@@bumpsy I hate to say it but this is square's doing. For better or worse the saga team is making a real push to... revive the series with a bunch of ports, and while I look forward to the Saga Frontier remaster... the rest of the series is disappointing, especially when they stoop to stuff like this.
@@doomswell yeah I know. It just feels a lot like the typical Nintendo-bullshit :D done by Square. Also not sure if this can be blamed on Japanese business mentality or if it's just case-by-case
The Gameboy color was my first way to play games. And Final Fantasy Legend 2 was my very first game. I think it'll always have a special place with me.
While having the remakes would be nice, much like Collection of Mana, I'm completely fine with Collection of SaGa just having the originals. It makes sense from a preservation standpoint.
I think if they do a Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legends Remake. They should make it like Octopath Traveler 2 style. In terms of graphics and art style.
with mana i'd rather play tthe orginals as i'm not a fan of the 3d remakes. but with SaGa i'd rather play the remakes as atlest with 2 and 3 they are much closer to the rest of the series then the og games.
I never expected you to do an episode on SaGa! I knew about the DS remakes (and I desperately wish for them to get an official western release) but I never knew about the WonderSwan version of the original. That's awesome!
@@ltb1345 let me enlighten you: flash carts! You can play DS roms on the actual DS hardware! Flash carts are DS cartridges that have a slot for a micro SD card. U put emulators and roms on the micro SD and then you can use the cart in the DS like a regular game! This is really old news btw. Some of the popular brands back in the day were R4 and TT-DS. Have fun!
Have you considered making a which of Shin Megami Tensei? There are a lot of interesting versions of the first two games (Snes, PS1, GBA, Ipad lol) and then the third one is getting an HD remaster sometime this year
This video in a Nutshell: The remakes are better in every or almost everyway compared to their original versions, but you should give the original versions a try, specially if they are part of your childhood.
You’d be better playing the GBC over the original. The Switch version still has the bugs of the original that the color versions fixed. Why Nintendo neglected to use the color versions is beyond me.
Thanks for this overview - it's really helpful. I remember picking Final Fantasy Legend 3 as a birthday present after absolutely loving Final Fantasy Adventure (Seiken Densetsu 1). As a young kid I remember being a bit confused by the turnbased combat and the reliance on text. I pushed onwards andspent so much time on this game - in the end I absolutely loved it. I later tried to check the other parts out through emulation but found them not as good as the third one. Part 3 is up there with Link to the past, FF Adventure, Metroid 2, and Tetris as my all time favourites. It's a bit of a shame they did not include the remakes in the collection. I will most likely still pick it up as part 3 is so nostalgic to me.
I loved FFL2 but the DS remake is veeeeery good. I've played it 8-9 times and I still enjoy it. I was hoping for the newest Steam version to contain the remakes but it's mainly GB ports.
To me, they are two completely different games. In DQIX, the camera is much more restricted whereas in FFIII (3D remake) the camera is much more few range at least in the overworld. If I remember correctly. I own both games, but have not played it in a good while. Additionally, the graphics or art style is different. Both great games though, but DQIX got FFIII beat.
I am currently running through FFL3, and they are just as fun as I remember. The changes to phrasing are minor enough that I really didn't notice, except for when I looked for meat "evolutions", and my old Game Boy guide didn't have some names.
Just played though legend 3 earlier this year! What a great game! However, every enemy is weak to stone and death, so you can totally cheese the game if you want lol
@@morrowlterrasloveIt had a color port by SunSoft in 1998. You know it’s the color version of it says SunSoft on it. I have my own copy and can play on my SP and it has color. So no you’re wrong. Emulators just suck at generating its color and unless you have the exact rom you need it’s going to be monochrome. The colors weren’t that extensive though but it’s a huge step up over the three shades of green the Switch version uses. And I know for a fact FFLIII had color outside of SGB because I never once had a SGB.
Thanks for mentioning the localizations, a lot of comparison channels don't seem to think that's important, but censorship is a deciding factor on me spending my money
One thing this video is missing that I feel should be touched on is that the original SaGa game on the Gameboy came with an 80 page instruction manual that explained a lot of mechanics and were assumed you'd have before jumping into the game. Nothing IN SaGa 1 really sits you down and explains the difference between races and their level up systems or how equipment and items work. I feel like not including them in the remake in some way is a huge disservice to the people trying to play these games for the first time. I thought to track down PDFs of the manuals when the game opened up with no explanation for how things worked but I don't think that will be the typical experience.
