Spin around, like a whirling dervish, clockwise (yang in the northern hemisphere/yin in the southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin in the northern hemisphere/yang in the southern hemisphere). Chanting these mantras(yin mantras) heal each chakra: Um like "from"(root), Am like "Tom"(sacral/solar plexus), Oom like "room"(heart), Em like "them"(throat), Om like "home"(heart/throat/pineal) and Ngm (humming with tongue on the roof of the mouth/pineal/crown). These mantras build yang in the body: Eem like "team", Im like "him" and Am like "lamb". Chant these mantras a number of times at the corresponding sound frequency for each chakra: 1,2,4,8:256hz(root),144:288hz,34:272hz,33:264hz(sacral),5,20:320hz(solar plexus),88:352hz,21:336hz,89:356hz(heart),3,12:384hz(throat), 7:448hz,13:416hz,(pineal),54:432hz(left brain), 55:440hz(right brain), 60:480hz(crown). The days of the week relate to the chakras as follows: sunday(root), monday(sacral), tuesday(solar plexus), wednesday(heart), thursday(throat), friday(pineal), saturday(crown). Sleep with the head placed east. The cardinal directions represent the 4 seasons: east(spring), south(summer), west(autumn), north(winter) in the northern hemisphere or east(spring),north(summer), west(autumn), and south(winter) in the southern hemisphere. Stare into these symbols before sleep in order: the eye of horus and its mirror image, the eye of ra, one eye at a time, 7 colored rainbow, then the torus yantra, pentacle, metatron's cube, heptagram, enneagram and then the flower of life mandala before sleep. Go for walks while breathing deeply through the mouth and nose(count your breaths based on the number of chanting repetitions for each chakra depending on the day of week). While walking also periodically touch each finger tip to the tip of the thumb and make fists(mudras). Lift weights and box a punching bag. Place coiled copper wire into the soil and grow non-gmo soy, wheat, corn, mint potatoes, regular(unfeminized) cannabis seeds and papaver somniferum(7 year crop rotation). Get natto starter to make natto. Place bare feet and hands on the grass. Sunbathe or shine white LED light on skin during the day and at night use LED lights on red(sunday), orange(monday), yellow(tuesday), green(wedsnesday), blue(thursday), indigo(friday) or violet(saturday) settings and expose all skin to the light. Another helpful suggestion. From friday sunset to saturday sunset rest the sabbath which means no lighting fires(no lighters, stovetops, etc.), no physical exercise, no singing or listening to music, and no buying or selling. This will increase yin in the body for the following week. Breaking the sabbath(doing the opposite) will increase yang in the body for the following week. During the sabbath, if keeping the sabbath, wear all white clothing. If breaking the sabbath, wear all black clothing. Rotate the sleeping cardinal direction at the end of every sabbath: east, south, west, north in the northern hemisphere or east, north, west, south in the southern hemisphere. Take neem(sparingly), cinnamon, turmeric, curcumin, nutmeg, gotu kola, schizandra, fo-ti, garlic, vitamins and minerals. Drink lemon juice, lemon balm, mint herbal teas and kefir. Drink organic caffeinated coffee, tea or cocoa in the morning(take breaks from caffeine as well). Also take n-acetyl cysteine, bromelain and nattokinase(detox). Experiment with resting one different day of the week the same as the sabbath(from sundown to sundown)or every other day sabbath. Worship Amun-Ra. Look into Nos Confunden's terra infinita map.
@@Sunisinus13-d8y the power under the skin suits will know what to say . Negative will come in hords abyss is called. The bell has been rang.. black philosopher's stone energy has been diminished protective layers have no value. Sand is filling age is advanced. 6 before the sleep. Hold on Holley ghost. We're going going in hot
@Toonexplainer_ did you think this video would get 180k views, my son is way into the mystical esoteric stuff on RUclips, his channel is called The Garment of Esau, and I'm blown away by the amount interest.
As a chaos magick practitioner: What you described is quite accurate, though I would like to add some things. Chaos Magick also has a core tenet: that of Kaos and Kosmos. If I oversimplify it, we believe that the universe is inherently made out of complex systems that are too difficult to completely understand (hence why we believe that all gods are real on some level, as a complex system permits their existence). These systems are all made up of stagnant material (Kosmos, The Stone) and manipulating forces (Kaos, The Falling). Together they create the systems that we all exist in, and by observing their workings, one can find constant points that never change, thus manipulating outcomes. Think like the Butterfly Effect but you move the butterfly slightly to the left. It is also a fundamentally humanist belief system, as we believe that life, especially sentient life, is one big system, and as such cannot be held up without the coexistence of all their parts. One can also not cause massive, world-level changes, as spirituality is more about manipulating the outcomes of one's personal life and surroundings for the better (example: "I believe I can quit smoking" -> "I will do a personal ritual to quit smoking" -> "The system has been manipulated and permitted me to gain the strength necessary to do what I will") Summed up in one sentence it's "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted"
I'd love to chat magic with you. Have you faith healed death yet. What about a creation bubble. (I often drop it/the idea/energy. Going from there back here)
As someone who’s been astral projecting since childhood I can confirm that dreams are the unconscious version of astral projection. They call sleep the cousin of death because it’s the only time besides death where the mind/soul and spirit leave the body aka OBE. The only difference between sleep and death is when you sleep you leave your body and return, while during death you leave the body forever.
Where do you go when you do astral projection? Can you recall what you were doing after you astral project? What are the ways to astral projection? I'm new to this. This is mind-blowing. Could you tell me more?
I came to the comments right away to check if this video is any good. Right off the bat the century is incorrect. Late 20th century is 1970-1999. Pretty sure they meant late 19th century.
@@greatestever8169Where someone says it doesn't exist someone else must say it does exist. Would you agree this world is full of illusions? This is how companies sell their products. That's how people become famous. They use CGI and green screens to trick people into triggering adrenaline and releasing chemicals to make some people cry due to emotions. Magic is an illusion created by technology or a technique that one does not understand or comprehend. This is how GOD keeps us in our place and only allows those worthy of decoding the truth so we can fight back for themselves to break free of their illusions and expose those who hide the truth and use it against the entire population. Some people would misuse this information and push the red button way too quickly. People can't control how they feel no more. They can't work with the laws. They can't use the left and right part of their brain. They can't combine their heart space and mind space. The ones who dictate the bylaws of business overrule the entire world by manipulating exposure of the truth and hiding the truth. Using this method is similar to playing GOD. Dictating left and right. Dictating what you learn today and tomorrow. Dictating the suggestion of videos and algorithms. Creations of heroes and villains. Peace treaties and wars.
Damn... I'm mostly a Chaos Magician and didn't know it. I literally study all the religions because I think they can be exchangeable for achieving specific spiritual development task but are insufficient by themselves. Since I know their history and how they all influenced each other it helps me just swap them out because I know how related they actually are. However I do believe in a singular higher power.
I definitley relate. All religions are reallly just pieces too the greater puzzle. Like the elephant and 3 blind men story. One thought it was a rope, the other a wall and the other a snake. They were all right but at the same time they were all wrong, it just depends on how much of the puzzle you are driven to find. For me I am the kind of person who seeks to find the truest culmination of it all. However a difference I see with Chaos magic and this idea of a holisitic truth is that Chaos magic has no statues of limitation or pillars to live by. In a sense it is chaotic, each to their own devices seeking to create there own fantasies. Don't get me wrong I believe that there is so much power in the mind and indivudal practice but I see chaos magic more as manipulating the elements of nature to get what you want whereas I seek the knowledge of re-alligning with the elements of nature. So though each religion has different pieces (I currently have been studying Kemeticism but have a history with Modern Christianity aswell) I believe that the rules in place and lessons provide some insight and more grounding than the chaos in chaos magic You definitley didnt ask for my WHOLE opinion on it but it was something I was thinking about so thank you for prompting me to share
@@SunOfG0D this is a great question and the answer is because I'm an engineer. So there is a mathematical property called emergence. This is when order inexplicably arrived out of chaotic disorder. In fact, (I won't get into it) but chaos always turns into some form of order when you zoom out and a collection of orderly things become chaotic when you zoom out. These concepts are in fact the same thing. There's no chaos and order there's just this one strange continued structure. And so philosophically I believe this indicates that things that seem chaotic to us, may require us to zoom out and think of a larger picture and imagine the possible outcome and see an order arrives. An order that couldn't exist without that chaos. Chaos brings creation and creation brings chaos which emerges more creation like how particles made cells and cells made us and humans make a chaotic crowd but crowds make orderly flows and that becomes a mass of ideas but those ideas are a culture and then there's spreading of the ideas of religion and culture and they get chaotically malformed but then they turn into new cultures. It's all around us, the universe constantly showing us how it works but we don't pay attention!
@@bambiforest297 We are of singular mind my friend. However Chaos magic isn't about what you said. It's about looking at how all the cultures perform magic and then stripping out all the cultural beliefs and looking at what's the core of magic and realizing it's related to our consciousness. From there you use that concept to manipulate reality generally for the good. Most wizards aren't really selfish, unless trying to improve the soul is selfish. Most wizards in real life are inherently good and try to do good because we are realizing there is some strange higher power that takes notice and also we feel better when we do good magick. Bad magick generally leaves the user feeling as bad as the magick they did until they recover. These types of wizards exist but aren't as plentiful and their selfishness and greed prevents them from gaining true wisdom anyway.
