I think that the person who took this idea the farthest in America was Frank Herbert. His Dune series is an elaboration and cautionary tale on heroes. He said saviors should come with a warning label. He, perhaps, hopefully wanted a benevolent tyrant who would - just like Nietzsche's Zarathustra - provide the balance and teach us the hard lesson that we should scatter and run away from the stagnation and tyranny of order. If I'm being honest, I think people will endeavor to bring into fruition the Christian apocalypse - because if you are directed by an archetype, you are already set towards a direction in its temporal dimension; and that pressure is terrible in the apocalypse archetype if acted out behaviorally in a collective form. I think we'll have the great suffering of the end of the Kali Yuga as culmination of the age of Pisces, perhaps in WWIII. If you read what many geopolitical commentors say the tripolar world is already carved by the biggest super-powers, the problem is if the possible stability or synthesis of this in time comes with conflict between them. For example, Mearsheimer's theory of self-preservation of nations really follows the Aeschylus dictum, that when a power rises conflict is inevitable. Protective fear is too strong.
This needs about 50 million more views. It's common now to feel that her impressions are correct, but I wonder how many people would have agreed in 1977. This is the genius of people who are more fully conscious; they see things far sooner and more clearly than most of us. And they know most won't understand, and may even become hostile to them for what they think because it threatens our defenses against what we need to keep unconscious.
Marie-Louise is MINDBLOWING in every sentence - what a mighty power of intelligence. Must be such a joy to be around her and engage in a conversation. God Bless
The longing for an authoritarian leader is a longing for the strong daddy, who will love, defend, support and reward one’s values and behavior, no matter what they are, as long as daddy approves. The authoritarian leader will abuse his subordinates, who will, then, abuse their subordinates, to finally land on their citizens. It’s the true trickle down theory. This approach to life has never worked in the long run and only serves more injustice and suffering. This will be a painful lesson for us Americans to learn.
American are free spirits by nature, and this lady's observation regarding this matter is completely wrong. A society that looks for an authoritarian ruler has denied, and handed decision-making, some rights in favor of complacency. Does this work? Absolutely!!! Russian society is the prime example. They want, they need a strong ruler to steering the country. Always has Ben like this, the CZar, the Soviets and now Putin. They love a hard handed government. Far from the American society idiosyncrasy.
It's a longing for the permissive parent, the one who lets the child act as rotten as it wants to without being scolded. In Mary Trump's first book, she details that since age 5, Donald discovered that by acting outlandish, he wasn't told to stop but instead garnered attention. So he kept it up. Donald's followers wish they could lead such a charmed life, and see the opportunity in Donald's permissiveness.
@@Chevalier69 welcome to russia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. As an American living overseas, I find the situation in the US disturbing and reminiscent of Germany in 1936.
But mostly from the 80s. Since "maximizing shareholder value" became really the ONLY value in America. Now, the only game in town is the battle among the .1% for controlling what income and wealth remain. The rest is a sideshow they present to distract the 99.9% from knowing what is happening or why. And it's now irreversible. Game over.
@@carllelendt5452 you mean when Ronald Regan was elected and ran the country into lower inflation and one of the best economy’s since grew depression? That time?
@@Phillip-g5q It's funny how relative things are. I had Danish friends who had lived through Nazi occupation and they all thought Reagan was a fascist. The lasting Reagan legacy was the trickle up economy that has created our present oligarchy and massive wealth inequalities. Clinton and rest happily sent the foundation of middle class wealth, manufacturing, to China, who reaps our tax dollars to build an empire and lift 700 million people out of squalor.
@@The_Jungian_AionYou can very well have your own primordial ground, and still have the democratic-political ground pulled away from you by a tyrannical government.
At 0:50 she says “…not knowing where to go.” Americans - unwittingly, apparently - democratically voted down democracy. But, not knowing “where to go,” they ended up with the billionaires’ oligarchy. Why did they ever think billionaires were the people to understand their food stamp lives? They didn’t think. They emoted.
It could have been anyone that's the point you miss, Orange man was the only one who stepped up to the plate. That orange oligarch was saying the things people were feeling then and now, no establishment politician is willing to do that, no grassroots leaders are showing up either. In a system where you need hundreds of millions of dollars to run a campaign it could be argued that nobody other than an oligarch with a chip on his shoulder could do it.
I am an American, and l totally agree. Totally saddened by much of what my country has become. So grateful, however, for the many kind and decent people here . Thank you.
Very impressive. As an American, I basically agree with her. We're ready to experiment instead of sticking with outmoded habits as so many Europeans do. But we lack some of the solid basis of character and personality that so many Europeans seem to have. In my experience, they possess a certainty about the fundamentals of life that guide people and keep them authentic. We Americans are trained to be open to strangers, much more than Europeans are, but we have surrendered a certain fundamental authenticity as a result. As soon as the American cashier asks, "How are you?", there comes the obligatory reply, "Fine!!!!!!" And that's a dishonest response that is shallow and misleading. (Then again, the quick question and the nice response do lend a certain patina of friendliness and warmth to the transaction. I have to confess to preferring it to the stone-cold demeanor of the German cashier.... Note that even von Franz gets rather animated in her praise of the Americans' open minds.....) So on balance, I have the same mixed feelings I see in von Franz.
