Breath Of The Wild taught me how to enjoy difficulty. When I first got it, I left it alone for a few months, because I wasn't a fan of how the weapons are breakable. However, I soon got back into it, and found plenty of weapons to replace old ones, I felt for Zelda's struggle to do magic like her ancestors, The 4 Champions and their follow-ups we're great side characters, and soon, Breath Of The Wild became my absolute favorite Zelda Game. Also, how can you go wrong with the option of Link having no clothes on?
Honestly my favorite was Twilight princess while I did grow up playing Ocarina of Time and Majora' s Mask Twilight princess gave me a vibe unlike the others it was dark depressing had sum feel of realism
Agreed! It is my favorite as well. When I think of Zelda and Link. I always picture how they look in this game, not the cartoony versions of basically every other entry. We need another game in this type of artstyle!
@Sam Not a bad top 3! I like Wind Waker and definitely agree on it having the best intro! But. It's by far the least challenging 3D Zelda and even with the swift sail on the remaster version, the "open world" is still a bear to traverse and is mostly empty....
Majoras Mask and Ocarina Of Time are the two best. The thing is, I've constantly flipped them around cause they're too good that I can't decide which one to put over the other. Love them both
I just remember what it felt like playing Ocarina of Time for the first time, just being blown away by its characters and it world back in 1998. Still my favorite game to this day.
I clearly remember the feeling. This 3d game gave me extreme motion sickness. I couldnt play for over an hour without having to lay down. Loved the game but this ruined it for me. Same with mario64 btw.
such boldness and bravery to post such a controversial comment. honestly I agree and it's biggest flaw was kinda resolved with the HD remake on the switch. it's a shame it gets such a bad rep.
I think wind waker took more risk and even though they did all pay off I was more ambitious by a bit and that why it higher even though twilight princess is a better game and has the better bosses and dungeons. Twilight princess is the more refined a little more basic zelda game since it was meant to be a true sequel and better game than ocarina when it was being designed
I loved twilight. I only HATED the music of the lanayru mining facility. It gave me a migraine headache every time I heard it lol. But other than that catastrophe, the game was great. They should’ve changed the music for the remake
Glad to see Majora's Mask in an interchangeable top 3 position, the absolute best for my money, one of the most unique of the second games, not just the same cycle of fighting Ganon until the end of time.
Ok, I definitely will get a lot of hate for this, but I honestly think that a revolutionary game doesn’t make a game the best, it is important, don’t get me wrong, but that doesn’t make good nor amazing nor the best. I still enjoy it a lot but it’s not the best
Spirit Tracks promoted an active Zelda. It broke the "damsel in distress" stereotype for the Princess. The Princess helping her Hero is something else for me.
@@batmanbud2 what’s not the same? Wasn’t she like dead or a spirit in spirit tracks? Wind waker she’s a pirate captain and she is the main reason link beats Ganon
BOTW, OOT and TP are my favourites, they all bring something new and they all have great story’s, in my opinion, botw has the best lore to it, due to it being so unknown in the timeline
Link to the Past is my personal G.O.A.T!! It was the first Zelda game I ever played. Our dad surprised us with a SNES (SUMMER OF 92! Best summer ever!) and this was one of the games that he got for us. My sister and I played this game every day until we beat it. It took a year. No cheat books ( oh god remember cheat books), just me and her doing our best to save Hyrule. #FLUTEBOYFOREVER!
The reason Skyward Sword's motion controls were so divisive is because a lot of people didn't perform them correctly. When you want to swing your sword, don't just flick the Wii Remote, swing your entire arm. Put yourself in Link's shoes and act out the way you want him to move. The controls were coordinated with big motions in mind, so you'll get the best results if you mirror what you want Link to do
No joke, I went through every one of these games in 2018. I even did the Oracle games both ways. For all intents and purposes, this series, for me, was 2018.
My personal list: 1. Majora's Mask 2. Wind Waker 3. Breath of the Wild 4. Ocarina of Time 5. A Link Between Worlds 6. Twilight Princess 7. Minish Cap 8. A Link to the Past 9. The Legend of Zelda I haven't played the rest
I just knew that Ocarina of Time was gonna be number 1, I had suspicions that Breath of the Wild was gonna be number 1, but considering how essential and influential Ocarina was to the entire franchise, it shouldn't really come off as a surprise. Still my favorite Legend of Zelda game in the entire saga is Twilight Princess for its beautiful music, epic storyline, detailed environments and, of course, the best depictions of Link, Zelda and Ganondorf ever.
@@gamerdadcoco That is, of course, a matter of opinion. Still, we can all agree that the CD-i games and the animated TV shows are serious contenders for delivering the worst portrayals of the characters.
BOTW isnt as good as everyone is saying it’s good for a game but it doesn’t compare with other Zelda games like it has no dungeons or story it’s like they took the game and worked on the world for 5 years then tried to throw a quick story together and try to make some dungeons all last minute
FFS, why everyone is complaining about motion controls on Wii? The more the game has it, the more people consider this as a drawback. You placed Skyward Sword on the lowest spot among 3D games just because of it. What's wrong with motion controls? It's actually fun and the main feature of the console!
Same though, I’m gonna play the other titles if I can. I’m 14 years old and got botw when I was 11 (so basically Zelda’s apart of my childhood) I hope Nintendo releases them on the switch soon because then I’ll definitely play them!
1) _Breath of the Wild_ 2) _Majora’s Mask_ 3) The DS games 4) _Skyward Sword_ 5) _A Link Between Worlds_ 6) _Twilight Princess_ 7) _Ocarina of Time_ 8) _A Link to the Past_ 9) _The Wind Waker_ 10) The GameBoy games 11) _The Legend of Zelda_ 12) _The Adventures of Link_
There’s literally no reason for Ocarina to be higher on this list than Breath of the Wild. Ocarina was great when it came out, but people tend to look at that game through rose tinted glasses. Nostalgia is the only reason it’s rated so highly.
@@H-TownGamer I would disagree with everything besides bossfights. The shrines work better with the flow of the world and the exploration and age of calamity coupled with voiced acting and the memories make the best characters in a zelda game. Link actually has a personality. The journal for the missions are written in first person and give insight into links mind. Oot is too old fashioned to be better than botw
@@dragonballhaven1417 I’m dead serious this is links whole expression in bow 😐. I couldn’t believe how much emotion they took from him. and dude common the champion characters have weak developments including Zelda. What are Gannon‘s goals, ambitions direct communication with the player? In comparison to oot. Saria, links only childhood friend, princess ruto links first affectionate interaction and Zeldas double life as sheik. Links sacrifice of childhood. What is bow links sacrifice? he wakes up and they tell him hey you’re the hero save us. Oot link doesn’t even know he’s a hero just a regular person like everyone else till he finds his destiny. BoW Gannon is a mindless creature is only told from the start he’s raking havoc on Hyrule. On the other hand Oot Gannon has goals to steal the triforce and become the new ruler as he wants endless power as king and conquer and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Master sword in bow is not required and therefore has no significance to its name “ the evils bane” which is the only thing that can kill evil. In oot the sword must be wielded and is used to travel to the road between times to save hyrule. I’m sorry but it’s not even comparable lol
@@H-TownGamer I dont know what bow is but the BOTW isnt gonna tell you everything throughout the entire game. Link in oot face is 😐. He doesnt react or seem to care about anything beaides the fanfic you put on him. Link in botw is burden by his failure in saving hyrule and is unsure if he can avenge his friends and the kingdom. And if you played the game you know the calmaity is just a puppet for ganondorf for the sequel who is creating the beast. Ganondorf with voice acting is gonna be wowzers. There are MANY diaries in the game i am too just learning about that give insight to the characters. Botw allows you to find the story yourself if you want. Its not linear storytelling. Even games like age of calamity help flesh out the world in a more linear way. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW THE GAMEPLAY IS BETTER LOL.