I wish we could get a remake of SaGa 1 that has all the content of the Wanderswan and Mobile Phone ports. But looks like the Anniversary editions of the Final Fantasy games on PSP and later smart phones.
Git into saga through romancing saga and while I haven't completed any of the games I have saga 2 and 3 ds aswell as romancing saga 2 and 3 and plan on completing them.
@@bumpsy yes, and they control whether or not we get more... Just like they thought vagrant story didn't do well... And the tomb raider reboot was a failure, loll...
I bought collection of SaGa the other day. :) I owned the first and third game back in the day so this is the first time I am getting to play the second one. I love this series a lot. :) It makes me want to play Final Fantasy 2 on the Famicom because the creator of SaGa was lead director of that game too.
Strange how Square didn't port the Wonder Swan remakes of the SaGa games to GBA, usually with their popular IPs they tend to bring over their Wonder Swan classic titles for GBA such as their Final Fantasy remakes.
Don't know if you're gonna see this but it was most likely because of the grudge nintendo held cuz square only producing games for Sony like FF7 back then.
My Original game boy still works and still have ff legend 2 , the glass sword is only one use ! I always wondered why. Then I realized why it’s glass... so why in the collection version did they increase it to 50?
I've never beaten any of the Saga trilogy but I have played them all, getting really far in them. I remember my uncle letting me play FF1/Saga 1 on his original game boy, while my reading skills and comprehension were a bit limited as a kid, I really enjoyed the whole monsters eating monster meat to turn into other monsters thing. xD But FF2 is my absolute favorite, probably because of you can have a robot and a baby dragon in your party xD
I own the original Gameboy cartridges still. I originally started with Saga 2. It was a pain to beat and got stock a few times (Giant World), but I did beat it. Eventually I collected the others. 3 was for sale at GameStop I regret not buying it then for a reasonable price, so got that one eBay NRFB. I still have the manuals and boxes for some of them.
4:47- Redbull? LOL 😏 5:44- I just remembered about the Bananas originally being drugs in the original SaGa Version. But I didn't know about the Wonderswan Color Remakes of the first game.
I had FF Legend II on o.g gameboy, loved the soundtrack so much I made a bunch of remixes back in the day. Wish they would have retained the Saga title. Great games for their time, I'd still buy a new gameboy game in 2021.
I’m sorry I didn’t understand the last localization point for the Collection. Does the Collection restore the removed content from the USA GB games, as well as restoring the durability of the Glass Sword to 1, the durabilities of Muramasa and Excalibur to unlimited?
@@morrowlterraslove thank you. I appreciate the answer. I ended up picking it up on a sale last year, I believe. Still I’m sad we never got a physical release.
I haven't checked out FE1 on Switch yet, but it can't be understated how good desynching music from the game speed is. If the game is notably slow and doesn't let you switch off animations/skip, you'll always have the speed up option on and rarely hear the music as intended during gameplay.
I'll admit, the fact that they collected the originals, and not either of the remakes, REALLY turned me off from wanting to get this collection, even though I did REALLY love those originals back in the day. The DS remake of SaGa 2 is the only time I EVER bought a Japanese game, and had it shipped over etc. I just wanted to play it So Bad!!! And they could have given it to us, but no, they gave us the black and white versions... Similarly, them giving us FFA and not the Brownie Brown remake of Sword of Mana killed my interest in buying that collection, too.
Two points: The first Seiken Densetsu game really was originally a Final Fantasy game (I think in Japan it's called "Final Fantasy Gaiden") and it features Final Fantasy characters like red mages and chocobos. Second, I wish they didn't touch the music for the Wonderswan remake of SaGa 1. A lot of the redone music doesn't sound as good as the original Gameboy music (it somehow manages to sound weaker and tinnier than even the old 8-bit beep and boops) and where it doesn't sound worse, it also doesn't sound different enough to make changing the music worthwhile in the first place.
There's very little coverage of the Wonderswan remakes in english. I played SaGa 1 and 2 all the way through on original hardware back in 2009. I'm going to start the Romancing SaGa series next. I remember when the SaGa remakes came out on DS and I thought they were cool but decided they weren't for me. If I pick up SaGa 1 and 2 again, it will be on wonderswan with a flash cart :j I'm deciding if I want to play romancing saga on ps2 first or play sfc version first.
