This is what happens when you commit felonies. Change title to : Message to green card holders who want to travel Internationally (who have commited crimes). And I would have never been here.
B Nepaul Americans have been in severe financial difficulty since the Great Recession which started in 2008. The recovery was only a recovery for the 1%. Average Americans being lied to by mainstream media like Foxnews. Instead of blaming the bankster elite they’re persuaded to blame immigrants by the very criminals that are causing their suffering.
These ladies are saying the truth. Im a green card holder and I was arrested but never convicted. Anytime I travelled out of the US I'm always detained for further questions at the port of entry. They always let me go after a few questions. I have decided not to travel out of the US until I become a citizen by the end of 2019
If you lie to a federal authority, it is an aggravated felony, but if those officers lie and interpret the law their own way, it's nor a crime. My brother was told to sign a paper stating that he was giving up his residence, he refused to sign, then they sent him to a higher rank officer (supervisor) the guy kept pushing my brother to sign, he refused, then my brother told the officer why he was being detained and the officer just got mad and told my brother to leave. So to my point of view some officer do not respect or they twist the law however they want and they lie, but they don't get punished.
I petitioned my sister 14 years ago; she, her husband and 2 kids came to the U.S 2 days after their Immigrant Visas were issued. They didn't like it here and all 4 returned to their native country 16 days after arriving to the U.S. The husband went back to work there but has recently lost his job and wants to return to the U.S. It has been already a year since they left and they never got their green cards because they got lost in the mail although USCIS claims that they were delivered. So in essence, their Immigrant Visa stamped in their passports has expired; they have been absent from the U.S for more than a year; only the husband wants to return to the U.S but doesn't have a green card in his possession and no Travel Document of any kind (I-131). . Based on this scenario, will he even be allowed to board a plane to the U.S and if so, will he be deported once he arrives considering that he doesn't have any immediate relative in the U.S, an unexpired Immigrant Visa nor a Green Card?The category of their visas were F41 (sibling of a USC) and F42 (Spouse of a F41).Thank you for your response.
Hi good morning, I am 19 years old, lives in New Jersey, and would like to travel and stay in Canada for only 4 days just for a quick gateway with friends. However, I am a green card and Philippine passport holder and traveling by air. Can an individual with my status enter Canada and get back to the US safely and without any problems? Also, do I need an ETA if traveling by air?
Canada will let you in but will Trump take you back he is the issue he is in a rampant rage right now so if i were you i will never leave without my citizenship.
Just publish the US entry rules, if you can't come in from outside US, you can't re-enter if you leave the US. Make it simple like, if you do a certain crime you get deported after jail unless your born in US. This works in many countries.
to all who thinks a green card is equal to citizenship while you are traveling - think twice. If something happens to GC holder during his travel, he may apply for help ONLY to the government of the citizenship. USA government has no obligations to GC holders in that case.
I have a question: other than passport fraud, having visited an unrecognized country, Cuba, or North Korea, and failure to pay customs duties, what reasons would make someone with a US passport inadmissible?
Best advice. When you travel, look for a place to flee to when the dollar collapses. What country has a stable economy and is independent of the dollar. The six oligarch media monopolies that control 90% of tv and radio in the United States heavily redacts information as to what is going on.
So of course by now everyone should know what a green card is and lawfully who it was originally issued too. For the law contact the Moorish American Consulate online or RUclips . RUclips is and will be heros in its own rights, Respects and honors . Your good deeds will be rewarded. Peace and Love.
Hello, A question? Do you know about USCIS scheduling interviews for N-400, on Saturdays here in Boston MA or anywhere else in the United States? Thanks.
There’s no law to force nobody to be a citizen to an another country. As soon as that person is legal. It is something else while forcing people to be a citizen of any country.
Sounds fair to me, I'm an America that caught an armed robbery charge when I was young and dumb some 20 years ago and I can not travel to any European countries, Canada, Australia.....pretty much anywhere worth while. They will not accept felonswith aggravated charges.
Not surprising, the title is rather misleading. It should reference green card holders that have been convicted wishing to travel abroad. As a law abiding green card holder I have travelled internationally without any problems.
Wait until foreign countries start expelling former US Citizens out of their country in retaliation. Like Costa Rica. There are a lot of Americans living in Costa Rica that have put a lot of money there. It would be a shock if those Government gave them 60 days to get out.
