Ever since I quit smoking 2 months ago, my life is not the same anymore. Suppressed emotions rise to the surface, and I feel more lonely than I have ever felt before. But I am not more lonely than I was, it is just more plain to see now that the smoke has cleared. And I have glimmers all the time, short moments of delight all out of nothing. So there's no going back, Now I can become my true self. The world is changing but I don't mind that, I'm all in my own bubble. You made it very clear dear Kerry, and you also encourage me to not smoke ever again with messages like these. Thank you for that.
Please tell me how you stopped, I’m forever fighting an internal battle with my habit. I was watching Jack Morrigan yesterday and he was channeling the Blue Dragon who was talking about discipline. How good it is for us, for it is self love to become our highest version. How did you stop, what advice can you share with me?
I feel it so deeply when you transfer love from your heart to ours, I can't hold back the tears, you touch my soul. I send love to you, from my heart to yours. THANK you Kerry, I am grateful you are here to assist us, you're a blessing to us all ❤
@@iamkerrykOmg... I get the fantastic feeling of goosebumps and melt down 😢😢 when I hear Kerry says "from my heart.................... to yours". Definitely feel the power of love ripple into my heart.. ❤❤😢😢😢. Gladly received with loving tears. 😭😭😭
My dream state has been off the hook for almost a week and so has my husband’s. Week 3 ancestral healing was very intense but amazing. Thank you for all your amazing support as we walk each other home. Much love to all❤
My dreams have been so whacked for some time now… I describe them as dystopian. I’ve received that it’s my subconscious using dreams to process personal, ancestral, even collective density, trauma, etc. Some of it now feels like dredged up residue/debris. It reminds me of Scrabble… the subconscious has select density to process and it does so by throwing it together in whatever mini movie works. Often casting my own familiarities (family,friends,stories). And wow- whacked. 😮😂😝❤
Its 100% bound to the election. Trump talking about christ sounds so good for me. The dark ones will make their move. The biggest lie ever. After or before the election i dont know but it will be funny when you see through.
I see a lot of spheres and symbols all around me these days.all kinds of weird shapes really.It's very beautiful, even if I don't know what it means. Lots if love, for all of you !
THE ONE Upon the shores of this great Sea, That drop of water, that was me! Though separate I did become and heated in the light of sun, Transformed was I, to air I rose, on wind was carried as power grows a gathering was met with me and rained we did upon the sea, That ONE and only, ever me! Jane, Canada When we remember WE are the ocean, we can go with the flow! Sea legs!! I wrote this poem many years ago and it still holds me in my truth!!! Holding the Light in Canada, sending much Love to ALL my ocean!!❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you Kerry! So many are not knowing how powerful these times are. I appreciate all you share and teach. I am a PLT member and so grateful for your guidance. The ripple is growing fast and the ascension point is growing closer by the daily. Blessings to you and all our lightworkers bringing in this brave new world of Eden. Gaia is also most thankful for it. In joy
I am ready to accept…it took me a while but I am ready to accept and take what is mine and should always have been. I trust the me I am today, I trust the courage I am today, I am ready to experience what is to come. Thank you Kerry for guiding me
Just today I suddenly felt immense gratitude for my ancestors who survived hundreds upon hundreds of years of severe oppression from many different outside invasions and occupations, genocide, forced starvation, slavery etc. and somehow they survived, managed to stay high vibrational and pass that down to me today. I realized that I am chosen/volunteered to clear those codes of pain/suffering for my lineage as it is safe for me in this era to do so now, and help my ancestors ascend.
You took me back to the beautiful memories of fishing with my Dad. I naturally loosened my knees to absorb the waves, having my sea legs. Funny enough I had to find my land legs when we got home. 💞
I can honestly say that the "me" I was a year ago feels like a total stranger, and the year feels like a lifetime with all of the internal changes we've been through. Holy smokes! Part of me still has a hard time processing how MASSIVE this thing we're experiencing really is. Gotta keep reminding myself: "Drop into the heart, drop into the heart." That really is where the sea legs live, and the only thing that stabilizes me. Thanks, Kerry. All the hugs to you. I appreciate you.
