the text of the KJV Bible without copyright infringement concerns, provided you're dealing with the original text and not a modern edition with added copyrighted material. If you're planning to use or distribute the KJV in any form, it might be prudent to verify that your source is indeed just the original text or to ensure any additional material you use does not infringe on other copyrights.
@@jamesperkins5752 it's not a marketing copyright as what we now know as a copyright for $$$$. It's a Crown copyright that was used to determine quality in printing. It is now public domain
Hey brother been waiting for another video. Still praising the Lord Jesus here in AP.#700 I know that the Lord is coming soon. Franklin GRAVITT. Love you Brother.
Brandon your videos have shown me that the King James Bible has God's hand on it. The KJB is God's pure Word and im saying that as a Catholic. One of these patterns would be staggering, but the sheer amount of them is just absolutely insane. It isn't possible that so many mathematically impossible patterns exist, all of which are theologically coherent. The Holy Ghost truly works through you in discovering these mind-blowing patterns.
@@RJ-ku2mh Amen brother 🙏🏻 It’s interesting to know that there are other people out there that have the same viewpoint. The King James certainly does stand out, even from a literary sense.
Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. Believe in thine heart and thou shalt be saved. ❤ Jesus is my LORD and Saviour. Thank You, Jesus!!! ❤ 1Corinthains 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10. I believe in my heart ❤
Absolutely amazing I just really appreciate how you explain these things so simply so that we can understand it, and how amazing our God is to have gifted us with such a gift that we do not deserve and most do not appreciate.
Chuck probably wasn't shown very much because he had a bad habit of trying to correct the King James Bible with the Greek. He knows better now having gone on to glory.
Romans 10:17 So faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Believe in Jesus and have faith in his blood. King James Bible
I am the engineer mentioned in the video. The 77,777 pattern has a 1 in 100,000 chance of being a random coincidence, or stated another way is 99.999% probable to be a miracle (not a coincidence). If the pattern was not deliberately introduced into the text, then the first/last words of the first/last verses are just 4 random words. And the chance that 4 random words in the Bible appear 77,777 times, is about 1 in 100,000, as verified by a computer evaluating a billion random draws of 4 words.
The Mighty King. The Mighty God. Christ the Lord. The redeemer of ALL who chose to follow Him. Christ has his servants throughout history such as prophets, apostles, teachers, scribes, etc. Brother Peterson is another instrument in his hands.
Thank you so much for all your work! You probably know this one already but 'seven', case sensitive appears 448 times which is also a multiple of 7 (64 times)
Terrific and inspiring! Thank you for showing more of the heptatic structure of the Bible. You might wish to supplement this by Chuck Missler's presentations into very, very similar topics.
Amen... a beautiful evidence in the King James Bible for us... "what sayeth the scripture?" should be our sword against the devil and his angels.... Christ is King... God is alpha and omega, He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... He is Jehovah... The I AM.... May all of our being... our body, mind and soul praise His name forever and ever Amen...
Just a minor correction, Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lord, not just a mere king, he's above all kings and above all lords. That "Christ is King" slogan the catholics love to use here on the Internet always rubbed be wrong, as the Bible says: Revelation 17:14 (KJV) These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
@karlbro7287 Thanks for the correction... I totally agree with you... Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords... and I have never heard of the Catholic slogan 'Christ is King' .... so when I say Chrsit is King... I mean He is THE ONE AND ONLY KING.... but I guess I'll try saying it in a better way from now on.....
John 6:66 is talking about the disciplines that walked no more with Jesus because they didn't believe his Word. Psalm 66:6 is talking when God's children are rejoicing because they made it through the red sea at the exact time when the non believers are drowning because they deny God.
@TruthisChrist ooo. Im glad you responded. I've been in this book for 5 years now, trying to get everyone to hear what I'm hearing. This book isn't just a book. It's Jesus Christ! It's Jesus talking directly, to you. It has eyes, and it's a him, and it knows your thoughts and intents of your heart. Hebrews 4:12-13. And it foresees!. Because the scripture is God. Galatians 3:8 And the scripture, foreseeing. There was no scripture back then. Moses hasn't written it yet. It was just God and Abraham. Where was scripture? It wasn't there. But it was because God is the SCRIPTURE. You're doing a great job. Satan is mad. You have the count down with every word. You can't argue with that. No man is capable of writing Jesus Christ God Almighty but you can count his words. And the count is perfect because the book is perfect and Jesus Christ is perfect. But they will continue to cast down the truth to the ground. Daniel 8:12. But that's OK. I'm going to keep picking it up and preaching and spreading the Glorious Gospel. And the word Gospel never has an "s" on the end. So there's only one Gospel. Have a blessed day. Jesus Christ loves you
I will never read any other book or look at any other book besides the king James version Bible. I cant. It's Jesus Christ right there. This book can't be compared to anything on earth. I take it every where.