Hello, I am a 24 old year NY state resident green card holder from Bangladesh.I went to visit Bangldesh for 2.5 months then I returned to US then after 2 months I again visited Bangladesh and it it been 4 months.Now if I reentry to the US,will I face any problem at the immigration? Thank you!
If you had a case going on in home country way before moving to states and getting convicted years later getting green card then does it affects the card holder’s status ?
That's crazy I have been in the US as a teen card holder for 40 something years and yes i have committed small misdemeanor offense.shit I don't no if i want to vist my girlfriend that leave over seas
It's sad for the USA, fewer and fewer people around the world think America is the last place to be,. Dreams, Dollars are down the drain and it's for ever
Im only US green card holder, and i need to visit my family relatives in Australia. Can I travel to Australia for a month? What document do I need to visit Australia and to come back to US? Please advise. Thanks!!!
Exactly they are just cracking down on it because they weren't allowed to by the previous presidents. The thing is.. why would you go to another country file for residency then do stupid things to mess that up? It's just ignorance. People need to appreciate what they've been given.
What happens to those green card holders who voted inadvertently and cancelled their voter registration without being prosecuted for false claim to us citizenship? A friend of mine has the same situation
Why everybody wats to go to the USA ? I really don't get it! I'm living somewhere in Europe but I don't feel attracted at all by this country! In Europe we have everything we want.Beautiful landscapes ,seas, mountains,great foods, the most beautiful women and the greatest cars in the world.
Original intent of the 14th Amendment The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside." Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is another term). The United States did not limit immigration in 1868 when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified. Thus there were, by definition, no illegal immigrants and the issue of citizenship for children of those here in violation of the law was nonexistent. Granting of automatic citizenship to children of illegal alien mothers is a recent and totally inadvertent and unforeseen result of the amendment and the Reconstructionist period in which it was ratified. Free! Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the amendment. Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting and passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate Joint Committee on Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment by stating: "Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country." This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated: "[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..." The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship. Supreme Court decisions The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby. Over a century ago, the Supreme Court appropriately confirmed this restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called "Slaughter-House cases" [83 US 36 (1873) and 112 US 94 (1884)]13. In the 1884 Elk v.Wilkins case12, the phrase "subject to its jurisdiction" was interpreted to exclude "children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign states born within the United States." In Elk, the American Indian claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law required him to be "not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance." The Court essentially stated that the status of the parents determines the citizenship of the child. To qualify children for birthright citizenship, based on the 14th Amendment, parents must owe "direct and immediate allegiance" to the U.S. and be "completely subject" to its jurisdiction. In other words, they must be United States citizens. Congress subsequently passed a special act to grant full citizenship to American Indians, who were not citizens even through they were born within the borders of the United States. The Citizens Act of 1924, codified in 8USCSß1401, provides that: The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (a) a person born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof; (b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe. In 1898, the Wong Kim Ark Supreme Court case10,11 once again, in a ruling based strictly on the 14th Amendment, concluded that the status of the parents was crucial in determining the citizenship of the child. The current misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment is based in part upon the presumption that the Wong Kim Ark ruling encompassed illegal aliens. In fact, it did not address the children of illegal aliens and non-immigrant aliens, but rather determined an allegiance for legal immigrant parents based on the meaning of the word domicil(e). Since it is inconceivable that illegal alien parents could have a legal domicile in the United States, the ruling clearly did not extend birthright citizenship to children of illegal alien parents. Indeed, the ruling strengthened the original intent of the 14th Amendment. The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly not to facilitate illegal aliens defying U.S. law and obtaining citizenship for their offspring, nor obtaining benefits at taxpayer expense. Current estimates indicate there may be between 300,000 and 700,000 anchor babies born each year in the U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add more to the