Your assessment of small-talk as dishonest is simplistic. Do you really expect someone to go through a detailed description of the state of their life at that moment in that situation? Do you expect them to say, "well, the economy sucks, my wife has cancer, a shooter killed three people at my daughter's school, so, I'm doing horribly?" To every stranger just saying hello? No, small talk is simply a social grease, a pleasantry. And it works. Life is much better when people in general are casually friendly and willing to help (in small ways) than when they are stiff, tight-lipped, and aloof.
I respect her opinion, and I feel she is right. I will follow up on other postings of her thoughts. I do feel we are living in a time that will be remembered historically as a great turning point for good or ill. Thank you.
She's so intuitive and smart....we do Float around a lot in the States for sure.Taking the shoes off and walking in sand or grass keeps you down a little....the ole Hokey Pokey!!!!..cause that's what it's all about....😊..God bless Marie....
Marie Louise nails it in her usual inimitable fashion. Althought there is s lot to be said about the American so called positivity which has benetted us all. I always feel that some of it is based upon escapism,egotism, boredom dissatisfaction and looking for the next wonder and big thing. Not grounded and specious.
@@marystele1197 agreed. Eckhart Tolle talks about the spiritual unconsciousness. It's so pervasive. And very frustrating for those who try to go deep into their own psyche. Most people are just so unbelIevably unconscious to what's inside of them, by choice.
What "troubles" are you referring to? America has been no more troubled than any other country in the world. Yes, some of today's problems were brewing in the 70s. But some have been brewing since the 60s,50s,40s,30s,20s and all the way back to this country's founding. Earth is a planet of problems. We learn about ourselves as we deal with them. NATURE!
It's hard to imagine her view of Americans as forward looking people. Living here, it would seem the vast majority are either standing still or looking backwards. I don't see the expansiveness of mind that she sees. Leaning into new technologies isn't expansion of mind. If anything, it has isolated people further from reality and each other.
For foreigners to better understand what's going on in America, a good read is "Anti-intellectualism in American Life." It's old but quite relevant. So is the "End of the World" episode of "Trackdown."
I found this wonderful and touching, even if 50 years old. I feel an affinity with her words and with many of the posters (i replied to several who commented this day). It is a deep look into our trajectory as individuals, as nations, and as one planet which has largely reached a singularity in its spiritual journey but has not figured out the next step yet. We are largely asleep and blind to ourselves, and what drives us. Those who have tried to elucidate what drives us, have done the hard work of picking apart all the threads of our meaning, have not convinced the bulk of the planet, because most humans are not intellectuals, and do not analyze our whole history. Those who 'like' or 'comment' are also a self-selective group and do not represent the mass of humanity. Most of us react emotionally, are careful not to stray too far from the herd, keep our heads down, and simply live in blind faith that everything will work out. (we put our faith in God), but that may or may not save us from ourselves, because it is only us who can save us, not any pumped up leader, altho we do need heroes. War is obsolete. If we can survive long enough to get past our two year old sensibility, we might make it. But a real vision is required. We need a mantra.
The matra is and as has been, for 45 years, "maximize shareholder value". That trumps everything. Pun intended. And that is the root evil driving and affecting everything.
The way we are headed, rapidly, is that ultimately (and not so long from now), one person will be making everyone's decisions. As it is, the entire game right now is the battle royal among the .1%. Everything else is the sideshow they've erected to distract us from our increasing loss of agency.
On the strength of this video alone, I have subscribed to your channel and have also ordered her "Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales". What a impressive intellect!
Don’t wanna be too binary here, but for the moment let’s look at two different “groups of protesters” in the recent history of the nation. On the one hand, we had (still have) those protesting against the almost routine abuse meted out by police against people of color. The people being abused are largely disadvantaged. They are seeking fair treatment. A ”piece of the pie”, if you will. On the other hand, we have the attempt to overturn the 2020 election four years ago. Those protesters? Many of them flew in, some on private chartered jets. Almost 100% white. And they are willing to destroy the whole thing, this thing that has given them so much pie over the decades (centuries!). It’s a combination of narcissism and nihilism. They are the spoiled playground brat, who after playing ball all day long the teacher comes and says “you need to let these other kids play with you”. And the brat’s reaction is “NO IT’S MINE!! I’m taking the ball and going home!” And in his rage, he kicks apart the goal net on his way out.
Disagree, the “victims”are looking for a Savior and someone to blame. We have no self worth, self respect nor self esteem left. Sadly, she is 100% correct!
"No! We want a king to rule over us! Then we will be the same as other nations. Our king will judge for us and go with us and fight our battles." ~ 1st Samuel 8:19-22
Those of us who are oriented properly, are in a "Terrific realization" that things are much much worse than we first thought or tolerated. It's shocking.
She spoke with the wisdom of someone who lived 1933 and 1939, but lived to speak about it in 1977, so that there was some hope... Now America has its own demagogue and maybe we get to reflect on gratuitous current global uncertainties a few decades from now, if we're lucky the way that in the end she was...
17 часов назад
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Too many Americans have been convinced that this country is in ruins, therefore they feel the need for a 'strong leader'. They are about to learn a very painful lesson....
Agree with her assessment. I experience the culture as cliques, groups and loners, all with easy potential to fuel some sort of cluster B disorder out of each other. And under the pressure of consumerism sand casino capitalism, there is scant territory to find a true inner grounding in God.