Chaos magick is understanding the principle of above and below, within and without as well as the law of mentalism .. witch-craft/ Magick is just a representation of our thoughts and if all is mental then you'll understand how we create our own realities our realities shift as our thoughts change and our thoughts change as our awareness change ❤
You don't need to believe in metaphysical concepts or pseudo science to know that the conscience mind creates its own reality. Quantum physics proves this.
@3sotericCompassionist1976 I was under the impression that Kabalah was re-found or created around 1300 and the name changed to start with a C for the Christian version and a Q for the western tradition version but the core teaching were all simular like making a vanilla ice cream base and adding strawberry to some and chocolate to others.
I did hypnosis recreationally because it can be a lot of fun. I wound up getting into it as a spiritual practice because I would have experiences that my hypnotists weren't intending. They were unaware of my experiences as well because I couldn't quantify them so I kept it to myself. There is something to hypnosis that's more than just "a state of deep focus".
Agree with your last line 100%. I have been hypnotised and the way that I'd describe it would be dissolving into a dream state while technically awake but immobile. It's much more than hyper-focus for sure. It's closer to a form of lucid dreaming. I would also like to hear one of your experiences, unless the reason that you keep them to yourself is due to private personal reasons (memories are a b!tch). In which case, don't share, no worries!
I also use hypnosis for recreation. I do think it's important for people to realize that there is a very alive subculture of recreational hypnosis out there, including erotic/kink hypnotism. People are often very surprised when they stumble into our midst.
There seems to be a lot of AI generated content lately. With this being a small channel with a vague name, wouldn't be surprised if that's the case here. Not knocking it, it was very watchable and mostly informative but obviously not as thoroughly researched and written as it could have been.
I’m pretty sure this was AI generated content. You could tell with some of the pronunciations and inflections on the voice over. And some glitches on some of the images. Still quite interesting and informative. But I imagine created by asking Chat GPT or equivalent: “write a 13 minute script about different branches of esotericism”, or something similar…
@@willmosse3684 yeh lead (lee'd) instead of lead (L'ed) was an obvious example, also the omission of meditation is the sort of mistake an AI would make, as it wouldn't look at popular or current practices only obscure ones
@@wiseoldfool-vt6ws yeah, the leed/led was definitely one. And there was another where it read something in brackets as if it was just part of the sentence (can’t remember what tho). But both demonstrate the text is being read by something that doesn’t actually understand the content. It’s a clever imitation of actual intelligence, but there are give aways. Probably won’t be long until those little ticks are smoothed out though… But it does demonstrate that these things are different from true intelligence, and certainly sentience.
I wasn't expecting to find Astral Projection in this video but I'm glad that it's here. I call it OOBE (Out of body experience) and it usually happens naturally to some people. It's not a necessity to practise any tecnique. It usually happens before or after sleeping and it requires complete consciousness. The "string" attached to the body is highly debated, it feels more of a magnetic force that puts someone back to his/her body after some time. It's similar to lucid dreaming when you feel your body and you know that the dream is fading away. I don't see it as an esoteric stuff because it's something that happens to many individuals, maybe even once, without a single clue! But it's pretty attractive and I understand how it got studied from many sources. To me, it feels like a lucid dream, but with more emotional attachment and with a different set of colors and perceptions. It's like going inside a wall and perceiving it like flowing water. It's more about a deep freedom that can't be experienced in our physical lives.
I like your take on it, very interesting. Everyone astral projects. Dreaming is a form of astral projection. When we go to “sleep” or feel “sleepy” the consciousness enters a trance state called hypnogogia which is the first step to an OBE. You will experience many sensations completely independent of the 5 senses like phosphenes (seeing light and geometric patterns with the minds eye) exploding head syndrome (hearing sounds with the minds ears) etc. We all have out of body experiences and dreams are experiences in alternate dimensions or parallel universes. We jump into the bodies of our alternate selves and experience life from their perspective. Keep in mind the limitations created by the laws of physics in our world don’t necessarily apply in many of these alternate realities as there are an infinite amount of possibilities that exist simultaneously and we are multidimensional in nature. I’m speaking based off experience as I do it all the time and I’m convinced that the mind never rests only the body does.
@@bruhman963 Thank you, you explained it well. I always believe there is a connection to Quantum Mechanic, because sometimes they feel like different dimensions. I remember having one of those OOBE and I was in another dimension where I had lost my left arm in a car crash. When I wake up, I didn't feel my left arm for sometime and it took me a few minutes to return to use it. Yes, it's right what you say: we are multidimensional. In the night, our brain has to recover energies, but our mind is always awake.
As far as I know, many people enter the astral plane not through dreams. Namely through your intention. I began to see the subtle world only when the entrance to it was opened for me. I have had contact on the subtle plane for about 6 years. So, he explains to me that we all access the subtle plane differently. I think it depends on your DNA.
We can narrow down our understanding of God/divinity to two perspectives: one that views God as an infinite, transcendent presence-an origin of consciousness and intent, embodying a primordial order beyond complete human comprehension yet personally accessible in experience, even if hard to fully convey in words. The other perspective sees the divine as emerging from an undefined, unconscious state-a primordial chaos or vast potential that lacks intent, representing randomness and disorder from which structure and form gradually arise. In the first view, consciousness and order are the foundation of existence, while in the second, an initial state of unconscious potential and disorder are the foundation. The concept of primordial order is found in the original teachings of many ancient spiritual traditions whereas the idea of primordial chaos is attributed to later distortions that emerged over time. These positions are mutually exclusive so only one can be true.
Alchemy is less about materialistic stuff. There is a misconception that it is about turning stuff into gold, but it's not really about chemistry. It's more about the mind, there are 4 stages in alchemy; Nigredo (black), Albedo (white), Citrinitas (yellow) and Rubedo (red). Black is the shadow, negative parts about ones self, suffering, insecurities etc. - White is like purification, being pure/real with yourself acknowledging the Black, allowing it to exist. - Yellow is like a sunrise, it gives color to everything white and black. It's a rise in consciousness. It gives shape to the suffering and Imperfect parts of the self that you have accepted. With that u get to - Red it's the final stage, where all the suffering, darkness and shadows have been molded into something great (valuable lessons and insights) you reach this stage when you can integrate the stuff you learn in the black stage into your life. Reaching and understanding the red stage is what is like having access to the philosophers stone, The turning lead into gold is more like a metaphor for turning something heavy and ugly into something valuable and pretty. If you want to know more look into Jungs work about Alchemy. What I wrote is just a simplified version of what I remember from alchemy.
That interpretation is also a misconception. It is merely jung's ideas which are entirely remote from what alchemists believed. In truth, alchemy was neither merely a proto chemistry or spiritual evolution, it was a form of monism. Alchemists did believe that they could attain prima material and shape a philosopher stone, shape metals, heal diseases and make people immortals
From chaos magick with tons of LSD to watching my rosary break in my hands after each amen, there's certainly something fun to do here in this lovely little eternity we call our own
Fascinating! mystical relations with the unknown made humans go so far. Curiosity, Fear, and the seeking of power a controlling the crowd giving them confort and a purpose to service their own interests. When people follow certain paths of belief, it might help move on but it certainly doesn't make them in control of their lives, actually nothing ever does. But knowing how each group of people think helps knowing why i live and feel the way i do and the moment before my death would be more and more relieving.
Because of demonic influences that we’ve been conditioned to accept since birth. Now we think we’re awakening…. the evil one has literally played all of us.
@@niyasworld4777wtf its not even satanic your ignorance is out of this world suck it up people can have other beleifs than your jesus or whatever without it being satanic at this point i am uses to ignorant people
@@davyone1552 Lmao in our creed Jesus is a great natural philosopher with an understanding of systems and a deity-based focus. We respect and agree with most of His teachings. But I guess nothing is enough to your people short of practicing your faith EXACTLY THE RIGHT WAY
A small correction, you confuse the ka with the ba bird when pointing out to the out of body knowledge of Egyptians. The ka is the inner force of the humans.
Everything is AI generated. Nobody is there to fact check anything, much of the little details in various sections were just blatantly incorrect. There are tons of these AI channels that have been popping up and most have been busted for having bots falsify their views and subscriber count. I'm sure this one is no different there either.
You forgot the 5e element is the collective consciousness and are the human thoughts is ether in sound the akashic records. All what we have spoken ever in the past can received back as your body is one big memory in remembering as we forgive as we entering the age of intuition.
The esoteric knowledge has more to give you if you experience the words with your soul than categorise them and do analysis through facts. You have to manage to perceive higher levels which are rooted to thoughts, intuition and goes beyond those things but are objectively real sences as the solid sences we have from physical nature... Categorization is good.. but thats how a 21century person would get confused about all this text and miss the real wisdom.. so even "demiurge" or other things you refer to, if you study them with higher levels of understanding the texts gives you more than a person that his souls is less worked.. they can go way deeper those texts..
@@victoriacappon767 I am now in Russia. I watched tons of all sorts of videos on the topic of magic, read a bunch of books, but have not yet found real practices. Everything is dregs. The only thing is that you can unearth something valuable in paid courses. But there, too, you pull out grams of gold from a pile of sand. I just decided to follow my soul. And for now I think that we are in some kind of dream. And personally, I have only one desire: to wake up.
this is all western esoteric knowledge, this shows nothing of the mysticism of africa, south america, asia, etc. also the phrase esoteric knowledge does not denote at all to any sort of magic or mysticism, it just means knowledge known only by a small number of people.