Not nostalgia at all OOT is the vastly superior game. Just because you can put 200 hours into BOTW doesn’t mean it’s a better game, in fact I don’t even think it’s a top 5 Zelda game
Agree, I used to like TP and WW a lot but when I got older I started to prefer Skyward Sword. It’s a Zelda game with the very best story and should be closer to OOT and MM. Anyone ranking Skyward Sword low is just afraid of how divisive the opinions are on the game just because some players can’t handle motion controls-which is weird since I never had a single issue with them or anyone I know. It’s like letting an English person rank Chinese poetry. Also what is a blasphemy is to rank minis cap so low-only someone who didn’t play it would do so- it’s one of the best 2D games.
Link's Awakening made me cry for a 8bit greenish world(I downloaded the original version on the eShop) and a digital girl named Lil Marin,🥺🥺😢. Let's the big N's next Zelda game has us going back to that dream island of Koholint Island to visit Lil Marin's now growing family of odd friends in a new story! Fans, get on Nintendo's Twitter and other accounts, please tell'em we want Link's Awakening 2!
I think after the switch release of skyward sword, you could bump the game up a little more on the list. The switch version gives you the option to use a controller rather than motion controls.
No the dungeon and boss design, (worst in the series by a longshot )shear lack of uniqueness in the main rewards for exploration, as well as the complete lack of building tension in the story were just awful things about BOTW. Never have I been more unmotivated to explore in breath of the wild because it was repetitive and bland. Solve puzzle in overworld Korik seed or shrine, solve shrine spirit orb. I love the open world, but Jesus Christ, what's in it is so repetitive and tedious, and in the case of dungeons, extremely disappointing.
@@ryancadek That is a very entitled and bratty comment! What you’re saying is an opinion to and whether you like it or not, the things that Josh Z was saying are common criticism’s of BOTW.
I just recently started playing Wind Waker after originally buying it on the initial release nearly 20 years ago. I think I fell victim of all the bad press and negative review to really give it a fair chance. If you weren’t around back then, coming directly from OOT and MM, Wind Waker was basically a “how could you do this to us” in terms of the look of link. Turn out Nintendo was one step ahead of everyone, as usual, and recognized that games have replay value and was setting themselves up for that. This game could have come out yesterday and you wouldn’t know any better. WW is a masterpiece and a thrill to play
The look and charm of WW has no equal, but I still think it’s the weakest of the 3D Zeldas. The dungeons are kind of lackluster, especially compared to what came later with TP and SS. Traveling by sea was a great idea on paper, but there wasn’t enough eventful things out on the ocean to keep it interesting (PH fairs a little better in that regard). I think Nintendo’s reach exceeded their grasp with WW. There’s a lot of potential, but they probably didn’t have the time and/or resources to fully realize it. BotW seems to me like a more successful version of what WW was trying to be.
I played the og release and loved it. The only portion where the game drags is the triforce hunt, since even if several locations didn’t require late-game items like the skull hammer and hookshot, the game doesn’t give you a chance to really explore until placing the Goddess Pearls. The pacing could’ve been greatly improved if they added another dungeon or two-as much as I love exploring and find the sailing to (usually) be pretty relaxing, needing to sail in a grid pattern to make sure I didn’t miss any optional items always gets tedious. But like…that’s a minor complaint. I still find the Great Sea to have far more personality that OoT’s Hyrule Field (ew), and definitely more than SS’s The Sky (uuughhhh…). And it’s certainly less of an issue than OoT’s targeting&camera period and SS’s motion controls fucking up Yet Again (or fucking up my wrist ‘cause of Awkward Bird Flaps or constantly holding Target while waiting for a damn opening for over a minute as the room clips to Black Storage Space) But the art style? It’s charming!!! It’s so expressive. Link finally really reacts to his environment (and it’s hilarious and endearing) and on my first few playthroughs as a kid there were several times me and my brother found what we were supposed to do next simply by watching Link’s face and seeing what he was looking at. It felt like a helpful hint without a certain hEY!!! HEY!!! LiSTEN!!!!! Also like. WW probably has one of The Best soundtracks if not the best in the franchise. It uses the same MIDI track as OoT and MM and TP, but it doesn’t get aggravating at best to causing a headache at worst because of the grating tones they used (with the tracks having much better overall runtimes -if anyone says OoT’s Field theme is musically good, they’re either lying or deafened by nostalgia- and seemless loops). TP’s soundtrack is just as strong but…it really should’ve used recorded instruments at least partially instead of Only MIDI (then again, SS used a full orchestra and…it’s pretty awful as a whole. Especially The Sky and that’s what is heard the most frequently. They didn’t get the Recorded Instruments really dialed in until LBW and Remake LA which are what it Should Be. Shame they’re “minor” titles simply because they’re handheld or remakes of handheld). And…I’ve rambled enough. But there’s only one true flaw in WW and all the bad press were from disgruntled whiny fanbois (since it’s mostly Art Wank vs a legitimate pacing issue but like. OoT ain’t timeless and has some major issues even compared to its contemporaries in other franchises and companies. Spyro plays cleaner just sayin’)
#15. Spirit Tracks #14. A Link Between Worlds #13. Adventure of Link #12. Phantom Hourglass #11. Minish Cap #10. Oracle Games #09. Legend of Zelda #08. Wind Walker #07. Breath of the Wild #06. Skyward Sword #05. A Link to the Past #04. Links Awakening #03. Ocarina of Time #02. Majora’s Mask #1. Twilight Princess
The DS games would have been higher if they didn't have ALL touchscreen controls. Most fans can agree that this control scheme is shit when the past and future handheld Zelda games use traditional controls. Seriously, Nintendo just shat over these 2 games when they could have restricted the touchscreen controls to tool usage and puzzle solving, NOT moving Link around haphazardly.
I grew up with these games, so i have no problems with the touch screen controls. I really like It, and they are actually my two favorite Zelda games along with Minish Cap.
i really like Phantom Hourglass, my big hands cramp a lot tho with the stylus, also switching between things is difficult (walking to slashing, or walking and using a tool).
