9-pin bowling is a much better, more interesting and much more difficult game as Tenpin. The stringsetters are part of it and are much more reliable as free fall pinspotters. In Europe, some Tenpin centres are now switching to string setters as it becomes to expensive to keep the standard machines going.
These old lanes with the thinner pins look much nicer than the new pins today... The thicker pins are too similar to the bowling pins... Playing on the thinner pins is much more interesting!
Miro je nažalost bio legenda Hrvatskog kuglanja.
zasto nazalost?
i am from slovak and i am playing kolky(kuzelky). this is nice very nice.
Ovo je bilo 2006. godine kada se tek počelo bacati 120 hitaca, pa je ovo rekord za 120 hitaca bio tada.
Igor Šarkezi,Matko Bulka,Fridl,Matea Skupnjak, sestre Peršun,braca Domnjak,braca Roncevic,Tomo Čačić zivuce legende Hrvatskog kuglanja
I eto nas u 1. ligi :) A i škola kuglanja s vremenom će opet "dati" nove reprezentativce :)
very very good play!!!!!
9-pin bowling is a much better, more interesting and much more difficult game as Tenpin. The stringsetters are part of it and are much more reliable as free fall pinspotters. In Europe, some Tenpin centres are now switching to string setters as it becomes to expensive to keep the standard machines going.
These old lanes with the thinner pins look much nicer than the new pins today... The thicker pins are too similar to the bowling pins... Playing on the thinner pins is much more interesting!
Nemaju pojma? po čemu to zaključuješ? po tome što imaju zajedno 215 u pune, ili što im je čišćenje približno tome?
pogledaj te Vilmos Zavarka!!! sve se lepo vidi. i kretanje igraca i rezultat,tj.svetski rekord
mogao je barem zumirat da se vide rezultati...
I can't see the result 😑😔
678 😄
Isuse.. nisu normalni.. jebate, pa bolje imaju u čišćenje nego u pune :)