I am 1/2 Finnish and I live in New Hampshire here in the US. I grew up with all these customs of no shoes in the home and I vacuum and Swifer mop my floors all the time and keep my home clean . We were not to put our hands on the walls and I get after my granddaughter all the time about washing hands. In new your and Boston you flag the bus or cab for a ride. We take coats and outside clothing off with shoes at the door. We used to drink tap water here but I noticed when I moved back the water doesn’t taste clean anymore. I’m sure in I was back in Finland I’d be walking or riding a bike. I live in a town here where you can walk to everything . I’m so used to not going places on Sunday I just don’t go. I reuse my bags which are cloth for groceries. My niece moved back to Finland and married a Finn. I grew up with a sauna next door to us . But we also have small bathrooms for a reason . You turn the hot water on to hear the room it’s good for your sinuses and cleans your respiratory area. I’m sure if I went to Finland everything would be pretty normal for me. To thank someone in Finland you say Kitos which is short for thanks. I still remember many words like night and day and good boy bad boy. Last names are nothing for me. My mom had me go through the cemetery and say names. You forgot that Finn’s don’t talk much. They like their privacy and little for words. I still have family in Finland.
Thank you. That was an excellent and informative presentation. Your hair, makeup and wardrobe on point. Your kitchen lovely. I look forward to more of your informative videos.
As a brazilian introverted guy who love coffee, beer, power metal, and nature I think I could easily integrate myself in Finland haha. The harder part may be the language and cold weather 🙂
Hola ! Good Finland needs - skilled People ! Do You Do any Sports ? Have You ever experienced snow at winter - we are used to winters and snow ! Our biggest Sports are winter related - like ice hockey & bandy on ice... and skiing on snow ! Note Finland has the most Pro NHL Ice hockey players - of any European country ! Question - Did You know this... as The National sport IS FINNISH BASEBALL ? Have You ever heard of The Game - already 100 seasons being played ! There are several RUclips Videos to watch as PESAPALLO ! Someone in INDIA watched a video 10 years ago - and today they has as many players as Finland ! World Cup was with 8 Nations taking part Australia - Switzerland - USA & Canada - Sweden - West Germany - India - Bangladesh ! Take a Look & Lean Back & ENJOY
I have been living 10 years in Finland and i didn't know my neighbors names or what they do for couple of years, and is not that I am not friendly. At the beginning I was too talkative (as a mexican I am 😅) but my husband said.. Ana that dosen't work in here lol less mexican in here 😅 no kisses no hugs no too much excited lol. Took me some years to understand them but nowadays they are more friendly and they are curious to know about my culture.. I think it's matter of time for them to get used to be surrounded to new people. Great video Anni !
Moi - Mitä kuuluu ? Millä kielellä lähestyit - naapureitasi ? Ei pidä olettaa että sinun naapurisi - osaisi juuri sinun kieltäsi ! Tiesitkö että Helsingissä - opetetaan lapsia 35 kielellä ? Did You Get any of the above ? You get what I mean ? Vaikka sun naapurit kertoisi sulle mitä - niin olisiko se selvittänyt - yhtään että minkä kielisiä He ovat ? In Finland We Have Public SAUNAS - to Get to know your neighbourhood - and Talk to REAL People !
@@ravenfin1916 I think is normal to know with who you are sharing the building to avoid future problems. And is polite to say hi as I do..eventhought many of them never answer.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Yes, you are quite right about everything. But Finland is full of different towns, different places, and traffic as practical things can be different. Law is same off course. Thanks for nice video, and pleasure to have you here!
There are usualy only few workers in small businesses so they close up earlier. Owner might work 12-16 hours a day. Staff usualy have 8 (mostly) to 12 hour shifts so i undestand completly why they aren´t open till late hours. Restaurants is totaly different. They have to keep place open at least 10pm if they want to make money. Bigger supermarkets can handle shifts better with more staff so now every Prisma in Tampere and Pirkkala are open 24/7 (except in Koivistonkylä). Also Citymarket in Turtola and Pirkkala are open 24/7.
Some shops are not open on sunday, because christianity is Finland's biggest religion and sunday is rest day. On sunday people go to curch and respect God.
As a Finn living in Helsinki, I also find it strange that shops close so early during the weekends, and in some cases also during the weekdays. I was in Tampere this summer and was baffled that pretty much everything was closed by 7pm. It's not like that here, as most places close at 9pm or 10pm.
