Εξαιρετικά όλα ανεξαιρέτως τα βιντεάκια σου. Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ που μοιράζεσαι τις εμπειρίες και το κόπο σου σε μια χώρα που δεν έχει χτίσει ακόμη τέτοιου είδους κουλτούρα. LIKE & RESPECT
Dear Edu8s.com - without doubt your series of Weather Station development videos are the very best, ever, I have viewed on RUclips. They are extremely precise, well presented and above all, readily reproduced!!! As a now semi-retired scientist (analytical chemist/geochemist/gemmologist) re-entering electronics following a 45 year absence, I have recently experienced many of the pitfalls of 'supposedly available working codes, circuits and descriptions etc.,' by many of the so-called experts work on this medium that just simply do not work - most codes failing at compiling stage. Yours, however, have worked 100% of the time! I sincerely hope you will keep up your excellent work in presenting new videos in the future. I am building my own weather station and have benetitted enormously from all of your work - to this end my next stage is to take your #4 video work and add an Xbee transceiver or new ESP8266 modules to it to send the data direct to an inside receiver or my laptop. Obviously, I am looking to house all the sensors and associated gear in some form of weather proof housing but still able to sense the outside environment direct. Have you considered taking your weather station to this next level? I would really appreciate setting up a dialog with you on doing this if you are at all interested! Look forward to hearing your comments in due course. Very best regards from the opposite end of the earth to you, down here in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia!!! Cheers, IanB.
Dear Ian, Thank you very much for your kind words. Please send me an email in order to discuss about it. You can find the email address in the about section of the channel page. I don't want to share it here because of the spam bots. Cheers, Nick
Γεια σας και πάλι. Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω πως συνδέουμε το DHT22 Επίσης ο κώδικας που δίνετε μου βγάζει το εξής σφάλμα όταν τον τσεκάρω στο πρόγραμμα: whather_station_1.ino:7:17: fatal error: DHT.h: No such file or directory
Johnny B. Για να συνδέσεις τον αισθητήρα είναι πολύ απλό. Το + πάει στα 5V το - στη γείωση και το Signal σε ένα digital pin. Μπορείς να δεις το πρώτο βίντεο της σειρά που συνδέουμε τον αισθητήρα DHT11 είναι ακριβώς το ίδιο. Μάλλον δεν έχεις εγκαταστήσει σωστά τη βιβλιοθήκη, για αυτό παίρνεις αυτό το σφάλμα. Για δοκίμασε πάλι...
Educ8s.com Ωραία το έφτιαξα και δουλεύει άψογα. Προσπαθώ τώρα να βρω άκρη να προσθέσω το DS3232RTC, αλλά δεν έχω τις απαραίτητες γνώσεις να μαγειρέψω τον κώδικα και δεν μου βγαίνει.
Πολύ ωραίο. Τώρα ξεκινάω με arduino και περιμένω να μου έρθουν τα υλικά. Αυτή η υλοποίηση γίνεται με το UNO και θα μπορούσε επιπλέον να προστεθεί ώρα Ελλάδος και UTC;
Johnny B. Ευχαριστώ. Φυσικά μπορούμε να προσθέσουμε και άλλη λειτουργικότητα. Δεν το κάνω ακόμη επειδή θέλω να μειώσω πρώτα και άλλο την κατανάλωση ενέργειας. Έχω ακόμη 1-2 κολπάκια που θα επιτρέψουν αυτονομία πάνω από 9 μήνες με απλές μπαταρίες. Μετά θα προσθέσω και ρολόι και ασύρματη διασύνδεση και πολλά άλλα. Καλή αρχή. Ό,τι χρειαστείς, στείλε μήνυμα.