I don't want to believe the video creator was trying to slight any group or beleif system. People can spend a whole lifetime and never fully master one of the systems he mentioned. Hopefully, they can touch on other systems later.
The term esoteric does just mean any little known area of knowledge. But, esotericism is also a term used to refer specifically magic systems based on having special, often limited access, magic or spiritual knowledge.
@@ashidothemadman there are so many, but being cuban I know of la regla de ocha, the abakua, and palo and they are all very fascinating and full of such “hidden knowledge” but are never put in videos like this. I know it’s a big world but it kinda throws me off when the title says EVERY but it’s really just western practices. there are also many other yoruba religions that could be explored and even things like mayans and aztecs that everyone has heard of have interesting beliefs and rituals that could be explored.
True chaos magic is actually what most humans practice. It’s the unawareness of the magic you are creating. That’s why those in control enjoy the masses practicing chaos magic. Practice instead spectacular magic, be aware of the magic you are constantly creating
I am a chaos magic practicener dont listen to the ignorant people saying its fake or you need jesus dont listen to them peotect your peace if you have any questions ask me
I love the artwork and music very well done. Art is very unique for that type of videos from everything I've seen so far. I'm assuming it's AI art? I'm wondering what it's inspired by.
and this also aligns to Bible Verse Matthew 7:7-8 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Spin around, like a whirling dervish, clockwise (yang in the northern hemisphere/yin in the southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin in the northern hemisphere/yang in the southern hemisphere). Chanting these mantras(yin mantras) heal each chakra: Um like "from"(root), Am like "Tom"(sacral/solar plexus), Oom like "room"(heart), Em like "them"(throat), Om like "home"(heart/throat/pineal) and Ngm (humming with tongue on the roof of the mouth/pineal/crown). These mantras build yang in the body: Eem like "team", Im like "him" and Am like "lamb". Chant these mantras a number of times at the corresponding sound frequency for each chakra: 1,2,4,8:256hz(root),144:288hz,34:272hz,33:264hz(sacral),5,20:320hz(solar plexus),88:352hz,21:336hz,89:356hz(heart),3,12:384hz(throat), 7:448hz,13:416hz,(pineal),54:432hz(left brain), 55:440hz(right brain), 60:480hz(crown). The days of the week relate to the chakras as follows: sunday(root), monday(sacral), tuesday(solar plexus), wednesday(heart), thursday(throat), friday(pineal), saturday(crown). Sleep with the head placed east. The cardinal directions represent the 4 seasons: east(spring), south(summer), west(autumn), north(winter) in the northern hemisphere or east(spring),north(summer), west(autumn), and south(winter) in the southern hemisphere. Stare into these symbols before sleep in order: the eye of horus and its mirror image, the eye of ra, one eye at a time, 7 colored rainbow, then the torus yantra, pentacle, metatron's cube, heptagram, enneagram and then the flower of life mandala before sleep. Go for walks while breathing deeply through the mouth and nose(count your breaths based on the number of chanting repetitions for each chakra depending on the day of week). While walking also periodically touch each finger tip to the tip of the thumb and make fists(mudras). Lift weights and box a punching bag. Place coiled copper wire into the soil and grow non-gmo soy, wheat, corn, mint potatoes, regular(unfeminized) cannabis seeds and papaver somniferum(7 year crop rotation). Get natto starter to make natto. Place bare feet and hands on the grass. Sunbathe or shine white LED light on skin during the day and at night use LED lights on red(sunday), orange(monday), yellow(tuesday), green(wedsnesday), blue(thursday), indigo(friday) or violet(saturday) settings and expose all skin to the light. Another helpful suggestion. From friday sunset to saturday sunset rest the sabbath which means no lighting fires(no lighters, stovetops, etc.), no physical exercise, no singing or listening to music, and no buying or selling. This will increase yin in the body for the following week. Breaking the sabbath(doing the opposite) will increase yang in the body for the following week. During the sabbath, if keeping the sabbath, wear all white clothing. If breaking the sabbath, wear all black clothing. Rotate the sleeping cardinal direction at the end of every sabbath: east, south, west, north in the northern hemisphere or east, north, west, south in the southern hemisphere. Take neem(sparingly), cinnamon, turmeric, curcumin, nutmeg, gotu kola, schizandra, fo-ti, garlic, vitamins and minerals. Drink lemon juice, lemon balm, mint herbal teas and kefir. Drink organic caffeinated coffee, tea or cocoa in the morning(take breaks from caffeine as well). Also take n-acetyl cysteine, bromelain and nattokinase(detox). Experiment with resting one different day of the week the same as the sabbath(from sundown to sundown)or every other day sabbath. Worship Amun-Ra. Look into Nos Confunden's terra infinita map.
All of my comments calling this out as AI content keep getting removed. It's strange since YT has labeled it as AI generated content and I see others commenting like you. I also don't support AI when no effort is put in to even fact check the information.
the ai really took me out of it, i liked the brief explanations (probably written by ai unfortunately im realizing now) but the art is just souless and disappointing, wish they would use more art from the time period depicting similar things, or fairly using art from passionate people in a better style.
Bruh. Thank you for saying that Gnosticism is diverse. Gnosticism is becoming more known but people only hear one "type" or "belief" in Gnosticism. I even heard a popular conservative say that it's "inverted Christianity" 😔
Informative video, but I don't get why it has to feel so unsettling... What's with the creepy music in the background? Kind of inappropriate when discussing practices that help people come closer to divinity to find truth and healing.
this video is just mindless entertainment, he just took the definitions of these practices and repackaged them for people wholl never look into these practices
i syarted crying when he started talking astral projection i keep getting trapped in dreams or feel like im spinning into a different universe when im trying to fall asleep 🙃
Zoroastrianism can be described as the Father of the Abrahamic Religions, so I do not think it can be considered esoteric. The main reason that it is not mainstream is because a person cannot convert to it (BOTH parents must be Zoroastrians) so it's numbers are relatively small.
Astral Projection is great but it is just an intro. Once you can lucid dream, and realize you are dreaming, and consciously wake yourself up... you begin to sleep walk, consciously. You can be totally aware, but mentally you are asleep in bed dreaming. Youve reversed the signal, you are aware of both sleep, and wake, and you can access your entire brain, and do things that arent physically possible. Its a technique. Every man has his techniques. And theyre all different.
I ve already had lucid dreams where I'm totally concerned about my dreaming and asleep state, and I could control my actions clearly. But it was in my early days and I cant remember what the dream was about and my actions into it. But I remember I had and it was a superior experience extremely different and real than any other dream. It is the closest magical experience I had in my life for sure. I can tell its real, but cannot do it again conscious, or at least dont know how
@Pedro83740 I started by dying in plane crashes, realizing I was dreaming when the flames were burning me. Then, I started having a dream where I was a sniper, and the trigger couldn't be pulled, or I was fighting, and my punches did no damage. I would slowly realize this wasn't possible and I must be dreaming. Then came sleep Paralysis episodes that I had to wake up through, while being attacked by invisible demons who warped the shape of my body. Consciously waking up. Then, I began to be able to be awake, and asleep. At the same time.
I had a very realistic experience I remember well, I think it was a sleep paralysis too. I was slipping when I've entered on a very concious state where I had woke in my bed and couldn't move nothin but my eyes, and when I look at the door I saw a enormous dark creature slowly entering the room I started panicking and trying to scream for my parents (I lived with they at the time) at first even my mouth couldn't move, after a few seconds I was slowly opening my mouth until unloked mouth full moviment. But the scream itself never got off until I woke up on the "real world" with my heart freaking out with high beating, I was doing so much force to the scream exit to never get it, I thing I never done so much force in my life. I remember perfectly and it was the most distrustful experience of my life, even though Ive already been robbed at gunpoint by visible angry and sick guys.
@Pedro83740 yeah. Same here. I felt my head being torn from my body, and placed on my chest. I found out if you wiggle your neck, it will speed up how long it takes to regain motor control.
Always wished I could astral project! I wonder why they say imagination is more powerful than reality? Create your own dreams! Dreaming with your eyes 👁️ wide open 👀
Is there a place to can ask somebody or a group or people that have Astro projected that can help me? I have Astro projected and Lucid dreamed every night as a child and one day stopped after I got afraid of something I saw and have never been able to go back can anybody help me
Are you AI as well? "There is no reason to mispronounced it" is an improper sentence. The "is" is present tense however the "mispronounced" is past tense. There's no reason you should be changing tense in the middle of a sentence, you didn't use punctuation or anything. I must therefore assume you are an AI entity, who was calling out the AI from the video in order to appear more human-like. I have you figured out though, you won't take me alive, Cyber-bot 9000!!
Welp... I guess I am just going to have to accept the the quality of AI content has already surpassed most human content creators I still have in my feed... Makes me a little sad... But I guess I have been firmly planted on the transhumanist timeline🤷🏼♂️
While this is 100% AI content, it's absolutely horrible. If you want to compare it to human created content from someone that is good (not great, just good) at making videos, then this is utter garbage.