Wait until you find out that in a lot of UK towns, shops (not including food stores) close at 5-6 on workdays and weekends many don't even work 😂. When I moved to Finland, I kept forgetting that I can go to shops as late as 6-7 pm to buy clothes or whatever.
Regarding Tampere, not true. Was not then and is not now. What kind of shops are we talking about? Regular markets? Open 7-23 from smaller to bigger markets. There are also few which are 24/7 open. Shopping centers close earlier, but what do you need from there, that you cannot find from regular market after 18 anyways?
About "please": There is also no such single word in Swedish. Also, the French expression is "sil vous plait" and Italian "per favore" (also prego from pregare, which means to ask). So it is quite common to have expressions longer than a single word for please. Languages are simply different. If you give something to somebody, instead of please one should say "ole hyvä" which means be so good. In Sweden they say "var so god" which is literary the same. The German expression is "bitte" which comes from "ich bitte", meaning I ask.
That is too funny! It reminds me of a myth in Brazil that the noun "saudade" does not exist in English, which is completely false because there is, in fact, a verb (to miss) and a noun (longing) that are the equivalent of "saudade" in Portuguese.
Your Kitchen IS The BEST ! - and after You travel - You Get Homesick - because Your MOM Isnt There to COOK - For You ! Happens to everone - after leavings Home ! Thatswhy there IS a - Saying HOME SWEET HOME !
I live in Florida USA, We have lunch around noon. A late lunch is sometime around 1pm. We have dinner between 6:30pm -7pm that way we have plenty of time to let the kids swim in the pool before it gets dark. During summer time it gets dark around 9-9:30pm so that gives the kids a couple of hours of family fun at the pool. During the winter we might have dinner a bit earlier, that way we can go for walks or sit by the lake and have family time before it gets dark. It's Florida, when it starts getting dark... the MOSQUITOS COME OUT! 😅 therefore we try to get everything done before those bloodsuckers come out!
Naija you guys are one of a kind. Amazing! Everywhere on planet earth, you get to see brothers and sisters from nija. And im pretty sure some are on Mars too. Your determination is off the chain! Oh man! Makes me speechless at times. All the best!
Introducing yourself to neighbours depends do you live in rural area or urban. In rural area perfectly normal to go greet your neighbors. Rental homes are very common in Finland, so over time the culture urbanized, people decided it doesn't make sense in urban areas. Also if you walk a forest path or country road, people often greet, but in urban streets it's impossible and strange as you wouldn't know them people. I actually live quite close to Tampere too (hi!) and here it is normal to greet people in forest. But when I lived in another part of the country (south-east) the people did not so much greet me in the forest paths. And there were less forest paths, what I was surprised about, as here in Häme province there are so many and walking in the forest is a common form of physical exercise and relaxation. And less people greeted me at apartment house yard too while living in south-east, although people there are considered more talkative. So customs change here too, between provinces and urban/rural.
Oh, Nigeria, what a change in climate! And change in seasons, the dark winter and all... must have been a shock. No wonder things you noticed had to do with crowds, traffic and noise. By the way, what was the language you spoke in Nigeria? Your English is very good. About the bank notes, it's a past world relic. People needed bank notes when they couldn't see their bank account when ever they wanted. Same as bills sent to home... that has become very rare too. If you go to a public health center, they still send you a paper bill to home, but electric companies, magazine publishers and so on, the bill most often goes directly to your bank.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Hello from Helsinki. As for lunch and dinner hours, I never eat lunch before 1300, normally later. In Helsinki, office workers typically eat lunch at noon or later. I eat dinner earliest at 19, usually around 20. It is untypical to leave the office before 18 in professional services. Earlier hours are more rural or working class traits. There are no legal restrictions for opening hours in Finland. My closest grocery (corner) store is open 24/7 in Helsinki. Tampere is more rural and smaller - heck even Helsinki is small, the smallest of the four cities where I have lived - the others obviously not being in Finland. As for shoes inside, I have grown up (for the most part in Helsinki) wearing shoes inside. They are not the same shoes you wear outside. I think most of my friends wear some kind of slippers or shoes inside. It is colder if you just wear socks and the socks wear out faster if you do not wear slippers. I either wear galoshes or have other shoes with me when I visit my friends.I also have dress shoes at the office. I never go on a visit without shoes, nor do my friends, maybe if I pay a random visit to my parents or siblings or my wifes family, but they will have slippers for me to borrow as I have for them. Tampere is historically an industrial working class town, whereas Helsinki and Turku have been the centres of power and academia. That may explain some differences in culture.