Educ8s.com Να είσαι καλά! Κάνω τώρα την αρχή και μου φαίνονται πολύ ωραία όλα αυτά. Ως ραδιοερασιτέχνης, το πρώτο που σκέφτηκα είναι να τοποθετήσω το κύκλωμα που προτείνεις σε ένα κουτάκι μαζί με ένα κύκλωμα δέκτη SDR που έχω στο shak, ώστε να βλέπω τα μετεωρολογικά δεδομένα (δεν ξέρω αν θα μπορεί να βλέπει και εξωτερική θερμοκρασία), καθώς την ώρα UTC, μια και οι ραδιοερασιτέχνες παγκοσμίως καταχωρούμε σε αυτή την ώρα τις επαφές μας. Τα υλικά θα κάνουν γύρω στον μήνα να φτάσουν. Θα παρακολουθώ το κανάλι σας και θα περιμένω με ανυπομονησία όλες τι νέες βελτιώσεις. Ευχαριστώ για την πρόταση βοήθειας, ότι είναι θα ρωτήσω.
Hi, I've done the project with arduino one. It turns on correctly but I get several lines with error in the code, but in spite of it I can compile the code. The error results in the numbers of the screen. It does not give me correct values. All assembled correctly and the components work safely. C:\Users\Victor\Documents\Arduino\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO.ino:36:39: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings] lcd.print("Weather Station",CENTER,0); C:\Users\Victor\Documents\Arduino\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO.ino: In function 'void loop()': C:\Users\Victor\Documents\Arduino\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO.ino:76:29: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings] lcd.print("TEMP",LEFT+15,0);
Victor M. Estefano Defrias They're just warnings - harmless. They indicate a possible (though unlikely for your purposes) security issue with the code. If you want to get rid of them, don't pass the constants directly into the function parameters. Assign the strings to a char * and pass that.
Yiasas. I wanted to ask you - because I can't see in the video... do you calibrate your ADC to the actual source input from the batteries? i.e. they are unlikely to provide 5.00v exactly throughout their life. Also, are you driving the full voltage of the 4x1.5v batteries into the 5v or Vin line (regulated)?
alexellis2 Hello, thanks for the comment. We don't calibrate the ADC, it seems to work well even when batteries are almost empty. All we need the ADC is to disable the LCD display, it is not a critical feature. The batteries are rechargable so the voltage is bit lower, around 1.2Vx4 = 4.8 volts, and we connect it to Vin.
Hi again - forgot to add in my last comment that I am waiting on delivery of a new HTU21D Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout Board - which "is supposed to be far more accurate temperature and humidity wise" than the DHT22 sensor - time will tell? Do you have any experience with this particular module? Appreciate any feed back you might have. Cheers, IanB
You videos are all in very good quality. They help a lot especially for the beginners. I am very interested in Arduino Wifi capability using ESP8266. Hope you can do some videos like weather station sending data to internet. Again, thanks so much for your great work. Please keep it up.
Cee Plusplus Thanks for your kind words. Yes, the weather station project has a lot of future. Yes, WiFi will implemented at some time can't say when though.
Thanks for all the work on the videos !, I made the weather station and it works great, 1 question I have is since I am in the US we use Fahrenheit, and pressure in HG, would you know where / how in the code I could covert it ? Thanks again !
Thank you. In your first 5110 video and as per datasheet you are using 3.3V to power LCD. I think in later videos you changed to power from 5v? Will the LCD still work? If yes, I guess I could connect the backlight pin to one of the digital pins on arduino and manage it like that?
Please ignore as I found the answer to my question in your tutorial on 5110 Menu. I assume you have found it to be ok to use 5v instead of 3.3. Your tutorials are great and easy to follow.
Hey . I'm trying to do altimeter using arduino pro mini and bmp1080 .My code is ready but I don't know something . Firstly, should I upload a code or doing the equipment then upload a code ? Pls help me
Hi, Could you please tell me which pin of the screen goes where on the Arduino (in this project). I have the exact components but can't run your code because i don't know which pins u connected the screen...
Educ8s.com thx also for the pins connections. In the program the command LCD5110 lcd(5,6,7,9,8). why that sequence of the nummers? How is the LDR connected? Is there a resistor needed?
Thanks for this interesting project and the good explanation. That is very instructive. It would be nice if you could build us a small weather station with an ESP-8266 such as a Wemos D1. Thank you again and I'm excited to see what else will come of you.
