The whole "God is love" thing legitimately terrifies me. Like every abusive partner who says "I'm beating you for your own good... it's because I love you..." Just... no words
@@arsonmcl2299 what's also "not" abusive is the idea that you can't question god because "he's always right" and you don't have the right to question anything he does, it's honestly just disgusting.
@@poleviatia5372 I'm sorry, your God is nothing like mine, I don't fear going to hell for all eternity if I put one toe out of line, Dionysus wouldn't smite me for thinking of him as a friend rather than an all powerful all seeing being. Also the information and opinion I have made for myself on your God comes from studying the Bible so sure, I get my information from the wrong place Edit: Dionysus wouldn't ask me to kill my child as proof of devotion. He barely cares if I put stuff on his alter ;)
I'm almost 60 years old, and I've been to the left of liberal as long as I can remember. My belief in Jesus when I was young is what lend me to being liberal in my political views. Providing for those in need, loving the unloved, and caring for those who no one cares for were lessons I learned from Jesus. The anti-welfare, anti-refugee, corporate supporting stances held by many Christians is truly confusing to me.
Yeah I kept the good values from the Bible. Do not conform to the patterns of this world. Romans 12:2 That one was my favorite for a long long time. I am a proud rebel now, a chaotic good at heart. 😊
As a non native speaker, it's weird to me that "Pride" means 2 different things in english. In french there's the word "orgueil" which would be the "sinful" pride (and the word used in french translated bibles) which means like, having your actions being influenced by your ego, wanting to defend how you are perceived or how you really want to look like your are right even tho you are wrong, refusing to admit you are wrong, essentially doing the wrong thing so save your ego. While there's the word "fierté" which is the "good one" (and the one used by LGBTQ+ to speak about pride) which means being proud of something. It's just 2 different things.
Hi, Spanish speaker here, kinda leaving my two cents (?) We also make some distinction on that. The direct translation of pride is "orgullo", but it's not the same as the sin. I've seen it used to refer as the sin, but it's very rare. "Orgullo" has a mostly neutral connotation; you can use it to describe how you feel about things like your country, culture or overall identity, but it can also be used as a more common synonym of "arrogance" and can even be related to stubbornness. Having too much "orgullo" can lead you to be stubborn and could be detrimental (much like "orgueil", the stubbornness is often about refusing to accept one's faults), but still, you could see it more as just a flaw than actual sin. To refer to the sin, it has been used "presunción" (iirc is presumptuous, but it may be just a cognate) but it's also an old term, just like "ostentación". The translation of the sin of pride that's most used is "soberbia", which sounds the closest to the original latin "superbia". That term not only is like the one everyone implicitly agrees to use to refer to the sin of pride, but also it's rarely used outside of the religious context.
@@LOU121399 Interesting ! It kind of shows that using the definition of words as "an argument that something is bad" is... bad in itself. There are more languages than english, multiple words. You can't make an argument that something is bad, solely on the base of the english language... Thanks for that bit of information !
Pride is seen as the worst thing because shame is ESSENTIAL to most forms of conservative Christianity, and fundamentalist religion in general. You MUST feel bad about yourself, it's necessary in order to create the vacuum that only God can fill. Sadly, no amount of invitations and pleas to my absent father/lover (?!) and rereading his 2000-year-old supposed letter ever resulted in anything but one-way communication. What a lonely, effed up "relationship," that resulted in years of clinical depression and suicidality.
Yes, during the 1960s, Catholic Nuns at my mom's elementary and high school carried a yardstick at all times to slap the hands of any kid who was smiling in class (among 100s of other infractions), accompanied by the admonition "shame!". My great aunt had a similar schooling in the 1920s & 1930s, and between the two, I heard "For shame!" and "Have you no shame?" so many times that I still say these often myself, but only as figurative, idiomatic, or satirical phrases!
That’s like your f’d up framing of something you clearly never tried to understand and clearly never want to understand. It’s actually the opposite. Anyone who professes “tolerance, inclusion, diversity, love” etc and literally tries to coerce and threaten churches, groups, and individuals based on their disagreements and beliefs and pretty much spend most of their time trying to demonize, delegitimize and dehumanize them are the bigots. There’s bigotry in all groups but especially the one that does exactly the opposite of what they profess. So how about you “tolerate” that. I demand you “affirm” me and my self identified beliefs. If you don’t you’re a bigot.
I felt shame naturally, not because someone told me to. I felt shame because once I was filled with the Holy Spirit I realized how much I had a sinned against a Holy God. No one told me I needed to feel bad about myself. Once I had confessed my sins and asked for forgiveness I felt so much love. I didn’t have to feel bad about myself because my God took away the burden of my sin. The gospel is, Jesus died and took away your sin because He loves you and wants you to live freely. All you got to do is confess your sin and believe Jesus is who he said he is. What you explain is cultish religious practices.
Ok, the tube always deletes my snark, so I'm just going to point out that every story of struggle, lost faith and deconversion I've ever read is unique, but every single "testimony" that gets thrown at me sounds exactly the same. Same narrative, same "magic" abracadabra words, it's like they copy from a template.
@@presentfuture7563 Everyone has a unique reason for hating truth. But if one actually listens there’s word trains that are never late, maybe they come in slow but then they start coming in one after another. “Shame” is just one of those words and concepts. As if you’ve never tried to shame people for disagreeing with you pfttt… yeah okay. People who believe in the same truths don’t have to be broad because the truth is narrow. Truth isn’t an endless void but a key to a lock.
Pride is not sin. Vanity is. To take pride in yourself is accepting love from yourself. Vanity is expecting everyone else to feel the same way about you.
@@drock9009 Mostly, i think that when they say pride, it means mostly arrogance. And that is what excessive pride in oneself leads to. Key word here being excessive. In essence, it is always excess that is frowned upon, and so it should be. Unfortunately, some believe that even the bare minimum of pride in one's accomplishments is excessive.
@@chiaraimpeduglia1308 yeah I can see that. And believe they do believe in that for sure. Like how they think Woke is a negative and horrible word when it isn't.
@@drock9009 Pride *is* a sin. Proverbs 16:18-19 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. Isaiah 14 also tells us that Satan was cast out of heaven because of pride. This type of pride is more accurately translated as “conceit or self-righteousness.” Pride that is consuming and excludes God.
Also, her statement doesn't really work outside of the English language. Someone else here in the comments already commented regarding french, and as a Spanish speaker, the translation of pride is "orgullo" and nobody would ever hear that word and think of the sin of pride (and also, it doesn't have inherently negative connotations). The word used for the sin is "soberbia", which is closer to the og latin "superbia". For Spanish speakers, pride is not a sin, soberbia is. And talking about latin, the deadly sins were doctrine established by the Catholic church. There are two versions iirc. In Greek and in latin. They weren't unmovable either. Originally, there were eight of them named (and some of them were divided in subtypes, like gluttony), and were not even the same: envy wasn't considered a sin, but apathy or sadness was, and there was boasting and grandiosity, which became vainglory/vanity and pride, with vanity being eventually assimilated within pride (and again, there are languages that separate the specific word used to refer to the sin). So on top of that, the classification of sins is not set in stone either and has changed over time.
I was recently lectured by a Christian friend for saying I was proud of my son, it was explained that pride in the Bible is always a sin. I think this will be a growing thing in the church.
Quite literally the opposite of the enlightenment message the Christ of the bible is offering. Rather than joy abundantly and human flourishing it's suppression and dimunition.
@@dr.gwendolyncarter thank you. The reality is that this person is absolutely doing what they think is best. This is what they truly believe to be good morals because they are indoctrinated and I used to be the same way. It's a difficult process to challenge and rethink all this stuff.
You carry on being proud of your son! It would have made a world of difference had my parents shown pride in my achievements as a child and teenager. I never felt I was good enough, and this has affected me throughout my life. ( They were keen to avoid the 'sin of pride', both in themselves and little me.) Believe me, I am extremely proud of my children, and many children in general.
Nothing wrong with equal rights provided they come with equal responsibilities. I'm more concerned when people try to make children and adults equivalent in decision making skills. Children generally have much fewer responsibilities than adults, and as a result have fewer rights to go along with that. That's why they can't vote or buy booze. They shouldn't have the right to handle decisions like that until they can handle the responsibility of taking care of themselves. Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand in law.
Definitely why we need to continue to talk with people with compassion. Never know what we can say that helps it all crumble. Attacks usually strengthen resolve.
When she said "God made us not enough so that we would depend on him", I fucking winced. That sounds like an abusive relationship built on lack of self esteem. God needs you to be unworthy because he needs to be needed. Ick. :( That sounds so unhealthy.
Without a God and by extension without an absolute standard of morality please tell me how you can define “abusive?” Do children not depend on their parents? Do students not depend on their teachers? Do workers not depend on their bosses? Do wives not depend on their husbands? Ick. So unhealthy!!
@@krisjones4051 Better take another look at the Bronze/Iron Age Middle Eastern male god that you are advocating as a source of morality. He's the one who demanded stoning to death for a "rebellious" son, that rape victims who didn't scream were also to be stoned to death, that he himself was going to abort the fetuses of Israel (Hosea chapter 9), and drowned an entire planet killing almost all of the ANIMALS, instead of selectively killing off only the "bad" humans. He's also the one who claims that he's going to destroy the present world by fire instead of by water as he did with the Noaic flood. Those are what you call morals, and according to your own words you approve of such Middle Eastern male theology and brutality.
@@krisjones4051 I don’t think you are making good analogies here, Kris. Children may be dependent for a time, yes. And maybe they will be dependent in some sense as long as parent/child are both alive. But good parents in my opinion raise children to be less and less dependent over time. That’s part of the children growing and learning. My children can be “enough” and love me (I hope) once they are grown. I don’t want them to feel they are not enough and so need to depend on me. So when Allie phrases that about God, it sounds unhealthy.
@@mikelsikel73 So you please explain why you chose to isolate that one specific example? Let me guess: The other 3 examples are much more evidently supportive of my position and destroy the rebuttals, that’s probably why.. However, your own analysis is the truly superficial one. Even when a child of a parent is as old as 40, who do they turn to in times of crisis, needing guidance, or when they achieve life milestones like winning a major competition or getting a promotion? They turn to their *parents.* No matter what, your biological father is your earthly father just as God is your Heavenly Father and you will never overcome this reality. And how much more dependent on the being who created us and the entire universe than we are dependent on our mere earthly parents. Furthermore, you still didn’t answer the first question which asks: How do you define “abusive” when you’re an atheist who doesn’t believe in objective truths?
I spoke with my mom about the issue of Christianity & LGBT+, and her response was “well if God created us, isn’t it his right to decide whatever he wants to do with us?” I told her if that’s how God operates, I have no reason to worship him
@@abicadabby I never said this was the “truth” in the Bible, I’m just speaking to my mom’s specific apologetics. I didn’t believe this was true even when I was a Christian. Nice attempt to be condescending tho
@@abicadabby And guess what? Even though I have read the Bible, I don’t care what it “actually” says/means because there’s no good reason to believe any of it is actually divinely inspired.
@@Corporate_Desecration lmfao u haven't "read the bible" brother everyone just throws that comment around to make it seem like that they actually know what they are talking about. I think it's pretty obvious about how ignorant you are if tou like to make assumptions about the word being divinely inspired if you "don't care" about what what it means. Make it make sense brother.
It's so much fun to see Drew unscripted, he gets so excited and energetic in bringing up all this super interesting early Christian history :D Also that "giving directions rather than giving you the address" comparison for older generations is very apt, my dad and I disagree a lot on politics and from what I've managed to glean some of those disagreements are about gender (for context, I'm nonbinary). And when it comes to locations, his answers tend to be "it's next to where [some thing he used to visit when he was my age] used to be, though I think they closed in like the 85 or 86" and I'm just left standing there like gee thanks a landmark I've never heard of that stopped existing ten years before my birth is very useful
She just repeats "The Bible says, The Bible says, The Bible says..." Like so many fundamentalist Christians, she has shut down her own brain, to the point that she has allowed a book to take authority over her thinking process.
Not only that, but even if she considers the Bible to be a 100% bulletproof authority she's using that as reasoning to why people who aren't a part of her religion should have fewer rights. That's the core issue, the idea that everyone should have to follow the Bible even if they consider it to be a worthless pile of paper. Even if you place the Bible on the same level as every other holy book in existence apparently you're required in America to still accept its "morals" as fact, anyone not blinded by their religious zealotry would recognize that as a violation of the first amendment.
A book written thousands of years ago and curated over the centuries by groups of men claiming to speak for God about which version of the books are correct. Even today there are MANY different versions of the supposedly inerrant, infallible book.
Currently deconstructing from 38 years of being in church... the trauma from pride being labeled a sin has been EXTREMELY difficult for me to work through. I was at the point where I felt guilty every time I felt good about my own accomplishments. Thank you for bringing this out as a problematic issue.
