Bah... this is so like Isa... He always makes himself look like the villain of a movie: they ALWAYS start beating up the good guy but in the end they lose... If its best of 3, isa always wins the first round, if its out of 5 he always wins the first 2!!
... fucking youtube. now i have to dubbelcomment. please ignore my first post. that last round wasn't fair :/ as OR player and fanboy of kaqn I must say that i felt sorry for isa.
Understandable. For a time Isa was Japan and the world's best Sol Badguy Player Now he uses Eddie
sick reset 0:34
crrrraaazy match
mmmmmm! That shit was DERICIOUS!! Kaqn, you fuckin rock! Props to Isa as well!
Bah... this is so like Isa... He always makes himself look like the villain of a movie: they ALWAYS start beating up the good guy but in the end they lose... If its best of 3, isa always wins the first round, if its out of 5 he always wins the first 2!!
Never piss off Kaqn no matter how good you are.
I wanted Sol to win -.- his juggling was so much cooler than the Order-Sol's.
ah ok sorry my bad got abit confused just not used to reading OS/HOS like OR and thanks
well kaqn did some pretty flashy combos too. But admittedly SW loop is much cooler to watch then grab to j.H->j.D->dj.H->j.D lol
OR.....? as in OS/HOS?
lol t'es d'ou ? ca serait sympa de trouver de nouveaux joueurs :)
... fucking youtube. now i have to dubbelcomment. please ignore my first post.
that last round wasn't fair :/ as OR player and fanboy of kaqn I must say that i felt sorry for isa.
that last round wasn't fair :/
@XiahouYuan111 actually it was a lame round for itself... isa in my opinion played better but of course he got careless
@manu231188 Nah, he got owned