It's amazing how your descriptions exactly match my situations! I have been going thru such nerve wrecking complications right now, that it's almost taking me to a point where I can't wait to get it done and over with. Enduring it, is a pain but I do understand that somehow, I have to cope and keep on going and maintaining my calm, though a strange feeling of unease is there all the time, making me think, exactly like you said, why and how did I manifest this? How could've I committed so many blunders? It's taking all my strength and patience to not go mad and crazy! But I can't sleep properly at night and do cry sometimes to let off the build up pressure! And you are right, unimaginable and strange problems and so many coming all at once! Makes me question my own sanity and intelligence!😢 Thanks Kerry, for this support!❤
Presence out the wazoo! I haven’t been this present since I was a child out playing by myself, feels like riding my bike around the block alone again. Pure bliss & pure freedom. Safe to say I’ve waited my whole life for this. We are FREE at last 🎉
@jayrayhenny89 I love this SO much. Those are my most favorite memories of all as a kid. Just hopping on my bike and tooling around by myself. Even now, I'll pass these big empty buildings with massive, winding, parking lots here in NorCal, on the outskirts of town, and dream about just taking my bike out there and riding round and round and round the lot... 🚲 🚲 🚲 ❤️
Ugh I want this ancestral stuff to end! Every day I’m hit with memories that are cringy that I never want to think of again, ailments and discomforts my parents had I’m experiencing. I’m constantly feeling 3D/5D, feels like I run out of “time” every day and I’m running on the hamster wheel. Let me off! Crystalline is going to be AMAZING, so excited! Love to All You❤ Natasha G
I get it, those cringy feelings are tough but that's exactly what we need to do, feel them. It just wants to pass through you. The cringe gets less & less, I promise! You got this🤗❤
Best thing I ever did was join Kerry and her PLT. WE are held in so much love and support to navigate through what is happening NOW namaste Kerry for PLT 💜🌻🌷🦋🧚💥💜
Exactly what I needed to hear! These last three weeks have been absolutely incredible with sudden, unexpected, significant events, no time to think and adapt immediately. Arriving like buckets of water in the face indeed, some were truly enchanting miracles, others frightening shocks. And everything is fine! Because I felt each of these events as “timeline jumps” indeed. Thank you so much, Kerry :)
Thank you Kerry. I am so blessed to be part of the PLT and to receive all of this and so much more from you and the Tribe. My favorite part of every RUclips video you do is the sharing of love from your heart. I feel it so deeply and it is so nourishing and healing. I accept the invitation; I accept the love. Getting my sea legs on. Thank you. Love from my heart to yours!
The new energies hit me LAST FRIDAY & I have been in isolation ever since. I don't really know what exactly to do, so.... I'm protecting my energy right now. ❤
When I woke up this morning I had been dreaming about a book that I once read about a boy that was born with ‘sea legs’ because his father was a sailor. I thought it was strange that I had woken thinking of this particular part of the book. 30 mins later I was listening to this video. I think it’s a confirmation that I need to stop stiffening up and resisting. I definitely need to relax into my ‘sea legs’. Thanks Kerry 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Greetings from Germany! I can't do anything else at the moment other than stay with myself. Neither manifest anything specific nor focus on the future. Up until 4 years ago I could feel the future. But since then there has been nothing there, but it is full of potential. So I feel something that I cannot see with my inner perception. I feel against an invisible wall where there is nothing behind it for my mind. And yet I feel something massively new in this nothingness. I let myself drift on the energy waves of my I AM. Not knowing where my soul's journey will take me. If I wanted to consciously manifest my future at the moment, it would feel wrong. I love you all. See you...
Blessings Kerry It’s hard being an earth angel with such a dark cloud over you and the authorities want to turn a blind eye. But with the energy from the divine there is nothing like it. ✨Love 💞 and be Loved 🥰✨ is the only way . 🙏 we are truly blessed and loved ❤️
Oh man that Sun has been so incredibly magnanimous. Everything about it! IT's so difficult to drive to work in the morning it's almost metallic but it is so alluring, and radiating such incredible energy.
Yes yes Yes! And I do cold/hot every morning at the end of my shower.That snaps me out of most things. But today - it has not quite done the job! Feel so depleted of energy! I figured it must be energies changing. I cant say I like it much but you are saying is good for me for tonight and beyond. Being 73 is not the easiest in this stage of the game- but you know - I kinda get it now!