I really wished I watched this before buying Collection of SaGa on Switch. I'm not happy with being unable to turn off backgrounds and on-screen prompts and such, and the screen-tearing/shimmering bugs me. I love the fast-forward button, but being that these games are short anyway, I wound up buying a used GB cart of FFL1 and will probably do so for FFL2 as well (already have a FFL3 cart from childhood).
One of the changes I noticed in my play through of the collection of saga was a map in the ruin world skyscraper was originally shaped like a swastika. They cut off an arm or two.
2 on the DS is cute, though it's weird that it wear the skin of a modern game on a very simple interior. The problem is that I maybe ran from too many battles or ignored the systems too much, so I need to actually put an effort to proceed, and I can play FF IV or an actual DS RPG instead 🤷
I noticed something in Legends 2. Getting good monster meat and powering up in the late stages is very difficult, and you'll never be stronger than any regular monster. You cant play as the mega bosses and get their excellent stats & abilities. Also they rarely have an abundance of uses for their 1 or 2 abilities, and rarely have a 3rd ability. So slogging thru the longer dungeons is a pain when you run out of attacks. Using a monster on the end game boss is horrible. Robots only gain stats thru their equipment and again late game you will never be that powerful, not unless you sacrifice all your best gear to the robot to keep him powerful. And since limited use items get cut in half every time you equip or unequip them, the robot is always at a disadvantage. Uber items like one use weapons are basically wasted. Humans and Mutants slowly get stronger as you use them and with careful management you can get their HP to 999 before the end game, and all their stats to 99 if you want. Mutants start with one special power and can get as many as 4, but you need to have a free slot for that to happen, so if you put items in their personal inventory you can limit the number of learned abilities they get. That might be useful if you are trying to go for a specific setup or build with your mutant.
You completely neglected to mention the SunSoft ports for the GBC. The color version being what SHOULD have been on the Switch ports. I'm used to the color version of III and find that the Switch version reverted the extra stuff from the colors ports. The Switch version just gives you the originals but you don’t get the updated versions that fixed a bunch of the problems and added the much needed color. I don’t know anyone who played the non-color originals. It’s already bad enough my VBA doesn’t display the color version in color anymore for whatever reason.
The remakes look like the best way to play the games if I can get them but I'll consider the collection... Even if I have beef with all of these collections ignoring remakes or console versions (see fighting game rereleases). It isn't so much that I expect every game related to the original Megaman to be in the Legacy Collections but that we'll have to wait for another generation of hardware when it isn't necessary for older releases from the same original hardware.
The enemy ジプシー jipushii was renamed to スイーパー suiipaa. The enemy was localized "Diviner" in English, and does not exist in the DS remake, so not problematic in those versions.
I remember my uncle getting Legend 1 and 2 for me and my sister for Xmass, and all these years later the music still annoys me from all the hours we spent playing them as very little kids ...
They really need to go back and remake FFL1. It's not had a remake since Wonderswan and you'd think that such a game should be rather easy to remake with at the very least, 16bit era graphics, something like how they did FF4 on PSP would be awesome.
I totally agree except the FF4 remake on PSP and DS was definitely not 16 bit style graphics… maybe that’s not what u actually meant but that’s what it looks like u said
@@MerkhVisionI didn't really mean 16bit in specific; the PSP remakes are pixel art even if it isn't 16bit and they remain the most well-done across all the remakes and remasters of the FF games. They kept the game intact while giving it such a huge facelift. That's more what I meant, something like that.
@@Dhalin hold on I think we may have gotten something mixed up here. Did u mean the remakes of FF 1 and 2 on PSP? Cuz those were definitely in a 16 bit style like you said. The FF3 and 4 remakes were in 3D tho, and that’s what I was thinking of.
@@Dhalin wait, I think we got something mixed up here. Were u thinking of the remakes of FF 1 and 2 instead? Cuz those definitely were in the 16bit style like you said. I was thinking of the FF3 and 4 remakes on PSP/DS that were in a chibi 3D style.
@@MerkhVision I am talking about the FF4+After Years on PSP, it was called the "Complete Collection" I believe and they were indeed pixel art, 2D, but not 16bit.
It’s crazy that they never localized the remakes. The originals were great, but there are plenty of fans that would gladly play the revamped versions. Shut up and take our money already!