U.S. population each year than immigration from all sources in an average year before 1965. (See consequences.) American citizens must be wary of elected politicians voting to illegally extend our generous social benefits to illegal aliens and other criminals. For more information, see: 1. P.A. Madison, Former Research Fellow in Constitutional Studies, The UnConstitutionality of Citizenship by Birth to Non-Americans (February 1, 2005) 2. Madeleine Pelner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq., Illegal Aliens and American Medicine The Journal of the American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 10 Number 1 (Spring 2005) 3. Al Knight, Track 'anchor babies', Denver Post (September 11, 2002) 4. Al Knight, Change U.S. law on anchor babies, Denver Post (June 22, 2005) 5. Tom DeWeese, The Mexican Fifth Column (January 27, 2003) 6. Anchor Babies: The Children of Illegal Aliens (Federation for American Immigration Reform) 7. Tom DeWeese, "The Outrages of the Mexican Invasion" (American policy Center) 8. P.A. Madison, Alien Birthright Citizenship: A Fable That Lives Through Ignorance The Federalist Blog (December 17, 2005) 9. Dr. John C. Eastman, Professor of Law, Chapman University School of Law, Director, The Claremont Institute Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, Dual Citizenship, Birthright Citizenship, and the Meaning of Sovereignty - Testimony, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims (September 29, 2005) 10. William Buchanan, HR-73 -- Protecting America's Sovereignty, The Social Contract (Fall, 1999) - includes discussion of the related Wong Kim Ark 1898 Supreme Court case 11. Charles Wood, Losing Control of the Nation's Future -- Part Two -- Birthright Citizenship and Illegal Aliens, The Social Contract (Winter, 2005) - includes discussion of the related Wong Kim Ark court case 12. U.S. Supreme Court ELK v. WILKINS, 112 U.S. 94 (Findlaw, 1884) 13. U.S. Supreme Court Slaughter-House cases ('Lectric Law Library, 1873) 14. Jacob M. Howard, Wikipedia. 15. A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 - 1875 Congressional Globe, Senate, 39th Congress, 1st Session Page 2890 of 3840. Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM • Mark Levin • Anchor Babies Are Not U.S. Citizens • Hannity • 8/19/15 • August 19th, 2015 • Constitutional scholar Mark Levin disabuses the common notion that children of illegal… RUclips.COM BREAKING NEWS : ANCHOR BABIES !!!! WHAT !!! ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, DEMOCRATS PLAN TO STAY IN POWER ??? BREAKING NEWS : ANCHOR BABIES !!!! WHAT !!!… RUclips.COM BREAKING NEWS : ANCHOR BABIES !!!! WHAT !!! ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, DEMOCRATS PLAN TO STAY IN POWER ??? BREAKING NEWS : ANCHOR BABIES !!!! WHAT !!!… RUclips.COM RKTNN NEWS : ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ANCHOR BABY CASE DENIED !!! (Part 1) ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ANCHOR BABY CASE DENIED !!! That's right America a federal judge in…
Joeys48, for LEGAL permanent residents (green card) you honestly or conveniently forgot to add: driving with a suspended license (triggered after 30 days in Florida; don't know the statutes in other states but pretty sure are similar), Signing up for free ESL (English as a second language) courses provided at any state or community college, Getting a driver's license and the DMV clerk intentionally or unintentionally checks off the US citizen box (Federal voting law act); Green card holders who are allowed to be outside the US up to 365 days outside the country but if on the 340th day they get sick or get hospitalized and cannot return before the 360th day then the person is placed in deportation proceedings. I could go on but research the immigration laws first and then comment. I am for deporting people who violate the law but the current immigration laws are a mess. Some parts of it are so draconian that judges have no discretion in applying the laws based on different circumstances and situations as explained above.
My wife is a lawful permanent resident. She was told if she got her passport, they would take her green card away. Is this true?? Our trip to mexico will require her to have her greencard on hand. So confused.
Hello me and my fiance plan to get married when she comes to visit me. When are so sick and tired of being away from eachother and want to stay. If she applies for green card as my spouse will she be abke to stay with me longer during process if green card??
I believe when you travel to other countries you go to those countries based on your citizenship. So if Cuba allows Mexicans without a visa you can go. The greencard is only for when you go in and out of the US.
I wont to bring to your attention that on year 2000 Ins the immigration of that time interview my case and they decided that I am non deported l.p.r on 2015 I bin deported by question is why ice doesn't honor the decision of i.n.s.
U need your passport to Travel, your Greencard is only important to show the Police at the Airport that u are allowed to reenter the US, when u Travel to other Countrys u dont have to show them your Greencard
I have a question, I got my green card in 2013 i was arrested in 2007 for shoplifting it was a misdemeanor, I'm planning to travel aboard would it cause any problem if i reenter the US?
As an Greencard holder u cant have benefits like food stamps or health care when your fiance apply for u the greencard she/he sign up for take care of u for 10 years after 10 years u could ask about health care so no your spouse have to feed u and take care of your health.