Thank you for your beautiful love energy Kerry🤗 I was walking this morning looking at all the beautiful trees turning & losing their leaves & I realized I am like the trees. I am more solid, more grounded & rooting myself more deeply into my higher self every day, dropping all the stories & programming of my past. How beautiful is that, how freeing is that & how much more beautiful can it it?!? Holy cannoli I am here for it, all of it! There aren't enough words to express how grateful I am for it all❤
🔥This is where I am. It has been intense, challenging indeed and at the same time has been transformative. So much growth the last week let alone the last few years. It is quantum and exciting! ✨Much Love ❤️
Yes! We are right on the edge of new earth and I can totally feel it! So many synchronicities happening too! I've had some amazing lucid dreams with the ETs and spacecraft too! 🤩😉
When i woke up yesterday i wondered what had happened. I was so full of intense feelings and looked around expecting my home to look different. I was feeding the cats, and they were trying to eat the food as i was putting it on the plate...making it harder for me. I felt a huge burst of anger with an image of me lashing out at them. I didn't lash out, but it sure was intense and not at all normal. I'm tearing up multiple times during this video. And of course the tears really came when you sent love! Going to go inside tonight and allow whatever needs to flow. I keep getting the feeling that i am very much different than i ever thought of who I am. Thank you for your love and guidance.❤
I was struggling with the crazy energies and my emotions that were coming up and when she said, “ you aren’t doing anything wrong “, my childhood trauma of my father’s emotional abuse came up and now I understand that my emotions were from that false programming! Goodbye! I release you and I already feel so much better! Thank you Kerry!
Once again, I totally am in gratitude for you...explaining what's been going down.... I even feel dizzy sometimes like I'm standing on that boat. Sending much love. 🥰
I am soo triggered when i am with other souls. So many of them doesnt even get a single aspect in live. Im like on drugs when i pray or meditate, but when a other person arrives talking about pervert things at work i cant stand it anymore. I want them all to be invisible or get more consciousness. Its a pain in the 😂😂 Edit : Learned my lesson in these 3 days since i wrote the comment. Unconditional love means even spreading love around people who seem to not „deserve“ it. Even i was possibly waken up by someone i hated. Love.
Great analogy about the boat Kerry and riding the waves 👍. I've been lucky enough to have been on all types of boats in all types of seas and never felt seasick because I adjusted my perspective to one of absolute enjoyment of the ride and how amazing it all felt. Even sitting on the side of a deep canyon and looking down I again adjusted my perspective and said that actually it's not deep. Adjustment of perspective is all that is needed to allow us to ride the waves of newness coming in to us now. Blessings to all ✨🌟💖
My older brother just texted me and let me know he's road-tripping up the CA coast and would I have time to see him. In two days... 😖 I haven't seen him in five years. He's not just sleeping when it comes to, you know, *everything* lol -- he's comatose. Completely unawakened, thinks everything's just fine, boosted multiple times Talk about a curveball. I'm not ready for this, but apparently the universe thinks I am. My entire family thinks I'm nuts. They've all drunk the kool-aid... Thank you so much for this, Kerry. Yep, now come the "surprises"... ❤
Defo a diverging path opening up but first a toroidal vacuum which is this absolute shitstorm of energies overlapping, merging, beaten us all about. I know it's here, coming and just hope my belief that this is the necessary steam to further awareness or h(aum) is calling 🙏💈 You're not alone L though it feels so so much that way here at the moment.
I've had real strange things happening, I got off a ferry the other day, got to the end of the journey and felt I was on the ferry terminal i had just left, was totally disoriented. It was so weird, felt like I was on another planet but I wasn't here!
It is exactly what I experience - it is very turbulent energy and I cannot think and I forget things I can only be in my presense and that is good! Thank you for the message! 😊💕
Many angel numbers, weird dreams and visions. Waking often, especially when my higher self gives me information and energy which I ask to recall. Already a feeling of floating in the 5th dimension. Thanks so much Kerry ❤
perfect words for my broken left leg journey , started on the 8th ,falling in the dark ,lashing rain ,next to a swelling sea . Having to surrender to so so much help actually from people . having to let go of independence and control . getting to experience the miricle of the life force in my body ,doing it all for me , that healing is an inevitable river to flow with , not something to do
For me, a Kerry K videos is one of the top 2 videos on RUclips I watch in a day. If I had to choose between the video of my favourite song or a Kerry K video, you all know which one I am choosing. I am doing a retreat with Gregg Braden right now and watching Kerry’s always inspirational- this for me is bliss. ❤😊😊😊
Amazing experienced exactly what you are describing. I was on a Dolphin cruise last week. Letting go and being one with the boat as it rode across the rough waters was transformative truly.🐬🌊❤️thank you for sharing Sis-star.