That sounds like Washington, D.C., USA. Plastic bags are 5 cents and you can live next to your neighbor for years and never know their name. Which is fine with me because my neighbors are weird. 👍🏾
Good points.Small correction, you can smoke on the balcony unless the building company has specifically forbidden it. Good data pact, thank`s for U that.
16:13 sth ... name tags on the doors for mail ... Like in Sweden. You do know you can get the newspaper in the mail, through the door? I was distributing newspapers when I was ... 22 or nearly so. For each building, I took up a sufficient number of each main paper and the exact number of smaller papers, and I went through the building with a list of the names that got which one of the papers. Then next building, then next. I only did it on weekends, I started with getting the papers and the list and the keys at 3 am and was supposed to finish by 7 am (weekdays that would be 6 am), and was sometimes not fiished before 8 am, and after that needed to get to sleep badly ...
Good and informative video. As a Finn I would still disagree about greeting your neighbours. You might not know their name and might avoid them sometimes just to skipp the small talk. But still you say moi or hei. If you don't respond, that'd be rude. I live in Helsinki in a mixed rental and privately owned flats building and this has always been the case everywhere I lived. But overall a good video. Thanks ❤
Can you please advise me about dress appropriete for a women, who will arrive in January 2024 to Finland? She has no appropriate jacket, cap, trousers that could resist Finnish winter.
My downstairs neighbour smokes on their balcony. Because this summer has been a bit on the warm side, I'd like to keep the balcony door open for the airflow. As a side effect I seem to get ALL the smoke inside my apartment. Before that guy, there lived someone who didn't even bother opening the balcony windows when he smoked... the smell oozed in even thru the closed door during winter. I might have planned to propose a smoking ban on our next house meeting...
@@holoholopainen1627 at the moment they allow smoking indoors and in the balcony. I am going to propose changes. Also. Those guys downstairs have begun to smoke indoors too, so now I get smell thru the kitchen and bathroom vents also...
Pardon me; perhaps my question is a bit irrelevant in the context. But it would be super great if you'd answer my question here. Are there tantrum kids in Finland? At a public place, etc. Thank you for your response, and good luck with your RUclips channel.
Sunday IS just For You ! IT comes from The BIBLE - let The 7th Day You REST ! You May Go to a Church - or Ice hockey game - IS Up to You ! Have You ever Been to a HOCKEY Game ? Most Games are on sunday - It IS No WORK but FUN TIME - with Family !
Hi! I just came across your page ma’am, pls can you advise me on relocating to finland with my family? I need more helpful information from someone there than an agent here in nigeria convincing me on finland. Pls will so appreciate your earliest response ma 🙏🏻
while Finland is a capitalist country workers are respected. when people are served their rest it must be respected. I suppose that's social democracy,
Saanko lasin vettä... Saanko kupin kahvia... But asking water in kuppi ... Sounds weird If you aren't a dog, or 100% sure that 'coffee' mug aka "Kahvi kuppi" is only option to have water
Well my neighbour attacted at our door in 6 AM. in mothersday and bring fresh fish, since his working fishing boat that was amazing. So actually we had fresh fish in My wife. Broblem solved, and thats actually only mothers day dinner ever since :D And i had to learn how to make up fish in that morning, in h""ll of a hung over, but ive learned ho handle 20 more fishes since that mornining, its not ride but it's so unexpected :D
You Should know - Your ISÄNÖITSIJÄ - to Ask If there IS anybody - WHO knows - Any Other Language ? Ask For The RULES of Your TALOYHTIÖ ! You May learn ALOT - just by reading The HOUSE - and what Time People - " sleeps by rule " ! Kysy Taloyhtiön sääntöjä ja lue ne - niin sieltä selviää - mitä EI saa tehdä - ja mitä saa tehdä !