Hello is it possible for who has green card through DV to invite friend, familly to usa ?? He has not citizenship yet. If possible, what are the implications or process?
Hi there...i renew my 10 yrs green card on may 2017 but until now I'm still waiting for my green card..i have no trouble or green card extended till Feb.whn I called them they always ask me if I'm US Vet or wife of a military not sure what to do they may send me home
If your husband is not a us veteran just say no you not that’s all And when talking to these people be sure you’re listening carefully to everything they are saying because if you say something and it’s not true they can cancel your green card and send you back home
I listened to Souflo TV our vlogger on RUclips he stipulated all the upcoming rules Trump will want and that is why they are holding back not giving you the new.card.
This is what happens when you commit felonies.
Change title to : Message to green card holders who want to travel Internationally (who have commited crimes). And I would have never been here.
right ! i thought this was general advice, but its aimed at people who have a criminal record.
American don't felt like the warm and inviting place to be any more, .
B Nepaul its been like this for Blacks nothing new.
B Nepaul 😖
But they probably have the highest prison population outside of Africa.
Nepali’s like you come and do menial jobs, we need to buy American and hire American. Stay in Nepal and make Nepal great
B Nepaul
Americans have been in severe financial difficulty since the Great Recession which started in 2008. The recovery was only a recovery for the 1%. Average Americans being lied to by mainstream media like Foxnews. Instead of blaming the bankster elite they’re persuaded to blame immigrants by the very criminals that are causing their suffering.
These ladies are saying the truth. Im a green card holder and I was arrested but never convicted. Anytime I travelled out of the US I'm always detained for further questions at the port of entry. They always let me go after a few questions. I have decided not to travel out of the US until I become a citizen by the end of 2019
Smart move I am proud of you
If you lie to a federal authority, it is an aggravated felony, but if those officers lie and interpret the law their own way, it's nor a crime. My brother was told to sign a paper stating that he was giving up his residence, he refused to sign, then they sent him to a higher rank officer (supervisor) the guy kept pushing my brother to sign, he refused, then my brother told the officer why he was being detained and the officer just got mad and told my brother to leave. So to my point of view some officer do not respect or they twist the law however they want and they lie, but they don't get punished.
Felipe Rivera I'm sorry to hear about your brother that's very evil and very corrupt of what the ice officer wanting to force him to those papers
Exactly making the Federal unjust and unfairly to party that is subjected to unfair deportation or even being bullied by those upholding the laws
If you commit a crime and was found guilt or not guilty, the last thing you should be thinking about is travelling anywhere overseas.
Appreciate your efforts for putting up the information. Kudos!
So basically, don't commit crimes. Be a law abiding resident. Which is exactly who we want becoming US citizens.
Thank you very informative and detail. Sure help my fears. Blessings 🙇♀️🤗
I petitioned my sister 14 years ago; she, her husband and 2 kids came to the U.S 2 days after their Immigrant Visas were issued. They didn't like it here and all 4 returned to their native country 16 days after arriving to the U.S. The husband went back to work there but has recently lost his job and wants to return to the U.S. It has been already a year since they left and they never got their green cards because they got lost in the mail although USCIS claims that they were delivered. So in essence, their Immigrant Visa stamped in their passports has expired; they have been absent from the U.S for more than a year; only the husband wants to return to the U.S but doesn't have a green card in his possession and no Travel Document of any kind (I-131). . Based on this scenario, will he even be allowed to board a plane to the U.S and if so, will he be deported once he arrives considering that he doesn't have any immediate relative in the U.S, an unexpired Immigrant Visa nor a Green Card?The category of their visas were F41 (sibling of a USC) and F42 (Spouse of a F41).Thank you for your response.
Great video
God bless you
Hi good morning, I am 19 years old, lives in New Jersey, and would like to travel and stay in Canada for only 4 days just for a quick gateway with friends. However, I am a green card and Philippine passport holder and traveling by air. Can an individual with my status enter Canada and get back to the US safely and without any problems? Also, do I need an ETA if traveling by air?
Canada will let you in but will Trump take you back he is the issue he is in a rampant rage right now so if i were you i will never leave without my citizenship.
You should name that video
Advice about deportation, not about traveling international 🤨🤨
CLAIRE JIJI she doesn’t have any idea what hell she is talking about
Yeah the title and the video doesn’t even match 🤷🏽♂️🥴
RIGHT!!! wtf was the point
xBabygurlx P I know right 🙄😂
I have worked ofbus company GeBBS for one year
Thanks for the video!
any crime can result in deportation as seen fit.