"Intended for short bursts of game play". And there I was.. Emptying a fresh set of batteries and overheating my Gameboy in a single session of Final Fantasy Legend III
I enjoyed final fantasy legend 3, but hated the level up mechanics of the first two games, which made them excessively hard, even when compared with the Romancing Saga series, and permanent death in the first of the series. I have a complete in box copy of the second one that I bought from my friend around 12 years ago and was shocked at how valuable it is today.
I'd sayvplay saga 1 1st, it's very satisfying my by fav is saga 3. Unlike ff legand 3, that game is so good but it needs ngp where saga 3 has that. Not to mention, I think, like saga 2, the hp is limitless.
Just wanna say I really appreciate these videos you put out. It's helped me make a lot of purchase decisions.
Geez now I wish the Saga Collection contains the 3 remakes too.TvT
They really should have. I mean the 3 GameBoy games were less than 1 MB combined, its the laziest thing they could have done.
20 bucks for 3 gameboy games one could easily emulate (with better quality) seems like a classic Nintendo rip-off
@@bumpsy I hate to say it but this is square's doing. For better or worse the saga team is making a real push to... revive the series with a bunch of ports, and while I look forward to the Saga Frontier remaster... the rest of the series is disappointing, especially when they stoop to stuff like this.
@@doomswell yeah I know. It just feels a lot like the typical Nintendo-bullshit :D done by Square. Also not sure if this can be blamed on Japanese business mentality or if it's just case-by-case
The Gameboy color was my first way to play games. And Final Fantasy Legend 2 was my very first game. I think it'll always have a special place with me.
While having the remakes would be nice, much like Collection of Mana, I'm completely fine with Collection of SaGa just having the originals. It makes sense from a preservation standpoint.
I'm not, I have standards. 😂
You can say the remakes should also be preserved.
Preservation? We have roms available online. Preservation of the originals is not an issue.
I think if they do a Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legends Remake. They should make it like Octopath Traveler 2 style. In terms of graphics and art style.
with mana i'd rather play tthe orginals as i'm not a fan of the 3d remakes. but with SaGa i'd rather play the remakes as atlest with 2 and 3 they are much closer to the rest of the series then the og games.
Wonderswan would be my favorite version! I wish the FF3 wonderswan update was actually released
To this day I look at the wonderswan boxes notice the missing 3rd one and it aches me.
I never expected you to do an episode on SaGa!
I knew about the DS remakes (and I desperately wish for them to get an official western release) but I never knew about the WonderSwan version of the original. That's awesome!
Just download the rom and English patch
@@fillerbunnyninjashark271 I want to play a DS game on my 3DS though, not my PC. It’s just not the same.
@@ltb1345 If you have a modded 3ds you can use Twilight menu to play ds roms on it
@@ltb1345 let me enlighten you: flash carts! You can play DS roms on the actual DS hardware! Flash carts are DS cartridges that have a slot for a micro SD card. U put emulators and roms on the micro SD and then you can use the cart in the DS like a regular game! This is really old news btw. Some of the popular brands back in the day were R4 and TT-DS. Have fun!
I hit that bell for the notifications, these videos are always such good quality.
Have you considered making a which of Shin Megami Tensei? There are a lot of interesting versions of the first two games (Snes, PS1, GBA, Ipad lol) and then the third one is getting an HD remaster sometime this year
I know I'm late but here's a person comparing all versions of SMT 1.
If you want I can give my own opinions.
What a awesome vídeo. Came here just for the nostalgia, stayed by the quality! +1 subscriber!
This video in a Nutshell: The remakes are better in every or almost everyway compared to their original versions, but you should give the original versions a try, specially if they are part of your childhood.
You’d be better playing the GBC over the original. The Switch version still has the bugs of the original that the color versions fixed. Why Nintendo neglected to use the color versions is beyond me.
The Wonderswan remake looks awesome. The character design of the DS ones look like shit, as well as losing the true overworld.
@@Aelvir114 That sucks
Thanks for this overview - it's really helpful.
I remember picking Final Fantasy Legend 3 as a birthday present after absolutely loving Final Fantasy Adventure (Seiken Densetsu 1). As a young kid I remember being a bit confused by the turnbased combat and the reliance on text. I pushed onwards andspent so much time on this game - in the end I absolutely loved it. I later tried to check the other parts out through emulation but found them not as good as the third one. Part 3 is up there with Link to the past, FF Adventure, Metroid 2, and Tetris as my all time favourites.
