4 Reasons We Don't Believe in a Pretribulation Rapture-Dalton Thomas (MARANATHA GLOBAL BIBLE STUDY)

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 26 тыс.

  • @BiaMartin_777
    @BiaMartin_777 4 года назад +1185

    I am with Jesus no matter what.

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 4 года назад +23

      That's the Spirit !

    • @MeatTheBible
      @MeatTheBible 4 года назад +31

      Well, not if you get in bed with the wrong Jesus. Satan comes first pretending to be Jesus. Will you get in bed with him?

    • @judyswiderski2682
      @judyswiderski2682 4 года назад +14

      Many are in bed with the wrong Jesus and some are still deceived about it. Please read my comment given to FIA above.

    • @judyswiderski2682
      @judyswiderski2682 4 года назад

      Above Daryll Ruiz's comment.

    • @MeatTheBible
      @MeatTheBible 4 года назад +6

      @@judyswiderski2682 I don't see it Judy. Can you cut & paste? What I mean by getting in bed with Satan is he is going to come here ten days after the two witnesses arrive pretending to be Jesus. This will last for 5 months & many will get in bed with him believing he is Jesus & this will cost them their salvation. Shortly after that (the Tribualtion) the real Jesus will return & many will find themselves in a really bad place. To include Christian believers. What say you?

  • @YankeeStacking
    @YankeeStacking 3 года назад +668

    Preparing for post-tribulation rapture, hoping for a pre-tribulation rapture! Either way (even mid-tribulation) I am going to be with the LORD!

    • @AndrewFosterSheff69
      @AndrewFosterSheff69 3 года назад +77

      I've said all along... "pray for pre, prepare for post"

    • @1CO1519
      @1CO1519 3 года назад +22

      I'm in that vibe as well

    • @roderickcruz5234
      @roderickcruz5234 3 года назад +36

      Romans 14:8-10
      . 8 If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.(I) 9 For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life(J) so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.(K)

    • @chhmar99utube
      @chhmar99utube 3 года назад +26

      way to go. this contentious issue has zero implication on salvation through Jesus sacrifice on the cross. everything else is born of pride.

    • @Standing_on_the_word
      @Standing_on_the_word 3 года назад +33

      Amen that the attitude we all must have because pre , post or mid trib won't have a bearing on your salvation. In other word you don't have to get this particular thing right in order to be saved . God bless 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @iggreene9512
    @iggreene9512 4 года назад +200

    Either way....... I plan on being on the first bus out, whenever it arrives. He's worthy even if we don't escape it. He's worthy even if heaven and an eternity with Him wasn't offered. He's worthy despite what we must go through. All glory to the Lord!

    • @ms.berryfearless8120
      @ms.berryfearless8120 4 года назад +1


    • @fivebooks8498
      @fivebooks8498 4 года назад +10

      The bus you are waiting for doesn’t take you out of here. Yeshua is coming here to set up 1000 year reign on earth. We will meet him in the air but we aren’t being taken off to heaven.

    • @fivebooks8498
      @fivebooks8498 4 года назад +5

      Sam Samurai
      There are no scriptures to back what you said. You believe in a pre tribulation rapture. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible to support that.

    • @fivebooks8498
      @fivebooks8498 4 года назад +4

      @Sam Samurai
      Not one of the scriptures you listed say the rapture comes before the tribulation. I can prove to you with 2 scriptures that it happens after the tribulation. Here they are.
      I Thessalonians 4:16-17
      16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
      17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
      - So we see the dead in Christ rise first, then we that remain will be caught up to meet him in the clouds as he is coming to earth. There is no reference as to whether this will be before or after tribulation, only that the dead in Christ rise first and then the living meet him in the clouds.
      So check out Rev.
      Revelation 20:4-5
      4And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
      - No doubt verse 4 takes place after the tribulation because he saw people that were killed because they refused to take the mark of the beast. But they were raised because it says they reigned with him 1000 years. Now look at verse 5.
      5But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
      - Uh oh! It says this is the first resurrection! But Thessalonians said the dead in Christ rise first and then we are caught up to meet him in the air after they are raised. Thesalonians doesn't tell us the time frame of when it happens whether it be before or after tribution but it does say the dead in Christ rise first. Rev 20:4-5 clearly places the 1st resurection after tribulation which means those who remain that are caught up to meet him in the air will do so after the dead in Christ rise which is clearly after tribulation.

    • @fivebooks8498
      @fivebooks8498 4 года назад +3

      @Sam Samurai
      Theres no way you read what i wrote. I locked it up with scriptures. You offered no scriptures at all to back your position. If I'm wrong then the Bible is wrong and we have big problems

  • @emaina55
    @emaina55 9 месяцев назад +21

    “They overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimony, and they loved NOT their life even unto death” Bless you, and Maranatha ❤️

    • @Armon34
      @Armon34 8 месяцев назад

      If that so, then only christians are the ones subject to the 7 years of tribulation, excluding all other kinds of religion, since there's nothing for them deny.

    • @stephenhagen234
      @stephenhagen234 10 дней назад

      Revelation 12:11

  • @randyflores2933
    @randyflores2933 3 года назад +188

    Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, I'll live for him to the best of my ability even though I KNOW I will never ever be good enough and that's okay because I have Jesus.... and I'll die for him. Period.

    • @davidelrod2825
      @davidelrod2825 3 года назад +3


    • @kenklein9228
      @kenklein9228 3 года назад +9

      Remember that Peter said the same thing! I too have thought I'd die for Christ, but once I allowed God to begin to show me my hidden issues, I realized that I needed to be cleaned up by Him. Peter learned this when he denied Christ - he saw some of his issues that Christ tried to tell him about. God wants us to learn to submit to His discipline so that Satan has nothing in us he can use to hurt us when we least expect it.

    • @randyflores2933
      @randyflores2933 3 года назад +3

      @@kenklein9228 oh man thank you for reminding me of that , perhaps that was something I said in the moment or something , I do mean it but yes I agree ...maybe their are some holes in my armor. And thank you Lord for this message

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 3 года назад +1

      @@kenklein9228 How Does an Invisible God show you hidden issues ? Curious ?

    • @donaldcannon6113
      @donaldcannon6113 3 года назад +1

      @@randyflores2933 know the history of the Martyrs Watch Bill Warner Why are People Afraid a 1400 Year Secret Excellent Historical facts Excellent RUclips video enjoy Brother in Jesus Christ and God Bless You

  • @RC-hm9vg
    @RC-hm9vg 2 года назад +428

    I have to say that I am really taken back by this video as I have been taught all my life about a pre-tribulation rapture. This will be on my mind and have me rethinking many things about my life from now on. I believe in my heart for this to be true and possibly one of the great lies Christians have been told. We would all like to believe that God would not have us go through the things to come. But then all HE has promised is that we will be with him in the end. No more and no less. Please pray for me. I need peace over this. God Bless everyone during this season of remembrance and thanksgiving.

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 2 года назад +62

      Hey, i'm 67 and still learning, i was a pre-tricker for 35 years, a painter on the construction job challenged me, i was mad, i set out to study scripture and prove the verses he used as wrong, i couldn't prove him wrong. I have been a post trib believer for 9 years, ever learning, i think it was the ''last trump'' that really got me.

    • @jamesjeson6207
      @jamesjeson6207 2 года назад +13

      1 Th 4:15-27 says not just the living will meet Christ but the dead in Christ, that’s end time.

    • @anopinion9830
      @anopinion9830 2 года назад +15

      I’m right there with you. I believed in pre trib for a while now, I’m 33, I didn’t grow up in the church, but now I’m studying to see what it is I believe about it

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 2 года назад +28

      @@anopinion9830 Here is what Paul wrote about end times and i believe it
      In 1 Corinthians 15 Paul says the Rapture will happen at "the final trumpet." Isn't this a reference to the last of the Trumpet Judgments in Revelation? And wouldn't this mean the Rapture happens in the latter half of Tribulation?
      In 1Cor 15 Paul is explaining the manner of our resurrection/rapture"
      1Cor. 15:51 Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed,

      1Cor. 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

      Paul says the moment of our transformation into our new impershable bodies will happen instantaneously at "the last trumpet." Since Paul calls this trumpet the "last" trumpet, there must have been earlier trumpet sounds that preceded the last trumpet [six more]!
      Revelation 11 we read about the seventh (and final) trumpet of the seven Trumpet Judgments sounding during Tribulation:
      Rev. 11:15 Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.”
      This is the Resurrection rapture.
      John 6:40
      And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at -----the last day.-----
      John 6:44
      No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the -----last day.------
      John 6:54
      Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the ------ last day.----
      So is this last day the day before the tribulation as pre-tribbers teach or the ''last day'' at the trumpet?
      Since the ''rapture'' is at the ''sound'' last trumpet [7th] in Revelation before the wrath starts and after the tribulation lets see what else happened at the last trump.
      When someone understands Revelation is written in OT language and there's OT types things are clearer.
      Hint; God loves sevens.
      Walls of Jericho
      13 And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the Lord went on continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went before them; but the rereward came after the ark of the Lord, the priests going on, and blowing with the trumpets.
      14 And the second day they compassed the city once, and returned into the camp: so they did six days.
      15 And it came to pass on the seventh day, that they rose early about the dawning of the day, and compassed the city after the same manner seven times: only on that day they compassed the city seven times.
      16 And it came to pass at the ----seventh time----, when the priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the Lord hath given you the city
      Summary, seventh trumpet---we enter the promised land--New Jerusalem
      7th day, 7th blowing of the trumpet the wall fell down and they entered another promised land!

    • @sandramclaughlin3641
      @sandramclaughlin3641 2 года назад +57

      The Bible States the church is not subject to Wrath

  • @TheDeepsea79
    @TheDeepsea79 4 года назад +85

    One important part that should be made clear is that within the great tribulation there should be a distinction between the persecution of Christians and God's wrath on the world which are poured out on all who have rejected Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and the Church will not suffer that.

    • @dontneedtoknow5836
      @dontneedtoknow5836 4 года назад +2

      He calls up the church yes. And the war of the saints begins after I believe from what I've read.

    • @shawnn5213
      @shawnn5213 4 года назад +6

      Ocean Blue , you are correct. This teaching is incorrect that the narrator is explaining

    • @krisgangwer3796
      @krisgangwer3796 4 года назад +6

      Ocean Blue: Thank you for making that distinction... many do not see or understand it and confuse tribulation with the wrath of God.

    • @danieloviedo9168
      @danieloviedo9168 4 года назад +9

      When the sun darkens .moon turns into blood.stars fall. It's rapture time and that's when the wrath of God comes over the unrighteous.all this after the great tribulation.

    • @jesusandcoffee5388
      @jesusandcoffee5388 4 года назад +13

      Amen! People who don't understand the difference from the tribulation and the wrath of God cannot truly understand end times prophecy.

  • @carlagore2387
    @carlagore2387 Год назад +38

    I stumbled on this today. Thank you Dalton Thomas. I see comments asking why people believe that “we would go through tribulation”
    With few exceptions, but especially the USA .. Christians are already in tribulation in most other countries. Being persecuted and killed for their faith. I previously believed in pre trib rapture. Not because I studied Gods word for myself but because it’s been taught throughout American churches. Once God opened my eyes and I began studying and praying for discernment, God revealed to me the truth. Pre trib rapture is not biblical and it’s a false doctrine. What better way for the devil to disillusion Christians in the last days.
    It’s a dangerous belief that most of the church (mostly in America) is deeply rooted and triggered by the insinuation that it’s false.
    I pray that people will open their eyes and mind.
    It does matter … we need to be prepared to endure, not escape.

    • @kenklein9228
      @kenklein9228 Год назад

      Exactly, we DO need to be prepared for what's coming. But how do we do that? What are your thoughts on how to become prepared?

    • @raiderhawg
      @raiderhawg Год назад +3

      Repent of any sins you may be holding onto. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and truth to be revealed to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Learn to trust and obey. I did this and I have been cemented in my faith from the things I have learned and seen so far.

    • @bryanbulmer6716
      @bryanbulmer6716 Год назад +1

      Theres a big difference between mans wrath and Gods wrath. You all think your gonna man up and go through Gods wrath. lol.

    • @raiderhawg
      @raiderhawg Год назад +6

      @@bryanbulmer6716 Of course we will be shielded from God's wrath. We are His children.

    • @WilliamKister
      @WilliamKister 10 месяцев назад +1

      We don't have hail the size of dumpsters or locusts with armor that sting like a scorpion without letting us die.

  • @LegacyWorkz
    @LegacyWorkz 4 года назад +425

    "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man" Luke 21:36.

    • @Jewelzbabiii
      @Jewelzbabiii 4 года назад +58

      Yup that's the exact verse I was thinking of . Why would Jesus speak of an escape ?
      Edit : stop @ing me . I don't care about your response & you're not teaching me anything because I'm not reading responses anymore . Just deleting the notification . Save your time & don't waste mine .

    • @believeroftheword4627
      @believeroftheword4627 4 года назад +53


    • @melindamorrison1
      @melindamorrison1 4 года назад +80

      He can preserve you and you can escape tribulations while they go on in the world. That's why he warned us to stand in Holy places.
      Matthew 24:15
      Are you not a acquainted with the words of Isaiah. He said to come out of Babylon and woe unto they who go down into the cities and trust in strong men ( soldiers) and woe unto they who build house to house and field to field.
      God wil need a people to build and establish Zion cities which offer safety and protection for the saints. He also needs soldiers. If he removes them all who will fight for Him in this great last battle ?
      Pre trib rapture doesn't make sense and doesn't fit scripture.
      It's wishful thinking to want to escape and I worry for the saints that they will turn their backs on God if he doesn't come through in the way that think he should.

    • @Suge212
      @Suge212 4 года назад +60

      @@Jewelzbabiii Both Noah and Lot "escaped" without being resurrected.
      John 17: 15 - I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 4 года назад +12

      Luke 21;36 is talking about the destruction of the temple, there's no resurrection there, no tribulation, no gathering on the clouds!
      You quoted;
      1 Thessalonians 1:9-10, “For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.”
      This isn't talking about the coming of Christ to gather us.
      We turned from idols----the Thessalonians did this.
      serve the living and true God
      Were now serving God
      And to wait for his Son from heaven
      Yes wait, service, serve Christ
      which '''''''delivered''''''' us from the wrath to come.”
      Delivered is past tense, wrath isn't only the year or so of wrath after the 3 year tribulation, this isn't Gods wrath.

  • @leaannsavage2231
    @leaannsavage2231 3 года назад +385

    I found the video fascinating and educational, but I am deeply saddened by how aggressive and disharmonious some of the Comments are. If the matter is so unclear that sincere believers fall on both sides of an issue, then it isn't something to fight/argue/insult each other over. Non-Christians should be able to read these comments and know we are Christians by our love...

    • @250miles2
      @250miles2 3 года назад +34

      I agree. I commented earlier on this video, genuinely seeking to have a dialogue. Instead, I was called a false teacher for believing in a pre-trib Rapture. If we disagree, fine. But, telling someone that they believe in lies really isn't necessary.

    • @melodyseverything6999
      @melodyseverything6999 3 года назад +39

      I'm going to be here for my brothers and sisters who believe in a pre-trib rapture when the realize that the Great Tribulation has come and they're still here. We have to be strong for them so that we can help them to stay in the faith and not become part of the great falling away.

    • @250miles2
      @250miles2 3 года назад +22

      @@melodyseverything6999 Fair enough. And, should the Rapture happen before the Tribulation, I'll be helping you let go and enjoy what Jesus promised - to keep you from the hour of trial that will come on the entire Earth. Until then, be blessed.

    • @leaannsavage2231
      @leaannsavage2231 3 года назад +26

      @@250miles2 - I can imagine. I lean strongly towards not believing in a pre-Trib rapture, but would LOVE to be wrong! I simply cannot fathom anyone who calls themselves a Christian arguing over doctrine at all - let alone in a mean way. What is the point of being "doctrinally correct" if they don't have love?

    • @250miles2
      @250miles2 3 года назад +15

      @@leaannsavage2231 We’re on the same page here. I, like yourself, lean strongly towards an opposing view. But, as you stated, that doesn’t mean we can’t discuss things without being disrespectful It’s so odd to think that, I’ve had just as many respectful and civil conversations with people that are completely outside the faith, as I have with those inside of it. One would think that, the scales would be completely uneven, favoring Christians, but it’s not. Maybe people think, because we’re online, that there’s a different standard?

  • @sre1236
    @sre1236 3 года назад +264

    I truly don’t know when the rapture is but I feel the tribulation is near

    • @douglasrowland3722
      @douglasrowland3722 3 года назад +4

      It must be.....they been messin around in space for a long time now........BUT NOW THEY'RE PREPARING TO LEAVE ORBIT !

    • @albertayunda5521
      @albertayunda5521 3 года назад +10


    • @cokefishtail
      @cokefishtail 3 года назад +20

      The tribulation is 7 years hell on earth after the rapture

    • @douglasrowland3722
      @douglasrowland3722 3 года назад +4

      @@cokefishtail Not necessarily.....we don't have a precise picture of this thing................we only have speculation since the 1800s............

    • @cokefishtail
      @cokefishtail 3 года назад +9

      @@douglasrowland3722 yes time is almost up..read your bible ask holy spirit to reveal to you. Ask for visions and dreams. Lean on lord thru difficult times that's all he wants...

  • @rosemarymurphy1295
    @rosemarymurphy1295 2 года назад +38

    Yeshua said, "through MUCH TRIBULATION, We must enter the Kingdom of God. "
    Acts 14:22
    And...IF we will reign with him, we will also suffer with him.

    • @icedcoffee278
      @icedcoffee278 2 года назад +7

      exactly!!! If Christians have it easy and escape tribulations, so what's the point of Jesus dying on the cross? and why we still have persecutions? We suffer with Christ and at the end, there will be rewards waiting for us in heaven!!! Endure until the end!! We won't be raptured suddenly at least not until man of lawlessness comes first to the world scene!

      @RAILWAY_FILMS Год назад +1

      @@icedcoffee278 "the great tribulation" period is separate from the many tribulations of daily life

    • @blacksheep6888
      @blacksheep6888 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@RAILWAY_FILMSwe still will all go through the tribulation though

    • @GOD1sCrea8tor.
      @GOD1sCrea8tor. 3 месяца назад +1

      my opinion means nothing but i believe its after the tribulation. we must endure till the end. like a few have said thats TOO easy. JESUS tells them when asked below:
      Matthew 24:29-37 King James Version
      29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
      30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
      31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
      32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
      33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
      34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
      35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
      36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
      37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
      How many times are you claiming JESUS comes? i was always told and taught twice.

  • @renzdealexandria1189
    @renzdealexandria1189 4 года назад +615

    Spot on! Remember our Lord said, “No servant is greater than his master. If they have persecuted me they will also persecute you.”

    • @ivangodin1850
      @ivangodin1850 4 года назад +55

      The Church has to go though persecution, through man's tribulation, but not through God's tribulation.
      The very purpose of Daniel's 70th is to bring Israel to repentance. But since they rejected God's messiah, they will have to go through his wrath.
      The Church has already gone through God's wrath 2000 years ago, by substitution, when Christ received it on our behalf.
      Therefore, even to imply that the Church will have to go through God's wrath a 2nd time is simply blasphemy

    • @ivangodin1850
      @ivangodin1850 4 года назад +6

      @Revolutions For Tomorrow COVID19VACCINEHELLFIRE
      So you say the Antichrist is not a man, but it's everyone on Earth who does not keep God's law?
      Fair enough.
      So you know who will sit in the temple, whom Christ warned us about, declaring himself to be God?
      Well it's simple! Everyone on Earth who does not know God's law will sit in that temple!
      (Hope they rebuild a large one...)

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 4 года назад +2

      @Revolutions For Tomorrow COVID19VACCINEHELLFIRE
      You-----there will be no third temple get it
      Me--- you did get that part exactly right!

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 4 года назад +2

      @@ivangodin1850 You------The very purpose of Daniel's 70th is to bring Israel to repentance. But since they rejected God's messiah, they will have to go through his wrath.
      Your Conjecture is killing me ---please provide scripture that proves what you just said!

    • @donnaparsons2233
      @donnaparsons2233 4 года назад

      @@ivangodin1850 Amen

  • @sarahbethbliss3112
    @sarahbethbliss3112 3 года назад +130

    One thing too, is Jesus and the Bible never once promise us to be removed from evil and harm, he states we will be hated and killed. But no one can touch our harm our souls

    • @comingsn2519
      @comingsn2519 3 года назад +1

      Yes EXACTLY

    • @douglasrowland3722
      @douglasrowland3722 3 года назад

      @@comingsn2519 DITTO !

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 3 года назад +1

      According to who?

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 3 года назад +16

      Actually Jesus said pray always that you will be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and stand before the Son of Man. Luke 21:36

    • @douglasrowland3722
      @douglasrowland3722 3 года назад

      @@ExperienceEric That should just about do it....it is sufficient.............21:36.........

  • @yiayiapreeper595
    @yiayiapreeper595 3 года назад +81

    Some people believe in mid trib. My husband was a preacher but I always thought of him as a teacher in christ. He had a great walk with the lord. He was dying of cancer but his walk with the lord was amazing. He passed 2001 even though our church was only 4yrs old he touched alot of people. He never thought he new all that what he taught was from the lord, but never made people think his word was gospel but told people to always pray and check with scripture. If that makes sense. It's been 20yrs now since he went to be with the lord. I miss his teachings and glad I found you. This is the kind of teaching I love. Ty

    • @leaannsavage2231
      @leaannsavage2231 3 года назад +2

      Hugs to you Kimberly and thanks for sharing about your husband. He sounds like a wonderful person. It is so hard to lose them.

    • @squirrel9424
      @squirrel9424 3 года назад +1

      @@leaannsavage2231 she said it was her husband that was a preacher and passed not her dad...

    • @squirrel9424
      @squirrel9424 3 года назад +2

      I’m sorry for your loss Kimberly! Thank God it won’t be long before you can see him again!

    • @leaannsavage2231
      @leaannsavage2231 3 года назад +1

      @@squirrel9424 - thanks. I fixed my mistake.

    • @tonij9089
      @tonij9089 2 года назад +1

      So sorry for your loss.. he sounds like a great man of God! So few left these days..maranatha!

  • @watchman316ly
    @watchman316ly Год назад +20

    We can debate and prove with all passages but this is a future event. We need to hold fast and believe until the end. He will always be with us until the end!

  • @morpheusfreak
    @morpheusfreak 4 года назад +740

    Noah was kept safe through the trouble not from it.

    • @doncleveland1245
      @doncleveland1245 4 года назад +90

      That is because God's instructions were clear. Build the ark, be kept safe. Just like our instructions, that we are not destined for the wrath to come. When you have 500million Children, being presented with the mark of the beast, do you think they all get their heads lopped off? What kind of pissed off bride do you think God would be happy inviting into his presence, when everyone just had their heads chopped? What about Billy Bob, who didn't get the memo and took the mark?? Now Jesus has to make a special trip to Hell, just because his promise of eternal salvation just got ruined by the mark. Do you think Jesus wants to make that trip to Hell, to pull his saved and sealed Child out? Heck no, you see, his Children will be kept safe through the tribulation, with the rapture. You cannot make God a liar, his Children are safe and sealed for all eternity.

    • @shadyjack8038
      @shadyjack8038 4 года назад +103

      Enoch is a better example of taken before wrath. Also Lot.

    • @satellitesteve7927
      @satellitesteve7927 4 года назад +45

      Noah was actually lifted up above the earth, the Ark is Christ, made of pitch(atonement). Typically Noah is referred to as “Israel” and going thru tribulation and Enoch was “the Bride” being removed prior. But Noah could take on both sides, just as Jesus comes in the clouds 1st, then returns to the Earth shortly afterwards

    • @maczaira3877
      @maczaira3877 4 года назад +8

      Don Cleveland amazing words! I’m gonna use this haha God Bless brother!

    • @Alaina420ful
      @Alaina420ful 4 года назад +48

      Enoch, who was symbolic of the Church however was raptured & kept from it. In Greek the term is harpatzo.

  • @janettabock6435
    @janettabock6435 3 года назад +165

    "You being ready for thr Lord's coming is more important than the event itself " that's why it's important to pick up your cross daily and follow Jesus ' repent daily ' and always keep your lamps full. You can die anyday .
    It's sad to see how the people in the comments disagree with each other . Don't listen to men read your bible for yourself.