I don't think the official church position would encourage you to feel guilty about feeling good for your own accomplishments - the healthy orientation might be to say "Wow - I feel pretty good about getting that promotion. Thanks, God, for allowing this to work out for me". The focus isn't on trashing yourself - it's about exalting God.
@@bradyhayes7911 There are many many different "official church positions" though. I'm Christian and this is definitely not how me and my church believe... but I feel like it's kind of a dismissive cop-out for us as current Christians to tell people who were traumatized in Christian communities, oh, well, the Christians you were around were just doing it badly. A massive number of people have only ever experienced unhealthy Christian theology, and that toxicity is a huge part of what Christianity functionally is in the world today. I feel like in most cases, the caring way for me to respond when someone's been traumatized by the church is to affirm them in deconstructing the theology that was pushed on them and not try to offer them my alternative. But I don't believe God damns people who don't ID as Christian, so, I get that for people who believe that there is a strong sense of pressure to restore people's view of Christianity.
@@bradyhayes7911How is it possible to exalt God without trashing yourself? It inherently requires you to accept that you can't do anything without God, because you deserve worse than nothing and are incapable of any good, so only by God's grace does anything good happen - all according to God himself. It's poison, and we hear it from Christians all the time, often subtextually but it's still there. And what is the "official" church? Which denomination? I think Christians need to hear that so they can get on the same page.
@Jean-Philippe Rameau AOC is a college graduate. I am very clearly referring to her, not *any college graduate*. I don't think you can follow a conversation string without raging out. I don't know many unintelligent people with two degrees. It seems like to me you're easily triggered, which makes me think anything you have to say is probably invalid. You've provided no real meat on why you think X, you just think X is bad. To me it just seems like you're against common people voting against the establishment.
Its getting f*&^%$*g scary out there. I watched a Telltale vid yesterday about MTG and her support of Nick Fuentes who literally said he wants to turn every country into a Christian nation and everyone will have to just live with it. Thank you for this content drawing attention to a terrifying rise in this rhetoric.
Turn every country into a Christian nation! I bet that includes countries that are currently Christian majority because it's not the religiously correct brand of Christianity to these people. And how do they plan to do it? Use the US military, I bet. That's going to go over well. 🙄
1 Can’t believe everything you watch. 2 That’s literally what a majority of Islam professes and what democracies and socialists try to do. Yet I don’t hear anyone complain about that sht.
Nick Fuentes thinks American women should have the same rights as Afghani women under the Taliban. And he's very specific about that; he's not talking about the period between 2001-now when they were out of power. He likes how the Taliban enforces its rules.
These types of people most certainly want their Christian values around sex, gender, marriage to be laws. These people would definitely support making gay marriage illegal, making no fault divorce illegal and any divorce extremely difficult unless you could prove your spouse cheated on you. Obviously they will support legislation against trans people. The writing is on the wall, Roe vs Wade is just the beginning.
As a Christian myself I can say I don’t know a single person who wishes to force Christian ideology on anyone, with the exception being abortion, which we see as murder. The individual in the womb, with their unique DNA, also didn’t choose to be there. We don’t expect non-Christians to follow our convictions but no one thinks murder is okay. Even if you don’t think abortion is murder, no doubt you are against murder itself and therefore can make sense of the urgency. I expect we’ve both heard every argument under the sun on both sides and I don’t expect you to agree- but you can understand. Please have conversations with real Christians rather than believing in these fantastical caricatures.
@@kristenross2902 What makes you think I haven’t had conversations with real Christians? You have no clue just how many Christians I know. Also why aren’t you able to accept that there is certain TYPES of Christians that want theocratic laws because there most certainly is. It is a subset of Christians. It’s not difficult to understand why, Christians see gay marriage as a sin. Are you claiming that there would be NO Christians happy to get rid of gay marriage being legal? Are you saying there was no Christians in favor of it not becoming legal. To be clear there is nothing wrong with gay marriage, it causes no harm. The only reason to outlaw is through theological biblical ideology, that’s what I mean when I say a theocratic law.
@@kristenross2902 Abortion is not murder, that moralizing language is used to try to shut down the conversation. An abortion is a medical procedure and in certain cases has to be done to save the mother’s life. A woman’s life should not be less important than that of a fetus. Should the government also mandate that you give up a part of your body to save someone else’s life? When abortion is banned it reduces women to an incubator and it awards rights to a fetus that not even any person has.
@@merari1614 Do you really think saying abortion is murder is motivated by the desire to stop conversation? If seeing an aborted fetus or knowing the brutal methods used in abortion doesn’t move you, then you will not be moved by verbal reasoning. But the verbal arguments are abundant and you can look them up if you haven’t already heard them. We need more civil in-depth conversations about these issues, not less. As I said - I don’t think a brief online exchange will change your mind. Most if not all laws have a moral foundation. Laws against theft and larceny, reckless behavior, etc. I know you don’t think abortion is murder but you do think murder should be outlawed. It’s the most basic and obvious moral good in a society to protect the innocent. It isn’t ‘moralizing’ to say murder is wrong. The question remains - what or who is being killed - a human being or a thing? If pre-born babies were merely things I would agree with you. I’ve observed this fear you have about some sort of Theocracy being implemented. We’re in a post-Christian US, you needn’t worry. I’m moving on ~ I wish you well and hope our society can learn engage in conversations with patience and thoughtful interaction rather than the growing divisions we see at present. Those conversations are best irl.
@@kristenross2902 If you care about human life, Please educate yourself on the inhumane cruelty that is happening right now to women due to the anti-abortion laws.видео.htmlвидео.html No it is not as simple as "abortion is murder", and it never will be that simple. Even actual murder is not that simple, thats why we have laws for different degrees of murder (accidental, intent etc). Bodily autonomy is a human right, thats why the government cannot force you to give up a body part to save another person's life. CHILDREN are being forced to carry pregnancies after being raped by family members.
There's no amount of therapy in the WORLD that could get me over the trauma of having to dissect even ONE of her videos. You guys truly ARE doing THE LORD's WORK! a-freaking-MEN.
Haha, honestly, it was rough. Plus, she never takes a pause between her sentences and piles in a lot of assumptions in the span of just a minute or so, so trying to even address what she’s saying is really hard.
thats such a punch in the face to actual trauma survivors, did you have tot go through a world war by watching a podcast? it assaulted you ? i understand not liking or agreeing with something, but being so traumatized that NO amount of therapy could help you with, that's such a reach.
IMO, Allie purposely pretends not to understand something (like what Pride month is actually about) to steer her audience in the direction she wants them to go. She does claim she doesn't want a theocracy, and everyone should be free to live their life, but... I have doubts.
No, she wants them to be free to live life according to the Bible. That's the only freedoom she's talking about.Because to her, That's the only freedoom God has given to us. The rest maens nothing to her.
@@chiaraimpeduglia1308 "You should be totally free to do exactly as I say my God says" Of course, it's always the doublespeak with these losers. They know they can't say their real opinion so they hide it behind nice words, until those nice words lose all meaning.
"Non-sequitur much?" is the question of the day as I watch these clips of Allie - She has perfected the art of drawing conclusions completely unrelated to what she just said.
Hmmm. When she talked about how god IS love, therefore whatever god does, and what he declares as wrong, is always loving and can't be questioned... It reminded me of an abusive relationship, wherein the abuser basically says "I act this way because I love you, this is what my love looks like," while the behaviors are absolutely not loving. The abused (or Christian, here) in that situation can really be convinced that some crazy things are love.
Reminds me of when a guy I was talking to said that God is just objective morality incarnate, so no matter what he does, it was the right thing to do because morality emanates from him. The actual results are irrelevant as far as they're concerned.
I think you are making a category mistake here. God is not a man. Morality is determined by God's nature under Christianity thus what God does is actually loving. What an abusive parent does is not really loving even if he/she says it is. That is the problem with the abusive parent. They say they are loving and they are not. While God is actually loving in God's case. So your analogy does not make sense since God is in a different category than an abusive parent.
@@carlpeterson8182 Your asserting that all of God's behavior is moral which is the issue. The child of an abusive parent can convince themselves that harm they endured wasn't actually harm but love from their parents, even though in reality they're incorrectly characterizing love. The same argument could work against you with that logic as the outcomes would both result in harm being considered love. One could say that everything God does or allows is love when in reality it's harmful, this is just a no brainer unless you're also convinced that blatant harm can be loving simply because God says so.
“I was 10” “I was 3” I was baptized two weeks after I was born, taken to mass every Sunday except (1) one til I got to college and couldnt keep up, meticulously read to about Bible stories and Jesus. And I still turned out agnostic! Lol. Side note I wish there was more coverage on Catholic RUclipsrs, different churches have different interpretations but the Catholic Church has the NAB and the Catecism, there’s LOADS of history and documentation to break down Catholicism with.
I hope to be brave enough one day to become one of those Catholic/ex-Catholic RUclipsrs. Like Taylor and Drew, I went to a really religious school for my undergrad that I often joke is as close to Catholic seminary as an AFAB person could get. I also met my partner in one of our required theology courses, which was all about the Bible and used the NAB for reference, so maybe I’ll dig up my old copies for my videos if I ever start.
Pride is not about being proud to be LGBT. It is about not being ground down and made to be someone you aren't. As long discrimination against them exists, the pride month will exist to remind the thousands of still closeted that it's perfectly fine to be a member of this community and that they should be proud of it. It's an important reminder that being gay is not an abomination and that it is not a choice. The pride part doesn't relate to the person in question being gay but for freedom of expression and a freedom to just be your own honest self without having to be called slurs. It's to be empowered to express who they are in front of the world and encourage the many who are still held back by their circumstances. So, the question should be, “why does Gay Pride even need to exist”? The answer, it shouldn't in the first place. But the sad part is, LGBT people are still excluded from jobs, their families, their homes and communities. Being gay is still illegal in some countries, homosexual acts are imprisonable in many, and punished by death in several. No one is quite sure what's happening in Chechnya but it appears they are setting up concentration camps for gay men. Even in gay superficial tolerant places is suicide among gay teenagers higher than amongst straight ones. This is why Pride still exists. To show solidarity, awareness and support for LGBT people in the west AND abroad.
Ooh boy, my blood got boiling at the: you’re inadequate (and that’s okay). That’s so dangerous. To have the message constantly throw at you, by others and yourself, that’s you’re worthless and not enough and that you can only find worth in God. What’s going to happen when God ignores you or betrays you?
@@carlpeterson8182 He literally gets mad at the Israelites and condemns them over and over in the Bible. He turns his back on ungrateful and sinful people all the time. Which is really risky behaviour considering humans, which He made, are *all* sinful. Ever heard of the book of Lamentations? He does betray people, yeah
@@carlpeterson8182 so what about the innocent child getting abused begging and pleading for God to rescue them…. And they continue getting abused? Omnipotent, all knowing God could have and should have intervened…. Regardless of the abusers choice to abuse. The child chose to trust in and pray to God for help…. And was betrayed
@@stephaniem895 There are no innocent children before God. All have sinned and fallen short (Rom 3:23). So the question is flawed. But most children are innocent compared to most adults. Yes. I claim that logically, God has purposes for letting humans hurt humans.
@@Paulxl Well that is what Abrahamic religions are about. It is funny to me how Christians and Jews critizise Islam for having its core tenant "Submission(to god)" as their religions name but they do the same as Muslims do, prostrate themselves before their imaginary friend on the grounds that they are not worthy and are thankful that their delusion lets them exist if only for the briefest of times on Earth only to exist eternally in the afterlife where they will continue worshipping. What a bleak existence they put their faith into.
The hardcore irony of her saying we have a mental health crisis in the country with a straight face in the group of people refusing to fund public mental health services. Though what she claims is a mental health issue isnt in the way she means it. The lack of self awareness is both hilarious and scary given its potential consequences.
A friend of my parents used to preach to people that we shouldn’t be telling our kids that we are proud of them or say that we are proud of something we do. I know for a fact his kids have never been told that their dad is proud of them. I can’t imagine what kind of long term impact that will have on them.
While my own experiences with Christians (of the Catholic & Mormon varieties in particular) as a whole have shown me that not all are hateful bigots, but merely a plurality of them are incapable of applying the "Golden Rule" maxim "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". In Religion class at my Catholic High School, the teacher explained that the Golden Rule has 2 distinct meanings in common usage interpretations. He taught that a good Catholic should interpret the Golden Rule to mean "Do unto others as they would want for you to do", rather than the "common protestant interpretation" as 'Do unti others as you would want for yourself if you were in their situation & circumstances", because the latter form enables hateful bigotry with the rationalization "I would want someone to force me to stop acting gay, so that I don't go to hell"!
