Angry Tesla Driver Brake Checks Two (!) Trucks! + More!

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 373

  • @DracoRemixer
    @DracoRemixer 2 года назад +63

    That Tesla owner... 19 years old, newly started business, and leasing such a car. Seems like it's gotten over his head.

    • @eriklee7943
      @eriklee7943 2 года назад +3

      Han har bytt till XC90 hahahaha AJX52M

    • @eriklee7943
      @eriklee7943 2 года назад +1

      Nej XC60

    • @mathias_the_farmer_dk8368
      @mathias_the_farmer_dk8368 Год назад

      @@eriklee7943 well xc60 or tesla or what ever natural selection is going to do its job ahaha

    • @mikaelaskalberg3640
      @mikaelaskalberg3640 Год назад

      Dom som är i behov av penisförlängare måste ju ha stora egon i brist på storlek på annat 😏

    • @jajjjamensan
      @jajjjamensan Год назад

      Tesla drar till sig speciellt folk, oftast cyklister komiskt nog

  • @richardthomas1743
    @richardthomas1743 2 года назад +143

    The driver that lost his license definitely deserved to lose it! Better that he loses that instead of others losing their life's because of him. THANK YOU to the truck driver that took the time to call the Police and I encourage other truckers to do the same. A lot of the people driving are incompetent and need training. And then there are the narcissist that think that they are superior to others and are selfish and arrogant and do not care if they kill somebody because of their narcissism ! Those are the ones that should be banned from driving.

    • @arthurpewtey
      @arthurpewtey 2 года назад +7

      People who do that need to be taken off the roads, even when the police aren't there. 10 out of 10 to the trucker. And the police, for that matter.

    • @swedishdashcam3444
      @swedishdashcam3444 2 года назад +3

      My latest video from today almost gave me a heartattack. Too much rain to catch the reg number :/

    • @ebnertra0004
      @ebnertra0004 2 года назад +5

      Yeah...I can't really say anything other than that he earned it. In an ideal world, can't drive responsibly = can't drive

    • @94Tomekm
      @94Tomekm 2 года назад +3

      I totally agree he deserved to get his driver's license revoked because that's could have killed 3 people minimum if he would have crashed with the first car.

  • @NatureFavor
    @NatureFavor 2 года назад +12

    Teslan i första klippet ägs av 3MIL AB i Kungsbacka, bara skicka klippet till dem och fråga vad fan dem grejar med :)

    • @hasting8422
      @hasting8422 2 года назад

      Teslan va ju stört skön hahahah

  • @Mort221
    @Mort221 2 года назад +45

    Maddie's 'OH FUCK' is exactly how I think anyone would have responded in that situation.

  • @jonmagnusson6399
    @jonmagnusson6399 2 года назад +9

    Det absolut värsta är ju att detta inte är några isolerade incidenter, det händer ju DAGLIGEN för många av oss som är ute på vägarna !

  • @MrLembnau
    @MrLembnau 2 года назад +19

    all these people trying to overtake at any cost just to cut across and get off at the next exit... i got taught that if you are getting off that road within 1km you do not overtake anymore.

  • @kateym2198
    @kateym2198 2 года назад +138

    I think all drivers who do these poorly executed moves should lose license particularly those who brake check. Persons who,do,that don’t have maturity to handle a vehicle, excellent video.

    • @stewartthompson72
      @stewartthompson72 2 года назад +5

      Unfortunately, I can only give this one thumbs up, but it deserves many, many more.

    • @Schlippan
      @Schlippan 2 года назад +1

      truck manufacturers: we put automatic breaking systems in our trucks to add to road safety
      car drivers with small dicks: yay now i can finally justify being an asshole to trucks!

    • @thedjwolf
      @thedjwolf 2 года назад +2

      I agree!!! I also think they should never have had their licens in the first place, but sadly it's impossible to see it on a person before they do it 🤔

    • @ttfan33
      @ttfan33 2 года назад +2

      Send the video to the police so he gets at least a fine, praise to everyone who drives a truck!