That’s not every. Also Orisha science is the same as the Egyptian Neteru. Those people that use it don’t know that they will become them instead when they die. They open a door to the 7th dimension when they die and a moon king is on the other side. He walks them thru being an Orisha. They have bigger bodies and more faces than regular dead people and even more than ascended elemental ancestors like the Greek ones. The Neteru of Egypt are even bigger with more faces and more varying elements forces. The Orishas are just water but they are huge.
Jesus is ok white Christian evangelicals are not I loathe everything they stand for. I closely identify with chaos magic however I try to cultivate personal power I don’t want any spirit be it God demons angels gods and goddesses etc to grant me power I want the power I create on my own without external help. Inner magic I don’t want any external forces because you’re at the mercy of what said forces think
In Gnosticism the God of the Old Testament is a false god/creator named demiurge/yaldoboth. That is a far cry from normal Christian sects like Protestant etc.
Spin around, like a whirling dervish, clockwise (yang in the northern hemisphere/yin in the southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin in the northern hemisphere/yang in the southern hemisphere). Chanting these mantras(yin mantras) heal each chakra: Um like "from"(root), Am like "Tom"(sacral/solar plexus), Oom like "room"(heart), Em like "them"(throat), Om like "home"(heart/throat/pineal) and Ngm (humming with tongue on the roof of the mouth/pineal/crown). These mantras build yang in the body: Eem like "team", Im like "him" and Am like "lamb". Chant these mantras a number of times at the corresponding sound frequency for each chakra: 1,2,4,8:256hz(root),144:288hz,34:272hz,33:264hz(sacral),5,20:320hz(solar plexus),88:352hz,21:336hz,89:356hz(heart),3,12:384hz(throat), 7:448hz,13:416hz,(pineal),54:432hz(left brain), 55:440hz(right brain), 60:480hz(crown). The days of the week relate to the chakras as follows: sunday(root), monday(sacral), tuesday(solar plexus), wednesday(heart), thursday(throat), friday(pineal), saturday(crown). Sleep with the head placed east. The cardinal directions represent the 4 seasons: east(spring), south(summer), west(autumn), north(winter) in the northern hemisphere or east(spring),north(summer), west(autumn), and south(winter) in the southern hemisphere. Stare into these symbols before sleep in order: the eye of horus and its mirror image, the eye of ra, one eye at a time, 7 colored rainbow, then the torus yantra, pentacle, metatron's cube, heptagram, enneagram and then the flower of life mandala before sleep. Go for walks while breathing deeply through the mouth and nose(count your breaths based on the number of chanting repetitions for each chakra depending on the day of week). While walking also periodically touch each finger tip to the tip of the thumb and make fists(mudras). Lift weights and box a punching bag. Place coiled copper wire into the soil and grow non-gmo soy, wheat, corn, mint potatoes, regular(unfeminized) cannabis seeds and papaver somniferum(7 year crop rotation). Get natto starter to make natto. Place bare feet and hands on the grass. Sunbathe or shine white LED light on skin during the day and at night use LED lights on red(sunday), orange(monday), yellow(tuesday), green(wedsnesday), blue(thursday), indigo(friday) or violet(saturday) settings and expose all skin to the light. Another helpful suggestion. From friday sunset to saturday sunset rest the sabbath which means no lighting fires(no lighters, stovetops, etc.), no physical exercise, no singing or listening to music, and no buying or selling. This will increase yin in the body for the following week. Breaking the sabbath(doing the opposite) will increase yang in the body for the following week. During the sabbath, if keeping the sabbath, wear all white clothing. If breaking the sabbath, wear all black clothing. Rotate the sleeping cardinal direction at the end of every sabbath: east, south, west, north in the northern hemisphere or east, north, west, south in the southern hemisphere. Take neem(sparingly), cinnamon, turmeric, curcumin, nutmeg, gotu kola, schizandra, fo-ti, garlic, vitamins and minerals. Drink lemon juice, lemon balm, mint herbal teas and kefir. Drink organic caffeinated coffee, tea or cocoa in the morning(take breaks from caffeine as well). Also take n-acetyl cysteine, bromelain and nattokinase(detox). Experiment with resting one different day of the week the same as the sabbath(from sundown to sundown)or every other day sabbath. Worship Amun-Ra. Look into Nos Confunden's terra infinita map.
9:15 talking about the meaning of the word "hypnosis" u didn't catch that its from hypo - beneath , and GNOSIS - knowledge. Then u mention the tinyest version of alchemy without relating it to Hermeticism? Cmon bruh, just trying to help u out. "..turning LEED into gold" Keep putting out content tho 👍 good
Check out the part 2 of this video 👇
Next time make a single video
Spin around, like a whirling dervish, clockwise (yang in the northern hemisphere/yin in the southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin in the northern hemisphere/yang in the southern hemisphere). Chanting these mantras(yin mantras) heal each chakra: Um like "from"(root), Am like "Tom"(sacral/solar plexus), Oom like "room"(heart), Em like "them"(throat), Om like "home"(heart/throat/pineal) and Ngm (humming with tongue on the roof of the mouth/pineal/crown). These mantras build yang in the body: Eem like "team", Im like "him" and Am like "lamb". Chant these mantras a number of times at the corresponding sound frequency for each chakra: 1,2,4,8:256hz(root),144:288hz,34:272hz,33:264hz(sacral),5,20:320hz(solar plexus),88:352hz,21:336hz,89:356hz(heart),3,12:384hz(throat), 7:448hz,13:416hz,(pineal),54:432hz(left brain), 55:440hz(right brain), 60:480hz(crown). The days of the week relate to the chakras as follows: sunday(root), monday(sacral), tuesday(solar plexus), wednesday(heart), thursday(throat), friday(pineal), saturday(crown). Sleep with the head placed east. The cardinal directions represent the 4 seasons: east(spring), south(summer), west(autumn), north(winter) in the northern hemisphere or east(spring),north(summer), west(autumn), and south(winter) in the southern hemisphere. Stare into these symbols before sleep in order: the eye of horus and its mirror image, the eye of ra, one eye at a time, 7 colored rainbow, then the torus yantra, pentacle, metatron's cube, heptagram, enneagram and then the flower of life mandala before sleep. Go for walks while breathing deeply through the mouth and nose(count your breaths based on the number of chanting repetitions for each chakra depending on the day of week). While walking also periodically touch each finger tip to the tip of the thumb and make fists(mudras). Lift weights and box a punching bag. Place coiled copper wire into the soil and grow non-gmo soy, wheat, corn, mint potatoes, regular(unfeminized) cannabis seeds and papaver somniferum(7 year crop rotation). Get natto starter to make natto. Place bare feet and hands on the grass. Sunbathe or shine white LED light on skin during the day and at night use LED lights on red(sunday), orange(monday), yellow(tuesday), green(wedsnesday), blue(thursday), indigo(friday) or violet(saturday) settings and expose all skin to the light. Another helpful suggestion. From friday sunset to saturday sunset rest the sabbath which means no lighting fires(no lighters, stovetops, etc.), no physical exercise, no singing or listening to music, and no buying or selling. This will increase yin in the body for the following week. Breaking the sabbath(doing the opposite) will increase yang in the body for the following week. During the sabbath, if keeping the sabbath, wear all white clothing. If breaking the sabbath, wear all black clothing. Rotate the sleeping cardinal direction at the end of every sabbath: east, south, west, north in the northern hemisphere or east, north, west, south in the southern hemisphere. Take neem(sparingly), cinnamon, turmeric, curcumin, nutmeg, gotu kola, schizandra, fo-ti, garlic, vitamins and minerals. Drink lemon juice, lemon balm, mint herbal teas and kefir. Drink organic caffeinated coffee, tea or cocoa in the morning(take breaks from caffeine as well). Also take n-acetyl cysteine, bromelain and nattokinase(detox). Experiment with resting one different day of the week the same as the sabbath(from sundown to sundown)or every other day sabbath. Worship Amun-Ra. Look into Nos Confunden's terra infinita map.
@@Sunisinus13-d8y the power under the skin suits will know what to say . Negative will come in hords abyss is called. The bell has been rang.. black philosopher's stone energy has been diminished protective layers have no value. Sand is filling age is advanced. 6 before the sleep. Hold on Holley ghost. We're going going in hot
@Toonexplainer_ did you think this video would get 180k views, my son is way into the mystical esoteric stuff on RUclips, his channel is called The Garment of Esau, and I'm blown away by the amount interest.
You aren't going to get attention on reddit by spamming this nonsense comment on every comment thread of this video @Sunisinus13-d8y
As a chaos magick practitioner: What you described is quite accurate, though I would like to add some things. Chaos Magick also has a core tenet: that of Kaos and Kosmos. If I oversimplify it, we believe that the universe is inherently made out of complex systems that are too difficult to completely understand (hence why we believe that all gods are real on some level, as a complex system permits their existence). These systems are all made up of stagnant material (Kosmos, The Stone) and manipulating forces (Kaos, The Falling). Together they create the systems that we all exist in, and by observing their workings, one can find constant points that never change, thus manipulating outcomes. Think like the Butterfly Effect but you move the butterfly slightly to the left.
