Open turn technique | Breastroke turn | Butterfly turn | Individual Medley turns

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 51

  • @brianmcd9492
    @brianmcd9492 2 года назад +3

    The Colour line Indicators highlighting the swim-movement is FANtastic🙂

  • @Alex-kr7zr
    @Alex-kr7zr Год назад +3

    As an open water swimmer, I always find turning is the hardest part of pool swimming, especially the breathing. Great to learn that there is the open turn, as I was freestyling my turn so far, with moderate success.

  • @pakman77
    @pakman77 6 лет назад +11

    Great video, as we are used to from Skills NT Swimming. Always neat and clear. Thank you guys 👌🏻🏊🏻 SWIM FAST!

  • @A.I8I.M
    @A.I8I.M 7 месяцев назад

    Nice explanation! A clear 1!👌👍🔥

  • @SofiaTheSacredSiren
    @SofiaTheSacredSiren 9 месяцев назад

    I had no idea this was a thing! I sort of naturally started doing it as I swim with a snorkel due to sinus issues!

  • @stevewalker2114
    @stevewalker2114 Год назад

    My equilibrium has always been a problem making the flip turn nearly impossible. I will watch your videos since they help. Let's see how I do.

  • @AdnanKhurshidTI
    @AdnanKhurshidTI 2 года назад +1

    As usual a great video, and yes, it would be nice to know the best way to transition from back to breast

  • @isabellegagnon8969
    @isabellegagnon8969 9 месяцев назад

    Wow wow great video

  • @kanchan-mq2ih
    @kanchan-mq2ih 4 года назад +1


  • @mikiecat02
    @mikiecat02 8 лет назад +3

    really helpful! can't wait to try it, specially the one of back to breast

    • @SkillsNT
      @SkillsNT  8 лет назад

      Thanks! We will make a proper back to breast tutorial in the future :)

    • @mikiecat02
      @mikiecat02 8 лет назад

      Skills NT please do it! really need it. in my opinion it's the most "cool" turn but also most difficult to do it well, can't wait to see it :)

    • @SkillsNT
      @SkillsNT  8 лет назад

      Yes! I think so too!

  • @paulcheong4419
    @paulcheong4419 3 года назад

    wow can't wait to practise ...Thanks

  • @yanglucy1062
    @yanglucy1062 2 года назад

    Thank you!