"Her politics and her religion are one in the same" Nailed it. In America the right has married their religion with their politics and given birth to monsters like whats-her-face here. The tactics and strategies of Christian apologists and RW propagandists have merged. The need for counter-apologetics that gets this fact is needed now more than ever. So thanks to both of you for fighting the good fight.
ABS is right about Christian love being different from normal love. It's your passive aggressive aunt that calls you a schmuk when you mess up but then hugs you and reminds you that you look like your father. Or sometimes it's just straight up hatred
@@krisjones4051 yes I'm so bitter I go around telling everyone else how to live their life and tell them they will go to hell if they don't think like me on top of thinking everyone else is wrong and I'm special. Oh wait! That sounds more like Christians
@@zking2929 You’re going around on RUclips telling Christians how they should view their religion apparently based on a horrible experience with one of your family members. Nothing in the Bible excuses “hatred” from Christians btw. It clearly states the power of life and death are in the tongue. That explains your misunderstanding of Christianity quite well though. You believe we criticize sin and improper lifestyles out of a place of hatred. No, just as it is _loving_ to tell an obese man or a drug addict that their lifestyle is harmful and misguided, so too is it the compassionate and moral thing to do for a prideful gay man to be evangelized to because his lifestyle is harmful to himself, society, and is immoral. Non-heterosexual lifestyles corrupt society which is exactly why today we have children identifying as the opposite gender and slicing off their body parts in the name of “progress.” Because we decided that men can date men and also that men can be women because the two labels are completely interchangeable whether within marriage or inside the brain and underneath your garments. This is just a complete lie. Non-heterosexual relationships also cannot produce children which are the foundation of any society. Study after study also proves that children are best raised by a mother and father, i.e. Harry and Susan, not Harry and Larry. And arbitrarily deciding that a mother and father are not needed means you have redefined the family to mean nothing. Well Christians are in the business of upholding tradition and not destroying society one whimsical change at a time. So yes, sounds like you are very bitter at the wrong people.
It's your grumpy father that forces you to read chick tracts to learn about God, and insists you'll go to hell and burn forever if you don't believe It's your mother that doesn't bother to teach her daughter about periods until she has one because "it's sexual." It's your father who whips you with a belt when you've barely learned to talk because you asked a question he didn't like. It's your mother who insists she'll always love you no matter what and then says she'll beat you if you end up gay.
"If we were enough, we wouldn't need Jesus Christ to die for us" You don't say... Thank you Allie for exposing your biases yourself, saves us a lot of work.
I would argue that the 4th of July is an "American Pride" celebration. Especially when you start looking at the similarities between 4th of July celebrations and Pride celebrations. Parades, wacky outfits, parties/gatherings, colors of the respective flags all over everything... etc.
Allie's logic: According to the Bible, the Church is in a marriage with Jesus Christ. In other words, God is bisexual and polyamorous. If you deny that, you are denying God's fundamental design.
The church is referred to as the “ bride” of Christ in scripture. God is not sexually attracted to the church, it is a symbol to represent the dynamics of a typical marriage… protection, provision, intimacy, loyalty, faithfulness…
@@Meadow-t9x That is true, which just brings up another point that it’s symbolic and not literal. Therefore by extension it should not be used as a literal representation of marriage. After all, Jesus would be using something metaphorical that people in those days could understand and feel comfortable with. Heterosexual unions were exactly that. Something comfortable, understandable, and familiar to the Jewish community of the day.
@@heyitsme881 Understanding the Bible is all about perspective. Even Jewish scholars would debate biblical texts. As well as the early churches of Christianity in the beginnings of the faith. Even now in mainline Christianity there’s debate on interpretations. So there is no one true way. People can say and believe that, but the various denominations and theology are literally living testaments to that.
I can see it. Person: I struggle with feelings of inadequacy and can't seem to love myself Allie: Have you tried embracing the inadequacy and realising you're meant to be a slave? Have you considered loving yourself is the problem and that you don't actually DESERVE love and should be grateful God gifted you with love same as everyone else and that should be more than enough for you if your heart wasn't so sinful and in need of replacement? Have you considered maybe you're just full of pride in thinking you deserve love? This is so awful and abusive and also somewhat reminds me of the "have you considered you're NOT trans?" argument. It sounds hella clever when the person's experience is a completely brand new never-thought-of idea ... TO YOU. And when you're convinced you can't be wrong and have memorised all the responses to say without having to think about whether they apply because the only harm you perceive is people losing their faith and unconditional obedience. To them it's just a realisation that all their agonizing over trusting you and they reached out to the wrong person who just gives a generic answer betraying an unwillingness to be there for them as they are and support their actual needs if it conflicts with the status quo of your beliefs.
i was a celibate gay chrisitian. on the right. was just like this girl. and then i came to reality. and i feel so badly that i was ever so mean. and i feel badly that people choose gods they can't see. hear. touch. over human beings they can.
Allie asking her dad about politics reminds me of my own father, who's in ministry. I heard him on the phone the other day with someone who was inquiring about the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Most of what I heard was of him dismissing all the person was seeing as lies and deception. And that wasn't the first time I had seen him giving political advice to someone associated with the church. In my experience I have seen that pastors, Bible study leaders, and those in ministry positions in general are often gone to with questions about what to think on a variety of topics. My impression is that many evangelicals don't go to political analysts to become informed; they go to the most spiritual among themselves. It almost seems hierarchical, not helped by the fact that my father often "explains" things to others in the same tone of voice he would for me when I was a child.
I remember when I was Christian thinking that those tones were comforting and caring instead of what they actually were doing which was being patronizing to say the least. Ewww David. Smh 🤦🏾♀️
I love how she says we can't outlove God... sorry, but one of the things that helped me deconstruct my faith is the love of queer people. I have NEVER seen so much love in comparison to the love I've experienced from family or church goers. So I beg to differ :P
I mean for one thing, there is such a thing as toxic love. The need to be the all-consuming focus point of someone's, showering them with gifts even when unwanted and doing things to them without their consent. Imagine someone who has a kid and horribly scalds them for disobeying them once because they've never once broken any rule (because they get to write the rules and so will obviously do so so they haven't broken them).
The Problem is Christians often see their love as God's love, and nonbeliever's pick up on this. The love of God you're supposed to feel in Church is mainly the love and support of your fellow members. When you don't get that love, or get it in a twisted, toxic form, you'll likely see God the same way. I'm not spiritual myself, but seeing how my parish treated people like me made me feel like God didn't love me. If He exists, I know his love is closer to the love fellow queer people have shown me than what I've seen in Church.
When she said God is love, meaning that whatever he does and whatever he declares is wrong is being loving on his part and can never be questioned. And then she talked about Christian love being in the same vein. That got me thinking that in other words, there is no hatred like Christian love.
It's so interesting that to her, Christianity and Conservatism are so inherently linked. I always knew that right-wingers tied their religion to their politics, but I've never really heard someone say that it was inherently unchristian to be liberal, which is interesting for me who is so lefty because of the christianity I was raised in
You two are the prettiest couple! I've been following drew for years and always enjoyed his thoughts, voice, and appearance. When I stumbled across this channel, I was stunned by how cute a couple you are.
I agree. What I admire about this couple is that they actively listen to each other and play off each other. Their commentary is refreshing to listen to because not only do they have knowledge and experience, they're respectful to the people they're talking about. It really hits home the difference between religious extremists and 'the secular world.'
*Today on "Religious People Thinking Their Religion Should Dictate the Lives of People Who Don't Follow It": Christian Woman Thinks Her Religion Should Dictate the Lives of People Who Don't Follow It!*
It's weird to me when people say things like "if she wants to believe being gay is a sin that's fine". It's not fine. Even if she wasn't actively advocating for fewer rights she has a platform that spreads hatred. That's not okay just because she pretends it has something to do with god.
There's also a book called Bible Gender Sexuality by Brownson that dissects the theology behind the part where shes talking about "Marriage being between a man in a woman" being derived from Genesis. It is one of the most incredibly enlightening reads, and I think it could potentially really help if more allies were using the information from that book to combat this. These "theological" views used to oppress LGBT people dont even have strong theology backing it up, and I think revealing that will ultimately be how we push back from this awful rights onslaught going on.
I find this so funny because I'm gay and I tried so hard not be and it didn't work but she doesn't want to think about all the sexual things that straight couples do in their bedrooms that would make her blush because people do some pretty outlandish things in the privacy of their bedrooms
When I was a kid, growing up in conservative Christianity, we were taught that the idea of having self-esteem was evil, because self-esteem is what "the world" calls pride. I've struggled for most of my life with believing that I had any innate self-worth. Even after deconstructing and becoming an atheist, it's taken years of work and therapy to believe I have value. The ideas that Stuckey and those like her preach are so incredibly damaging.
Republicans have 2 rules: 1. You can’t tell me what to do; 2. I get to tell you what to do. Allie Beth Stuckey makes my skin crawl. I can’t stand her. She has me blocked on Twitter & I’m so proud. I’m so glad you’re talking about how toxic she is. You & the New Evangelicals seem to be the only ones. Thank you.
Thank you for including the cat at the end. I'm not in the US, but given the state of the far right in the English speaking world, I appreciate the additional cuteness.
I think the reason some Christian’s are more susceptible to these kinds of extreme ideas is because their political views are so closely intersected with their identities as for example Christian’s. This makes it so any criticism towards their political opinions becomes instinctively a personal attack against their identity. I myself have also sadly on some occasions mixed up my identity with my political views. It’s very important to separate the two and stay skeptical! Don’t let the world get dummer:]
And it makes sense too, since God should be a part of all aspects of life. Not all bad since the Bible does promote good nature, but the extreme ones or even those close to that should be weary of.
As a fellow Allie, I had big issues trying to decipher my parents views from my own because living with them from age 1 to age 18, I just adopted everything they thought religiously and politically. I didn't realize how indoctrinated and dangerous some of the views were until I had the chance to move out at 19 and think for myself.
It's crazy how you slowly....integrate other people's beliefs to be your own or have other people's words get into your head. I feel the same way. It's difficult and I'm trying to learn the same thing. It really shakes up your world.
When a person or organization reaches a level of sphere of influence they should be expected to aware of certain things. Like for example, Allie Beth Stucky's not even satirical mock interview with AOC would make her or her sponsoring network liable for deliberate deceptive since it is common knowledge that the October 30, 1938, radio adaptation of H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds led to dangerous mass hysteria. But then again, that pretty well represents the right's brand of humor- humiliating anyone who they can consider inferior.
I consider it very deceptive, too, and very lazy journalism/content (I don't know how to characterise it!) It's certainly neither informative nor amusing.
The opposite of pride is shame. Shame is useful in controlling people. This is the sad reality of this world. Those with shame are usually victimized. Those with pride and shame seem to be very dangerous, our narcissists of the world.
@@InChristWeTrust999 Van life is a style of living. Veganism is a style of living. Religion is a style of living. Those things are a deliberate CHOICE.
Taylor, I just want to say thank you, to you & Drew, for your awesome content! The two of you are great, and while I enjoy your individual videos, I love seeing your collaborative work! (Also, Puggles is beyond adorable!)
If it is not too personal I would looove to know how becoming atheists has changed your perspective on marriage/relationship. Just a few examples to show what I mean: Did you start to question the concept of monogamy (assuming anything else was not relly an option while you were still Christian)? Do you think differently about divorce now and have you discussed with each other under whar circumstances this might be the wiser choice than staying together? Did you believe that it was God's will that you found each other when you were still Christian and if so, has it changed anything that you no longer believe there was a supernatural power that brought the two of you together? I don't expect at all that you to talk about the very personal details of your relationship. But if you shared how your view on romantic relationships and marriage generally has changed that would be extremely interesting.
I find it rather sad that I, as a secular person, not raised in any religion whatsoever, know more about the bible than Allie does. I also think I may have melted a few brain cells listening to her talk. Thank you both for a fabulous breakdown.
@@jayworner795well if talking about Sodom and Gomorrah the real sin was sexual abuse, and also the fact that they were gonna fuck the angels since angels are holy. The practice Paul was talking about in the New Testament was where men would sleep with prepubescent boys until they hit puberty. In the Old Testament it was originally “man shall not lie with boy”, and the term homosexuality wasn’t added until the 1940’s.
27:09 it's not suspicious at all. Understand that in the Civil War era and back to the colonial days of America, I have no doubt that you'd hear the same language surrounding the word "everyone". Back then, slaves and oftentimes women were simply not considered as part of "everyone". To exclude those marginalized people was just understood during that time for most subjects, except for topics that specifically involved them. I believe she's doing the same thing here with LGBT people. In her mind, the word "everyone" doesn't include them or probably anyone else she disapproves of.
The thing about this woman is this, she knows the meaning but because she believes the LGBTQIA2S+ community SHOULD be ashamed of who they are so pride would be a sin in her mind.