It is also a fundamentally humanist belief system, as we believe that life, especially sentient life, is one big system, and as such cannot be held up without the coexistence of all their parts. One can also not cause massive, world-level changes, as spirituality is more about manipulating the outcomes of one's personal life and surroundings for the better (example: "I believe I can quit smoking" -> "I will do a personal ritual to quit smoking" -> "The system has been manipulated and permitted me to gain the strength necessary to do what I will") Summed up in one sentence it's "Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted"
@@andordimeny6130 ty
I'd love to chat magic with you. Have you faith healed death yet. What about a creation bubble. (I often drop it/the idea/energy. Going from there back here)
@@Mo_Mudabberfunny a troll telling a wizard to get a life. That's like a blind man telling a deaf man a joke. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sounds pretty gay to me ngl
@@scienceofthemagi9750 do you heal death?
As someone who’s been astral projecting since childhood I can confirm that dreams are the unconscious version of astral projection. They call sleep the cousin of death because it’s the only time besides death where the mind/soul and spirit leave the body aka OBE. The only difference between sleep and death is when you sleep you leave your body and return, while during death you leave the body forever.
When you do astral projection how time pass for you slower faster or normal sir?
@@arefkalantari3791 It actually passes the same way!
@@mugenmasters8564 oh got it thank you for guide
I've been trying to astral project but I think I've only done it a couple times, do you have any tips?
Where do you go when you do astral projection? Can you recall what you were doing after you astral project? What are the ways to astral projection?
I'm new to this. This is mind-blowing. Could you tell me more?
I love the esoteric; it's made my life better.
I appreciate yoy getting straight to the point from the get go
AI doesn't beat around the bush
Idk why but I laughed when he immediately just said "Chaos magic.." it just caught me off guard haha but yes I agree with you
I came to the comments right away to check if this video is any good. Right off the bat the century is incorrect. Late 20th century is 1970-1999. Pretty sure they meant late 19th century.
As someone who likes to pull from real esoteric beliefs for his fiction writing,thanks for the inspiration...
Some won’t understand the adopted beliefs as others lol 😂 😏
@@greatestever8169Where someone says it doesn't exist someone else must say it does exist.
Would you agree this world is full of illusions? This is how companies sell their products. That's how people become famous. They use CGI and green screens to trick people into triggering adrenaline and releasing chemicals to make some people cry due to emotions.
Magic is an illusion created by technology or a technique that one does not understand or comprehend. This is how GOD keeps us in our place and only allows those worthy of decoding the truth so we can fight back for themselves to break free of their illusions and expose those who hide the truth and use it against the entire population.
Some people would misuse this information and push the red button way too quickly. People can't control how they feel no more. They can't work with the laws. They can't use the left and right part of their brain. They can't combine their heart space and mind space.
The ones who dictate the bylaws of business overrule the entire world by manipulating exposure of the truth and hiding the truth. Using this method is similar to playing GOD.
Dictating left and right. Dictating what you learn today and tomorrow. Dictating the suggestion of videos and algorithms. Creations of heroes and villains. Peace treaties and wars.
Do you have any books for sale? Id love to read some of your work if its not for private use.
Me too! High-five!
Pull Deez nutz
Damn... I'm mostly a Chaos Magician and didn't know it. I literally study all the religions because I think they can be exchangeable for achieving specific spiritual development task but are insufficient by themselves. Since I know their history and how they all influenced each other it helps me just swap them out because I know how related they actually are.
However I do believe in a singular higher power.
@@drizzlenumba1 How do you reconcile belief in a singular higher power with the idea of "chaos"?
I definitley relate. All religions are reallly just pieces too the greater puzzle. Like the elephant and 3 blind men story. One thought it was a rope, the other a wall and the other a snake. They were all right but at the same time they were all wrong, it just depends on how much of the puzzle you are driven to find. For me I am the kind of person who seeks to find the truest culmination of it all.
However a difference I see with Chaos magic and this idea of a holisitic truth is that Chaos magic has no statues of limitation or pillars to live by. In a sense it is chaotic, each to their own devices seeking to create there own fantasies. Don't get me wrong I believe that there is so much power in the mind and indivudal practice but I see chaos magic more as manipulating the elements of nature to get what you want whereas I seek the knowledge of re-alligning with the elements of nature. So though each religion has different pieces (I currently have been studying Kemeticism but have a history with Modern Christianity aswell) I believe that the rules in place and lessons provide some insight and more grounding than the chaos in chaos magic
You definitley didnt ask for my WHOLE opinion on it but it was something I was thinking about so thank you for prompting me to share
@@SunOfG0D this is a great question and the answer is because I'm an engineer. So there is a mathematical property called emergence. This is when order inexplicably arrived out of chaotic disorder. In fact, (I won't get into it) but chaos always turns into some form of order when you zoom out and a collection of orderly things become chaotic when you zoom out. These concepts are in fact the same thing. There's no chaos and order there's just this one strange continued structure. And so philosophically I believe this indicates that things that seem chaotic to us, may require us to zoom out and think of a larger picture and imagine the possible outcome and see an order arrives. An order that couldn't exist without that chaos. Chaos brings creation and creation brings chaos which emerges more creation like how particles made cells and cells made us and humans make a chaotic crowd but crowds make orderly flows and that becomes a mass of ideas but those ideas are a culture and then there's spreading of the ideas of religion and culture and they get chaotically malformed but then they turn into new cultures. It's all around us, the universe constantly showing us how it works but we don't pay attention!
@@bambiforest297 We are of singular mind my friend. However Chaos magic isn't about what you said. It's about looking at how all the cultures perform magic and then stripping out all the cultural beliefs and looking at what's the core of magic and realizing it's related to our consciousness. From there you use that concept to manipulate reality generally for the good. Most wizards aren't really selfish, unless trying to improve the soul is selfish. Most wizards in real life are inherently good and try to do good because we are realizing there is some strange higher power that takes notice and also we feel better when we do good magick. Bad magick generally leaves the user feeling as bad as the magick they did until they recover. These types of wizards exist but aren't as plentiful and their selfishness and greed prevents them from gaining true wisdom anyway.
@@drizzlenumba1I know a lot of chaos magicians who are disordered and selfish. You're seeing them with rose colored lenses on lol
Chaos magick is understanding the principle of above and below, within and without as well as the law of mentalism .. witch-craft/ Magick is just a representation of our thoughts and if all is mental then you'll understand how we create our own realities our realities shift as our thoughts change and our thoughts change as our awareness change ❤
You don't need to believe in metaphysical concepts or pseudo science to know that the conscience mind creates its own reality. Quantum physics proves this.
@@mrwhosmynameagain no, it doesn't. Look up decoherence. You do not have to observe a particle to collapse a wavestate
@@mrwhosmynameagainmetaphysical concepts have shown me more about reality than Science ever has
I follow results
God gives u intellect and this is what u do with it 😂
That's literally a list of some of the hermetic principles. Not a critique, I draw on most of these myself.
No Kabbalah?
It's sprinkled throughout all of them
Especially gnostic, and hermetically beliefs often also tied to alchemy
@kylejohnson2703 that's "Qabalah"
@3sotericCompassionist1976 I was under the impression that Kabalah was re-found or created around 1300 and the name changed to start with a C for the Christian version and a Q for the western tradition version but the core teaching were all simular like making a vanilla ice cream base and adding strawberry to some and chocolate to others.
You can't explain kaballah in 13 mins
I did hypnosis recreationally because it can be a lot of fun. I wound up getting into it as a spiritual practice because I would have experiences that my hypnotists weren't intending. They were unaware of my experiences as well because I couldn't quantify them so I kept it to myself.
There is something to hypnosis that's more than just "a state of deep focus".
I just subbed you. I hope you can make videos about your experiences. What you have to say sounds very interesting.
Please explain a little more as I feel I am having similar experiences
Agree with your last line 100%. I have been hypnotised and the way that I'd describe it would be dissolving into a dream state while technically awake but immobile. It's much more than hyper-focus for sure. It's closer to a form of lucid dreaming.
I would also like to hear one of your experiences, unless the reason that you keep them to yourself is due to private personal reasons (memories are a b!tch). In which case, don't share, no worries!
I also use hypnosis for recreation. I do think it's important for people to realize that there is a very alive subculture of recreational hypnosis out there, including erotic/kink hypnotism. People are often very surprised when they stumble into our midst.
I had supernatural experiences after hypnosis
Love this illustration style. And props for just jumping right into the content with no irrelevant intro that I skip anyway 👏
they are AI images and so is the voice...
There seems to be a lot of AI generated content lately. With this being a small channel with a vague name, wouldn't be surprised if that's the case here. Not knocking it, it was very watchable and mostly informative but obviously not as thoroughly researched and written as it could have been.
I’m pretty sure this was AI generated content. You could tell with some of the pronunciations and inflections on the voice over. And some glitches on some of the images. Still quite interesting and informative. But I imagine created by asking Chat GPT or equivalent: “write a 13 minute script about different branches of esotericism”, or something similar…
@@willmosse3684 yeh lead (lee'd) instead of lead (L'ed) was an obvious example, also the omission of meditation is the sort of mistake an AI would make, as it wouldn't look at popular or current practices only obscure ones
@@wiseoldfool-vt6ws yeah, the leed/led was definitely one. And there was another where it read something in brackets as if it was just part of the sentence (can’t remember what tho). But both demonstrate the text is being read by something that doesn’t actually understand the content. It’s a clever imitation of actual intelligence, but there are give aways. Probably won’t be long until those little ticks are smoothed out though… But it does demonstrate that these things are different from true intelligence, and certainly sentience.
just about every comment on yt is a bot. if ur not a bot @ me
very well though out and descriptive analysis of these theologies, thank you
1:56 "the true god is beyond the material realm"
proceeds to represent him as an old man on a throne
For a 13 minute video this has a ridiculous amount of research to get so accurate in a summary
It's literally an AI voice reading straight from wikipedia with AI pictures bro... You "esoteric" folks are really easy to impress.