Ευχαριστώ! Υπάρχουν ακόμα 1-2 κόλπα που θα δοκιμάσω ώστε να μειώσω κι άλλο την κατανάλωση ενέργειας έτσι ώστε να αυξηθεί η αυτονομία ακόμη περισσότερο. Πιστεύω ότι είναι εφικτή αυτονομία 6 μηνών+ με 3 μπαταρίες ΑΑ. Για να δούμε.
Καλησπέρα Educ8s και σε όλη την παρέα. Ασχολούμαι και εγώ με Arduino και συγχαρητήρια για το weather station. Αν έχω κάποια απορία μπορώ να σε ρωτήσω η όχι; με εκτίμηση, Νίκος
hello, im using Arduino mega and sparkfun Si 7021 Temp sensor and MPL3115A2 Humidity sensors. i have code and run perfectly on my PC But i want LCD display connect to it. Please help me how to connect my Arduino with Nokia display i use some code from internet but its not working
Thank you for all the information think I will make one but can I run it on a single 3.7 volt Lipo Cell instead of 6 volts. This is an excellent tutorial. Bob
+Michal I I am sorry I haven't prepared one so far. In a few weeks I am going to post another video about this project with a full diagram. Stay tuned!
Hola, me encanto tu video tutorial Educ8s.com solo si me permites quisiera pedirte que pusieras el diagrama completo de las conecciones, quiza para quienes sean expertas en el tema de arduino sea facil seguir el hilo de lo que dices, pero es un tanto dificil para quienes no sabemos mucho del tema y apenas estamos comenzando. Nuevamente gracias por tu excelente tutorial y ojala puedas poner el diagrama completo. Saludos de Mexico :)
Hello, I loved your video tutorial Educ8s.com only if I may I would ask you to put the complete diagram of the connections, perhaps for those who are experts on the subject of Arduino is easy to follow the thread of what you say, but it is somewhat difficult for those who do not know much about it and we're just beginning. Thanks again for your excellent tutorial and hopefully you can put the whole diagram. Greetings from Mexico :) (Sorry for my bad English)
+Monica Garcia Yes you are right. I made that video a long time ago. Since then I post the diagram of the project. I will update this project soon, and I will add the diagram as well. Thank you. Saludos desde Esparta, Grecia.
+Educ8s.com Excelente, aun no se tu nombre? cuando tengas algo mas de este hermoso proyecto por favor hazmelo llegar a mi correo monica.garcia.morelia@gmail.com Saludos de México :)
Hello educ8s.tv I think a fantastic project I would like to know that part of the code need to change if I want to send information to a web page Thank you for your excellent videos
Εξαιρετικά όλα ανεξαιρέτως τα βιντεάκια σου. Ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ που μοιράζεσαι τις εμπειρίες και το κόπο σου σε μια χώρα που δεν έχει χτίσει ακόμη τέτοιου είδους κουλτούρα.
Dimitris E. Ευχαριστώ πολύ Δημήτρη!
Dear Edu8s.com - without doubt your series of Weather Station development videos are the very best, ever, I have viewed on RUclips. They are extremely precise, well presented and above all, readily reproduced!!! As a now semi-retired scientist (analytical chemist/geochemist/gemmologist) re-entering electronics following a 45 year absence, I have recently experienced many of the pitfalls of 'supposedly available working codes, circuits and descriptions etc.,' by many of the so-called experts work on this medium that just simply do not work - most codes failing at compiling stage. Yours, however, have worked 100% of the time! I sincerely hope you will keep up your excellent work in presenting new videos in the future.
I am building my own weather station and have benetitted enormously from all of your work - to this end my next stage is to take your #4 video work and add an Xbee transceiver or new ESP8266 modules to it to send the data direct to an inside receiver or my laptop. Obviously, I am looking to house all the sensors and associated gear in some form of weather proof housing but still able to sense the outside environment direct.