    • @erickconley1903
      @erickconley1903 3 года назад +6

      Yes follow jesus!! He will take you where you need to go.

    • @infinity.1.0
      @infinity.1.0 3 года назад +3


    • @ytmember1
      @ytmember1 3 года назад +5

      Iron sharpens Iron. So we need to discuss these things to come to the correct/accurate understanding of God's Word. Some are thinking that God in the "Time of Jacob's Trouble" is testing the Church who is the Bride of Christ... instead of Israel, whom Jeremiah was referring to ( Jer 30:7).

    • @jelly7310
      @jelly7310 3 года назад +2

      @@ytmember1 that's how I understand it.

    • @raeistalking8471
      @raeistalking8471 3 года назад +2

      thank you, dont listen to men

  • @marknatividad3423
    @marknatividad3423 4 года назад +169

    “But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man."”
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭21:36‬ ‭

    • @herbbearingseed
      @herbbearingseed 4 года назад +10

      I sure hope you did not change those words in your heart to pre-trib rapture.
      That is bad to change scripture like the modern slop rags they call bibles, tempt you to do.

    • @merecatholicity
      @merecatholicity 3 года назад +2

      Referencing the events of 70 AD.

    • @randsollie7921
      @randsollie7921 3 года назад +20

      @@merecatholicity actually Luke 21:35 makes it clear it isn't about what happened in Jerusalem in 70AD, but over the whole earth.
      ...pray always that you are found worthy to escape what is coming in the whole world...
      How do we escape what is coming on the whole earth, if not get off the earth?
      We should all be more careful to make our UNDERSTANDING fit scripture, and to not make scripture fit our understanding.

    • @merecatholicity
      @merecatholicity 3 года назад +5

      @@randsollie7921 The Greek word used in that passage is "ge" which is best translated "land." This is used often in exclusive reference to the land of Israel. The other word found within the Olivet Discourse is the word "oikoumene" which means "inhabited earth" not entire earth. If the global earth was in view the word used would be "kosmos." In both cases, the words used indicate a more specific location, not a global event.
      You're absolutely right that we should allow scripture to speak, and not impose our understanding into the text. This is why understanding the culture, history, and language is so key.

    • @randsollie7921
      @randsollie7921 3 года назад +6

      @@merecatholicity yes, but if you look at it from Luke's point of view, 21:7-11 He starts off answering their question, THEN in verse 12 He starts talking about what happened in 70AD: BUT BEFORE all these...
      And that goes on down to verse 24 which He ends with, "...until the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled."
      THEN In verse 25, He continues with the WORLD WIDE stuff. In Mathew, it's kind of difficult to realize, because Mathew lumps everything together. Luke puts everything in order.
      Look in Matthew 24 towards the end, where He talks about the good or evil servant when the Master returns. Luke put that back in chapter 12. And notice when the master returns, where He is returning from: the wedding.

  • @rodneyclements6190
    @rodneyclements6190 Год назад +51

    I agree 💯 brother! Just had this conversation tonight. At the end of it one last scripture stood out to me.
    Those who seek to save their lives will lose it (take the mark, fall away, sent to the second death), and those who lose their lives for My Names sake will save it (refuse the mark, put to death for Christ's sake, martyrdom).

    • @biblehistoryscience3530
      @biblehistoryscience3530 Год назад +5

      That's true for those who enter the Great Tribulation, but it's better to be one of those who watch and pray always to be accounted worthy to escape all the things that are coming to pass.

    • @7ashoBeam
      @7ashoBeam Год назад +6

      ​@@biblehistoryscience3530 to escape from means to have victory over it doesn't mean to escape like a pretrib coward!

    • @allanwagar4700
      @allanwagar4700 Год назад

      Every one will die because there won't be a rapture or a second coming after the seven year tribulation God will destroy the earth and it will not exist .Heaven and hell are not on earth.Most Christians will fall away and go to hell only few will be in Gods special kingdom in the end.

    • @stevejeffries6945
      @stevejeffries6945 Год назад


    • @markking2054
      @markking2054 Год назад

      @@7ashoBeam what is this name calling, " Pretrib Coward" because he doesn't have the same view as you, you act puffed up and proud?

  • @conniedavidson1807
    @conniedavidson1807 3 года назад +91

    I've studied the end times most of my life, I believed we would be raptured out and would not have to go through tribulation. One day I was reading Mat. 24 and it was like God's hand slapped my face and said listen to what my son Jesus said. As we go deeper into the times of the end, Gods prophecies are happening all over. I find that God is doing things HIS way, not what we are "expecting" . Prepare for Jesus return, but also prepare for what we must live through. Have joy in the promise that HE returns for us and to repair the nations and the earth.

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад +7

      @mal'ak emeth Connie's correct, Christ raptures us AFTER the Great Tribulation. Time to get ready.

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад +1

      @mal'ak emeth "Best you let "connie" speak for herself."
      She did speak for herself - I simply indicated that I agreed with her.
      "Prove it. SHOW it to me." "You clearly do not understand the difference between the RAPTURE and the SECOND COMING." AND "What part of a "coming" (a VISIBLE appearances and a touchdown on earth) are you not understanding)?"
      These scripture speak of Christ's return with His saints (us) to touch down on the Mount of Olives, destroy the army attacking Israel, dispose of the anti christ, and set up His kingdom: Zech, all of chapter 14. Revelation 19:11-17. These scripture speak of the rapture (gathering) - Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-27; Matthew 24:29-31; Revelation 6:12-14.
      "just as you clearly cannot even identify Jesus dealing with BOTH in Matthew 24. One to the Church. The other to the JEWS who are left behind."
      Matthew 24 is to His people, just as is the rest of the New Testament.

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад

      @mal'ak emeth Well you're correct - I inserted myself. That said, what you typed above didn't prove a pre tribulation rapture.

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад

      @mal'ak emeth "Cause you post-tribbers are stupid! All you do is repeat each other over and over an over. Refuting ONE of you is to refute ALL of you. When a group shares the same lie and distortion, they ALL fall into the same ditch!"
      Disregarding the "stupid" and "fall into the same ditch" comments, here's my "proof" of a post tribulation gathering (rapture):
      Matthew 24:29-31 "Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light. Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory".
      Before you tell me that this passage refers to Christ returning to set foot on the Mount of Olives - because I do suspect that's what you WANT to tell me, please compare these passages first - Zech chapter 14; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-27; Revelation 19:11-17; Revelation 6:12-17 and the above scripture I quoted from Matthew.

    • @florenceroberts6017
      @florenceroberts6017 3 года назад +5

      I’ve studied end times for 20 years and I’m very convinced in Pre Tribulation 🤗

  • @MudPuddleBunny
    @MudPuddleBunny 3 года назад +78

    I've said the same exact things for years and lost alot of friends over it. I'm grateful to find like minded people who read the scripture and learn for themselves i.e. not having a preacher or televangelist tell you what to believe or what is in the word of God. Read it yourself. Let God tell you. Men are flawed and imperfect. God is perfect and who better than he to teach you? Because who is like God?

    • @asliketheson
      @asliketheson 2 года назад +4

      It also says the scripture is of no private interpretation

    • @asliketheson
      @asliketheson 2 года назад +2

      I am flawed

    • @mikelabor7688
      @mikelabor7688 2 года назад +2

      Excellent comments.

    • @seanlawrence982
      @seanlawrence982 2 года назад

      Yes tru

    • @DavidRodriguez-er4rq
      @DavidRodriguez-er4rq 2 года назад

      Catholic (universal) Church be has never believed in this pre-tribulation rapture of any sorts. Our resurrected body is spirit and the kingdom is in heaven but we are all part of it.

  • @LouisaWatt
    @LouisaWatt 3 года назад +233

    “He who endures to the END will be saved.”
    Matthew 24:13
    Now is not the time to be gutless for Christ

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад +16

      Rather, it's the time to get ready, spiritually. I've spoken to many well intentioned Christians that believe prayer and study will prepare us. While these are essential, they won't do the job on their own. We must learn to cooperate with God as He disciplines us. This is what Paul means when he says, "Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling, for God is at work in you to will and to do for His good pleasure".

    • @cesar5478
      @cesar5478 3 года назад

      @Kevin Belgrove Yashaya is his name!

    • @bronzemv4440
      @bronzemv4440 3 года назад +15

      @Kevin Belgrove His name in English is Jesus, and anybody who has a problem with that needs to examine themselves.

    • @bronzemv4440
      @bronzemv4440 3 года назад +8

      @Kevin Belgrove How come the bible when in English says, "Jesus." What is wrong with the name "Jesus."

    • @bronzemv4440
      @bronzemv4440 3 года назад +3

      @Kevin Belgrove So God did not preserve his word? Worry about your own afterlife.

  • @juscallmegrumpy2395
    @juscallmegrumpy2395 Год назад +129

    I have always believed this after reading the Bible cover to cover several times, but never really knew how to explain it to those who DEMANDED there is a Pre-Trib Rapture. I was even shunned and ridiculed for even mentioning this. Thank you for laying everything out as I understand it.

    • @gentrydebbie1040
      @gentrydebbie1040 Год назад +4

      I have Thick Skin i had to leave a Church ,For My view , But i Love the Pre Trip Rapture People A pastor once told me If you can not see something in The Scripture do not accept It . The Church Jesus Describes he is coming Back For is not This weak many Woke Churches , I respect and love all suits ? I Read a Book Called The Heavenly Man about a man in China ,This Man experienced Most everything The apostles did even Paul He was Laid on a Metal Table and His Legs were Beaten with steel until they were like Powder . One Day Jesus Came nd Brother YUN stood upon His Feet and walked out of That Prison while Guards Looked on , He is a Free man Today ? I could not Put The Book Down, But it was so unlike our Churches ? About Ten years Later I Met This Man Brother YUN He speaks no Chinese But has an Inturpeter ? I Met Him Two Times in a Year He would only Speak in about six Churches in America ? They would not stay in a Hotel They slept on The Floor ? IIn the presence of This Man the Holy Spirit is strong? God Told Brother YUN He could not Preach to The Yellow Sheep but He was To Preach To The White Sheep ? This Brother has been in True Percusion . I believe America will be soon . The underground church in China Got to come out and build Churches for about a Decade , they had Super large Churches , But a new Resegme Took over and Drove The Chinese Church back under Ground . Having Gotten to Sit in a meeting With a Chinese Pastor He said He thinks The Underground Church is better for having to Go back underGround . He said when The Church was Free Believers declined , Lost Power Little Phrophesy More concerned about Homes Cars like America , But Going Back underground They are full again that Percusion Brings Fearlessness and Power with it . He said it test and builds Faith .Ours is on The Way I personally Believe.

    • @gentrydebbie1040
      @gentrydebbie1040 Год назад +13

      @Too Whom Much Is Given Much Is Required You Have been Lied To , The Pre ,Mid

    • @4lilly763
      @4lilly763 Год назад +4

      ....and the love of many grows cold.

    • @artcarlson3581
      @artcarlson3581 Год назад +12

      @Too Whom Much Is Given Much Is Required It is a false teaching to say belief in the rapture is required for your salvation. Run as fast as you can from someone who adds to the requirements for salvation. Rapture is a doctrine fully found in scripture but is not a required to be believed for salvation. If you are reading scripture and learning for yourself you would be able to confront such a foolish statement.

    • @gardenfishes
      @gardenfishes Год назад +6

      I struggle with preachers that I have enjoyed for years and see they teach that. I don't see how anyone can believe it after reading scriptures yourself.

  • @gingermarie1760
    @gingermarie1760 4 года назад +162

    I'm willing to die for Christ! Whatever I have to go thru for Christ, I will do it!

    • @endtimesvoyager726
      @endtimesvoyager726 4 года назад +17

      Peter said that.

    • @tonitomei6323
      @tonitomei6323 4 года назад +8

      @@endtimesvoyager726 LOLs, that is what I was thinking... "Then all the disciples left him and fled" Matt 26:56

    • @t.k.TimeIsShort
      @t.k.TimeIsShort 4 года назад +21

      We have to pray for strength and be wearing the spiritual armor of God!

    • @RandyRoth-mo3lz
      @RandyRoth-mo3lz 4 года назад +8

      @@endtimesvoyager726 Sad to consider when Jesus states of the "stony soil", that when persecution and tribulation come... they IMMEDIATELY stumble... Mark 4:18.... if only a person could denounce the mark... but that opportunity isn't offered in Scripture... I've even heard people state that they would cut off their hand afterward... because their hand would offend them... as Jesus made reference to. However, the great falling away of 2 Thess 2:3, is in the context of the timing of the 'man of perdition'. Sad to consider that they actually think that the "falling away"...is the departure via rapture, rather than departing from the faith as apostate actually means.

    • @RandyRoth-mo3lz
      @RandyRoth-mo3lz 4 года назад +10

      @@t.k.TimeIsShort Praying always that we may be counted worthy to escape all that is coming...Luke 21:36.

  • @akcustom7838
    @akcustom7838 3 года назад +10

    Christians need to think about, what if they don't get taken before the tribulation? will you loose faith? the bible talks about a great falling away, and if you look at it close it is not clear when we'll be taken. I think that great falling away spoken about is when Christians realize they're stuck here for the hard times and say to themselves ''this isn't what I signed up for''. be prepared for paying the price for being a believer. There have been martyrs for Christ for thousands of years, why do we think we're exempt? Just something to think about.

    • @akcustom7838
      @akcustom7838 3 года назад +1

      @Marvin Dielingen So what does it mean when it says there will be a great falling away? I'm not being sarcastic I'm actually curious what your opinion is? Once saved always saved theology has some serious flaws honestly. imo

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 3 года назад

      @@akcustom7838 Let me see if i can help you with this;
      Let no man deceive you by any means: ''for that day shall not come'' --When, after what?
      1 except there come a falling away first, --Apostasy, Leaving the faith, backsliding
      2 and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who --MUST- be revealed
      So AK here is Paul's teaching;
      1-falling away-apostasy becomes prevalent
      2- Son of perdition revealed
      3-''That day'' Rapture'' can come
      So much for the ''rapture'' being the next event on Gods prophetic calendar!
      Seems our stagnant churches are going through a falling away as we speak.
      OSAS is a biblical doctrine, there's only one way to be saved and that's through Jesus death burial and resurrection by and trusting only that, were adopted into the family of God and God becomes our father,

    • @akcustom7838
      @akcustom7838 3 года назад

      @@e.garcia618Thanks bro, I guess I'm not convinced a believer can not loose his salvation, just based on a lot of verses that deal with the topic. I guess all in all if you're not saved you better get saved if you want to avoid a rough time and if you are a believer hold fast. I know the internet is a hard place to share opinions so I'll just leave it with hope you stay strong in the faith bro and see you on the other side! lol

    • @iamboybeats
      @iamboybeats 3 года назад +1

      This has weighed heavy on my heart for a long time. It's like I can see it clear as day. Things really start to take an unimaginable turn for the worst and many who are professing Christians are confused as to why they haven't been taken out of the world yet. They begin to leave their faith behind in droves. At the same time there will be many who will com to Christ during that time, but overall Christ did say that FEW find the narrow way. Let's all pray for the Body of Christ, that we will stand firm in our faith, not in our own strength but in the strength of God and His Holy Spirit. Let us proclaim the name of the Lord!

    • @akcustom7838
      @akcustom7838 3 года назад

      @@iamboybeats right on bro!

  • @reginasyliboy8507
    @reginasyliboy8507 2 года назад +14

    When I try to encourage fellow christians about the coming tribulation so many have said, "I'll be outta here!" Truth is many will fall away from faith in Christ Jesus. I pray that I and my children persevere until the return of Jesus Christ.

    • @chrislachat459
      @chrislachat459 2 года назад

      Truth. Jesus said when He returns, will He find faith? our western style of churches has slowly turned to apostacy the last 100 years, repentance is due.

    • @oreo1979
      @oreo1979 2 года назад +1

      The Bible says Make your calling and election sure. If you are a elected on then you will be granted your family. Work on getting you right, we don’t get to choose that’s Gods business. We see this is many stories throughout the Bible , Jacob and Esau, They were twins same mom and dad and still God said Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated. The predestined ones are a secret and will be revealed before the rapture they will have glorious bodies like unto Christ when he rose from the dead. Keep living your life before God, Luke 21:36 pray you be found worthy to escape by a change in this mortal body and be changed in a twinkling of an eye to be raptured to our lord. Tribulation is not for the bride, she’s been washed in the blood the Clorox of God she’s not defiled she’s ready to be taken to the marriage super of the lamb. God bless I hope this helps you.

    • @garvinsmith4555
      @garvinsmith4555 Год назад

      Has it ever occurred to you in your study of the rapture, that there might be a difference between the day when the son of man is revealed and the second coming of Christ? The Scripture tells us that in the days leading up to the Rapture and the Lord's final judgment, the people are going to be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage as were the people in the days before the flood. But thing is, the days that led to the second coming of Christ are going to be days of great tribulation, a time of destruction, a time, when the people's number one priority is to stay alive, and when getting married and giving in marriage may just be the farthest thing from everyone's mind. People will be dying so much and so fast, that if those days are not shortened not even the elect will be saved. The question is if what the Lord said cannot come to pass during the tribulation period, then what? Are we to continue believing in a post-tribulation Rapture?

  • @our-days-are-short8254
    @our-days-are-short8254 Год назад +17

    John 6:40 is what led me here today. I came across that verse and it says 'And this is the will of Him that sent Me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day'.
    This last day thing really stood strong in my gut. I've been a pre trib for a while but what Jesus says is the truth. I do understand why the trib tribbers are pre trib, but I'm always being drawn to a post trib. What has crossed my mind these past few days is, is the pre trib what we were told would deceive many?

    • @stryker1999
      @stryker1999 Год назад +4

      This has to be a huge test of faith for us western Christians who were taught the pre-trib Rapture. If that's a lie, what else is? Are they going to be willing to give up their lives for Jesus at that point?

    • @artcarlson3581
      @artcarlson3581 Год назад +1

      At the last day. At the last Day without more of a context I have a real problem. What if the statement " At the last day " could mean the the rapture day what if it means the last day of the Church age of grace.. Closing out of the Church on earth or connecting to the 1st day in heaven with the Lord. You have to be sure of which last day is being talked about. I'm sure that the wording we see here is the wording of scripture. I'm just very suspicious that you could go two different ways. Are you really sure you know which last day is being talked about in this short verse? What if the last day is not the Last day you think it means. In looking to scripture elsewhere such as 1st and 2nd thes. and the rapture I myself am very comfortable that this one non specific verse does not one bit change my pre-trib belief, In fact I take the verse to support the rescue of believers to avoid the Tribulation time which scripture points out to be the necessary time of Jacobs (Israels) trouble and non believers. Dead saints and Live believers will get their new eternal resurrected bodies at this Rapture time. What does your last day mean now? I say this very seriously take a fresh look at it. God Bless

    • @naomiTHErocker
      @naomiTHErocker Год назад

      That exact phrase “on the last day” is why I am here as well.

    • @naomiTHErocker
      @naomiTHErocker Год назад +1

      @@artcarlson3581 ​ there will be people who find Christ during the great tribulation. The scripture he is referencing says “Everyone who seeth the son” there is only one day that Christ will raise the dead… and that is on the last day. If the rapture happens before the tribulation, then that means Christ will raise the dead twice… and that’s just not in scripture. I think you’re overthinking what Jesus said.

    • @artcarlson3581
      @artcarlson3581 Год назад

      @@naomiTHErocker Naomi Thanks for your post' I don't read this as mandateing a single one time event in scripture. However a believer has only on resurrection same as an un-saved person has only one resurrection You are correct that scripture does in fact show that people will be saved during the Great Tribulation. They will be martyrs for their new faith in Jesus because they missed the rapture but die for rejecting to worship the beast or his image or take the mark. I believe it will be a very large number who will come to faith because of seeing so many Christians snatched away in the Rapture. These are not Church age saints and they do not take part in the rapture of the Church. To show them as different we call them tribulation saints. Where do you see only one mass raising of the dead? Scripture quite often likens the death of a believer as "sleep" where the death of unsaved are the dead , dead (no hope) I see scripture describing the raising of the dead those who are asleep in Jesus ( the dead in Christ ) 1st Thes 4 :16-17 There are no unsaved raised or changed at this event . This is the rapture of the Church. Then there are the two witnesses are raised from the dead .after their death during the tribulation. The saints who died as martyrs during the Tribulation were raised to live with Christ for 1000 years and this is in Rev. 20:4 and the rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1000 years were completed and this is in Rev 20:5 The rest of the Dead ( Those who die without salvation) . That is 2 different resurrections described in Rev alone. Note also that the white throne judgement has no one raised to everlasting life. These are raised only to be judged and thrown into the lake of fire. The Bema seat is the place where believers are not given Judgement but rewards. So these two resurrections are not related and nothing in scripture ties these events to must happen at the same time. At least 2 of these resurrections happen 1000 years apart. . Scripture also says some are raised to everlasting Life and some are raised to everlasting punishment Dan12:2 this construction does not mandate that it is the same resurrection event.

  • @thedutchman3929
    @thedutchman3929 3 года назад +41

    My name is Doug Kelley please pray for my health...i have a rare disease..gave up on. Know nothing doctors...im praying to our great and wonderful lord God..to heal me 100% miracle...why not hes my father...help me. Thank you..DK

    • @jamesjoseph9721
      @jamesjoseph9721 3 года назад +1

      Praying for you, Doug. 🙏

    • @petrapb1156
      @petrapb1156 3 года назад

      Praying for you!!! If you’re interested in Functional medicine i highly recommended dr Peter Osbourne ! He helped me when regular doctors could not! He’s based in TX ... But he takes patients anywhere via video appointments. I know how frustrating health stuff can be especially when you don’t have answers. My heart goes out to you Doug. Don’t give up. Keep fighting and keep digging. Your life is worth it. And pls check out Peter Osbourne if you can. Look him up online, his clinical website and on RUclips. Praying for you !!!

    • @Omegha94zip
      @Omegha94zip 3 года назад

      Have you looked into going to a Deliverance ministry in your area?

    • @bleau9584
      @bleau9584 3 года назад

      please check out The Supernatural Life with Daniel Adams. And, try to book a healing and a deliverance session. I pray that God guides you dear brother. amen.

    • @alankvl
      @alankvl 3 года назад +3

      Pray in faith what you are asking! I to was on my deathbed years ago and learned to see the miracle as already done when asking for it. Asking without total belief that He will answer will not work as far as I have learned. Even as bible says as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will be enough. Ask AND believe it is done - IN JESUS NAME! I had no doctors near to even try to rely on. I was up in the Arctic at the time.

  • @fancimcguffin2227
    @fancimcguffin2227 4 года назад +76

    Here is the gospel.
    Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose on the third day.
    Trust this.
    That’s it’s.

    • @pinknachas324
      @pinknachas324 4 года назад +1

      Truth! Amen!

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 4 года назад +3

      Yep, we must absolutely believe this before God's grace can work in us to transform us. To that end, Christians MUST learn how to cooperate with God as He leads us through trials to get at our issues of heart that keep us from the the fullness of Christ. If we don't do this, we won't make it.

    • @karienaolivier-kolisko784
      @karienaolivier-kolisko784 4 года назад +1

      Amen....but we must watch...special blessings!!

    • @suzannehartmann946
      @suzannehartmann946 4 года назад

      AND then rose up to heaven. Was "taken" Similar expressions to Enoch who walked with God then was not, for God took Him. And Elijah who was taken up in a fiery chariot. But feel free to stay here. Your place in the New Jerusalem will still be there when you arrive.

    • @joelpitts575
      @joelpitts575 4 года назад +2

      You missed the part where He fulfilled the Law and the Prophets, and fulfilled the appointed times up to First Fruits. During the time of Jacob's Trouble, and at His return, Yeshua will fulfill the remaining three Feasts, including the blowing of the Shofar(Feast of Trumpets).

  • @David-js6sl
    @David-js6sl 2 года назад +35

    It’s encouraging to see saints get together in times like this… it saddens me to see so much perversion and blasphemy on social media’s these days, I pray that the LORD gives the younger generations and the lost- an open and hearing heart for our LORD! In Jesus name I pray for all the saints to remain in the body of Christ🙏🏼

    • @douglasrowland3722
      @douglasrowland3722 2 года назад

      Don't forget about THE OUTRIGHT LIES !!!!