GREAT ! How Much You know about The Country - before moving ? What Are The things You know about Suomi ? How many of The following - Do You know ? Have You Been to sauna ? In Finland - We have More SAUNAS than Cars ! Very Much Finnish Culture ! Have You ever walked on SNOW or Lake / Sea ICE - or driven a Car on snow / slippery / Winter tires ! Do You know The Difference inbetween suomi and svenska ? Have You ever heard of Games like - Ice hockey - Bandy - Floor Ball - Finnish Baseball ? These Are The FAVORITE pasttimes - and Sports - that Everybody follows ! Let US know - If You ever tasted SALMIAKKI ? GREAT RUclips Videos - to watch on RUclips !
I watched to the end and that's because you're good looking and video was well presented. But with some of these points how then are they tagged as one of the happiest countries in the world 😅 especially with the non interaction between neighbours?
Disclaimer: The contents of this video are my personal experiences and in no way universal, as there are always exceptions to every aspect of life.
Hello Naija
Can I get your Gmail on email please
I am 1/2 Finnish and I live in New Hampshire here in the US. I grew up with all these customs of no shoes in the home and I vacuum and Swifer mop my floors all the time and keep my home clean . We were not to put our hands on the walls and I get after my granddaughter all the time about washing hands. In new your and Boston you flag the bus or cab for a ride. We take coats and outside clothing off with shoes at the door. We used to drink tap water here but I noticed when I moved back the water doesn’t taste clean anymore. I’m sure in I was back in Finland I’d be walking or riding a bike. I live in a town here where you can walk to everything . I’m so used to not going places on Sunday I just don’t go. I reuse my bags which are cloth for groceries. My niece moved back to Finland and married a Finn. I grew up with a sauna next door to us . But we also have small bathrooms for a reason . You turn the hot water on to hear the room it’s good for your sinuses and cleans your respiratory area. I’m sure if I went to Finland everything would be pretty normal for me. To thank someone in Finland you say Kitos which is short for thanks. I still remember many words like night and day and good boy bad boy. Last names are nothing for me. My mom had me go through the cemetery and say names. You forgot that Finn’s don’t talk much. They like their privacy and little for words. I still have family in Finland.
Please can I have your email, to mail so enquiries
Hi madam, i want to relocate to finland as a student, but most universities require ielts I need a uni without no ielts
Thank you.
That was an excellent and informative presentation.
Your hair, makeup and wardrobe on point.
Your kitchen lovely.
I look forward to more of your informative videos.
As a brazilian introverted guy who love coffee, beer, power metal, and nature I think I could easily integrate myself in Finland haha. The harder part may be the language and cold weather 🙂
Hola ! Good Finland needs - skilled People ! Do You Do any Sports ? Have You ever experienced snow at winter - we are used to winters and snow ! Our biggest Sports are winter related - like ice hockey & bandy on ice... and skiing on snow ! Note Finland has the most Pro NHL Ice hockey players - of any European country ! Question - Did You know this... as The National sport IS FINNISH BASEBALL ? Have You ever heard of The Game - already 100 seasons being played ! There are several RUclips Videos to watch as PESAPALLO ! Someone in INDIA watched a video 10 years ago - and today they has as many players as Finland ! World Cup was with 8 Nations taking part Australia - Switzerland - USA & Canada - Sweden - West Germany - India - Bangladesh ! Take a Look & Lean Back & ENJOY
You want to swap? As an introverted Finn who loves coffee, bossa nova and urban beaches, I'd love to live in Brazil.
Wow, thanks for dis video
Finland 🇫🇮 my dream country
I have been living 10 years in Finland and i didn't know my neighbors names or what they do for couple of years, and is not that I am not friendly. At the beginning I was too talkative (as a mexican I am 😅) but my husband said.. Ana that dosen't work in here lol less mexican in here 😅 no kisses no hugs no too much excited lol. Took me some years to understand them but nowadays they are more friendly and they are curious to know about my culture.. I think it's matter of time for them to get used to be surrounded to new people. Great video Anni !
I can so relate. Thank you❤
Moi - Mitä kuuluu ? Millä kielellä lähestyit - naapureitasi ? Ei pidä olettaa että sinun naapurisi - osaisi juuri sinun kieltäsi ! Tiesitkö että Helsingissä - opetetaan lapsia 35 kielellä ? Did You Get any of the above ? You get what I mean ? Vaikka sun naapurit kertoisi sulle mitä - niin olisiko se selvittänyt - yhtään että minkä kielisiä He ovat ? In Finland We Have Public SAUNAS - to Get to know your neighbourhood - and Talk to REAL People !
