In BC, I used to write [Worgen] infront of my messages and write stuff like Wargulf Woruf Argaluk Mordraf after it and then claim I am able to speak Worgen. When people asked how I learned it I sent them off to Castle Shadowfang and told them that there is a book in that round room with the big wolf in it.
Oh yeah and I ripped off a guy that had a casino by randomly /rolling 100-100 whenever I placed high bits. Made 20k and this idiot never noticed. Well, my Tundramammoth says thanks.
***** Aren't casino characters against the rules or something? I remember getting in trouble for running a gambling business, but I made a lot of gold from it. This was back in WotLK, so I'm not sure how it is now. Also, I've had people try to cheat me like that before, and I just traded them back their money or made them reroll legitimately.
eucomo lhamas It definitely happened 5 years ago. I was probably reported for scamming or spam or something, even though I let them play fairly and gave anyone who won the correct amount of gold. Of course, giving people gold is part of my marketing scheme lol "WINNER THIS PERSON WON 300G! TRY YOUR LUCK"
I still remember one of my first time trolling, it was on the first day of Cata while rolling a worgen, people kept asking in trade chat how do they turn back into humans, at one point I responded to one of them by saying Alt+F4, the funniest part is when the player came back a few minutes later complaining that it had just closed the game.
Me in trade: WTS [Gearspring Parts] Victim whispers me: You can't sell those they are soulbound Me: What's that? Victim: Bind on Pickup Me: But I didn't pick them up. I crafted them. Victim: ........ lel
I used to do that DK path of ffrost troll in wotlk all the time XD my guild hated me for it. Another one I thought of, but isn't as popular. Its something I did ALL the time on my night elf priest. I would spend days camping the boat from booty bay to rachet, mind controlling any horde players who would step on the boat after it started moving. I had many people threaten to report me, so I reported myself asking if what I was doing was fine (This was back in tbc when I was still young) the GM told me I'm fine to do it as much as I want, as long as I was aware I was being a dick XD
tomtomjerky Was it ashbringer, or corrupted ashbringer? Ashbringer was only obtainable by fishing it up, which nobody actually managed to do, as far as I know.
tyu hji Back then during vanilla times if you were lucky enough to get it from 40 raid of old naxx the corrupted Ashbringer will drop then it no longer droped after old naxx you could never get it the original only the corrupted with the new wow expansion you can wield modified version of the ashbringer and not sure if you can with the original version..kinda lore rape weildling the ashbringer but w/e
I understand why people troll, and subtle trolls are sometimes amusing but even if they are annoying it's alright it doesnt mean much. I just wish people would stop taking it too far and borderline grief people. Like that annoying person in the friend group who is just so innapropriate and doesn't understand social cues or when to stop. Not even because it's annoying, but because it can straight up ruin someone's time relaxing. And for a lot of people their lives are so stressful from work or school. Maybe theyre going through a tough time like a death or a divorce. All people want to do when they log in is to escape for a little bit and have fun. Even though this is an online game, it makes me sad how many people go out of their way to bring other people down. And it seems like whenever I talk about this people tell me to stfu or tell me I'm being too sensitive. You might think what I'm saying is stupid. I hope the next time you are going through an extremely rough time and you play a game to try and atleast have a little fun, you'll remember reading this and then I want you to imagine if someone took away happiness from you when you have none to give.
My favorite LFR troll is to tell people that there are achievements for things that don't actually exist. Recently, this has taken the form of telling people that they get an achievement if they pull Imperator Mar'gok while his entire council is still alive. Someone almost always falls for it and pulls, the raid almost always wipes, and everybody always rages and becomes confused when the boss goes down and no achievement happens. :)
When I first started I got trolled too. I was a rouge "Int gear gives you more experience" and then 6 months later when I was at level 40. "lol are you a mage or a rogue" :D
Hey peon, I main a hunter and i have some pretty troll moves for pvp. first of all I can kinda do the same thing rogues do, I have need the glyph that makes camo 100% invisible, I go into ironforge and start freezing trapping people from stealth all around the city. The 2nd one is glyph of explosive trap, THIS IS A HUGE one, it causes your explosive trap to become a knock back which is so great for pvp, I wiped an entire alliance raid one thunderbluff with this glyph as well as killed one of your friends hanslo the fire mage with it by explosive trapping him to his death in STV. hope you see this comment, peon! :)
nah i wasnt camo that time he tried to gank me and we were fighting in stv he was winning a lot but i explosive trapped him at one point he fell to his death.
The DK waterwalking one is BRILLIANT! 😂😂😂 The one I used to love back in the day (no longer works) is to open a whisper window, space bar right to the very last space at the end of the text line, and proceed to make yourself sound like a GM using the correct tags and such. If done right you could really get people going, especially if you put something like “you have been flagged for abusive language.” My friend and i used to make the biggest nerds completely explode in trade chat with demands for the person who reported them 😂😂
TheLazyPeon, there's a troll you can do as hunter with the glyph of explosive trap in Zangarra, Talador. (only possible on a pvp realm) You place a freezing trap in front of the portal you can use to get to the tower quickly, and once someone from the enemy faction is trapped, you launch an explosive trap right next to them. This launches them off the cliff, right to their inevitable death. It's really fun to do.