    • @SpotterVideo
      @SpotterVideo 2 года назад

      New Covenant Whole Gospel:
      Let us now share the Old Testament Gospel found below with the whole world. On the road to Emmaus He said the Old Testament is about Him.
      He is the very Word of God in John 1:1, 14.
      Awaken Church to this truth.
      Jer 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
      Jer 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:
      Jer 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
      Jer 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
      Is the most important genealogy in the Bible found in Matthew 1:1 (Gal. 3:16)? Is God's Son the ultimate fulfillment of Israel (John 1:49)? Why has the modern Church done a pitiful job of sharing the Gospel with modern Orthodox Jews? Why would someone tell them they are God's chosen people and then fail to share the Gospel with them? Who is the seed of the woman promised in Genesis 3:15? Who is the "son" in Psalm 2? Who is the "suffering servant" of Isaiah 53? Who would fulfill the New Covenant promised in Jeremiah 31:31-34? Who would fulfill the timeline of Daniel chapter 9 before the second temple was destroyed? Why have we not heard this simple Old Testament Gospel preached on Christian television in the United States on a regular basis?
      Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, man-made Bible doctrines fall apart.
      Let us now learn to preach the whole Gospel until He comes back. The King of Israel is risen from the dead! (Acts 2:36)

    • @BungieStudios
      @BungieStudios 2 года назад

      Chinese government is using social media to corrupt our culture and youth. Lots of wumao propaganda. Thankfully, it's lot of cringe. Plus the internet community self polices itself. Memes that poke fun at cringe often lead to change and correction by the people being joked about.

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH 2 года назад

      Guys, HERE is Our Savior
      HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH”
      YaH is The Heavenly Father
      YaH arrives via the TENT OF MEETING
      YaH was Who they Crucified for our sins
      - Hebrew Book of Isaiah
      Isaiah 42:8
      "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.
      Isaiah 43:11
      I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.
      Isaiah 45:5
      I am YaH, and there is none else.

    • @iminlove1148
      @iminlove1148 2 года назад

      Amen. .I pray too Amen

  • @sapphirascott8936
    @sapphirascott8936 Год назад +10

    I finally found someone that believes what my husband and I believes. The great falling away are Christians who weren't ready and believes the fiction book. So sad and scary!
    My husband been teaching this for years now. And some thinks he is nuts.
    What's even more scary is all the famous preachers are teaching this. And people are not getting ready for the tribulations we are going to go there.

  • @javiermedina6144
    @javiermedina6144 3 года назад +112

    Idk why people believe that they're going to escape suffering. If Jesus, the perfect man, had to suffer, y'all better believe we will ABSOLUTELY suffer.

    • @nmssis
      @nmssis 3 года назад +3

      idk about suffering like Jesus did but most certainly like the disciples and the early church believers did.

    • @douglasrowland3722
      @douglasrowland3722 3 года назад +2

      God do't have no problem with you suffering.....nor does He have a problem with you dying !
      So beyond that.......WHAT 'CHU GONNA DO ??????????????

    • @Brityf
      @Brityf 3 года назад +4

      Exactly. The Holy Spirit is most definately preparing us

    • @THopkins7
      @THopkins7 3 года назад +4

      I don’t believe in Pre-tribulation either. Jesus Christ suffered 5,466 wounds during his Passion. Through his suffering he saved us by allowing us the chance at salvation but that does not mean we won’t suffer or die. I do believe a remnant will be saved for a Post tribulation rapture but very few & not sure what locations.

    • @nmssis
      @nmssis 3 года назад

      @@THopkins7 5466...where did this detail come from. would not be surprised if that was the case

  • @thegreatdeception2563
    @thegreatdeception2563 4 года назад +96

    I was at Calvary chapel in Lancaster CA in 94,the subject was the "rapture"...the Holyspirit told me, "you will go thru the Tribulation ",many will be offended when it does not happen, remain faithful prepare your hearts 💕

    • @jeromenariz2150
      @jeromenariz2150 4 года назад +1

      I disagree with your doctrine, please try other verses and you will know the truth. Please pray first that the Holy Spirit may reveal.....

    • @japexican007
      @japexican007 4 года назад

      Scripture with scripture ruclips.net/p/PLNyEZkCMFMV9cmoHnHr50v2GI58ZQ1WKk

    • @nhislove1
      @nhislove1 4 года назад +14

      The same here with me. We must stop praying to escape, but pray we be found faithful, even unto the end. God bless you my brother.

    • @dumbellknight
      @dumbellknight 4 года назад +1

      mal'ak emeth this response was very well put together. I studied both viewpoints and came out pre-trib. Looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing. Not the great tribulation or the anti christ. I’ve been at total peace in these uncertain days. The gospel is the essential point. God bless you and your family!

    • @thereturn2361
      @thereturn2361 4 года назад +7

      @@bigbruno56 Why such name calling? Are you a believer? I am usually suspect of anyone who tells me the Holy Spirit told them something. However, in this case, if the Holy Spirit had indeed told him he would be going through the tribulation, the Spirit would simply be verifying what Jesus told us. I have no problem with that.

  • @thehessfamily1147
    @thehessfamily1147 3 года назад +60

    Thank you so much for this message! I have been attempting to explain this to my family for years and I’m the odd ball out. Biblical truth must be preached more now then ever. Prepare people for many trials.

    • @comingsn2519
      @comingsn2519 3 года назад +1

      Yes I'm in the same boat. I've been praying that their eyes are open but i have a feeling many will not see this false hood til the day the mark is instituted.

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 3 года назад +3

      I am a big fan of this channel and this guys work, but one of the biggest problems with this vid is he says there is no mention of a pre trib rapture before John Darby in the 1830's, and anyone can use their google and find out in 5 seconds time that is FALSE. There are several examples of a pre trib rapture in the first centuries of the church in the early church fathers writings. Its remarkable how many people repeat this falsehood when it is so easily disproven. Ephraim the Syrian is one of the most obvious examples, and he predates Darby by nearly 1500 years, but there are several others we can point to as well from the early church writings. You don't have to believe in pre trib, but lets be honest about the fact that it goes all the way back to the early church. There were both pre and post tribbers in the early church.

    • @donaldcannon6113
      @donaldcannon6113 3 года назад

      @@ExperienceEric I'll Stick with Jesus Christ on the Rapture Gathering Up Caught Up together with the Dead in Jesus Christ as Jesus Christ Said Immediately After the Tribulation of those Days After the Sun is Darkened and the Moon No Longer Gives her Light and the Star's Fall from Heaven you will see the Sign of the Son of Man Coming in the Cloud's of Heaven with a Great Shout in the Voice of the Archangel and the Sound of the Trumpet Shofar and Jesus Christ Sends his Angel's to Gather the Elect of God and Jesus Christ to Meet Him in the Air Cloud's of Heaven !

    • @guitarmandan2125
      @guitarmandan2125 3 года назад +5

      I too I'm apart of the 5% of Christianity that believes in postribe
      I've been persecuted somewhat I refuse to let a denomination tell me what to believe, theres only one book the Holy Bible, its the final word.

    • @ExperienceEric
      @ExperienceEric 3 года назад +2

      @@guitarmandan2125 Oh good Lord you do not know what persecution is until you are pre trib. People attack me daily and tell me I am following satan leading everyone into hell. Its insane.
      Where you get that 5% number is beyond me, its WAYYYYY more than 5%.

  • @mfowler4651
    @mfowler4651 2 года назад +27

    Well spoken. This has been me thinking for over a decade. I presented this trumpet position to a former Fundamental pre-trib pastor and his explanation made my head spin. A big Thank You!!!

    • @RS54321
      @RS54321 Год назад

      What did the pastor say to you to make your head spin?

    • @mfowler4651
      @mfowler4651 Год назад +1

      @@RS54321 There was no line upon line linear explanation. Incoherent.

    • @stevejeffries6945
      @stevejeffries6945 Год назад


    • @warriophecy8499
      @warriophecy8499 Год назад +1

      Just because the pastor was inept in contending for the faith does not mean that the pretrib rapture is not the truth, because it is the truth.
      Give me your number one verse that substantiates a post trib rapture. Go ahead, give it to me.
      If I debunk it and I will then you will take another look at the pretrib rapture.
      I am a watchman on the wall for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @frandomfreedom
      @frandomfreedom Год назад

      Mid tribber, please, debunk away

  • @Jon-eg7xj
    @Jon-eg7xj 2 года назад +115

    Amen. The best and also, most difficult part of this video is getting pre-tribulation believers to study the scriptures again without any preconceived notions or outside material when studying the rapture. I was brought up to believe in pre-trib and after I became a born again believer there was still a brief period of time when I still believed it until a fellow brother lovingly (and that’s huge….LOVINGLY) challenged me to read through the scriptures again for what they were and study the usage of Hebrew and Greek words if I brought any other texts to the table. It changed my life and once I changed my view I ended up thanking this brother for challenging me. I don’t believe that a persons view on the rapture is a salvation issue, however, when it comes to end times events it could have the most tragic impact on their faith. If you are taught that you won’t go through these events and then they start happening.. wouldn’t that be tough for you to deal with? Just like any other unexpected tragedy that can occur in this life. Our hope is in Christ alone and our momentary afflictions are nothing in comparison to the eternal glory that outweighs it all. That is what I look forward to now. I will experience trials and tribulations and at the end of it all I will be with my Lord and Savior in eternal paradise. God bless all of you and I pray for God to soften hearts, thinking and open eyes and ears to His word alone by guidance of the Holy Spirit.

    • @RepentfollowJesus
      @RepentfollowJesus 2 года назад

      This video shows it without preconceived notions . It speaks of what the Greek Bible says as well as the Latin language. ruclips.net/video/3c3vwzv2m_U/видео.html

    • @Jon-eg7xj
      @Jon-eg7xj 2 года назад +3

      @@RepentfollowJesus I disagree with pre-trib but thank you for sharing. I’ve heard Amir speak on this subject. Pre-wrath agrees that the rapture is separate but comes within the same time frame. “Those of us who are alive and remain will be caught up to MEET Him in the air.” The dead in Christ are raised first… everyone who has died for the gospel. The rest… will be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Then we (altogether) MEET Him in the air. The reference here was a soldier returning from war and the citizens would come out to meet him as He was approaching. That is exactly what is taught in scripture. The dead first, then, we who are alive and remain changed in the twinkling of an eye are caught up to MEET Him together with the dead in Christ as He is descending and all of us experience His victory together. God Bless you. You can share anything you want but I was pre-trib. I’ve heard every discussion/debate/argument for it. None of it lines up to scripture more to me than the position I hold now. I love you as my fellow sister in Christ. Until we see each other in His glorious Kingdom I wish you well.

    • @nothingbutthetruth3227
      @nothingbutthetruth3227 2 года назад +1

      If you knew your Bible, you would know this man is a completely false teacher. He knows it too. There is a pre-trib rapture. Enoch was raptured, Noah was in a sense pulled out before destruction, same with Lot! Our Lord would never leave us, His bride to be beaten and then rapture us up, then immediately come back to earth. He knows he’s wrong and teaches it anyway.

    • @Jon-eg7xj
      @Jon-eg7xj 2 года назад +3

      @@nothingbutthetruth3227 I guess we’ll see and I disagree with you and base it on scripture as well.

    • @brucepapuni5372
      @brucepapuni5372 2 года назад +7

      Funny thing is I had no knowledge of the Rapture and had no care for it because I was set on doing his work no matter what, but when somebody asked what I thought of it and that he didnt believe in it, I felt compelled to do a little study, and I found myself believing in a pretrib rapture.

  • @MarySmith-ry9cu
    @MarySmith-ry9cu 3 года назад +36

    It is so comforting to hear someone teaching this truth. And pastors won't touch it! God wake up your church!

    • @nocompromise704
      @nocompromise704 3 года назад

      Amen, Mary Smith! More people need to hear this clear truth!

    • @kenklein9228
      @kenklein9228 3 года назад +2

      Many pastors won't touch it - that's the truth. The other thing that few pastors will touch is how to get ready for all that's coming our way.

    • @joelewis573
      @joelewis573 3 года назад

      Of you believe thst then tske a look at perry stones mannafest episode 778 on youtube, he goes theough pre mid and post and why backed by scripture that pre trib is when christ first returns to catch away his church.

    • @comingsn2519
      @comingsn2519 3 года назад


    • @donaldcannon6113
      @donaldcannon6113 3 года назад

      History of Martyrs Watch Bill Warner Why are People Afraid a 1400 Year Secret Excellent Historical facts Excellent RUclips video enjoy Brother's and Sister's in Jesus Christ and God Bless You

  • @maritrnning5357
    @maritrnning5357 3 года назад +48

    Finally a TRUTH-talking Brother

    • @jacobsenh7383
      @jacobsenh7383 3 года назад +4

      let me quote Ireneaus for you.
      "when in the end the church will suddenly be caught up from this, then it is said. There will be tribulation such as not been since the beginning, nor will be.
      Irenaeus. Against Heresies 5.29
      Look it up🙂

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 3 года назад +4

      @@jacobsenh7383 Let me quote Paul;
      Acts 14:22
      Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.
      By the way Pauls writings are inspired!

    • @johnjackson3738
      @johnjackson3738 3 года назад

      "Fed up"?
      Please be humble.
      But you're correct that there is no pretrib rapture.
      Just stay humble please.

    • @Bjoern_Weber
      @Bjoern_Weber 3 года назад +5

      @@johnjackson3738 being fed up about wicked teachings is a good thing. Or what did Jesus do to the money changers in the temple?

    • @moonpye9082
      @moonpye9082 3 года назад

      @mal'ak emeth wow!

  • @jaysmith5047
    @jaysmith5047 10 месяцев назад +7

    Thank you for this. Grew up Southern Baptist pre-trib rapture. Then a friend in college asked, "How many times is Jesus coming back?" That stuck in my brain. Whenever I mentioned I was not pretrib Rapture, I would get surprise and disbelief. The early church did not believe in it. They were suffering even then for their faith. It is a comfortable Western easy believeism. Cheap grace. Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. KVJ

    • @jsteele650
      @jsteele650 8 месяцев назад

      The church is in division because they don't see the ranks of the resurrection. There is a pretrib rapture but not all those that believe in pretrib will go in pretrib.The Philadelphian saints are the church of BROTHERLY LOVE. The bride wants all saints to be harvested with the barley company at pretrib. The bulk of the church will reject the bridal calling. Believers will go to heaven when they are ready to be harvested. The crop must be ready before it can be harvested. Barley and wheat are both grain companies that are both planted at the same time, in the autumn. Barley matures faster than wheat and is harvested in the spring. BARLEY IS THE BRIDE, and she leaves at pretrib. Wheat is harvested in the summer. Wheat is the great multitude church gathered in Rev 7..... THE VIRGINS WITHOUT NUMBER AKA THE INNUMERABLE COMPANY! The final company, caught up at midtrib, before the open door is shut, are the grapes that are gathered at midtrib. The grapes are the 144,000 Jews. The Jews finally believe Christ is their king because they gleaned the truth from the Barley and wheat companies.
      If there is a LAST TRUMP, there is a FIRST TRUMP. If there is a HIGH CALLING, there is a LESSER CALLING. The bridal remnant will be a joint heir as husband and wife. The bulk of the church will be only heirs as children.
      The barley bride is taken up in Rev 4 at pretrib, where he tells John, "COME UP HERE!". This is a very small remnant of the church that leaves at pretrib. All christians are called for this HIGH AND HEAVENLY CALLING, but few will be chosen. The bulk of the church is in a DEEP SLEEP like Adam. While Adam ( the church) slept, God was forming a bride from a rib ((TAKEN OUT OF)) Adam. This is a rib portion, a very small remnant that makes up this bridal company.
      The bulk of the church has spots and wrinkles in their robes that will be cleaned in the first part of the tribulation period. How do they have wrinkles in their robes? They are in a deep sleep! When you're lying down in these robes, they get wrinkled. They have spots because of false doctrines.
      There is a pretrib rapture, and the bulk of the church, like yourself, will reject the truth. The Lord will use this bridal remnant to speak in these last days. This remnant will be a mouthpiece unto God. She will be rejected by the church and the world before she departs.
      Hebrews 12:25
      [25]See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:
      Isaiah 1:9
      [9]Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.
      The truth will get many angry. It will be a stark contrast of things you learned your entire life! The verse about John being caught up at pretrib is only one verse, brother. The Lord has it beautifully woven from the Old to the New Testament. We will go to heaven by ranks, just as Paul said.
      1 Corinthians 15:23
      [23]But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. ORDER MEANS RANKS.
      ●●●There are 3 stories on Noah's ark for the 3 companies escaping through the open door by rank and order.
      Go read it! The world taught us, as a child, that the ark was loaded by 2's. The truth is they first loaded by 7's then by 2's!!!
      Genesis 7:2
      [2]Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
      ●●● When Peter had the vision of the fitted sheet with all manner of beasts inside. These are saints from the 4 corners of the earth of every nation and tongue. He saw this sheet come down THRICE....3 TIMES FOR 3 COMPANIES OF BELIEVERS!!
      ●●● 3 companies of people will be caught up by ranks before the middle of the week....BARLEY, WHEAT, AND GRAPES. The barley company is the ONLY COMPANY that is harvested by WINNOWING. All the remaining companies need a threshing floor of tribulation to do a finishing work before they are caught up. The wheat is CRUSHED by the tribullum board, grapes are TREAD, and olives are PRESSED on the threshing floor of tribulation.
      ●●● There will be 3 companies of light. He is the LIGHT, and as we take in his Word, we become light. The more we consume, the brighter we become. We decrease, and he increases! The 3 light companies are Sun glory saints, moon glory saints, and star glory saints. Those bridal sun glory saints SHINE WHILE IT IS STILL DAYTIME!
      Do I need to ask you when the moon and stars shine?!? The moon and star glory saints shine during the night season of tribulation.
      There is so much more. This is only a glimpse of what is in the Word regarding a 3 part harvest.

  • @angelahawkins9855
    @angelahawkins9855 2 года назад +89

    In John 6 Jesus says four times “I will raise them up on the last day” and also mentions “at the last trumpet”
    Thanks for speaking truth .. love it!!!

    • @willpower6720
      @willpower6720 2 года назад +5

      Exactly. Jesus is speaking about the resurrection/rapture. It is in Rev 20:4.

    • @artcarlson3581
      @artcarlson3581 2 года назад +1

      Last day of what the year, age , church age? Which trumpet series, the last one of a series. Possibly more to come for a different reason. Last does not always mean there will never be another one. It is a real stretch to think you can say there is a last of everything when there is nothing to back it up as being last.

    • @alglen9208
      @alglen9208 2 года назад

      @@artcarlson3581 You are confusing to me. Explain please.

    • @artcarlson3581
      @artcarlson3581 2 года назад +4

      @@alglen9208 The last day can refer to any last day, you must ask yourself what last day are you discussing. For example my grand kids last day of school was may 31st. That does not mean
      there will be no more other last days. Next school year there will be another last day. There was a Thursday last week that does not mean there will never be another last Thursday. Scripture that says last day is ambiguous (not a clear slam dunk meaning). It could just mean later time, end of the age (for example the end of the time of the Church age). before the Great tribulation. It could be a last day of a series of says say a long weekend SAT, SUN, MON. MONDAY could be the last day. The same thing about the last "trumpet". Is it the last blast of a string of the sounds a trumpet makes. The Old testament Jews were accustomed to trumpets over and over again. sometimes to call an assembly to disburse an assembly, to assemble for battle, to get ready to break camp , to move out etc. One particular trump in the Old Testament was "THE TRUMP OF GOD" when Moses visited God on Mt.Sinai. in Exodus 19:19 This is an example of the only other: Trump of God that I found in 1 Thes 5:16. This could be Gods 2nd only and thus last Trump or it could be the last one after the one before it. Or last trump of the Rapture Call.(my words ,my conjecture as long as the video can make un-supported last of things The Great trumpet in Matt 24:31 makes no claim to be a last trumpet. The 7th trumpet in Rev. 11:15 never makes claim to be the last trumpet ever. Symbolism is ok though because it appears God likes the number 7 It appears as just a or the 7th angel sounded.. There is much more left more woe destruction and 7 last plagues. I don't see any it is done or finished until Rev 16:17"" It is done" here again what is done? Babylon hasn't even fallen yet. It does have a good ending of the book. WE WIN.. Let me know Al if this was less confusing.

    • @garvinsmith4555
      @garvinsmith4555 Год назад +2

      Raise them up on the last day you say? Why would the Lord leave his beloved bride in the tribulation all alone without the help of his spirit, and with the devil running loose? You truly don't understand what the Lord did for you on the cross.

  • @stephenhagen234
    @stephenhagen234 2 года назад +159

    "But the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved." Matthew 24:13 NASB 1977. God calls us to endurance and engagement not escapism and exemption. We will be the voice sharing the Gospel with a world that is falling apart, literally.

    • @artcarlson3581
      @artcarlson3581 2 года назад +23

      This comment was made for Jews who would have to endure the tribulation period. All of Matt 23,24 and Chapter 25 were in the context of Jesus speaking to Jews, about the Temple its destruction and the Jews rejection of Jesus as Messiah and events to be expected by Jews. The Rapture and the Christian Church are not the topic under discussion here. The rapture of the church was a mystery that was not yet disclosed. The rapture was a mystery that was hidden through out time until it was given to Paul after Christs Death . If you believe Jesus spoke of the rapture here in Matt. You may be calling Paul a liar. Paul claims it to be a mystery and a mystery in Bible terms is one that was never previously spoken of. Jesus was answering Jewish theme material . It does not fit the topic under discussion and would be a real stretch in my opinion. It clearly does not fit to put rapture or Church here and is in total harmony with all pre-tribulation doctrine. You need to always be cognizant of who Jesus was talking to and not everything in scripture applies to every audience.

    • @artcarlson3581
      @artcarlson3581 2 года назад +14

      Stephen this is not the gospel for salvation for a Christian in the Church age. Grace alone thru faith alone in Jesus substitutionary death on the Cross to pay our sin debt. A done deal no works no holding on to anything but Jesus promise in his word. Here in Matthew we are looking at people who must survive the tribulation to be saved. Believers in the Church age are saved forever the moment they believed. Believers are gone at the rapture and won't be part of the tribulation spoken of in this Matt. quote.

    • @stephenhagen234
      @stephenhagen234 2 года назад +17

      @@artcarlson3581 If you embrace the Pre-Tribulation/rapture of the Church doctrine then you are, as Dalton explained, setting yourself in a place of gross disappointment/disbelief when it does not happen. Jesus taught trust in God and not escapism. You have to interpret the Scriptures by the scriptures, not reading into or projecting personal preferences.

    • @artcarlson3581
      @artcarlson3581 2 года назад +12

      @@stephenhagen234 Stephen my interest in Biblical prophecy goes back over 50 years. I was a police officer and investigator over 25 years. I'm not claiming any special gifts or revelations but I didn't come by my beliefs without examining the major rapture views. If I am wrong it won't upset me. I find the evidence in scripture for a before tribulation rapture of the Church to be the most compelling. I have a N.T. Greek background. I look at bible word studies like a detective and work both sides of the street. I try my best to disprove or prove the positions I look at. When I come to tough questions I don't ignore them. I am very comfortable with pre-trib because it has answered just about all my and others stumbling points or what first may have been blocks to it. IT IS not what I wish to see in scripture but what scripture reveals that is important. I answer scripture with scripture. I may disagree with someone but respect others views on the when of the rapture. I am open to any real points of discussion but stress that salvation comes first before in depth study of the word. Thanks for your comment. Maranatha

    • @stephenhagen234
      @stephenhagen234 2 года назад

      @@artcarlson3581 Christians all around the world who are presently suffering persecution for their faith would have a hard time accepting the Pre-Tribulation escapism message. They live in a different world, unlike what is in the U.S.. I have no issues with being taken out before the Great Tribulation comes upon the earth. But listen carefully to the things Dalton has carefully and respectfully laid out. Jesus is only coming back at the end of this horrible event, for the one and only second time. We, the bride of Christ, will be here to give a last witness to an unbelieving, Christ denying world. If He removes us before that time, who will be here to share with them the Good News that they may believe and be saved?