  • @boilade2526
    @boilade2526 3 года назад

    THank you for share

  • @sandeepnair2933
    @sandeepnair2933 5 лет назад +1

    It helps me soooooooooooooooo much 😆😆😆😁😄😃😀👍👍👍👍

  • @nititharmalingam1139
    @nititharmalingam1139 5 лет назад

    Love this video

  • @leesanghwa8175
    @leesanghwa8175 8 лет назад +6

    00:00:06,969 --> 00:00:11,907
    뒤쳐 돌기(open turns)
    00:00:14,590 --> 00:00:21,746
    While swimming butterfly, breaststroke or individual medley, there are three things to do fast open turns.
    접영, 평영, 혹은 개인혼영을 할 때, 뒤쳐 돌기(open turns)를 빠르게 하려면 세 가지에 관심을 두어야 합니다.
    00:00:21,834 --> 00:00:23,561
    1 - One arm
    2 - Head + arm
    3 - Feet
    1 - 한 팔
    2 - 머리 + 팔
    3 - 발
    00:00:23,876 --> 00:00:27,186
    Both hands should touch the wall at the same time.
    두 손이 동시에 벽에 닿아야 합니다.
    00:00:27,387 --> 00:00:32,510
    One hand stays on the wall and the other goes back underwater.
    한 손은 벽에 대고 있고, 다른 손은 물속으로 되돌립니다.
    00:00:33,423 --> 00:00:38,851
    This movement of the arm along with the feet should rotate your body 45 degrees.
    두 발과 팔의 움직임으로 몸통은 45도 돌아가야 합니다.
    00:00:40,452 --> 00:00:42,572
    2 - Arm + Head
    2 - 팔 + 머리
    00:00:42,747 --> 00:00:45,650
    The second arm waits for the head to take a breath.
    숨을 들이쉴 때까지 벽에 댄 팔은 머리를 기다립니다.
    00:00:46,384 --> 00:00:55,328
    Once you take a quick breath the hand goes out of the water and follows the head until it joins the other hand to make a tight streamline.
    일단 재빨리 숨을 들이쉰 후에는 팔을 물 위로 하여 머리를 따라가 반대쪽 손과 합쳐져 꽉 조인 흐름선(streamline, 流線) 자세를 취합니다.
    00:00:57,921 --> 00:01:01,598
    3 - Legs
    3 - 다리
    00:01:01,661 --> 00:01:05,847
    You need to bring your feet sideways to the wall as fast as possible.
    벽을 향해 두 발을 최대한 빨리 옆으로 당겨야 합니다.
    00:01:06,308 --> 00:01:11,469
    To do this you need to bend your knees as soon as the hands touch the wall.
    그러기 위해서는, 두 손이 벽에 닿자마자 무릎을 구부려야 합니다.
    00:01:12,359 --> 00:01:16,847
    If you want to be really fast, hide one foot behind the other.
    진짜로 빠르게 하고 싶다면, 한 발을 다른 발 뒤에 숨기십시요.
    00:01:21,033 --> 00:01:25,573
    At this point you should be with your feet on the wall, ready to push.
    이 시점에 두 발은 벽에 붙어 밀어낼 준비가 되어 있어야 합니다.
    00:01:25,831 --> 00:01:29,030
    Your chest should be pointing to one side of the pool.
    가슴은 수영장의 한쪽 벽을 향해 있어야 합니다.
    00:01:29,232 --> 00:01:32,242
    Now, push sideways as hard as you can.
    이제, 최대한 강하게 옆으로 하여 밀고 나오십시요.
    00:01:32,353 --> 00:01:36,572
    And rotate the other 45 degrees during the tight streamline.
    꽉 조인 흐름선(streamline, 流線) 자세를 취한 상태에서 나머지 45도를 도십시요.
    00:01:37,765 --> 00:01:42,294
    There is a slight variation if you are doing a butterfly to backstroke turn.
    접영에서 배영으로 전환할 때는 약간 다릅니다.
    00:01:43,268 --> 00:01:49,799
    Instead of rotating during the turn, just bring your feet from underneath and push facing up.
    도는 동안 회전하지 않고, 두 발을 그냥 아래로 끌고 와 누운 상태에서 밀고 나오십시요.
    00:01:51,623 --> 00:01:59,499
    If you are interested in learning the hardest turn, back to breast, leave us a comment below and make sure to subscribe.
    가장 어려운 벽 돌기인 배영에서 평영으로 전환하는 법을 배우고 싶다면, 댓글을 남겨주시고 잊지 말고 구독 단추를 눌러주세요.
    00:02:00,850 --> 00:02:05,210
    As always we appreciate every comment and we try to answer all of them!
    항상 그렇듯이 모든 댓글에 감사합니다. 또한, 모든 댓글에 답하려고 노력합니다!
    00:02:06,942 --> 00:02:10,585
    If you find this video helpful be sure to click the like button!
    이 동영상이 유익했다면, 잊지 말고 "좋아요" 단추를 눌러주세요!
    00:02:11,238 --> 00:02:13,349
    See you next time! Swim fast!
    다음에 뵙겠습니다! 빠르게 헤엄치세요!

    • @leesanghwa8175
      @leesanghwa8175 8 лет назад +1

      These tips and techniques will work best to help you improve dramatically your stroke if you do two things:
      1- Focus on one thing at a time
      2- Practice until you dominate that thing and move to the next.
      당신의 영법을 극적으로 향상시키는 데에, 이 비결과 기법들이 가장 효과적으로 적용되게 하려면, 다음 두 가지를 실천하십시요:
      1 - 한 번에 한 가지에만 집중하십시요.
      2 - 그 한가지를 완벽하게 할 수 있을 때까지 연습하십시요. 그런 후에야 다음 단계로 넘어가십시요.
      I will also do another series of videos for the other strokes, including starts and turns. There will also be drills and other fun stuff, so make sure to subscribe!
      발사와 벽돌기를 포함한 다른 영법들에 대한 비디오 연재물도 만들려고 합니다. 또한 부분훈련들과 재미있게 즐길 수 있는 것들도 포함하겠습니다. 그러니 잊지 말고 구독 버튼을 눌러주세요!
      I swam for 15 years in the competitive arena and I hope I can transmit my knowledge as clearly and simple as youtube allows me to. I plan on doing a couple of these to spread the knowledge I have acquired on swimming. I will do collaborations with people with even more knowledge and experience to do more advanced type videos.
      저는 경영 무대에서 15년을 수영해왔습니다. 유튜브가 허락하는 한 명료하고 투명하게, 제 지식을 전달할 수 있기를 바랍니다. 수영에 관하여 제가 습득한 지식을 퍼뜨리기 위해 몇가지를 계획하고 있습니다. 조금 더 나은 형태의 비디오를 제작하기 위해, 지식과 경험이 더 풍부한 사람들과 협력하겠습니다.
      Finally, what I am really passionate about is learning new skills. So the point of this channel is to spread the intrinsic joy that all humans share when we learn something new, doesn't matter how insignificant it might appear. I believe improvement makes us feel more alive and thus, if done right, make a better world.
      마지막으로, 제가 정말 열정을 갖고 있는 것은 새로운 기술을 배우는 것입니다. 그러므로 이 채널의 목적은, 그것이 비록 하찮은 것처럼 보일지라도, 새로운 것을 배울 때 모든 사람이 공통적으로 느끼는, 본질적인 기쁨을 퍼뜨리는 것입니다. 저는, 우리가 발전함으로써 살아있음을 좀 더 잘 느낄 수 있게 되고, 그럼으로써, 올바르게 행해진다면, 더 나은 세상을 만드는데 유용하다고, 믿습니다.
      So if you enjoy learning new things, swimming, dancing, drawing and other skills this channel is for you! So make sure to subscribe, watch, learn, practice and enjoy!
      그러므로, 당신이 수영, 춤, 그림, 그리 다른 것들에 관해 새로운 것 배우기를 즐겨한다면, 이 채널은 바로 당신을 위한 것입니다! 그러므로 반드시 구독 버튼을 누르셔서, 보고, 배우고, 연습하고, 즐기시기 바랍니다!