I would say 'Corrupted Ashbringer'. Some people still have it, but not many. It had like 0.2% drop and only around 2% of the player base could make Naxx in vanilla.
Duch I am one of that 2% player base in Vanilla and one of those few people who have it, although i quit WoW ( no reason just didnt feel like playing for a while and i quit without knowing it) I might go back and Max out.
For Mages, Ancient Dalaran portal, best part is, if they don't click on your frame while you're casting it, they'll never know because it shows up as a regular portal to Dalaran. Why is this a troll? Because it sends you above a massive crater dozens of feet from the ground, guaranteed death from falling damage. If they are particularly annoying or mean, not giving them Slow Fall is a good way to humble them (or it might just make them angrier). It's actually a quick way for the Alliance to get to Undercity as it's in the north of Hillsbrad Foothills, useful for your raid group to get their Sylvanas kill for the mount.
One good one that ive used a few times (when it was current): LFR or pugging into Mogushan vaults, and when you get to elegon, exclaim "Whoa. they mustve added an invisible wall" as you stand right neext to the big hole.
I don't mind individual trolls like the swapblaster or lifegrip, but bringing down an entire battleground or raid group, or giving misinformation to newbies so there experience playing the game is effected is too far. Trade chat trolls are fine, as it usually is just memes or politics.
Hi Mr Lazy peon! I have been around here since you had 1000 subs. And in that time I have seen that your videos is just getting better and BETTER! But you said that you would livestream after your move. So I am asking when do you think you can start livestreaming? Love Lunkan
One that never ever fails to make me laugh when dungeon-leveling as a tank: -First step, find a group for Razorfen Downs. -Second step, set yourself as guide and put a green arrow above yourself to make sure everyone follows you. Now, at the beginning of Razorfen Downs, there are two paths - left and right. The one on the right (in front of the quest giver) is filled with gas that almost instantly kills people. -So for the third step, just run to the edge of the gas clouds, stop, and watch as your impatient and oblivious teammates run to their doom.
Yeah, I agree too, 6.1 should have been packed with content to keep the players returning to the game from the launch subscribed, a lot of people are unsubing until 6.2
That group of Roleplayers that was getting trolled by the Mammoth Gamon is actually a massive and well-respected organization. They're the Dwarven Vanguard, a RP-PvP guild that's been around for years and stomp any Horde that try to assault their beloved city of IF. They are Dwarf-exclusive guild but also have many friends and brothers-in-arms of all creeds, making them a sight to behold if they decide to come out in force (such as the Iron Invasion, where they stormed the Dark Portal with the aid of the Tainted Legion guild in the WoD prepatch). Great people, great events. It's a shame that they are the remnant of an era of large racial RP-PvP guilds, and are one of the last of their kind on Moon Guard US.
When I was raiding with my friends in BRF I used to do the water walking at maidens trick. I main a shaman so I would stand at the drop and just water walk people as they jumped down. We're all friends and we make a game out of trying to screw with each other. It was REALLY great though when we were combining our raid with another friend who had his own raid group, and his raid group was full of people that just REALLY hated not one shotting everything. They were constantly raging and trash talking members of our group. So I took a new level of satisfaction in catching them with the water walking troll on maiden. We also liked using the arcane volatility on the trash before twin ogron to throw people into the trash that hadn't been pulled yet. I was a healer so they couldn't get too mad if I did it and then kept them alive through it, but it was always great to hear the panic as they were thrown into the room, pulling all the trash.
Mammoth trolling is especially effective in a neutral town while flagged for PvP. Here's an example I fell for while leveling my druid: During Lunar festival, go to Moonglade and enable PvP. Block the quest giver with your mammoth and wait for an unsuspecting low level player of the opposing faction to accidentally right click you. Any PvP activity in that area will make the guards so mad, that they will gank that player for you.
My favorite troll is when you get out your Singing Sunflower pet, get on a flying mount, (works best with a druid's bird form), and spam the X and space bar. Everyone around you can hear the glorious "sunflower sunflower sun--sun--sunflower." I personally like following certain people until they fly away or log out. I also chase them around and say "Come back friend" whenever they run away. XD
one I loved in mists was Elegon LFR in Mogu shan vaults. as we were approaching he's pit i'd say " If you haven't gotten the acheivment for jumping in Elegon's pit yet do it now before we pull"
Back in BC my friend was playing a Rogue and I told him too put 1 point in every talent tree. Than told him that he had too make a new character too change specs, so he did. He was I think 35 or something when he made a new Rogue because his talent tree was hilarious. I also had him completally convinced that Spirit was a key attribute for Rogues. He had all the spirit.
sapping a player while they were underwater as an undead rogue in vanilla was gold. Redridge mountain had a quest where you had to go underwater and it was so much fun
Back in the early days of WoW, everyone used to go into the Barrens chat and say two words: Chuck Norris. I used to do it all the time going from Barrens to Thousand Needles.
Back in Cataclysm, i had a spare cloak with parachute enchant. whenever raid group would jump to water, i'd use that skill and also use parachute. Everyone's dead, raging, and i am /lol-ing at them.