  • @mikedavidbeats2560
    @mikedavidbeats2560 2 года назад +37

    It is so nice to find a group of believers who read the Bible the same way I read it. Which is to read what it says and not read in what has been taught. Thank you for putting up this video for all our brothers and sisters to see. They need to hear this hard teaching so the great tribulation, mark, image and evil one won't be a crushing reality, but a faith boosting reality to be on fire for Yeshua's soon return and proclaim the truth without fear of death. The ones who proclaim the loudest will be silenced the quickest. This is why revelation prepares us for the grim reality of getting our heads chopped off for proclaiming Yeshua as Lord and the one true Son of the Father during the tribulation period. Patient endurance!

    • @RepentfollowJesus
      @RepentfollowJesus 2 года назад +1


    • @ValerieJean757
      @ValerieJean757 2 года назад

      Many leaders teach that the day of the Lord and the day of Christ are separate events. They are not.
      Who said that?
      I have never seen it said in the Bible that day of the Lord is different than the day of Christ. Jesus is Both Lord and Christ.
      Jesus is Both Lord and Christ and God.
      And so the day of the Lord and great day of Christ and the day of God are All the same; Jesus.
      Notice in 2 Thessalonians 2 he says by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
      Acts 2:36
      Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made the same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ
      2 Peter 3:12
      Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
      1 Corinthians 1:8
      Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ
      2 Thessalonians 2
      2 Now we beseech you, brethren,
      by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
      and by our gathering together unto him,
      2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
      3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
      1 Thessalonians 5
      5 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
      2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
      3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
      4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief

  • @seanhayes8885
    @seanhayes8885 10 месяцев назад +21

    Excellent message. I wasn't raised Christian, I became a Christian as an adult. After reading my bible I never understood the end times to include a pre trib rapture. The first I heard of it was watching Hal Lindsay and Jack Van Impe in the 90s. I kind of believed it but it didn't sit right. After much more study and listeneing to well grounded pastors I now no we are called to endure to the end.

    • @hosannayeshua4446
      @hosannayeshua4446 9 месяцев назад +1

      I didn't get the pre-trib rapture either after i was born again after being a staunch atheist. Funny thing is i was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit as i began to read revelations for the first time ever, before it i have not read bible other than the first books of moses, so i really didn't know anything about end times or what was the main stream view point on this. Needles to say after i read revelations i read the new testament and then some of the old testament prophets like daniel, not even once i considered that the saints are going to be taken away before the last 70th week. To me it was clear that people of God are going to be here right until the end when our Lord will come on top of a cloud.
      After i had read what i had read from the bible on my own, i started to listen to other christians and their viewpoints on youtube, and only then i came across pre-trib rapture, which was odd to me and i couldn't find any solid evidence form the scripture. Though i must admit, those who i listened to sounded so convincing and sure of their position that i switched back and forth about this issue, although it was clear to me in the beginning how it would be. Thankfully the good God saw fit to reinforce my knowledge on this and now i am not swayed by those viewpoints. After all, they do not have much to go on to, they have to willfully ignore and twist parts of the bible and conjure out of thin air their own timeline (secret rapture or heavens forbid, multiple raptures).

    • @deydrm
      @deydrm 5 месяцев назад

      If you are a Post trib believer,try to answer these direct contradictions. In the decades I've been doing apologetics,not one Post trib belive would answer these. Not even just one point.
      Jesus taught He could come at any time so we,the church,should be sober and alert,keeping watch over the signs that He taught in the gospels. This is the doctrine of imminency. And the apostles also taught this in the epistles. Matt.24:43,1 Thess.5:2, 2 Peter 3:10. Jesus can come like "a thief in the night". Jesus also commanded us to keep watch over all the signs of His coming in Matt.24. It wasn't a suggestion,it is an instruction. It wasn't just to know when the "season"was upon us,and who "the generation" that sees "ALL these things" ,will be. Matt.25,the parables being taught,are post text to Matt.24. WHY should we watch over the signs of His coming? If we know when that time is,with certainty,why keep watch? In a post rib view,there is no imminency.Jesus CANNOT return at any time,unexpectedly!
      Why,because the number of days is specifically mentioned in Daniel12: 11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.This is confirmed in Rev.13:5.
      Now,Jesus directly referred to the "abomination"in Daniel. There is no Jesus can return at any time,so we have to keep watch and be ready,in post trib. All we have to do is wait for the Antichrist to enter the temple and perpetrate the abomination,and the countdown begins. 1335 days when the "abomination"takes place,and the daily sacrifices are abolished,and the Messiah,who is Jesus,RETURNS to set up His kingdom reign. There's no arguing this,it's right there plain as day. Jesus directly quoted this verse in Daniel 12. Do you think the Jews didn't know the prophecies of Daniel? Why would Jesus quote Daniel 12 in the first place? So WHY would Jesus teach that He could come at any time? WHY should we "be sober and alert,keeping watch over the signs of His coming,explain that?
      In Luke 17, 35,36,"One is taken (not killed). In the original Greek, from para lambano, to receive from,. The other left,from apo hiemi, left alone,sent away. Also not necessarily killed. One is received,or taken,one is left behind. Now this is an important little detail..Luke 17:37,The apostles ask "WHERE" when Jesus says they were taken,or received(unto someone). WHERE were they taken? Jesus doesn't answer that. For those who say this has to do with the invasion of Jerusalem,when Titus destroyed the temple, they're wrong. According to O.T. prophecy about the Messiah,was he supposed to leave,and then come back? No.In fact,alot of what Jesus was teaching just didn't make sense to them. So Luke 17:35 makes sense. You can see why the apostles ask Jesus "WHERE" are they taken! According to what the Jews knew from O.T. prophecy,the Messiah wasn't supposed to go anywhere.He was supposed to destroy Israel's enemies and set up God's kingdom rule and reign.This is "the Day Of The Lord',that all Jews in Jesus time were already aware of,prophesied many times. The Day Of The Lord is described in these prophecies,and Jesus does mention them in the Olivet discourse,in Matt 24:29-31. Only the rapture,Pre Trib,can happen at any time. Because when Jesus does return at the end of tribulation, which is known as "the Day Of The Lord", the days are numbered to an event!
      Point 2,Jesus taught this in Matt.24:Matt.24:38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, SO ALSO WILL THE COMING of the Son of Man be. 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. Jesus is teaching He will come BEFORE people are aware of the judgment that's coming.
      Verse 40,this is the rapture. They're taken (away),not killed. This prophecy was not fulfilled in 70 A.D. when Titus destroyed the temple.In fact,if you study Josephus,who was an eye witness to Titus invading in 70 A.D.,the events that took place DO NOT line up with any of these verses.
      So,here's another scriptural contradiction,Rev.6:12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 Then the sky [i]receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. 15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, ]the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
      See that? These people ARE AWARE that God's judgment is upon them,and they're terrified! And this is just the beginning of the tribulation period. Jesus taught He would return just BEFORE the judgment comes, and this has to be PRE Trib.
      It's absurd to believe that people will be eating and drinking (eating and drinking what?
      In Revelation 6, when the seal judgement are opened. It should be clear that the tribulation period has begun. At the third seal,something happens causing the cost of food skyrocketing, in todays terms,hyper inflation skyrocketing. A mans daily wages couldn't feed him or a family. Famine is the result.
      Matt.24: "they were eating and drinking"...Eating and drinking what? certainly not after the third seal.
      The fourth seal:8 I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth. So now, almost two billion people die after this one seal. But people are looking forward to get married,and see their children marry? Marry who, the lucky survivors? The whole world is traumatized in fear,but their still going on living business as usual,completely unaware that judgment has come? Do you really believe that,be honest?
      By the fifth seal,the world is aware of the saints being slaughtered for their faith. Which means this is surely a time of death for many.
      But by the 6th seal,
      12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
      15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us[f] from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their[g] wrath has come, and who can withstand it?”
      Now people ARE certainly AWARE that the wrath and judgment of God has fallen on the whole world,and they're terrified. So according to Jesus' teaching in Matt.24, He has to have come at least by this point.And this is in the beginning of the judgments,not at the end.
      But there's more, Matt.25 is post text to Jesus' teachings about the signs. In the parable of the ten bridesmaids,who represent the churches. preparing for the groom's return (Jesus), we see "because the groom was delayed in His coming,they ALL grew weary and FELL asleep". During the tribulation period? How is this possible? In Rev.13:7, the Antichrist is destroying,killing, all the saints. I notice it's the saints and not the church. The church hasn't been mentioned since Rev.4.
      But if this is the church, do you really believe that the whole church just FALLS ASLEEP, all the while they're being hunted down and slaughtered? That's also absurd! Tell me you believe this is possible?

    • @larryhoward-cv8ib
      @larryhoward-cv8ib 5 месяцев назад

      @@deydrm wow, you make a lot of valid points. One thing though, I'm not convinced the bride of Christ which is the church is the same thing as bridesmaids?

    • @larryhoward-cv8ib
      @larryhoward-cv8ib 5 месяцев назад

      A bridesmaid is typically a young woman and often the bride's close friend or relative. She attends to the bride on the day of a wedding or marriage ceremony.

    • @larryhoward-cv8ib
      @larryhoward-cv8ib 5 месяцев назад

      @@deydrm so we can see here that a bridesmaid is not the same thing as the bride or churches.

  • @rachelpeterson301
    @rachelpeterson301 4 года назад +34

    Dear brother, grace and blessings to The Most High, Almighty Father. Thank you your message and your channel, it’s so needed and welcomed. We pray that the Glorious Most High Father grant us the strength and bravery to fulfil His Will in these approaching days. Amen 🙏

  • @liasunshine7470
    @liasunshine7470 4 года назад +162

    I totally disagree, but that will NEVER stop me from loving you my Brother & having such a Thankful Heart for your Beautiful work. As said above, I'm Happy for Escape or To Endure. All because of Jesus Christ, he gives us Strength & Joy.

    • @r.j5404
      @r.j5404 4 года назад +5

      @@jamespaulfletcher3276 you too, keep looking up just in case. * Watch and pray always you are counted worthy to escape the things that will come to the earth and stand before the son of man. God bless

    • @slojogojo2766
      @slojogojo2766 4 года назад +13

      Chinese Christians believed the "pretrib rapture doctrine" only to fall away from the faith when the cultural revolution kicked off killing many Chinese Christians now Chinese Christians are enduring in the faith but also rejecting the "pretrib rapture" teaching the way it was from the foundation of the faith and that is in Christ he is that rock that foundation the church was built on and when the storm comes your faith will not be shaken!

    • @liasunshine7470
      @liasunshine7470 4 года назад +17

      The divide on this subject astounds me.

    • @repentantsinner2264
      @repentantsinner2264 4 года назад +23

      I think it’s better to be prepared that there is no pre-trib rapture and be surprised if it’s true than to hang your “blessed hope” on a pre-trib rapture just to realize there’s no such thing and now they gotta hurry up and be mentally prepared for what they’re about to go through.
      But I do disagree on the debates, like one believer isn’t better or worse for believing or not believing in a pre-trib rapture.
      Regardless of pre-trib belief every believer in Christ must read the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation, (not just verses here and there or half chapters there and here, but the entire books) and understand what is to come.

    • @melindamorrison1
      @melindamorrison1 4 года назад +7

      You have as much right to prepare for these tribulations as Noah did building the ark. Stand in holy places and be prepared to suffer for Christ's sake. Those who are not willing to suffer for him are not worthy of him. If you are taken out of here. It will be the angel of death that carries you to God's bosom. If he preserves you you will see many mighty miracles wrought unlike never before on this earth. The tribulations will be worth it all!! Jesus has promised it! I look forward to it.

  • @sportster88
    @sportster88 3 года назад +32

    Great explanation! The dead in Christ will rise first before the rapture of the living occurs.

    • @comingsn2519
      @comingsn2519 3 года назад +2

      Yes this is probably why people get confused

    • @douglasrowland3722
      @douglasrowland3722 3 года назад +2

      HOWEVER....that interval may be measured in minutes........just saying..........

    • @donaldcannon6113
      @donaldcannon6113 3 года назад +1

      Interesting indeed the Two Witnesses Two Prophet's of God Enoch and Elijah come to Bear their Testimony for 3 an half Year's Tormenting the Nation's by Stopping the Rains and turning Water into Blood and Releasing the plagues of Egypt Upon the Nation's and when they finish their Testimony they are Killed by the Beast from the Bottomless Pit Apollyon Abandon and Lay in the Streets for 3 an half days and are Raised from the Dead and Stand on their Feet and Ascend into Heaven while the Entire World Watches and Celebrates their Death. Perhaps Caught Up together with the Dead in Jesus Christ ? Interesting indeed. God Bless You Brother's and Sister's in Jesus Christ we will see !

    • @donaldcannon6113
      @donaldcannon6113 2 года назад

      @Commie Hunter Fortunately it's Not True ! The Tribulation of those Days is the Wrath of Satan Allah, and we the Elect are Gathered Up to meet him in the Air Cloud's of Heaven to Return with him for the Wrath of the Lamb Jesus Christ. When? As Jesus Christ Said Immediately After the Tribulation of those Days After the Sun is Darkened and the Moon No Longer Gives her Light and the Star's Fall from Heaven you will see the Sign of the Son of Man Coming in the Cloud's of Heaven with a Great Shout in the Voice of the Archangel and the Sound of the Trumpet Shofar and Jesus Christ Sends his Angel's to Gather the Elect of God and Jesus Christ to meet him in the Air Cloud's of Heaven to Return with him for the Wrath of the Lamb Jesus Christ, God Bless You

    • @DJSilver88
      @DJSilver88 2 года назад

      @@donaldcannon6113 At the return of the True Messiah, we all will be in our spiritual bodies in that very instant. The ones that died before us are already with our Father as it is written, the instant the silver cord breaks you return to the Father. There will be no flesh left at the 7th trump. Watch the signs and seasons for the thousand years of teaching is near in the Millennium. The 3 and half years has been shortened to 5 months for the Elect's sake. Beloved, have the seal of God in your foreheads, i.e., knowledge that Anti-Christ arrives here first, saying he is Jesus, acting like what looks perfect, peaceful and supernaturally performing events, disguised as the image you have of Jesus. Remember Satan is a scripture lawyer wanting rapture you up‼️ Don't be fooled by this Fake and bow to Baal, he wants your soul. Trust in the Lord, He wants your love. Immanuel ❣️🔥

  • @edwardwicks304
    @edwardwicks304 Год назад +5

    This view is thoroughly Biblical.

    • @user-bs5sr3gh3q
      @user-bs5sr3gh3q 6 месяцев назад

      Did the apostles know what the church was when Jesus taught "Upon this rock I shall build my church,and the gate of hell shall never prevail against it"? No! They didn't know what the church was. That word ecclesia meant "called out ones". Who was that? Did they know the church would be mostly gentiles,under a new covenant,that would abolish the old covenant? No. Not for decades. Only Paul had the "mystery"of the church and the rapture revealed to him.Thirty plus years later. Only the writer of Hebrews knew there was going to be a new covenant,that would abolish the old covenant. Because the new covenant was for gentiles,the church. So,in the Olivet discourse,in three of the gospels, when Jesus taught about His returning,they,and everyone listening to Jesus,who knew the prophets, had no clue about the rapture.Because they didn't have a clue about what the church was! They only knew the Day Of the Lord,which comes at the end of the tribulation. Everyone who followed Jesus was looking for the Messiah to come and set up His kingdom reign. Now look up Revelation 13,5-8. There's another contradiction,one that breaks the promise Jesus made about the church. The Antichrist is given power and authority to conquer,or destroy,the "saints",for 1290 days (Daniel 12 again). Did Jesus teach "the gates of hell shall never prevail ...oh,but only until the Antichrist is revealed. Then the church will be destroyed. No Jesus made a promise to us,the church.
      These 'saints",or holy people in the Greek,are not the church,in the chapters of judgment in Revelation beginning from chapter 6. BUT,the churches are there up to Revelation 4. before the judgements. The 144000 Jews from the 12 tribes of Israel,are not the church. And they are sealed with the Spirit,not indwelt.
      Jesus taught He could return at any time. This is called the doctrine of imminency. Jesus and the apostles wrote about this many times.Matt.24:43,1 Thess.5:2, 2 Peter 3:10. Jesus can come like "a thief in the night". But in a post rib view,there is no imminency. Why,because the number of days is specifically mentioned in Daniel12:
      11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.This is confirmed in Rev.13:5. Now,Jesus directly referred to the "abomination"in Daniel. There is no Jesus can return at any time,so we have to keep watch and be ready,in post trib. All we have to do is wait for the Antichrist to enter the temple and perpetrate the abomination,and the countdown begins. 1335 days when the "abomination"takes place,and the daily sacrifices are abolished,and the Messiah,who is Jesus,returns to set up His kingdom reign. There's no arguing this,it right there plain as day. Jesus directly quoted this verse in Daniel 12. Do you think the Jews didn't know this prophecy? Well the Pharisees surely did. So why would Jesus teach that He could come at any time? Why should we "be sober and alert,keeping watch over the signs of His coming. In the Greek, this is a command,not a suggestion.But we know when Jesus is coming back from this prophecy in Daniel 12. But the rapture,which is not Jesus coming back to the earth,to judge and reign,but it's the church being taken,"harpazo" ,1 Thess.4,17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.into the clouds. It's the rapture that can happen at any time!
      2. Jesus taught His return will be just BEFORE, the judgment of the world, like in "the days of Noah",where people were living their lives,"business as usual",making plans for dinner,to get married,and see their children marry,etc.And they were completely unaware that judgment was upon them. So,here's a scriptural contradiction,Rev.6:12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the [h]moon became like blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 Then the sky [i]receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. 15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
      See that? These people ARE aware that God's judgment is upon them,and they're terrified! And this is just the beginning of the tribulation period. Jesus taught He would return just BEFORE the judgments begin, this has to be pretrib.
      Matt.24:38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, SO ALSO will the coming of the Son of Man be. 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
      Verse 40,this is the rapture. They're taken (away),not killed. It's very clear,they're not killed,they're taken.And the other was left.
      It's absurd to believe that people will be eating and drinking (eating and drinking what? With all the famines,plagues, earthquakes,1/3 of all the green grass burned away,1/3 of the ocean dies,even if there is food in certain areas,1/3 pf all the ships destroyed.And this in just one of the trumpet judgments!) making plans to get married,and see their children grow up and marry?! People living their lives,business as usual,during the tribulation? No way!
      The Rapture is NOT Jesus returning to set up His kingdom. That does happen at the end of the tribulation period,ok? The rapture is US,the Church, being taken away into the cloud to be with Jesus. And then,the wedding feast of the lamb will begin,while the tribulation begins on Earth.And,further confirmation of this is in Matt.25,the parable of the bridesmaids. Remember,the ones who ran out of oil were left out of the wedding feast? The wedding feast will be celebrated when the church,the bride,is raptured.
      Here's the last thing, in post trib,what event signifies the tribulation has begun? In pretrib,it's the rapture that begins the tribulation period. And the rapture itself,IS a judgment being pronounced upon the world.1 Thess.5:5 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
      How can Jesus come like a Thief In The Night? Daniel 12 says 1335 days from the abomination(in the temple)and the daily sacrifices are abolished,and The Messiah,Jesus,comes to judge the earth,and set up God's kingdom reign. There's no getting around this! Only the rapture,before the tribulation,before the inescapable worldwide destruction coming upon the Earth,can happen unexpectantly.
      If you can refute this argument,or contradict my interpretations,form scripture, you'll be the first Post trib believer ever to do so. And I've been teaching and defending Pre Trib for over 40 years now,not one Post trib beleive could or would answer these contradictions.

  • @christopherdowns8286
    @christopherdowns8286 3 года назад +205

    We need to focus on endurance because we won’t be able to build it up when everything comes falling down.

    • @niecyh2313
      @niecyh2313 3 года назад +10

      Fasting and prayer is the key

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад +9

      @@niecyh2313 Prayer and fasting are important, but the single most important thing is learning to cooperate with God in His discipline.

    • @keziakandii
      @keziakandii 3 года назад +10

      That’s why God says his bride must be prepared. When need the word of God.

    • @niecyh2313
      @niecyh2313 3 года назад +1

      @@kenklein9120 God gives you disciple when you fast, pray and study the word consistently. If it’s not a lifestyle you won’t know what I’m speaking about.

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад +8

      @@niecyh2313 There is discipline in that, and yes, I do know what you're talking about. However, scripture tells us that it is God who disciplines us in our day to day lives. Job gives us an example of how God does this. He leads us into difficult circumstances during which He shows us what we're really like, and that's when we deal with these issues.

  • @lillianliber1798
    @lillianliber1798 4 года назад +251

    Jesus did not tell us the time of his return, he told us to live each day as if it might be the day. All this dissention is Satan's way of dividing Christians against each other. Be born again in the Blood and live a life led by the holy spirit. What is coming will come as God has ordained. Follow the teachings , Love God and Love Thy Neighbour. Trust only the scriptures, the Living Word!

    • @1Bucsbabe
      @1Bucsbabe 4 года назад +8

      Amen! 💯💯🙌🏽

    • @wesleygordon1645
      @wesleygordon1645 4 года назад +8

      We differ on many things because we are human.Not always the devils doing.

    • @MeatTheBible
      @MeatTheBible 4 года назад +9

      I'm thinking He did tell us when He will return. Revelation 11:11, 84 hours after the two witnesses are killed. You can set your watch by it people. This is at the end of the Tribulation by the way.

    • @joshuaortiz6739
      @joshuaortiz6739 4 года назад +7

      Meet†heBible no it's not. The tribulation is not for the followers of Christ. It's for the non followers of Christ. And Jesus Himself said no one knows day/hour (depends on version) except the Father. Mathew 24:36.

    • @maczaira3877
      @maczaira3877 4 года назад +3

      Not the devil always, but our own flesh. Good message! “Be born again in the blood and live a life led by the Holy Spirit” great message 🙏🏻

  • @theprepperrevelator
    @theprepperrevelator 4 года назад +40

    My Dad pastored and served God his entire adult life and he said the rapture would be pan meaning it would all pan out in the end! He trusted God in all things including in His return! Trust and serve God in all things and have confidence that God is never late but always right on time!

    • @georgettedowns354
      @georgettedowns354 4 года назад +1


    • @MeatTheBible
      @MeatTheBible 4 года назад +2

      That would be foolish cuz you cannot buy or sell during the Tribulation. You will be forced to take thec mark if you do not prepare.

    • @danielschouteeten9421
      @danielschouteeten9421 4 года назад +1

      @@MeatTheBible I guess that you mean with preparing: stacking food? Then I kind of agree. Not that you will be forced, you always have a decision, and they will give you that choice in that time. I am just wandering of how you can stack up food for more than 3 years.? I don't have a giant storage place. Well, may be I can use the garage? :)

    • @paulbarnes7211
      @paulbarnes7211 4 года назад +4

      There are two other possibilities. 1). To be self-supporting by growing produce; 2) that God will supernaturally feed or sustain His children as He fed Elijah during the days of famine and drought.

    • @MeatTheBible
      @MeatTheBible 4 года назад

      @@paulbarnes7211 Possible.

  • @margaretconnors5879
    @margaretconnors5879 Год назад +11

    Shalom brother Dalton. God has just opened my eyes to both yours and Joel's teachings. I thought after 40 odd years that I knew the plan and purpose of God completely. NOW I HAVE JUST LEARNT I WAS WTONG CONCRRNING THE RAPTURE ALSO YOU ARE OPENING UP REVELATION LIKE I CANT BELIEVE. WELL I DO BELIEVE, BUT AM AMAZED AT WHAT I THOUGHT I HAD A GOOD GRIP O
    I WILL BE LISTENING TO ALL YOUR LESSONS WITH GREAT DELIGHT. I HAD TO TELL MY SISTER FRIEND THAT " GUESS WHAT , WE HAVE BEEN WRONG ABOUT A FEW THINGS " SO SHE NOW IS LIKE ME LOOKING AT FRONTIER ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL, AND YOU TWO DEAR BROTHERS. We can't believe how wrong we have been. She said " does that mean I have to tell my husband that I won't be rapture " ah. He has been traumatised about it because he is an unbeliever. God bless you both, maranatha and Amen Amen🙏🏻🕎

    • @stryker1999
      @stryker1999 Год назад +2

      Welcome to the Troublesome Side. 😅

    • @warriophecy8499
      @warriophecy8499 Год назад

      Troublesome: That's because you are traitors to the Lord (2 Peter 2:1-22).
      Soon, this year or sometime through the beginning of fall 2027, there will be three days/nights of blackness and darkness as prophesied (Matt 12:39-40) in which the pretrib rapture will occur (Days of Noah; days of Lot; days of Jews' exodus from Egypt, Isaiah 66:7-9; Rev 4:1-2, 12:5). This is the night when no one can work (John 9:4). If you are an apostate believing/espousing lies against Him, you must return to Him by the time of the blackness or darkness or you will be forever separated from Him. Otherwise, in this night, fear will take hold of you. (Isaiah 21:4) You will seek but not find. You will call out to Him but He will not answer you.
      I do not judge nor condemn you or anyone else. I merely declare the truth. One's own words will either justify or condemn them on that day (Matt 12:37). For Christ will not come to judge the wicked, as the words He has spoken will judge them (John 12:47-48).
      I warn out of love.
      I am a watchman on the wall for the Lord Jesus Christ

  • @tamarakelli687
    @tamarakelli687 4 года назад +52

    Very true! Thank you, brother! Studying the Bible for many years, I see and read what you are speaking about. If you truly study, alone, and praying beforehand, GOD will reveal to you what you need to know.