How do we prove, verifiably, the King James BIBLE is GOD'S fore ordained book, inspired by Him??
After years of turning my back against GOD, living a selfish life. No meaning in life. A life given to drugs and alcohol,
One day I met with an accident along with my wife that we both miraculously survived without a scratch, came home and next day I sat on my dining table with a glass of rum and I heard a voice inside my head asking me to pick up the King James BIBLE that was lying in my cupboard shelf for more than a decade. I obeyed that voice, poured out all the liquor in the sink and started reading that BIBLE and for some reason I was able to clearly understand everything I have read and felt that the BIBLE is taking to me, and as days went by I gave my life to CHRIST. Since that day I am in a relationship with my King James BIBLE. I'm still having my struggles with the flesh, but GOD is gracious in times of stumbling. No matter what I come back to the Word. Praise GOD for the wonderful miracle of salvation in my life. I owe Him my all.
You will fight with your flesh until you get the perfect body (same type that Jesus has, travel by thought, through walls etc.). Flesh will be at enmity until then. Galatians is a great read about the struggles between the flesh and the Spirit and also works vs. faith.
I have read a few different Bibles, but nothing touches my soul like the KJV.
Watch his other videos 😊
[I have posted this in another thread, please forgive for the re-posting!]
This is one of the things that crashed me around 45 years ago (until 7 years ago when I finally came to my senses!).
I spent 3.5 years in a Bible college, which you can stack onto almost daily church activity and attendance, and Christian elementary and middle school, and all Christian family upbringing. I had read many times of how God has protected His Word. But then Bible college told me that all versions were acceptable to God, and for preaching and teaching, living by, and for leading others to Christ. I could never see just WHY would God abandon the truth of the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic when He allowed the English interpretations. WHY would THE sovereign God go to such lengths to divinely inspire the writing of it, and then store it in jars (Dead Sea scrolls) just to let His Holy Word be demolished in the New Testament, and in modern interpretations?
Before I mistakenly traversed into Chinese wisdom literature and mythologies, I cried and beat my chest to God in prayers in all hours of the night. It didn’t make sense to me.
I left Bible college and church, though in my deep inner core I always KNEW that there was One True God. I was convinced that I just didn’t fully know or understand Him, therefore I had to search for His ‘missing knowledge’ (Eve’s sin, BTW).
God let me run my course until I was completely exhausted, ‘run out’ of my own wisdom and efforts. And then He appeared to me in a waking vision, Hallelujah! 🙌🏼
I immediately clung to Him!
I am HIS!
I then revisited the topic of translations, and original manuscripts. I found a guy that I had briefly known and gone to Bible college with years ago (David Daniels) who had written several books on this very topic! And much truth that wasn’t public knowledge years ago has now been made public, about Tischendorf’s forgery, Westcott & Hort’s aberrant spiritism, and the absolute and literally diabolical pollution of God’s Word in modern translations.
This pollution is the most despicable abomination!
Just as our God IS The One True God, and there IS NO OTHER, the AV, KJV is the ONLY version I will 100% trust as being absolutely The Holy Word of God! 🙌🏼
He has a video called 153 Fishes. Very good.
Your research has increased my faith.
Your uploads are the only ones I get pumped for! Yessss
one night I prayed to God to give me a sign that if the kjv is really the perfect word of God, he replied I took my kjv bible I opened it and the first thing my two eyes saw was the word PERFECT i was joy and was amazed because of their are many words in the bible but why the word I see first was PERFECT, Until now, I am amazed at what God has done. Praise Lord Jesus Christ kjv the pure preserved word of God, kjv is mathemathecal perfection, kjv around nationality✝️🙏🔥🌎.
Amen and Amen!!!
@paulstevenson789 by the way im a filipino but im believe that God use english language to preserve his word and and I believe that God chose the English language to preach his word to other tounge or language and that it has the ability to be translated by translators into other languages or tounge and america is one of the most more Christian in this world, this is the plan of the God in end times that english language has bacame a most spoken univeral language of this world kjv is pure perfect word of God🔥🌎🙏✝️👑.
lmao, stop reading your bible which adds in false words that shouldnt be in the text, Jew should be translated as Judean and Gentile as nation.
@@thetcroc.4086that is your opinion - that of a men.
I rather listen to what God has to say.
Frankly speaking, only God is smart enough to encrypt His word to the degree the KJV (and no other translations) has been encrypted. Considering the bible consists of 66 books written in 3 languages over 1600 years by 40 authors in 3 different continents for it to go through many translations into latin and then the english translation into the kjv which was released near the printing press invention (which mass printed the kjv), only God could have forplanned all these patterns in the kjv. How do I know it wasnt satans doing?