I am disappointed that the toy train was not on this list. Its one of the few trolls that can effect someone in real life. Simply drop it anywhere there is a large group and anyone in that group who plays with speakers turn on will have CHOOOOCHOOOO blare from their speakers, even sometimes waking up other people sleeping in their house. I loved dropping it in raids and around the auction house. In fact it was so effective Blizzard had to put in a counter toy for it. But it didnt stop the first CHOOOCHOOOO.
I can absolutely confirm that path of frost will take down a few unsuspecting raid members on the way down to Maidens. I trolled quite a few - one being my fellow DK raider that I love to pieces - who never figured out the key to surviving it. I basically ended up telling him how to avoid our own ability because I felt so bad for killing him so many times. :)
As a warlock, for a troll I've always liked summoning people off cliffs :P. Back in the old days snowballs used to hinder your movement so I would grab a few buddies and summon someone underwater and pelt our unsuspecting friend until they drowned. Though my friend has gotten his revenge with the old Dalaran portal...
Random guy: "If its called invincible why can i see it" Me: "Because only idiots can see it." Him: "Are you trolling me?" "No, you are." Him: "Reporting you!" I think: "I hath defeated the troll."
My favorite trolls are when I have to take the boat from Darnassus to Stormwind and there are other passengers with me, then it's time to take out the piccolo and force everyone on the boat to dance. Sometimes people try to get away from me, or sit down or even druids changing form to stop dancing, but there is no escape my pretties!
Once I was afk waiting for a battleground. The bg started, I accepted and was in Arathi, but there was still the afk mark on my head that did not want to vanish. I typed /afk to get rid of it, what would usually remove it, however a second later I was in Orgrimmar again.
there was this one guy I always remember, and always will. he basically stated Chair facts in the trade chat. it was glorious. and I stumped him by saying "cacti are better than chairs. things can live without sitting, but they can't live without water." I loved that moment of my own weirdness.
Back when I was raiding I played an Elemental Shaman. In response to using Path of Ice to kill people in your raid group--Path of Ice or Water Walking before the drop down to Anub'arak in ToC.
Great troll for Mages: when someone in your raid needs to repair their stuff, cast them a portal to a totally desertet place like Theramore.. most people wont check where the portal is headed to :D Its also great when people ask you to cast them a portal to a speciffic location.
couple great trolls i used to do back in the day; go to stv with a warlock and a few friends, ask for help for ganks, say you have summons, summon random player of your own faction to the gurubashi arena, and kill them and camp them. in vanilla, mages had to summon water for like 30 minutes to an hour to have enough for a 40 man raid - and snowballs back then knocked players down and interrupted spellcasts. I'd go to Kargath where all the hardcore raiders were and there was mages summoning water... lol quickly became one of the most hated people on the server on raid night
I remember some guy, he made a series where he's leveling his orc rogue by doing NOTHING what so ever, no dmg, nothing. He does this by dungeon queing and inviting random ppl doing quests and such and just run behind them - Don't think he does it anymore, he got banned several times. He also made blizzard prank calls - he made 2 videoes i remember very well, probably mostly because of the music - xzibit alkaholik and some "nanny nanny boo boo"
You missed one thing: druid symbiosis. When the spell was still in the game you could use it on a hunter to gain misdirection. So once in a raid you could easily cast fairy fire on pretty much anything, using misdirect and pulling it on the healer. Naturally, all hunters were kicked out of the raid, since they were the first to look at when it comes to ninjapulling. had a lot of fun with that myself.
Good idea for a video, best bosses for trolling an example as train guy with pack, kargath pulling into cats and so on. Note: I would say that old bosses before the spell still should be included like pulling melee away from alar would be trolly. Try to think of good old boss fights that those troll moves would work. Hope you do this video :)
Do you have any videos about funny ways that you can die in the game? I mean I know people get angry when they get killed but there's got to be a few that are just so off-the-wall and hilarious that you can't help but laugh at how you did it
Questing with PvP turned on does give you more experience, it doesn't level your character up any faster but you learn how to deal with opposite faction gankers and that makes you wise/gives you more skill at the game
Hunter tames a pet and gives it the same name as the common beasts around them. Someone doing quests, grinding that particular beast, not thinking, attacks your pet and flags themselves and the hunter kills them. Or enemy player makes a guild called "Druid Trainer" or whatever other trainer you want, then positions themselves near other trainers (but enough to not aggro). Newb comes by to train, clicks on you and flags themselves, kill them. I did that one a long time ago with "Druid Trainer" in Astranaar.
In vanilla, if you were a hunter/warlock raiding MC, you could dismiss your pet after getting the living bomb debuff and then resummon your pet in a crowded area like the Orgrimmar/SW auction house, and every max level character would be immediately killed.
I've actually DK-trolled myself as a Shaman with Water Walking on the elevator shaft before Maidens. Turns out that Lakestrider glyph wasn't such a great idea after all.
*Clears throat* "Neural Silencer: Use: Makes you immune to some annoyances. Persists through death. Lasts 12 hrs. Annoyances include Leap of Faith, threat redirecting abilities, and some gadgets like the Swapblaster."
Used to perk summon a 25man group on the very edge of one of the spikes in blades edge mountain and watch how people fall into the twisting nether, good times.