It's a bit of a shame they did not include the remakes in the collection. I will most likely still pick it up as part 3 is so nostalgic to me.
Same here, I played Legend 3, liked it, then tried to play the others, but I didn't find them as enjoyable as L3
I loved FFL2 but the DS remake is veeeeery good.
I've played it 8-9 times and I still enjoy it. I was hoping for the newest Steam version to contain the remakes but it's mainly GB ports.
The GB version of FFL1 was my childhood.
It was the first game (other than Tetris) I got for the Gameboy and I played it more than any other Gameboy game, too (other than Tetris).
I remember being in a church when I got to the end, and I'm like "killing the creator....nice."
Hearing that battle music from legends 2 on the gameboy gave me flashbacks
The DS remake reminds me of Dragon Quest IX somehow, I could be crazy tho lol, also is my version of choise
I'm playing IX, and I can see a similarity.
The 3d overworld and non random battles
u definitly notice how it was a SQEX DS game back then, afaik SaGa 3 came out around the same time as DQ9 which also explains smth
It's not really that similar, but all 3DS games with cartoonish 3D characters end up having a familiar looking jaggy visual mess.
To me, they are two completely different games. In DQIX, the camera is much more restricted whereas in FFIII (3D remake) the camera is much more few range at least in the overworld. If I remember correctly. I own both games, but have not played it in a good while.
Additionally, the graphics or art style is different. Both great games though, but DQIX got FFIII beat.
I am currently running through FFL3, and they are just as fun as I remember. The changes to phrasing are minor enough that I really didn't notice, except for when I looked for meat "evolutions", and my old Game Boy guide didn't have some names.
Just played though legend 3 earlier this year! What a great game! However, every enemy is weak to stone and death, so you can totally cheese the game if you want lol
Cant wait to see you do a video on SaGa Frontier vs its remaster.
I guess now the next step would be doing a video about the "Romancing Saga" games. :D Great video as always btw.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Can you please make this type videos on older Final Fantasy games, i.e. 1-6?
Just found your channel after looking up stuff about the saga remake. It rocks! Great videos!
I wish the Collection of Saga contained the remake version instead.
Those weren’t localized.
Honestly I'd rather play the ogs
The Collection doesn’t even have the GBC versions of the originals. Which is obnoxious and lazy.
@@Aelvir114it was never a GBC game or there was no GBC to begin with aside from just playing on the Super GB with 4 color pallets to customize
@@morrowlterrasloveIt had a color port by SunSoft in 1998. You know it’s the color version of it says SunSoft on it. I have my own copy and can play on my SP and it has color. So no you’re wrong. Emulators just suck at generating its color and unless you have the exact rom you need it’s going to be monochrome. The colors weren’t that extensive though but it’s a huge step up over the three shades of green the Switch version uses.
And I know for a fact FFLIII had color outside of SGB because I never once had a SGB.
Great video. I never knew about the DS remakes!
Thanks for mentioning the localizations, a lot of comparison channels don't seem to think that's important, but censorship is a deciding factor on me spending my money
One thing this video is missing that I feel should be touched on is that the original SaGa game on the Gameboy came with an 80 page instruction manual that explained a lot of mechanics and were assumed you'd have before jumping into the game. Nothing IN SaGa 1 really sits you down and explains the difference between races and their level up systems or how equipment and items work. I feel like not including them in the remake in some way is a huge disservice to the people trying to play these games for the first time. I thought to track down PDFs of the manuals when the game opened up with no explanation for how things worked but I don't think that will be the typical experience.
Love your videos, any chance we can get some videos on the first 4 Phantasy Star games so we can see differences and which is the best to play?
The Wonderswan version is beautiful. I hope it gets on to a modern console one day.
I have all three of these games for the Gameboy. I played the hell out of them, especially the 2nd game which is my favorite.
The second one is probably the one I revisit the most, too.
Wow, I did not know there was Final Fantasy Legend remakes on the Nintendo DS till now.
I wish we could get a remake of SaGa 1 that has all the content of the Wanderswan and Mobile Phone ports. But looks like the Anniversary editions of the Final Fantasy games on PSP and later smart phones.
Oh wow, so the Wonderswan Remake had a fan translation then? May have to try this on my Wonderswan Crystal!
Awesome Review! Great details, history and data!