    • @johnparker7663
      @johnparker7663 2 года назад

      There is police in left side

  • @tcb1017
    @tcb1017 2 года назад +15

    I'm glad that my trucking days are over. From what I understand now, it is a grande dog life with all the crazy drivers out there now. I feel for you brother trucker. I drove Finland-Sweden-Danmark back in the days of 1976-1979 great times also being on the ferries wow, dance, music and beautiful senoritas and sauna and ok, a little LOve also wow, those was the days but now, no more of that so I really do feel sorry for the new these days truckers. God bless you all. 🚛😊

  • @ChrisisisB
    @ChrisisisB 2 года назад +9

    2:50 Klart läskigt. Man vet att det kommer en "must pass truck", men så tänker man "nu går det inte" och sedan "nu går det inte alls"... och ännu senare kommer dåren.

  • @BersekViking
    @BersekViking 2 года назад +6

    Traced the registration number of the Skoda the braked in front of you. The owner is a local politician.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +1

      Send an email with a link to this video to the higher ups in his political party ;)

  • @alexosborne5629
    @alexosborne5629 2 года назад +10

    The driver who lost his licence obviously thought because he was driving a Mercedes Sprinter van, he could sprint through the traffic........ he probably is wondering how and why he lost it..... probably cost him his job too..... 🤦‍♂️

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +1

      I wouldn't drive like that even with a Sprinter van, and I'm trained to drive a military 5ton variant of that vehicle on and off road...
      It would have been a rush of shadenfreude if he had swerved into the right side barrier and flipped into the valley after the overtake...

  • @ZekeMagnum
    @ZekeMagnum 2 года назад +5

    Skickade du in klippet till '' Karlstads Processrör AB'' ? 2:09.

  • @Hetmannster
    @Hetmannster 2 года назад +15

    I am as always impressed of those who drive company cars, with logo and other identifiers on. There is a few of those i do not call if i need anything done, when they cant drive, I seriously question their ability to do any kind of work properly and legally.

  • @bertilfalukorv2056
    @bertilfalukorv2056 2 года назад +6

    The roundabout in 1.22, i drive there almost every day. A LOT of people do that mistake there. Half of the roundabout is only one lane, but people don't understand that. Need to be some better signs there or something. Very weird roundabout

  • @MatthewN8OHU
    @MatthewN8OHU 2 года назад +7

    The one with the wood in the trailer needs a longer one, not to mention who in their right mind extends the load forward; that's just asking for dents in your vehicle if you turn right too sharply.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +2

      Not to mention the fact that the load becomes lethal missiles if the driver hits the brakes just hard enough to overcome the friction between boards and the front of the trailer...

  • @Rallarbusen
    @Rallarbusen 2 года назад +6

    Regarding 3:18, Waze sometimes tells you, in Swedish, "Vid rondellen, gör en U-sväng"; lit "At the roundabout, make a U-turn"

    • @johan.ohgren
      @johan.ohgren 2 года назад +2

      Because the maps are not always updated. Either way, the gps isn't driving. Not yet anyway..

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +1

      And anyone competent enough to keep their licence understands that as: take a full lap in the roundabout.

  • @carledwards9477
    @carledwards9477 2 года назад +8

    Great video as they always are. Thank you!
    As for the drivers pulling such stupid moves, I truly hope the law catches up with them.
    The driver who almost had a head-on with the old lady deserved to lose his licence.

  • @skodadashcamdk3590
    @skodadashcamdk3590 2 года назад +10

    Great video again, The driver's license should take from anyone who does brake check

  • @tomatoes3
    @tomatoes3 2 года назад +10

    Think unless you have driven a large vehicle then you have no idea of what its like, these people that brake check, cut up and generally drive with out a care are another hazard of driving these days.The trucker that reported that van to the police did the right thing.

  • @tiddybearkush
    @tiddybearkush 2 года назад +3

    1:36 police of duty about to do some garden work🤣

  • @ollo1982
    @ollo1982 2 года назад +3

    The incident at 3:36 is in Norway, and its very common to see things like this! Thank god this guy lost his license!

  • @SuperTobbe12
    @SuperTobbe12 2 года назад +6

    Tesla driver in first clip should have lost his license too

  • @robertlindberg2938
    @robertlindberg2938 2 года назад +4

    Unfortunately, this is how it looks on our roads. Total lack of respect for one's own and others' lives.

    • @GeorgeFafa
      @GeorgeFafa 2 года назад

      You should see how they drive in Romania!! :-)

  • @oldmanhuppiedos
    @oldmanhuppiedos 2 года назад +7

    There are passenger cars that prefer to drive over a truck.
    Such stupid behavior to brake after overtaking.
    very well lost his driver's license.

