Hi, I have an issue with the BarCodeScanner on Android. On first use of the Bar Code Scanner, the scanner works as expected and reads qr codes. Once I navigate way from the BarCodeScanner, then try to navigate back, the camera still works. However, the qr codes are no longer detected (callback onBarCodeScanned is not being invoked). The issue only appears on Android devices iOS works as expect.
Thanks for the comment. If I understand it correctly on android the QR code scans on the first instance but when you revisit it does not scan? It may be the problem of Expo, here is a link that might be helpful giters.com/expo/expo/issues/15145
I have an issue with the BarCodeScanner on Android. On first use of the Bar Code Scanner, the scanner works as expected and reads qr codes. Once I navigate way from the BarCodeScanner, then try to navigate back, the camera still works. However, the qr codes are no longer detected (callback onBarCodeScanned is not being invoked). The issue only appears on Android devices iOS works as expect.
Thanks for the comment. If I understand it correctly on android the QR code scans on the first instance but when you revisit it does not scan? It may be the problem of Expo, here is a link that might be helpful
Bug in Expo Go for Android. As of Jan. 12, 2022 still not fixed. If you build and run directly it should work.
try to use this:
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
{hasPermission && isFocused && (
That helped for me
does this work for barcode too?
Nice video. Thank you
Thanks a lot😁
nice work
Thanks a lot
How can we turn on flash light ?
Have you tried flashMode prop with value flashMode={Camera.Constants.FlashMode.torch}?
source code??