Just publish the US entry rules, if you can't come in from outside US, you can't re-enter if you leave the US. Make it simple like, if you do a certain crime you get deported after jail unless your born in US. This works in many countries.
to all who thinks a green card is equal to citizenship while you are traveling - think twice. If something happens to GC holder during his travel, he may apply for help ONLY to the government of the citizenship. USA government has no obligations to GC holders in that case.
I’m a green card holder!! An this makes sense to me!? That’s why I behave.
Rick Rojas oh mate you’ve no idea! But if I ever roll the dice I’m prepared to pay the price an not cry about being deported..
Thank you for the information
Well done presentation! Thanks.
I have a question: other than passport fraud, having visited an unrecognized country, Cuba, or North Korea, and failure to pay customs duties, what reasons would make someone with a US passport inadmissible?
Best advice. When you travel, look for a place to flee to when the dollar collapses. What country has a stable economy and is independent of the dollar. The six oligarch media monopolies that control 90% of tv and radio in the United States heavily redacts information as to what is going on.
Surt Andvettsson What about Japan or Switzerland?
Put the law aside you two are adorable 🌹❤️😊
So of course by now everyone should know what a green card is and lawfully who it was originally issued too. For the law contact the Moorish American Consulate online or RUclips . RUclips is and will be heros in its own rights, Respects and honors . Your good deeds will be rewarded. Peace and Love.
A question?
Do you know about USCIS scheduling interviews for N-400, on Saturdays here in Boston MA or anywhere else in the United States?
go back to your country and build your own country you ass whole
If you like these people you should go to LOJO Immigration she is so helpful
thats pure bullshit about that ten year sentence he serve his time
she is a well spoken lawyer n she smart .
There’s no law to force nobody to be a citizen to an another country. As soon as that person is legal. It is something else while forcing people to be a citizen of any country.
Felony, key word. He was lucky he was not stopped at the time
I thought he'd be gone soon after completing his sentence.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they cross out the words on the status of liberty .
These people are crazy
Now days there are talks about stripping people from their citizenship also.
SFOPEACE most are not citizens
@Rick Rojas Apparently they can deport you for a crime citizen or not
Sounds fair to me, I'm an America that caught an armed robbery charge when I was young and dumb some 20 years ago and I can not travel to any European countries, Canada, Australia.....pretty much anywhere worth while. They will not accept felonswith aggravated charges.
Well done video. Very factually based discussion/
Follow Federal laws, that is the secret.
American passport is all world permit holds highest respect
Not surprising, the title is rather misleading. It should reference green card holders that have been convicted wishing to travel abroad. As a law abiding green card holder I have travelled internationally without any problems.
paul broderick hurray for you!! but the laws are RACIST!
paul broderick Same here. I’m black and from England
Wait until foreign countries start expelling former US Citizens out of their country in retaliation. Like Costa Rica. There are a lot of Americans living in Costa Rica that have put a lot of money there. It would be a shock if those Government gave them 60 days to get out.
And it would be an even BIGGER SHOCK to the Costa Rican economy.
John Shaft Especially if it's so easy to become a resident there...
Most of them are tax evaders ... they willgo elsewhere
Can we travel with work permit advance parole as well without offence
What about deferred adjudication?
I am a 24 old year NY state resident green card holder from Bangladesh.I went to visit Bangldesh for 2.5 months then I returned to US then after 2 months I again visited Bangladesh and it it been 4 months.Now if I reentry to the US,will I face any problem at the immigration?
Thank you!
It is possible
Thanks for reading us the law. Don't do criminal activity.
This video was very helpful thank you so much for sharing I I was amazed and shocked after hearing what happened but yeah that's cool thanks again
TY 💖
If you had a case going on in home country way before moving to states and getting convicted years later getting green card then does it affects the card holder’s status ?
That's crazy I have been in the US as a teen card holder for 40 something years and yes i have committed small misdemeanor offense.shit I don't no if i want to vist my girlfriend that leave over seas
Crazy whete is your citizenship after that long???
It's sad for the USA, fewer and fewer people around the world think America is the last place to be,. Dreams, Dollars are down
the drain and it's for ever
Hi what about if o ha e a DUI that can be affected me?