Those of us who know that large, expensive, oppressive government is not the answer are not looking for a "hero." We're looking for our leaders to adhere to our Constitution and stay the hell out of our way so we can live our lives.
The things is , as she has also pointed out, "America is one of the great..." so that disorientation had greatly spread to most places in the world. The mess, the nothingness under our feet... the search or hope for a leader...
We just had GW Bush 2.0 in Biden. Most conflicts since ww2. Closest to nuclear war in our lives. It cant get worse than the last 4 years. Sewa Side and Hom Les Ness records broken too
Will watch the whole interview. Great respect to the great psychologist and scholar for caution about her observations. I think I'll be agreeing with much of what she says. I do however strongly disagree that the fall (continued internal decay due to mass inequality) of the USA would be a precursor to global upheaval, it's entirely an upside down way to see it. The USA a young nation, perhaps in the throes of teenage disruption, great nations around the globe have been through this phase. But there is another issue, the USA is built on accumulation of wealth at any means, which I think she is including in her comments in this short clip, this is the core of the American malaise and it's motivation from the civil right up to it's global hegemony, it's far from healthy for the USA (a few with the private income of the equivalent of the lower half of the nation) or the rest of the world to have so much unbalance.
"No one in this world, so far as I know-and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me-has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby. The mistake that is made always runs the other way. Because the plain people are able to speak and understand, and even, in many cases, to read and write, it is assumed that they have ideas in their heads, and an appetite for more. This assumption is a folly." H. L. Mencken (1926)
Very sadly only a tiny percentage of the population has this type of awareness. It is as clear as crystal to them. The remaining citizens either cannot or will not even look, because they have no interest in seeing.
My wife is a leading Dr of Psychology in her field. Myself I am a Political Scientist and an Economist. Our daughter is a Dr of Sociology. America's present culture was built on the 2nd Industrial Revolution. Even though the 2nd IR ended c.1913, the working class in America (and world wide) was created specifically for that 2nd IR. The entire societal ethos, concept of the America Dream is built upon the 2nd IR. Unfortunately the 3rd IR which started c.1945 specifically began to remove the need for the working class.. it was all about Automated production, man replaced by machine. Now the 4th IR is on the world ... Automation controlled by AI. Negating the need for human involvement This means in America, a culture built entirely on fear and the basis of 'Dog eat Dog' ... The working class has moved to being the working poor and are fast becoming the working indigent. The working class are rapidly becoming entirely surplus to requirements. A lethal situation for any American. In such a nation with its Dystopian culture, of course they are looking for a 'Strong man' extremist. One who says in effect "You do not have to think, Daddy will make it all better!" ... A person who gives public credence to their misinformed, mindless vitriolic hate of immigrants .. When basically ALL Americans are fairly recent immigrants! As a nation America is collectively ignorant of reality. A nation driven by ludicrous Hubris. A nation that is actually already a failed State. That situation is now further playing out. America is headed for total collapse and due to its insatiable arrogance, that makes it incredibly dangerous for the planet ... As it thrashes about in its death throws, who knows if the planet will survive... An American instigated nuclear war looks ever more certain.
I just wish she had the courage to be more explicit- but she did a wonderful job of summing up a country adrift from its moorings. From a distance, the United States has no more business being a single country than uniting France Germany,Spain and Italy - so many cultural differences across the landmass.
That's 1977 and it's got far far worse since then. You only have to read the language and attitudes of young Americans, who weren't even born in 1977, on Facebook and RUclips, to see how degraded the culture is.
If you read them the right way, one of the messages contained within the 12 Steps of AA refer to moral absolutes, simply, "True is true, false is false, right is right, wrong is wrong", that's a message America as well as the rest of the world at large needs to understand... (From the writings of Professor Rip Von-Snickle of the University of Hard Knocks)...
I posted the 12 steps on my high school website ( from the class of late 60's), after the election, but mocked it up as if it was for "recovering progressives". Several of my former classmates took offense; it was too fresh. But I agree with the remarks made in the video.
The genome left to us from Europe's best people that founded our country has now changed. Those genetics have now changed to the point where the US population is #26 per average IQ in relation to all other countries population's average IQ scores.
The psyche spoken of suffers from its inward view point , a collective “circling of the wagons” so to speak to deflect the entrance of anything that might disturb the collective delusions being suffered by them but worse those delusions extend to relations without and the wider world has to suffer the down side of those delusions as well.
Her impressions are pretty accurate, to an American. People are fairly unmoored, and they have attached themselves to a demagogic MAGA culture that promises a kind of fool's gold of traditionalism that is really just a form of mindless exclusionism aimed at anyone that they don't consider to be in their in-group of white, rural Christians. But it has to be said, this trend is global. Europe also is the home of rising right-wing ethnic nationalism and racism. Austria will now have its first neo-Nazi government since 1945. Governments in the Netherlands, France and Germany are now influenced by right-wing, anti-immigrant movements. The political and cultural crisis fostered by right-wing resurgence is affecting all democracies.
busque en internet su nombre, resulta que una vez lei un libro de ella, que agradable sorpresa jaja _Simbolos De Redencion En Cuentos De Hadas_ -> recomendado, ameno. Familiar luego al leer Joseph Campbell
1977 and home girl is spotting it, and then on the back end she tries to backpedal. Shame on her. How did we get the idea we were anything more then the next coal?