  • @timjan9329
    @timjan9329 2 года назад +4

    7:48 have almost gotten mowed down by planks while driving my motorcycle because they didn't secure them... It was pretty scary when I saw the planks lift.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +2

      Yeah, always call in unsecured cargo to 112 (or whatever the national emergency number is where one is at the time)

    • @type17
      @type17 2 года назад

      I hope that guy didn't pass any pedal-cyclists 😬 Also, I presume that the registration on the trailer should match the one on the car?

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад

      @@type17 nope, the trailer is a separately registered vehicle when it comes to Swedish law.

  • @Soren_Marodoren
    @Soren_Marodoren 2 года назад +16

    Yes, call the police. These crazy drivers shall not be on the road.

  • @richardthomas1743
    @richardthomas1743 2 года назад +12

    HEY ! Hello and thumbs UP to my favorite trucker! I sincerely hope that you are doing well

  • @Hummanahummanaaa
    @Hummanahummanaaa 2 года назад +1

    3:20 - When you see a clip from where you live and go like: Yeah, that pretty much sums up my town.
    Och 7:55 - "Jag ska fan föreslå det för åkeriet" dog lite av kärlek

  • @loverichardson9954
    @loverichardson9954 2 года назад +3

    1:35 ingen som lägger märke till polisen som drar en gallervagn?

  • @ehsnils
    @ehsnils 2 года назад +9

    Some people deserve an encounter with the cable wires at the center of the road.
    But the last one should also have had a clear encounter with the cops for unsecured load.

  • @MrLyckyman77
    @MrLyckyman77 2 года назад +12

    Man slutar aldrig förvånas över vissa folks beteenden i trafiken när de kommer stora lastbilar.

    • @nancypelosisbigboobs5469
      @nancypelosisbigboobs5469 2 года назад +4

      äsh det är bara Elon Musk som kämpar för miljön. Han försöker tvinga oss dieselförbrukaren att köpa elektriska lastbilar. Bara låt honom va han tröttnar snart. :D

    • @tompa6668
      @tompa6668 2 года назад +1

      Många amatör bilister har ingen aning om att tunga lastbilar har en fartbegränsning.

  • @philipbrown4602
    @philipbrown4602 2 года назад +5

    Great posting, keep it up. I always enjoy your posts.

  • @norwegiandashcam6282
    @norwegiandashcam6282 2 года назад +4

    I know i'm a bit late on this video but yea the truck that lost his license fully deserved it, driving like that he should not be om the road. Well done by the trucker to contact the police he may have saved someone's life if the crazy truck driver kept on driving like that. Huge fan of your videos🤩 takes time to collect content when you are only one person mostly, so i'm working with collecting enough clips for a new video

  • @bringfan
    @bringfan 2 года назад +8

    Good thing that driver lost his license. These clips show there are alot of crazy people in traffic.

    • @99redballoons54
      @99redballoons54 2 года назад +2

      Thanks for sharing. Pleased that guy lost his license. There are plenty of others that need theirs taken as well. It's a relief to know that NZ is not the only country that gives idiots driving licenses

  • @PPT75019
    @PPT75019 2 года назад +8

    4:27 calling the police and tell on people is not very popular but it is still much better than having this kind of people stay on the road with no consequences for their actions.

    • @TheHammertimeable
      @TheHammertimeable 2 года назад +3

      I find it funny you used the term "tell on people" in this situation, I feel like you use that when somebody steals a cookie or something not when driving recklessly around in a 2 ton death machine

  • @theGreenChangeling
    @theGreenChangeling 2 года назад

    A couple of weeks ago I got a recomendation about a video here on youtube regarding a traffic accident over in Great Britain, as recently as last year, where a truck plowed into a couple of cars in SLOW traffic on one of the highways. 3 people in 2 seperate cars died whereas the truck driver is in jail due to being on the phone. The truck, carrying fertilizer, caught fire, and it was only after the flames were put out that one of the vehicles and the old couple inside were discovered. The accident itself demonstrates what can happen when a fast moving truck rear-ends a stationary family car, and it is my opinion that it should be mandatory for anyone who takes a driver lisence to watch the documentary, with the goal being to reduce both phone use while driving and the amount of drivers willing to perform brake checks. My theory is that drivers who are willing to perform brake checks, especially on heavier vehicles, don't realize the exact danger they expose not only themselves and the targetet vehicle for, but also anyone around them. That or they have a really bad need to win themselves a Dawring Award, as illustrious as that is...