Im only US green card holder, and i need to visit my family relatives in Australia. Can I travel to Australia for a month? What document do I need to visit Australia and to come back to US? Please advise. Thanks!!!
I suggest not to travel with a green card.
You have to be honest. That’s all.
all this is nothing new. Gotta follow the law or it will be grounds for removal
you are rite ... and in Pakistan you can do anything .. just become a suicide bomber for god.
Pats fan207 the laws only apply if your not white. The laws are RACIST
janis vogel then I should report to CIA about your good things ...
janis vogel dying and killing people for GOD ... “ joke of the century “
Exactly they are just cracking down on it because they weren't allowed to by the previous presidents. The thing is.. why would you go to another country file for residency then do stupid things to mess that up? It's just ignorance. People need to appreciate what they've been given.
Just tell em if you are a criminal alien, just carry a gun at all times. It's cheaper than retaining an attorney and much more fun.
What? Thanks ladies! I will warn my friends who are green card holders!
What happens to those green card holders who voted inadvertently and cancelled their voter registration without being prosecuted for false claim to us citizenship?
A friend of mine has the same situation
Gets to the point at 0.44
Why everybody wats to go to the USA ? I really don't get it!
I'm living somewhere in Europe but I don't feel attracted at all by this country! In Europe we have everything we want.Beautiful landscapes ,seas, mountains,great foods, the most beautiful women and the greatest cars in the world.
he had felony conviction 20 years ago
Wow someone with common sense.
Original intent of the 14th Amendment The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads in part: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside." Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is another term). The United States did not limit immigration in 1868 when the Fourteenth Amendment was ratified. Thus there were, by definition, no illegal immigrants and the issue of citizenship for children of those here in violation of the law was nonexistent. Granting of automatic citizenship to children of illegal alien mothers is a recent and totally inadvertent and unforeseen result of the amendment and the Reconstructionist period in which it was ratified. Free! Post-Civil War reforms focused on injustices to African Americans. The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868 to protect the rights of native-born Black Americans, whose rights were being denied as recently-freed slaves. It was written in a manner so as to prevent state governments from ever denying citizenship to blacks born in the United States. But in 1868, the United States had no formal immigration policy, and the authors therefore saw no need to address immigration explicitly in the amendment. Senator Jacob Howard worked closely with Abraham Lincoln in drafting and passing the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery. He also served on the Senate Joint Committee on Reconstruction, which drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment by stating: "Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country." This understanding was reaffirmed by Senator Edward Cowan, who stated: "[A foreigner in the United States] has a right to the protection of the laws; but he is not a citizen in the ordinary acceptance of the word..." The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship. Supreme Court decisions The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby. Over a century ago, the Supreme Court appropriately confirmed this restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called "Slaughter-House cases" [83 US 36 (1873) and 112 US 94 (1884)]13. In the 1884 Elk v.Wilkins case12, the phrase "subject to its jurisdiction" was interpreted to exclude "children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign states born within the United States." In Elk, the American Indian claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law required him to be "not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance." The Court essentially stated that the status of the parents determines the citizenship of the child. To qualify children for birthright citizenship, based on the 14th Amendment, parents must owe "direct and immediate allegiance" to the U.S. and be "completely subject" to its jurisdiction. In other words, they must be United States citizens. Congress subsequently passed a special act to grant full citizenship to American Indians, who were not citizens even through they were born within the borders of the United States. The Citizens Act of 1924, codified in 8USCSß1401, provides that: The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (a) a person born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof; (b) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe. In 1898, the Wong Kim Ark Supreme Court case10,11 once again, in a ruling based strictly on the 14th Amendment, concluded that the status of the parents was crucial in determining the citizenship of the child. The current misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment is based in part upon