On a side note, I've watched a few videos from Andrew Bustamante, a self proclaimed former CIA operative. To me it seems that the nihilism of those who work in the American intelligence sector is totally appalling. There simply seems to be no morals or proper afterthought. Of course this is probably true for any intelligence agencies, but the large countries have the most advanced agencies and should have the most responsibilities to keep them grounded in some moral framework. I have the feeling that these entities are truly a club where anything goes as long as noone finds out and that seems truly frightening. The ghosts the intelligence sector has created by their immoral actions have been flying around the common unconsciousness since at least the 1940s.
@@Jamluji I'd say therapy is not entirely about who you are but also finding out why and what you'd like to be or what the consequences are if you choose to continue to be who you think you are.
"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing…after they have exhausted all other possibilities." ~ a quote possibly misattributed to Winston Churchill.
As democracies have enlarged the voter franchise, the wealthiest have come to understand and fear that a fully enfranchised citizenry will use their political power to democratize the economy. In a democratized economy, everyone would gain in wealth, but the wealthiest's share of the whole would be decreased, and along with it, their political power. Therefore, the politics of division piting one segment of the electorate against another to keep them in disunity and from focusing on the economic inequality and the political inequality it helps maintains.
American capitalism - which is somewhat unique - has cunningly convinced US citizens that they too can aspire to wealth and security despite the economic and social maths not adding up. 'You too' came way before 'me too' and it's a big myth, that is constantly fueled by those who have the cake and refuse to share it. American capitalism also cunningly divides working people through race & ethnicity, social status, gender, religion and other human differences. The paradox is that unions for working people is viewed to be socialism and demonic, while corporations, industries, businesses, and the people who own them, are more than happy to be 'unionised in the form of federations, chambers of commerce, leagues, councils, groups, business lobbies, etc, etc. 🤔
"A looking for a leader or a hero...and that is very, very dangerous..."
@@WindOverWater-Non-duality She nailed it ! I wish she had not been so reserved. I would love to know her deeper insights into America.
A strongman, a dictator, a tyrant.
I think that the person who took this idea the farthest in America was Frank Herbert. His Dune series is an elaboration and cautionary tale on heroes. He said saviors should come with a warning label. He, perhaps, hopefully wanted a benevolent tyrant who would - just like Nietzsche's Zarathustra - provide the balance and teach us the hard lesson that we should scatter and run away from the stagnation and tyranny of order.
If I'm being honest, I think people will endeavor to bring into fruition the Christian apocalypse - because if you are directed by an archetype, you are already set towards a direction in its temporal dimension; and that pressure is terrible in the apocalypse archetype if acted out behaviorally in a collective form. I think we'll have the great suffering of the end of the Kali Yuga as culmination of the age of Pisces, perhaps in WWIII. If you read what many geopolitical commentors say the tripolar world is already carved by the biggest super-powers, the problem is if the possible stability or synthesis of this in time comes with conflict between them. For example, Mearsheimer's theory of self-preservation of nations really follows the Aeschylus dictum, that when a power rises conflict is inevitable. Protective fear is too strong.
@@Pedro-zu3uq franz vibes be so relaxing
This needs about 50 million more views. It's common now to feel that her impressions are correct, but I wonder how many people would have agreed in 1977. This is the genius of people who are more fully conscious; they see things far sooner and more clearly than most of us. And they know most won't understand, and may even become hostile to them for what they think because it threatens our defenses against what we need to keep unconscious.
@@WhoAmI-bh3pw This was hardly a new thought about America back then.
"No solid ground under the feet"..... I could not agree more.
@@robertalker652 Very concise comment, isn’t it
It's the lack of money period.
Marie-Louise is MINDBLOWING in every sentence - what a mighty power of intelligence. Must be such a joy to be around her and engage in a conversation. God Bless
The longing for an authoritarian leader is a longing for the strong daddy, who will love, defend, support and reward one’s values and behavior, no matter what they are, as long as daddy approves. The authoritarian leader will abuse his subordinates, who will, then, abuse their subordinates, to finally land on their citizens. It’s the true trickle down theory. This approach to life has never worked in the long run and only serves more injustice and suffering. This will be a painful lesson for us Americans to learn.
The left is Authoritarian and after Trudeau fell its down to Australia and the UK.
Everywhere else in Europe is shifting to the right for 1-7 years.
It's also really easy and doesn't require much insight. We have a ton of "Dunning Kruger effect" going on.
American are free spirits by nature, and this lady's observation regarding this matter is completely
A society that looks for an authoritarian ruler has denied, and handed decision-making, some rights in favor of complacency.
Does this work? Absolutely!!!
Russian society is the prime example. They want, they need a strong ruler to steering the country.
Always has Ben like this, the CZar, the Soviets and now Putin.
They love a hard handed government.
Far from the American society idiosyncrasy.
It's a longing for the permissive parent, the one who lets the child act as rotten as it wants to without being scolded.
In Mary Trump's first book, she details that since age 5, Donald discovered that by acting outlandish, he wasn't told to stop but instead garnered attention. So he kept it up. Donald's followers wish they could lead such a charmed life, and see the opportunity in Donald's permissiveness.