  • @CharlesPiston
    @CharlesPiston 2 года назад +4

    Hi mate. The tesla driver should be Ban from driving for at least 6 months plus massive fine

    • @johnt.848
      @johnt.848 2 года назад +2

      Or give serial offenders an over the air update that speed limits them.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад

      @@johnt.848 or just deactivates the power relay to the motors and door locks...

  • @micke20
    @micke20 2 года назад +8

    Serves him right the driver that was so mutch of an a-hole in 3:50. I do hope that that driver don't get his license back for a LOOOOONG time

  • @vifgull
    @vifgull 2 года назад +7

    The level of madness in the traffic? Oh fuck! I also say. Some got their driving license in a Cornflakes pack. Love your channel dude, good man. I will buy a dashcam via you.

  • @jenesisjones6706
    @jenesisjones6706 2 года назад +12

    In my opinion , ANY illegal driving caught by any dashcam should always be given to the police.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +4

      Agreed, unfortunately, at least in Sweden, the police won't act on it unless you call it in as it happens and follow the reckless driver until the police can take over the situation.

  • @anakondase
    @anakondase 2 года назад +3

    Vad är det som hänt de senaste åren egentligen? Somliga verkar tro att bara man slår på varningsblinkers är allt okej. Parkera där det är parkeringsförbud, dubbelparkering osv.

  • @rgrndu
    @rgrndu 2 года назад +4

    That trucker deserved to lose his license. In the U.S., the police probably wouldn’t even respond to a call like that.

  • @kristofferhellstrom
    @kristofferhellstrom 2 года назад +3

    Man blir riktigt förbannad när man ser många av dessa förare!

  • @bonbonarobonbonarov1333
    @bonbonarobonbonarov1333 2 года назад +2

    Sadly most Tesla drivers think they own the road , when they can't even drive , unless its a straight road .

  • @Frillesasare
    @Frillesasare 2 года назад +7

    Tack för ännu en härlig video.

  • @sakesan6828
    @sakesan6828 2 года назад +1

    If i saw a driver in the mirror, when two lines goes in one and i see they try to keel me over, i just switch in the middle of the road and block the way…

  • @rond6783
    @rond6783 2 года назад +6

    Maddie needs a new horn. I think the old one is worn out. 😀

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +2

      Crowd fund a train air horn? Or maybe a mist horn from an old ice breaker?

    • @ingelaso2717
      @ingelaso2717 2 года назад

      Unfortunately strictly forbidden in our country. 😭

  • @tntfreddan3138
    @tntfreddan3138 2 года назад +1

    Was driving on RV40 from Jönköping to Borås. Close to Ulricehamn, at the last place the road narrows from 2 lanes to 1 lane, I got passed by a BMW who flew past at 150+ km/h in the middle of the night. I saw him in my mirror but he was way too far back and it was only 300 meters, or so, left of 2 lanes so didn't think too much of it.... Until I see his headlights right at my side and I have to swerve as to not hit him. Dropped my energy drink.
    Some people are really bad at switching off their high beams at night as well. Had a guy behind me all the way from Bollebygd to Borås with both high beams, LED-bar and his 3 extra lights on. He didn't really get the memo that his high beams hurts my eyes when I flashed my hazards so, because I have no respect for anyone who's in a car when I'm in a truck, I turned on my reverse/work lights. He switched off his lights real fast.

  • @damnoldguy
    @damnoldguy 2 года назад +3

    Too many people drive with their feelings, and that's a serious problem. If i were in charge of driving around the globe a whole lot of people would be taking public transport.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +2

      Same, including a lot of my colleagues (I drive a taxi)

  • @Typhoz666
    @Typhoz666 2 года назад +1

    BIG thanx for another great clip. Hope to see you on the road again soon.

  • @VioleNFaN
    @VioleNFaN 2 года назад +6

    Tesla owned by a company. Send the footage to them?