Our social contract HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTIANITY! CAPITALISM IS NOT ALLOWED IN CHRISTIANITY! I hate how they just claim all these things come from theology without making any attempt to prove that to be true.
I heard one explanation about the woman not speaking in church thing: during that time period, men would sit up front near the speaker while women would watch the children in the back. So if a woman spoke up and asked questions from the back. So it was considered disruptive because it was harder to communicate with the speaker since he was further away. It was easier for the woman to ask their man what was talked about afterward. Had nothing to do with men being inherently holier than women. I don't know if I buy that, but that is one thing I heard growing up in church
34:10 this was so validating, because I have always felt genesis makes much more sense as a vague, poetic sort of retelling of how the world came to be, rather than literal, but I've only ever heard of it as literal. It just feels so validating to hear this.
Ikr 😂 She could have said symbol or metaphor but she chose alliteration? She should have said onomatopoeia it’s such a fun word that doesn’t apply to her argument
Gotta admit, I don't know if I am happier to know that this particular fundagelical is being addressed, or if I was happier before I knew she existed. Real talk, started watching the channel earlier today and I am really appreciating the work, looking forward to more :)
Thank you for this video. As someone who would have talked and reasoned much like Ally until just a few years ago, it's so helpful to follow a couple of reasonable people's perspectives on this. Also - is it just me who, even as a Christian, was weirded out about the idea of marriage and sexuality being an image of christ and his bride, the church? 🤢
Nope not just you. I’ve always been really weirded out by that imagery, especially in light of God being our “heavenly father,” and fellow Christians being our spiritual siblings.
It’s crazy how Christians talk about how historical context is needed to explain away passages relating to marrying your rapist but they can’t seem to wrap their head around how historical context could explain the Bible’s view on gay sex.
This is why, even as a conservative Christian, I have a hard time listening to a lot of A. B. Stuckey and other political commentators. ( They also don't always get facts correct, and are reactionary.) Although I know you don't believe in Jesus or God, I find "Christian" Nationalism to fly in the face of the gospel message. Jesus never told the apostles to go and forcefully change the Roman culture. He told them to share His love through the message of His death and ressurection. I believe in voting according to my values, and think we all should, but even more so, I believe in His message to love others, including those I disagree with. I do think most of us can agree that humility is a better quality than improper pride, but you are so right at pointing out the double standard, and the fact that she ought to never say she is proud of her kids, or country, or..........(fill in the blank!)'re probably one of the few conservative Christians I would love to have a conversation with. You seem like someone who is open to an actual discussion on things that people might disagree with instead of reinforcing your echo chamber. As a person who grew up in a conservative evangelical and Christian nationalist household, I wish that what you all view as the "world" viewed Christians as more like you than the people that raised me. And TBH, the only thing that will change that is more people like you being louder than those on the fringe.
I agree with you! I was raised Christian, Catholic to be exact, and even in Church, they always told me to love even the ones who have different ideas than me, because only God can judge them fairly, no one else can. Not even priests. To me, this Christian Nationalism, is more akin to what Jesus called Pharisees. They followed Dogma unquestioningly, but they lost the actual meaning of it. I mean, to make a comparison, for example, in Islam, there are actual rules that say that abortion under certain circumsatnces is absolutely the right thing to do! And they follow them to the letter too! So, in that they are actually better than Christians extremists.
I would argue that most of us are afraid of the gospel. I’m afraid that the gospel will turn my loved ones and fellow humans in general, into hateful and ignorant bigots. I’m afraid that the gospel will lead to my queer identity becoming illegal again. I’m afraid of being hate crimed (ie assaulted) because of the gospel.
@37:57 - Allie is married, so she should be going to her "husbandly head" for her political views, not to her father. She's being disobedient to the biblical headship arrangement when she bypasses her husband and instead goes to her father for political views. She's deliberately failed to be 'one flesh' with her husband when she seeks information from her daddy.
@@chiaraimpeduglia1308 I watch alot Allie Beth and she is pretty jesusy but she seems very smart and honest i like her alot. She doesn't seem to have any problems with the colloquial pride. Maybe we should find another word.
44:02 Yeah, the whole "Marriage if for procreation!" is problematic on a number of issues, but the main one is not all everyone is capable of having kids. Not even all cis people are capable of having kids. If the lack of procreation potential is what makes those relationships sinful then why allow cis people to get married or remain married if they are infertile? For that matter, why isn't there some kind of time limit that newly weds are required to have children within a certain time frame or the marriage is annulled if it's just about procreation? If an infertile cis couple is allowed to get married and adopt to have a family and that fulfills their obligations to go to raise a family, why is that same opportunity not given to same sex or trans relationships? it's a blatant double standard and just really underscores that the whole "procreation" angle is just an attempt to excuse their bigotry.
Storytime: at a Christian conference in June there were people outside passing out rainbow cards with PRIDE in it smiling & happy. I thought they were supportive, reconciling ministries type. They were not. I flipped the card over when I got inside & it was a trick. The card had the condemnation of Pride. I cried to my dad & told them about their cruel trick. WTF?! There are Christians who pose as liberal leftist reconciling Christians & hand out "accepting" cards or pamphlets that are disguised by covers but have inserts that condemn so when ppl tell me but what about the good Christians? I will say what about the bad Christians who pretend to be good Christians. That's how vile these ppl are. They are dead set by any means necessary obsessed by oppressing and shaming QUEER ppl to not be themselves. Those tactics are a form of deception. Isn't THAT a sin? Goddamn Hypocrites!
That's horrible. I'm sorry to say, but Jesus would not have done that. I'm not the model Christian, but I do find that making Jesus your model and Jesus being, in a way, a chill, easy-going, welcoming, man and having followers who can be so viscous is sorta sad. A good man's name is tainted. My little view of Jesus is a man that I aspire to be even as a girl. For comparison though, it's sorta like the story of the snake tempting Eve, to be something it's not. It's very sad.
She’s completely ignoring the women not teaching or even speaking in church…I’m guessing she also wears mixed fabrics and she obviously doesn’t wear a head covering. The cherry picking of a religious text is one of the most infuriating things about religion to me. She picks what is convenient to her and what she’s personally interpreted to back up her “arguments” and beliefs.
No comments on the video itself, but I'd love a video of Taylor showing us of what she does to contour her face. I'm very much a beginner on makeup much less contour and hers looks awesome on camera.
18:13- 18:27 There is no day dedicated to being happy to be an American, but if there were it should be on July 4th, because that is the day that The Declaration of Independence was approved. For that reason, if there where a holiday dedicated to nationalism, it should be called Independence Day.
I identify as an atheist, but when I was younger I tried so hard to be a Christian. I went to multiple different youth groups, churches, tried on Lutheran, AOG, Protestant, you name it. Nothing every felt right to me. I had so many questions. Things I was learning in college as science actively contradicted what pastors were saying. I mean pastors were saying science tells you we came from monkeys! Which anyone who knows basic evolution knows that’s not at all what it says. The most hate I’ve ever received in my life has been in a church. I’ve never felt less welcome and more of an outsider than when I’ve asked a question regarding theology. That’s not love or acceptance. I have friends that are on both ends of the spectrum of religious - they’re all good people. Generous people. Religion has nothing to do with you being a good, kind person. My reaction to her comments about God is love, is laughter. The god, especially of the Old Testament, is anything but loving. I feel I could easily stand up and say I am more loving than that god, I’d never make someone prove their devotion to me by telling them they need to sacrifice their child. I definitely take the view the Bible was written by people, with a lot of parables and allegories not straight up historical truth. It’s a book of literature written by man, with lots of cultural influences of the time written in. The intention, to be a good, kind, generous, accepting person - is good. But as always people have to become fanatics.
Just wanted to point out: David likely existed. The Tel Dan Stele is a pretty good argument for his existence. The Jerusalem depicted in Kings and Chronicles is completely a farce - Jerusalem in David's time was likely a hilltop fortress with no more than 3000-5000 people and exhibits very-little-to-no evidence of writing, and the entirety of the state/territory of Judah likely only had 15,000-20,000 people. Whereas Kings and Chronicles depict a fully-developed metropolis very much in the Assyrian and Babylonian motif, which is just not supported by archaeology. We have no evidence for the historicity of a lot of biblical figures of this time (Solomon, for example). But, even as a secular atheist, I can feel reasonably confident saying David existed.
I talked about it on the other video but Lord Hale made this view law in the 17th century the woman became the property of the husband upon marriage. The law legitimized marital rape. A married woman could not be raped because she was the property of the man. And the crime of rape by another man was a crime against the husband, not the woman. Rape of a daughter was a crime against the father of that daughter. Her property value (virginity) was trashed.
I’d like to see your reaction to her video on Queer Theory. She and a man go into this idea that the stuff regarding queer theory opens the door to pedophilia. The same can be said for straight people being predators too. She’s not wrong about everything; but I get what you’re saying here. Really enjoyed your discussion here.
Does anyone think that Christians wants to get into BDSM and have no idea how? I mean they talk about Dominance and Submission more then we do. Or is it just me?
The whole "God is love" thing legitimately terrifies me. Like every abusive partner who says "I'm beating you for your own good... it's because I love you..." Just... no words
Yeah like "I created you as "not enough" on purpose, so you /have/ to like me and lean on me"
Definitely not abusive yeahhhhh
@@arsonmcl2299 what's also "not" abusive is the idea that you can't question god because "he's always right" and you don't have the right to question anything he does, it's honestly just disgusting.
@@arsonmcl2299 where did you get your information on God from? You along with many others have been so misinformed about God. So sad.
@@poleviatia5372 I'm sorry, your God is nothing like mine, I don't fear going to hell for all eternity if I put one toe out of line, Dionysus wouldn't smite me for thinking of him as a friend rather than an all powerful all seeing being.
Also the information and opinion I have made for myself on your God comes from studying the Bible so sure, I get my information from the wrong place
Edit: Dionysus wouldn't ask me to kill my child as proof of devotion. He barely cares if I put stuff on his alter ;)
Nice point
I'm almost 60 years old, and I've been to the left of liberal as long as I can remember. My belief in Jesus when I was young is what lend me to being liberal in my political views. Providing for those in need, loving the unloved, and caring for those who no one cares for were lessons I learned from Jesus. The anti-welfare, anti-refugee, corporate supporting stances held by many Christians is truly confusing to me.
Jesus was based.
Yeah I kept the good values from the Bible.
Do not conform to the patterns of this world.
Romans 12:2
That one was my favorite for a long long time. I am a proud rebel now, a chaotic good at heart. 😊
If it doesn't generate $$$, then it's not the Jesus the Republicans want.
Thank you for saying that.😊 I agree. If you lived in my city I'd love for you to volunteer in the homeless shelter I'm connected with!❤❤
It's strange that arrogant and overbearing people are lecturing about the sin of pride.
One of those.. "If I could just reach my hand through the screen and slap some goddamn sense into em" kinda people...
and now imagine that there are only positive comments under her videos
@@krembryle just like there are almost only agreement comments on this one
@@jeremiclement5723 heaven forbid her main audience who watches her agrees with her. What has the world come to
As a non native speaker, it's weird to me that "Pride" means 2 different things in english. In french there's the word "orgueil" which would be the "sinful" pride (and the word used in french translated bibles) which means like, having your actions being influenced by your ego, wanting to defend how you are perceived or how you really want to look like your are right even tho you are wrong, refusing to admit you are wrong, essentially doing the wrong thing so save your ego. While there's the word "fierté" which is the "good one" (and the one used by LGBTQ+ to speak about pride) which means being proud of something. It's just 2 different things.
To them, ther is no difference. It's one and the same. That's why they act like this.
How useful! Kinda wish English did the same!
Hi, Spanish speaker here, kinda leaving my two cents (?) We also make some distinction on that. The direct translation of pride is "orgullo", but it's not the same as the sin. I've seen it used to refer as the sin, but it's very rare. "Orgullo" has a mostly neutral connotation; you can use it to describe how you feel about things like your country, culture or overall identity, but it can also be used as a more common synonym of "arrogance" and can even be related to stubbornness. Having too much "orgullo" can lead you to be stubborn and could be detrimental (much like "orgueil", the stubbornness is often about refusing to accept one's faults), but still, you could see it more as just a flaw than actual sin.
To refer to the sin, it has been used "presunción" (iirc is presumptuous, but it may be just a cognate) but it's also an old term, just like "ostentación". The translation of the sin of pride that's most used is "soberbia", which sounds the closest to the original latin "superbia". That term not only is like the one everyone implicitly agrees to use to refer to the sin of pride, but also it's rarely used outside of the religious context.
@@LOU121399 Interesting !
It kind of shows that using the definition of words as "an argument that something is bad" is... bad in itself. There are more languages than english, multiple words. You can't make an argument that something is bad, solely on the base of the english language...
Thanks for that bit of information !