The fact they called a Link Between World's a "spiritual successor of sorts" shows how little thought or research they do. Link Between Worlds is literally billed as a direct sequel in Japan
Well, if you had done your research then you would know that Zelda franchise boss Eiji Aonuma himself said that it’s not a direct sequel. "It's not a direct sequel in the sense that it's the same Link and Zelda," said Aonuma, "the world is the same and it might be a different generation of Link and Zelda." So... it's a remake then? "They're similar," Aonuma said, "but not identical. This isn't a remake." (Escapistmagazine) Meanwhile, if you Google “a link between worlds spiritual successor” then you get the impression that every English article about the game calls it a spiritual successor, including Wikipedia. Nintendo may have said that the game takes place a long time after A Link to the Past, but they only say that because Miyamoto suggested basing the game on A Link to the Past because that was easy to do and seemed a good fit for the gameplay ideas they had. In other words, the two games are not actually connected storywise. But they share roughly the same game world, graphic style, and parts of the gameplay. And that’s what’s called a spiritual successor. But it’s called A Link to the Past 2 in Japan you say? 1. That’s a good way of telling people what they can expect from the game. 2. Using the name of an earlier very popular game will help sales. 3. Nintendo was being honest about the new game’s inspiration. 4. Lots of games series have numbered games that aren’t really connected storywise. Compare with if Nintendo would make Super Mario Galaxy 3 for the Switch.
Ikr? Games a TRUE masterpiece. The replay value is amazing. Especially with randomizer now. All the others have slow pacing. Botw Especially. Fucking amazing game but the variety is lacking. Need more dungeon and enemy variety. Ocarina of time is overrated imo. Most who played it were first timers in the zelda franchise. Nostalgia. But I admit it was revolutionary. Lttp and botw are tied in my opinion. They're basically complete opposites. Ones compact and thoroughly engaging. Botw is WAY bigger and engaging.....mostly???
19: Triforce Heroes 18: Four Swords 17: Four Swords Adventure 16: Phantom Hourglass 15: Zelda 2 14: Zelda 1 13: Spirit Tracks 12: Oracle of Seasons 11: Oracle of Ages 10: Skyward Sword 9: A Link Between Worlds 8: Majora's Mask 7: Breath of the Wild 6: Minish Cap 5: Links Awakening 4: Ocarina of time 3: Twilight Princess 2: Wind Waker 1: A Link to the Past
I recently replayed Skyward Sword and, yeah, I enjoyed pretty much everything about the game and its story. The controls and having to find random items to upgrade everything were annoying.
Twilight princess will always be my fav game of all time not just zelda but in general Oracle of ages is my 2nd fav zelda game and my 2nd fav game of all time lol
1. Ocarina of time 2. A link to the past 3. Majora's Mask 4. Skyward Sword 5. Link's awakening 6. Twilight princess 7. Breath of the wild 8. A link between worlds 9. The legend of Zelda 10. Zelda 2 11. The Minish cap 12. All the rest of them(except Wind Waker) 13. Wind Waker
Great list! Here's mine: 15. Adventure of Link 14. The Legend of Zelda 13. Links Awakening 12. Four Swords Adventure 11. Oracle of Ages/Seasons 10. Minish Cap 9. Link Between Worlds 8. Phantom Hourglass 7. Spirit Tracks 6. Skyward Sword 5. Majoras Mask 4. Twilight Princess 3. Breath of the Wild 2. Ocarina of Time 1. Wind Waker
I agree, it’s incredibly boring and doesn’t feel like a Zelda game at all. People think just because you can put a thousand hours into a game that makes it great
@@helpmeinburning yeah but they really are not that great, ganons castle is pretty good however you can skip most of it because you can enter from anywhere but the divine beasts were not great
If BOTW 2 does that, and makes all of the bosses more unique (not just repetitions of Ganon) than it might trump Ocarina in my book. Imagine something similar to Dark link or the spinning hallway puzzles from the Forest Temple in BOTW’s world and art style! It would be flawless!
It's honestly bs that people rank spirit tracks and the Oracle games so low. I would say they're all better than the likes of Zelda 1 and minish cap for sure
@@El_Surge The DS games were both a chore to play through. The (airblowing mechanic) was maddening because it wouldn't work properly and I got stuck longer on those sections than anything else in the game.
@@darkknightniner9862 it wasn't accurate but the Ds mic works fine enough. And if you just blew into it as hard as possible you were just making it harder for yourself
I’ve been a Zelda fan for as long as I can remember and I don’t agree with some of your choices in the beginning of the video but overall I approve of this video👍
I agree but I wish twilight princess was higher for me it top 3 but I wish it was top 5. I personally like it better than the wind waker but I can understand why they pick it above. I do think we'll twilight princess does have flaws it has the best bosse fight and dungeon over all and I do think it better but I can see why it's not as high
1. Majoras Mask 2. Ocarina of Time (OoT and MM are a coinflip for me) 3. Skyward Sword. CRIMINALLY underrated! Best dungeons and bosses in the series. 4. Twilight Princess 5. Wind Waker 6. Breath of The Wild (Haven't played the rest) BoTW is the most impressive from a technical standpoint and does a lot of things very good but it's very lackluster in the parts that made me fall in love with the Zelda series. Dungeons, bosses and item progression are in my opinion very poorly executed in this game. WAAAAY too many shrines that for the most part just ends up being tedious and boring.
V Larsen Thank you for your wonderful comment! Majoras and Ocarina are not only my two favorite zelda games but also some of my favorite games of all time. As for which one I like better it just depends on the day or what mood I'm in, pretty neck and neck.. I feel the same way about botw it was just lacking in so many departments that make a great zelda game. Some of the worst dungeons in zelda history, forgettable story and the soundtrack left much to be desired. Good game just terrible zelda title. Don't get where all of this "it's perfect" And "A Masterpiece" bs is coming from when in reality it's anything but perfect.
Personally twilight princess is my favorite. But BOTW I really enjoyed but I wish it had a few more bosses/ dungeons that gave heart containers and 4x that less shrines. Just doing 120+ shrines was a bit much for me and got bored at times after 65-70. But still enjoyed some after but I love boss battles. Like the DLC helped. I hope BOTW2 has more bosses
I really like the comparison between Oot and Botw... specially considering that they are both amazing games and maybe both will have in commom a darker sequel... Mm for me was awesome and i would really love to see the real Majorask Mask to comeback in a Zelda Game... can you imagine the Moon falling in a Botw type of game experience?...
Here's my Top Five: 5. Legend of Zelda 4. Wind Waker 3. Majora's Mask 2. A Link to the Past 1. Ocarina of Time I cannot describe the emotion and awe of playing Ocarina in 1998. It was so rich and fun, and still holds up today. I remember crying when I finished the game, because I knew no other gaming experience would compare. Admittedly, Batman Arkham Asylum and the original Mass Effect Trilogy came close to that same level of gaming nostalgia for me, but nothing will ever beat Ocarina of Time!