1. KJV is the most popular translation and has led the most amount of people to Christ.
2. Satan tried to encrypt "allahs" word on the quran (all written by 1 person) but the patterns there simply dont even cover 0.1% of what is in the KJV and they are mostly equal amount of good vs bad counts (even a human can do this if they really try). However God knew this and outsmarted Satan with the KJV.
Which one? There are many KJV Bibles. And you can't say the original. This video isn't using the 1611.
@ You’ll find people to engage with you if you set aside your ego. You’re simply making a rhetorical point to push your perspective and pretending it’s a question. No humility.
@ElevateTheWord Yes. It was rhetorical. It was blatantly clear that the video isn't sincere.
The software he is using has no less than 10 variations of the text. He doesn't specify which ones to use. None of these claims can be substantiated outside of this software. He said not to take his word for it. I didn't. None of the claims could be substantiated.
Just awesome work!! Thank you sir, and thank our Lord for this miracle!!
Psalm 12:7, the 490th chapter (70x7) of the Bible, 7th verse, the LORD is declared to be the steward of his words forever.
Divinely inspired.
Praise Jesus Christ of Nazareth!! That's such an awesome find!!🙏🕊💕
This is one of the things that crashed me around 45 years ago (until 7 years ago when I finally came to my senses!).
I spent 3.5 years in a Bible college, which you can stack onto almost daily church activity and attendance, and Christian elementary and middle school, and all Christian family upbringing. I had read many times of how God has protected His Word. But then Bible college told me that all versions were acceptable to God, and for preaching and teaching, living by, and for leading others to Christ. I could never see just WHY would God abandon the truth of the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic when He allowed the English interpretations. WHY would THE sovereign God go to such lengths to divinely inspire the writing of it, and then store it in jars (Dead Sea scrolls) just to let His Holy Word be demolished in the New Testament, and in modern interpretations?
Before I mistakenly traversed into Chinese wisdom literature and mythologies, I cried and beat my chest to God in prayers in all hours of the night. It didn’t make sense to me.
I left Bible college and church, though in my deep inner core I always KNEW that there was One True God. I was convinced that I just didn’t fully know or understand Him, therefore I had to search for His ‘missing knowledge’ (Eve’s sin, BTW).
God let me run my course until I was completely exhausted, ‘run out’ of my own wisdom and efforts. And then He appeared to me in a waking vision, Hallelujah! 🙌🏼
I immediately clung to Him!
I am HIS!
I then revisited the topic of translations, and original manuscripts. I found a guy that I had briefly known and gone to Bible college with years ago (David Daniels) who had written several books on this very topic! And much truth that wasn’t public knowledge years ago has now been made public, about Tischendorf’s forgery, Westcott & Hort’s aberrant spiritism, and the absolute and literally diabolical pollution of God’s Word in modern translations.
This pollution is the most despicable abomination!
Just as our God IS The One True God, and there IS NO OTHER, the AV, KJV is the ONLY version I will 100% trust as being absolutely The Holy Word of God! 🙌🏼
Thank the LORD JESUS CHRIST for your ministry, Brother.
So great to have you stand up for Gods Word❤
Brandon! The vine of sodom versions change Matthew 18:22 to say "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times". My 9 year old caught that when his teacher at his Christian school read that verse. He loves and respects his teacher, but still had to speak up and say his King James says seventy times seven.
isn't that something how easily a verse can be twisted and thrown off from the truth!? 🤔 I commend your son for catching that error 🥰🙏🕊💕
Let him know, air-high-five from Brandon. :)
@@silnodthat’s so amazing that your husband reads the Bible with your son every night. exactly the kind of dad i want to be when i have children, God bless you and your family
Who names a Bible version "vine of sodom" ??
100% PROOF the 1611 KJB is the preserved, inerrant, inspired written Word of God. Beautiful. Magnificent. Truly a miracle! Praise God, what a faith-building gift for these last days! 🥰💝🙌🏼
Man thank you for making these! My friends and I always get excited when you put out new videos.
I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for your diligence brother Brandon.May the Lord bless you and keep you and your family
Brother I seriously can't say it enough thank you for your messages an videos. I said most of my life I believed 99% of the bible because of all the interpretations an multiple writings an writers but after watching you sir I can honestly say now I believe 110% that the king james is the word of GOD ONLY GOD HIMSELF COULD HAVE DONE THIS I PRAY HE GUIDE YOU AN PROTECT YOU AN YOURS THANK YOU SIR
This ignores the fact that the KJV translators themselves openly admit to altering the text. It's literally written in the preface of every KJV Bible.
I will second that.. God is great he knew we would need this in these end times. Praise God.