Pride is seen as the worst thing because shame is ESSENTIAL to most forms of conservative Christianity, and fundamentalist religion in general. You MUST feel bad about yourself, it's necessary in order to create the vacuum that only God can fill.
Sadly, no amount of invitations and pleas to my absent father/lover (?!) and rereading his 2000-year-old supposed letter ever resulted in anything but one-way communication. What a lonely, effed up "relationship," that resulted in years of clinical depression and suicidality.
Yes, during the 1960s, Catholic Nuns at my mom's elementary and high school carried a yardstick at all times to slap the hands of any kid who was smiling in class (among 100s of other infractions), accompanied by the admonition "shame!".
My great aunt had a similar schooling in the 1920s & 1930s, and between the two, I heard "For shame!" and "Have you no shame?" so many times that I still say these often myself, but only as figurative, idiomatic, or satirical phrases!
That’s like your f’d up framing of something you clearly never tried to understand and clearly never want to understand. It’s actually the opposite. Anyone who professes “tolerance, inclusion, diversity, love” etc and literally tries to coerce and threaten churches, groups, and individuals based on their disagreements and beliefs and pretty much spend most of their time trying to demonize, delegitimize and dehumanize them are the bigots. There’s bigotry in all groups but especially the one that does exactly the opposite of what they profess. So how about you “tolerate” that. I demand you “affirm” me and my self identified beliefs. If you don’t you’re a bigot.
I felt shame naturally, not because someone told me to. I felt shame because once I was filled with the Holy Spirit I realized how much I had a sinned against a Holy God. No one told me I needed to feel bad about myself. Once I had confessed my sins and asked for forgiveness I felt so much love. I didn’t have to feel bad about myself because my God took away the burden of my sin. The gospel is, Jesus died and took away your sin because He loves you and wants you to live freely. All you got to do is confess your sin and believe Jesus is who he said he is. What you explain is cultish religious practices.
Ok, the tube always deletes my snark, so I'm just going to point out that every story of struggle, lost faith and deconversion I've ever read is unique, but every single "testimony" that gets thrown at me sounds exactly the same. Same narrative, same "magic" abracadabra words, it's like they copy from a template.
@@presentfuture7563 Everyone has a unique reason for hating truth. But if one actually listens there’s word trains that are never late, maybe they come in slow but then they start coming in one after another. “Shame” is just one of those words and concepts. As if you’ve never tried to shame people for disagreeing with you pfttt… yeah okay. People who believe in the same truths don’t have to be broad because the truth is narrow. Truth isn’t an endless void but a key to a lock.
Pride is not sin. Vanity is. To take pride in yourself is accepting love from yourself. Vanity is expecting everyone else to feel the same way about you.
Exactly!! They get those confused or think they are the same!!
@@drock9009 Mostly, i think that when they say pride, it means mostly arrogance. And that is what excessive pride in oneself leads to. Key word here being excessive. In essence, it is always excess that is frowned upon, and so it should be. Unfortunately, some believe that even the bare minimum of pride in one's accomplishments is excessive.
@@chiaraimpeduglia1308 yeah I can see that. And believe they do believe in that for sure. Like how they think Woke is a negative and horrible word when it isn't.
@@drock9009 Pride *is* a sin.
Proverbs 16:18-19
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor
than to divide the spoil with the proud.
Isaiah 14 also tells us that Satan was cast out of heaven because of pride. This type of pride is more accurately translated as “conceit or self-righteousness.” Pride that is consuming and excludes God.
Also, her statement doesn't really work outside of the English language. Someone else here in the comments already commented regarding french, and as a Spanish speaker, the translation of pride is "orgullo" and nobody would ever hear that word and think of the sin of pride (and also, it doesn't have inherently negative connotations). The word used for the sin is "soberbia", which is closer to the og latin "superbia". For Spanish speakers, pride is not a sin, soberbia is.
And talking about latin, the deadly sins were doctrine established by the Catholic church. There are two versions iirc. In Greek and in latin. They weren't unmovable either. Originally, there were eight of them named (and some of them were divided in subtypes, like gluttony), and were not even the same: envy wasn't considered a sin, but apathy or sadness was, and there was boasting and grandiosity, which became vainglory/vanity and pride, with vanity being eventually assimilated within pride (and again, there are languages that separate the specific word used to refer to the sin). So on top of that, the classification of sins is not set in stone either and has changed over time.
I was recently lectured by a Christian friend for saying I was proud of my son, it was explained that pride in the Bible is always a sin. I think this will be a growing thing in the church.
Quite literally the opposite of the enlightenment message the Christ of the bible is offering. Rather than joy abundantly and human flourishing it's suppression and dimunition.
🤯 I'm so flabbergasted at this that I have no words to say. Glad your son has such a supportive parent.🥰
@@dr.gwendolyncarter thank you. The reality is that this person is absolutely doing what they think is best. This is what they truly believe to be good morals because they are indoctrinated and I used to be the same way. It's a difficult process to challenge and rethink all this stuff.
You carry on being proud of your son! It would have made a world of difference had my parents shown pride in my achievements as a child and teenager. I never felt I was good enough, and this has affected me throughout my life. ( They were keen to avoid the 'sin of pride', both in themselves and little me.) Believe me, I am extremely proud of my children, and many children in general.
@@angelamaryquitecontrary4609 thank you, and yes I agree. It's weird how it's been easier to show unconditional love after I left the church
How insecure must one be in their religious beliefs if they’re that afraid of equal rights for gay and trans people?
Where did Allie say she was afraid? Lol. Try again.
@@philipmurray9796 Well someone who isn't afraid wouldn't talk about it so much
@@titush.3195 Maybe they would.
Nothing wrong with equal rights provided they come with equal responsibilities. I'm more concerned when people try to make children and adults equivalent in decision making skills. Children generally have much fewer responsibilities than adults, and as a result have fewer rights to go along with that. That's why they can't vote or buy booze. They shouldn't have the right to handle decisions like that until they can handle the responsibility of taking care of themselves. Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand in law.
@@theboombody What decisions? Being LGBT isn't a decision, just like being black isn't a decision either
I was just like this girl, before my theology fell apart. Now it’s painful to listen to her and similar right wing Christians.
Same here
Yep. Same here too.
same :( I'm so glad I got out of it
Definitely why we need to continue to talk with people with compassion. Never know what we can say that helps it all crumble. Attacks usually strengthen resolve.
"Hostile to the gospel" sound like the title of a rap album. And I would definitely listen to that!
It's gotta feature Rap God in it, no doubt
When she said "God made us not enough so that we would depend on him", I fucking winced. That sounds like an abusive relationship built on lack of self esteem. God needs you to be unworthy because he needs to be needed. Ick. :(
That sounds so unhealthy.
And then god actively belittles, uses fear-mongering, and humiliates his followers, to make sure they never get the self confidence to leave....
Without a God and by extension without an absolute standard of morality please tell me how you can define “abusive?”
Do children not depend on their parents?
Do students not depend on their teachers?
Do workers not depend on their bosses?
Do wives not depend on their husbands?
Ick. So unhealthy!!
@@krisjones4051 Better take another look at the Bronze/Iron Age Middle Eastern male god that you are advocating as a source of morality.
He's the one who demanded stoning to death for a "rebellious" son, that rape victims who didn't scream were also to be stoned to death, that he himself was going to abort the fetuses of Israel (Hosea chapter 9), and drowned an entire planet killing almost all of the ANIMALS, instead of selectively killing off only the "bad" humans.
He's also the one who claims that he's going to destroy the present world by fire instead of by water as he did with the Noaic flood.
Those are what you call morals, and according to your own words you approve of such Middle Eastern male theology and brutality.
@@krisjones4051 I don’t think you are making good analogies here, Kris. Children may be dependent for a time, yes. And maybe they will be dependent in some sense as long as parent/child are both alive. But good parents in my opinion raise children to be less and less dependent over time. That’s part of the children growing and learning. My children can be “enough” and love me (I hope) once they are grown. I don’t want them to feel they are not enough and so need to depend on me. So when Allie phrases that about God, it sounds unhealthy.
@@mikelsikel73 So you please explain why you chose to isolate that one specific example?
Let me guess:
The other 3 examples are much more evidently supportive of my position and destroy the rebuttals, that’s probably why..
However, your own analysis is the truly superficial one. Even when a child of a parent is as old as 40, who do they turn to in times of crisis, needing guidance, or when they achieve life milestones like winning a major competition or getting a promotion? They turn to their *parents.* No matter what, your biological father is your earthly father just as God is your Heavenly Father and you will never overcome this reality. And how much more dependent on the being who created us and the entire universe than we are dependent on our mere earthly parents.
Furthermore, you still didn’t answer the first question which asks: How do you define “abusive” when you’re an atheist who doesn’t believe in objective truths?
I spoke with my mom about the issue of Christianity & LGBT+, and her response was “well if God created us, isn’t it his right to decide whatever he wants to do with us?”
I told her if that’s how God operates, I have no reason to worship him
Well maybe if you do proper damn research and understand what the bible actually says you wouldn't just base Ur groundless claim in Ur mamas words
@@abicadabby I never said this was the “truth” in the Bible, I’m just speaking to my mom’s specific apologetics. I didn’t believe this was true even when I was a Christian. Nice attempt to be condescending tho
@@abicadabby And guess what? Even though I have read the Bible, I don’t care what it “actually” says/means because there’s no good reason to believe any of it is actually divinely inspired.
@@Corporate_Desecration lmfao u haven't "read the bible" brother everyone just throws that comment around to make it seem like that they actually know what they are talking about. I think it's pretty obvious about how ignorant you are if tou like to make assumptions about the word being divinely inspired if you "don't care" about what what it means. Make it make sense brother.
@@abicadabbythe religions doesn’t understand what the Bible says. Why are there so many sects if there’s a proper way of seeing the Bible?
It's so much fun to see Drew unscripted, he gets so excited and energetic in bringing up all this super interesting early Christian history :D
Also that "giving directions rather than giving you the address" comparison for older generations is very apt, my dad and I disagree a lot on politics and from what I've managed to glean some of those disagreements are about gender (for context, I'm nonbinary). And when it comes to locations, his answers tend to be "it's next to where [some thing he used to visit when he was my age] used to be, though I think they closed in like the 85 or 86" and I'm just left standing there like gee thanks a landmark I've never heard of that stopped existing ten years before my birth is very useful
@@maxalberts2003 Just read the two paragraphs separately. They cover two discrete topics, and are perfectly comprehensible.
My parents are Baby Boomers and do the same remember landmarks like that's not useful 15 years later
She just repeats "The Bible says, The Bible says, The Bible says..."
Like so many fundamentalist Christians, she has shut down her own brain, to the point that she has allowed a book to take authority over her thinking process.
And what have you allowed to take over your thinking process?
Not only that, but even if she considers the Bible to be a 100% bulletproof authority she's using that as reasoning to why people who aren't a part of her religion should have fewer rights.
That's the core issue, the idea that everyone should have to follow the Bible even if they consider it to be a worthless pile of paper. Even if you place the Bible on the same level as every other holy book in existence apparently you're required in America to still accept its "morals" as fact, anyone not blinded by their religious zealotry would recognize that as a violation of the first amendment.
@Finn Huh? Are you you saying you cannot trust anything written that long ago? If so then I think that is illogical.
A book written thousands of years ago and curated over the centuries by groups of men claiming to speak for God about which version of the books are correct. Even today there are MANY different versions of the supposedly inerrant, infallible book.
@@wordforger I think you are speaking about differently English or other translations. That is different
Currently deconstructing from 38 years of being in church... the trauma from pride being labeled a sin has been EXTREMELY difficult for me to work through. I was at the point where I felt guilty every time I felt good about my own accomplishments. Thank you for bringing this out as a problematic issue.
Same. I feel you! ❤
I don't think the official church position would encourage you to feel guilty about feeling good for your own accomplishments - the healthy orientation might be to say "Wow - I feel pretty good about getting that promotion. Thanks, God, for allowing this to work out for me". The focus isn't on trashing yourself - it's about exalting God.
Not what God wants. Church you were going to have no idea what they are saying.
@@bradyhayes7911 There are many many different "official church positions" though. I'm Christian and this is definitely not how me and my church believe... but I feel like it's kind of a dismissive cop-out for us as current Christians to tell people who were traumatized in Christian communities, oh, well, the Christians you were around were just doing it badly. A massive number of people have only ever experienced unhealthy Christian theology, and that toxicity is a huge part of what Christianity functionally is in the world today. I feel like in most cases, the caring way for me to respond when someone's been traumatized by the church is to affirm them in deconstructing the theology that was pushed on them and not try to offer them my alternative. But I don't believe God damns people who don't ID as Christian, so, I get that for people who believe that there is a strong sense of pressure to restore people's view of Christianity.