    • @georgeadams6277
      @georgeadams6277 4 года назад

      @Revolutions For Tomorrow COVID19VACCINEHELLFIRE You are correct on this.. Patent number is (WO-2020-06-06-06-A1). The hydrogel contains a DNA altering vaccine to make a human into a GMO post-human which is patented and therefore the person will be owned by the patent holder. It also contains nanotech ID and tracker as well as the mark. For all we know it could either kill a person or even turn them into a "zombie" but that's just a wild guess. It's obvious that this would be a horrific choice for anyone and their soul.

    • @georgeadams6277
      @georgeadams6277 4 года назад

      @Revolutions For Tomorrow COVID19VACCINEHELLFIRE You're correct on AI and all. Not a man but maybe an "alien" hence being able to do miracles etc.. Still sit on a throne in the rebuilt temple and call himself god. yes.. little g. At least we're here to hash all this out. Thank you for your input.

    • @georgeadams6277
      @georgeadams6277 4 года назад

      @Revolutions For Tomorrow COVID19VACCINEHELLFIRE Ok good point but there's always a figurehead or leader to exhibit a personal charisma to sway the masses and what about that "sit on throne in new temple and calling himself god " part? Ok maybe not a man but an "Alien". Just a wild guess. I'm not here to debate but get the clearest possible picture on all sides as Bible is both symbolic and literal. You have a point about the direct translation from Greek but wasn't Daniel originally written in Hebrew? It also described the one who was the most vile. I just don't want to miss any details and I apologize for being annoying. Thank you for your input.

    • @georgeadams6277
      @georgeadams6277 4 года назад

      @Revolutions For Tomorrow COVID19VACCINEHELLFIRE Yes.. got it

    • @georgeadams6277
      @georgeadams6277 4 года назад

      @Revolutions For Tomorrow COVID19VACCINEHELLFIRE You went thru the effort to respond and thru that you want me to know what I should. I will view your videos and Thank you for your compassion.

  • @darcy333
    @darcy333 3 года назад +82

    Discernment, I have a lot of catching up to do. Holy Spirit guide me. Amen

    • @noraplowshay8784
      @noraplowshay8784 3 года назад +2


    • @56username
      @56username 3 года назад +2

      Hidden Mystery
      Colossians 1:26-28
      Hid from ages and and generations.
      The Holy Sprit Has come into the Gentiles now for the Mystery when you ask Jesus to live in you He did . Christ in you, the hope of glory. Jesus is in Living in You . Next time you sin think about who is in you
      God Bless
      I’m going in the Rapture

    • @DrHogfan
      @DrHogfan 3 года назад

      What does The Bible say about not getting tattoos in Leviticus.

    • @DrHogfan
      @DrHogfan 3 года назад

      @Sonny Bruschetta Well, if "you" had the money to get them put on ,find the $ to get them removed ? If you're like this guy ,preaching the Word, I would suggest to not put his "tats" on display. No ,we're not under the law but that doesn't mean we do have to worry about The Old Testament. If I was on trial and my lawyer decided to get a tattoo on his forehead the day before my trial I'd know that I was in trouble. What I say doesn't make a hill of beans as far as people getting tats are concerned. Heck ,my daughter ended up getting a small cross on her wrist after I told her(and my other daughter) to not get them. But as far as me sitting in a Church where the Preacher is covered with tattoos...thats probably not going to happen.

    • @DrHogfan
      @DrHogfan 3 года назад

      @Sonny Bruschetta Never said a tattoo would keep you being saved. I don't drink ,smoke, use drugs or mess around on my wife but I have a very bad problem with using profanity. I know it's wrong and I know it could be a stumbling block to my kids or people I'm around. I would never tell my daughters it's ok to cuss. Likewise I'm not going to encourage my daughters to get tattoos . I don't know why God put that Verse in Leviticus 19:28 but I'm sure he had a good reason.

  • @tracyrobinson-stevens9307
    @tracyrobinson-stevens9307 3 года назад +182

    Amen brother. Jesus did say he will appear after the tribulation. Thank you Holy Spirit

    • @donnashafer2636
      @donnashafer2636 3 года назад +14

      Sorry you are wrong. The great tribe is Jacobs trouble. Not ours. GOD SAYS do no fear. The tribes canibalism, beheadings etc. NOT FOR US!!!

    • @donnashafer2636
      @donnashafer2636 3 года назад +3


    • @gatzu8599
      @gatzu8599 3 года назад +6

      @mal'ak emeth well, can't YOU read?
      1 thess 4:16-17 says Jesus comes back *again* 1st, and the rapture happens right after

    • @gatzu8599
      @gatzu8599 3 года назад +12

      @@donnashafer2636 we will experience jacob's trouble ....
      Gentiles has been grafted into the spiritual stock of Abraham

    • @gatzu8599
      @gatzu8599 3 года назад +5

      @mal'ak emeth About 1 Thess 4:16....
      That verse happens at the battle of armeggedon?
      But, verse 17 says verse 16 happens at the rapture....
      17 THEN (right after verse 16) we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
      So is verse 17 telling the truth, that Jesus coming from heaven, *again* , right before the rapture?
      Is verse 17 NOT telling the truth, and Jesus coming back from heaven, *again* , happens right before the battle of Armageddon ?

  • @michaeldonnawilliams8613
    @michaeldonnawilliams8613 Год назад +19

    I've been watching you for a year and I finally found my family. I'm 61 and I have never believed in the prerapter-tribulation . It is so refreshing to have men and women out there that want to help us get ready for thee worst Tribulation at the end of the age. 🕎✡✝️🐟🕊🥳 MARANATHA!

    • @junea7794
      @junea7794 Год назад

      I just saw a TV commercial all men who were kissing each other advertising medication for aids. Sick, sick society. The other day my friend said her 14 yr old granddaughter decided she wants to be a man and have surgery. Can things get worse? you bet they will. The other day a 6 yr old boy shot his teacher. In my city there are shootings all day long from morning to night someone is shot or robbed or raped, or died from drug overdose. A husband chopped up his wife. A crazy guy killed 4 college students for no reason. They were sleeping. On & on. It never ends. We are in the Tribulation. Floods, storms, blizzards, wars, hatred, crooked leaders. This is the tribulation. We are in it now. Matthew 24: 29-30 Jesus said immediately after the tribulation he will return. Be ready for we know not the day or hour.

    • @klausmkl
      @klausmkl Год назад

      Read Foxes book of martyrs , its free online, it will strengthen your faith

    • @stunnedmulletblah9714
      @stunnedmulletblah9714 Год назад

      @@klausmkl what site mate ?

  • @luthermcgee3767
    @luthermcgee3767 2 года назад +8

    And, FAI STUDIOS- point on. Believe it or not, you're the only video that has stayed faithful to scripture. And I've seen dozens. And thanks for mentioning Corrie ten Boone. She was one phenomenal woman. GOD BLESS!And, MARANATHA!!

  • @damascusellison643
    @damascusellison643 2 года назад +14

    Its about time someone is teaching what the bible says clearly.I was exposed to bad teaching on end times too until I read scripture to find the truth for myself.The dead in Christ rise first before the rapture,its very simple.The dead in Christ rise at the last trumpet
    after the great tribulation.

    • @kerryn1671
      @kerryn1671 2 года назад

      Ask the Holy Spirit for discernment for you. There is lots of good teaching on RUclips channels but also plenty of error. This teaching is not convincing.

    • @halfsheephalfjesus7357
      @halfsheephalfjesus7357 2 года назад

      Very good. Pre tribbers are fake Christians. They will be saved, but only into and for the 1000 years. Being saved is not for eternity according to Romans.

    • @juanrivera3969
      @juanrivera3969 2 года назад +2

      Jesus said He'd raise His disciples and those who believe in Him" in the last day", (John 6:38-44) THE dead rising first at a pre-trib rapture- is not the"last day". amen. Let's keep in prayer.

    • @TheAnianite
      @TheAnianite 2 года назад


  • @alitacoetzee991
    @alitacoetzee991 2 года назад +58

    Thank you this is what I come to belief too as I read the Bible and this is set out so clearly...

  • @Dingdongwitchisdead
    @Dingdongwitchisdead Год назад +11

    As a teen and student of scripture back in mid 80’s I have not subscribed to a Pretrib rapture. I was the only person I knew that didn’t for years and for years in denominational churches I got blow back. Pat Robertson was the first one that I heard that similarly believed as I did.

    • @stryker1999
      @stryker1999 Год назад +2

      Same here. I was mid-trib until Pat spoke about it on The 700 Club. I had to look at what he was saying closely, and by golly, it was right there in Scripture plain as day. Some will string passages together, but Christians have been dying by the thousands in our time every year. No Rapture for them, who are likely more righteous than we?

  • @hebertle1
    @hebertle1 4 года назад +132

    I wonder how many will lose their faith if the rapture doesn't happen and they have to endure the Tribulation??

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 4 года назад +23

      It's called the great delusion.

    • @josephsalazar7643
      @josephsalazar7643 4 года назад +53

      True believers will never lose there faith

    • @repentantsinner2264
      @repentantsinner2264 4 года назад +36

      I don’t think they’ll lose their faith, but they do run the risk of believing the mark of the beast isn’t the mark since they believe the mark comes after they are raptured. But then they won’t be the elect if they are deceived since the elect cannot be deceived. Pray your loved ones are part of the elect (if we will even be alive during that time since we can die any day).

    • @justindavine3940
      @justindavine3940 4 года назад


    • @justindavine3940
      @justindavine3940 4 года назад +29

      I was taught at the very beginning of my faith about a pretribulation rapture. Even at that young age, when I read Matthew 24 for myself, I had trouble seeing it that way. What Jesus says there is very straightforward and even someone very young can understand it. As I read it for the first time I kept wondering when I was gonna read about the great “snatching away” but it just seemed like more and more “birth pangs” were happening before any mention of it. From that day forward, I had doubts believing in a pretribulation rapture.

  • @valleysgardens6697
    @valleysgardens6697 3 года назад +155

    Yeshua in John 17, when he prayed for the apostles he prayed, father I don't ask you to take them out of the world, but keep them from the evil.

    • @thewhole_picture1743
      @thewhole_picture1743 3 года назад +1

      Yes but that was specifically to His disciples as the surrounding scriptures make clear.

    • @thewhole_picture1743
      @thewhole_picture1743 3 года назад +5

      @Kevin Belgrove This is a different topic, but OK. Almighty God Himself confused the languages and was responsible for all the different languages that exist. In each language there is a different word for the same thing therefore. Many people use the name of Jesus to heal, cast out demons and repel demons. It's simply the transliteration from the Hebrew.

    • @thewhole_picture1743
      @thewhole_picture1743 3 года назад +3

      @Kevin Belgrove I'm not inclined to get into a debate, it's fruitless. God bless you.

    • @michaellacoopman2303
      @michaellacoopman2303 3 года назад +9

      @Kevin Belgrove I promise you, Jesus/Yeshua cares much more about your love for the brethren rather then what name you use for your savior. For we all believe in the sacrificial lamb. The king.

    • @michaellacoopman2303
      @michaellacoopman2303 3 года назад +4

      @Kevin Belgrove literally not giving my energy to you. I share the gospel all the time but I hope you know works will never save you. They are like dirty filth rags. Jesus Christ Blood will cover our sin and his richeousness will be imputed onto us. What false religion do you follow? Catholic?

  • @jackhiggs317
    @jackhiggs317 4 года назад +326

    Everyone better hang on and build positive relationships and endurance we are in for a wild ride til the end Brothers and sisters take care out there .

    • @knowhim333
      @knowhim333 4 года назад +22

      Pre trib and mid trib can be debated with scripture, but post trib is not a biblical option.
      1Thess 5:9 We are not appointed to wrath.
      Rev 6 Gods wrath comes.
      Luke 21:28 tells us that when we BEGIN to see these things, to Look up! because our redemption draws close. God bless you!!♡

    • @2028end
      @2028end 4 года назад +3

      Jack Higgs, Yup, it's been written since 2008 Christ returns 2028.

    • @Alaina420ful
      @Alaina420ful 4 года назад +8

      There is someyhing missing or wrong with you if you describe going through God's wrath as a wild ride. SMH

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 4 года назад +2

      @@Alaina420ful Is it smooth sailing?

    • @polskigirl8547
      @polskigirl8547 4 года назад +20

      Get yourselves mentally and spiritually prepared to endure, persevere, and to finish the race...

  • @gwentomlinson4205
    @gwentomlinson4205 2 года назад +22

    After many years of reading I totally agree with you.

  • @harryvaliente9425
    @harryvaliente9425 3 года назад +26


  • @bryndlebsings5714
    @bryndlebsings5714 2 года назад +163

    I stand on the scriptures found in Rev. 3:7 "Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth." I also lean toward a Pre-Wrath rapture. Rev. 7:13 "Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
    I lean toward a God "Pre-Wrath" rapture. I believe that there is a difference between Satan's wrath and God's wrath. We should all be willing to stand in faith and be willing to die as a martyr. I pray everyone reads the Bible while they can.

      @VOLKHVORONOVICH 2 года назад +33

      Compare Revelation 3:10 (not 3:7) "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." with John 17:15 "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil." The Believer will not be kept from the hour of temptation by whisked off the planet, because Jesus Himself prayed that the believers not be taken out of the world. But they will be kept from the evil, the hour of temptation, just as the Children of Israel in Egypt were kept from the evil of the Plagues, and were not removed from Egypt until the Final Plague broke the last of Pharaoh's resistance.
      You need to be more careful to get the right reference. Revelation 7:13 says, "And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?" It does not say, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." That's Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29, 3:6, 13 and 22.

    • @antoniordasilva3177
      @antoniordasilva3177 2 года назад +32

      How many Christians have died for jesus christ sake in the past 2.000.00 years . Why we will be save from tribulation and mabe killed. If I have to be prosecuted and killed for jesus christ. It will be a honor. Be vigilant stand firm in christ instant in prayer till the end. The very end we are to be ready dally and night.we are to speak up about jesus anywhere and everywhere we go. We are to carry the word off go with out sheme..

    • @lukehoyhtya7289
      @lukehoyhtya7289 2 года назад +14

      Amen. I love when other people understand truth and don't try and skew scripture like Dalton. Praying he turns from his false teaching. The Bible definitely talks about men like him. False teachers.

    • @37south47
      @37south47 2 года назад +7

      @@lukehoyhtya7289 so you are saying the info in this video is false teaching?

    • @matthewisaacgonzalez
      @matthewisaacgonzalez 2 года назад +13

      @@37south47 i do not believe it is false teaching as whether you agree or not with this, is not a matter of salvation. u should listen to somone who fully believes in pre-trib as well. Get strong opinions from believers that are pre and post, and do your own reading, and find where you land :)

  • @mightywind7595
    @mightywind7595 2 года назад +223

    Mathew 24:13 He that endures to the end shall be saved. Self explanatory.

    • @mikesmith6461
      @mikesmith6461 2 года назад +7

      Good luck Rambo

    • @kenklein9228
      @kenklein9228 2 года назад +10

      You're correct.

    • @Griff-eu6xc
      @Griff-eu6xc 2 года назад +15

      "Escape all these things". Self explanatory.

    • @bluboohoug6998
      @bluboohoug6998 2 года назад +23

      @@mikesmith6461 We who TRUST our Lord trust that He is the one who can provide for our well-being in every and all circumstances. HE is all powerful, all-knowing, and omni-present. Why should we have any worries. Wherever HE leads us, He provides for us.

    • @katiefaith5381
      @katiefaith5381 2 года назад +6

      So clear so powerful YET so ignored....

  • @Stepwel4two
    @Stepwel4two Год назад +29

    Thank you, I to have walked away from the pre tribulation rapture, what it does to peoples thinking is dangerous, as it leads people to a false hope. People need to be prepared for what’s to come.

    • @Jammaster1972
      @Jammaster1972 Год назад

      Are you referring to Titus 2:11?

    • @stevejeffries6945
      @stevejeffries6945 Год назад


    • @cyrusdavid6653
      @cyrusdavid6653 Год назад +2

      Paul wouldn’t tell us to encourage each other with this mystery if it included enduring God’s wrath. We escape God’s wrath.

    • @warriophecy8499
      @warriophecy8499 Год назад

      Christ knows the day and the hour, as He knows all things (John 16:30, 21:17). We can too! The day is gleaned from Lev 23:23-25, Col 2:16-17, Psalm 81:3 and Hosea 5:7. The hour is gleaned from 1 Cor 15:52 and Gen 19:23. Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 are idioms relating to the Jewish wedding ceremony, as He and His disciples could relate to that, a common thread from which to pull.
      So, stop telling lies against the Lord. Ask Christ to anoint your eyes with eye salve such that you see Him again. Then be zealous and repent of your heresy(ies) and blasphemy(ies) and say a new salvation statement unto the Lord (Rev 3:18-20).
      I do not judge nor condemn you or anyone else. I merely declare the truth, contending for the faith, as it is, not as I want it to be but as the Holy Spirit reveals. One's own words will either justify or condemn them on that day (Matt 12:37). For Christ will not come to judge the wicked, as the words He has spoken will judge them (John 12:47-48).
      I warn out of love to those walking on the broad road. (1 John 4:8)
      I am a watchman on the wall for the Lord Jesus Christ (Ezekiel)

    • @jsteele650
      @jsteele650 8 месяцев назад

      Don't let false doctrines steal your crown. The church is in division because they don't see the ranks of the resurrection. There is a pretrib rapture but not all those that believe in pretrib will go in pretrib.The Philadelphian saints are the church of BROTHERLY LOVE. The bride wants all saints to be harvested with the barley company at pretrib. The bulk of the church will reject the bridal calling. Believers will go to heaven when they are ready to be harvested. The crop must be ready before it can be harvested. Barley and wheat are both grain companies that are both planted at the same time, in the autumn. Barley matures faster than wheat and is harvested in the spring. BARLEY IS THE BRIDE, and she leaves at pretrib. Wheat is harvested in the summer. Wheat is the great multitude church gathered in Rev 7..... THE VIRGINS WITHOUT NUMBER AKA THE INNUMERABLE COMPANY! The final company, caught up at midtrib, before the open door is shut, are the grapes that are gathered at midtrib. The grapes are the 144,000 Jews. The Jews finally believe Christ is their king because they gleaned the truth from the Barley and wheat companies.
      If there is a LAST TRUMP, there is a FIRST TRUMP. If there is a HIGH CALLING, there is a LESSER CALLING. The bridal remnant will be a joint heir as husband and wife. The bulk of the church will be only heirs as children.
      The barley bride is taken up in Rev 4 at pretrib, where he tells John, "COME UP HERE!". This is a very small remnant of the church that leaves at pretrib. All christians are called for this HIGH AND HEAVENLY CALLING, but few will be chosen. The bulk of the church is in a DEEP SLEEP like Adam. While Adam ( the church) slept, God was forming a bride from a rib ((TAKEN OUT OF)) Adam. This is a rib portion, a very small remnant that makes up this bridal company.
      The bulk of the church has spots and wrinkles in their robes that will be cleaned in the first part of the tribulation period. How do they have wrinkles in their robes? They are in a deep sleep! When you're lying down in these robes, they get wrinkled. They have spots because of false doctrines.
      There is a pretrib rapture, and the bulk of the church, like yourself, will reject the truth. The Lord will use this bridal remnant to speak in these last days. This remnant will be a mouthpiece unto God. She will be rejected by the church and the world before she departs.
      Hebrews 12:25
      [25]See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:
      Isaiah 1:9
      [9]Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.
      The truth will get many angry. It will be a stark contrast of things you learned your entire life! The verse about John being caught up at pretrib is only one verse, brother. The Lord has it beautifully woven from the Old to the New Testament. We will go to heaven by ranks, just as Paul said.
      1 Corinthians 15:23
      [23]But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. ORDER MEANS RANKS.
      ●●●There are 3 stories on Noah's ark for the 3 companies escaping through the open door by rank and order.
      Go read it! The world taught us, as a child, that the ark was loaded by 2's. The truth is they first loaded by 7's then by 2's!!!
      Genesis 7:2
      [2]Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
      ●●● When Peter had the vision of the fitted sheet with all manner of beasts inside. These are saints from the 4 corners of the earth of every nation and tongue. He saw this sheet come down THRICE....3 TIMES FOR 3 COMPANIES OF BELIEVERS!!
      ●●● 3 companies of people will be caught up by ranks before the middle of the week....BARLEY, WHEAT, AND GRAPES. The barley company is the ONLY COMPANY that is harvested by WINNOWING. All the remaining companies need a threshing floor of tribulation to do a finishing work before they are caught up. The wheat is CRUSHED by the tribullum board, grapes are TREAD, and olives are PRESSED on the threshing floor of tribulation.
      ●●● There will be 3 companies of light. He is the LIGHT, and as we take in his Word, we become light. The more we consume, the brighter we become. We decrease, and he increases! The 3 light companies are Sun glory saints, moon glory saints, and star glory saints. Those bridal sun glory saints SHINE WHILE IT IS STILL DAYTIME!
      Do I need to ask you when the moon and stars shine?!? The moon and star glory saints shine during the night season of tribulation.
      There is so much more. This is only a glimpse of what is in the Word regarding a 3 part harvest.

  • @sarahbethbliss3112
    @sarahbethbliss3112 3 года назад +43

    And why would God “rapture” us when the Tribulation will be one of the most powerful and amazing times to share the Gospel! It will be a great harvest!

    • @comingsn2519
      @comingsn2519 3 года назад +4

      Yes exactly! Its not only part of church history. Its not in the bible and its illogical! God is a logical God!

    • @josephgarrett3075
      @josephgarrett3075 3 года назад +4

      because the purpose of The Great Tribulation is wrath.

    • @christianastrophobe
      @christianastrophobe 3 года назад +7

      @@josephgarrett3075 No, that comes after. Tribulation and wrath are very different.

    • @tonyaosier1678
      @tonyaosier1678 3 года назад +1

      Tribulation is for the Jews who didn't receive Jesus when he came the first time. Should there be anyone left who took the mark then they're all going to the Lake of Fire with Satan.

    • @Yaqub_ysarahal
      @Yaqub_ysarahal 3 года назад +2

      We got some wisdom going on here! I agree!

  • @daymanmurray4250
    @daymanmurray4250 3 года назад +80

    “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with [h]carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may [i]be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:34-36

    • @zacharytrue5494
      @zacharytrue5494 3 года назад +17

      Praying to escape does not mean Escape from the tribulation, 1st Peter 1:5, it means that your faith will keep you protected from whatever comes at you

    • @Mike65809
      @Mike65809 3 года назад +6

      Yes, pray you can escape the fact that it will come as a trap. Yet Jesus and Paul both say to be awake and sober and watching. That is what it is saying. Besides, since when does standing before the Son of Man mean the rapture?

    • @KallyKafritsas
      @KallyKafritsas 3 года назад +15

      Dayman..amen brother, this people are ignorant fools, children of their father the devil. They cannot discern the Rapture of the redeemed bride of Christ, verses the elect of Israel, the 7 year time of Jacob's Trouble. For the Rapture, Jesus comes for those who LOOK for His appearing. The Second Coming the Redeemed follow Jesus OUT of Heaven, and EVERY eye shall see Him. In Revelation 4 and 5 we see a door open in Heaven (same door the wise virgins enter) we hear a voice that sounds like a TRUMPET, saying 'Come up hither' (the rapture) in a twinkling of an eye we are in Heaven. Now we see the REDEEMED Around the throne, caught up out of EVERY tribe, nation, and people, casting their crowns, singing a new song, waiting for Jesus to begin opening the FIRST seal...BEFORE...the tribulation begins.