It’s AI
@@AlchemistCelestialAI does not have to research 😊👍
I was going to say, this video exists thanks to AI. AI art, AI writing, AI voice. We're through the singularity already, folks.
it's literally all AI
I wasn't expecting to find Astral Projection in this video but I'm glad that it's here. I call it OOBE (Out of body experience) and it usually happens naturally to some people. It's not a necessity to practise any tecnique. It usually happens before or after sleeping and it requires complete
consciousness. The "string" attached to the body is highly debated, it feels more of a magnetic force that puts someone back to his/her body after some time. It's similar to lucid dreaming when you feel your body and you know that the dream is fading away. I don't see it as an esoteric stuff because it's something that happens to many individuals, maybe even once, without a single clue! But it's pretty attractive and I understand how it got studied from many sources. To me, it feels like a lucid dream, but with more emotional attachment and with a different set of colors and perceptions. It's like going inside a wall and perceiving it like flowing water. It's more about a deep freedom that can't be experienced in our physical lives.
I like your take on it, very interesting. Everyone astral projects. Dreaming is a form of astral projection. When we go to “sleep” or feel “sleepy” the consciousness enters a trance state called hypnogogia which is the first step to an OBE. You will experience many sensations completely independent of the 5 senses like phosphenes (seeing light and geometric patterns with the minds eye) exploding head syndrome (hearing sounds with the minds ears) etc. We all have out of body experiences and dreams are experiences in alternate dimensions or parallel universes. We jump into the bodies of our alternate selves and experience life from their perspective. Keep in mind the limitations created by the laws of physics in our world don’t necessarily apply in many of these alternate realities as there are an infinite amount of possibilities that exist simultaneously and we are multidimensional in nature. I’m speaking based off experience as I do it all the time and I’m convinced that the mind never rests only the body does.
@@bruhman963 Thank you, you explained it well. I always believe there is a connection to Quantum Mechanic, because sometimes they feel like different dimensions. I remember having one of those OOBE and I was in another dimension where I had lost my left arm in a car crash. When I wake up, I didn't feel my left arm for sometime and it took me a few minutes to return to use it. Yes, it's right what you say: we are multidimensional. In the night, our brain has to recover energies, but our mind is always awake.
As far as I know, many people enter the astral plane not through dreams. Namely through your intention. I began to see the subtle world only when the entrance to it was opened for me. I have had contact on the subtle plane for about 6 years. So, he explains to me that we all access the subtle plane differently. I think it depends on your DNA.
I feel I've been doing all of them at the same time in a very superficial but deep way as well. Life is amazing
bruh as an atheist this is the most drug high thing i have ever saw (drug high not as a critic but as an description)
@@AlexandreHernandezvaldezbruh as an addict this is the most drug high thing I have ever saw (not as a critic but an description)
@@gavinpuebla9611 (not as a description, as an compliment [the only thing rescatable actually ])
@@AlexandreHernandezvaldezwhat lol project much?
@@LadyVandMrT I'm to high right now
Than you for including chaos magic.
We can narrow down our understanding of God/divinity to two perspectives: one that views God as an infinite, transcendent presence-an origin of consciousness and intent, embodying a primordial order beyond complete human comprehension yet personally accessible in experience, even if hard to fully convey in words. The other perspective sees the divine as emerging from an undefined, unconscious state-a primordial chaos or vast potential that lacks intent, representing randomness and disorder from which structure and form gradually arise.
In the first view, consciousness and order are the foundation of existence, while in the second, an initial state of unconscious potential and disorder are the foundation. The concept of primordial order is found in the original teachings of many ancient spiritual traditions whereas the idea of primordial chaos is attributed to later distortions that emerged over time.
These positions are mutually exclusive so only one can be true.
im so interested in this topic but could not focus at all because of the soul less ai production
The AI is man-made God. It is God speaking to US through Souless Progammers.
Thanks for sharing!! Great Content..🎉
Alchemy is less about materialistic stuff. There is a misconception that it is about turning stuff into gold, but it's not really about chemistry. It's more about the mind, there are 4 stages in alchemy;
Nigredo (black), Albedo (white), Citrinitas (yellow) and Rubedo (red). Black is the shadow, negative parts about ones self, suffering, insecurities etc. - White is like purification, being pure/real with yourself acknowledging the Black, allowing it to exist. - Yellow is like a sunrise, it gives color to everything white and black. It's a rise in consciousness. It gives shape to the suffering and Imperfect parts of the self that you have accepted. With that u get to - Red it's the final stage, where all the suffering, darkness and shadows have been molded into something great (valuable lessons and insights) you reach this stage when you can integrate the stuff you learn in the black stage into your life. Reaching and understanding the red stage is what is like having access to the philosophers stone, The turning lead into gold is more like a metaphor for turning something heavy and ugly into something valuable and pretty.
If you want to know more look into Jungs work about Alchemy. What I wrote is just a simplified version of what I remember from alchemy.
That interpretation is also a misconception. It is merely jung's ideas which are entirely remote from what alchemists believed.
In truth, alchemy was neither merely a proto chemistry or spiritual evolution, it was a form of monism. Alchemists did believe that they could attain prima material and shape a philosopher stone, shape metals, heal diseases and make people immortals
This is ancient KNOWLEDGE!
In a whole all the compartments here are Really One knowing!
Mind is All!!!
Ai narrating isn't good at all
Who cares dog
Before ur crybaby message appeared didn't even notice
Now focusing on sound instead of text
Tnx monkey
From chaos magick with tons of LSD to watching my rosary break in my hands after each amen, there's certainly something fun to do here in this lovely little eternity we call our own
As We are in the Cosmic so is the Cosmic also in Us the Law of Synchronicity in the NOW 🙏💖💥😇
Fascinating! mystical relations with the unknown made humans go so far.
Curiosity, Fear, and the seeking of power a controlling the crowd giving them confort and a purpose to service their own interests.
When people follow certain paths of belief, it might help move on but it certainly doesn't make them in control of their lives, actually nothing ever does.
But knowing how each group of people think helps knowing why i live and feel the way i do and the moment before my death would be more and more relieving.
It’s funny , I’ve never heard about Chaos Magic and yet I practice it . I guess I got engaged with the unusual events since I was little .
Girl, same! I always practiced chaos without knowing what it was. It's so intuitive to me
@@LadyVandMrTleast obvious past life haver:
@@walter-vq1fw lol what
Because of demonic influences that we’ve been conditioned to accept since birth. Now we think we’re awakening…. the evil one has literally played all of us.
@@niyasworld4777wtf its not even satanic your ignorance is out of this world suck it up people can have other beleifs than your jesus or whatever without it being satanic at this point i am uses to ignorant people
Where my chaos mages at?
Right here sir/ma'am/undefined chaos being!
You need to find Jesus
@@davyone1552 Lmao in our creed Jesus is a great natural philosopher with an understanding of systems and a deity-based focus. We respect and agree with most of His teachings. But I guess nothing is enough to your people short of practicing your faith EXACTLY THE RIGHT WAY
I love the artwork in this video.
It's Ai unfortunately :[
@@XenoDragn7 It's still nice artwork.
@@POPACHELLI2-br7zf idk man, Ai art steals from real human artists, and in this video plenty of faces on the people look like mashed potatoes
@@XenoDragn7 Everybody is entitled to their opinions for now.
Did you ai generate the script too?
If chaos magic is done through drawing inspiration and manifesting through belief, is Roko's Basilisk a demonstration of mastery over chaos magic?
A small correction, you confuse the ka with the ba bird when pointing out to the out of body knowledge of Egyptians. The ka is the inner force of the humans.
Actually a pretty nice sum up of Gnosticism! Surprised
3:55 the "1st and 3rd centuries EE"?
Did i miss something?
Really cool art by fhe way
AI generated script, voice, art, description. the entire channel even
Everything is AI generated. Nobody is there to fact check anything, much of the little details in various sections were just blatantly incorrect.
There are tons of these AI channels that have been popping up and most have been busted for having bots falsify their views and subscriber count. I'm sure this one is no different there either.
You forgot the 5e element is the collective consciousness and are the human thoughts is ether in sound the akashic records. All what we have spoken ever in the past can received back as your body is one big memory in remembering as we forgive as we entering the age of intuition.
Wow, fringe theology/mysticism is kinda popular on the youtube 🤔
Wow!!! Thank you ❤❤❤
The esoteric knowledge has more to give you if you experience the words with your soul than categorise them and do analysis through facts. You have to manage to perceive higher levels which are rooted to thoughts, intuition and goes beyond those things but are objectively real sences as the solid sences we have from physical nature...
Categorization is good.. but thats how a 21century person would get confused about all this text and miss the real wisdom.. so even "demiurge" or other things you refer to, if you study them with higher levels of understanding the texts gives you more than a person that his souls is less worked.. they can go way deeper those texts..