@nilpo what's your point? It seems mute from the evidence provided in these videos.
@@chrisodonnell1480 What evidence is that? Did you actually do as he says and perform the searches yourself? I did. These are not the results I got.
"For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven." Psalm 119:89 Amen!
@@voicecryinginthewilderness Thank you!
Proverbs 25:2
“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.”
Awesome study! Bless you 🙏
Revelation 1:6 KJV - And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
*hint hint*
This is definitely, miracles, signs and wonders confirming the King James Version Holy Bible as God's Word! Thanks Brandon, glory to God!
Thank you Brother Brandon for honoring God’s True Word! Eyes up! Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Acts 16:31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." Colossians 1:14 "In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:" Salvation is obtained by simply believing in Jesus' death (Blood sacrifice), burial and resurrection with all your heart for payment of all your sins, past, present and future.
All sin was paid at the cross by the blood of Jesus Christ. 1 Timothy 2: “6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.” Here Timothy says that God paid for “All” not “all believers”. The definition of ransom is a payment for the release of a prisoner from captivity, in this case the world was the prisoner of sin and that ransom was paid by Christ which means that the whole world is no longer in captivity until the end of the age of grace.
Christ died for the whole world when we were sinners (Rom 5:8) not when we believe, the payment was made for ALL.
At the cross the law was abolished, meaning we’re no longer under the law (Rom 4:15) but we are under grace and God stopped imputing sins at the cross :
2 Cor. “18 And all things are of God, who HATH reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.”
Colossians 2:”13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;” He forgave us before we were believers and that reconciled him to us.
See at the cross the wall (Sin) between man and God was broken which allows both parties to be reconciled, Jesus Christ reconciled himself to the whole world by his sacrifice on the cross. We are to be reconciled to him by faith on the gospel of Paul ; 2 Cor “20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.”
Rom 5: “10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” See here you have the 2 parts, 1st “when we were enemies” so there is a part of the reconciliation that happened when we were enemies at the cross (the atonement) and a 2nd which saves (“saved by his life”) us which is by faith in the gospel.
There are 2 parts of reconciliation from both parties, God and us. God reconciled himself to us at the cross by paying the ransom for ALL, and thus the middle wall of partition was broken we are no longer in sin’s captivity and able to be reconciled to him by faith in the gospel and obtain salvation.
So to be clear, we don’t get forgiveness when we believe because 1. There is nothing to forgive post cross because God stopped imputing sins at the cross (2 Cor 5:19) 2. The atonement necessary for forgiveness was already made by Jesus Christ whether we believe or not. If I pay your debt, you’re free from that debt whether you believe I’ve paid it or not. Everyone has already received atonement for sins, belief is not necessary for that, blood is, Hebrews 9:”22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.”
Now you may ask what separates us from the unbelievers? Faith is the answer, unbelievers aren’t saved even though they’re forgiven because they don’t have the righteousness and justification of Christ obtained by faith (Rom 1:17;Rom 3:21-22;Rom 4:5; Rom 5:19; Rom 6:18; etc.), which is necessary to get to heaven (Rom 5:17-21). In Christ we have eternal life thanks to his righteousness and justification, but outside of Christ we are spiritually dead and do not have life.
Problems that arise when we confuse salvation with forgiveness ; 1. What sins need to be forgiven when God stopped imputing sins at the cross (2 Cor 5:19)? 2. How can there still be ransom when Christ paid the ransom? (1 Timothy 2:6) How can you still be indebted when someone has paid your debt? 3. If the whole world wasn’t forgiven, did God reconcile himself to sin? 4. No where in Paul’s epistles does he ever tell us how to get forgiven but he tells us how to get saved multiple times. 5. Why does Romans 3:25 say “sins that are PAST” if God didn’t stop imputing sins at the cross?
To conclude all sins prior the cross were atoned for by Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour when we died reconciling himself to us. That atonement satisfied God enough for him to Forgive the WORLD. Also there is no need for atonement of sins post cross because they are not being imputed , hence the word “PAST” in Romans 3:25. We get saved when we believe the gospel (1 Cor 15:1-4) and the righteousness and justification of Christ necessary for eternal life are imputed to us. What you need to retain from this is that forgiveness and salvation are not the same, one HAPPENED at the cross and one happens when an individual believes the gospel and is sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
70th comment, praise JESUS of Nazareth (one true Living GOD). LOVE you bro!
Blessed be the name of the LORD. Amen.
My mind is blown once again your presentations absolutely inspirational. God bless you for all your hard work.