the presumption that the Wong Kim Ark ruling encompassed illegal aliens. In fact, it did not address the children of illegal aliens and non-immigrant aliens, but rather determined an allegiance for legal immigrant parents based on the meaning of the word domicil(e). Since it is inconceivable that illegal alien parents could have a legal domicile in the United States, the ruling clearly did not extend birthright citizenship to children of illegal alien parents. Indeed, the ruling strengthened the original intent of the 14th Amendment. The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly not to facilitate illegal aliens defying U.S. law and obtaining citizenship for their offspring, nor obtaining benefits at taxpayer expense. Current estimates indicate there may be between 300,000 and 700,000 anchor babies born each year in the U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add more to the U.S. population each year than immigration from all sources in an average year before 1965. (See consequences.) American citizens must be wary of elected politicians voting to illegally extend our generous social benefits to illegal aliens and other criminals. For more information, see: 1. P.A. Madison, Former Research Fellow in Constitutional Studies, The UnConstitutionality of Citizenship by Birth to Non-Americans (February 1, 2005) 2. Madeleine Pelner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq., Illegal Aliens and American Medicine The Journal of the American Physicians and Surgeons, Volume 10 Number 1 (Spring 2005) 3. Al Knight, Track 'anchor babies', Denver Post (September 11, 2002) 4. Al Knight, Change U.S. law on anchor babies, Denver Post (June 22, 2005) 5. Tom DeWeese, The Mexican Fifth Column (January 27, 2003) 6. Anchor Babies: The Children of Illegal Aliens (Federation for American Immigration Reform) 7. Tom DeWeese, "The Outrages of the Mexican Invasion" (American policy Center) 8. P.A. Madison, Alien Birthright Citizenship: A Fable That Lives Through Ignorance The Federalist Blog (December 17, 2005) 9. Dr. John C. Eastman, Professor of Law, Chapman University School of Law, Director, The Claremont Institute Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, Dual Citizenship, Birthright Citizenship, and the Meaning of Sovereignty - Testimony, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims (September 29, 2005) 10. William Buchanan, HR-73 -- Protecting America's Sovereignty, The Social Contract (Fall, 1999) - includes discussion of the related Wong Kim Ark 1898 Supreme Court case 11. Charles Wood, Losing Control of the Nation's Future -- Part Two -- Birthright Citizenship and Illegal Aliens, The Social Contract (Winter, 2005) - includes discussion of the related Wong Kim Ark court case 12. U.S. Supreme Court ELK v. WILKINS, 112 U.S. 94 (Findlaw, 1884) 13. U.S. Supreme Court Slaughter-House cases ('Lectric Law Library, 1873) 14. Jacob M. Howard, Wikipedia. 15. A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774 - 1875 Congressional Globe, Senate, 39th Congress, 1st Session Page 2890 of 3840. Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM Slaughter-House Cases, 1873 Find 13th & 14th Amendments Don't Guarantee Individual Rights Against Discrimination by Own State Gov't - from the 'Lectric Law Library LECTLAW.COM • Mark Levin • Anchor Babies Are Not U.S. Citizens • Hannity • 8/19/15 • August 19th, 2015 • Constitutional scholar Mark Levin disabuses the common notion that children of illegal… RUclips.COM BREAKING NEWS : ANCHOR BABIES !!!! WHAT !!! ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, DEMOCRATS PLAN TO STAY IN POWER ??? BREAKING NEWS : ANCHOR BABIES !!!! WHAT !!!… RUclips.COM BREAKING NEWS : ANCHOR BABIES !!!! WHAT !!! ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, DEMOCRATS PLAN TO STAY IN POWER ??? BREAKING NEWS : ANCHOR BABIES !!!! WHAT !!!… RUclips.COM RKTNN NEWS : ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ANCHOR BABY CASE DENIED !!! (Part 1) ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ANCHOR BABY CASE DENIED !!! That's right America a federal judge in…
A felony - you out
Can dwi prevent someone from becoming a citizen?
I lost my confirmation can i get it back? Hope you will understand my english.Thank u
Good video thank you.
Veronica is pretty
Joeys48, for LEGAL permanent residents (green card) you honestly or conveniently forgot to add: driving with a suspended license (triggered after 30 days in Florida; don't know the statutes in other states but pretty sure are similar), Signing up for free ESL (English as a second language) courses provided at any state or community college, Getting a driver's license and the DMV clerk intentionally or unintentionally checks off the US citizen box (Federal voting law act); Green card holders who are allowed to be outside the US up to 365 days outside the country but if on the 340th day they get sick or get hospitalized and cannot return before the 360th day then the person is placed in deportation proceedings. I could go on but research the immigration laws first and then comment. I am for deporting people who violate the law but the current immigration laws are a mess. Some parts of it are so draconian that judges have no discretion in applying the laws based on different circumstances and situations as explained above.