Have you considered taking your weather station to this next level? I would really appreciate setting up a dialog with you on doing this if you are at all interested!
Look forward to hearing your comments in due course.
Very best regards from the opposite end of the earth to you, down here in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia!!!
Cheers, IanB.
Dear Ian,
Thank you very much for your kind words. Please send me an email in order to discuss about it. You can find the email address in the about section of the channel page. I don't want to share it here because of the spam bots.
Cheers, Nick
2:27 In sleep mode the arduino draws only 0.04 mA , the display draws 3 mA. If you put the display in sleep mode the current will drop much lower!
That's a fantastic video! Thanks for sharing!
Very nice examples and codes.
Γεια σας και πάλι.
Δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω πως συνδέουμε το DHT22
Επίσης ο κώδικας που δίνετε μου βγάζει το εξής σφάλμα όταν τον τσεκάρω στο πρόγραμμα:
whather_station_1.ino:7:17: fatal error: DHT.h: No such file or directory
Johnny B. Για να συνδέσεις τον αισθητήρα είναι πολύ απλό. Το + πάει στα 5V το - στη γείωση και το Signal σε ένα digital pin. Μπορείς να δεις το πρώτο βίντεο της σειρά που συνδέουμε τον αισθητήρα DHT11 είναι ακριβώς το ίδιο.
Μάλλον δεν έχεις εγκαταστήσει σωστά τη βιβλιοθήκη, για αυτό παίρνεις αυτό το σφάλμα. Για δοκίμασε πάλι...
Educ8s.com Ωραία το έφτιαξα και δουλεύει άψογα. Προσπαθώ τώρα να βρω άκρη να προσθέσω το DS3232RTC, αλλά δεν έχω τις απαραίτητες γνώσεις να μαγειρέψω τον κώδικα και δεν μου βγαίνει.
Πολύ ωραίο.
Τώρα ξεκινάω με arduino και περιμένω να μου έρθουν τα υλικά.
Αυτή η υλοποίηση γίνεται με το UNO και θα μπορούσε επιπλέον να προστεθεί ώρα Ελλάδος και UTC;
Johnny B. Ευχαριστώ. Φυσικά μπορούμε να προσθέσουμε και άλλη λειτουργικότητα. Δεν το κάνω ακόμη επειδή θέλω να μειώσω πρώτα και άλλο την κατανάλωση ενέργειας. Έχω ακόμη 1-2 κολπάκια που θα επιτρέψουν αυτονομία πάνω από 9 μήνες με απλές μπαταρίες. Μετά θα προσθέσω και ρολόι και ασύρματη διασύνδεση και πολλά άλλα. Καλή αρχή. Ό,τι χρειαστείς, στείλε μήνυμα.
Educ8s.com Να είσαι καλά!
Κάνω τώρα την αρχή και μου φαίνονται πολύ ωραία όλα αυτά. Ως ραδιοερασιτέχνης, το πρώτο που σκέφτηκα είναι να τοποθετήσω το κύκλωμα που προτείνεις σε ένα κουτάκι μαζί με ένα κύκλωμα δέκτη SDR που έχω στο shak, ώστε να βλέπω τα μετεωρολογικά δεδομένα (δεν ξέρω αν θα μπορεί να βλέπει και εξωτερική θερμοκρασία), καθώς την ώρα UTC, μια και οι ραδιοερασιτέχνες παγκοσμίως καταχωρούμε σε αυτή την ώρα τις επαφές μας. Τα υλικά θα κάνουν γύρω στον μήνα να φτάσουν. Θα παρακολουθώ το κανάλι σας και θα περιμένω με ανυπομονησία όλες τι νέες βελτιώσεις. Ευχαριστώ για την πρόταση βοήθειας, ότι είναι θα ρωτήσω.
How long will it run without the backlight?
Hi, I've done the project with arduino one. It turns on correctly but I get several lines with error in the code, but in spite of it I can compile the code. The error results in the numbers of the screen. It does not give me correct values. All assembled correctly and the components work safely.
