zeroboyx we don’t actually have a big Hong Kong community here. And most of us live a bit of everywhere. Dublin is very international, 1/4 of the working population are foreigners, and are all very integrated. There isn’t actually different neighbours of different culture. It’s all very mixed.
Hi,Alice, 我們計劃移居都柏林,想問一下哪區適合居住,如治安好,交通方便?
呢個問題有點複雜,因為我自己住市中心,貪佢交通方便,但治安一般。我自己住咗歐洲10幾年,之前住巴黎治安仲差,所以我哋一家人都習慣咗治安一般嘅地方,冇乜感覺。如果治安係大前提你要離開市中心,去一啲可能需要搭車半個鐘嘅地方。嗰啲就要睇你budget啦!另外要睇你容忍程度,你可以接受等幾耐先一班車呢?有啲地方可能三個字一班車,有啲地方可能半個鐘一班車,有啲地方可能返工放工會塞車,有類似屯門呢啲地方,所以好難簡短解答。你不如去我 Facebook PM我,我要多啲資料知比到實質建議你。Facebook 嘅連結睇返上邊嘅descrption box :-)
你可以睇吓 愛爾蘭奶爸嘅youtube , 佢住在都柏林
劉曉莎 其實都有好多嘢可以做,我個人認為,如果想練英文,做啲要見人嘅工會比較好。否則冇機會講,就練唔到英文。
好問題,其實沒有辦法知道,愛爾蘭並沒有land registry! 😅
which area do HKgers usually live? (e.g. Dublin 1, 2, 3, 4 ..........24)
zeroboyx we don’t actually have a big Hong Kong community here. And most of us live a bit of everywhere. Dublin is very international, 1/4 of the working population are foreigners, and are all very integrated. There isn’t actually different neighbours of different culture. It’s all very mixed.