The Minish Cap or rather if my childhood was a game lol I loved it so much! I'm currently playing Hyrule Warriors and plan on getting BOTW and Link's Awakening (used to play the original on the Gameboy) for my Switch soon~ There is so much to love about the Zelda franchise :)
Thanks for watching! Would you have made any changes to our ranking? What's your all-time favorite Zelda game?
Breath Of The Wild taught me how to enjoy difficulty. When I first got it, I left it alone for a few months, because I wasn't a fan of how the weapons are breakable. However, I soon got back into it, and found plenty of weapons to replace old ones, I felt for Zelda's struggle to do magic like her ancestors, The 4 Champions and their follow-ups we're great side characters, and soon, Breath Of The Wild became my absolute favorite Zelda Game.
Also, how can you go wrong with the option of Link having no clothes on?
Four Swords Adventure should be on the list. It's a full game, unlike Four Swords
Twilight Princess
No Four Swords? No Four Swords Adventure? Not even Triforce Heroes as bottom tier, worse than Zelda II?
@@luise.perezv.8702 Four Swords is also a full game, thanks to 3DS
Honestly this is an extremely hard series to rank due to being so many quality titles.
@woerink Twilight princess is my personal favorite
@Ten O Ocarina of Time isn't the best Zelda. It was in 1998 but not anymore.
Breath of the Wild is my favorite Zelda game
@@darkknightniner9862 Yeah but it’s most people’s favorite mainly just because of how influential it is
@@allcbrosx5930 that’s a great game however I couldn’t get past the annoying side quests like the korok seeds
*MojoPlays ranking Zelda games
Zelda Fanbase: So you have chosen death?
There should be a covenant among Zelda fans to not rank Zelda games as doing so would cause endless hostile arguments.
Eh. As someone who actually kinda hates OoT (it’s…OKAY. It’s not all the Hype. I’m so tired of all the pandering around it) I say BRING IT -dies-
Why? Because twilight princess didn't make the top 3 or top 5?
@@anonymousfellow8879 its atleast way better than majoras mask
Echoes of Wisdom will only stir the pot even more.
Honestly my favorite was Twilight princess while I did grow up playing Ocarina of Time and Majora' s Mask Twilight princess gave me a vibe unlike the others it was dark depressing had sum feel of realism
Agreed! It is my favorite as well. When I think of Zelda and Link. I always picture how they look in this game, not the cartoony versions of basically every other entry. We need another game in this type of artstyle!
@Sam I dont judge anyones opinion but gg's
@Sam Not a bad top 3! I like Wind Waker and definitely agree on it having the best intro! But. It's by far the least challenging 3D Zelda and even with the swift sail on the remaster version, the "open world" is still a bear to traverse and is mostly empty....
Couldn’t agree with you more. 👍🏻
@Sam I like it but personally I might have put twilight princess up instead of majoras mask just a bit more realism I guess 🤷♂️
Majoras Mask and Ocarina Of Time are the two best. The thing is, I've constantly flipped them around cause they're too good that I can't decide which one to put over the other. Love them both
I just remember what it felt like playing Ocarina of Time for the first time, just being blown away by its characters and it world back in 1998. Still my favorite game to this day.
I clearly remember the feeling. This 3d game gave me extreme motion sickness. I couldnt play for over an hour without having to lay down. Loved the game but this ruined it for me. Same with mario64 btw.
@@markxv2267 so we agree is just Nostalgic but clearly not the best
I still want Nintendo to release it decently and not with this trash expansion pack
I'll never get sick of hearing NES Zelda's dungeon song.
Skyward sword is my favourite Zelda game. I love the storyline, dungeons and the epic music.
Same especially the rerelease it’s so good! If I get tired of the motion controls then I can just play handheld :)
Me too!
@@Coolgiy67 what a bad taste you fool
such boldness and bravery to post such a controversial comment. honestly I agree and it's biggest flaw was kinda resolved with the HD remake on the switch. it's a shame it gets such a bad rep.
@@swampywitch18 seriously it’s such a good game and actually a tiny bit more difficult than most Zelda games.
Twilight princess is a masterpiece.I have finished 10 LOZ games so far and TP is my favorite one.
How it’s below wind waker and link to the past is beyond me
@Reservoir Frogs lol. Wind waker being better than Tp. I needed a chuckle ty.
@Reservoir Frogs actually what’s amusing to me is fools actually believing such a thing to be trüe. Imagine baha.
I think wind waker took more risk and even though they did all pay off I was more ambitious by a bit and that why it higher even though twilight princess is a better game and has the better bosses and dungeons. Twilight princess is the more refined a little more basic zelda game since it was meant to be a true sequel and better game than ocarina when it was being designed
Very underated
Personally, I thought skyward sword was a great game
This. Played through it three times.
I can't wait for the HD remake this was one of the games I miss out on. So I can't wait to actually play it!!!!!
I loved twilight. I only HATED the music of the lanayru mining facility. It gave me a migraine headache every time I heard it lol. But other than that catastrophe, the game was great. They should’ve changed the music for the remake
it's decent. but compared to OoT, MM, aLttP, TP, and BoTW. It comes dead last compared to those
Me too
Twilight princess should be higher 😭
Glad to see Majora's Mask in an interchangeable top 3 position, the absolute best for my money, one of the most unique of the second games, not just the same cycle of fighting Ganon until the end of time.
Ok, I definitely will get a lot of hate for this, but I honestly think that a revolutionary game doesn’t make a game the best, it is important, don’t get me wrong, but that doesn’t make good nor amazing nor the best. I still enjoy it a lot but it’s not the best
So fcking true. Someone had to say It.
Yeah, you're right...Ocarina of Time wasn't good, it was AMAZING!
@@MarX8883 OK, but being revolutionary still doesn’t make the game amazing or the best.
@@MarX8883 its far away from being the best Zelda. Just nostalgia and the fact that It is revolutionary make people think it is
I do agree but now I’m curious to hear your favorite
Spirit Tracks promoted an active Zelda. It broke the "damsel in distress" stereotype for the Princess. The Princess helping her Hero is something else for me.
Not wind waker? Where Zelda takes up arms alongside link?
@@jgm111796 not the same.
@@batmanbud2 what’s not the same? Wasn’t she like dead or a spirit in spirit tracks? Wind waker she’s a pirate captain and she is the main reason link beats Ganon
BOTW, OOT and TP are my favourites, they all bring something new and they all have great story’s, in my opinion, botw has the best lore to it, due to it being so unknown in the timeline
Wow this is literally my exact list! Well I wasn’t sure whether to choose BOTW over MM or not but your list was identical.
Shocking Thing: 99.9% of the people disagree with at least one thing of this list.
saying OOT is the best is just nostalgia talking, BOTW is by far the best and i grew up with the SNES -64 era
@@sebastianaguilar9572 how about no
Lttp is the best.