Firstly this is NOT numerology. This is simply counting up the words in the KJB. Numerology is the use of numbers to predict the future. In Hebrew and Greek the letters of the alphabet are used for numbers. People even try to assert that that is numerology as well! In Genesis 1 God spoke 343 words using the KJB. That is 7times 7 times 7. I counted them myself! No other translation has that count. The nearest being the NIV (nearly inspired version). Try reading Brandon’s book Sealed By The King. Over 500 pages of copious notes and research.Irrefutable evidence. Then there is the work of Ivan Panin who spent a lifetime investigating the numeric patterns in the Hebrew Bible. That was well over a century ago.
"nearly inspired version" hahaha. Except it lacks 64576 words and changes like many more thousand words... nearly :D
You are correct,it's not numerology,it's an alphanumeric encryption, like no other.
@karlbro7287I call it the not inspired version and the worst is esv essentially satans version
If you have the wrong Book do they have the right Jesus.
@karlbro7287Non Inspired Version
@@edcarson3113alphanumeric incription.. superb i need to remember that 😊 praise God
Thank you! Eric from True Roots Ministries sent me here. I have actually been using that very same Bible software for many years. It was developed by a lady in Pastor Mike's church out of Missouri and it is excellent
Thanks Brother Brandon for this upload I've been waiting for your blessed work God Bless you ❤🙏
God bless you, Brandon. I hope to meet you in person someday and I can’t wait to break bread with you in heaven amongst all the saints. YOU ARE A BLESSING!!!
"Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him." Malachi 3 : 16-17
❤Thank you sooo much for this perfectly timed video.
Thank you for your work, Brandon. I am glad the Lord continues to use you to bring forth these truths about His word in the English language, the King James Bible. It is a blessing as a Christian to know I have God's eternal preserved word in my hands when I open the KJB. I actually am saddened by textual critics who reject the preservation of God's word in the KJB, because they go forward in doubt and have no final, settled authority in their life. Hopefully some of them will reconsider the evidence supporting the King James and come to faith that they truly have God's word too.
Psa 86:4 Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.
Psa 86:5 For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.
Praise the Lord!
Thank you brother for the undeniable proof that the standardised King James Bible (the “settled in heaven” and final word of God) is available to us all for these last days.
I’m so grateful for your humility and love for the brethren and also for the pure words of our Lord Jesus Christ!
LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
Psalms 119:89 KJV
Another great video especially for those who may be new to the great wonders of God and these number patterns that God has placed in his word to prove the inspiration of the King James Bible and that he exists.
God bless you, brother. Thank you for what you are doing. All glory to our God and savior, Jesus Christ ❤
Father, Son, Holy Spirit, one God . 🙌 ✝️
These three are ONE.
Three Letters One Word.
We all must do our part and spread the good news be bold be brave be humble
Thank you God for everything
Absolutely amazing what ALMIGHTY GOD has written into HIS WORD! Great work finding these revelations of truth. Thank you Sir.
Brandon, Noah Harrari is talking about producing a Bible for the one world religion. Your research has shown how sensitive God's word is to any change whatsoever. I believe He has made it impossible for AI to alter His word and He has demonstrated this through your work. I have shared your videos around and have also purchased your book in support. I love all this. Thankyou so much.
Noah Yuval Harari is top candidate as the false prophet.
Thank you for all of your work Brother. 🙏🏼😊
The purpose of knowing all these secret How Great is our LORD JESUS CHRIST. we are nothing without his Grace and mercy.
Once again, verifiable mathematical proof of the divine inspiration of the Holy Bible! I am just astounded at the wisdom and the level of detail God has put into his Word. Praise God! Ecc 7:27
A good watch on RUclips is 'A Lamp In The Dark'. Great info about the KJ Bible.
A phenomenal series by a lamp in the dark! Check out "a bridge to babylon" there are 2 parts of it and also the "modern versions" video by them..
I believe "Chris pinto" has to do w those videos... theyre top notch when it comes to bible related content.
@@justinhemion6279John Doerr has many videos sharing which bible is true.видео.htmlsi=x_WpqWS2PCilq9rf
@@jimdrummer816 Christian J. Pinto - 'Tares Among the Wheat' 🙏♥
@@justinhemion6279 Christian J. Pinto - 'Tares Among the Wheat' also a great part of the series 🙏♥
I praise the Lord Jesus for your life. Thank you. God bless you.
I bought a KJV bible at the book store because of your videos and as soon I put the bible on the counter the lady serving me said the words 'mathematically impossible.' My eyes lit up and I was taken aback so I asked her if she meant the bible. She said no she was speaking to someone on her headset😂 But what are the chances that those two words were said as soon as I put the bible on the counter to buy it😮 Still gives me goosebumps! Great work Brandon❤
I'd say 1 out of 80 billion :) What an AWESOME confirmation!
God likes to do stuff like that I've noticed, he got some serious jokes. :D
God bless you and blessed be God.
