how to top 10 seeds to plant grow 2 math/ pudina plant. mogra Jasmine.and vegetarian food plant

  • Опубликовано: 26 июн 2024
  • To plant mint leaves, first of all, take plastic bottles from home, then combine small mint leaves or mint leaves with leaves from home or market. Now cut the plastic bottles. Take soil or light sir soil to complete the bottles. Now fill the bottles well with soil and put the cut mint branches in the plastic bottle one by one. Now water well. After a few days, you will see small leaves starting to emerge from the branches and the mint leaves will become fully grown leaves. And in this way you can plant mint leaves at home. One more thing, if you are new to the channel, then go to Absoi channel
    How to plant portolaca flowers Take 10-12 plastic bottles and tie them together with another thread. Mix well with good soil and coconut shell and fill the plastic bottles with soil. After that, the branches of the moss rose flower should be cut one by one. After that I planted the branches one by one in the bottles filled with soil. Then add water. If you have to water like this every day, you will see that within 15 to 20 days the branches have started to grow little by little. And after a few months the seedlings will change. Moss Rose flower plant takes about one to two months to grow
    Mogra Jasmine plant will take care of 2 months. After planting the tree should be kept in the shade for a few days. After 1 month, dig and clean the soil of the tree. T
    his time keep it in the sun rather than in the shade. You will see after a few days. The leaves and branches of the tree will be seen. Now the soil should be dug well. And after a week I will go sir and if you can dig the soil mogra jasmine plant good leaves branches and flowers come well. After the flowering of Ara is finished, the branches of the tree should be cut. If you take care of Mogra Jasmine plant every year in this way, the plant will be good.
    You can cut the rose flower tree very easily. Cut the branches of any kind of flower tree in your house and then put it with a plastic bottle.
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