Hey Anabel..i am nurse in Sri Lanka and can find a job in Finland?
You don't have to know them, you don't have to be their friends, but it's good manners to say hello or just nod when you see your neighbor.
@@ravenfin1916 I think is normal to know with who you are sharing the building to avoid future problems. And is polite to say hi as I do..eventhought many of them never answer.
Great video, it's nice to share this with people interested in Finland. Thank you very much.
Is this a good country for black single female Senior Citizens?
Too fast.
That was very comprehensive and on point, Naija!
Such a detailed video! You did a great job, thank you!
You got very good points in that video. It is informative and good :)
Lovely content, thanks for sharing.
Great video! Very accurate notions and practical knowledge for foreigners, thank you so much!
You're very welcome!
You need to know BASIC suomi or svenska !
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Wonderful experiences you are sharing with us. Thanks
Yes, you are quite right about everything. But Finland is full of different towns, different places, and traffic as practical things can be different. Law is same off course. Thanks for nice video, and pleasure to have you here!
Thanks Ann, your videos are very helpful. Please keep them coming.
Happy to hear. Thanks for watching 🥰
There are usualy only few workers in small businesses so they close up earlier. Owner might work 12-16 hours a day. Staff usualy have 8 (mostly) to 12 hour shifts so i undestand completly why they aren´t open till late hours. Restaurants is totaly different. They have to keep place open at least 10pm if they want to make money.
Bigger supermarkets can handle shifts better with more staff so now every Prisma in Tampere and Pirkkala are open 24/7 (except in Koivistonkylä). Also Citymarket in Turtola and Pirkkala are open 24/7.
This was a great video!! Thanks for making. I am preparing my paperwork to move to Finland from USA this year 🤞🤞
Thank you for your video! It made me homesick in the best ways possible! I live in the US right now, so I got a good laugh from this haha!
How do u mean ??
Some shops are not open on sunday, because christianity is Finland's biggest religion and sunday is rest day. On sunday people go to curch and respect God.
Lies few people go to church in Finland
@@jasminemuseveki96 The church isn’t a building, it’s a people.
Ihan totta?
@@jasminemuseveki96 phew, that’s a relief
As a Finn living in Helsinki, I also find it strange that shops close so early during the weekends, and in some cases also during the weekdays. I was in Tampere this summer and was baffled that pretty much everything was closed by 7pm. It's not like that here, as most places close at 9pm or 10pm.
Do You think - that There are more customers - If You keep Your Shop OPEN - two More hours ? I DONT think so - prove Me wrong !
@@holoholopainen1627 but...when are us introverts supposed to shop if the stores are closed at 3am???
Wait until you find out that in a lot of UK towns, shops (not including food stores) close at 5-6 on workdays and weekends many don't even work 😂. When I moved to Finland, I kept forgetting that I can go to shops as late as 6-7 pm to buy clothes or whatever.
How do I meet with you when I come to finland?
Regarding Tampere, not true. Was not then and is not now. What kind of shops are we talking about? Regular markets? Open 7-23 from smaller to bigger markets. There are also few which are 24/7 open. Shopping centers close earlier, but what do you need from there, that you cannot find from regular market after 18 anyways?
During my childhood in Finland in the 70s, in some places everything closed at 5pm, that changed a lot.
About "please": There is also no such single word in Swedish. Also, the French expression is "sil vous plait" and Italian "per favore" (also prego from pregare, which means to ask). So it is quite common to have expressions longer than a single word for please.
Languages are simply different. If you give something to somebody, instead of please one should say "ole hyvä" which means be so good. In Sweden they say "var so god" which is literary the same. The German expression is "bitte" which comes from "ich bitte", meaning I ask.
That is too funny! It reminds me of a myth in Brazil that the noun "saudade" does not exist in English, which is completely false because there is, in fact, a verb (to miss) and a noun (longing) that are the equivalent of "saudade" in Portuguese.
Wow, culture really varies
Your Kitchen IS The BEST ! - and after You travel - You Get Homesick - because Your MOM Isnt There to COOK - For You ! Happens to everone - after leavings Home ! Thatswhy there IS a - Saying HOME SWEET HOME !