@@Chevalier69 welcome to russia, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. As an American living overseas, I find the situation in the US disturbing and reminiscent of Germany in 1936.
Spot-on. And this is from late '70's.. "to keep in balance.."
But mostly from the 80s. Since "maximizing shareholder value" became really the ONLY value in America. Now, the only game in town is the battle among the .1% for controlling what income and wealth remain. The rest is a sideshow they present to distract the 99.9% from knowing what is happening or why. And it's now irreversible. Game over.
@@carllelendt5452 you mean when Ronald Regan was elected and ran the country into lower inflation and one of the best economy’s since grew depression? That time?
@@Phillip-g5q It's funny how relative things are. I had Danish friends who had lived through Nazi occupation and they all thought Reagan was a fascist. The lasting Reagan legacy was the trickle up economy that has created our present oligarchy and massive wealth inequalities. Clinton and rest happily sent the foundation of middle class wealth, manufacturing, to China, who reaps our tax dollars to build an empire and lift 700 million people out of squalor.
@@Phillip-g5q She's not discussing Fed. budget policy, nor economics.
She is absolutely correct.
About what?
@@mofayer Everything she said.
@@mofayer Good one!!!! Thanks for laugh.
Funny that no one can comment on that. But everyone is laughing!! Good luck!
@@mofayer Laughing is good. Especially now.
She is correct, I too feel the ground slipping away
I hope you’re taking steps to find your own grounding and stability.
@@The_Jungian_AionYou can very well have your own primordial ground, and still have the democratic-political ground pulled away from you by a tyrannical government.
@@violax3467 thank you to you for your comment. That is true as are the two previous comments.
@@frankchilds9848 I feel the same. I feel my foundation has collapsed. I suppose I was naive in thinking that the US would self correct.
What a wise and perceptive woman.
At 0:50 she says “…not knowing where to go.” Americans - unwittingly, apparently - democratically voted down democracy. But, not knowing “where to go,” they ended up with the billionaires’ oligarchy. Why did they ever think billionaires were the people to understand their food stamp lives? They didn’t think. They emoted.
The winter of our discontent
And reacted. Americans are taught not to think critically but to react to a news talking head that already told them what to think!
It could have been anyone that's the point you miss, Orange man was the only one who stepped up to the plate. That orange oligarch was saying the things people were feeling then and now, no establishment politician is willing to do that, no grassroots leaders are showing up either. In a system where you need hundreds of millions of dollars to run a campaign it could be argued that nobody other than an oligarch with a chip on his shoulder could do it.
I am an American, and l totally agree. Totally saddened by much of what my country has become. So grateful, however, for the many kind and decent people here . Thank you.
Feels like we’ve come full circle
Not yet
...or simply haven't gotten nearly as far as we thought we had.
Very impressive. As an American, I basically agree with her. We're ready to experiment instead of sticking with outmoded habits as so many Europeans do. But we lack some of the solid basis of character and personality that so many Europeans seem to have. In my experience, they possess a certainty about the fundamentals of life that guide people and keep them authentic. We Americans are trained to be open to strangers, much more than Europeans are, but we have surrendered a certain fundamental authenticity as a result. As soon as the American cashier asks, "How are you?", there comes the obligatory reply, "Fine!!!!!!" And that's a dishonest response that is shallow and misleading. (Then again, the quick question and the nice response do lend a certain patina of friendliness and warmth to the transaction. I have to confess to preferring it to the stone-cold demeanor of the German cashier.... Note that even von Franz gets rather animated in her praise of the Americans' open minds.....) So on balance, I have the same mixed feelings I see in von Franz.
Your assessment of small-talk as dishonest is simplistic. Do you really expect someone to go through a detailed description of the state of their life at that moment in that situation? Do you expect them to say, "well, the economy sucks, my wife has cancer, a shooter killed three people at my daughter's school, so, I'm doing horribly?" To every stranger just saying hello? No, small talk is simply a social grease, a pleasantry. And it works. Life is much better when people in general are casually friendly and willing to help (in small ways) than when they are stiff, tight-lipped, and aloof.
"Hello. Welcome to Costco. I love you. Hello. Welcome to Costco. I love you. Hello. Welcome to...."
Thanks for the upload
I respect her opinion, and I feel she is right. I will follow up on other postings of her thoughts. I do feel we are living in a time that will be remembered historically as a great turning point for good or ill. Thank you.
She's so intuitive and smart....we do Float around a lot in the States for sure.Taking the shoes off and walking in sand or grass keeps you down a little....the ole Hokey Pokey!!!!..cause that's what it's all about....😊..God bless Marie....
"In the land of the blind, One-eyed Willy is king."
"Heyyy Youuu Guyyys!"
do the truffle shuffle
Marie Louise nails it in her usual inimitable fashion.
Althought there is s lot to be said about the American so called positivity which has benetted us all.
I always feel that some of it is based upon escapism,egotism, boredom dissatisfaction and looking for the next wonder and big thing.
Not grounded and specious.
@@marystele1197 agreed. Eckhart Tolle talks about the spiritual unconsciousness. It's so pervasive. And very frustrating for those who try to go deep into their own psyche. Most people are just so unbelIevably unconscious to what's inside of them, by choice.
It's amazing she foresaw these things way back in 1977! I think this was when the troubles were brewing.