@@ozmega opinions!
@@bmoaw3321 opinions!!
Link to the Past is my personal G.O.A.T!! It was the first Zelda game I ever played. Our dad surprised us with a SNES (SUMMER OF 92! Best summer ever!) and this was one of the games that he got for us. My sister and I played this game every day until we beat it. It took a year. No cheat books ( oh god remember cheat books), just me and her doing our best to save Hyrule. #FLUTEBOYFOREVER!
Link to the Past should have been 2nd here, behind Breath of the Wild.
sounds amazing!! haha
The reason Skyward Sword's motion controls were so divisive is because a lot of people didn't perform them correctly. When you want to swing your sword, don't just flick the Wii Remote, swing your entire arm. Put yourself in Link's shoes and act out the way you want him to move. The controls were coordinated with big motions in mind, so you'll get the best results if you mirror what you want Link to do
It was my first Zelda game and few of my favorite. The motion control is very sensitive i don’t complain about that.
I didn't hate the motion controls, I hated how My Wii Motion Plus was broken
No left hand option.
No joke, I went through every one of these games in 2018. I even did the Oracle games both ways. For all intents and purposes, this series, for me, was 2018.
Personally I think Twilight Princess is very underrated and Wind Waker is very overrated but overall good list.
Agreed BUT oot is overrated aswell
Wind Waker is literally underrated
@@slackstarfish8133 no they have it top 3 it's definitely
@@slackstarfish8133 it’s hyper overrated like it’s just boring ( the dungeons are boring but the world is fun )
Agrees on both points, I just posted a similar comment before seeing this one lol
Twilight Princess was My Favorite!!!
Spirit Tracks is so underrated and deserves way more love then that. It's totally a top 10 Zelda game.
Both DS games are in my top 5
Skyward Sword now have Buttons Controls so that means it’s going to be higher up on the list for the Switch HD Remastered
My personal list:
1. Majora's Mask
2. Wind Waker
3. Breath of the Wild
4. Ocarina of Time
5. A Link Between Worlds
6. Twilight Princess
7. Minish Cap
8. A Link to the Past
9. The Legend of Zelda
I haven't played the rest
I think that majoras mask is trash and windwaker is good but not that good
@@constastar1660 how dare you insult my baby
@@mrpeanutbutter433 ... well it’s not my style so it’s trash for me but amazing for you so I just have a bad memory
Near perfect list, one thing i would change is switch number 3 and 4. Majoras Mask= best Zelda game of all time
@@hemi5787 bruh this list is trash
POV: you realize that four swords adventures and triforce heroes (the best zelda games obviously) were left out:
I just knew that Ocarina of Time was gonna be number 1, I had suspicions that Breath of the Wild was gonna be number 1, but considering how essential and influential Ocarina was to the entire franchise, it shouldn't really come off as a surprise.
Still my favorite Legend of Zelda game in the entire saga is Twilight Princess for its beautiful music, epic storyline, detailed environments and, of course, the best depictions of Link, Zelda and Ganondorf ever.
Maybe Ganondorf, but the best depictions of Link and Zelda and their relationship are in Skyward Sword.
@@gamerdadcoco That is, of course, a matter of opinion. Still, we can all agree that the CD-i games and the animated TV shows are serious contenders for delivering the worst portrayals of the characters.
@@gamerdadcoco I preferred the Wind Waker depiction of Ganondorf the most. He had the most characterization in that game.
For me wind waker has the Best ganandorf and link, and second Best Zelda (only behind the botw one)
I don't know why zelda 2 is so underrated, it's like: zelda, castlevania and pokemon combined.
Majora's Mask > Ocarina of Time tho
lmao ok
No lol
QFT 100%
In my opinion, Ocarina of Time is an awesome game but it's not god of the universe. Twilight Princess and Breath of the wild is the best Zelda games
Twilight princess is EXTREMELY underrated
@@manupm9161 yeah, i feel same
I agree with you on TP but bow? he’ll no buddy lol
BOTW isnt as good as everyone is saying it’s good for a game but it doesn’t compare with other Zelda games like it has no dungeons or story it’s like they took the game and worked on the world for 5 years then tried to throw a quick story together and try to make some dungeons all last minute
@@calvinkitching3164 exactly, it’s a shame
I've been playing a TON of botw lately and watching the skyward sword gameplay made me scared the weapons were gonna break.
FFS, why everyone is complaining about motion controls on Wii? The more the game has it, the more people consider this as a drawback. You placed Skyward Sword on the lowest spot among 3D games just because of it. What's wrong with motion controls? It's actually fun and the main feature of the console!
a link to the past, wind waker and orcarina of time are my faves
"The Adventure of Link can come off like its most infamous NPC"
I see what you did there.
I’m putting this here before I continue watching, if majoras mask isn’t in top 3 then I’m disliking the video
Edit : guess I gotta like it now ffs
My top 6:
1) Breath of the Wild
2) A Link Between Worlds
3) The Wind Waker
4) Twilight Princess
5) Ocarina of Time
6) Minish Cap
My list: 1.Breath of the wild
2. Everything else which I haven’t played
Im the same haha I fell bad for not playing the other games buy still Breath Of The Wild was/is so good it got on my top gear list of all videogames
Same though, I’m gonna play the other titles if I can. I’m 14 years old and got botw when I was 11 (so basically Zelda’s apart of my childhood) I hope Nintendo releases them on the switch soon because then I’ll definitely play them!
I grew up with zelda and there are other games worth trying
@@clava7851 There are 3 other Zelda games on the Switch. They are free too if you have the Nintendo Online subscription.
@@clava7851 bruh ur still a fkin child lmao
1) _Breath of the Wild_
2) _Majora’s Mask_
3) The DS games
4) _Skyward Sword_
5) _A Link Between Worlds_
6) _Twilight Princess_
7) _Ocarina of Time_
8) _A Link to the Past_
9) _The Wind Waker_
10) The GameBoy games
11) _The Legend of Zelda_
12) _The Adventures of Link_
None will ever topple OoT due to being the first semi-open world in its time and it blew me away when I was a kid in the 90s
I think Twilight is better than Ocarina, but nostalgia is a powerful thing.
There’s literally no reason for Ocarina to be higher on this list than Breath of the Wild. Ocarina was great when it came out, but people tend to look at that game through rose tinted glasses. Nostalgia is the only reason it’s rated so highly.