Trump is no joke. Pay attention he's cleaning house
my family and I going on a vacation of about a week. we r green card holders. Will we face any problems while reentering usa.
have you a criminal record ? no ? then you`ll be fine
No criminal record, no problem
My wife is a lawful permanent resident. She was told if she got her passport, they would take her green card away. Is this true?? Our trip to mexico will require her to have her greencard on hand. So confused.
will traveling while waiting for 10 green card prolong the process
Guys can you tell me about visa extension.I extended my stay and than went back to my cointry.Can i reenter again?
Heart c To apply for Visa and a green card contact:
WhatsApp: +14052924145
He break the law plain and simple so making excuses for a criminal
Could you please do a video on studying abroad as a US green card holder for about 5 years while still keeping your permanent resident status?
Hello me and my fiance plan to get married when she comes to visit me. When are so sick and tired of being away from eachother and want to stay. If she applies for green card as my spouse will she be abke to stay with me longer during process if green card??
Are you a USA citizen? Better if you are.
My husband worn a green card but we ain't legally married what do I do and we have a 3year old kid?please advice
He should have had citizenship you will be more recognised.
Can you travel with only green card
Question, if I have a green card, can I travel to cuba? Can I purchase tickets online and travel to cuba from Mexico?
Than you.
I believe when you travel to other countries you go to those countries based on your citizenship. So if Cuba allows Mexicans without a visa you can go. The greencard is only for when you go in and out of the US.
As far as Trump concerns no one who does not have a citizenship cannot travel outside of USA
I wont to bring to your attention that on year 2000 Ins the immigration of that time interview my case and they decided that I am non deported l.p.r on 2015 I bin deported by question is why ice doesn't honor the decision of i.n.s.
Só, exactly what kind of crime did this exemplary former jail bird committed?
Can you travel with greencard only to other countries?
U need your passport to Travel, your Greencard is only important to show the Police at the Airport that u are allowed to reenter the US, when u Travel to other Countrys u dont have to show them your Greencard
What about acs case is that a crime under deportation please let me know ty
Hi, I have a green card through marriage,am traveling for 30 days internationally will I have any problems coming back to US
That's exactly what he said it's better to lie low focus on attaining your citizenship first. Forget about travelling rigjt now
how stupid are some people down here, calling green card holders illegal..
It's almost as if you are. Citizenship is what count.
thanks miss shabnam for the information. just wondering Are you Afghan? :) hv a great day
She is bangla..
thank you
##### Me to green card holder. #####
4:40 👏🏼
I'm not inadmissible. I was born here. I'm not inadmissible in Canada either. I'm a dual citizen. I can escape both governments.
LaughTooHard why you are not happy?
Because we finally have a leader in the US, but the guy in Canada is an Obama wannabe.
Dude I don’t blame you, Trudeau is a piece of work!
No worries. Canada is waking up. I sure hope so.
Trump is cleaning house.
trump is corrupt as shit, he need to clean his own house, only idiot vote for him.
I have a question, I got my green card in 2013 i was arrested in 2007 for shoplifting it was a misdemeanor, I'm planning to travel aboard would it cause any problem if i reenter the US?
Simon Wang It could be a problem because shoplifting is a crime of moral turpitude. You need to contact an attorney.
Don't do it my God.
advanced degree holding professionals are exempt.
if people do not respect the law when coming here never let them have a green card
I need to Know all about benefits like food stamp, medical facility to green card holders in Massachusetts,USA.
As an Greencard holder u cant have benefits like food stamps or health care when your fiance apply for u the greencard she/he sign up for take care of u for 10 years after 10 years u could ask about health care so no your spouse have to feed u and take care of your health.
If I pay that $540 fee will I get a temporary green card??
Hello is it possible for who has green card through DV to invite friend, familly to usa ??
He has not citizenship yet.
If possible, what are the implications or process?
Hi there...i renew my 10 yrs green card on may 2017 but until now I'm still waiting for my green card..i have no trouble or green card extended till Feb.whn I called them they always ask me if I'm US Vet or wife of a military not sure what to do they may send me home
If your husband is not a us veteran just say no you not that’s all
And when talking to these people be sure you’re listening carefully to everything they are saying because if you say something and it’s not true they can cancel your green card and send you back home
I listened to Souflo TV our vlogger on RUclips he stipulated all the upcoming rules Trump will want and that is why they are holding back not giving you the new.card.
To many refs in states we don't want anymore
You didn't mention- DUI 10 yrs ago?
Nobody is safe these days.
Where do you located??