God's Holy Word is perfectly preserved forever in the KJV. Trust it and walk by faith in it, from glory to glory. Amen. 🙏🕊💕
Amazing video brother, May God bless you
Brother, God has blessed you with such an amazing Gift
GOD BLESS You Brother!
Happy and blessed to be KJVO. If you haven't come to the knowledge of the truth that can only be found in the KJV Bible it's because you haven't been called to it:
John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
Jesus is the Word of God. So is the Bible. Jesus and the Bible are the same thing. Jesus was pure and undefiled, so the Bible must be pure and undefiled. Only one version of Jesus came. So there should only be one version of the Bible.
My KJV is never on the shelf... Lol Its almost always open, and most certainly always on my desk if not in my hands. However, I do have many KJVs, so I do have some on the shelves. Lol If Jesus were standing amongst us talkin about this, I'd tell Him He was just showin off. LOL 😆 No one can do that, man. Just Him. Like all the rest of it. Blessed be He. He left these lil nuggets for those who like to dig. 😍🥰 I found somethin cool today too. Thank You, Abba, for You, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, which teaches us these little golden nuggets of You. Thank You.
"My KJV is never on the shelf.." Amen. That's the exact response I hoped to hear when I was titling this.
Yes Brandon, the King James Bible is God’s Holy preserved, perfect book!! Here’s one that blew my mind. The word “sin” is in the King James 448 times, the word “blood” is 447 times. That computes to the realization that there is “1” sin that is not covered by the blood. Every Bible believer knows what that sin is. Our God is so incredible!! Praise Him!!
What a cool find. ✌🙏
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit, which is the sin of unbelief!
@@KennyFisher-io4dm Exactly brother. God bless you.
@ I can’t take credit karlbro. I heard it on a RUclips channel and can’t remember whose? But it was so incredible that I’ll never forget it. Blessings to you!
Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost is more specific/involved than just unbelief. Look into it for yourself. God bless you.
Jesus is LORD
im a filipino but tagalog bible is corrupted and God lead me to read kjv bible i believe that God use english language to preserved his word because english language is the most spoken universal language of this world. kjv is mathematical perfection,kjv around nationality kjv is the pure preserved word of God✝️🔥🙏🌎👑.
God only preserved his word I'm English.
I'm a missionary in phillippines and teach the kjb is God in writing
@@ChrisPerkins-i7hnot really. You can find the same readings in other languages.
English is ubiquitous language
@@ChrisPerkins-i7hhe preserved it in other languages too lol not everyone speaks English, and a believer can translate the important parts of the KJV to another language
The fact the English language is the most widely spoken on Earth and the KJV is the biggest selling book ever is no mistake. Also the KJV has no copyright attached to it, it's available for all.
It has a copyright in England, but is in the public domain free to copy without permission.
1 Corinthians 2:12 (KJV) Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Romans 8:32 (KJV) He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is in the public domain in most countries, including the United States, because the copyright has expired. Here are some key points to consider:
Original Publication: The KJV was first published in 1611, which means it has been out of copyright for centuries in places where copyright terms are based on the life of the author plus a certain number of years or by a fixed term from the date of publication.
Public Domain: Since there's no surviving copyright, anyone can reproduce, distribute, or adapt the text of the KJV without needing permission or paying royalties. This includes printing, publishing online, or incorporating the text into other works.
Specific Editions: However, while the text itself is in the public domain, specific editions might have copyrights due to unique editorial work, such as new introductions, annotations, cross-references, or formatting. For example, if someone publishes a new edition with significant additional content or a unique layout, those elements might be copyrighted.
Reprinting: You can freely copy the text of the KJV as it was originally published, but you should be cautious about modern editions that might contain copyrighted material.
Global Considerations: While it's generally public domain in most Western countries, copyright laws can differ around the world, so it's wise to check local laws if you're outside traditional Western legal frameworks.
To summarize, you can copy and distribute the text of the KJV Bible without copyright infringement concerns, provided you're dealing with the original text and not a modern edition with added copyrighted material. If you're planning to use or distribute the KJV in any form, it might be prudent to verify that your source is indeed just the original text or to ensure any additional material you use does not infringe on other copyrights.
@@jamesperkins5752 it's not a marketing copyright as what we now know as a copyright for $$$$. It's a Crown copyright that was used to determine quality in printing. It is now public domain
Excellent presentation. I added to my public playlist.
I share this miracle the second time thank you from the bottom of my heart
Hey brother been waiting for another video. Still praising the Lord Jesus here in AP.#700 I know that the Lord is coming soon. Franklin GRAVITT. Love you Brother.
Its always a joy to see you here, brother Franklin. :)
Thank you for all you do Brandon
The Holy Bible the word of God ,he has given us for the second coming there is much power!