Ahhh mammothing, I play as a tauren and nothing was ever more sweeter, having the one with extra seats, jumping off cliffs and heroic leaping, killing my passengers ;D
"What does the fucking language filter do?" is a good one to type into trade chat. If someone complains about your language, just tell them "If it bothers you why don't you just put the fucking language filter on." One of my favorites is to ride around on my Magic Rooster shouting "YOU CAN'T RIDE MY COCK!" (Warning, don't do is in Goldshire!)
i used to spend hours in gadgetzan trolling people by challenging them to a duel, turning on pvp, and forfeiting so they hit me and get mauled by guards. good times...
There was a great very specific way to troll some people with a mage on BC. Mage's spellsteal could steal the effect of the Noggenfenger's elixir that would turn you into a skeleton for 30 minutes. You could steal it off of the enemy faction players in pvp servers, or just anyone in a duel. I had great fun wasting those elixirs for people who just wanted to be skellys.
Hey Peon, ne troll attempt happened in ICC before the Saurfang fight. Along the lines of the SotA stair troll a friend and I managed to wipe our 25man raid by standing at the fence and jumping up and down going, " Oh looks like they finally put a wall u here.. " needless to say the guild was not happy as it was progression night
Back in MoP, my bear tank was op. Either that, or heroic dungeons just sucked that bad. I would tell the healers to switch to dps spec because my self regen would never let me drop below 75% health. I was playing with my Combat Rogue friend, and The healer in one of our groups was so butthurt because i told him I didn't need him. He wouldn't stop complaining. Finally, me and my friend came up with the ultimate trolling plan. I used Symbiosis on him, which gave him a taunt. Once he had aggro from the boss, he quickly used tricks of the trade on the healer, killing him in a few swipes. I have never seen anyone rage that hard over keyboard in that game before. "THE ROGUE TAUNTED AND PUT TRICKS ON ME". The other two in the group thought the guy had lost his mind, and kicked him.
lol similar to the leap of faith, on my rogue I used to lure enemy players up higher in the air on their mount, then shoot a mecha-blast-rocket (knocking them off their mount), then they would die at the ground, while I pulled out my handy dandy goblin glider.
Old troll that can't be done anymore: Summon a mage portal in the beginning room of a BG and then start summoning another portal and ask for help telling everyone that you were summoning a mage food table.
One time I started on a human hunter and some level 32 gnome started following me around and teasing me for buying an axe. That idiot followed me for about 10 minutes until I finally lost him in a kobold cave. Lol. That's why I don't play alliance.
Shaman back in Cata equipping rockbiter weapon and spamming unleash elements caused a 6 second taunt. You could spam Unleash elements in LFR and complain that the tanks were losing aggro because no one knew shamans had taunts. Getting multiple tanks kicked for no reason.
In BC, I used to write [Worgen] infront of my messages and write stuff like Wargulf Woruf Argaluk Mordraf after it and then claim I am able to speak Worgen. When people asked how I learned it I sent them off to Castle Shadowfang and told them that there is a book in that round room with the big wolf in it.
Oh yeah and I ripped off a guy that had a casino by randomly /rolling 100-100 whenever I placed high bits. Made 20k and this idiot never noticed. Well, my Tundramammoth says thanks.
***** Aren't casino characters against the rules or something? I remember getting in trouble for running a gambling business, but I made a lot of gold from it. This was back in WotLK, so I'm not sure how it is now. Also, I've had people try to cheat me like that before, and I just traded them back their money or made them reroll legitimately.
eucomo lhamas It definitely happened 5 years ago. I was probably reported for scamming or spam or something, even though I let them play fairly and gave anyone who won the correct amount of gold. Of course, giving people gold is part of my marketing scheme lol "WINNER THIS PERSON WON 300G! TRY YOUR LUCK"
eucomo lhamas No.
I didn't really care lmao
I made gold from it so it was ok for me.
Vol'Jin is my favorite WoW Troll
u just wrnt there
*impossibly slow clap*
+AWildAdventurerAppeared RUclips vids and such XD AHahahaha
where is your intelligence?😊
You forgot trying as hard as you can to kill somebody in your group when they get mind-controlled by the boss
Zermist TV hahah I always do it xD I wait for that moment saving my burst and then blast them away xD
The mammoth trolling never bothered me because all you have to do is go into first person mode and you can see right through them then.
Killing a popular questgiver of the other faction can be fun too :P
Oh no don't teach them D:
Veeti Raussi H- Hey You Press ALT + F4 for 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Subs!
Trust Me!
Riley Tierney I can't on a phone
Riley Tierney so sir i tried it and my youtube crash did you forget to write something else?
No U did it wrang stoopid
I still remember one of my first time trolling, it was on the first day of Cata while rolling a worgen, people kept asking in trade chat how do they turn back into humans, at one point I responded to one of them by saying Alt+F4, the funniest part is when the player came back a few minutes later complaining that it had just closed the game.
Me in trade: WTS [Gearspring Parts]
Victim whispers me: You can't sell those they are soulbound
Me: What's that?
Victim: Bind on Pickup
Me: But I didn't pick them up. I crafted them.
Victim: ........