@@bradyhayes7911How is it possible to exalt God without trashing yourself? It inherently requires you to accept that you can't do anything without God, because you deserve worse than nothing and are incapable of any good, so only by God's grace does anything good happen - all according to God himself. It's poison, and we hear it from Christians all the time, often subtextually but it's still there.
And what is the "official" church? Which denomination? I think Christians need to hear that so they can get on the same page.
Allie does a fake interview with AOC to mock her: Best work ever!
Journalist accurate reports on what Allie does for a living: Hit piece!
@Jean-Philippe Rameau the joke here being you saying "I can see" 🤣
@Jean-Philippe Rameau I dunno if calling a college graduate "not very smart." is fair?
@Jean-Philippe Rameau AOC is a college graduate. I am very clearly referring to her, not *any college graduate*. I don't think you can follow a conversation string without raging out. I don't know many unintelligent people with two degrees.
It seems like to me you're easily triggered, which makes me think anything you have to say is probably invalid. You've provided no real meat on why you think X, you just think X is bad. To me it just seems like you're against common people voting against the establishment.
@Jean-Philippe Rameau you really are so angry and it comes off so easily through how you get set off and type so much acting annoyed.
Its getting f*&^%$*g scary out there. I watched a Telltale vid yesterday about MTG and her support of Nick Fuentes who literally said he wants to turn every country into a Christian nation and everyone will have to just live with it. Thank you for this content drawing attention to a terrifying rise in this rhetoric.
Who's MTG?
@@thedude9941 Marjorie Taylor Greene
Turn every country into a Christian nation! I bet that includes countries that are currently Christian majority because it's not the religiously correct brand of Christianity to these people. And how do they plan to do it? Use the US military, I bet. That's going to go over well. 🙄
1 Can’t believe everything you watch. 2 That’s literally what a majority of Islam professes and what democracies and socialists try to do. Yet I don’t hear anyone complain about that sht.
Nick Fuentes thinks American women should have the same rights as Afghani women under the Taliban. And he's very specific about that; he's not talking about the period between 2001-now when they were out of power. He likes how the Taliban enforces its rules.
She’s one of the most prideful people I’ve ever seen on the internet! Like…what?!
Where tho????
These types of people most certainly want their Christian values around sex, gender, marriage to be laws. These people would definitely support making gay marriage illegal, making no fault divorce illegal and any divorce extremely difficult unless you could prove your spouse cheated on you. Obviously they will support legislation against trans people. The writing is on the wall, Roe vs Wade is just the beginning.
As a Christian myself I can say I don’t know a single person who wishes to force Christian ideology on anyone, with the exception being abortion, which we see as murder. The individual in the womb, with their unique DNA, also didn’t choose to be there. We don’t expect non-Christians to follow our convictions but no one thinks murder is okay. Even if you don’t think abortion is murder, no doubt you are against murder itself and therefore can make sense of the urgency. I expect we’ve both heard every argument under the sun on both sides and I don’t expect you to agree- but you can understand. Please have conversations with real Christians rather than believing in these fantastical caricatures.
@@kristenross2902 What makes you think I haven’t had conversations with real Christians? You have no clue just how many Christians I know. Also why aren’t you able to accept that there is certain TYPES of Christians that want theocratic laws because there most certainly is. It is a subset of Christians. It’s not difficult to understand why, Christians see gay marriage as a sin. Are you claiming that there would be NO Christians happy to get rid of gay marriage being legal? Are you saying there was no Christians in favor of it not becoming legal. To be clear there is nothing wrong with gay marriage, it causes no harm. The only reason to outlaw is through theological biblical ideology, that’s what I mean when I say a theocratic law.
@@kristenross2902 Abortion is not murder, that moralizing language is used to try to shut down the conversation. An abortion is a medical procedure and in certain cases has to be done to save the mother’s life. A woman’s life should not be less important than that of a fetus. Should the government also mandate that you give up a part of your body to save someone else’s life? When abortion is banned it reduces women to an incubator and it awards rights to a fetus that not even any person has.
@@merari1614 Do you really think saying abortion is murder is motivated by the desire to stop conversation? If seeing an aborted fetus or knowing the brutal methods used in abortion doesn’t move you, then you will not be moved by verbal reasoning. But the verbal arguments are abundant and you can look them up if you haven’t already heard them. We need more civil in-depth conversations about these issues, not less. As I said - I don’t think a brief online exchange will change your mind. Most if not all laws have a moral foundation. Laws against theft and larceny, reckless behavior, etc. I know you don’t think abortion is murder but you do think murder should be outlawed. It’s the most basic and obvious moral good in a society to protect the innocent. It isn’t ‘moralizing’ to say murder is wrong. The question remains - what or who is being killed - a human being or a thing? If pre-born babies were merely things I would agree with you. I’ve observed this fear you have about some sort of Theocracy being implemented. We’re in a post-Christian US, you needn’t worry. I’m moving on ~ I wish you well and hope our society can learn engage in conversations with patience and thoughtful interaction rather than the growing divisions we see at present. Those conversations are best irl.
@@kristenross2902 If you care about human life, Please educate yourself on the inhumane cruelty that is happening right now to women due to the anti-abortion laws.видео.htmlвидео.html
No it is not as simple as "abortion is murder", and it never will be that simple.
Even actual murder is not that simple, thats why we have laws for different degrees of murder (accidental, intent etc).
Bodily autonomy is a human right, thats why the government cannot force you to give up a body part to save another person's life.
CHILDREN are being forced to carry pregnancies after being raped by family members.
Great band name: „Hostile to the Gospel“
There's no amount of therapy in the WORLD that could get me over the trauma of having to dissect even ONE of her videos. You guys truly ARE doing THE LORD's WORK! a-freaking-MEN.
Haha, honestly, it was rough. Plus, she never takes a pause between her sentences and piles in a lot of assumptions in the span of just a minute or so, so trying to even address what she’s saying is really hard.
No lord has anything to do with anything much less this video.
@@SCS-1964 LOL TRUE!!!
@@theantibot So she effectively is using the good ole Gish Gallop even though she is not even in a debate. Kinda funny.
thats such a punch in the face to actual trauma survivors, did you have tot go through a world war by watching a podcast? it assaulted you ? i understand not liking or agreeing with something, but being so traumatized that NO amount of therapy could help you with, that's such a reach.
IMO, Allie purposely pretends not to understand something (like what Pride month is actually about) to steer her audience in the direction she wants them to go. She does claim she doesn't want a theocracy, and everyone should be free to live their life, but... I have doubts.
No, she wants them to be free to live life according to the Bible. That's the only freedoom she's talking about.Because to her, That's the only freedoom God has given to us. The rest maens nothing to her.
@@chiaraimpeduglia1308 "You should be totally free to do exactly as I say my God says" Of course, it's always the doublespeak with these losers. They know they can't say their real opinion so they hide it behind nice words, until those nice words lose all meaning.
"Non-sequitur much?" is the question of the day as I watch these clips of Allie - She has perfected the art of drawing conclusions completely unrelated to what she just said.
Hmmm. When she talked about how god IS love, therefore whatever god does, and what he declares as wrong, is always loving and can't be questioned... It reminded me of an abusive relationship, wherein the abuser basically says "I act this way because I love you, this is what my love looks like," while the behaviors are absolutely not loving. The abused (or Christian, here) in that situation can really be convinced that some crazy things are love.
Honestly the whole dynamic most Christian churches push is literally an abusive relationship with god
@@uncannedspaghetti TRUUUUUUUUUEEE
Reminds me of when a guy I was talking to said that God is just objective morality incarnate, so no matter what he does, it was the right thing to do because morality emanates from him. The actual results are irrelevant as far as they're concerned.
I think you are making a category mistake here. God is not a man. Morality is determined by God's nature under Christianity thus what God does is actually loving. What an abusive parent does is not really loving even if he/she says it is. That is the problem with the abusive parent. They say they are loving and they are not. While God is actually loving in God's case. So your analogy does not make sense since God is in a different category than an abusive parent.
@@carlpeterson8182 Your asserting that all of God's behavior is moral which is the issue. The child of an abusive parent can convince themselves that harm they endured wasn't actually harm but love from their parents, even though in reality they're incorrectly characterizing love. The same argument could work against you with that logic as the outcomes would both result in harm being considered love. One could say that everything God does or allows is love when in reality it's harmful, this is just a no brainer unless you're also convinced that blatant harm can be loving simply because God says so.
“I was 10”
“I was 3”
I was baptized two weeks after I was born, taken to mass every Sunday except (1) one til I got to college and couldnt keep up, meticulously read to about Bible stories and Jesus. And I still turned out agnostic! Lol. Side note I wish there was more coverage on Catholic RUclipsrs, different churches have different interpretations but the Catholic Church has the NAB and the Catecism, there’s LOADS of history and documentation to break down Catholicism with.
I hope to be brave enough one day to become one of those Catholic/ex-Catholic RUclipsrs. Like Taylor and Drew, I went to a really religious school for my undergrad that I often joke is as close to Catholic seminary as an AFAB person could get.
I also met my partner in one of our required theology courses, which was all about the Bible and used the NAB for reference, so maybe I’ll dig up my old copies for my videos if I ever start.
Just hearing a few sentences from Allie has sent my blood pressure up. Grrrrrrrr.
Angy boi
you should watch your weight then
Pride is not about being proud to be LGBT. It is about not being ground down and made to be someone you aren't. As long discrimination against them exists, the pride month will exist to remind the thousands of still closeted that it's perfectly fine to be a member of this community and that they should be proud of it. It's an important reminder that being gay is not an abomination and that it is not a choice. The pride part doesn't relate to the person in question being gay but for freedom of expression and a freedom to just be your own honest self without having to be called slurs. It's to be empowered to express who they are in front of the world and encourage the many who are still held back by their circumstances. So, the question should be, “why does Gay Pride even need to exist”? The answer, it shouldn't in the first place. But the sad part is, LGBT people are still excluded from jobs, their families, their homes and communities. Being gay is still illegal in some countries, homosexual acts are imprisonable in many, and punished by death in several. No one is quite sure what's happening in Chechnya but it appears they are setting up concentration camps for gay men. Even in gay superficial tolerant places is suicide among gay teenagers higher than amongst straight ones. This is why Pride still exists. To show solidarity, awareness and support for LGBT people in the west AND abroad.
thank u for looking at the bigger picture. U hit the nail on the head
Ooh boy, my blood got boiling at the: you’re inadequate (and that’s okay). That’s so dangerous. To have the message constantly throw at you, by others and yourself, that’s you’re worthless and not enough and that you can only find worth in God. What’s going to happen when God ignores you or betrays you?
that is if God does that. But he does not so the point is invalid.
@Finn Because I know God and have seen the history of his dealings with an ungrateful and sinful people. He has always been faithful
@@carlpeterson8182 He literally gets mad at the Israelites and condemns them over and over in the Bible. He turns his back on ungrateful and sinful people all the time. Which is really risky behaviour considering humans, which He made, are *all* sinful. Ever heard of the book of Lamentations? He does betray people, yeah
@@carlpeterson8182 so what about the innocent child getting abused begging and pleading for God to rescue them…. And they continue getting abused? Omnipotent, all knowing God could have and should have intervened…. Regardless of the abusers choice to abuse. The child chose to trust in and pray to God for help…. And was betrayed
@@stephaniem895 There are no innocent children before God. All have sinned and fallen short (Rom 3:23). So the question is flawed. But most children are innocent compared to most adults. Yes. I claim that logically, God has purposes for letting humans hurt humans.
It's HILARIOUS that Alexander the Great had celebrations for gay lovers. I learned about him in Christian school, but they NEVER told us that.
Is she really saying that self love is a bad thing bc it prevents you from feeling bad about yourself enough to ask God to change you?
Yep, pretty much.
@@theantibot That's a disgusting thing to say.
@@Paulxl Well that is what Abrahamic religions are about. It is funny to me how Christians and Jews critizise Islam for having its core tenant "Submission(to god)" as their religions name but they do the same as Muslims do, prostrate themselves before their imaginary friend on the grounds that they are not worthy and are thankful that their delusion lets them exist if only for the briefest of times on Earth only to exist eternally in the afterlife where they will continue worshipping. What a bleak existence they put their faith into.
The hardcore irony of her saying we have a mental health crisis in the country with a straight face in the group of people refusing to fund public mental health services. Though what she claims is a mental health issue isnt in the way she means it. The lack of self awareness is both hilarious and scary given its potential consequences.
A friend of my parents used to preach to people that we shouldn’t be telling our kids that we are proud of them or say that we are proud of something we do. I know for a fact his kids have never been told that their dad is proud of them. I can’t imagine what kind of long term impact that will have on them.