What "troubles" are you referring to? America has been no more troubled than any other country in the world. Yes, some of today's problems were brewing in the 70s. But some have been brewing since the 60s,50s,40s,30s,20s and all the way back to this country's founding. Earth is a planet of problems. We learn about ourselves as we deal with them. NATURE!
It's hard to imagine her view of Americans as forward looking people. Living here, it would seem the vast majority are either standing still or looking backwards. I don't see the expansiveness of mind that she sees. Leaning into new technologies isn't expansion of mind. If anything, it has isolated people further from reality and each other.
@@paulwheeler6609 Remember she met America in the 60s and 70s
The comments are from 50 years ago but describe our psyche pretty well.
For foreigners to better understand what's going on in America, a good read is "Anti-intellectualism in American Life." It's old but quite relevant. So is the "End of the World" episode of "Trackdown."
My brother spent a summer in Boston & NYC in 1988. His verdict
"The whole culture is geared toward the avoidance of personal lows."
More true now than ever before.
Leider sagt Frau von Franz nur einen Bruchteil von dem, was hier vorliegt. Wer wird es ergänzen?
Es ist notwendig.
That was magnificent.
1977. And summed up 2000, 2008, and 2016 perfectly.
I found this wonderful and touching, even if 50 years old. I feel an affinity with her words and with many of the posters (i replied to several who commented this day). It is a deep look into our trajectory as individuals, as nations, and as one planet which has largely reached a singularity in its spiritual journey but has not figured out the next step yet.
We are largely asleep and blind to ourselves, and what drives us. Those who have tried to elucidate what drives us, have done the hard work of picking apart all the threads of our meaning, have not convinced the bulk of the planet, because most humans are not intellectuals, and do not analyze our whole history.
Those who 'like' or 'comment' are also a self-selective group and do not represent the mass of humanity.
Most of us react emotionally, are careful not to stray too far from the herd, keep our heads down, and simply live in blind faith that everything will work out. (we put our faith in God), but that may or may not save us from ourselves, because it is only us who can save us, not any pumped up leader, altho we do need heroes.
War is obsolete. If we can survive long enough to get past our two year old sensibility, we might make it. But a real vision is required. We need a mantra.
The matra is and as has been, for 45 years, "maximize shareholder value". That trumps everything. Pun intended. And that is the root evil driving and affecting everything.
The danger of a hero lies in belief an individual can make everyone's decisions.
The way we are headed, rapidly, is that ultimately (and not so long from now), one person will be making everyone's decisions. As it is, the entire game right now is the battle royal among the .1%. Everything else is the sideshow they've erected to distract us from our increasing loss of agency.
Spending 2 minutes 20 on analysing the "American psyche" seems way too short... Yet again, maybe not.
That s all you need. America is finished
On the strength of this video alone, I have subscribed to your channel and have also ordered her "Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales". What a impressive intellect!
I think this kind of disorientation is very common EVERYWHERE nowadays.After so many possibilities have been tried out by now....
"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restrain; but blessed is he who keeps the law."
~ Proverbs 29:18 (NIV)
"No solid ground" best description I've heard.
Looking a for a leader who is neither very wise nor intelligent but rather looks the part.
Hence they voted in a con-man
Don’t wanna be too binary here, but for the moment let’s look at two different “groups of protesters” in the recent history of the nation. On the one hand, we had (still have) those protesting against the almost routine abuse meted out by police against people of color. The people being abused are largely disadvantaged. They are seeking fair treatment. A ”piece of the pie”, if you will.
On the other hand, we have the attempt to overturn the 2020 election four years ago. Those protesters? Many of them flew in, some on private chartered jets. Almost 100% white. And they are willing to destroy the whole thing, this thing that has given them so much pie over the decades (centuries!).
It’s a combination of narcissism and nihilism. They are the spoiled playground brat, who after playing ball all day long the teacher comes and says “you need to let these other kids play with you”. And the brat’s reaction is “NO IT’S MINE!! I’m taking the ball and going home!” And in his rage, he kicks apart the goal net on his way out.
A pretty good analogy
Disagree, the “victims”are looking for a Savior and someone to blame.
We have no self worth, self respect nor self esteem left.
Sadly, she is 100% correct!
She is right and America is declining. America is not it's old paradigm but really, it never was. It is lost.
She was spot on of course.
"No! We want a king to rule over us! Then we will be the same as other nations. Our king will judge for us and go with us and fight our battles."
~ 1st Samuel 8:19-22
I also agree ❤
Wow! She understood at once! Not many people do.
"I don't know if they (her impressions) are right or wrong" Boy, been a long time since I heard someone say that.
Show me a country that isn't going through tremendous change today. Human overshoot is taking an ever growing toll on our Earth.
Those of us who are oriented properly, are in a "Terrific realization" that things are much much worse than we first thought or tolerated. It's shocking.
The world hangs on a thin thread,.
Good luck monke
... and that is the human psyche. C.G. Jung
She spoke with the wisdom of someone who lived 1933 and 1939, but lived to speak about it in 1977, so that there was some hope... Now America has its own demagogue and maybe we get to reflect on gratuitous current global uncertainties a few decades from now, if we're lucky the way that in the end she was...
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
"A looking for a leader or a hero" - problem is, there are many in the USA that cannot tell the difference between a true hero and a tyrant
Too many Americans have been convinced that this country is in ruins, therefore they feel the need for a 'strong leader'. They are about to learn a very painful lesson....