I used to do that DK path of ffrost troll in wotlk all the time XD my guild hated me for it. Another one I thought of, but isn't as popular. Its something I did ALL the time on my night elf priest. I would spend days camping the boat from booty bay to rachet, mind controlling any horde players who would step on the boat after it started moving. I had many people threaten to report me, so I reported myself asking if what I was doing was fine (This was back in tbc when I was still young) the GM told me I'm fine to do it as much as I want, as long as I was aware I was being a dick XD
Adam Toews in AV or Isle of conquest pull the boss when he’s half health far enough so he resets xD people get so pissed
If you’ve got a friend doing it with you it’s 100% successful
I've had somebody do that to me. Probably u lol
I was trolled by a ninja looter, his name was........ Shit I don't remember atm, but I know what he ninja'd
The ashbringer
tomtomjerky Hey fuck you man
Christopher Fish Your A edoit!
Scott Cavill U SO STUPAD!
tomtomjerky Was it ashbringer, or corrupted ashbringer?
Ashbringer was only obtainable by fishing it up, which nobody actually managed to do, as far as I know.
tyu hji Back then during vanilla times if you were lucky enough to get it from 40 raid of old naxx the corrupted Ashbringer will drop then it no longer droped after old naxx you could never get it the original only the corrupted with the new wow expansion you can wield modified version of the ashbringer and not sure if you can with the original version..kinda lore rape weildling the ashbringer but w/e
I understand why people troll, and subtle trolls are sometimes amusing but even if they are annoying it's alright it doesnt mean much. I just wish people would stop taking it too far and borderline grief people. Like that annoying person in the friend group who is just so innapropriate and doesn't understand social cues or when to stop. Not even because it's annoying, but because it can straight up ruin someone's time relaxing. And for a lot of people their lives are so stressful from work or school. Maybe theyre going through a tough time like a death or a divorce. All people want to do when they log in is to escape for a little bit and have fun. Even though this is an online game, it makes me sad how many people go out of their way to bring other people down. And it seems like whenever I talk about this people tell me to stfu or tell me I'm being too sensitive. You might think what I'm saying is stupid. I hope the next time you are going through an extremely rough time and you play a game to try and atleast have a little fun, you'll remember reading this and then I want you to imagine if someone took away happiness from you when you have none to give.
My favorite LFR troll is to tell people that there are achievements for things that don't actually exist. Recently, this has taken the form of telling people that they get an achievement if they pull Imperator Mar'gok while his entire council is still alive. Someone almost always falls for it and pulls, the raid almost always wipes, and everybody always rages and becomes confused when the boss goes down and no achievement happens. :)
Thumbs up if you lost your shit when the mammoth went through the line
When I first started I got trolled too.
I was a rouge
"Int gear gives you more experience"
and then 6 months later when I was at level 40.
"lol are you a mage or a rogue" :D
The worst part is that i don't even know how to cap the flag...
graslund right click with your mouse on the flag symbol, where your buffs are
6:30 "yummy"
You summed trolling up in one word.
Hey peon, I main a hunter and i have some pretty troll moves for pvp. first of all I can kinda do the same thing rogues do, I have need the glyph that makes camo 100% invisible, I go into ironforge and start freezing trapping people from stealth all around the city.
The 2nd one is glyph of explosive trap, THIS IS A HUGE one, it causes your explosive trap to become a knock back which is so great for pvp, I wiped an entire alliance raid one thunderbluff with this glyph as well as killed one of your friends hanslo the fire mage with it by explosive trapping him to his death in STV.
hope you see this comment, peon! :)
Haha nice dude
***** You killed Hansol is explosive trap camoflauge? Omfg. I'm dying. xD
nah i wasnt camo that time he tried to gank me and we were fighting in stv he was winning a lot but i explosive trapped him at one point he fell to his death.
+noobkiller390 I´m sure Hansol is intelligent enough to use slow fall :x
+noobkiller390 Camo does not make hunters 100% invisible.
The DK waterwalking one is BRILLIANT! 😂😂😂
The one I used to love back in the day (no longer works) is to open a whisper window, space bar right to the very last space at the end of the text line, and proceed to make yourself sound like a GM using the correct tags and such. If done right you could really get people going, especially if you put something like “you have been flagged for abusive language.” My friend and i used to make the biggest nerds completely explode in trade chat with demands for the person who reported them 😂😂
Paladins can't use maces. :-)
this is correct
Adrian Vargas What is a paladin?
Paladins were only for alliance,right?
Adrian Vargas Lol But my Paladin is wielding one right now i can see what its classified as
Valkaring /facepalm
TheLazyPeon, there's a troll you can do as hunter with the glyph of explosive trap in Zangarra, Talador. (only possible on a pvp realm)
You place a freezing trap in front of the portal you can use to get to the tower quickly, and once someone from the enemy faction is trapped, you launch an explosive trap right next to them. This launches them off the cliff, right to their inevitable death. It's really fun to do.
Can you plz do a top 10 rarest WoW items video? :)
[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of Windseeker]??????????
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of Windseeker] ????
I would say 'Corrupted Ashbringer'. Some people still have it, but not many. It had like 0.2% drop and only around 2% of the player base could make Naxx in vanilla.
Duch I am one of that 2% player base in Vanilla and one of those few people who have it, although i quit WoW ( no reason just didnt feel like playing for a while and i quit without knowing it) I might go back and Max out.
For Mages, Ancient Dalaran portal, best part is, if they don't click on your frame while you're casting it, they'll never know because it shows up as a regular portal to Dalaran. Why is this a troll? Because it sends you above a massive crater dozens of feet from the ground, guaranteed death from falling damage. If they are particularly annoying or mean, not giving them Slow Fall is a good way to humble them (or it might just make them angrier).