    • @jonathan7390
      @jonathan7390 2 года назад +6

      The company seems to be run by two 19-year-olds that rents out party equipment. This is a typical immature move by the tesla, so I guess this is one of the 19-year-olds. Really sad if your driving style starts like this.

  • @marcvanderwee
    @marcvanderwee 2 года назад +2

    3.35-4.30. Good that driver lost his license! And luckily there was no accident! I guess this scene is in Austria, as there are yellow centre lines on the road. Only in Austria this is common, as long as it is a single carriageway, and of course when it is about Europe. France and Spain had yellow centre lines as well, until about 1976.

    • @superskrobb
      @superskrobb 2 года назад +1

      its norway, in norway we use yellow senter lines to seperate oncoming trafic,aka single lanes in each direction,on a multilane road you wil still find the yellow line to the farthest left,and white lines seperating the lanes,but in general in norway yellow lines to the left of you meens oncomming traffic on the other side....

    • @marcvanderwee
      @marcvanderwee 2 года назад

      @@superskrobb Hi Finn,
      That is clear! Thank you very much for your information!

  • @Taxidashen
    @Taxidashen 2 года назад +3

    Jag kan bara föreställa mig hur arg och skärrad den föraren av vita lastbilen som "brejkcheckades" av den lilla bilen i cirkulationsplatsen. Jag hade nog blivit arg åxå!

  • @tengelgeer
    @tengelgeer 2 года назад +3

    With the amount of crazy stuff you (and I) see on the road I always find the number of fines for the really dangerous stuff very disappointing.

  • @ingeting10000
    @ingeting10000 2 года назад +3

    Kul att någon lyssnade på Dick och Linus!

  • @WhiteyBrandi
    @WhiteyBrandi 2 года назад +4

    im totally with you in the first clip.
    BUT SOME trucks tho.. they really take forever to pass.
    the trucker BEING passed never lets go of 5 stupid kmh.
    which also is just not right in my eyes.
    so yeh.. some days i also think bad things to myself but it wont help anyone..
    i also just hope you will finally be able to drive yourself again.
    cant imagine how many people still recognize your orange big truck, just without pikachu. :/

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +1

      Which is why more and more highways are illegal for trucks to overtake other vehicles, esp. during rush hour.

    • @truckdriver1982
      @truckdriver1982  2 года назад +3

      I agree with you that some overtake when there is just a little bit differnce in speed.
      But here you can see how the overtaking truck very fast get some distance to the camera it was a fast and easy overtake.
      And even if its a stupid overtake...brake checking is far worse.
      But it sound like we agree with each other :)

    • @WhiteyBrandi
      @WhiteyBrandi 2 года назад +3

      yeah~ now go swing that butt back into the orange volvo truck and go get some scenery for us again! ;)

  • @The.Greenlight.District
    @The.Greenlight.District 2 года назад +1

    02:22 - Great light!

  • @johndue2366
    @johndue2366 2 года назад +1

    The Tesla driver:
    Are you stupid?
    I have bought a very expensive car which make me very important.
    We all know this kind of persons, - there is one living close to me.
    He is driving a first generation Tesla and he is definitively not a nice person,
    I'm driving Volvo since 1986 and believe in the unwritten words in the contract:
    If you drive a Volvo you must adhere to the rules of the road where ever you live.
    Make the Volvo name an icon for the safest car in the world.
    Owing two Volvo's with +300HP under the hood, I drive according to the laws and with a desire to survive until I get old.
    Yes, I have crossed the ++200kmh mark on the German Autobahn when I was young, stupid and immortal.
    Now I know better.
    Following a crash with another guy at the wheel I learned the lesson.
    How do you drive?

  • @skodass1
    @skodass1 2 года назад +2

    4:25 do stupid things, get stupid prizes. If you cant drive safely and orderly you dont deserve to have a license

  • @ericwalsh3200
    @ericwalsh3200 2 года назад +2

    Nice to know it's not just the UK that has terrible drivers

  • @jernulf268
    @jernulf268 2 года назад +4

    Jag undrar om indupipe själva har sett hur deras förare kör...

  • @7kakan
    @7kakan 2 года назад +1

    It's easier to make up an exuse for coming late, than to apoligize for killing someone.

  • @PEPE-xt7xi
    @PEPE-xt7xi 2 года назад +2

    5:23 is in helsingborg, aka ättekulla.