I live in Florida USA, We have lunch around noon. A late lunch is sometime around 1pm. We have dinner between 6:30pm -7pm that way we have plenty of time to let the kids swim in the pool before it gets dark. During summer time it gets dark around 9-9:30pm so that gives the kids a couple of hours of family fun at the pool. During the winter we might have dinner a bit earlier, that way we can go for walks or sit by the lake and have family time before it gets dark. It's Florida, when it starts getting dark... the MOSQUITOS COME OUT! 😅 therefore we try to get everything done before those bloodsuckers come out!
In Oulu midsummer sunset is 00.21am and sunrise 02.18am.
Oh really? So what do you do? Keep sleeping till 6am😢 @markonikula2611
Mosquitoes in florida 😢
I'm in Houston, TX. In stores like Aldi, you have to buy shopping bags. Lunch starts at 10 am here.
No shoes indoors is a Canadian thing too...Makes sense...Half the year you have snow on your boots anyway. Cheers from Canada.
For my family as well although I live in the U.S.
@@loyaltymatters Sounds like a Northern State?
It's normal in South Africa too to drink tap water even though recently some municipalities had a problem of relatively unsafe water
Great show and thank you
Naija you guys are one of a kind. Amazing! Everywhere on planet earth, you get to see brothers and sisters from nija. And im pretty sure some are on Mars too. Your determination is off the chain! Oh man! Makes me speechless at times. All the best!
I'm going to join her soonest. And we will be in mars soonest too.😂😂
Thanks for an informative video!
Introducing yourself to neighbours depends do you live in rural area or urban. In rural area perfectly normal to go greet your neighbors. Rental homes are very common in Finland, so over time the culture urbanized, people decided it doesn't make sense in urban areas. Also if you walk a forest path or country road, people often greet, but in urban streets it's impossible and strange as you wouldn't know them people. I actually live quite close to Tampere too (hi!) and here it is normal to greet people in forest. But when I lived in another part of the country (south-east) the people did not so much greet me in the forest paths. And there were less forest paths, what I was surprised about, as here in Häme province there are so many and walking in the forest is a common form of physical exercise and relaxation. And less people greeted me at apartment house yard too while living in south-east, although people there are considered more talkative. So customs change here too, between provinces and urban/rural.
Thanks for your insights. Good to know this!😊
Moi ! Tere ! Tjäna ! - Hello - learn Those and Start useing - Over 60% know Those !
Excellent work! Thank you.
Oh, Nigeria, what a change in climate! And change in seasons, the dark winter and all... must have been a shock. No wonder things you noticed had to do with crowds, traffic and noise. By the way, what was the language you spoke in Nigeria? Your English is very good.
About the bank notes, it's a past world relic. People needed bank notes when they couldn't see their bank account when ever they wanted. Same as bills sent to home... that has become very rare too. If you go to a public health center, they still send you a paper bill to home, but electric companies, magazine publishers and so on, the bill most often goes directly to your bank.
Aurinkohirvi we speak English in Nigeria
English is our official language
All the things you say, sounds so funny, because as a finn, I am so used to them and don't "see" them anymore! :)
Outdoor shoes are also not allowed in India, specially in Eastern India. We have indoor and outdoor shoes differently.
Thank you sister for the information, I really surprised about the water and the bank noti😵💫
Great job Ann! Very interesting and insightful content! 🙌🏾🙌🏾 More please!😊
Have Your read - TALOYHTIÖN SÄÄNNÖT ? GREAT Way to learn - How The RULES - affect - sauna time - and silence time - and sleeping time !
Awesome video !
Great video...my question is do all Finnish people speak English and how do you work if you don't the local language
When requesting something, ending the sentence with 'kiitos' is the equivalent of 'please'.
As a German most of it are usual to me, but I never thought about them being weird for others but it makes sense. Funny vid!
I am a Chinese, I can cook a lot of delicious food, and I also want to go to Finland, but I don’t know how to apply?
10:25 Midsommar is also known (in Denmark and Norway at least) as Sankt-Hans = St. John (the Baptist), who was born 6 months before Jesus.
The polite way of asking is not 'saanko vetta' but 'saisinko vettä'. So the please is built in to the grammar.
The things you told us about Finland is actually very similar to how we live in the UK 😎
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Hello from Helsinki.