It's actually a quick way for the Alliance to get to Undercity as it's in the north of Hillsbrad Foothills, useful for your raid group to get their Sylvanas kill for the mount.
Like i said: rp servers are the best for new players, and i still play one today, due to the nice community even in the end game.
Lol yeah right friend was told he had to quit once he dief
Chad Westover
I think what Chad meant:My friend was forced to quit the server because his char had been killed in RP.
Lol ty
Guild lied and told him that as a jokr
One good one that ive used a few times (when it was current): LFR or pugging into Mogushan vaults, and when you get to elegon, exclaim "Whoa. they mustve added an invisible wall" as you stand right neext to the big hole.
I don't mind individual trolls like the swapblaster or lifegrip, but bringing down an entire battleground or raid group, or giving misinformation to newbies so there experience playing the game is effected is too far. Trade chat trolls are fine, as it usually is just memes or politics.
Hi Mr Lazy peon! I have been around here since you had 1000 subs. And in that time I have seen that your videos is just getting better and BETTER! But you said that you would livestream after your move. So I am asking when do you think you can start livestreaming? Love Lunkan
LFM Onyxia's Lair First boss down.
Lol I like the troll you put in the video :P
If arthus' mount is invincible, why did it die?
Arthas is above the dictionary.
It slipped on some snow, and then it was impaled by a tree, so Arthas did the only logical thing and beheaded it.
One that never ever fails to make me laugh when dungeon-leveling as a tank:
-First step, find a group for Razorfen Downs.
-Second step, set yourself as guide and put a green arrow above yourself to make sure everyone follows you.
Now, at the beginning of Razorfen Downs, there are two paths - left and right. The one on the right (in front of the quest giver) is filled with gas that almost instantly kills people.
-So for the third step, just run to the edge of the gas clouds, stop, and watch as your impatient and oblivious teammates run to their doom.
About doomsayers... looking on the content of 6.1. I'm thinking they actually right on some point's
Yeah, I agree too, 6.1 should have been packed with content to keep the players returning to the game from the launch subscribed, a lot of people are unsubing until 6.2
eucomo lhamas well, weather effects are much more important than selfie camera, imo
block the portals in cities ^-^
"why cant i cast when im silenced? i cast with my hands not my mouth" always get at least one reply hahaha
i dont know if this a trolling or not put i was finshing and someone turn me it to a turkey i was so mad!
That group of Roleplayers that was getting trolled by the Mammoth Gamon is actually a massive and well-respected organization. They're the Dwarven Vanguard, a RP-PvP guild that's been around for years and stomp any Horde that try to assault their beloved city of IF. They are Dwarf-exclusive guild but also have many friends and brothers-in-arms of all creeds, making them a sight to behold if they decide to come out in force (such as the Iron Invasion, where they stormed the Dark Portal with the aid of the Tainted Legion guild in the WoD prepatch). Great people, great events. It's a shame that they are the remnant of an era of large racial RP-PvP guilds, and are one of the last of their kind on Moon Guard US.
Why isn't this video called "10 more douche bag moves" video...Because you do these things?
When I was raiding with my friends in BRF I used to do the water walking at maidens trick. I main a shaman so I would stand at the drop and just water walk people as they jumped down. We're all friends and we make a game out of trying to screw with each other. It was REALLY great though when we were combining our raid with another friend who had his own raid group, and his raid group was full of people that just REALLY hated not one shotting everything. They were constantly raging and trash talking members of our group. So I took a new level of satisfaction in catching them with the water walking troll on maiden.
We also liked using the arcane volatility on the trash before twin ogron to throw people into the trash that hadn't been pulled yet. I was a healer so they couldn't get too mad if I did it and then kept them alive through it, but it was always great to hear the panic as they were thrown into the room, pulling all the trash.
Nice video, subbed :)
Mammoth trolling is especially effective in a neutral town while flagged for PvP. Here's an example I fell for while leveling my druid: During Lunar festival, go to Moonglade and enable PvP. Block the quest giver with your mammoth and wait for an unsuspecting low level player of the opposing faction to accidentally right click you. Any PvP activity in that area will make the guards so mad, that they will gank that player for you.
+Prince Stormstrider omg that's a classic :D never gets old
Tanaris too haha
Has to be done on a Pvp server now though
My favorite troll is when you get out your Singing Sunflower pet, get on a flying mount, (works best with a druid's bird form), and spam the X and space bar. Everyone around you can hear the glorious "sunflower sunflower sun--sun--sunflower." I personally like following certain people until they fly away or log out. I also chase them around and say "Come back friend" whenever they run away. XD
one I loved in mists was Elegon LFR in Mogu shan vaults. as we were approaching he's pit i'd say " If you haven't gotten the acheivment for jumping in Elegon's pit yet do it now before we pull"
very funny like it a lot :D good job mate !