Thank you for this video 🙏🏾
Will never understand how i beat the first one as a 14 year okd kid.
Brutally hard game.
Had one of these on Gameboy back in the day, I just remember it being really difficult compared to the other FF games.
Yeah, especially if you didn't have a transformation chart and you tried to use monsters in 1 or 2. 😆
Git into saga through romancing saga and while I haven't completed any of the games I have saga 2 and 3 ds aswell as romancing saga 2 and 3 and plan on completing them.
[5:42] Are you a banana smuggler or are you just happy to see me?
Really loved the GB ones...sad that the DS remake was Japanese only. Hope it comes back in Switch.
There's been English patches for years. Saga series is dead in the states
@@fillerbunnyninjashark271 *according to Square
@@bumpsy yes, and they control whether or not we get more... Just like they thought vagrant story didn't do well... And the tomb raider reboot was a failure, loll...
Until now I'd never heard of the ds remakes. Thanks.
I really wish I could play the wonderswan version
Legend 3 is so much like Mystic Quest. Wasn't surprised to see it was mostly the same dev team.
Did they really rip off “The heat is on” for battle music? Awesome.
@@Lock2002ful which one?
I bought collection of SaGa the other day. :) I owned the first and third game back in the day so this is the first time I am getting to play the second one. I love this series a lot. :) It makes me want to play Final Fantasy 2 on the Famicom because the creator of SaGa was lead director of that game too.
As always. Final fantasy bgm are hella Catchy. Literally my Main reason on why i got into the franchise.
also, saga 3 ds version has one of the most difficult sound track ever remaked and it does it incredibly well: The final battle part 2
"most difficult sound track ever remaked"? What does that mean
Strange how Square didn't port the Wonder Swan remakes of the SaGa games to GBA, usually with their popular IPs they tend to bring over their Wonder Swan classic titles for GBA such as their Final Fantasy remakes.
Don't know if you're gonna see this but it was most likely because of the grudge nintendo held cuz square only producing games for Sony like FF7 back then.
@@user-pv4yt2ju6v nope, the wonderswan itself never was sucessfull so ports to other consoles were a rarity
My Original game boy still works and still have ff legend 2 , the glass sword is only one use ! I always wondered why. Then I realized why it’s glass... so why in the collection version did they increase it to 50?
They really needed to port the two remakes
I've never beaten any of the Saga trilogy but I have played them all, getting really far in them. I remember my uncle letting me play FF1/Saga 1 on his original game boy, while my reading skills and comprehension were a bit limited as a kid, I really enjoyed the whole monsters eating monster meat to turn into other monsters thing. xD But FF2 is my absolute favorite, probably because of you can have a robot and a baby dragon in your party xD
Final fantasy II and pokemon crystal for the Gbc were my very first videogames
I own the original Gameboy cartridges still. I originally started with Saga 2. It was a pain to beat and got stock a few times (Giant World), but I did beat it.
Eventually I collected the others. 3 was for sale at GameStop I regret not buying it then for a reasonable price, so got that one eBay NRFB. I still have the manuals and boxes for some of them.
4:47- Redbull? LOL 😏
5:44- I just remembered about the Bananas originally being drugs in the original SaGa Version.
But I didn't know about the Wonderswan Color Remakes of the first game.
The SaGa Frontier games on PSX are also good, especially 2!
For some reason I heard the “battle at journey’s end” from octopath in it.
I had FF Legend II on o.g gameboy, loved the soundtrack so much I made a bunch of remixes back in the day.
Wish they would have retained the Saga title.
Great games for their time, I'd still buy a new gameboy game in 2021.
I’m sorry I didn’t understand the last localization point for the Collection. Does the Collection restore the removed content from the USA GB games, as well as restoring the durability of the Glass Sword to 1, the durabilities of Muramasa and Excalibur to unlimited?
No the games are the same as their regions aside from the text fixes
@@morrowlterraslove thank you. I appreciate the answer. I ended up picking it up on a sale last year, I believe. Still I’m sad we never got a physical release.
separate audio from gameplay speed is great. That's exactly why I stopped playing fire emblem 1 on switch. They need to address that issue ASAP
I haven't checked out FE1 on Switch yet, but it can't be understated how good desynching music from the game speed is.
If the game is notably slow and doesn't let you switch off animations/skip, you'll always have the speed up option on and rarely hear the music as intended during gameplay.