  • @josedejesusgallegosarredon7299
    @josedejesusgallegosarredon7299 8 лет назад +3

    Thank you very much for the video. i hope the other video, :)

    • @SkillsNT
      @SkillsNT  8 лет назад

      +Jose de Jesus Gallegos Arredondo thank you for watching!

  • @홍승규-d8c
    @홍승규-d8c 7 лет назад

    매일 보고 또 보고 연습합니다.

  • @annimo3812
    @annimo3812 2 года назад

    Hey! That’s just great videos👍🏻
    I have a question though:
    My knees sometimes hurts when kicking. What can I do better?

  • @stephanearthaud8308
    @stephanearthaud8308 6 лет назад

    Really efficient.

  • @cheondal8424
    @cheondal8424 8 лет назад

    thanks!! Everything is helpful!

    • @SkillsNT
      @SkillsNT  8 лет назад

      +sunghwan Shim you are welcome! Thanks for watching!

  • @sandeepnair2933
    @sandeepnair2933 5 лет назад


  • @joshuawanza9522
    @joshuawanza9522 4 года назад

    hi.. i would like to know the hardest way of flip turning

  • @snffin
    @snffin Год назад

    How to do the underwater twirl you did at the end of the video?

  • @ryanting6917
    @ryanting6917 8 лет назад +2

    can u post video on how to do a dolphin kick underwater from diving start

    • @SkillsNT
      @SkillsNT  8 лет назад +1

      Hey Ryan! I posted one that can help you with the underwater kick. (link below) But I will make one just for underwaters after the dive and after the turns. So stay tunned :)видео.html

    • @ryanting6917
      @ryanting6917 8 лет назад

      Skills NT tks alot

  • @wbek001
    @wbek001 7 месяцев назад

    Should't it be 90 degrees where it says 45 degrees?

  • @sandeepnair2933
    @sandeepnair2933 5 лет назад


  • @patrickmurray6567
    @patrickmurray6567 7 лет назад

    Shouldn't your feet be apart when pushing off the wall?

  • @lucasevans6743
    @lucasevans6743 2 года назад

    I want to learn the hard one. told us to leave a comment so here is the comment

  • @christopherrogers3069
    @christopherrogers3069 5 лет назад

    how to do and what is that spinning drill at the end of the video??

  • @Charlotte-iq8hk
    @Charlotte-iq8hk 7 лет назад

    Who's the swimmer?

  • @PeLuRu4586
    @PeLuRu4586 8 лет назад

    I have bad experiences with the fly to back turn. Hope deep should we submerge for the next backstroke leg after a butterdly one? I always find myself run out of air or drink some water during this transition. Any tips for this? Should I hold my breath during this or just release it and go back to the surface sooner compared to a normal back to back turn??

    • @SkillsNT
      @SkillsNT  8 лет назад +2

      Everything depends on how much resistance you have. You shouldn't stay underwater if you run out of air too quickly and it makes you slower. But it is a good idea to practice doing longer and longer underwaters during practice so you build up resistance. If you have a long underwater (around 15 meters) then you can go deep, otherwise you should keep close to the surface to make a smooth transition in the breakout. The underwater should be very similar to the back to back turn.

    • @PeLuRu4586
      @PeLuRu4586 8 лет назад +1

      Skills NT Thank you for the tips! Are you gonna make any videos about the back to breast turn. I find it to be the most challenging turn among all the swimming turns. Too many variations and quite hard to get the push off right haha. Awaiting for your next videos. Brilliant channel!

  • @tonimuurman5300
    @tonimuurman5300 6 лет назад

    Does this work on invidual medley? I dont know how to do turning from backstroke to breaststroke. So is that good if I touch the wall, and make this turning?

    • @SkillsNT
      @SkillsNT  6 лет назад

      Yes, but it will be a little slower since you will be on your back. It still works though

  • @민병TV
    @민병TV 8 лет назад

    좋아요 눌렀어요

  • @mrvargarobert
    @mrvargarobert 7 лет назад +3

    Each partial rotation is 90 degrees, not 45.

    • @SkillsNT
      @SkillsNT  7 лет назад +2

      +Varga Robert that's right! Thanks

    • @pakman77
      @pakman77 6 лет назад +1

      Varga Robert Actually, the parcial rotation is comprised of 2 steps, the first half at 45° and then, you complete the 90°, before pushing. 😉👍🏻

  • @manjumanl5279
    @manjumanl5279 6 лет назад

    Very hard.

  • @stevewalker2114
    @stevewalker2114 Год назад

    better turns