As for lunch and dinner hours, I never eat lunch before 1300, normally later. In Helsinki, office workers typically eat lunch at noon or later. I eat dinner earliest at 19, usually around 20. It is untypical to leave the office before 18 in professional services. Earlier hours are more rural or working class traits.
There are no legal restrictions for opening hours in Finland. My closest grocery (corner) store is open 24/7 in Helsinki. Tampere is more rural and smaller - heck even Helsinki is small, the smallest of the four cities where I have lived - the others obviously not being in Finland.
As for shoes inside, I have grown up (for the most part in Helsinki) wearing shoes inside. They are not the same shoes you wear outside. I think most of my friends wear some kind of slippers or shoes inside. It is colder if you just wear socks and the socks wear out faster if you do not wear slippers. I either wear galoshes or have other shoes with me when I visit my friends.I also have dress shoes at the office. I never go on a visit without shoes, nor do my friends, maybe if I pay a random visit to my parents or siblings or my wifes family, but they will have slippers for me to borrow as I have for them.
Tampere is historically an industrial working class town, whereas Helsinki and Turku have been the centres of power and academia. That may explain some differences in culture.
You said it very well.
I looved it
Greetings from Ghana 🤗
Nice 👍 one... Thanks for sharing.
Ok I actually enjoyed your breakdown, the first one was just obvious for me 🙂🙂
Thanks for the info about bank notifications, I was going to go crazy wondering about my money 😂
Very informative, thank you.
You are welcome ❤️🙏
Thanks for the update, please how can one get admission into any of the high school?
Wow loving this place already
Informative video
That sounds like Washington, D.C., USA. Plastic bags are 5 cents and you can live next to your neighbor for years and never know their name. Which is fine with me because my neighbors are weird. 👍🏾
i like Fingland more than all the countries in Europeans countries
Why is that?
@@bighand1530 the meanings is Finland is a very peaceful country and they mind their own business that’s why bro
How can you ship food to Finland from Nigeria?
Good points.Small correction, you can smoke on the balcony unless the building company has specifically forbidden it. Good data pact, thank`s for U that.
Can one migrate to UK from finland as a nurse to work without IELTS?
Thanks for the details, they're informative
Thanks for the video
Your beautiful, welcome to finland
Love the video thank you
If you eat dinner at 8pm when do you sleep? I don't think that's a healthy habit.🥰
Traveling to Finland just for holiday do l need a visa?
16:13 sth ... name tags on the doors for mail ...
Like in Sweden.
You do know you can get the newspaper in the mail, through the door?
I was distributing newspapers when I was ... 22 or nearly so.
For each building, I took up a sufficient number of each main paper and the exact number of smaller papers, and I went through the building with a list of the names that got which one of the papers. Then next building, then next.
I only did it on weekends, I started with getting the papers and the list and the keys at 3 am and was supposed to finish by 7 am (weekdays that would be 6 am), and was sometimes not fiished before 8 am, and after that needed to get to sleep badly ...
Good and informative video. As a Finn I would still disagree about greeting your neighbours. You might not know their name and might avoid them sometimes just to skipp the small talk. But still you say moi or hei. If you don't respond, that'd be rude. I live in Helsinki in a mixed rental and privately owned flats building and this has always been the case everywhere I lived. But overall a good video. Thanks ❤
Thanks very much for information
Can you please advise me about dress appropriete for a women, who will arrive in January 2024 to Finland?
She has no appropriate jacket, cap, trousers that could resist Finnish winter.
How can I come in there how can I get their visa
Better to get there with a study Visa. Make your research, find a good school and apply.
12:11 10 pm to what hour? 6 am? 7 am?
How to apply for Finland visa please
Thank You Naija, Your analycies of our country are very clouse to the reality, and we are also awaer of our problems.
Thank You ma’am ❤
How is living and working in Finland as an African like? Very important that you share
My downstairs neighbour smokes on their balcony. Because this summer has been a bit on the warm side, I'd like to keep the balcony door open for the airflow. As a side effect I seem to get ALL the smoke inside my apartment. Before that guy, there lived someone who didn't even bother opening the balcony windows when he smoked... the smell oozed in even thru the closed door during winter.
I might have planned to propose a smoking ban on our next house meeting...
That must be quiet an uncomfortable experience
@@holoholopainen1627 at the moment they allow smoking indoors and in the balcony. I am going to propose changes.