    • @KallyKafritsas
      @KallyKafritsas 3 года назад

      @@zacharytrue5494 You do err. One simple question, who are the redeemed?

    • @kevinvirnelson7868
      @kevinvirnelson7868 3 года назад +9

      @@KallyKafritsas Amen! We have NOT been appointed to wrath 1thess 5:9

  • @lovegod.lovepeople3937
    @lovegod.lovepeople3937 3 года назад +10

    When I first came across this video, I was a pre trib believer and I couldn’t even finish the video bc my mind was so closed off. As I have been reading the Bible MYSELF for months for the first time, absolutely no other teacher, preacher ect other than the Holy Spirit. This video now makes 100% sense to me.

    • @kenklein9228
      @kenklein9228 3 года назад +1

      Yep. The Olivet Discourse gives us a basic framework if we read it without tampering from others, and allowing the Holy Spirit to help us with it.

    • @fernandodeleon4115
      @fernandodeleon4115 2 года назад

      I hope this can help you understand the differences of the two comings, sister. 2Ths 2:2 must be read in King James Bible or New King James bible because most other bibles use the word= the day of the (Lord), when it should read= the day of (Christ), to see the difference of the two days at the bottom, that are different.
      Rapture or Caught Up:
      *Jesus meets us(the Church) in the air, 1Ths 4:17
      *The Lord comes by Himself, 1Ths 4:16
      *the Day of Christ, 2Ths 2:2/Phi 1:6,10/Phi 2:16
      2nd coming:
      *Jesus sets foot on the earth, Zec 14:1-5/Rom 11:26,27
      *The Lord comes with His angels, Mat 25:31/Mat 24:29-31/Mat 16:27
      *the Day of the Lord, 1Ths 5:2/2Pet 3:10
      >>>Mat 24:36-44 is the 2nd coming, the Day of the Lord as a thief in the night.

  • @barrykiseiewski5368
    @barrykiseiewski5368 2 года назад +35

    THANK YOU!!! I'M SOOOOO GLAD SOME ONE is telling the truth

    • @garvinsmith4555
      @garvinsmith4555 Год назад +1

      But he's not telling the truth.

    • @kenklein9228
      @kenklein9228 Год назад +2

      @@garvinsmith4555 He IS telling the truth about the rapture being post trib.

    • @garvinsmith4555
      @garvinsmith4555 Год назад

      @@kenklein9228 In mathew 24 jesus made it pretty clear there won't be a post-trib rapture.

    • @kenklein9228
      @kenklein9228 Год назад +2

      @@garvinsmith4555 Quite the opposite.

    • @garvinsmith4555
      @garvinsmith4555 Год назад

      ,@@kenklein9228I think you're confusing the days of the son of man with the days that led to the second coming of Christ. In the days of the son of man, or the days leading up to the Rapture and the Lord's final judgment, the people are going to be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage as the people were, in the days leading up to the flood. But the days that led to the second coming of Christ are going to be days of great tribulation, a time when the people's number one priority is to stay alive, and getting married and giving in marriage may just be the farthest thing from their minds, people will be dying so much and so fast, that if those days are not shortened not even the elect will be saved. So you see my brother why there cannot, and will not be a post-tribulation Rapture.

  • @vernarodriguez2347
    @vernarodriguez2347 2 года назад +44

    I've read the whole Bible several times & he's right...

    • @allhailourmediaoverlords7824
      @allhailourmediaoverlords7824 2 года назад +7

      I was PreTrib like most by default. Now that I've heard anyone preach on PostTrib, it makes everything make sense. The timelines all match up now. I found out through Kent Hovind's th a Creation Science ministry. There are scarce few speaking about this. However, the close we get to the end. The more it will make sense and gods word will be revealed.
      PreTrib was a dream of a Scottish Jesuit girl in 1830. It is not the historic position of the church.

    • @VickyRBenson
      @VickyRBenson 2 года назад +3

      I was privileged to grow up in South Africa as the child of missionaries, and I learned to love the Bible. I had never heard of the pre-Trib Rapture “theory” until I was 16 and walked into a Christian bookstore in the States and saw a featured book with a subtitle: “What to do if you miss the Rapture.” I was so stunned at the idea of the possibility of someone coming to Christ (repenting) after the Rapture and remember wondering how such a heresy could be sold in an evangelical Christian bookstore! Later I came across a small book by John Valvoord called “50 Reasons Why I Believe in a Pre-tribulation Rapture.” I thought I should read it and found I really wanted to believe it was true. After all, 50 reasons was a lot of reasons! But as I read, my heart began to sink more and more, until I reached the end and realized that NONE of the 50 reasons was backed up by a single Scripture! It could not be true!
      In fact, John Valvoord of Dallas Theological Seminary was known to have said there WAS NO “direct” Scripture supporting it, and yet he still believed it and promoted it. Nowadays, many Scriptures are given to make it sound true. Many of them have to do with escaping the wrath of God, which of course we all know to be true. I like to listen to people promoting this view (and I don’t think of them as heretics if they preach the true gospel and especially if they know that Christians go through trials and tribulations and must be strong in their faith). But I see more and more on both sides are making it a divisive issue. But as I hear each new “reason” (inference) and search the Scriptures to see if it is so, as a good Berean is encouraged to do, I find even more reasons to believe it is NOT so!
      The ONLY Scripture that I can see ANY possible validity to support this view is Revelation 3:10, a promise to the faithful Church in Philadelphia to keep them from (Greek “ek”) the trial that is to come upon the whole world to test the world. It is said said that “ek” means “out of,” not “through.”
      As I was pondering this (because it doesn’t necessarily mean what they think it means,” the Lord providentially led me to John 17:15 and let me see its significance. It was almost like He had allowed this verse to be written precisely to refute their interpretation! Jesus is praying to His Father that He NOT take His disciples (or they which would believe on Him through their word) OUT OF the world, but that He would “keep them from” (Greek “ek”) the Evil one. Here we have the same construction but specifically NOT meaning to be taken out of the world!
      Months later, after feeling prompted to examine that whole letter to the church of Philadelphia, I finally did and was shocked. In light of a whole bunch of things in the meantime, I saw that Jesus had a whole different purpose for the church at Philadelphia! He said, “See, I have set before you an open door which no man can shut.” To me, it’s the end-time harvest which is to take place during the great tribulation! (Revelation 7:9-15), promising protection to this church which is faithfully finishing up the great commission! Revelation 3:9 even implies that they might be involved in the repentance of Israel of the remnant of Israel as they are grafted in at the end! Maybe all the Muslims coming to the Lord might finally provoke Israel to jealousy! (I hear it’s now 6,000,000 a year and many are seeing visions or having dreams of Jesus or angels telling them to read the Bible or proclaiming the gospel directly!)

    • @VickyRBenson
      @VickyRBenson 2 года назад +4

      @@allhailourmediaoverlords7824 I’ll overlook the name (LOL), since you seem to be talking sense about the pre-Trib Rapture. You might want to read my take on it in this short trail.
      I remember hearing (but need to find it again to confirm it) that even the dream that the young Scottish girl actually had was misrepresented and promoted all over. But you’re right. It was not a theory in the early church.
      For one thing, Peter knew HE was going to die and not be Raptured. Paul wrote that he had finished his race and would be martyred. Even John wrote that what Jesus said to Peter about him, “If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?” meant just that, and did NOT mean that he, John, would not die.
      But the theory has now grown far beyond its beginnings, with some people (even in the comments on this video) calling each other heretics and “on their way to hell” if they don’t believe in the pre-trib Rapture. The deception goes deep.
      But it’s all plainly in Scripture, and the Holy Spirit is with us to make plain to us the things to come!
      AND, Christ in us, gives us his peace and joy, which no one can take away! I’m studying now how tribulation is somehow to bring us joy! Jesus taught so much about it. Even HE, for the joy set before Him, endured the cross. And we can have the HONOR to be counted worthy to share in, and have fellowship with Him in His sufferings!
      Another thing I thought of: when people liken the Rapture to Noah’s Ark and to Lot coming out of Sodom and Gomorrah-was ANYONE saved after each of those samples of God’s wrath being poured out? No one at all. The door was shut. Likewise all those innumerable numbers of tribulation saints saved from every nation, tribe, and language, will have to be saved BEFORE the Resurrection/Rapture. Some say they are not part of the Bride of Christ! Yet it says they will rule and reign with Christ during the millennium and forever and ever. They are part of the first resurrection! The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is just before Jesus comes with His saints (Revelation 19). They will be part of it. I’ve been reading Revelation repeatedly in recent months, and is becoming clearer and clearer! Hallelujah! The “Church” IS mentioned throughout Revelation. They’re called “saints.” The whole book was written to the Church as a Revelation of Jesus Christ, to challenge them to be overcomers and how to be overcomers! Revelation 12:11 tells how- (1) by the blood of the Lamb, (2) by the word of their testimony, and (3) by not loving their life to the death. (He that loses his life for my sake shall find it.)

    • @allhailourmediaoverlords7824
      @allhailourmediaoverlords7824 2 года назад +4

      @@VickyRBenson Baptists and the alike in the Bible belt will list it directly in their elevator pitch to their belief structure. I'm sure there is a lot of misrepresentation on both sides. PostTrib PreWrath seemingly solves all the complex issues all the other theories create. Christians are pretty hard headed and don't really study the bible. They just repeat the first thing they heard. I'm sad they are so cultish and clickish. They have a hero worship of their pastor, generally who are fornicators and really really weak in their knowledge of the scriptures. PreTrib is also pushed by the media. It's a hoaky idea and easy to discredit so the evil media like the idea.

    • @mikesmith6461
      @mikesmith6461 2 года назад +1

      @@allhailourmediaoverlords7824 avoid that church.

  • @htebazileeilsel2293
    @htebazileeilsel2293 3 года назад +17

    The Lord had brought me to this conclusion recently! So many people are teaching that a "great revival" will come, then the church will be raptured, then the tribulation comes. Such a dangerous teaching- its setting people up for failure.

    • @saltandlight316
      @saltandlight316 3 года назад +1

      Amen. I see a lot of posts on FB about there pre-tribulation rapture, and it terrifies me because when God DOESN'T rapture His church before the tribulation many will loose their faith, and without faith it is impossible to please God. I don't know how to tell people the truth without sounding like a know-it-all, self-righteous, or condemning

    • @BlackVortex604
      @BlackVortex604 3 года назад


    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад +1

      Those who're claiming that there'll be a great revival are partly correct. The gospel will soon be taught world wide in a powerful way, backed by God pouring out His Holy Spirit. But those will also be days of increasing persecution which will intensify to an incredible level. And no one's getting out before the end of the Great Tribulation.

    • @rtdodge3839
      @rtdodge3839 3 года назад

      @@kenklein9120 You need to back up this comment wtih Scripture.

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад

      @@rtdodge3839 Joel 2:28.

  • @impeachobama6187
    @impeachobama6187 2 года назад +19

    Awesome! The first step if in daught about this critical subject is to read Jesus own words in Mathew 24: 29-31. That's the first step in getting prepared for what many of us will endure.

    • @freeb4917
      @freeb4917 Год назад

      There are so many pastors who fail to teach Matthew 24 which is so clear about the tribulation. It plainly states that after the tribulation, then Jesus returns. This is not for the Jews only which so many pastors falsely teach.

    • @stevejeffries6945
      @stevejeffries6945 Год назад


  • @a.p3123
    @a.p3123 Год назад +4

    I am not protestant, I am Orthodox, but I am glad there are protestants out there that know the pre trib rapture is a false teaching. This is what happens when man relies on themselves to interpret the scripture. The early church, the church fathers and the saints of the early church have been guided by the Holy Spirit to interpret the Scriptures to coincide with the Ethos of the church and traditions of the early church. When we give the early church and the people who died for it and its traditions their proper place, then we don't get mistakes like the pre trib rapture.

  • @Titus2_13
    @Titus2_13 4 года назад +178

    Why does everyone say that a pre trib rapture would be a " Secret rapture "? It would be anything but secret

    • @nickstaxfree9604
      @nickstaxfree9604 4 года назад +22

      Truth, every eye will see him, every ear will hear him, even the saved death will see him.
      They need to say it is secret because you can't find it in the scriptures.
      Even Jesus said he does nothing in secret, except he tell the prophet first.

    • @carolbassant5396
      @carolbassant5396 4 года назад +28

      @@nickstaxfree9604 every eye will see HIM is not the rapture it's the 2nd coming.. 2 very separate events

    • @blasiomuhinda5913
      @blasiomuhinda5913 4 года назад +30

      Its really sad. Most christians dont even study their bible. Even if they read, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days...”, they still wont believe. Are we soooo bewitched that we dont believe what we read? We would rather believe in movies called “Left behind”. Christians are dissillusioned.

    • @blasiomuhinda5913
      @blasiomuhinda5913 4 года назад +6

      Its really important for all of us to read our bibles. All this confusion makes me feel that we are no longer wise in our debates. We debate foolishness.

    • @blasiomuhinda5913
      @blasiomuhinda5913 4 года назад +2

      Green Eyed Okie 13 Give us a bible verse not a link.

  • @rbjsculpture
    @rbjsculpture 2 года назад +10

    Definitely see "Pre-Trib" falling into this category now..."For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2Tim. 4:3,4

  • @naturally_danii
    @naturally_danii 4 года назад +98

    So good! I've struggled with the Pre-Trib teaching for a long time. Scripture is clear, and we need to read all of it!!

    • @markrobertsministries
      @markrobertsministries 3 года назад +14

      Matthew 24 is not talking about the chur h. You see the rapture was a mystery when Paul revealed it. A mystery means it never was known until he taught it. So Jesus was not talking about the church being raptures. It is the Trubulation saints.

    • @markrobertsministries
      @markrobertsministries 3 года назад +12

      Also it is not a trumpet blast. Its a voice of God . It says Trump not trumpet.

    • @markrobertsministries
      @markrobertsministries 3 года назад

      So you believe you can lose your salvation then.

    • @markrobertsministries
      @markrobertsministries 3 года назад +7

      @DiscipleDave DotCom You can't say that Dave. You believe that the 2nd Advent is one event. Its not one event. Just because you interpret it one way doesn't make you always right.

    • @markrobertsministries
      @markrobertsministries 3 года назад +6

      I told you I believe in a gathering or rapture at the end or near the end of the trib. But I dont believe its the church. The second coming when God pours out his wrath is very different than 1st Thessalonians where we are caught up. It only makes sense that Jesus will take his bride before Daniels 70 the week. You cant just read one verse and not look at context and the dispensation. You can cherry pick verses and make people believe a lot of things.

  • @user-qb7lu5ny5r
    @user-qb7lu5ny5r 2 года назад +11

    The bible says, "be vigilant, sober, and awake," on many accounts.
    It also says, "have faith, endure, and be patient."
    What freed me from being a pre-tribber is by reading the bible in God's grace of course, and forgetting what the preachers had taught me about pre-trib. I listened to the bible, reading it by context, and disregarding the verse numbers. And also by knowing what the basic meanings of AFTER as in after the tribulation, LAST as in Last trumpet, or at the last day He will raise them up, and ESCAPE as in escape from the trial.
    The glorious appearing of Lord Jesus Christ is surely not going to be in secret. It's going to be...glorious. :D Everyone will be in awe.

    • @garvinsmith4555
      @garvinsmith4555 Год назад

      Do you really believe that in your weak and sinful body you can stand against the Devil when he's no longer restrained? Just thinking that you can stand against him after the restrainer is taken out of the way proves you're delusional, and you're only going to be his b**ch! Plus the time of chastisement for the people of god has already passed!

    • @user-bs5sr3gh3q
      @user-bs5sr3gh3q 6 месяцев назад +1

      Did the apostles know what the church was when Jesus taught "Upon this rock I shall build my church,and the gate of hell shall never prevail against it"? No! They didn't know what the church was. That word ecclesia meant "called out ones". Who was that? Did they know the church would be mostly gentiles,under a new covenant,that would abolish the old covenant? No. Not for decades. Only Paul had the "mystery"of the church and the rapture revealed to him.Thirty plus years later. Only the writer of Hebrews knew there was going to be a new covenant,that would abolish the old covenant. Because the new covenant was for gentiles,the church. So,in the Olivet discourse,in three of the gospels, when Jesus taught about His returning,they,and everyone listening to Jesus,who knew the prophets, had no clue about the rapture.Because they didn't have a clue about what the church was! They only knew the Day Of the Lord,which comes at the end of the tribulation. Everyone who followed Jesus was looking for the Messiah to come and set up His kingdom reign. Now look up Revelation 13,5-8. There's another contradiction,one that breaks the promise Jesus made about the church. The Antichrist is given power and authority to conquer,or destroy,the "saints",for 1290 days (Daniel 12 again). Did Jesus teach "the gates of hell shall never prevail ...oh,but only until the Antichrist is revealed. Then the church will be destroyed. No Jesus made a promise to us,the church.
      These 'saints",or holy people in the Greek,are not the church,in the chapters of judgment in Revelation beginning from chapter 6. BUT,the churches are there up to Revelation 4. before the judgements. The 144000 Jews from the 12 tribes of Israel,are not the church. And they are sealed with the Spirit,not indwelt.
      Jesus taught He could return at any time. This is called the doctrine of imminency. Jesus and the apostles wrote about this many times.Matt.24:43,1 Thess.5:2, 2 Peter 3:10. Jesus can come like "a thief in the night". But in a post rib view,there is no imminency. Why,because the number of days is specifically mentioned in Daniel12:
      11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.This is confirmed in Rev.13:5. Now,Jesus directly referred to the "abomination"in Daniel. There is no Jesus can return at any time,so we have to keep watch and be ready,in post trib. All we have to do is wait for the Antichrist to enter the temple and perpetrate the abomination,and the countdown begins. 1335 days when the "abomination"takes place,and the daily sacrifices are abolished,and the Messiah,who is Jesus,returns to set up His kingdom reign. There's no arguing this,it right there plain as day. Jesus directly quoted this verse in Daniel 12. Do you think the Jews didn't know this prophecy? Well the Pharisees surely did. So why would Jesus teach that He could come at any time? Why should we "be sober and alert,keeping watch over the signs of His coming. In the Greek, this is a command,not a suggestion.But we know when Jesus is coming back from this prophecy in Daniel 12. But the rapture,which is not Jesus coming back to the earth,to judge and reign,but it's the church being taken,"harpazo" ,1 Thess.4,17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.into the clouds. It's the rapture that can happen at any time!
      2. Jesus taught His return will be just BEFORE, the judgment of the world, like in "the days of Noah",where people were living their lives,"business as usual",making plans for dinner,to get married,and see their children marry,etc.And they were completely unaware that judgment was upon them. So,here's a scriptural contradiction,Rev.6:12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the [h]moon became like blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 Then the sky [i]receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. 15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
      See that? These people ARE aware that God's judgment is upon them,and they're terrified! And this is just the beginning of the tribulation period. Jesus taught He would return just BEFORE the judgments begin, this has to be pretrib.
      Matt.24:38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, SO ALSO will the coming of the Son of Man be. 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
      Verse 40,this is the rapture. They're taken (away),not killed. It's very clear,they're not killed,they're taken.And the other was left.
      It's absurd to believe that people will be eating and drinking (eating and drinking what? With all the famines,plagues, earthquakes,1/3 of all the green grass burned away,1/3 of the ocean dies,even if there is food in certain areas,1/3 pf all the ships destroyed.And this in just one of the trumpet judgments!) making plans to get married,and see their children grow up and marry?! People living their lives,business as usual,during the tribulation? No way!
      The Rapture is NOT Jesus returning to set up His kingdom. That does happen at the end of the tribulation period,ok? The rapture is US,the Church, being taken away into the cloud to be with Jesus. And then,the wedding feast of the lamb will begin,while the tribulation begins on Earth.And,further confirmation of this is in Matt.25,the parable of the bridesmaids. Remember,the ones who ran out of oil were left out of the wedding feast? The wedding feast will be celebrated when the church,the bride,is raptured.
      Here's the last thing, in post trib,what event signifies the tribulation has begun? In pretrib,it's the rapture that begins the tribulation period. And the rapture itself,IS a judgment being pronounced upon the world.1 Thess.5:5 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
      How can Jesus come like a Thief In The Night? Daniel 12 says 1335 days from the abomination(in the temple)and the daily sacrifices are abolished,and The Messiah,Jesus,comes to judge the earth,and set up God's kingdom reign. There's no getting around this! Only the rapture,before the tribulation,before the inescapable worldwide destruction coming upon the Earth,can happen unexpectantly.
      If you can refute this argument,or contradict my interpretations,form scripture, you'll be the first Post trib believer ever to do so. And I've been teaching and defending Pre Trib for over 40 years now,not one Post trib beleive could or would answer these contradictions.

  • @halliecalvert1334
    @halliecalvert1334 3 года назад +45

    Thank you so much for sharing this. My dad studied the rapture when I was young. He taught me exactly what you are saying. People need to stop expecting a "rapture". It's not coming before the tribulation.

    • @wandakate2041
      @wandakate2041 3 года назад +2

      The wrath of satan and the wrath of GOD are two separate things. The Tribulation which is the seal and trumpet judgments are the wrath of satan for everybody (saved and unsaved) alike. We are going to be here for it and we may well suffer for the cause of CHRIST. The Great Tribulation will not be until after the 7th trumpet and just at the 1st bowl/vial judgment. JESUS CHRIST (YESHUA was His real name) will NOT come back to earth to collect (the body of CHRIST, the saved, the true Christians, the flock) until AFTER the 7th trumpet sounds...WE will be out of here at the resurrection of the dead which is really the "rapture". We will NOT be on earth for the great tribulation which is the Bowl/Vial judgments and they are the last 7 of the 21 that will affect planet earth...First the seals and then the trumpets (7 of ea.) and that is the wrath of satan. The wrath of ALMIGHTY GOD will be the last ones and they are as I wrote the bowl or vial judgments and they are ONLY for the unrepentant sinners that are left behind to suffer the worse suffering known to mankind...
      SO when we know these things then we can proceed to tell the truth that will set us free. The scriptures tell us...WHEN YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE (spiritually free) from all the fables and fault info that is spread all over...Be watching and know the signs of the times. Be awake, aware, alert for JESUS will return when GOD the FATHER tells Him to... JESUS said. "I can do nothing except through my FATHER who sent me"...
      It will be JESUS (YESHUA) that will be our judge and NOT GOD, b/c GOD has put all authority unto JESUS His beloved son...

    • @cesar5478
      @cesar5478 3 года назад

      @@wandakate2041 2 Esdras 13:24
      “Know this therefore, that they which be left behind are more blessed than they that be dead.”

    • @Marsand100
      @Marsand100 3 года назад +1

      @@cesar5478 what's Esdras?

    • @halliecalvert1334
      @halliecalvert1334 3 года назад +6

      @mal'ak emeth the word rapture is not in the Bible and was not taught in the Bible but by man. Margaret Mcdonald and John Darby were the originators of the rapture theory, not the Holy Spirit.

    • @halliecalvert1334
      @halliecalvert1334 3 года назад +3

      @mal'ak emeth why are you assuming my dad was an unbeliever in God's delivering power? I'm not worried about the tribulation or being here for it because I have a relationship with God. The blood of the lamb is over my door post friend. I'm more concerned with teaching false theory. We are already being separated from the chaff. Pray for discernment 🙏.

  • @louiseevans9636
    @louiseevans9636 4 года назад +89

    I've been mocked in churches because I said Jesus said he's coming back after the tribulation. People see the trumpets of tribulation as the vials of wrath. We will escape the wrath.

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 4 года назад +12

      Exactly. The vials (or bowls) are the wrath of God - scripture says it right. there. Find like minded ministries that understand the end of the age and how to prepare. They're out there.

    • @doncleveland1245
      @doncleveland1245 4 года назад +14

      Ken doesn't know what he's talking about, Jesus said in John 14:3 "And since I'm going away to prepare a place for you, I'll come back again and ... that they slept in Jesus, and would together with them be "forever with the Lord." What this means is, since the 1000 year reign will be here on Earth, we have to be going to heaven at some point, and that is for the 7 year tribulation, or the pre-trib rapture.

    • @doncleveland1245
      @doncleveland1245 4 года назад +8

      And what you are talking about is in Matthew, and that is about the second coming. The rapture of The Church is soon.

