Pulse of Shiva
- Опубликовано: 4 ноя 2024
They would have me make a show of my longing, Lord,
but I don't need to beat my breast or bite my shirt
or shout to heaven, wondering where Thou art.
I know Thou art with me, to the sinews of my bones.
I feel you chittering in the pines of my chest.
I hear you gazelle-prancing before the lioness of my disbelief.
I smell you on the skin that shivers, unafraid of death.
My feet tread you, your air fills my lungs, your light
warms my cheeks - and yet my mind conceives you gone!
How full these empty spaces you leave free for your suitors.
How blissfull are the waiting hours when pangs swoon.
One sight of you has turned all these playthings to stone.
I clock the stones together and hear your bells jingling.
It is a sweet song, rich in plaints of remembering.
O Lord, it was not you who was gone, but me!
My longing is for myself in you;
and so you slay the rest, so I can reach you.
From the stone comes shining the bright sword of your promise:
The spirit of your heart in us can never fail.
I don't have words to express my gratitude towards your work😇🙏🏾