Id fill the bag with warm water and let it stretch out to original size and shape. Oh, and could byou lose the crappy background music. Too loud and distracting? Thanks
That bag really did seem to be quite stiff! Any idea on the age? The compass, here's a tip to fix even the worst garbage compass that won't work no matter what you do....lay it down flat and step back three feet. You're the problem, not the compass. A scoutmaster told me that a long time ago. Pretty danged funny the way you use a compass, though! Watched that several times! That kit doesn't even cover the basics, though. SOL is kinda lame in the way they pack so many almost identical kits and leave out such and such diff item in each. You have to buy three of their kits to get one complete one! This one is no diff. Add a knife and a lighter/matches/ferro rod and you cover the basics....that flint sparker is hilarious! Eric over at Kitbashed had one blow up in his hand! Big funnies there! Get a Clipper lighter and pull the sparker assembly out and reverse it and stick it back in. Bingo! Instant mini sparker that's a hundred times better than that SOL thing. Love the bag, though! Nice vid, sir!
Id fill the bag with warm water and let it stretch out to original size and shape. Oh, and could byou lose the crappy background music. Too loud and distracting? Thanks
That bag really did seem to be quite stiff! Any idea on the age? The compass, here's a tip to fix even the worst garbage compass that won't work no matter what you do....lay it down flat and step back three feet. You're the problem, not the compass. A scoutmaster told me that a long time ago. Pretty danged funny the way you use a compass, though! Watched that several times! That kit doesn't even cover the basics, though. SOL is kinda lame in the way they pack so many almost identical kits and leave out such and such diff item in each. You have to buy three of their kits to get one complete one! This one is no diff. Add a knife and a lighter/matches/ferro rod and you cover the basics....that flint sparker is hilarious! Eric over at Kitbashed had one blow up in his hand! Big funnies there! Get a Clipper lighter and pull the sparker assembly out and reverse it and stick it back in. Bingo! Instant mini sparker that's a hundred times better than that SOL thing. Love the bag, though! Nice vid, sir!
You lost me at "scoutmaster."
I can find my way without a compass, and I was never in the club called Scouts.
My compass is astronomy.