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 4 года назад

      @@doncleveland1245 .....soon......enough.

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 4 года назад

      @@doncleveland1245 You have not a clue!
      To parrot Darby isn't biblical truth!
      I'll come back again and ... that they slept in Jesus, and would together with them be "forever with the Lord." What this means is, since the 1000 year reign will be here on Earth,
      Me-- Really Don, Jesus is leaving the splendor of heaven to come to a sin riddled earth to reign,
      And you have no scripture for this
      Me-----Don Biden, list just one scripture where we see Jesus reigning from a new temple from Gods word!
      we have to be going to heaven at some point,
      Me------Heaven is destroyed at the ''ressurection'' so good luck with that!
      Job 14:12 So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.
      and that is for the 7 year tribulation,
      Me--- Yep i'm convinced, but wait! Don Biden there's no 7 years trib. mentioned in scripture, this makes your ''theory'' false!
      or the pre-trib rapture.--or the Pre-trick rapture!

  • @bekaharrell3885
    @bekaharrell3885 2 года назад +18

    I believe we are not subject to Elohim’s wrath as that’s biblical. That doesn’t mean we are not subject to the wrath of the Antichrist or the wrath of Satan. If Elohim didn’t spare even Yeshua from the cross why would he spare us from persecution? Get prayed up everyone. Get grounded in your Bible!! Pray that we have the endurance to stay faithful to the end of the age. Pray that Elohim will put his hands over us to protect us as he will not subject us to anything we can’t endure!!! If we listen to Yeshua and fear not then nothing Satan or his minions can do to us will move us!! Prayers for all of us!!! 💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗💗🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @jaybreezyy8407
      @jaybreezyy8407 2 года назад +3

      The wrath of the authorities are closer now

    • @Soulful_Chaos
      @Soulful_Chaos 2 года назад +2

      YEEEES SIS!!! Amen!!!

    • @warriophecy8499
      @warriophecy8499 2 года назад

      @Beka Harrell Not scriptural for Church to be on the earth when Antichrist appears. Rightly divide the Word of God.
      I am a watchman on the wall for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    • @bekaharrell3885
      @bekaharrell3885 2 года назад

      @@warriophecy8499 rightly divide the word of Elohim? Do you even know who Elohim is?

    • @warriophecy8499
      @warriophecy8499 2 года назад

      @@bekaharrell3885 No need to play word games here. I know Who Elohim is. The Word of God is of course Christ for the Word was made flesh and yet if you've seen Me (Christ), you've seen the Father. So, you can extrapolate that the Word of God is that of both the Father and the Son, as they are One, expressed by the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit through men such that we could read about Him (Them (Elohim): Father , Son and Holy Spirit), as taught by the greatest Teachers of all, Christ (the Spirit of Prophecy) and the Holy Spirit. So, the Bible does rightly say that we must rightly divide the Word of God. So, do it and stop listening to charlatans like Dalton. He's been deceived and then going about deceiving others. The Antichrist only comes into being after the Church is gone. If you believe otherwise, you are also deceived and trying to deceive others. That would mean you are a child of Satan, doing his will, not God's. Don't take that personally. You should take that as a call to action to research what I've told you. So, stop asking trite and supposedly witty questions like a Pharisee who's always learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth.
      I am a watchman on the wall for the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @marygargus1609
    @marygargus1609 6 месяцев назад +1

    Wow! I have studied this subject for almost 60 years. You are scripturally! correct!Jesus said to beware lest you be deceived in these last days, for many will come in my name saying,.”I am Christ, or in other words, I am anointed of God, AND DECEIVE MANY.”

    • @kenklein9228
      @kenklein9228 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, they'll say (and are saying even now) "I am anointed of God", or even "I know the way to God", but they come bearing false teachings of various kinds. The birth pangs are heating up NOW, and these times require us to understand sound doctrine.

  • @Judithestears
    @Judithestears 3 года назад +15

    Wow! I have a story for you. Husband and I have just listened. We have read and believed all you just said since 1975. We are alone in this where we live and with many who love the Lord but plan for rapture. Till now. More to follow and we will be going to your site and studying with you. We study at home alone. I heard this teaching in 1975, shortly after I came to Christ, left church when service was over, walked down the hill with my heart breaking and asked the Lord to “please, leave me!” “How will they hear if the Holy Spirit is gone?” We had a puppy, a 4 year old Beagler, nearly die today and had to be taken to Er Vet, so are kind of wiped out this evening, but will be connecting in next day or so. Many blessings. We’ve wondered if we were just Strange, but have been convinced we know what He has shown us. More later. Andy and Judy.
    I can’t get to the app on this tablet, but will connect when I can get it...

    • @kennedy763
      @kennedy763 2 года назад +1

      Isaiah 26:17-20
      Like as a woman with child, that draweth near the time of her delivery, is in pain, and crieth out in her pangs; so have we been in thy sight, O Lord.
      18 We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not wrought any deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen.
      19 Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
      20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

    • @Judithestears
      @Judithestears 2 года назад

      It’s been a year since I wrote this. I was struck down with osteoporosis, so severe, that it fracture a total of 9 vertebrae writhing 4 months. I have been in slow recovery since. Trying to walk, but careful not to jar my body on a little dip in the road. Back in the woods here, and I’ll be checking 8n more often. Especially as the day approaches.

  • @mikenewell9217
    @mikenewell9217 3 года назад +99

    Moses led his people through tribulation on the way to the
    Promised land; few made it.

    • @douglasrowland3722
      @douglasrowland3722 3 года назад +9

      ...and few there be that find it..........

    • @tonyaosier1678
      @tonyaosier1678 3 года назад +6

      That wasn't Tribulation that the Bible speaks of.

    • @mikenewell9217
      @mikenewell9217 3 года назад +6

      @@tonyaosier1678 after fourty years
      They were pretty tribulated

    • @tonyaosier1678
      @tonyaosier1678 3 года назад +3

      @@mikenewell9217 They were misled for not keeping God's word following his rules. That's in the Bible.

    • @XX-bo5pb
      @XX-bo5pb 3 года назад +5

      @@tonyaosier1678 that’s not the point. The point is that we go through trials and tribulations

  • @power-backinblack
    @power-backinblack 3 года назад +13

    I have always believed that I would be here for the great tribulation, my family would say I was wrong for thinking like that, it made me a bad person. I feel like I would be here to help spread our fathers word, and help any of those I can in his name. I was told that arrogance and creating false idolship of myself. But I feel like its whispered to me continously as if its my purpose. I just want to do what is God and his son want of me now and in those times if they happen in my life.

    • @dhat1755
      @dhat1755 3 года назад +2

      I have the whispers as well

    • @dhat1755
      @dhat1755 2 года назад +1

      @vax, tests = mark of beast 8 I needed that encouragement. Pray for me. Really pray

    • @onezapmariner.9943
      @onezapmariner.9943 2 года назад +2

      God bless you brother.

    • @mikesmith6461
      @mikesmith6461 2 года назад

      Go into trib. I won't stop you.

    • @onezapmariner.9943
      @onezapmariner.9943 2 года назад

      Reality of the unknown brings fear. We as gutless citizens of (Saved)humanity would like to paint a brighter picture of what our Creator God would have us endure in our life because He loves us. Truth is I don't know the future either.
      they did to Jesus as they pleased, unto death. He sacrificed His life for me willingly. I would love to see Him come through the clouds with Power and Great Glory.
      Come Lord Jesus.
      Yet ,what will be?
      Come Lord Jesus.

  • @easttexan2933
    @easttexan2933 2 месяца назад

    I was a pretribber for 46 years until a couple years ago I began to listen to videos and teachings just like this one. The scriptural evidence was overwhelming that clearly teaches we will be a part of Daniel's 70th week. 1Cor15:23,24 was the clincher for me.
    1Co 15:23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
    1Co 15:24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

  • @amberwaves2020
    @amberwaves2020 4 года назад +69

    I was raised to believe in a pre-trib rapture. The more I read Revelation, the less I see that. I know good and well meaning Christians think they have it down exactly, but I don't think anyone has it down exact. And when I think about all the Christians in other countries being severely persecuted right now, I wonder why some Christians think they should be excused from persecution. I tend to think now that a post tribulation rapture makes more sense. Pre, middle, or post, we should be prepared to suffer, be persecuted, and be ready for Him at all times.

    • @jesseenixon
      @jesseenixon 3 года назад +3

      It also says not a hair on our head will be touched he must gives us superhero strength and peace ❤️ It will be a great time to testify for God

    • @nanetteharris615
      @nanetteharris615 3 года назад

      Thank you. Been seeking and knocking...this door opened today. Praise our Lord for guiding you to share this.

    • @AAVG2028
      @AAVG2028 3 года назад

      @Amber Tree Well, don't assume that no one doesn't have it correctly understood. There are some people who do & I'm one of them. You are absolutely right to believe in Christ's return post-trib. When people keep the Bible in context, they can't come away with a pre-trib or mid-trib belief. All believers believe that Christ will keep His church away from God's wrath. Some people mistakenly take the 7 seals & the 7 years of Tribulation as God's wrath. But no, Revelation 14-16 shows us that God's wrath, which are the 7 bowls/vials & in them the 7 plagues, come after the Tribulation. I realized that Revelation 12-22 actually do go in chronological order, not including 17 because that chapter is just a more detailed understanding of the Whore of Babylon among other things.

    • @donaldcooley897
      @donaldcooley897 3 года назад +4

      Amber Tree , It really makes no different what you think . People being Killed and tortured in other Countries have nothing to do with the Plan of God
      when it is time for his Church to be taken out it will happen and we who are saved who are the Church will not be here , we will be in heaven where Christ has made a place for us John 14 : 3
      in 7 years we will come back with him on the second Coming Rev. 19 : 11 - 14

    • @AAVG2028
      @AAVG2028 3 года назад +1

      @@michellebee4545 I agree with you. A verse to keep in mind is Luke 16:15, that tells us whatever is made popular is an abomination to God. All holidays apply to that verse, any kind of things that keep us distracted from reading the Word, & also theories, including the pre-trib rapture theory.

  • @sarahward3874
    @sarahward3874 4 года назад +28

    Sarah Ward - well Whenever Jesus Christ does come I will be waiting and watching.
    And will be so happy to see my Lord Jesus Christ.! AMEN.

  • @rids7802
    @rids7802 4 года назад +53

    The more i hear the Lord's name Jesus in this moment of whats going on in this world...the more my heart melt and to want to be with Him more
    I love You Jesus

    • @krisgangwer3796
      @krisgangwer3796 4 года назад +2

      RiriRiri: We all want to be home, there is no doubt of that. We know that he has gone to prepare a place for us...but in the meantime, we must endure to the end. The bridegroom is away and we weep, but joy will come in the morning...take heart.

    • @wisevirgin3405
      @wisevirgin3405 4 года назад

      Unfortunately this is NOT a message for today
      If you want the BIBLICAL TRUTH... God never intended
      those living in the Christian "Kingdom of Heaven" to
      understand the fulfillment of Bible prophecy occurring
      AFTER the end of the Great Commission... just as God
      never intended the Jews understand the fulfillment
      of prophecy AFTER their separate-and-distinct
      "Kingdom of Heaven" [Mat 22:2]
      The BIBLICAL fact is the history of mankind is
      the REFLECTION of God's salvation plan over four
      (temporal) "Kingdoms of Heaven" before the Lord
      Returns to establish the (5th) Eternal "Kingdom"
      Mat 22:2... Jesus NAMED the (2nd) Jewish "Kingdom of Heaven".
      Mat 13 (in 8 verses) Jesus NAMED the (3rd) Christian "Kingdom of Heaven"
      Mat 25:1 Jesus NAMED the (4th) Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"
      Keep in mind that these are all TEMPORAL "Kingdoms of Heaven"
      (they each had their own unique Gospel) and they consisted of
      BOTH the saved "wheat/sheep" and many unsaved "tares/goats"
      sown by Satan, who remain "children of Satan" [Mat 13:24-30]
      The (5th) Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" is specifically NAMED
      by Jesus in Matthew chapters 5 and 7 and 8 and 19. This "Kingdom"
      is DIFFERENT from all of the others Jesus specifically NAMED because
      it contains NO TARES. The Eternal "Kingdom of Heaven" contains ONLY
      the saved "wheat/sheep" from EACH of the previous (temporal) "Kingdoms.
      AND it contains Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [Mat 8:11] which obviously
      were NOT part of the Christian Kingdom or the Great Tribulation Kingdom
      (a.k.a., the Revelation Beasts).
      The ONLY "Kingdom of Heaven" NOT specifically NAMED by Jesus is
      the (1st) Pre-Flood Kingdom containing all the saints from Adam to Noah.
      Without this CONTEXT (which God PROMISED would remain "closed-up"
      and "sealed" to all previous saints - see Dan 12:4 and 12:8-10) no "teacher"
      can even pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on Biblical eschatology.
      However, the Lord Jesus did PROMISE the Last Saints "shall see" fulfillment
      of ALL Great Tribulation prophecy [Mat 24:15 and 24:33] and the Last Saints
      are commanded to "prophecy again" about these Biblical mysteries as the
      Seventh Trumpet "begins to sound" [Rev 10:7-11]
      In other words... (and this is important) when the Lord Jesus Returns at the
      Seventh Trumpet the Last Saints are not preaching the Gospel of the Jewish
      "Kingdom of Heaven"... and they're not preaching Great Commission Gospel
      (the Gospel of the Christian Kingdom) and they are not preaching the Gospel
      of the Great Tribulation "Kingdom of Heaven"...
      When the Lord Returns the Last Saints are preaching about Daniel's mysteries
      and they are preaching about the fulfillment of Great Tribulation prophecies
      and they are preaching mysteries from the "Open Book" [Rev 10:7-11] including
      the NAME the "Little Horn" and the "Man of Sin" and the event known as Daniel's
      "Abomination", which occurs during the FOURTH "Kingdom of Heaven".
      You can see ALL RELATED SCRIPTURES about Daniel's "Abomination"
      (for the first time in history) in chapter 8 (link below).
      No "theologian" can pretend to offer an "informed opinion" on end-time
      prophecies if they cannot incorporate the five (5) "Kingdoms of Heaven"
      on earth into their Gospel and the reality that the Gospel of the Last Saints
      is DIFFERENT than Jewish Saints, Christian Saints or Great Tribulation Saints
      [who are specifically NAMED as being the "wise virgins" in Mat 25:1-13]
      Please do not be alarmed by the idea of there being LAST SAINTS.
      We all know 1Co 15 that talks about the Last Saints being "changed"
      in the "twinkling of an eye" into our eternal and incorruptible
      spiritual bodies - as the Lord Returns and the resurrection occurs.

    • @angelakatsapas7894
      @angelakatsapas7894 4 года назад

      @@krisgangwer3796 Amen.

    • @warriophecy8499
      @warriophecy8499 4 года назад

      Riri Riri That's a good thing but you need more than that to be eternally saved. What's this second sub-requirement. You must expect Christ at the right time--a pretribulation rapture on the Feast of Trumpets. Jesus said time and time again, one will be in trouble if Christ comes upon you unexpectedly. So, if He were come in a pretrib rapture would you be caught surprised. If the answer is yes, then you will be bound into a bundle and thrown into the fiery furnace with wailing and gnashing of teeth. Why you ask the wailing and gnashing of teeth? It's because people like you who believe in a rapture other than a pretrib rapture or a Second Coming only scenario think you are on the side of Light and Life; however, you are not. You disobey Christ by wanting to meet Him on a marriage date that He has not set. Therefore, at first you will be dealt with mercifully and then mercilessly. Game over. Don't listen to Dalton; you have been warned. He's leading you astray as his eyes have been blinded to the truth. Your soul is at risk.

    • @krisgangwer3796
      @krisgangwer3796 4 года назад

      @@warriophecy8499 No true believer is going to be left behind...You seem to be implying that those who do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture are going to be thrown in to the fire and that is FALSE teaching!! And you are the one in error and call Christ a liar! You are trying to tell me that Jesus only keeps his promises to those who believe as you do.......WRONG.

  • @marcussnyder2670
    @marcussnyder2670 2 года назад +3

    There is clearly a difference between tribulation and wrath. If you read in light of that then it makes sense to say we're gathered to Christ (raptured) to meet Him the clouds then Christ begins to pour out His wrath.

    • @Eros13adios
      @Eros13adios 2 года назад

      But the Left Behind and Secret Rapture believers think some Tribulation Saints with the "Two Witnesses" are gonna appear out of nowhere to preach the word in a very wicked world with the holy spirit gone and they be persecuted while these Believers are already gone(???)...
      The Day the Good Christians are gone this is it;there's no one good left behind on the earth-- just destroy it!...Why is god gonna toy around with some few "Mediocre/Lukewarm people left behind", right??🤔🤣

  • @johnharrison5656
    @johnharrison5656 2 года назад +12

    I grew up believing pre-trib because that’s what I was taught and never actually read the Bible. In 2015, I developed an obsession with Gods word after experiencing a traumatic event and became a true believer. I was amazed at what the Bible actually says, and couldn’t find any evidenced for a pre-trib rapture. I have been ridiculed, treated poorly and called a heretic for spreading this message. Pre-trib has become a device of the world and going against it ruins their fairytale! Thanks for the video as you gave me ammunition in my fight.

    • @KSandman_
      @KSandman_ 2 года назад +3

      Same here. I always doubted the pre-trib rapture and last year I started studying scripture asking only that God would show me the truth. And you are right, it’s a hard message to sell to others who are waiting to be raptured. I believe the incorrect rapture theory will cause the falling away when tribulation hits and we have to endure to the end.

    • @johnharrison5656
      @johnharrison5656 2 года назад +2

      @@KSandman_ I think The Great Falling Away has already begun, or at least the seeds of it have been planted. 30 years ago, everyone that I knew believed in God or wouldn’t admit otherwise. Now, people brag about being an atheist or agnostic, like it’s a badge of honor. I think the new age movement, along with the Internet, have played a part in this. This is also the first generation of kids that have fully grown up with cell phones, and ADHD cases have skyrocketed, along with unruly children, fulfilling yet another prophecy of Christ!
      My biggest concern for believers in pre-tribulation rapture, is that I think they will be tricked into taking the mark of the beast! Possibly thinking that that’s not what it is, since they think that they will not be there to witness the event because they are supposed to be raptured. I truly believe that God is looking for his remnant as we speak and the time draws near.

    • @malindastone2871
      @malindastone2871 2 года назад +3

      Same exact thing happened to me in 2017. Crazy how God will do whatever it takes to save our soul.

    • @michaelmccaffrey2731
      @michaelmccaffrey2731 2 года назад

      Same here

    • @warriophecy8499
      @warriophecy8499 Год назад

      @John Harrison
      With regard to proof of the pretrib rapture, my Lord works in patterns. Thus, Christ says there is nothing new under the sun. Meaning that the pre-trib rapture was shown to His children through prophetic pictures, not to mention the words in 2 Thess 2:2-8.
      John being raptured, in the spirit in Rev 4:1-2 after the seven church ages have been completed.
      The days of Noah: God chose the animals that boarded the ark. God chose His children before the foundation of the world. God closed the door to the ark. Christ will close the door to the third heaven. The rapture is completed at this time with His children being hidden in HIs barn, pavilion or chambers. No rain for 7 days; represents the 7 years of trib/wrath on the Earth. Then rain occurs, the deluge wiping out humanity suddenly. Likewise when the Lord returns , He will slay the armies arrayed against Israel suddenly with blood flowing up to the horses' bridles for 200 miles.
      You need to understand the Word of God, rightly dividing the Word of God. The days of the Son of Man are like the days of Noah. What is the verse trying to tell us. Well, people were marrying, building drinking etc. So this is not occurring during the 7-year trib because people are just trying to survive. At the same time, this marrying, drinking and eating and building could be occurring at roughly any time in history, so what is Christ really trying to tell us. What is the deeper meaning, as there is a deeper meaning. It starts with understanding what the days of the Son of Man are. There are two covenant days of the Son of Man----the pretrib rapture when He return for His own to go to heaven as promised (John 14:2) and His Second Coming when He saves the Jews from annihilation from the armies arrayed against Israel when they call out His name (Zechariah 13:8-9). So these are the two covenant days of Christ. The next question is how do these two covenant days relate to the days of Noah?
      Days of Noah: Christ chose/called the wild animals. Just as Christ chose His wild Gentile children from before the foundation of the world. God called the wild animals into the ark. Likewise, He will call His wild Gentile children into the clouds and then through the open door into the third heaven. Christ closed the door to the ark. Likewise, Christ will close the door to the third heaven. Christ hides the wild animals from view, being in the ark. Likewise, His children will be safely hidden from view in His chambers, pavilion or barn away from prying eyes near His throne. When the ark's door closes, this is the completing of the pre-trib rapture. Then for 7 days there is no rain. This represents the 7-year trib. Then suddenly rain falls and goes up in the deluge, suddenly killing all of humanity. Likewise when Christ returns in His covenant Second Coming He will suddenly destroy the armies arrayed against Israel with blood flowing for 200 miles up to the horses bridles. This is the meaning of the days of the Son of Man as it relates to the days of Noah.
      The Levitical Male Child Prophecy (Lev 12): When a Jewish woman gave birth to a male child, she was unclean for 7 days. Prophetically, the woman is Israel (Rev 12:1-2) and she will give birth to her children (Isaiah 66:7-9) or male Child (Rev 12:5). 2 Thess 2:2-8: the great falling away/apostasy occurs. Then the Restrainer is taken out of the way. The Restrainer is the He, the male Child in Rev 12:5. Then the lawless one or the son of perdition appears after the pre-trib rapture, not before. Satan has put this mid-/post-trib belief as a stumbling block before you.
      I pray you make the right decision, as currently, you have severed your relationship with the Lord. You are part of the great falling away/apostasy--the Church of Laodicea. You need to ask Christ to anoint your eyes with eye salve such that you see Him again, your first love. Then be zealous and repent of this heresy (belief in a mid-/post-trib). Then say a new salvation statement unto the Lord. (Rev 3:18-20). As a belief in any other scenario other than pre-trib separates someone from Christ. (Amos 3:3).
      I am a watchman on the wall for the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @Tony-tn2dj
    @Tony-tn2dj 3 года назад +54

    Dalton. A fantastic class. I'm so glad to have found you. I've been a Christian for 50 years and always believed the Post-trib but never found many who shared that message. Even today there are only a few. Nevertheless, there are more than used to be. So thankful for your conviction and faith that you influence others with. God Bless You!

    • @Tony-tn2dj
      @Tony-tn2dj 3 года назад +7

      Kevin, thank you for the detailed information. It was nice of you to spend so much time getting me straightened out. Not to be hard-headed with you, but I think my Yahuah loves me as I am without getting stuck on how I call him as long as I see him as My Lord and Savior - and he died for our salvation. I was set free from the Law when I received him as my Savior. Let's agree to disagree and have happy lives in his love.

    • @heather5926
      @heather5926 3 года назад +9

      @Kevin Belgrove There have been multiple testimonies of people being tortured by demons and when they say, “I command you in the name of Jesus”, they flee. Why would demons be scared of a person saying the name Jesus if it’s a name the devil made up to deceive us? If that was the case, the name wouldn’t work against the forces of evil. God doesn’t expect us to speak another language. I speak English and say God bless you 🙏🏻😊

    • @BCCS777Fred
      @BCCS777Fred 3 года назад

      Knowing the true meaning of scripture in agreement to person of out God and all His attributes greatly influence the quality and fit of our armor, that is why we are instructed to be as a Berean Christian to alway check the scriptures against what you have heard.
      Was name a big factor in your salvation? Bigger than conviction of the Holy Spirit, will the name nullify your salvation? Names follows as your love for Him grows inside your heart, and yes free will and faith is at work in there explore why so the mirror will be clearer than before.

    • @BCCS777Fred
      @BCCS777Fred 3 года назад +2

      It is the faith behind the name our hearts are totally naked in front of His eyes.