While my own experiences with Christians (of the Catholic & Mormon varieties in particular) as a whole have shown me that not all are hateful bigots, but merely a plurality of them are incapable of applying the "Golden Rule" maxim "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". In Religion class at my Catholic High School, the teacher explained that the Golden Rule has 2 distinct meanings in common usage interpretations. He taught that a good Catholic should interpret the Golden Rule to mean "Do unto others as they would want for you to do", rather than the "common protestant interpretation" as 'Do unti others as you would want for yourself if you were in their situation & circumstances", because the latter form enables hateful bigotry with the rationalization "I would want someone to force me to stop acting gay, so that I don't go to hell"!
“Hostile to the Gospel” sounds like a banger
"Her politics and her religion are one in the same"
Nailed it.
In America the right has married their religion with their politics and given birth to monsters like whats-her-face here.
The tactics and strategies of Christian apologists and RW propagandists have merged.
The need for counter-apologetics that gets this fact is needed now more than ever.
So thanks to both of you for fighting the good fight.
ABS is right about Christian love being different from normal love. It's your passive aggressive aunt that calls you a schmuk when you mess up but then hugs you and reminds you that you look like your father. Or sometimes it's just straight up hatred
Wrong but nice try. You sound very bitter.
@@krisjones4051 yes I'm so bitter I go around telling everyone else how to live their life and tell them they will go to hell if they don't think like me on top of thinking everyone else is wrong and I'm special. Oh wait! That sounds more like Christians
@@zking2929 You’re going around on RUclips telling Christians how they should view their religion apparently based on a horrible experience with one of your family members. Nothing in the Bible excuses “hatred” from Christians btw. It clearly states the power of life and death are in the tongue.
That explains your misunderstanding of Christianity quite well though. You believe we criticize sin and improper lifestyles out of a place of hatred. No, just as it is _loving_ to tell an obese man or a drug addict that their lifestyle is harmful and misguided, so too is it the compassionate and moral thing to do for a prideful gay man to be evangelized to because his lifestyle is harmful to himself, society, and is immoral.
Non-heterosexual lifestyles corrupt society which is exactly why today we have children identifying as the opposite gender and slicing off their body parts in the name of “progress.” Because we decided that men can date men and also that men can be women because the two labels are completely interchangeable whether within marriage or inside the brain and underneath your garments. This is just a complete lie.
Non-heterosexual relationships also cannot produce children which are the foundation of any society. Study after study also proves that children are best raised by a mother and father, i.e. Harry and Susan, not Harry and Larry. And arbitrarily deciding that a mother and father are not needed means you have redefined the family to mean nothing. Well Christians are in the business of upholding tradition and not destroying society one whimsical change at a time.
So yes, sounds like you are very bitter at the wrong people.
It's your grumpy father that forces you to read chick tracts to learn about God, and insists you'll go to hell and burn forever if you don't believe
It's your mother that doesn't bother to teach her daughter about periods until she has one because "it's sexual."
It's your father who whips you with a belt when you've barely learned to talk because you asked a question he didn't like.
It's your mother who insists she'll always love you no matter what and then says she'll beat you if you end up gay.
"If we were enough, we wouldn't need Jesus Christ to die for us" You don't say...
Thank you Allie for exposing your biases yourself, saves us a lot of work.
She: "You're denying the gospel!"
Me: "OK, yeah, cool! Sign me up!"
I would argue that the 4th of July is an "American Pride" celebration. Especially when you start looking at the similarities between 4th of July celebrations and Pride celebrations. Parades, wacky outfits, parties/gatherings, colors of the respective flags all over everything... etc.
Allie's logic:
According to the Bible, the Church is in a marriage with Jesus Christ.
In other words, God is bisexual and polyamorous. If you deny that, you are denying God's fundamental design.
The church is referred to as the “ bride” of Christ in scripture. God is not sexually attracted to the church, it is a symbol to represent the dynamics of a typical marriage… protection, provision, intimacy, loyalty, faithfulness…
@@Meadow-t9x That is true, which just brings up another point that it’s symbolic and not literal. Therefore by extension it should not be used as a literal representation of marriage. After all, Jesus would be using something metaphorical that people in those days could understand and feel comfortable with. Heterosexual unions were exactly that. Something comfortable, understandable, and familiar to the Jewish community of the day.
It’s not literal wow ignorant
Lol don’t speak on what you don’t understand.
@@heyitsme881 Understanding the Bible is all about perspective. Even Jewish scholars would debate biblical texts. As well as the early churches of Christianity in the beginnings of the faith. Even now in mainline Christianity there’s debate on interpretations. So there is no one true way. People can say and believe that, but the various denominations and theology are literally living testaments to that.
I can see it.
Person: I struggle with feelings of inadequacy and can't seem to love myself
Allie: Have you tried embracing the inadequacy and realising you're meant to be a slave? Have you considered loving yourself is the problem and that you don't actually DESERVE love and should be grateful God gifted you with love same as everyone else and that should be more than enough for you if your heart wasn't so sinful and in need of replacement? Have you considered maybe you're just full of pride in thinking you deserve love?
This is so awful and abusive and also somewhat reminds me of the "have you considered you're NOT trans?" argument. It sounds hella clever when the person's experience is a completely brand new never-thought-of idea ... TO YOU. And when you're convinced you can't be wrong and have memorised all the responses to say without having to think about whether they apply because the only harm you perceive is people losing their faith and unconditional obedience.
To them it's just a realisation that all their agonizing over trusting you and they reached out to the wrong person who just gives a generic answer betraying an unwillingness to be there for them as they are and support their actual needs if it conflicts with the status quo of your beliefs.
i was a celibate gay chrisitian. on the right. was just like this girl.
and then i came to reality.
and i feel so badly that i was ever so mean.
and i feel badly that people choose gods they can't see. hear. touch. over human beings they can.
Allie asking her dad about politics reminds me of my own father, who's in ministry. I heard him on the phone the other day with someone who was inquiring about the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Most of what I heard was of him dismissing all the person was seeing as lies and deception. And that wasn't the first time I had seen him giving political advice to someone associated with the church. In my experience I have seen that pastors, Bible study leaders, and those in ministry positions in general are often gone to with questions about what to think on a variety of topics. My impression is that many evangelicals don't go to political analysts to become informed; they go to the most spiritual among themselves. It almost seems hierarchical, not helped by the fact that my father often "explains" things to others in the same tone of voice he would for me when I was a child.
It's very infantilising, isn't it? And I don't just mean the tone of voice used.
There is a reference to being child like... yucky
I remember when I was Christian thinking that those tones were comforting and caring instead of what they actually were doing which was being patronizing to say the least. Ewww David. Smh 🤦🏾♀️
I love how she says we can't outlove God... sorry, but one of the things that helped me deconstruct my faith is the love of queer people. I have NEVER seen so much love in comparison to the love I've experienced from family or church goers. So I beg to differ :P
I mean for one thing, there is such a thing as toxic love. The need to be the all-consuming focus point of someone's, showering them with gifts even when unwanted and doing things to them without their consent. Imagine someone who has a kid and horribly scalds them for disobeying them once because they've never once broken any rule (because they get to write the rules and so will obviously do so so they haven't broken them).
The Problem is Christians often see their love as God's love, and nonbeliever's pick up on this. The love of God you're supposed to feel in Church is mainly the love and support of your fellow members. When you don't get that love, or get it in a twisted, toxic form, you'll likely see God the same way. I'm not spiritual myself, but seeing how my parish treated people like me made me feel like God didn't love me. If He exists, I know his love is closer to the love fellow queer people have shown me than what I've seen in Church.
When she said God is love, meaning that whatever he does and whatever he declares is wrong is being loving on his part and can never be questioned. And then she talked about Christian love being in the same vein. That got me thinking that in other words, there is no hatred like Christian love.
It's so interesting that to her, Christianity and Conservatism are so inherently linked. I always knew that right-wingers tied their religion to their politics, but I've never really heard someone say that it was inherently unchristian to be liberal, which is interesting for me who is so lefty because of the christianity I was raised in
You two are the prettiest couple! I've been following drew for years and always enjoyed his thoughts, voice, and appearance. When I stumbled across this channel, I was stunned by how cute a couple you are.
I agree. What I admire about this couple is that they actively listen to each other and play off each other. Their commentary is refreshing to listen to because not only do they have knowledge and experience, they're respectful to the people they're talking about. It really hits home the difference between religious extremists and 'the secular world.'
*Today on "Religious People Thinking Their Religion Should Dictate the Lives of People Who Don't Follow It": Christian Woman Thinks Her Religion Should Dictate the Lives of People Who Don't Follow It!*
Interesting she talked about how Christians are not to be prideful. Most Christians I've met are consumed by their pride.
One more thing...
"God created us in his image, male and female..."
So God is male and female.
It's weird to me when people say things like "if she wants to believe being gay is a sin that's fine". It's not fine. Even if she wasn't actively advocating for fewer rights she has a platform that spreads hatred. That's not okay just because she pretends it has something to do with god.
There's also a book called Bible Gender Sexuality by Brownson that dissects the theology behind the part where shes talking about "Marriage being between a man in a woman" being derived from Genesis. It is one of the most incredibly enlightening reads, and I think it could potentially really help if more allies were using the information from that book to combat this.
These "theological" views used to oppress LGBT people dont even have strong theology backing it up, and I think revealing that will ultimately be how we push back from this awful rights onslaught going on.
Thanks for the recommendation!❤
I find this so funny because I'm gay and I tried so hard not be and it didn't work but she doesn't want to think about all the sexual things that straight couples do in their bedrooms that would make her blush because people do some pretty outlandish things in the privacy of their bedrooms
When I was a kid, growing up in conservative Christianity, we were taught that the idea of having self-esteem was evil, because self-esteem is what "the world" calls pride. I've struggled for most of my life with believing that I had any innate self-worth. Even after deconstructing and becoming an atheist, it's taken years of work and therapy to believe I have value. The ideas that Stuckey and those like her preach are so incredibly damaging.
Republicans have 2 rules: 1. You can’t tell me what to do; 2. I get to tell you what to do.
Allie Beth Stuckey makes my skin crawl. I can’t stand her. She has me blocked on Twitter & I’m so proud. I’m so glad you’re talking about how toxic she is. You & the New Evangelicals seem to be the only ones. Thank you.
I love when conservatives are so glad we live in a “free” country and then only apply it to themselves ❤
Thank you for including the cat at the end. I'm not in the US, but given the state of the far right in the English speaking world, I appreciate the additional cuteness.
I think the reason some Christian’s are more susceptible to these kinds of extreme ideas is because their political views are so closely intersected with their identities as for example Christian’s. This makes it so any criticism towards their political opinions becomes instinctively a personal attack against their identity. I myself have also sadly on some occasions mixed up my identity with my political views. It’s very important to separate the two and stay skeptical! Don’t let the world get dummer:]
And it makes sense too, since God should be a part of all aspects of life. Not all bad since the Bible does promote good nature, but the extreme ones or even those close to that should be weary of.
As a fellow Allie, I had big issues trying to decipher my parents views from my own because living with them from age 1 to age 18, I just adopted everything they thought religiously and politically. I didn't realize how indoctrinated and dangerous some of the views were until I had the chance to move out at 19 and think for myself.
It's crazy how you slowly....integrate other people's beliefs to be your own or have other people's words get into your head. I feel the same way. It's difficult and I'm trying to learn the same thing. It really shakes up your world.
When a person or organization reaches a level of sphere of influence they should be expected to aware of certain things. Like for example, Allie Beth Stucky's not even satirical mock interview with AOC would make her or her sponsoring network liable for deliberate deceptive since it is common knowledge that the October 30, 1938, radio adaptation of H. G. Wells' The War of the Worlds led to dangerous mass hysteria. But then again, that pretty well represents the right's brand of humor- humiliating anyone who they can consider inferior.
The true history of Welles’ ‘War of the Worlds’ is far more nuanced and fascinating. Go study it!
@@libertymedicalcommunicatio4908 no. go slam your smack and itch to correct the next mofo
I consider it very deceptive, too, and very lazy journalism/content (I don't know how to characterise it!) It's certainly neither informative nor amusing.
Your "common knowledge" is completely wrong. Never happened. So, there's that.
The opposite of pride is shame. Shame is useful in controlling people.
This is the sad reality of this world. Those with shame are usually victimized. Those with pride and shame seem to be very dangerous, our narcissists of the world.
Wouldn't be surprised if Girl Defined listens to this person. She gives off the vibes.
They do! They interviewed Allie when she released her book.
you should watch Mickey Atkins video going over the interview. it's really good.
I HATE when they call being gay a "Lifestyle".
It is a lifestyle though. It’s a style of living
@@InChristWeTrust999 is heterosexuality a "style" of living?
@@slavbarbie I guess it could be, yes
@@InChristWeTrust999 Van life is a style of living. Veganism is a style of living. Religion is a style of living. Those things are a deliberate CHOICE.