There’s tons of reasons. Superior dungeon design, boss fights. Puzzles and story did you even play oot haha
@@H-TownGamer I would disagree with everything besides bossfights. The shrines work better with the flow of the world and the exploration and age of calamity coupled with voiced acting and the memories make the best characters in a zelda game. Link actually has a personality. The journal for the missions are written in first person and give insight into links mind. Oot is too old fashioned to be better than botw
@@dragonballhaven1417 I’m dead serious this is links whole expression in bow 😐. I couldn’t believe how much emotion they took from him. and dude common the champion characters have weak developments including Zelda. What are Gannon‘s goals, ambitions direct communication with the player? In comparison to oot. Saria, links only childhood friend, princess ruto links first affectionate interaction and Zeldas double life as sheik. Links sacrifice of childhood. What is bow links sacrifice? he wakes up and they tell him hey you’re the hero save us. Oot link doesn’t even know he’s a hero just a regular person like everyone else till he finds his destiny. BoW Gannon is a mindless creature is only told from the start he’s raking havoc on Hyrule. On the other hand Oot Gannon has goals to steal the triforce and become the new ruler as he wants endless power as king and conquer and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Master sword in bow is not required and therefore has no significance to its name “ the evils bane” which is the only thing that can kill evil. In oot the sword must be wielded and is used to travel to the road between times to save hyrule. I’m sorry but it’s not even comparable lol
@@H-TownGamer I dont know what bow is but the BOTW isnt gonna tell you everything throughout the entire game. Link in oot face is 😐. He doesnt react or seem to care about anything beaides the fanfic you put on him. Link in botw is burden by his failure in saving hyrule and is unsure if he can avenge his friends and the kingdom. And if you played the game you know the calmaity is just a puppet for ganondorf for the sequel who is creating the beast. Ganondorf with voice acting is gonna be wowzers. There are MANY diaries in the game i am too just learning about that give insight to the characters. Botw allows you to find the story yourself if you want. Its not linear storytelling. Even games like age of calamity help flesh out the world in a more linear way. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW THE GAMEPLAY IS BETTER LOL.
Not nostalgia at all OOT is the vastly superior game. Just because you can put 200 hours into BOTW doesn’t mean it’s a better game, in fact I don’t even think it’s a top 5 Zelda game
Ocarina of Time is my all time favorite Zelda game. Next to it was Skyward Sword, personally I think it should’ve been a bit higher on the list.
Agree, I used to like TP and WW a lot but when I got older I started to prefer Skyward Sword. It’s a Zelda game with the very best story and should be closer to OOT and MM. Anyone ranking Skyward Sword low is just afraid of how divisive the opinions are on the game just because some players can’t handle motion controls-which is weird since I never had a single issue with them or anyone I know. It’s like letting an English person rank Chinese poetry. Also what is a blasphemy is to rank minis cap so low-only someone who didn’t play it would do so- it’s one of the best 2D games.
Link's Awakening made me cry for a 8bit greenish world(I downloaded the original version on the eShop) and a digital girl named Lil Marin,🥺🥺😢. Let's the big N's next Zelda game has us going back to that dream island of Koholint Island to visit Lil Marin's now growing family of odd friends in a new story! Fans, get on Nintendo's Twitter and other accounts, please tell'em we want Link's Awakening 2!
I'm personally more of a mario guy, but I goddamn love Breath Of The Wild.
I remember the playing link to the past first, and what a massive jump it was to go from link to the past to ocarina of time. Blew my mind.
yall trolling placing twilight princess and skyward sword so low.
My list:
1. Breath of the wild
2. Twilight princess
3. Ocarina of time
4. Majoras mask
5. Wind waker
6. Skyward sword
(All of these are amazing)
I love that it’s just the 3D ones, because I could agree I will never play a 2d Zelda because if you didn’t grow up on them then it’ll be boring
@@brendanreilly4675 the 3ds ones where the main ones I cared about. I had twilight princess on the Wii but I never really enjoyed it.
@@coolguystudios5829 u should revisit twilight
My ranking
1. Oot
2. Skyward sword
3. Majora's mask
4. botw
5. Spirit tracks
6. The legend of Zelda
I think after the switch release of skyward sword, you could bump the game up a little more on the list. The switch version gives you the option to use a controller rather than motion controls.
Good list! I would flip 1 and 2 as well as move Links Awakening up a few spots.
No the dungeon and boss design, (worst in the series by a longshot )shear lack of uniqueness in the main rewards for exploration, as well as the complete lack of building tension in the story were just awful things about BOTW. Never have I been more unmotivated to explore in breath of the wild because it was repetitive and bland. Solve puzzle in overworld Korik seed or shrine, solve shrine spirit orb. I love the open world, but Jesus Christ, what's in it is so repetitive and tedious, and in the case of dungeons, extremely disappointing.
@@joshz2491 that’s your opinion dude I personally like oot the best but that’s my opinion
@@joshz2491 you are entitled to your own opinion no matter how wrong it is
@@ryancadek That is a very entitled and bratty comment! What you’re saying is an opinion to and whether you like it or not, the things that Josh Z was saying are common criticism’s of BOTW.
I just recently started playing Wind Waker after originally buying it on the initial release nearly 20 years ago. I think I fell victim of all the bad press and negative review to really give it a fair chance. If you weren’t around back then, coming directly from OOT and MM, Wind Waker was basically a “how could you do this to us” in terms of the look of link. Turn out Nintendo was one step ahead of everyone, as usual, and recognized that games have replay value and was setting themselves up for that. This game could have come out yesterday and you wouldn’t know any better. WW is a masterpiece and a thrill to play
The look and charm of WW has no equal, but I still think it’s the weakest of the 3D Zeldas. The dungeons are kind of lackluster, especially compared to what came later with TP and SS. Traveling by sea was a great idea on paper, but there wasn’t enough eventful things out on the ocean to keep it interesting (PH fairs a little better in that regard). I think Nintendo’s reach exceeded their grasp with WW. There’s a lot of potential, but they probably didn’t have the time and/or resources to fully realize it. BotW seems to me like a more successful version of what WW was trying to be.
I played the og release and loved it. The only portion where the game drags is the triforce hunt, since even if several locations didn’t require late-game items like the skull hammer and hookshot, the game doesn’t give you a chance to really explore until placing the Goddess Pearls. The pacing could’ve been greatly improved if they added another dungeon or two-as much as I love exploring and find the sailing to (usually) be pretty relaxing, needing to sail in a grid pattern to make sure I didn’t miss any optional items always gets tedious. But like…that’s a minor complaint. I still find the Great Sea to have far more personality that OoT’s Hyrule Field (ew), and definitely more than SS’s The Sky (uuughhhh…). And it’s certainly less of an issue than OoT’s targeting&camera period and SS’s motion controls fucking up Yet Again (or fucking up my wrist ‘cause of Awkward Bird Flaps or constantly holding Target while waiting for a damn opening for over a minute as the room clips to Black Storage Space)
But the art style? It’s charming!!! It’s so expressive. Link finally really reacts to his environment (and it’s hilarious and endearing) and on my first few playthroughs as a kid there were several times me and my brother found what we were supposed to do next simply by watching Link’s face and seeing what he was looking at. It felt like a helpful hint without a certain hEY!!! HEY!!! LiSTEN!!!!!