    • @lesleyseekerofhisword3675
      @lesleyseekerofhisword3675 3 года назад +1

      There are so many pre trib verses in the bible. A couple that kind of go together and are very telling are revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. ( Now that is extremely likely referring to the temptation to take the Mark of the beast as you will not be able to buy or sell or get any medical help, travel, etc, etc without it. If you take it you will completely belong to satan and will be ETERNALLY separated from God. This is why there are explicit warnings not to take this)
      Revelation 4: 4
      If you read this you will clearly notice that the 24 elders already have their 👑 crowns on their heads. The dead that belong to Christ and we that remain until the rapture DON'T GET THESE UNTIL THE RAPTURE When we go to the bema seat to receive our rewards or lack thereof according to what we have done once we were saved. There are 5 crowns to strive for. Some will get 1 some more.
      The crowns are on the elders heads just before the scrolls are opened to start the tribulation. God's elect are the Jewish people who rejected the true messiah and are waiting for their messiah still. He will be the Antichrist and it will take the tribulation to make them see their grave error.
      We the church were adopted/ grafted into God's chosen and were given to Christ by his father. Those who have believed that Christ died as a sacrifice for our sins, was burried with our sins and rose in his new incorruptible body on the 3rd day , are Christ's and will go in the rapture before the tribulation. The tribulation is the time of Jacob's/ Israel's trouble. The tribulation is actually meant to give those who have not come to the truth before the rapture a good shaking up. ( The actually purpose of the device know as the tribulum is to shake wheat grain so its hard shell will be removed.) The book of Matthew is meant for the Jewish people who are God's elect. Luke is directed towards the body of Christ/ The Church/ The Bride.
      I hope this helps. God bless You !

  • @ami_po
    @ami_po 4 года назад +70

    God is glorified in our suffering-we see that throughout scripture- we must pick up our cross and endure to the end and the church will go through tribulation. That is how the church will be refined and purified, presented as a blameless bride before The Bridegroom our Christ.

    • @kirkadkison242
      @kirkadkison242 4 года назад +5

      I agree

    • @melindamorrison1
      @melindamorrison1 4 года назад +3

      Amen sister!

    • @frankc4767
      @frankc4767 4 года назад +1

      @Ruby Maverick: King Of The Hunt the one who is restraining is devil , Watch Daltons other videos.

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 4 года назад

      @@frankc4767 Me and Dalton disagree on that.

    • @frankc4767
      @frankc4767 4 года назад

      @@e.garcia618Forwading Dalton's video. Watch this from 20th minute ruclips.net/video/6K2XLA-66hY/видео.html and it makes sense.

  • @rianajoubert8054
    @rianajoubert8054 Год назад +5

    Thank you for explaining it so simply, it's the best explanation re. the Rapture I've ever come across. As long as we hold onto Jesus, and concentrate on a growing relationship with Him, He'll be right at our side, to carry us through, no matter what! May God bless and protect you and your loved ones!

    • @user-bs5sr3gh3q
      @user-bs5sr3gh3q 6 месяцев назад

      The rapture has to be Pre Trib. Here's my proof. If you can,refute these verses proving that the rapture cannot be Pre Trib.
      Did the apostles know what the church was when Jesus taught "Upon this rock I shall build my church,and the gate of hell shall never prevail against it"? No! They didn't know what the church was. That word ecclesia meant "called out ones". Who was that? Did they know the church would be mostly gentiles,under a new covenant,that would abolish the old covenant? No. Not for decades. Only Paul had the "mystery"of the church and the rapture revealed to him.Thirty plus years later. Only the writer of Hebrews knew there was going to be a new covenant,that would abolish the old covenant. Because the new covenant was for gentiles,the church. So,in the Olivet discourse,in three of the gospels, when Jesus taught about His returning,they,and everyone listening to Jesus,who knew the prophets, had no clue about the rapture.Because they didn't have a clue about what the church was! They only knew the Day Of the Lord,which comes at the end of the tribulation. Everyone who followed Jesus was looking for the Messiah to come and set up His kingdom reign. Now look up Revelation 13,5-8. There's another contradiction,one that breaks the promise Jesus made about the church. The Antichrist is given power and authority to conquer,or destroy,the "saints",for 1290 days (Daniel 12 again). Did Jesus teach "the gates of hell shall never prevail ...oh,but only until the Antichrist is revealed. Then the church will be destroyed. No Jesus made a promise to us,the church.
      These 'saints",or holy people in the Greek,are not the church,in the chapters of judgment in Revelation beginning from chapter 6. BUT,the churches are there up to Revelation 4. before the judgements. The 144000 Jews from the 12 tribes of Israel,are not the church. And they are sealed with the Spirit,not indwelt.
      Jesus taught He could return at any time. This is called the doctrine of imminency. Jesus and the apostles wrote about this many times.Matt.24:43,1 Thess.5:2, 2 Peter 3:10. Jesus can come like "a thief in the night". But in a post rib view,there is no imminency. Why,because the number of days is specifically mentioned in Daniel12:
      11 “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.This is confirmed in Rev.13:5. Now,Jesus directly referred to the "abomination"in Daniel. There is no Jesus can return at any time,so we have to keep watch and be ready,in post trib. All we have to do is wait for the Antichrist to enter the temple and perpetrate the abomination,and the countdown begins. 1335 days when the "abomination"takes place,and the daily sacrifices are abolished,and the Messiah,who is Jesus,returns to set up His kingdom reign. There's no arguing this,it right there plain as day. Jesus directly quoted this verse in Daniel 12. Do you think the Jews didn't know this prophecy? Well the Pharisees surely did. So why would Jesus teach that He could come at any time? Why should we "be sober and alert,keeping watch over the signs of His coming. In the Greek, this is a command,not a suggestion.But we know when Jesus is coming back from this prophecy in Daniel 12. But the rapture,which is not Jesus coming back to the earth,to judge and reign,but it's the church being taken,"harpazo" ,1 Thess.4,17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.into the clouds. It's the rapture that can happen at any time!
      2. Jesus taught His return will be just BEFORE, the judgment of the world, like in "the days of Noah",where people were living their lives,"business as usual",making plans for dinner,to get married,and see their children marry,etc.And they were completely unaware that judgment was upon them. So,here's a scriptural contradiction,Rev.6:12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the [h]moon became like blood. 13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. 14 Then the sky [i]receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. 15 And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16 and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
      See that? These people ARE aware that God's judgment is upon them,and they're terrified! And this is just the beginning of the tribulation period. Jesus taught He would return just BEFORE the judgments begin, this has to be pretrib.
      Matt.24:38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, SO ALSO will the coming of the Son of Man be. 40 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. 43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
      Verse 40,this is the rapture. They're taken (away),not killed. It's very clear,they're not killed,they're taken.And the other was left.
      It's absurd to believe that people will be eating and drinking (eating and drinking what? With all the famines,plagues, earthquakes,1/3 of all the green grass burned away,1/3 of the ocean dies,even if there is food in certain areas,1/3 pf all the ships destroyed.And this in just one of the trumpet judgments!) making plans to get married,and see their children grow up and marry?! People living their lives,business as usual,during the tribulation? No way!
      The Rapture is NOT Jesus returning to set up His kingdom. That does happen at the end of the tribulation period,ok? The rapture is US,the Church, being taken away into the cloud to be with Jesus. And then,the wedding feast of the lamb will begin,while the tribulation begins on Earth.And,further confirmation of this is in Matt.25,the parable of the bridesmaids. Remember,the ones who ran out of oil were left out of the wedding feast? The wedding feast will be celebrated when the church,the bride,is raptured.
      Here's the last thing, in post trib,what event signifies the tribulation has begun? In pretrib,it's the rapture that begins the tribulation period. And the rapture itself,IS a judgment being pronounced upon the world.1 Thess.5:5 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
      How can Jesus come like a Thief In The Night? Daniel 12 says 1335 days from the abomination(in the temple)and the daily sacrifices are abolished,and The Messiah,Jesus,comes to judge the earth,and set up God's kingdom reign. There's no getting around this! Only the rapture,before the tribulation,before the inescapable worldwide destruction coming upon the Earth,can happen unexpectantly.
      If you can refute this argument,or contradict my interpretations,form scripture, you'll be the first Post trib believer ever to do so. And I've been teaching and defending Pre Trib for over 40 years now,not one Post trib beleive could or would answer these contradictions.

    • @rianajoubert8054
      @rianajoubert8054 6 месяцев назад

      Hi Dan, You believe what you think is correct. I'll rather prepare myself (mentally) to go through the tribulation, and then (if you are right) get a welcome surprise when I discover that I've been raptured before it starts, than believing that I'll be raptured and then get the shock of my life when I realize that I have to go through the tribulation after all! Could that scenario perhaps be the reason that so many will leave their faith (as predicted in the Bible)? Rather prepare for the worst, and if we, indeed, have to go through it, we'll be mentally prepared. And holding on to Jesus, He will give us the strength to do so. IF the rapture is, indeed, prior to the Great Tribulation, all those who have kept holding on to Jesus, will be included - even if they had thought that they'll have to suffer.

  • @gtw4546
    @gtw4546 3 года назад +28

    "Tell the people HOW to be strong in times of persecution, HOW to stand when the tribulation comes." Amen!!!

    • @kenklein9120
      @kenklein9120 3 года назад +3

      Correct. Few ministries are preaching on this matter. We're to learn how to cooperate with God in His discipline by which we crucify the passions and desires of the flesh - THAT is our preparation!

    • @ytmember1
      @ytmember1 3 года назад +2

      NO....Christ is not taking his Bride into the Time of Jacob's Trouble (Tribulation) for the Honeymoon.... "For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ," (1Thes 5:9) ...."And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come." (1Thes 1:10) I warn the unsaved about the Tribulation but not the saved. Think about it... at the Rapture the DEAD in Christ rise first.... so they will NOT have to go thru the Wrath of the Lamb (Rev 6) but the LIVING Christians do???? No....

    • @gtw4546
      @gtw4546 3 года назад +4

      @@ytmember1 Tribulation (thlipsis in Greek) and wrath (orge in Greek) are two different things. Jesus PROMISED his followers would have thlipsis (John 16:33). I suggest you do a word study on these so that the scales can fall from your eyes.
      Matthew 10:37-38 - It sounds like Yeshua wants His bride to be willing to suffer for Him as He did for her. I don't like the idea of suffering, but I believe HE IS WORTH IT!

    • @thewordandtruth-fromgodnot8310
      @thewordandtruth-fromgodnot8310 3 года назад

      My heart is so heavy for every person that agrees with this man. People of God, how quickly you throw scripture out the window. How quickly people with stand on the words of men because of what they SEE, when we are supposed to WALK BY FAITH not by sight. The 7 year period that has the Great Tribulation in it has NOT started yet. Go to Daniel 9 and read for yourself. The Antichrist will CONFIRM (magnify/strengthen/make firm) THE covenant with MANY for ONE WEEK (weeks of years/7 years). And IN THE MIDDLE of that 7 year period he will break the covenant. The 7 years BEGINS with the Antichrist CONFIRMING the Covenant with many which has NOT started yet. Furthermore go to Revelation 19 which describes the. Second Coming and WHO does Jesus COME DOWN “from heaven” with at the Second Coming? THE CHURCH. So how in the world can anyone teach that the Church will be Raptured at the Second Coming when Jesus comes down WITH THE CHURCH “FROM HEAVEN” at that time and read Rev. 19, when Jesus comes down from heaven with His Church she is no longer a bride but a WIFE meaning that by that time the marriage happened already and the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB follows. Furthermore, go and read Revelation 2:19-23, where JESUS HIMSELF tells a group of believers that have DEFILED themselves with a false Jezebel Church that IF THEY REPENT, HE WILL. NOT cast them into the Great Tribulation; meaning if they do not repent He WILL cast them into the Great Tribulation. How much LESS then will the FAITHFUL CHURCH go into that time that even a defiled group of believers is told by Jesus that IF THEY REPENT, they WILL NOT be cast into that time. Furthermore, go to John 14 and what do you READ (which is what counts)? That day, that JESUS tells us He will come again to take us TO THAT PLACE at the FATHER’S HOUSE that He has prepared for us, THAT DAY is a a day that Jesus will MANIFEST (appear) unto US and NOT onto the world (read John 14 carefully). So if the day that Jesus comes to take us TO THAT PLACE in the FATHER’S HOUSE that He has prepared for us, and we are told that THAT even will be one where Jesus will MANIFEST UNTO US and NOT onto the world, then it CANNOT BE the same day as the Second Coming, as the Second Coming is an event that EVERY EYE WILL SEE. God is NOT the Author of confusion. ALSO, go and read John 14, 1 Thessalonians 4, John 6:40 and 1 Cor. 15; and you will learn that THE EVENT many call the RAPTURE is an event where JESUS HIMSELF-NOT ANGELS will catch us UP “unto Himself.” The event in Matthew 24:29-31 is an event where a certain group (Israel REMNANT blinded); once they see (Rev. 7:1-8) they will when Jesus returns at the Second Coming (read Micah 1) the Israel remnant, once their blindfold is removed and they are sealed, when Jesus comes down from heaven with the Church after that 7 year period, THEY (ISRAEL REMNANT) will be GATHERED BY ANGELS (not “the Lord Himself”), when the Lord comes to fight for them as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. We must study, we must rightly divide in the manner that Isaiah 28:9-10 says. Please be careful, speaking idly against the truth, taking away or adding to what the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST SAYS, read the warning Jesus has in Rev. 22 for those who do. Go and study the three groups that are distinct from one another and shall sing to Jesus at three different times in Revelation. Notice that the first group seen in Revelation 4&5, who sing the new song of REDEMPTION by JESUS BLOOD, out of every KINDRED, TONGUE, PEOPLE AND NATION; who wear WHITE RAIMENT, GOLD CROWNS AND ARE SEATED KN THE THRONE, go study and see who JESUS PROMISED THAT TO...and also note how Romans 8 and Hebrews 11 makes clear we shall be glorified together (made perfect). There are many false prophets, false teachers, wolves in sheep’s clothing spewing a man made doctrine. Study dear people of God and rightly divided. Judgement FIRST BEGINS at the house of God! We shall judge the world with Christ! We must first come to our inheritance as joint heirs with Christ FIRST in order to judge with Him.

    • @irafreedomgreyhawkbuckner3530
      @irafreedomgreyhawkbuckner3530 3 года назад +1

      @@ytmember1 you had better listen because we will be here for this time times and times to come. It's a romantic notion to think that we will not have to go thru these evils but you should understand well that as it was so shall it be. Because none are good no not one our righteousness are but filthy rags

  • @claybolton2318
    @claybolton2318 2 года назад +34

    For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

    • @SonofIiberty
      @SonofIiberty 2 года назад +5

      Yup, this is how it will happen. And jesus in matthew 24 tells us when it will happen.

    • @gretacarrick5934
      @gretacarrick5934 2 года назад +3


    • @TheAnianite
      @TheAnianite 2 года назад


  • @michael_staples757
    @michael_staples757 4 года назад +53

    I have been so confused with this on whether it’s pretrib or post trib. I’m preparing for tribulation but hoping of a pretrib rapture because either way it’s a win win scenario. If a rapture happens then awesome, if it doesn’t your prepared. Therefore don’t worry about what happens. Just be ready for the lord.

    • @madisonwilloughby9525
      @madisonwilloughby9525 4 года назад

      Be encouraged brother! Read this for a more complete understanding! www.madisonwilloughby.com/the-rapture-of-the-church.html

    • @LegacyWorkz
      @LegacyWorkz 4 года назад +5

      "Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man" Luke 21:36. thats clear as day.

    • @jennyyates8798
      @jennyyates8798 4 года назад +1

      @@LegacyWorkz Hi Songbird. When you say 'that's as clear as day', I assume you mean it's clear we will escape the tribulation. Well, first, you need to study the context of that verse. In what we call 'the Olivet Discourse' (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21), Jesus is actually answering two questions. The disciples had been admiring the beautiful temple, and were amazed when Jesus told them that not one stone would be left standing on another. They came to him on the mount of Olives and asked: "When will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" (Matt.24:3) At the time, they imagined that the destruction of the temple would BE the end of the age! Jesus answers both questions, but it can be tricky to work out which part of his answer relates to one question and which to the other.
      Now some preachers say that (almost) all Jesus' prophecies were fulfilled between A.D. 66 and A.D. 70, when the temple was destroyed by the Romans. Other preachers, who haven't bothered to study the background history, just assume that they all refer to the end times. Both are wrong! However, in Luke's account, the disciples only ask, "When will these things happen? (i.e. to the temple) And what will be the sign that they are about to take place? (Lk.21:7). So in this Gospel, Jesus' answer refers mainly to the destruction of the temple, and rather less to the end times than we read in Matthew and Mark.
      So in Luke 21:20, Jesus says, "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near. Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." He warns of the dreadful things that will happen at that time, but goes on to mention other terrible things which will occur in the end times, so it is a bit confusing. However, when he says, "Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen," (v.36) he must be talking about the fall of Jerusalem, because he says 'all that is ABOUT to happen', not what will happen in the distant future. He says 'pray that you may be able to escape' (the fall of Jerusalem), not 'pray that you will be whisked off to heaven' (to avoid trouble!) The Greek word translated 'flee' in vs.20, is 'pheugo', and the Greek word translated 'escape', in vs.36, is 'ekpheugo' = 'flee from' or 'out of'. This is something they had to do for themselves - with God's help, no doubt - but not something miraculous done to them, like being caught up into the air.
      In A.D. 66, the Jews revolted, and Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem, just as Jesus foretold. However, there was a short period when those armies were called away, and the Messianic Jews remembered Jesus' words, and seized the opportunity to escape and flee across the River Jordan to Pella, so they were saved. Wonderful! But it isn't anything to do with a pre-trib rapture.

    • @e.garcia618
      @e.garcia618 4 года назад

      @@jennyyates8798 Yes, there are too many time stamps in the 3 gospels for them to have been written for end times events, even Matthew used ''when ye see'' as the present company or it would have been when this happens.
      Anyways i'm sleepy and i'm sure you have heard all of them,
      From L.A ------Lower Alabama

    • @ashleykindheartministries
      @ashleykindheartministries 4 года назад

      July 24, 2020
      I saw Jesus standing in my house, with two angels by His side. I came to Him and said, “Lord, I’m not worthy, but You are worthy.”
      He said, “Are you ready to go?”
      “Yes, Lord, I’m ready!”
      He said, “Prepare for liftoff.”
      “Today Lord?”
      “Said I not to make haste to prepare for My Arrival?”
      “Lord, I’m not concerned for myself. I’m just concerned for all the souls who aren’t ready to meet You. What about them?”
      “Just as I said to you, Beloved, he that is righteous, let him be righteous, and he that is holy, let him be holy. But the unbelievers and the profane shall have their portion in the Lake of Fire, which is the second death.”
      “Lord, what can I do? Please use me.”
      “Prepare for liftoff, Beloved. Dost thou have last words for thy unsaved family members?”
      “Yes, Lord. I pray for them, that after we are lifted off they may remain faithful until death, and will not receive the mark of the Beast, which is the ID chip/ tattoo, or vaccine tied to the coronovirus.”
      “I have heard thy prayer and have seen thy tears, My daughter. They that are with Me are called and chosen and faithful. Let him who hath ears to hear, hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”
      You can read more of my visions and messages from the Lord at
      Jesus is coming SOON!!!

  • @Eros13adios
    @Eros13adios 2 года назад +16

    This is exactly what I been telling people but you said it much easier and more articulately.

    • @garvinsmith4555
      @garvinsmith4555 Год назад

      Did you say articulately? My brother I'm sure that you and I can agree that the purpose of the Rapture is to take the righteous out of harm's way, in the past, it was done with an Ark, and this time it's going to done with the Rapture. I believe as Christians we can all agree on this. But what we all need to figure out on our own is if the Rapture is going to be pre or post. I know you already hold to the post-trib doctrine but I just want you to see how easy it is for you to figure out on your own whether the Rapture is going to be pre or post. Believe me my brother it's very easy for anyone who reads the bible to figure out on their own. Therefore, we shouldn't be divided on this. The first thing that you need to understand is that the days of the son of man Luke 17:26. And the days leading to the second coming of Christ Mathew 24:21,22 are not the same, they are different days. Jesus said that in the days of the son of man the people are going to be eating and drinking and doing all of the stuff that the people were doing in the days before the flood Luke 17:27. But the days that lead to his second coming are going to be days of great tribulation. It's going to be a time of destruction, a time when the people's number one priority is to stay alive, and when marrying and giving in marriage might just be the farthest thing from their minds. The death rate is going to be unprecedented, people are going to be dying so fast that if those days are not shortened not even the elect will be saved. We have to understand that the things the people are going to be doing can not happen in the days leading to his second coming It will be impossible. only in the days of the son of man, they can it be possible.

    • @stevejeffries6945
      @stevejeffries6945 Год назад


    • @jsteele650
      @jsteele650 8 месяцев назад

      Don't let false doctrines steal your crown. The church is in division because they don't see the ranks of the resurrection. There is a pretrib rapture but not all those that believe in pretrib will go in pretrib.The Philadelphian saints are the church of BROTHERLY LOVE. The bride wants all saints to be harvested with the barley company at pretrib. The bulk of the church will reject the bridal calling. Believers will go to heaven when they are ready to be harvested. The crop must be ready before it can be harvested. Barley and wheat are both grain companies that are both planted at the same time, in the autumn. Barley matures faster than wheat and is harvested in the spring. BARLEY IS THE BRIDE, and she leaves at pretrib. Wheat is harvested in the summer. Wheat is the great multitude church gathered in Rev 7..... THE VIRGINS WITHOUT NUMBER AKA THE INNUMERABLE COMPANY! The final company, caught up at midtrib, before the open door is shut, are the grapes that are gathered at midtrib. The grapes are the 144,000 Jews. The Jews finally believe Christ is their king because they gleaned the truth from the Barley and wheat companies.
      If there is a LAST TRUMP, there is a FIRST TRUMP. If there is a HIGH CALLING, there is a LESSER CALLING. The bridal remnant will be a joint heir as husband and wife. The bulk of the church will be only heirs as children.
      The barley bride is taken up in Rev 4 at pretrib, where he tells John, "COME UP HERE!". This is a very small remnant of the church that leaves at pretrib. All christians are called for this HIGH AND HEAVENLY CALLING, but few will be chosen. The bulk of the church is in a DEEP SLEEP like Adam. While Adam ( the church) slept, God was forming a bride from a rib ((TAKEN OUT OF)) Adam. This is a rib portion, a very small remnant that makes up this bridal company.
      The bulk of the church has spots and wrinkles in their robes that will be cleaned in the first part of the tribulation period. How do they have wrinkles in their robes? They are in a deep sleep! When you're lying down in these robes, they get wrinkled. They have spots because of false doctrines.
      There is a pretrib rapture, and the bulk of the church, like yourself, will reject the truth. The Lord will use this bridal remnant to speak in these last days. This remnant will be a mouthpiece unto God. She will be rejected by the church and the world before she departs.
      Hebrews 12:25
      [25]See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:
      Isaiah 1:9
      [9]Except the LORD of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.
      The truth will get many angry. It will be a stark contrast of things you learned your entire life! The verse about John being caught up at pretrib is only one verse, brother. The Lord has it beautifully woven from the Old to the New Testament. We will go to heaven by ranks, just as Paul said.
      1 Corinthians 15:23
      [23]But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. ORDER MEANS RANKS.
      ●●●There are 3 stories on Noah's ark for the 3 companies escaping through the open door by rank and order.
      Go read it! The world taught us, as a child, that the ark was loaded by 2's. The truth is they first loaded by 7's then by 2's!!!
      Genesis 7:2
      [2]Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
      ●●● When Peter had the vision of the fitted sheet with all manner of beasts inside. These are saints from the 4 corners of the earth of every nation and tongue. He saw this sheet come down THRICE....3 TIMES FOR 3 COMPANIES OF BELIEVERS!!
      ●●● 3 companies of people will be caught up by ranks before the middle of the week....BARLEY, WHEAT, AND GRAPES. The barley company is the ONLY COMPANY that is harvested by WINNOWING. All the remaining companies need a threshing floor of tribulation to do a finishing work before they are caught up. The wheat is CRUSHED by the tribullum board, grapes are TREAD, and olives are PRESSED on the threshing floor of tribulation.
      ●●● There will be 3 companies of light. He is the LIGHT, and as we take in his Word, we become light. The more we consume, the brighter we become. We decrease, and he increases! The 3 light companies are Sun glory saints, moon glory saints, and star glory saints. Those bridal sun glory saints SHINE WHILE IT IS STILL DAYTIME!
      Do I need to ask you when the moon and stars shine?!? The moon and star glory saints shine during the night season of tribulation.
      There is so much more. This is only a glimpse of what is in the Word regarding a 3 part harvest.