@@slavbarbie Yeah, homosexuality is a choice as well
Taylor, I just want to say thank you, to you & Drew, for your awesome content! The two of you are great, and while I enjoy your individual videos, I love seeing your collaborative work! (Also, Puggles is beyond adorable!)
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
If it is not too personal I would looove to know how becoming atheists has changed your perspective on marriage/relationship. Just a few examples to show what I mean: Did you start to question the concept of monogamy (assuming anything else was not relly an option while you were still Christian)? Do you think differently about divorce now and have you discussed with each other under whar circumstances this might be the wiser choice than staying together? Did you believe that it was God's will that you found each other when you were still Christian and if so, has it changed anything that you no longer believe there was a supernatural power that brought the two of you together?
I don't expect at all that you to talk about the very personal details of your relationship. But if you shared how your view on romantic relationships and marriage generally has changed that would be extremely interesting.
Drew did a video on them deconverting as a couple. His channel is Genetically Modified Sceptic
I find it rather sad that I, as a secular person, not raised in any religion whatsoever, know more about the bible than Allie does.
I also think I may have melted a few brain cells listening to her talk. Thank you both for a fabulous breakdown.
Personally I believe in marriage as defined by the Bible between one man, one woman, and a handful of concubines. 😂
So what is the Bible take on sodomy?
@@jayworner795well if talking about Sodom and Gomorrah the real sin was sexual abuse, and also the fact that they were gonna fuck the angels since angels are holy. The practice Paul was talking about in the New Testament was where men would sleep with prepubescent boys until they hit puberty. In the Old Testament it was originally “man shall not lie with boy”, and the term homosexuality wasn’t added until the 1940’s.
Years ago I had this exact argument with my dad about the meaning of pride. Hoo boy did this give me war flashbacks.
27:09 it's not suspicious at all. Understand that in the Civil War era and back to the colonial days of America, I have no doubt that you'd hear the same language surrounding the word "everyone".
Back then, slaves and oftentimes women were simply not considered as part of "everyone". To exclude those marginalized people was just understood during that time for most subjects, except for topics that specifically involved them.
I believe she's doing the same thing here with LGBT people. In her mind, the word "everyone" doesn't include them or probably anyone else she disapproves of.
All I kept hearing Alli say at the end was "beating someone is wrong but beating them because you love them and want them to be better Xians is good"
The thing about this woman is this, she knows the meaning but because she believes the LGBTQIA2S+ community SHOULD be ashamed of who they are so pride would be a sin in her mind.
Our social contract HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CHRISTIANITY! CAPITALISM IS NOT ALLOWED IN CHRISTIANITY! I hate how they just claim all these things come from theology without making any attempt to prove that to be true.
I heard one explanation about the woman not speaking in church thing: during that time period, men would sit up front near the speaker while women would watch the children in the back. So if a woman spoke up and asked questions from the back. So it was considered disruptive because it was harder to communicate with the speaker since he was further away. It was easier for the woman to ask their man what was talked about afterward. Had nothing to do with men being inherently holier than women.
I don't know if I buy that, but that is one thing I heard growing up in church
Pride is an essential part of human happiness. Yeah it can be excessive and that can be bad, but it's not bad per se. Kind of like selfishness.
34:10 this was so validating, because I have always felt genesis makes much more sense as a vague, poetic sort of retelling of how the world came to be, rather than literal, but I've only ever heard of it as literal. It just feels so validating to hear this.
Did she say the definition of sex and marriage was 'an alliteration' instead of an analogy or allegory? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ikr 😂 She could have said symbol or metaphor but she chose alliteration? She should have said onomatopoeia it’s such a fun word that doesn’t apply to her argument
Gotta admit, I don't know if I am happier to know that this particular fundagelical is being addressed, or if I was happier before I knew she existed.
Real talk, started watching the channel earlier today and I am really appreciating the work, looking forward to more :)
Thank you for this video. As someone who would have talked and reasoned much like Ally until just a few years ago, it's so helpful to follow a couple of reasonable people's perspectives on this. Also - is it just me who, even as a Christian, was weirded out about the idea of marriage and sexuality being an image of christ and his bride, the church? 🤢
Nope not just you. I’ve always been really weirded out by that imagery, especially in light of God being our “heavenly father,” and fellow Christians being our spiritual siblings.
It’s crazy how Christians talk about how historical context is needed to explain away passages relating to marrying your rapist but they can’t seem to wrap their head around how historical context could explain the Bible’s view on gay sex.
This is why, even as a conservative Christian, I have a hard time listening to a lot of A. B. Stuckey and other political commentators. ( They also don't always get facts correct, and are reactionary.)
Although I know you don't believe in Jesus or God, I find "Christian" Nationalism to fly in the face of the gospel message.
Jesus never told the apostles to go and forcefully change the Roman culture.
He told them to share His love through the message of His death and ressurection.
I believe in voting according to my values, and think we all should, but even more so, I believe in His message to love others, including those I disagree with.
I do think most of us can agree that humility is a better quality than improper pride, but you are so right at pointing out the double standard, and the fact that she ought to never say she is proud of her kids, or country, or..........(fill in the blank!)'re probably one of the few conservative Christians I would love to have a conversation with. You seem like someone who is open to an actual discussion on things that people might disagree with instead of reinforcing your echo chamber. As a person who grew up in a conservative evangelical and Christian nationalist household, I wish that what you all view as the "world" viewed Christians as more like you than the people that raised me. And TBH, the only thing that will change that is more people like you being louder than those on the fringe.
I agree with you! I was raised Christian, Catholic to be exact, and even in Church, they always told me to love even the ones who have different ideas than me, because only God can judge them fairly, no one else can. Not even priests. To me, this Christian Nationalism, is more akin to what Jesus called Pharisees. They followed Dogma unquestioningly, but they lost the actual meaning of it. I mean, to make a comparison, for example, in Islam, there are actual rules that say that abortion under certain circumsatnces is absolutely the right thing to do! And they follow them to the letter too! So, in that they are actually better than Christians extremists.
46:35 she's right, Christian love isn't the same as "wordly" love. Because Christian love isn't love. It's hate.
we do have a mental health crisis going on in this country, but not for the reasons that allie thinks.
I would argue that most of us are afraid of the gospel. I’m afraid that the gospel will turn my loved ones and fellow humans in general, into hateful and ignorant bigots. I’m afraid that the gospel will lead to my queer identity becoming illegal again. I’m afraid of being hate crimed (ie assaulted) because of the gospel.
@37:57 - Allie is married, so she should be going to her "husbandly head" for her political views, not to her father.
She's being disobedient to the biblical headship arrangement when she bypasses her husband and instead goes to her father for political views. She's deliberately failed to be 'one flesh' with her husband when she seeks information from her daddy.
Biblical pride seems to be more closely related to narcissism or like an Npd like affect than our colloquial pride.
That's exactly how it is. Unfortunately, they seem to think that any form of pride is sinful, no matter what.
@@chiaraimpeduglia1308 I watch alot Allie Beth and she is pretty jesusy but she seems very smart and honest i like her alot. She doesn't seem to have any problems with the colloquial pride. Maybe we should find another word.
44:02 Yeah, the whole "Marriage if for procreation!" is problematic on a number of issues, but the main one is not all everyone is capable of having kids. Not even all cis people are capable of having kids.
If the lack of procreation potential is what makes those relationships sinful then why allow cis people to get married or remain married if they are infertile? For that matter, why isn't there some kind of time limit that newly weds are required to have children within a certain time frame or the marriage is annulled if it's just about procreation?
If an infertile cis couple is allowed to get married and adopt to have a family and that fulfills their obligations to go to raise a family, why is that same opportunity not given to same sex or trans relationships?
it's a blatant double standard and just really underscores that the whole "procreation" angle is just an attempt to excuse their bigotry.
Storytime: at a Christian conference in June there were people outside passing out rainbow cards with PRIDE in it smiling & happy. I thought they were supportive, reconciling ministries type. They were not. I flipped the card over when I got inside & it was a trick. The card had the condemnation of Pride. I cried to my dad & told them about their cruel trick. WTF?! There are Christians who pose as liberal leftist reconciling Christians & hand out "accepting" cards or pamphlets that are disguised by covers but have inserts that condemn so when ppl tell me but what about the good Christians? I will say what about the bad Christians who pretend to be good Christians. That's how vile these ppl are. They are dead set by any means necessary obsessed by oppressing and shaming QUEER ppl to not be themselves. Those tactics are a form of deception. Isn't THAT a sin? Goddamn Hypocrites!
That's horrible. I'm sorry to say, but Jesus would not have done that. I'm not the model Christian, but I do find that making Jesus your model and Jesus being, in a way, a chill, easy-going, welcoming, man and having followers who can be so viscous is sorta sad. A good man's name is tainted. My little view of Jesus is a man that I aspire to be even as a girl.
For comparison though, it's sorta like the story of the snake tempting Eve, to be something it's not. It's very sad.
She’s completely ignoring the women not teaching or even speaking in church…I’m guessing she also wears mixed fabrics and she obviously doesn’t wear a head covering. The cherry picking of a religious text is one of the most infuriating things about religion to me. She picks what is convenient to her and what she’s personally interpreted to back up her “arguments” and beliefs.
No comments on the video itself, but I'd love a video of Taylor showing us of what she does to contour her face. I'm very much a beginner on makeup much less contour and hers looks awesome on camera.
You know, the fact that the 2 of you are so smart AND so attractive proves there is no fairness in this universe.
Not. Fair. At. All.
She has the name and the looks of the support antagonist in a movie where kids want to dance in a 50's era town but the preacher wants to stop them.
I don't know how you managed to make a whole video on this when I can barely make it three minutes in! Simply awful to listen to ABS's takes.
Bwaaahahahaaaaa I just basically posted the same thing...and then scrolled through the comments to find your comment. LOL!
18:13- 18:27 There is no day dedicated to being happy to be an American, but if there were it should be on July 4th, because that is the day that The Declaration of Independence was approved. For that reason, if there where a holiday dedicated to nationalism, it should be called Independence Day.
I identify as an atheist, but when I was younger I tried so hard to be a Christian. I went to multiple different youth groups, churches, tried on Lutheran, AOG, Protestant, you name it. Nothing every felt right to me. I had so many questions. Things I was learning in college as science actively contradicted what pastors were saying. I mean pastors were saying science tells you we came from monkeys! Which anyone who knows basic evolution knows that’s not at all what it says.
The most hate I’ve ever received in my life has been in a church. I’ve never felt less welcome and more of an outsider than when I’ve asked a question regarding theology. That’s not love or acceptance.
I have friends that are on both ends of the spectrum of religious - they’re all good people. Generous people. Religion has nothing to do with you being a good, kind person.
My reaction to her comments about God is love, is laughter. The god, especially of the Old Testament, is anything but loving. I feel I could easily stand up and say I am more loving than that god, I’d never make someone prove their devotion to me by telling them they need to sacrifice their child.
I definitely take the view the Bible was written by people, with a lot of parables and allegories not straight up historical truth. It’s a book of literature written by man, with lots of cultural influences of the time written in. The intention, to be a good, kind, generous, accepting person - is good. But as always people have to become fanatics.
YpuTube is slowly learning it should recommend you, and this video showed up this morning. Had to view because this sounds like a great topic for you
Just wanted to point out: David likely existed. The Tel Dan Stele is a pretty good argument for his existence. The Jerusalem depicted in Kings and Chronicles is completely a farce - Jerusalem in David's time was likely a hilltop fortress with no more than 3000-5000 people and exhibits very-little-to-no evidence of writing, and the entirety of the state/territory of Judah likely only had 15,000-20,000 people. Whereas Kings and Chronicles depict a fully-developed metropolis very much in the Assyrian and Babylonian motif, which is just not supported by archaeology. We have no evidence for the historicity of a lot of biblical figures of this time (Solomon, for example). But, even as a secular atheist, I can feel reasonably confident saying David existed.
I talked about it on the other video but Lord Hale made this view law in the 17th century the woman became the property of the husband upon marriage. The law legitimized marital rape. A married woman could not be raped because she was the property of the man. And the crime of rape by another man was a crime against the husband, not the woman. Rape of a daughter was a crime against the father of that daughter. Her property value (virginity) was trashed.
I love that all the ads are right wing anti-woke pandering
It's all they have now.
I’d like to see your reaction to her video on Queer Theory. She and a man go into this idea that the stuff regarding queer theory opens the door to pedophilia. The same can be said for straight people being predators too. She’s not wrong about everything; but I get what you’re saying here. Really enjoyed your discussion here.
Ellie is clearly stating that Christians have their own definition of love. The one thing she said that I agree with.
Does anyone think that Christians wants to get into BDSM and have no idea how?
I mean they talk about Dominance and Submission more then we do.
Or is it just me?
Thank you both for your civil reprimanding of All Stuck Up. Much appreciated!