Where would one start in this study? Are there certain texts or books that should be read?
@@victoriacappon767 I am now in Russia. I watched tons of all sorts of videos on the topic of magic, read a bunch of books, but have not yet found real practices. Everything is dregs. The only thing is that you can unearth something valuable in paid courses. But there, too, you pull out grams of gold from a pile of sand. I just decided to follow my soul. And for now I think that we are in some kind of dream. And personally, I have only one desire: to wake up.
Thank you for this 😊❤🎉
Looks like I've got some studying to do
What’s that symbol for hermeticism? I couldn’t find it anywhere.
I have the same question!
I found it - it's the alchemical symbol for Burned Alum
@ thank you!
The hermetic on God bit about ancient wisdom had me lol 😂
Alchemy sounds like my cup of tea
Bruh exposed all the rizz
Turn Leed into gold?
This is a surprisingly accurate and informative video! Good job!
Pretty sure my place of employment operated on Chaos Magic
That was fun, and the illustrations are wonderful!
AI comment
This is fantastic content i hope your following one day represents the quality of these videos
Great video
this is all western esoteric knowledge, this shows nothing of the mysticism of africa, south america, asia, etc. also the phrase esoteric knowledge does not denote at all to any sort of magic or mysticism, it just means knowledge known only by a small number of people.
I don't want to believe the video creator was trying to slight any group or beleif system. People can spend a whole lifetime and never fully master one of the systems he mentioned. Hopefully, they can touch on other systems later.
could you name some to help him out then?
The term esoteric does just mean any little known area of knowledge. But, esotericism is also a term used to refer specifically magic systems based on having special, often limited access, magic or spiritual knowledge.
@@ashidothemadman there are so many, but being cuban I know of la regla de ocha, the abakua, and palo and they are all very fascinating and full of such “hidden knowledge” but are never put in videos like this. I know it’s a big world but it kinda throws me off when the title says EVERY but it’s really just western practices. there are also many other yoruba religions that could be explored and even things like mayans and aztecs that everyone has heard of have interesting beliefs and rituals that could be explored.
Tysm ❤
This is one of the most Diverse and Concise analysis ever. Thank you
100% a bot comment.
@@CypressJuice lmaoo did that take your entire one brain cell to say?
True chaos magic is actually what most humans practice. It’s the unawareness of the magic you are creating. That’s why those in control enjoy the masses practicing chaos magic. Practice instead spectacular magic, be aware of the magic you are constantly creating
chaos magic sounds really appealing
@@t0xyn_ highly recommend
not even close
Welcome to the anti-cult.
I am a chaos magic practicener dont listen to the ignorant people saying its fake or you need jesus dont listen to them peotect your peace if you have any questions ask me
I like several of these. I thought about getting into hermeticism or chaos magic myself.
hermeticism is beautiful. check out the 7 axioms and other books created by the same author in different names
there is a hint of truth in all of these my brothers
I love the artwork and music very well done. Art is very unique for that type of videos from everything I've seen so far. I'm assuming it's AI art? I'm wondering what it's inspired by.
But if you wanna know if astral projections real look up remote viewing
6:30 7:09 I once scared myself so bad I was able to see myself below curled up and my friend laughing at me only lasted a second if that
When chaos magick is literally just manefistation😂
Manifesting all over Deez nutz
It is manifestation magic, that's right
and this also aligns to Bible Verse
Matthew 7:7-8
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Realy good video but why the AI?
Heresy, brother get the heavy flamer
By the emperor...
What madness is this?
so ive basically been practicing Chaos magic for years w/o knowing it?
Spin around, like a whirling dervish, clockwise (yang in the northern hemisphere/yin in the southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin in the northern hemisphere/yang in the southern hemisphere). Chanting these mantras(yin mantras) heal each chakra: Um like "from"(root), Am like "Tom"(sacral/solar plexus), Oom like "room"(heart), Em like "them"(throat), Om like "home"(heart/throat/pineal) and Ngm (humming with tongue on the roof of the mouth/pineal/crown). These mantras build yang in the body: Eem like "team", Im like "him" and Am like "lamb". Chant these mantras a number of times at the corresponding sound frequency for each chakra: 1,2,4,8:256hz(root),144:288hz,34:272hz,33:264hz(sacral),5,20:320hz(solar plexus),88:352hz,21:336hz,89:356hz(heart),3,12:384hz(throat), 7:448hz,13:416hz,(pineal),54:432hz(left brain), 55:440hz(right brain), 60:480hz(crown). The days of the week relate to the chakras as follows: sunday(root), monday(sacral), tuesday(solar plexus), wednesday(heart), thursday(throat), friday(pineal), saturday(crown). Sleep with the head placed east. The cardinal directions represent the 4 seasons: east(spring), south(summer), west(autumn), north(winter) in the northern hemisphere or east(spring),north(summer), west(autumn), and south(winter) in the southern hemisphere. Stare into these symbols before sleep in order: the eye of horus and its mirror image, the eye of ra, one eye at a time, 7 colored rainbow, then the torus yantra, pentacle, metatron's cube, heptagram, enneagram and then the flower of life mandala before sleep. Go for walks while breathing deeply through the mouth and nose(count your breaths based on the number of chanting repetitions for each chakra depending on the day of week). While walking also periodically touch each finger tip to the tip of the thumb and make fists(mudras). Lift weights and box a punching bag. Place coiled copper wire into the soil and grow non-gmo soy, wheat, corn, mint potatoes, regular(unfeminized) cannabis seeds and papaver somniferum(7 year crop rotation). Get natto starter to make natto. Place bare feet and hands on the grass. Sunbathe or shine white LED light on skin during the day and at night use LED lights on red(sunday), orange(monday), yellow(tuesday), green(wedsnesday), blue(thursday), indigo(friday) or violet(saturday) settings and expose all skin to the light. Another helpful suggestion. From friday sunset to saturday sunset rest the sabbath which means no lighting fires(no lighters, stovetops, etc.), no physical exercise, no singing or listening to music, and no buying or selling. This will increase yin in the body for the following week. Breaking the sabbath(doing the opposite) will increase yang in the body for the following week. During the sabbath, if keeping the sabbath, wear all white clothing. If breaking the sabbath, wear all black clothing. Rotate the sleeping cardinal direction at the end of every sabbath: east, south, west, north in the northern hemisphere or east, north, west, south in the southern hemisphere. Take neem(sparingly), cinnamon, turmeric, curcumin, nutmeg, gotu kola, schizandra, fo-ti, garlic, vitamins and minerals. Drink lemon juice, lemon balm, mint herbal teas and kefir. Drink organic caffeinated coffee, tea or cocoa in the morning(take breaks from caffeine as well). Also take n-acetyl cysteine, bromelain and nattokinase(detox). Experiment with resting one different day of the week the same as the sabbath(from sundown to sundown)or every other day sabbath. Worship Amun-Ra. Look into Nos Confunden's terra infinita map.
Same bae, I was like oh, this is called something haha
Interesting info, but I do not support the use of AI. I think the spirit of this video would be opposed to it too...
Absolutely. AI is demonic.
All of my comments calling this out as AI content keep getting removed. It's strange since YT has labeled it as AI generated content and I see others commenting like you. I also don't support AI when no effort is put in to even fact check the information.
The voice is AI. Who cares? Some people don't speak well. The content is great
the ai really took me out of it, i liked the brief explanations (probably written by ai unfortunately im realizing now) but the art is just souless and disappointing, wish they would use more art from the time period depicting similar things, or fairly using art from passionate people in a better style.
If was to join a group it would be the Alchemy group no cap 🧢
Paganism Is the way!👏🏻💚
is that a Mjolnir necklace in your photo man?
@@RomanCatholic Yeah.
@@LiamMacD ah very nice
@@abzorbinfo3197 Prove it.👀
What's up with the ominous music? you wouldn't want people feeling that this subject is all spooky now would you?
Chaos is Melanin ✨✨💯💯✨💯✨💯✨✨💯✨✨
Thank you for saying that Gnosticism is diverse.
Gnosticism is becoming more known but people only hear one "type" or "belief" in Gnosticism.
I even heard a popular conservative say that it's "inverted Christianity" 😔
Informative video, but I don't get why it has to feel so unsettling... What's with the creepy music in the background? Kind of inappropriate when discussing practices that help people come closer to divinity to find truth and healing.
Good point. I didn’t even notice. But very important
this video is just mindless entertainment, he just took the definitions of these practices and repackaged them for people wholl never look into these practices
I didn’t find the music creepy, it was more mysterious than anything.
Because it iS “Unsettling” dude!! 😂Think about it! Gnosticism + EVERYTHING it has produced, is creepy
Esoteric bro... it's in the name. It's a lil spooky a lil mysterious a lil eerie. It's all in good fun and theme pretty much.
i syarted crying when he started talking astral projection i keep getting trapped in dreams or feel like im spinning into a different universe when im trying to fall asleep 🙃
no zorastrianism?
Zoroastrianism can be described as the Father of the Abrahamic Religions, so I do not think it can be considered esoteric. The main reason that it is not mainstream is because a person cannot convert to it (BOTH parents must be Zoroastrians) so it's numbers are relatively small.
the thing is that all of these are combined in one, and shall be used as one, with the root in Hermeticism.