Glory to God & Jesus Christ our Lord
Brandon your videos have shown me that the King James Bible has God's hand on it. The KJB is God's pure Word and im saying that as a Catholic.
One of these patterns would be staggering, but the sheer amount of them is just absolutely insane.
It isn't possible that so many mathematically impossible patterns exist, all of which are theologically coherent.
The Holy Ghost truly works through you in discovering these mind-blowing patterns.
Now read what the King James Bible says about one of the major problems Rome has:
Exodus 20:4-5
Leviticus 19:4; 26:1; 26:30
Numbers 33:52
Deuteronomy 4:15-16; 4:23-28; 5:8-9; 7:5; 7:25-26; 9:12; 12:2-3; 16:21-22; 27:15; 28:36-37; 28:64; 29:16-17
Judges 17:3-4; 18:14-20; 18:30-31
1 Samuel 15:23; 19:13-17; 31:9
1 Kings 12:27-33; 14:9; 15:11-13; 21:25-26
2 Kings 3:2; 10:26-27; 17:9-12; 17:16-17; 17:39-41; 19:18; 21:6-7; 21:11; 23:24
1 Chronicles 10:8-9; 16:25-26
2 Chronicles 3:10; 15:8; 15:16; 24:18; 28:1-3; 33:5-7; 33:15; 34:1-4; 34:7
Psalms 78:56-59; 96:4-5; 97:5-7; 106:19-21; 106:36-38; 115:4-8; 135:15-18
Isaiah 2:8-9; 2:18-21; 10:10-11; 19:1-4; 21:9; 30:22; 31:7; 37:19; 40:18-20; 41:29; 42:8; 42:17; 44:9-20; 45:16;
45:20-21; 46:1-2; 46:5-7; 48:5; 57:3-6; 66:3
Jeremiah 8:19; 10:14-15; 25:6; 44:15-19; 50:2; 50:35-38; 51:17-18; 51:47; 51:52
Ezekiel 6:3-9; 6:13; 7:19-20; 8:5-12; 14:3-7; 16:36-39; 18:6; 18:12; 18:15; 20:7-8; 20:16-18; 20:24; 20:30-32; 20:39;
22:3-4; 23:7; 23:30; 23:37-39; 23:49; 30:13; 33:25; 36:18; 36:25; 37:23; 44:10-12
Daniel 2:31-35; 3:1-18; 5:4; 5:23
Hosea 3:4; 4:17; 8:4; 11:2; 13:2; 14:8
Micah 1:6-7; 5:13
Nahum 1:14-15
Habakkuk 2:18-19
Zephaniah 1:18
Zechariah 10:2; 11:17; 13:2
Acts 7:41-42; 15:20; 15:29; 17:16; 17:29; 19:35; 21:25
Romans 2:22; 11:4
1 Corinthians 8:1-7; 8:10; 10:14; 10:18-20; 10:28; 12:2
2 Corinthians 6:16
Galatians 5:19-21
Colossians 3:5-6
1 Thessalonians 1:9
1 Peter 4:2-4
1 John 5:21
Revelation 2:14; 2:20; 9:20; 13:14-15; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4
I'm Catholic too but still always go back to using the KJB, nothing comes close
And the KJB has the deuterocanonical books in full
Amen brother 🙏🏻
It’s interesting to know that there are other people out there that have the same viewpoint.
The King James certainly does stand out, even from a literary sense.
Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. Believe in thine heart and thou shalt be saved. ❤ Jesus is my LORD and Saviour. Thank You, Jesus!!! ❤
1Corinthains 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10. I believe in my heart ❤
Absolutely amazing I just really appreciate how you explain these things so simply so that we can understand it, and how amazing our God is to have gifted us with such a gift that we do not deserve and most do not appreciate.
All Glory to GOD Most High, Great Praise & Thanks to The Lord JESUS.
I just got done watching the Elton Anomaly video, im looking forward to this one!
I just saw amd subscribed. God bless your ministry. Chuck Missler noticed some of these but not all and not to the KJV! Amazing!!!
Chuck isn't even close. So much much more.
Chuck probably wasn't shown very much because he had a bad habit of trying to correct the King James Bible with the Greek. He knows better now having gone on to glory.
Amen and Amen! God bless brother Brandon 🙏♥
God bless you ❤
Brilliant as usual brother. God bless you. ❤
It is amazing that all these anomalies are only found in the KJV.
Thank you for your work brother 😇
Amazing as always!
Blood was spilt for the KJV. That alone should say something.
Praise the Lord 🙌🏽
I was just thinking of you and this video showed up in my notifications. God bess you brother, I totally agree with you.