Also like. WW probably has one of The Best soundtracks if not the best in the franchise. It uses the same MIDI track as OoT and MM and TP, but it doesn’t get aggravating at best to causing a headache at worst because of the grating tones they used (with the tracks having much better overall runtimes -if anyone says OoT’s Field theme is musically good, they’re either lying or deafened by nostalgia- and seemless loops). TP’s soundtrack is just as strong but…it really should’ve used recorded instruments at least partially instead of Only MIDI (then again, SS used a full orchestra and…it’s pretty awful as a whole. Especially The Sky and that’s what is heard the most frequently. They didn’t get the Recorded Instruments really dialed in until LBW and Remake LA which are what it Should Be. Shame they’re “minor” titles simply because they’re handheld or remakes of handheld).
And…I’ve rambled enough. But there’s only one true flaw in WW and all the bad press were from disgruntled whiny fanbois (since it’s mostly Art Wank vs a legitimate pacing issue but like. OoT ain’t timeless and has some major issues even compared to its contemporaries in other franchises and companies. Spyro plays cleaner just sayin’)
#15. Spirit Tracks
#14. A Link Between Worlds
#13. Adventure of Link
#12. Phantom Hourglass
#11. Minish Cap
#10. Oracle Games
#09. Legend of Zelda
#08. Wind Walker
#07. Breath of the Wild
#06. Skyward Sword
#05. A Link to the Past
#04. Links Awakening
#03. Ocarina of Time
#02. Majora’s Mask
#1. Twilight Princess
The DS games would have been higher if they didn't have ALL touchscreen controls. Most fans can agree that this control scheme is shit when the past and future handheld Zelda games use traditional controls. Seriously, Nintendo just shat over these 2 games when they could have restricted the touchscreen controls to tool usage and puzzle solving, NOT moving Link around haphazardly.
I grew up with these games, so i have no problems with the touch screen controls. I really like It, and they are actually my two favorite Zelda games along with Minish Cap.
i really like Phantom Hourglass, my big hands cramp a lot tho with the stylus, also switching between things is difficult (walking to slashing, or walking and using a tool).
I love twilight princess, majoras mask, ocarina of time and a link to the past equally
The fact they called a Link Between World's a "spiritual successor of sorts" shows how little thought or research they do. Link Between Worlds is literally billed as a direct sequel in Japan
Well, if you had done your research then you would know that Zelda franchise boss Eiji Aonuma himself said that it’s not a direct sequel.
"It's not a direct sequel in the sense that it's the same Link and Zelda," said Aonuma, "the world is the same and it might be a different generation of Link and Zelda." So... it's a remake then? "They're similar," Aonuma said, "but not identical. This isn't a remake." (Escapistmagazine)
Meanwhile, if you Google “a link between worlds spiritual successor” then you get the impression that every English article about the game calls it a spiritual successor, including Wikipedia.
Nintendo may have said that the game takes place a long time after A Link to the Past, but they only say that because Miyamoto suggested basing the game on A Link to the Past because that was easy to do and seemed a good fit for the gameplay ideas they had. In other words, the two games are not actually connected storywise. But they share roughly the same game world, graphic style, and parts of the gameplay. And that’s what’s called a spiritual successor.
But it’s called A Link to the Past 2 in Japan you say?
1. That’s a good way of telling people what they can expect from the game.
2. Using the name of an earlier very popular game will help sales.
3. Nintendo was being honest about the new game’s inspiration.
4. Lots of games series have numbered games that aren’t really connected storywise.
Compare with if Nintendo would make Super Mario Galaxy 3 for the Switch.
@@Brinta3 lmao imagine caring that much
1. Twilight Princess
2. Twilight Princess
3. Twilight Princess
4. Twilight Princess
5. Twilight Princess
6. Twilight Princess
7. Ocarina of Time
8. Majora's Mask
9. Breath of the Wild
10. Skyward Sword
11. A Link Between Worlds
12. Twilight Princess
13. The others
You realy like twilight princess dont ya?
I love the comparison of Majora's Mask to Twin Peaks. My favorite video game and favorite TV show
Where's Zelda Wand of Gameleon, Zelda's Adventure, and Link: the Faces of Evil?
Yes! The Philips CD player is an absolute god of a console along with the games
Link To The Past at #5? Really? Not being in the top-3 is crazy.
Ikr? Games a TRUE masterpiece. The replay value is amazing. Especially with randomizer now. All the others have slow pacing. Botw Especially. Fucking amazing game but the variety is lacking. Need more dungeon and enemy variety.
Ocarina of time is overrated imo. Most who played it were first timers in the zelda franchise. Nostalgia. But I admit it was revolutionary.
Lttp and botw are tied in my opinion. They're basically complete opposites. Ones compact and thoroughly engaging. Botw is WAY bigger and engaging.....mostly???
@@morzanthegod3186 lol at "nostalgia and overrated" yet you consider it revolutionary and tied botw to Lttp lmao.
I really liked majoras mask with the expansion pack on n64
19: Triforce Heroes
18: Four Swords
17: Four Swords Adventure
16: Phantom Hourglass
15: Zelda 2
14: Zelda 1
13: Spirit Tracks
12: Oracle of Seasons
11: Oracle of Ages
10: Skyward Sword
9: A Link Between Worlds
8: Majora's Mask
7: Breath of the Wild
6: Minish Cap
5: Links Awakening
4: Ocarina of time
3: Twilight Princess
2: Wind Waker
1: A Link to the Past
I respect it but you can’t sit here and tell me a link to the past is better than any 3d zelda game
I recently replayed Skyward Sword and, yeah, I enjoyed pretty much everything about the game and its story. The controls and having to find random items to upgrade everything were annoying.
A Link to the Past at #5 is a travesty, it’s one of the greatest video games ever made
Honestly should be in the top 3, if not 2, of any rankings. My personal favorite is OoT but I don't even mind when someone ranks it 1 on their list.
Twilight princess will always be my fav game of all time not just zelda but in general
Oracle of ages is my 2nd fav zelda game and my 2nd fav game of all time lol
I would've ranked the Oracle games higher but I think it's a pretty solid ranking anyway!
This might be weird for you, but my favourite 2D Zelda game is Spirit Tracks.
I heavily disagree with the placement of Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass. They should be swapped.
I like Spirit Travis more then Phantom hoursglass.
Even tho I’ve never played spirit tracks, listening to the ost makes me feel nostalgic
1. Ocarina of time
2. A link to the past
3. Majora's Mask
4. Skyward Sword
5. Link's awakening
6. Twilight princess
7. Breath of the wild
8. A link between worlds
9. The legend of Zelda
10. Zelda 2
11. The Minish cap
12. All the rest of them(except Wind Waker)
13. Wind Waker
Great list!
Here's mine:
15. Adventure of Link
14. The Legend of Zelda
13. Links Awakening
12. Four Swords Adventure
11. Oracle of Ages/Seasons
10. Minish Cap
9. Link Between Worlds
8. Phantom Hourglass
7. Spirit Tracks
6. Skyward Sword
5. Majoras Mask
4. Twilight Princess
3. Breath of the Wild
2. Ocarina of Time
1. Wind Waker
No way BOTW isn’t number 1. And no love for Skyward Sword? That should be at least 7. Those non 3-D Zelda games shouldn’t be in the top 10.