Astral Projection is great but it is just an intro. Once you can lucid dream, and realize you are dreaming, and consciously wake yourself up... you begin to sleep walk, consciously. You can be totally aware, but mentally you are asleep in bed dreaming. Youve reversed the signal, you are aware of both sleep, and wake, and you can access your entire brain, and do things that arent physically possible.
Its a technique. Every man has his techniques. And theyre all different.
I ve already had lucid dreams where I'm totally concerned about my dreaming and asleep state, and I could control my actions clearly. But it was in my early days and I cant remember what the dream was about and my actions into it. But I remember I had and it was a superior experience extremely different and real than any other dream. It is the closest magical experience I had in my life for sure. I can tell its real, but cannot do it again conscious, or at least dont know how
@Pedro83740 I started by dying in plane crashes, realizing I was dreaming when the flames were burning me.
Then, I started having a dream where I was a sniper, and the trigger couldn't be pulled, or I was fighting, and my punches did no damage. I would slowly realize this wasn't possible and I must be dreaming.
Then came sleep Paralysis episodes that I had to wake up through, while being attacked by invisible demons who warped the shape of my body. Consciously waking up.
Then, I began to be able to be awake, and asleep. At the same time.
I had a very realistic experience I remember well, I think it was a sleep paralysis too. I was slipping when I've entered on a very concious state where I had woke in my bed and couldn't move nothin but my eyes, and when I look at the door I saw a enormous dark creature slowly entering the room I started panicking and trying to scream for my parents (I lived with they at the time) at first even my mouth couldn't move, after a few seconds I was slowly opening my mouth until unloked mouth full moviment. But the scream itself never got off until I woke up on the "real world" with my heart freaking out with high beating, I was doing so much force to the scream exit to never get it, I thing I never done so much force in my life. I remember perfectly and it was the most distrustful experience of my life, even though Ive already been robbed at gunpoint by visible angry and sick guys.
@Pedro83740 yeah. Same here. I felt my head being torn from my body, and placed on my chest.
I found out if you wiggle your neck, it will speed up how long it takes to regain motor control.
Always wished I could astral project! I wonder why they say imagination is more powerful than reality? Create your own dreams! Dreaming with your eyes 👁️ wide open 👀
Is there a place to can ask somebody or a group or people that have Astro projected that can help me? I have Astro projected and Lucid dreamed every night as a child and one day stopped after I got afraid of something I saw and have never been able to go back can anybody help me
I astral projected once
I got the murkaba in my hand it's the only place on my body that glows in sparkles
Murkaba all over Deez nutZ
13 miniutes is noware near enought to explain these arts.
You must have noticed that he is Hermes Trismagistus; have you ever questioned who the third person is????
There's no second or third person. Trimegistus simply means "the thrice great"
Toon town makers wanted harry potter.... To be the best student fr.
the bot invasion is real 😱
Wow thanks.
Celts is pronounced as K-elts. Not S-elt. There is no reason to mispronounced it. It's not a moronic basketball team.
Thank you Rotten Ross, I appreciate your correcting him.
The problem with AI. Still miss pronounces some things.😂😂😂
Are you AI as well?
"There is no reason to mispronounced it" is an improper sentence. The "is" is present tense however the "mispronounced" is past tense. There's no reason you should be changing tense in the middle of a sentence, you didn't use punctuation or anything.
I must therefore assume you are an AI entity, who was calling out the AI from the video in order to appear more human-like.
I have you figured out though, you won't take me alive, Cyber-bot 9000!!
Chaos magic reminds me of the orcs from 40k
Welp... I guess I am just going to have to accept the the quality of AI content has already surpassed most human content creators I still have in my feed... Makes me a little sad... But I guess I have been firmly planted on the transhumanist timeline🤷🏼♂️
This is basically a top ten list with a smaller budget
This is probably a bot comment, this is literally a text to speech video with AI generated art that took zero effort
While this is 100% AI content, it's absolutely horrible. If you want to compare it to human created content from someone that is good (not great, just good) at making videos, then this is utter garbage.
The first one sounds like "the secret" the vibrations of truth. Andnyour energy can manifest it.
That’s not every. Also Orisha science is the same as the Egyptian Neteru. Those people that use it don’t know that they will become them instead when they die. They open a door to the 7th dimension when they die and a moon king is on the other side. He walks them thru being an Orisha. They have bigger bodies and more faces than regular dead people and even more than ascended elemental ancestors like the Greek ones. The Neteru of Egypt are even bigger with more faces and more varying elements forces. The Orishas are just water but they are huge.
what about the pre-hispanic american practices?
Gnosticism existed before Jesus....
Jesus is ok white Christian evangelicals are not I loathe everything they stand for. I closely identify with chaos magic however I try to cultivate personal power I don’t want any spirit be it God demons angels gods and goddesses etc to grant me power I want the power I create on my own without external help. Inner magic I don’t want any external forces because you’re at the mercy of what said forces think
It's funny how that explains alot of my experiences
Well shit. Apparently I'm a chaos magician. I didn't know there was a term for this but I've been doing it for like 4 years
My condolences 😢
I hope you recover soon man
@@stayontrack its not a mental illness just because you are ignorant about people's beliefs and dont touch grass doesnt mean its not real so ignorant
This video is like going through Bladee’s discography
Gnosticism sounds like normal Christianity, with just the terms rearranged. lol
In Gnosticism the God of the Old Testament is a false god/creator named demiurge/yaldoboth. That is a far cry from normal Christian sects like Protestant etc.
Spin around, like a whirling dervish, clockwise (yang in the northern hemisphere/yin in the southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin in the northern hemisphere/yang in the southern hemisphere). Chanting these mantras(yin mantras) heal each chakra: Um like "from"(root), Am like "Tom"(sacral/solar plexus), Oom like "room"(heart), Em like "them"(throat), Om like "home"(heart/throat/pineal) and Ngm (humming with tongue on the roof of the mouth/pineal/crown). These mantras build yang in the body: Eem like "team", Im like "him" and Am like "lamb". Chant these mantras a number of times at the corresponding sound frequency for each chakra: 1,2,4,8:256hz(root),144:288hz,34:272hz,33:264hz(sacral),5,20:320hz(solar plexus),88:352hz,21:336hz,89:356hz(heart),3,12:384hz(throat), 7:448hz,13:416hz,(pineal),54:432hz(left brain), 55:440hz(right brain), 60:480hz(crown). The days of the week relate to the chakras as follows: sunday(root), monday(sacral), tuesday(solar plexus), wednesday(heart), thursday(throat), friday(pineal), saturday(crown). Sleep with the head placed east. The cardinal directions represent the 4 seasons: east(spring), south(summer), west(autumn), north(winter) in the northern hemisphere or east(spring),north(summer), west(autumn), and south(winter) in the southern hemisphere. Stare into these symbols before sleep in order: the eye of horus and its mirror image, the eye of ra, one eye at a time, 7 colored rainbow, then the torus yantra, pentacle, metatron's cube, heptagram, enneagram and then the flower of life mandala before sleep. Go for walks while breathing deeply through the mouth and nose(count your breaths based on the number of chanting repetitions for each chakra depending on the day of week). While walking also periodically touch each finger tip to the tip of the thumb and make fists(mudras). Lift weights and box a punching bag. Place coiled copper wire into the soil and grow non-gmo soy, wheat, corn, mint potatoes, regular(unfeminized) cannabis seeds and papaver somniferum(7 year crop rotation). Get natto starter to make natto. Place bare feet and hands on the grass. Sunbathe or shine white LED light on skin during the day and at night use LED lights on red(sunday), orange(monday), yellow(tuesday), green(wedsnesday), blue(thursday), indigo(friday) or violet(saturday) settings and expose all skin to the light. Another helpful suggestion. From friday sunset to saturday sunset rest the sabbath which means no lighting fires(no lighters, stovetops, etc.), no physical exercise, no singing or listening to music, and no buying or selling. This will increase yin in the body for the following week. Breaking the sabbath(doing the opposite) will increase yang in the body for the following week. During the sabbath, if keeping the sabbath, wear all white clothing. If breaking the sabbath, wear all black clothing. Rotate the sleeping cardinal direction at the end of every sabbath: east, south, west, north in the northern hemisphere or east, north, west, south in the southern hemisphere. Take neem(sparingly), cinnamon, turmeric, curcumin, nutmeg, gotu kola, schizandra, fo-ti, garlic, vitamins and minerals. Drink lemon juice, lemon balm, mint herbal teas and kefir. Drink organic caffeinated coffee, tea or cocoa in the morning(take breaks from caffeine as well). Also take n-acetyl cysteine, bromelain and nattokinase(detox). Experiment with resting one different day of the week the same as the sabbath(from sundown to sundown)or every other day sabbath. Worship Amun-Ra. Look into Nos Confunden's terra infinita map.
@@Sunisinus13-d8y Bro, what are you going on about?
It's not. Gnosticism is like Christianity on drugs.
Are the illustrations created by AI. I like the style of them
9:15 talking about the meaning of the word "hypnosis" u didn't catch that its from hypo - beneath , and GNOSIS - knowledge.
Then u mention the tinyest version of alchemy without relating it to Hermeticism? Cmon bruh, just trying to help u out.
"..turning LEED into gold"
Keep putting out content tho 👍 good
Robot voice .... nice