Agree with her assessment. I experience the culture as cliques, groups and loners, all with easy potential to fuel some sort of cluster B disorder out of each other. And under the pressure of consumerism sand casino capitalism, there is scant territory to find a true inner grounding in God.
Those of us who know that large, expensive, oppressive government is not the answer are not looking for a "hero." We're looking for our leaders to adhere to our Constitution and stay the hell out of our way so we can live our lives.
@atalleywak - that's fine, but djt does not respect the Constitution.
Provide Some
Not Just The
Broad Brush....
And we were looking much better in the 1970s than now.
The things is , as she has also pointed out, "America is one of the great..." so that disorientation had greatly spread to most places in the world. The mess, the nothingness under our feet... the search or hope for a leader...
There went something terribly wrong with America - as many of us know for sure. I do feel sorry for so many people in the US.
@@claudiaschneider5744 They went crazy by not being able to handle their beloved freedom.
U.S. Here. Don't feel sorry for us. We've earned what we get and therefore deserve what we get. Such is the case with every society.
We just had GW Bush 2.0 in Biden. Most conflicts since ww2. Closest to nuclear war in our lives.
It cant get worse than the last 4 years.
Sewa Side and Hom Les Ness records broken too
Will watch the whole interview. Great respect to the great psychologist and scholar for caution about her observations. I think I'll be agreeing with much of what she says.
I do however strongly disagree that the fall (continued internal decay due to mass inequality) of the USA would be a precursor to global upheaval, it's entirely an upside down way to see it. The USA a young nation, perhaps in the throes of teenage disruption, great nations around the globe have been through this phase. But there is another issue, the USA is built on accumulation of wealth at any means, which I think she is including in her comments in this short clip, this is the core of the American malaise and it's motivation from the civil right up to it's global hegemony, it's far from healthy for the USA (a few with the private income of the equivalent of the lower half of the nation) or the rest of the world to have so much unbalance.
FYI the word is throes, not throws.
"No one in this world, so far as I know-and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me-has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby. The mistake that is made always runs the other way. Because the plain people are able to speak and understand, and even, in many cases, to read and write, it is assumed that they have ideas in their heads, and an appetite for more. This assumption is a folly." H. L. Mencken (1926)
This was nearly fifty years ago already. So the disorientation she diagnosed then, has completly taken over and infected the Europeans also.
Yes! She looks to be in total shock and this is 48 years ago! I wonder what she would have said about the current situation.
She was born in Münich, Germany, on 4th Jan., 1915, and died on Feb. 17, 1998, in Switzerland...
Such a great lady!... 😢
Very sadly only a tiny percentage of the population has this type of awareness. It is as clear as crystal to them. The remaining citizens either cannot or will not even look, because they have no interest in seeing.
Speaking as an American:
“We are the exceptional nation. I am exceptional.”
The Shadow, “Here, hold my beer.”
My wife is a leading Dr of Psychology in her field. Myself I am a Political Scientist and an Economist. Our daughter is a Dr of Sociology.
America's present culture was built on the 2nd Industrial Revolution. Even though the 2nd IR ended c.1913, the working class in America (and world wide) was created specifically for that 2nd IR.
The entire societal ethos, concept of the America Dream is built upon the 2nd IR.
Unfortunately the 3rd IR which started c.1945 specifically began to remove the need for the working class.. it was all about Automated production, man replaced by machine.
Now the 4th IR is on the world ... Automation controlled by AI. Negating the need for human involvement
This means in America, a culture built entirely on fear and the basis of 'Dog eat Dog' ... The working class has moved to being the working poor and are fast becoming the working indigent. The working class are rapidly becoming entirely surplus to requirements. A lethal situation for any American.
In such a nation with its Dystopian culture, of course they are looking for a 'Strong man' extremist.
One who says in effect "You do not have to think, Daddy will make it all better!" ... A person who gives public credence to their misinformed, mindless vitriolic hate of immigrants .. When basically ALL Americans are fairly recent immigrants!
As a nation America is collectively ignorant of reality. A nation driven by ludicrous Hubris. A nation that is actually already a failed State.
That situation is now further playing out.
America is headed for total collapse and due to its insatiable arrogance, that makes it incredibly dangerous for the planet ... As it thrashes about in its death throws, who knows if the planet will survive... An American instigated nuclear war looks ever more certain.
My dog has fleas.
I was with you until your final sentence.
Bigotry has been in its DNA since it's founding
Luddite Rebellion averted!
Wow that was on point
I just wish she had the courage to be more explicit- but she did a wonderful job of summing up a country adrift from its moorings.
From a distance, the United States has no more business being a single country than uniting France Germany,Spain and Italy - so many cultural differences across the landmass.
Von wann stammt dieses Interview?
That's 1977 and it's got far far worse since then. You only have to read the language and attitudes of young Americans, who weren't even born in 1977, on Facebook and RUclips, to see how degraded the culture is.
If you read them the right way, one of the messages contained within the 12 Steps of AA
refer to moral absolutes, simply, "True is true, false is false, right is right, wrong is wrong",
that's a message America as well as the rest of the world at large needs to understand...
(From the writings of Professor Rip Von-Snickle of the University of Hard Knocks)...