C:\Users\Victor\Documents\Arduino\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO.ino:36:39: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
lcd.print("Weather Station",CENTER,0);
C:\Users\Victor\Documents\Arduino\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO.ino: In function 'void loop()':
C:\Users\Victor\Documents\Arduino\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO\WEATHER_STATION_4_UNO.ino:76:29: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
Victor M. Estefano Defrias They're just warnings - harmless.
They indicate a possible (though unlikely for your purposes) security issue with the code.
If you want to get rid of them, don't pass the constants directly into the function parameters. Assign the strings to a char * and pass that.
Yiasas. I wanted to ask you - because I can't see in the video... do you calibrate your ADC to the actual source input from the batteries? i.e. they are unlikely to provide 5.00v exactly throughout their life. Also, are you driving the full voltage of the 4x1.5v batteries into the 5v or Vin line (regulated)?
alexellis2 Hello, thanks for the comment. We don't calibrate the ADC, it seems to work well even when batteries are almost empty. All we need the ADC is to disable the LCD display, it is not a critical feature. The batteries are rechargable so the voltage is bit lower, around 1.2Vx4 = 4.8 volts, and we connect it to Vin.
Hi again - forgot to add in my last comment that I am waiting on delivery of a new HTU21D Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout Board - which "is supposed to be far more accurate temperature and humidity wise" than the DHT22 sensor - time will tell?
Do you have any experience with this particular module? Appreciate any feed back you might have.
Cheers, IanB
Perhaps you can show us the wiring diagram also, for some people (like me) it is difficult to see wich connector is used
Un trabajo muy bueno y interesante, ¿Podria hacer esto incluyendo un reloj y asi tener una estacion completa?
Manel Angulo Claro que si! Vamos a hacerlo muy pronto! Muchas gracias!
Educ8s.com Muchisimas gracias, lo espero con entusiasmo.
You videos are all in very good quality. They help a lot especially for the beginners. I am very interested in Arduino Wifi capability using ESP8266. Hope you can do some videos like weather station sending data to internet. Again, thanks so much for your great work. Please keep it up.
Cee Plusplus Thanks for your kind words. Yes, the weather station project has a lot of future. Yes, WiFi will implemented at some time can't say when though.
Can the connections be seen in the code? Thank you
Thanks for all the work on the videos !, I made the weather station and it works great, 1 question I have is since I am in the US we use Fahrenheit, and pressure in HG, would you know where / how in the code I could covert it ?
Thanks again !
Thank you for the great videos!
I would like to do the reverse - switch the backlight to ON at night. How would you use the sleep function to do that?
In an upcoming video I am going to do just that, stay tuned since I cannot answer this easily in a comment
Thank you. In your first 5110 video and as per datasheet you are using 3.3V to power LCD. I think in later videos you changed to power from 5v? Will the LCD still work? If yes, I guess I could connect the backlight pin to one of the digital pins on arduino and manage it like that?
Please ignore as I found the answer to my question in your tutorial on 5110 Menu. I assume you have found it to be ok to use 5v instead of 3.3.
Your tutorials are great and easy to follow.
how do you calculate battery life?
can I use dht11 insted dht22?
Hey . I'm trying to do altimeter using arduino pro mini and bmp1080 .My code is ready but I don't know something . Firstly, should I upload a code or doing the equipment then upload a code ? Pls help me
Could you please tell me which pin of the screen goes where on the Arduino (in this project). I have the exact components but can't run your code because i don't know which pins u connected the screen...
***** Pins of the screen:
1 display -> 9 Arduino
2 display -> 8 Arduino
3 display -> 7 Arduino
4 display -> 6 Arduino
5 display -> 5 Arduino
6 display -> Vcc
7 display -> GND
8 display -> GND
Educ8s.com thx also for the pins connections. In the program the command LCD5110 lcd(5,6,7,9,8). why that sequence of the nummers?
How is the LDR connected? Is there a resistor needed?
Thanks for this interesting project and the good explanation. That is very instructive. It would be nice if you could build us a small weather station with an ESP-8266 such as a Wemos D1. Thank you again and I'm excited to see what else will come of you.