Disrespect for top down Zelda is not tolerated.
Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game❤️
Yah it my favorite basic zelda game and the best zelda game but I think breath of the wild is a better game but not zelda game.
Skyward Sword should definitely be higher. The controls suck ass but it is definitely in the top three.
Well at least BotW wasn’t number 1, but it’s still way to high. As a Zelda game it’s one of the worst.
It's still too high 'cause Watchmojo doesn't have the balls
I agree, it’s incredibly boring and doesn’t feel like a Zelda game at all. People think just because you can put a thousand hours into a game that makes it great
Duhhhh, this channel doesn’t base the game of their own opinion, it bases off a critic’s opinion 🙄
And as a game in general it’s the best, so... deserves that ranking
Been waiting for a Zelda game ranking from mojo
Imagine if botw 2 had normal dungeons it would be sooo dang goood
Exactly, and not all in the same art style!
It has 5 dungeons kind of
@@helpmeinburning yeah but they really are not that great, ganons castle is pretty good however you can skip most of it because you can enter from anywhere but the divine beasts were not great
If BOTW 2 does that, and makes all of the bosses more unique (not just repetitions of Ganon) than it might trump Ocarina in my book. Imagine something similar to Dark link or the spinning hallway puzzles from the Forest Temple in BOTW’s world and art style! It would be flawless!
As a huge fan of the Zelda series and this channel, I have never disagreed with a list more than this.
Whenever I see clips of wind waker a wave of nostalgia hits me so hard. This game was my childhood.
Did they forget about Four Swords and Four Swords Adventure?
I'm hurt Spirit Tracks is so low
It's honestly bs that people rank spirit tracks and the Oracle games so low. I would say they're all better than the likes of Zelda 1 and minish cap for sure
@@El_Surge The DS games were both a chore to play through. The (airblowing mechanic) was maddening because it wouldn't work properly and I got stuck longer on those sections than anything else in the game.
@@darkknightniner9862 it wasn't accurate but the Ds mic works fine enough. And if you just blew into it as hard as possible you were just making it harder for yourself
Oot is number one… why am I not surprised…
2:27 I'm glad you cut the grass there
Skyward sword should be way higher on the list
I mostly agree, but I would probably have pu BOTW at first place and twilight orincess a bit higher up as well.
Finally a ranked list that makes sense
I'd put Spirit Tracks above Phantom Hourglass
Me too
Twilight princess is a freaking masterpiece
I’ve been a Zelda fan for as long as I can remember and I don’t agree with some of your choices in the beginning of the video but overall I approve of this video👍
I agree but I wish twilight princess was higher for me it top 3 but I wish it was top 5. I personally like it better than the wind waker but I can understand why they pick it above. I do think we'll twilight princess does have flaws it has the best bosse fight and dungeon over all and I do think it better but I can see why it's not as high
Spirit Tracks had better Design and music compared to Phantom Hourglass imo.
But Phantom Hourglass is better because of the Dungeons and puzzles
“Yeah let's put Oracle of Season and Ages low on the list for not being “influential” enough,"dude what?
The oracle games are in my top 5 zelda games. They are CRIMINALLY underrated
It was the best and most complete handheld zelda game, that title deserve a remake.
@@YaBoyBoNeY I agree with you dude
@@brennoenriquepereirademato4300 I know though there was going to be be a third version,but it never got made but I still both versions
1. Majoras Mask
2. Ocarina of Time (OoT and MM are a coinflip for me)
3. Skyward Sword. CRIMINALLY underrated! Best dungeons and bosses in the series.
4. Twilight Princess
5. Wind Waker
6. Breath of The Wild
(Haven't played the rest)
BoTW is the most impressive from a technical standpoint and does a lot of things very good but it's very lackluster in the parts that made me fall in love with the Zelda series. Dungeons, bosses and item progression are in my opinion very poorly executed in this game. WAAAAY too many shrines that for the most part just ends up being tedious and boring.
V Larsen Thank you for your wonderful comment! Majoras and Ocarina are not only my two favorite zelda games but also some of my favorite games of all time. As for which one I like better it just depends on the day or what mood I'm in, pretty neck and neck.. I feel the same way about botw it was just lacking in so many departments that make a great zelda game. Some of the worst dungeons in zelda history, forgettable story and the soundtrack left much to be desired. Good game just terrible zelda title. Don't get where all of this "it's perfect" And "A Masterpiece" bs is coming from when in reality it's anything but perfect.
I love this list! Much better than all of the other ones Ive seen!
Personally twilight princess is my favorite.
But BOTW I really enjoyed but I wish it had a few more bosses/ dungeons that gave heart containers and 4x that less shrines. Just doing 120+ shrines was a bit much for me and got bored at times after 65-70. But still enjoyed some after but I love boss battles. Like the DLC helped. I hope BOTW2 has more bosses
I really like the comparison between Oot and Botw... specially considering that they are both amazing games and maybe both will have in commom a darker sequel... Mm for me was awesome and i would really love to see the real Majorask Mask to comeback in a Zelda Game... can you imagine the Moon falling in a Botw type of game experience?...
I would love to see a spirit tracks remake/remaster on the switch, just to see how they can spark up the game and fix the mistakes
The Mask game was soooooooo hard, as a kid I could never finish it
"the mask game" 👁️👄👁️
Pick up the 3Ds remake, it's a little easier. Experiencing the story is worth the trouble, trust me, this game is amazing!
I love the mask game :0
It was that damned fish, wasn't it? Least favorite boss of all time. Was celebrating when I beat that thing the first time. Hilarious death too.
Every Zelda release is major! 😤
Nice to see Majoras Mask get some love, imo not only the best of the Zelda games but overall my fav game of all time
Here's my Top Five:
5. Legend of Zelda
4. Wind Waker
3. Majora's Mask
2. A Link to the Past
1. Ocarina of Time
I cannot describe the emotion and awe of playing Ocarina in 1998. It was so rich and fun, and still holds up today. I remember crying when I finished the game, because I knew no other gaming experience would compare. Admittedly, Batman Arkham Asylum and the original Mass Effect Trilogy came close to that same level of gaming nostalgia for me, but nothing will ever beat Ocarina of Time!
I remember when I use to have a game boy and always playing legend of Zelda a link to the past those were the good old days
That was on Super Nintendo buddy, not game boy
@@Maikeru101 it is on the gameboy advance too
The Minish Cap or rather if my childhood was a game lol
I loved it so much!
I'm currently playing Hyrule Warriors and plan on getting BOTW and Link's Awakening (used to play the original on the Gameboy) for my Switch soon~
There is so much to love about the Zelda franchise :)
I'm making a 2D style zelda clone if you're interested. It's free btw