Thunderstorming people off of arathi basin lumber mill funniest thing ever
Thank you for the leap of faith troll I had soo much funxD
lol i laughed my ass off on the pet taunt picture of the bear :D whahaha
Back in BC my friend was playing a Rogue and I told him too put 1 point in every talent tree. Than told him that he had too make a new character too change specs, so he did. He was I think 35 or something when he made a new Rogue because his talent tree was hilarious. I also had him completally convinced that Spirit was a key attribute for Rogues. He had all the spirit.
you are totally feeding the trolls man! haha
I love these videos. Laughed so hard. Definitely need to try some of these sometime (just to see if they work, of course). XD
Great video man
Hey Lazypeon i wonder where got that staff?
What is that moon head wear on the night elf druid?
sapping a player while they were underwater as an undead rogue in vanilla was gold. Redridge mountain had a quest where you had to go underwater and it was so much fun
Back in the early days of WoW, everyone used to go into the Barrens chat and say two words: Chuck Norris. I used to do it all the time going from Barrens to Thousand Needles.
Back in Cataclysm, i had a spare cloak with parachute enchant. whenever raid group would jump to water, i'd use that skill and also use parachute. Everyone's dead, raging, and i am /lol-ing at them.
Thanks for this great video, keep them up! :)
Where did you get the spectral gryph?
I had no idea about the swapblaster,thanks for the video,its kappa time!
I'm gonna try all of these! Congratulations, you just gave WoW another troll! No, but seriously, this is a great video. Keep doing these top 10 lists!
when locks could /duel on the UC-->Org Zepplin, and fear opponent off over the edge of Dethknell - practically impossible to retrieve corpse
I am disappointed that the toy train was not on this list. Its one of the few trolls that can effect someone in real life. Simply drop it anywhere there is a large group and anyone in that group who plays with speakers turn on will have CHOOOOCHOOOO blare from their speakers, even sometimes waking up other people sleeping in their house. I loved dropping it in raids and around the auction house. In fact it was so effective Blizzard had to put in a counter toy for it. But it didnt stop the first CHOOOCHOOOO.
I can absolutely confirm that path of frost will take down a few unsuspecting raid members on the way down to Maidens. I trolled quite a few - one being my fellow DK raider that I love to pieces - who never figured out the key to surviving it. I basically ended up telling him how to avoid our own ability because I felt so bad for killing him so many times. :)
As a warlock, for a troll I've always liked summoning people off cliffs :P. Back in the old days snowballs used to hinder your movement so I would grab a few buddies and summon someone underwater and pelt our unsuspecting friend until they drowned. Though my friend has gotten his revenge with the old Dalaran portal...
I lol-ed multiple times at the mammothing part :D
Random guy: "If its called invincible why can i see it" Me: "Because only idiots can see it." Him: "Are you trolling me?" "No, you are." Him: "Reporting you!" I think: "I hath defeated the troll."
My favorite trolls are when I have to take the boat from Darnassus to Stormwind and there are other passengers with me, then it's time to take out the piccolo and force everyone on the boat to dance. Sometimes people try to get away from me, or sit down or even druids changing form to stop dancing, but there is no escape my pretties!
Once I was afk waiting for a battleground.
The bg started, I accepted and was in Arathi, but there was still the afk mark on my head that did not want to vanish.
I typed /afk to get rid of it, what would usually remove it, however a second later I was in Orgrimmar again.
there was this one guy I always remember, and always will. he basically stated Chair facts in the trade chat. it was glorious. and I stumped him by saying "cacti are better than chairs. things can live without sitting, but they can't live without water." I loved that moment of my own weirdness.
Didn't aspect of the pack used to stun you when you got hit?
Back when I was raiding I played an Elemental Shaman. In response to using Path of Ice to kill people in your raid group--Path of Ice or Water Walking before the drop down to Anub'arak in ToC.
Had never ever knew about some of these. Very funny video.
Great troll for Mages: when someone in your raid needs to repair their stuff, cast them a portal to a totally desertet place like Theramore.. most people wont check where the portal is headed to :D Its also great when people ask you to cast them a portal to a speciffic location.
couple great trolls i used to do back in the day; go to stv with a warlock and a few friends, ask for help for ganks, say you have summons, summon random player of your own faction to the gurubashi arena, and kill them and camp them.
in vanilla, mages had to summon water for like 30 minutes to an hour to have enough for a 40 man raid - and snowballs back then knocked players down and interrupted spellcasts. I'd go to Kargath where all the hardcore raiders were and there was mages summoning water... lol quickly became one of the most hated people on the server on raid night
I remember some guy, he made a series where he's leveling his orc rogue by doing NOTHING what so ever, no dmg, nothing. He does this by dungeon queing and inviting random ppl doing quests and such and just run behind them - Don't think he does it anymore, he got banned several times. He also made blizzard prank calls - he made 2 videoes i remember very well, probably mostly because of the music - xzibit alkaholik and some "nanny nanny boo boo"
You missed one thing: druid symbiosis. When the spell was still in the game you could use it on a hunter to gain misdirection. So once in a raid you could easily cast fairy fire on pretty much anything, using misdirect and pulling it on the healer. Naturally, all hunters were kicked out of the raid, since they were the first to look at when it comes to ninjapulling. had a lot of fun with that myself.
Good idea for a video, best bosses for trolling an example as train guy with pack, kargath pulling into cats and so on. Note: I would say that old bosses before the spell still should be included like pulling melee away from alar would be trolly. Try to think of good old boss fights that those troll moves would work. Hope you do this video :)
Do you have any videos about funny ways that you can die in the game? I mean I know people get angry when they get killed but there's got to be a few that are just so off-the-wall and hilarious that you can't help but laugh at how you did it
The quitting tank troll.