Nice project. What about a small solar panel along with it? :-)
thank you!
Marc Paradis Yes, that's in the plans!
Πολύ καλό! Το μόνο που μένει είναι ένα 3d-printed case και ίσως κάποιος εναλλακτικός τρόπος για power-source.
Ευχαριστώ! Υπάρχουν ακόμα 1-2 κόλπα που θα δοκιμάσω ώστε να μειώσω κι άλλο την κατανάλωση ενέργειας έτσι ώστε να αυξηθεί η αυτονομία ακόμη περισσότερο. Πιστεύω ότι είναι εφικτή αυτονομία 6 μηνών+ με 3 μπαταρίες ΑΑ. Για να δούμε.
can you please provide fritzing diagram?
Καλησπέρα Educ8s και σε όλη την παρέα.
Ασχολούμαι και εγώ με Arduino και συγχαρητήρια για το weather station.
Αν έχω κάποια απορία μπορώ να σε ρωτήσω η όχι;
με εκτίμηση,
Nikos Kotsilitis Φυσικά, ό,τι θέλεις να ρωτήσεις γράψε το σε ένα σχόλιο και αν μπορώ θα σε βοηθήσω!
Might you share schematic of the project?
How to how much voltage
weather station v 0.4 on display. Can you help me?
Thank you!
hello, im using Arduino mega and sparkfun Si 7021 Temp sensor and MPL3115A2 Humidity sensors.
i have code and run perfectly on my PC
But i want LCD display connect to it. Please help me how to connect my Arduino with Nokia display
i use some code from internet but its not working
Soy principiante y me gustaría practicar y realizar este trabajo, muchas gracias
şematik çizimi paylaşabilirmisiniz
can you also do a video with ATtiny?
+Alexander Van Den Hoogen Yes, I am working on that.
Thank you for all the information think I will make one but can I run it on a single 3.7 volt Lipo Cell instead of 6 volts.
This is an excellent tutorial.
Thank you! Please share your results with us. I would like to know how does it work in lower voltage.
can you please provide fritzing diagram?cant find it anywhere im very interested in build this :)
+Michal I I am sorry I haven't prepared one so far. In a few weeks I am going to post another video about this project with a full diagram. Stay tuned!
+educ8s.tv that is perfect thank you!
Yes, I will waiting for diagram for this project
same here :) will order parts asap and make nice box for it. I need it in my room
+educ8s.tv Where is a project with history button? And maybe with a graphic diagram? :)
Hola, me encanto tu video tutorial Educ8s.com solo si me permites quisiera pedirte que pusieras el diagrama completo de las conecciones, quiza para quienes sean expertas en el tema de arduino sea facil seguir el hilo de lo que dices, pero es un tanto dificil para quienes no sabemos mucho del tema y apenas estamos comenzando. Nuevamente gracias por tu excelente tutorial y ojala puedas poner el diagrama completo. Saludos de Mexico :)
very useful ...!
Hello, I loved your video tutorial Educ8s.com only if I may I would ask you to put the complete diagram of the connections, perhaps for those who are experts on the subject of Arduino is easy to follow the thread of what you say, but it is somewhat difficult for those who do not know much about it and we're just beginning. Thanks again for your excellent tutorial and hopefully you can put the whole diagram. Greetings from Mexico :)
(Sorry for my bad English)
+Monica Garcia Yes you are right. I made that video a long time ago. Since then I post the diagram of the project. I will update this project soon, and I will add the diagram as well. Thank you. Saludos desde Esparta, Grecia.
+Educ8s.com Excelente, aun no se tu nombre? cuando tengas algo mas de este hermoso proyecto por favor hazmelo llegar a mi correo monica.garcia.morelia@gmail.com Saludos de México :)
Hello educ8s.tv
I think a fantastic project
I would like to know that part of the code need to change
if I want to send information to a web page
Thank you for your excellent videos
Cok ndak ngerti bahasane