I posted the 12 steps on my high school website ( from the class of late 60's), after the election, but mocked it up as if it was for "recovering progressives". Several of my former classmates took offense; it was too fresh. But I agree with the remarks made in the video.
As "The Arab" comments in "The Time of Your Life", Saroyan's 1939 play,, "No foundation, all the way down the line! "
The genome left to us from Europe's best people that founded our country has now changed. Those genetics have now changed to the point where the US population is #26 per average IQ in relation to all other countries population's average IQ scores.
Speaking as a Canadian, I view the USA as the Pandora nation. No matter how badly she screws up, she always has that Hope...
The psyche spoken of suffers from its inward view point , a collective “circling of the wagons” so to speak to deflect the entrance of anything that might disturb the collective delusions being suffered by them but worse those delusions extend to relations without and the wider world has to suffer the down side of those delusions as well.
wow, prescience
The progress myth is crashing against the limits to growth.
Her impressions are pretty accurate, to an American. People are fairly unmoored, and they have attached themselves to a demagogic MAGA culture that promises a kind of fool's gold of traditionalism that is really just a form of mindless exclusionism aimed at anyone that they don't consider to be in their in-group of white, rural Christians. But it has to be said, this trend is global. Europe also is the home of rising right-wing ethnic nationalism and racism. Austria will now have its first neo-Nazi government since 1945. Governments in the Netherlands, France and Germany are now influenced by right-wing, anti-immigrant movements. The political and cultural crisis fostered by right-wing resurgence is affecting all democracies.
Filmed at the End of the Vietnam War. And what was perceived as a weak president in Carter. I remember the pessimism.
If this was her views in 1977, one can only imagine what she would say in 2025, had she been alive
"it depends on American people to keep in balance." Ruh-roe.
Let's be happy that US selected the right direction away from woke madness.
Yes, we have the opportunity to turn things around over the next four years.
busque en internet su nombre, resulta que una vez lei un libro de ella, que agradable sorpresa jaja
_Simbolos De Redencion En Cuentos De Hadas_ -> recomendado, ameno. Familiar luego al leer Joseph Campbell
1977 and home girl is spotting it, and then on the back end she tries to backpedal. Shame on her. How did we get the idea we were anything more then the next coal?
lost the roots - native amerikans shoud help the sattlers - to find there fundamentals
do the settlers want help from the natives AND the slaves?
On a side note, I've watched a few videos from Andrew Bustamante, a self proclaimed former CIA operative. To me it seems that the nihilism of those who work in the American intelligence sector is totally appalling. There simply seems to be no morals or proper afterthought. Of course this is probably true for any intelligence agencies, but the large countries have the most advanced agencies and should have the most responsibilities to keep them grounded in some moral framework. I have the feeling that these entities are truly a club where anything goes as long as noone finds out and that seems truly frightening. The ghosts the intelligence sector has created by their immoral actions have been flying around the common unconsciousness since at least the 1940s.
Also, as the original creators of the atomic bomb Americans need to get a grip.
@@moggadah You must be new to how America operates and what America is...Millennial?
@@Jamluji I'd say therapy is not entirely about who you are but also finding out why and what you'd like to be or what the consequences are if you choose to continue to be who you think you are.
Look at the President we have chosen 😢
And Look at The Entire
Democrat Party.
So true
Oh believe me, I can elaborate on the human as a whole.
we have got the government we deserve. as predicted by 10th grade teacher in 1963
When she speaks, every word has weight.
"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing…after they have exhausted all other possibilities." ~ a quote possibly misattributed to Winston Churchill.
Not Trumpmerica
As democracies have enlarged the voter franchise, the wealthiest have come to understand and fear that a fully enfranchised citizenry will use their political power to democratize the economy. In a democratized economy, everyone would gain in wealth, but the wealthiest's share of the whole would be decreased, and along with it, their political power. Therefore, the politics of division piting one segment of the electorate against another to keep them in disunity and from focusing on the economic inequality and the political inequality it helps maintains.
it's all too late
"I'd rather not talk about it..." Then she goes on to talk about it. So then talk about it comprehensively, go with the full discussion.
Sounds so much like the whole world over!
I think a lot of people find it easier to analyze the "other". It puts uncomfortable realities at a safe distance.
I believe what she's referring to is called Finance and Insurance.
You see, the Capitalistic Orgy is clearly untenable.
"A disturbance in the Force."
1977 to 2024. The stuff the Black Iron Prison is made of. See Philip K Dick.
Have not read him in a long time, but you are prob right. I'll have to go back.
Disorientation....it is a global phenomenon and the cause of many collisions ......
And she was right😏
It’s gotten even worse
America has Hollywood and Yellowstone Park.
American capitalism - which is somewhat unique - has cunningly convinced US citizens that they too can aspire to wealth and security despite the economic and social maths not adding up.
'You too' came way before 'me too'
and it's a big myth, that is constantly fueled by those who have the cake and refuse to share it.
American capitalism also cunningly divides working people through race & ethnicity, social status, gender, religion and other human differences.
The paradox is that unions for working people is viewed to be socialism and demonic, while corporations, industries, businesses, and the people who own them, are more than happy to be 'unionised in the form of federations, chambers of commerce, leagues, councils, groups, business lobbies,
etc, etc. 🤔
Excellent points, thx.
I feel fine.