  • @deletedaccount9357
    @deletedaccount9357 2 года назад +3

    1:36 inte ofta man ser en polisbil med släp

  • @The-Cubis
    @The-Cubis Год назад

    i can relate so mutch with those overtakes with my epa/A-tracktor

  • @DJBach
    @DJBach 2 года назад +1

    It was nice to hear ur narrative on this video. Hope u r well.

  • @rexxo4246
    @rexxo4246 2 года назад +1

    1:05 Samtidigt, bra "podd" att lyssna på :)

  • @adamhlali8106
    @adamhlali8106 2 года назад +3

    3:01 xD
    "Men är du helt jävla dum..." *truck horn"
    "But are you completely dumb..."
    Sadly she was louder then her truck and I'm not gonna translate the rest. But it's a lovely word. :)

  • @etnilsson
    @etnilsson 2 года назад +3

    0:57 - Teslan är företagsägd.

  • @mathiasthordin4314
    @mathiasthordin4314 2 года назад +3

    tyvärr är det så att de som gör fel blir förbannade när man tutar eller blinkar på dem för du flyttade ju för inte på dig... fast de bryter mot alla trafikreglerna som finns inkl vet o etikett.

  • @whitedovetail
    @whitedovetail 2 года назад +1

    I think you truck drivers have ever right in the world to just drive right over drivers like the Tesla. People like the Tesla driver will never change their ways until something with all that weight just plows right over them!

  • @nancyaustin9516
    @nancyaustin9516 2 года назад +4

    It seems to me people have been more rude and dangerous this last year or so than ever before!

  • @2008tourer
    @2008tourer 2 года назад +2

    Wow, the count from the Tesla definitely should get at least a hefty fine or a driving ban for a month or two. Maybe then he will learn that being late a minute doesn't sound as bad as not being able to drive at all

  • @thetechcorner7204
    @thetechcorner7204 2 года назад +1

    1:30 lol the police was right there

  • @TobyDK91
    @TobyDK91 Год назад

    1:52 a guy wiped out himself, and the mother and father of two, doing this. It was just a few weeks ago, near where I live. The kids, where in the back seat and survived. I hate people that do this so much.

  • @zvicinou
    @zvicinou 2 года назад +5

    Some ppl like to win a darwin award…. Tbh they can have it.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +1

      Unfortunately they tend to try to take as many innocents with themas possible...

  • @Jo_Kuiper
    @Jo_Kuiper 2 года назад +1

    All those bad drivers should lose their licence.

  • @tammywehner3269
    @tammywehner3269 2 года назад

    unfortunately, we get this on the roads near me every month, when the government assistance cheques get into the local "agitators" bank accounts. It seems to bring out the weirdness from everyone who can reach the gas pedal. also known at the "state of Florida's daily commute"

  • @marc23009
    @marc23009 2 года назад +1

    It should be allowed to just let them break check and YOU dont break... like wtf are people thinking. they think its all fun and games until the truck doesnt break....

  • @xerexon2k
    @xerexon2k 2 года назад +1

    first one should have lost his license too!

  • @rockrebell100
    @rockrebell100 Год назад

    The cracks you see in the road after film 4,11 minutes... Thats scary!!! Thoose cracks show that the road will soon be whasched away!!!

  • @sonnyfabich2226
    @sonnyfabich2226 2 года назад +1

    Really laid back commentary from the Swedish guy but I kept waiting for him to say "Mork! Mork! Mork!"

  • @christopherx7428
    @christopherx7428 2 года назад +2

    Good thing that the reckless truckk driver lost his license, but where is the clip taken? It is a lovely scenery but doesn't look Swedish as the line in the middle of the road is yellow. Ah - Norway, I didn't notice the coordinates at first.

  • @callmealgernon1130
    @callmealgernon1130 2 года назад

    3:42 That's on Hemsedalfjellet in Norway going towards Oslo, I drive here pretty often between Oslo and Bergen. And yes I can say that this hill up the mountain you have alot of impatient drivers..

  • @Teadon86
    @Teadon86 Год назад

    Usually, when a driver isn't keeping the speed limit I flash them a few times. If they do not 'get it' I slam my face on the horn and keep slamming it till they get the hint. If they brake check I maintain my place and if I tickle their bum because I couldn't slow down fast enough when being fully loaded with 13-15 tons of fluids I couldn't care less.