Also. Those guys downstairs have begun to smoke indoors too, so now I get smell thru the kitchen and bathroom vents also...
@@CultOfMU Right On ! Have a GOOD One !
Good morning my sister. Please my family is relocating to Finland soon so how can you help when arrived There
What about air condition in houses
Pardon me; perhaps my question is a bit irrelevant in the context. But it would be super great if you'd answer my question here.
Are there tantrum kids in Finland? At a public place, etc.
Thank you for your response, and good luck with your RUclips channel.
Totally agree with sunday, nothing happens outside, I don't know tho what I like more, quiet sundays or less quiet sundays..
Sunday IS just For You ! IT comes from The BIBLE - let The 7th Day You REST ! You May Go to a Church - or Ice hockey game - IS Up to You ! Have You ever Been to a HOCKEY Game ? Most Games are on sunday - It IS No WORK but FUN TIME - with Family !
Sooooo informative 😊😊 thank you beautiful lady 🙏🏾 one day i will visit 🥹
Hi! I just came across your page ma’am, pls can you advise me on relocating to finland with my family?
I need more helpful information from someone there than an agent here in nigeria convincing me on finland. Pls will so appreciate your earliest response ma 🙏🏻
Ann, embrace the culture, respect the values, and be happy, amen
How about the different between day and night 🌙
Pls sis how do I come to Finland via study Route
I'm planning on moving to Finland from Nigeria, how can I contact you?
Tampere have also tram!
I want to relocate to finland as a student bt I don't want to write ielts
while Finland is a capitalist country workers are respected.
when people are served their rest it must be respected. I suppose that's social democracy,
Thanks for the insights 🙏🏽
I will be there soon
what type of part time jobs students can easily find there and can we manage to pay our living expenses
It varies. Maybe I have to do a video on that soon🤔
Interesting sweetie 😘
Hello sister how can migrate and work in Finland with my family.
Saanko lasin vettä...
Saanko kupin kahvia...
But asking water in kuppi ...
Sounds weird If you aren't a dog,
or 100% sure that 'coffee' mug aka "Kahvi kuppi" is only option to have water
Do you speak Finnish and must one speak Finnish to be able to work there?
Just hyvä ❤
Well my neighbour attacted at our door in 6 AM. in mothersday and bring fresh fish, since his working fishing boat that was amazing. So actually we had fresh fish in My wife. Broblem solved, and thats actually only mothers day dinner ever since :D And i had to learn how to make up fish in that morning, in h""ll of a hung over, but ive learned ho handle 20 more fishes since that mornining, its not ride but it's so unexpected :D
Yes! I’m so happy that I didn’t go knocking on my neighbors door with freshly baked pie in my hands when I moved here 😂 That would be super awkward 😅
haha same here!
In Helsinki, definitely. In other towns and villages, yes. On farms, if they look happy then just knock on the door.
You Should know - Your ISÄNÖITSIJÄ - to Ask If there IS anybody - WHO knows - Any Other Language ? Ask For The RULES of Your TALOYHTIÖ ! You May learn ALOT - just by reading The HOUSE - and what Time People - " sleeps by rule " ! Kysy Taloyhtiön sääntöjä ja lue ne - niin sieltä selviää - mitä EI saa tehdä - ja mitä saa tehdä !
You look so pretty😍😍😍
Am a new subscriber here, planning to move to finland soon i really deeded to know some basics things about This beautiful country. Thanks
GREAT ! How Much You know about The Country - before moving ? What Are The things You know about Suomi ? How many of The following - Do You know ? Have You Been to sauna ? In Finland - We have More SAUNAS than Cars ! Very Much Finnish Culture ! Have You ever walked on SNOW or Lake / Sea ICE - or driven a Car on snow / slippery / Winter tires ! Do You know The Difference inbetween suomi and svenska ? Have You ever heard of Games like - Ice hockey - Bandy - Floor Ball - Finnish Baseball ? These Are The FAVORITE pasttimes - and Sports - that Everybody follows ! Let US know - If You ever tasted SALMIAKKI ? GREAT RUclips Videos - to watch on RUclips !
I watched to the end and that's because you're good looking and video was well presented. But with some of these points how then are they tagged as one of the happiest countries in the world 😅 especially with the non interaction between neighbours?