The same here brother was thinking him too three days ago tops maybe yesterday he showed up...
Romans 10:17
So faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
Believe in Jesus and have faith in his blood.
King James Bible
Love Your Work 🙏🏻🥰😎
Thank you for your sincerity and for literally & Spiritually reflecting The Word 🙌
Remind me to watch tomorrow. Listening now.
2 days later, did you watch?
Love You brother
I am the engineer mentioned in the video. The 77,777 pattern has a 1 in 100,000 chance of being a random coincidence, or stated another way is 99.999% probable to be a miracle (not a coincidence). If the pattern was not deliberately introduced into the text, then the first/last words of the first/last verses are just 4 random words. And the chance that 4 random words in the Bible appear 77,777 times, is about 1 in 100,000, as verified by a computer evaluating a billion random draws of 4 words.
Someone was complaining about your calculation in the comments.
The Mighty King. The Mighty God. Christ the Lord. The redeemer of ALL who chose to follow Him. Christ has his servants throughout history such as prophets, apostles, teachers, scribes, etc. Brother Peterson is another instrument in his hands.
Been waiting for this. Thank you.
The KJV changed my life, I tried reading the ESV but It just didn't hold the same power. KJV is my forever sword
There you are. What the heck man. I thought your were done and closed up your mouth and hid all the treasures lmao love your work!
Great video! Thanks Brandon.
Can't wait to buy your book
Why thank you, God bless you too.
Bless God for we are blessed!
I am in awe of your work!!! Absolute mathematical, scientific proof of the inspiration of the King James Bible!!!! Irrefutable!
Thanks brother ❤
Thank you so much for all your work! You probably know this one already but 'seven', case sensitive appears 448 times which is also a multiple of 7 (64 times)
Praise Jesus ✝️🙏❤️🛡️🗡️🕊️
1 Corinthians 15 KJV ✝️🩸
It must be said. Thank you.
Wow, totally mind boggling
The best channel ever! I have watched several including chuck missiles to Dustin Blyston
Hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah
Keep up your good work
Terrific and inspiring! Thank you for showing more of the heptatic structure of the Bible. You might wish to supplement this by Chuck Missler's presentations into very, very similar topics.
Blessings and Guidance Always...
Amen... a beautiful evidence in the King James Bible for us... "what sayeth the scripture?" should be our sword against the devil and his angels.... Christ is King... God is alpha and omega, He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... He is Jehovah... The I AM.... May all of our being... our body, mind and soul praise His name forever and ever Amen...
Just a minor correction, Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lord, not just a mere king, he's above all kings and above all lords. That "Christ is King" slogan the catholics love to use here on the Internet always rubbed be wrong, as the Bible says:
Revelation 17:14 (KJV) These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
@karlbro7287 Thanks for the correction... I totally agree with you... Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords... and I have never heard of the Catholic slogan 'Christ is King' .... so when I say Chrsit is King... I mean He is THE ONE AND ONLY KING.... but I guess I'll try saying it in a better way from now on.....
John 6:66 is talking about the disciplines that walked no more with Jesus because they didn't believe his Word. Psalm 66:6 is talking when God's children are rejoicing because they made it through the red sea at the exact time when the non believers are drowning because they deny God.
That's an interesting observation on Psalm 66.6.
And don't forget Isaiah 66.6, where the son of perdition seats himself.
@TruthisChrist ooo. Im glad you responded. I've been in this book for 5 years now, trying to get everyone to hear what I'm hearing. This book isn't just a book. It's Jesus Christ! It's Jesus talking directly, to you. It has eyes, and it's a him, and it knows your thoughts and intents of your heart. Hebrews 4:12-13. And it foresees!. Because the scripture is God. Galatians 3:8 And the scripture, foreseeing. There was no scripture back then. Moses hasn't written it yet. It was just God and Abraham. Where was scripture? It wasn't there. But it was because God is the SCRIPTURE. You're doing a great job. Satan is mad. You have the count down with every word. You can't argue with that. No man is capable of writing Jesus Christ God Almighty but you can count his words. And the count is perfect because the book is perfect and Jesus Christ is perfect. But they will continue to cast down the truth to the ground. Daniel 8:12. But that's OK. I'm going to keep picking it up and preaching and spreading the Glorious Gospel. And the word Gospel never has an "s" on the end. So there's only one Gospel. Have a blessed day. Jesus Christ loves you
I will never read any other book or look at any other book besides the king James version Bible. I cant. It's Jesus Christ right there. This book can't be compared to anything on earth. I take it every where.
@@TruthisChrist and I'm about to read Isaiah 66:6 now.
@@JakeStuddard-dt1qlof course Moses and Pharaoh would have had the scripture in the Book of Job.
Gospel is short for God's spell ie God's words.