  • @markachternaamloos4184
    @markachternaamloos4184 2 года назад +3

    Don"t they sell cars with indicators in Sweden?

    • @MJ-fh9hj
      @MJ-fh9hj 2 года назад +6

      they do but a lot of drivers forget to fill up the indicator fluid container.

    • @pierrestone3217
      @pierrestone3217 2 года назад +1

      Option on BMW

  • @marinusdekker6707
    @marinusdekker6707 2 года назад +2

    I think it's good that he could surrender his driver's license. (hope he never gets it back) If the old woman hadn't stopped, this would have been a terrible accident.

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад +1

      But if he had lost control, swerved and gone through/over the right side barrier without affecting anyone else would have been tragicomical karma...

  • @deckard7875
    @deckard7875 2 года назад +1

    Min. 1.21 For the series.. When you see them on the ground, with the scooter in mush, with a broken head and twisted arms or legs, which still have the strength to inveigh against you.. And your answer is? Next time check the giant white arrow printed on the asphalt, at the entrance of the roundabout!😏

  • @dingleberrybob531
    @dingleberrybob531 2 года назад +2

    Gotta beat the truck
    Gotta beat the truck
    Gotta beat the truck
    Fluck safety
    Fluck the law
    Gotta beat the truck

  • @danielhjelmberg1173
    @danielhjelmberg1173 6 месяцев назад

    They are hard in Norway 🇳🇴 Good the light truck got his licence revoked!

  • @aleksejjovanovic986
    @aleksejjovanovic986 Год назад

    When somebody honks back 2 fast ones it means sorry my fault. I know people do not communicate by honking in northern Europe.

  • @chrisgames5201
    @chrisgames5201 Год назад

    Haha, klippet av Skodaen som tar break check er jo opp mot Gardermoen i Norge 😁

  • @Mimer6
    @Mimer6 2 года назад

    Speed limits were scientifically developed in the United States to reduce accidents. The scientific thing about it is that the bad was overtaking. So the point of the speed limits was that all cars would drive at the same speed and with that there would be no overtaking. No matter if they drove 50 or 180 km / h only everyone drove the same speed.
    The drivers of these videos have not understood how dangerous overtaking is and the consequences of a frontal collision.

  • @cgg5812
    @cgg5812 2 года назад +3

    Det är märkligt att inte ens yrkesförare kan trafikregler i rondeller!! Var i helvete har de fått sina körkort, är det ingen som kollar???

    • @SonsOfLorgar
      @SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад

      När man väl tagit lappen är det i princip bara läkarkontrollerna efter 60 som görs utöver polisens stickprovskontroller ute på vägarna

  • @arposkraft3616
    @arposkraft3616 2 года назад +1

    I always find people driving jags teslas etc trying to impress me with near collisions very funny....their car is 30000+ euros... mine is 300 in parts and i have nothing to loose

  • @tcb1017
    @tcb1017 2 года назад +3

    Just like you having that grande pokeman there sitting I used to have a lion. And the reson for that was that Lion is the King of the jungle and Scania is the King of the trucks and I drove a Scania. It was my own Scania tractor me pulling semi trailers in California. This was back then in 1995. No more and no more Scania either in California. When my days ended I drove it from San Francisco to New York and shipped it to Goteborg Sweden and picked it up there and drove it over to Finland and sold it there. Who knows now where that truck is, maybe in Russa who knows but what I may now is that it is not an over the road truck in Scandinavia because it is a 12 volt truck and not an 24 volt truck as they use in Europe. This Sania was fr the US market but now no more of thet either so life goes on. Scania tried in the US but did a lot of mistakes and I told them that.

  • @swepyro0332
    @swepyro0332 2 года назад +1

    The once with the Tesla and the Toyota realy pisses me off!

  • @ingridcatharinaharburg3208
    @ingridcatharinaharburg3208 2 года назад +2

    Det där jätte vanligt i Norge jag ser de varje dag här i norge

  • @jennieh8173
    @jennieh8173 2 года назад +1

    "And that was it, hehehe". 😂

  • @chrisrose323
    @chrisrose323 Год назад

    I've driven where Madeleine is driving. Its a pain to look out for animals on the roads and then theres the wild life XD