I'll admit, the fact that they collected the originals, and not either of the remakes, REALLY turned me off from wanting to get this collection, even though I did REALLY love those originals back in the day. The DS remake of SaGa 2 is the only time I EVER bought a Japanese game, and had it shipped over etc. I just wanted to play it So Bad!!! And they could have given it to us, but no, they gave us the black and white versions...
Similarly, them giving us FFA and not the Brownie Brown remake of Sword of Mana killed my interest in buying that collection, too.
The Snes translations :)
Two points: The first Seiken Densetsu game really was originally a Final Fantasy game (I think in Japan it's called "Final Fantasy Gaiden") and it features Final Fantasy characters like red mages and chocobos. Second, I wish they didn't touch the music for the Wonderswan remake of SaGa 1. A lot of the redone music doesn't sound as good as the original Gameboy music (it somehow manages to sound weaker and tinnier than even the old 8-bit beep and boops) and where it doesn't sound worse, it also doesn't sound different enough to make changing the music worthwhile in the first place.
I want the SaGa DS version made for switch and or phone, think we'll ever see it?
If you have a good phone, consider DraStic
There's very little coverage of the Wonderswan remakes in english. I played SaGa 1 and 2 all the way through on original hardware back in 2009. I'm going to start the Romancing SaGa series next. I remember when the SaGa remakes came out on DS and I thought they were cool but decided they weren't for me. If I pick up SaGa 1 and 2 again, it will be on wonderswan with a flash cart :j
I'm deciding if I want to play romancing saga on ps2 first or play sfc version first.
I have a soft spot for the Gameboy games. They were my first three RPGs after all.
I want to on adventure with you.
I have beat every game in this video. Some of them more than once. SaGa is good.
I really wished I watched this before buying Collection of SaGa on Switch. I'm not happy with being unable to turn off backgrounds and on-screen prompts and such, and the screen-tearing/shimmering bugs me. I love the fast-forward button, but being that these games are short anyway, I wound up buying a used GB cart of FFL1 and will probably do so for FFL2 as well (already have a FFL3 cart from childhood).
Man I somehow had a copy of legends as a kid. It was 3. It was hard af lol. But amazing tbh
6:04 In Final Fantasy Legend 2 The NA version of those weapons uses was the same as what you listed for the Japanese version.
Indeed, but not FFL1, which is what he was referring to.
omg i love Austin's japanese pronunciation, he has a cute english accent
Very cool! Does this have a physical release? And I assume the remakes were released in Japan only?
i love your videos sm ~ ❤
Played all 3 when i was young but 3 was easily my fave on GB
Legend 3 was fantastic. And beating 2 is awesome
One of the changes I noticed in my play through of the collection of saga was a map in the ruin world skyscraper was originally shaped like a swastika. They cut off an arm or two.
it's not a swastika. it's a manji
This was an awsome video
yeah it's sad they didn't use the wonderswan or ds versions on the switch collection of saga. 9:52 lol Milfie
2 on the DS is cute, though it's weird that it wear the skin of a modern game on a very simple interior.
The problem is that I maybe ran from too many battles or ignored the systems too much, so I need to actually put an effort to proceed, and I can play FF IV or an actual DS RPG instead 🤷
I miss final fantasy adventure for the gameboy
Never liked the limited use weapons. Always got stuck grinding away for replacements.
I noticed something in Legends 2. Getting good monster meat and powering up in the late stages is very difficult, and you'll never be stronger than any regular monster. You cant play as the mega bosses and get their excellent stats & abilities. Also they rarely have an abundance of uses for their 1 or 2 abilities, and rarely have a 3rd ability. So slogging thru the longer dungeons is a pain when you run out of attacks. Using a monster on the end game boss is horrible.
Robots only gain stats thru their equipment and again late game you will never be that powerful, not unless you sacrifice all your best gear to the robot to keep him powerful. And since limited use items get cut in half every time you equip or unequip them, the robot is always at a disadvantage. Uber items like one use weapons are basically wasted.
Humans and Mutants slowly get stronger as you use them and with careful management you can get their HP to 999 before the end game, and all their stats to 99 if you want.
Mutants start with one special power and can get as many as 4, but you need to have a free slot for that to happen, so if you put items in their personal inventory you can limit the number of learned abilities they get. That might be useful if you are trying to go for a specific setup or build with your mutant.