Step 1: Pull the mobs.
Step 3: Quit the group and go home.
There's only one detail missing....
+ThelazyPeon can you point me to the site or the video where that ui mod is ?
Questing with PvP turned on does give you more experience, it doesn't level your character up any faster but you learn how to deal with opposite faction gankers and that makes you wise/gives you more skill at the game
Hunter tames a pet and gives it the same name as the common beasts around them. Someone doing quests, grinding that particular beast, not thinking, attacks your pet and flags themselves and the hunter kills them. Or enemy player makes a guild called "Druid Trainer" or whatever other trainer you want, then positions themselves near other trainers (but enough to not aggro). Newb comes by to train, clicks on you and flags themselves, kill them. I did that one a long time ago with "Druid Trainer" in Astranaar.
In vanilla, if you were a hunter/warlock raiding MC, you could dismiss your pet after getting the living bomb debuff and then resummon your pet in a crowded area like the Orgrimmar/SW auction house, and every max level character would be immediately killed.
I've actually DK-trolled myself as a Shaman with Water Walking on the elevator shaft before Maidens. Turns out that Lakestrider glyph wasn't such a great idea after all.
*Clears throat*
"Neural Silencer:
Use: Makes you immune to some annoyances. Persists through death. Lasts 12 hrs.
Annoyances include Leap of Faith, threat redirecting abilities, and some gadgets like the Swapblaster."
I can confirm the Path of Frost ability troll for the shaft before Iron Maidens, gotten a few of my guildies with it so far, always worth a giggle.
Used to perk summon a 25man group on the very edge of one of the spikes in blades edge mountain and watch how people fall into the twisting nether, good times.
Ahhh mammothing,
I play as a tauren and nothing was ever more sweeter, having the one with extra seats, jumping off cliffs and heroic leaping, killing my passengers ;D
My favorite trade chat line was only useful for the duration of level 30 and 50 mounts. The line being "The level 40 mount is roughly 90 gold"
"What does the fucking language filter do?" is a good one to type into trade chat. If someone complains about your language, just tell them "If it bothers you why don't you just put the fucking language filter on."
One of my favorites is to ride around on my Magic Rooster shouting "YOU CAN'T RIDE MY COCK!" (Warning, don't do is in Goldshire!)
Why? Goldshire is cancerous af sometimes.
i used to spend hours in gadgetzan trolling people by challenging them to a duel, turning on pvp, and forfeiting so they hit me and get mauled by guards. good times...
There was a great very specific way to troll some people with a mage on BC. Mage's spellsteal could steal the effect of the Noggenfenger's elixir that would turn you into a skeleton for 30 minutes. You could steal it off of the enemy faction players in pvp servers, or just anyone in a duel. I had great fun wasting those elixirs for people who just wanted to be skellys.
Hey Peon, ne troll attempt happened in ICC before the Saurfang fight. Along the lines of the SotA stair troll a friend and I managed to wipe our 25man raid by standing at the fence and jumping up and down going, " Oh looks like they finally put a wall u here.. " needless to say the guild was not happy as it was progression night
Nice videos keep them up SO OG.
New and improved mammoth troll for wod, use the trained clefthoof as a tauren or a toy that turns you into one. Massive
if youre going to repeatedly sap players, you have to add in the /wait and /thankyou emotes into your sap ability for maximum rage induction.
maybe something for the next video.
LFR: Cast Heroism/Bloodlust right at the start and everytime the exhaustion debuff is gone. Watch the raidchat.
Back in MoP, my bear tank was op. Either that, or heroic dungeons just sucked that bad. I would tell the healers to switch to dps spec because my self regen would never let me drop below 75% health. I was playing with my Combat Rogue friend, and The healer in one of our groups was so butthurt because i told him I didn't need him. He wouldn't stop complaining. Finally, me and my friend came up with the ultimate trolling plan. I used Symbiosis on him, which gave him a taunt. Once he had aggro from the boss, he quickly used tricks of the trade on the healer, killing him in a few swipes. I have never seen anyone rage that hard over keyboard in that game before. "THE ROGUE TAUNTED AND PUT TRICKS ON ME". The other two in the group thought the guy had lost his mind, and kicked him.
lol similar to the leap of faith, on my rogue I used to lure enemy players up higher in the air on their mount, then shoot a mecha-blast-rocket (knocking them off their mount), then they would die at the ground, while I pulled out my handy dandy goblin glider.
Old troll that can't be done anymore: Summon a mage portal in the beginning room of a BG and then start summoning another portal and ask for help telling everyone that you were summoning a mage food table.
One time I started on a human hunter and some level 32 gnome started following me around and teasing me for buying an axe. That idiot followed me for about 10 minutes until I finally lost him in a kobold cave. Lol. That's why I don't play alliance.
Shaman back in Cata equipping rockbiter weapon and spamming unleash elements caused a 6 second taunt. You could spam Unleash elements in LFR and complain that the tanks were losing aggro because no one knew shamans had taunts. Getting multiple tanks kicked for no reason.
Hey peon, I was wondering if you would consider making a lets at of world of Warcraft, without heirlooms