Chengdu Delicacies:Sichuan [Kung Pao Shrimp Balls], National Banquet Master Reveals All! [Subtitles]

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • 【Video Description】
    In this episode, we visit Chengdu, the city of gastronomy, to explore its rich and diverse food culture. From classic Sichuan dishes to creative delicacies like Fish Fragrant Lion’s Head, Pork Intestines, and Kung Pao Chicken, we experience the local people's passion and exquisite culinary skills.
    Importantly, we visited a national banquet master and learned how to prepare one of Chengdu’s famous dishes, Kung Pao Shrimp Balls, including the handling and seasoning techniques of black tiger shrimp. Join us in learning from the banquet master, and you too can make this national banquet delicacy!
    【Video Chapters】
    00:00 Chengdu Delicacies: Sichuan [Kung Pao Shrimp Balls], National Banquet Master Reveals the Entire Preparation Process!
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