You completely neglected to mention the SunSoft ports for the GBC. The color version being what SHOULD have been on the Switch ports. I'm used to the color version of III and find that the Switch version reverted the extra stuff from the colors ports. The Switch version just gives you the originals but you don’t get the updated versions that fixed a bunch of the problems and added the much needed color. I don’t know anyone who played the non-color originals. It’s already bad enough my VBA doesn’t display the color version in color anymore for whatever reason.
Saga 2 was so good! I forgot about it
This man doing god's work
The remakes look like the best way to play the games if I can get them but I'll consider the collection... Even if I have beef with all of these collections ignoring remakes or console versions (see fighting game rereleases).
It isn't so much that I expect every game related to the original Megaman to be in the Legacy Collections but that we'll have to wait for another generation of hardware when it isn't necessary for older releases from the same original hardware.
I played the remakes via emulation (with the fan translation patches) and I loved them tons! Definitely worth playing!
What's the font you use in the bottom left of the video?
5:03 what was the enemy's name? I didn't even know this was a thing.
The enemy ジプシー jipushii was renamed to スイーパー suiipaa. The enemy was localized "Diviner" in English, and does not exist in the DS remake, so not problematic in those versions.
@@matt-fitzpatrick what does that means
Having an all black border is necessary, especially if you have an oled. These boarders only accelerate burn in. 😭
Don't buy OLED. Stick to QLED or pc monitor.
Most good OLED panels for the last 5+ years have pixel jitter to prevent burn in
Do you have a which version of Chrono Trigger should you play video?
4:45 "Cultural and social norms!" I burst out laughed so loud! HA! Good one! 😀
I don't mean any offense to anyone though.
I remember my uncle getting Legend 1 and 2 for me and my sister for Xmass, and all these years later the music still annoys me from all the hours we spent playing them as very little kids ...
Did the DS version ever get released in the U.S.?
Is he Going to do the Differences with Kingdom hearts games soon?
I still want them to make a Saga Frontier Collection.
Great video! I wonder why all the devs always force us to use these background borders and onscreen button prompts.
They really need to go back and remake FFL1. It's not had a remake since Wonderswan and you'd think that such a game should be rather easy to remake with at the very least, 16bit era graphics, something like how they did FF4 on PSP would be awesome.
I totally agree except the FF4 remake on PSP and DS was definitely not 16 bit style graphics… maybe that’s not what u actually meant but that’s what it looks like u said
@@MerkhVisionI didn't really mean 16bit in specific; the PSP remakes are pixel art even if it isn't 16bit and they remain the most well-done across all the remakes and remasters of the FF games. They kept the game intact while giving it such a huge facelift. That's more what I meant, something like that.
@@Dhalin hold on I think we may have gotten something mixed up here. Did u mean the remakes of FF 1 and 2 on PSP? Cuz those were definitely in a 16 bit style like you said. The FF3 and 4 remakes were in 3D tho, and that’s what I was thinking of.
@@Dhalin wait, I think we got something mixed up here. Were u thinking of the remakes of FF 1 and 2 instead? Cuz those definitely were in the 16bit style like you said. I was thinking of the FF3 and 4 remakes on PSP/DS that were in a chibi 3D style.
@@MerkhVision I am talking about the FF4+After Years on PSP, it was called the "Complete Collection" I believe and they were indeed pixel art, 2D, but not 16bit.
It’s crazy that they never localized the remakes. The originals were great, but there are plenty of fans that would gladly play the revamped versions. Shut up and take our money already!
Looks like the best versions are the old ones emulated lol
"Intended for short bursts of game play".
And there I was.. Emptying a fresh set of batteries and overheating my Gameboy in a single session of Final Fantasy Legend III
It's unfortunate that the Wonderswan color version was never ported to the gba, so that all of the remakes could be played on the DS
which version of Chrono Trigger should we play?
I enjoyed final fantasy legend 3, but hated the level up mechanics of the first two games, which made them excessively hard, even when compared with the Romancing Saga series, and permanent death in the first of the series. I have a complete in box copy of the second one that I bought from my friend around 12 years ago and was shocked at how valuable it is today.
I'd sayvplay saga 1 1st, it's very satisfying my by fav is saga 3. Unlike ff legand 3, that game is so good but it needs ngp where saga 3 has that. Not to mention, I think, like saga 2, the hp is limitless.