Kerry, I thank you so much! I have been dealing with everything from the past coming to the surface & it has rattled my world. I have been stuck in the trauma for 2 months. Your video helped remind me what is actually happening. ❤❤❤
Thank you so much Kerry, once again for sharing your amazing heartfelt wisdom with us! Big tears today when you sent your beautiful love at the end of the video. 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️❤️❤️❤️
Wow Kerry, I paused this video to check a message from my sister that was definitely a cold splash, and even as I was reeling from that, I continued the video and within a couple of seconds was the part where you started talking about the cold splash 😹🙏💗
Very beneficial information thank you so much Kerry. I started a Kirtran Kriya Yoga/Meditation challenge over the equinox and it is helping me so much to balance energy regardless of the outside world. I have lost my balance and felt weak sea legs this week a couple times out of nowhere so too cool you posted that. Big hugs and love and gratitude to you and all.
I am feeling like a Surfer on a tsunami 😳🤯 Still standing, going with the flow of waves that keep hitting me from every aspect of myself, keep showing me sides of me I never accepted or seen before. This is scary as hell! Many events are taking place now as my divorce procedure unravels and so many hidden truths come into light- my blessed, soon ex- husband triggers my shadows in a marvellous, intimidating way and lately one word only comes through me: " It's OK. Let it be. It is what it is. Let him do what he threatens to do. And you do You". Neutrality is being established in me and it gives me calmness and trust.
I had an enormous influx of energy lastnight and the convergence of the higher timeline I started to "feel /see" different timelines and energy coming into me then alchemising and then a fuller I AM was speaking IN ME.
Life is very different nowadays. Thank you Kerry for your explanation always helps to clarify the experiences. It has been intense, fully lived. I send lots of love from my heart to all of my brothers and sisters.
After some dreamy days, out of the blue I was granted a brief glance onto the NEW🎈🎈🎈It struck me and opened an inner alley to me. The internal is my personal safe haven. It is about energy. Thank you for sharing your observations and findings.🙏💫🦉
Hi Community, I am 64 and have been on this path for 40 years. I strangely find myself suddenly without shelter or enough financial resources to afford local rent. I also just got incredibly ill with a viral being. My friend has been gracious enough to temporarily share her bedroom. I think my choices that led me to this were solid and courageous and based on deep listening but i didn't expect this as an outcome. It almost feels like the wrong timeline. My direction towards sovereignty and liberation landed me here? Even my friends are scratching their heads at my circumstance. Peace
Gosh, it sounds like you are going through so much at the moment... I am sending you so much love as you navigate this part of your journey... hope you feel it - (and its n ot just from me, your guides and support team are with you too) xx ♥
I can fully relate to your story and feelings: no clue how it could have turned this bad despite strong commitment to inner truth and light. Will evil circumstances manage to steahl everything from me? Cannot help but believe there's a higher purpose, but doubt, discouragement and anxiety are overwhelming at times. You're not alone, I send you love!
Another thought, if you’re open to reading. I almost always like a video that I watch, if even just a fraction. I see this as giving love ❤, or you can call it giving appreciation, or attention, connection. What if we changed the meaning of the like button away from a meaning of judgement, to a meaning of appreciation. What kind of world outside of that single collective effect would we be in?
Spiritual sea legs 🌊 Thank you 🙏 I love you all dearly 💛
Ever since I quit smoking 2 months ago, my life is not the same anymore. Suppressed emotions rise to the surface, and I feel more lonely than I have ever felt before. But I am not more lonely than I was, it is just more plain to see now that the smoke has cleared. And I have glimmers all the time, short moments of delight all out of nothing. So there's no going back, Now I can become my true self. The world is changing but I don't mind that, I'm all in my own bubble. You made it very clear dear Kerry, and you also encourage me to not smoke ever again with messages like these. Thank you for that.
I too gave up smoking 2 months ago and have had suppressed emotions rising to the surface and felt more lonely than ever before. How strange!
Please tell me how you stopped, I’m forever fighting an internal battle with my habit. I was watching Jack Morrigan yesterday and he was channeling the Blue Dragon who was talking about discipline. How good it is for us, for it is self love to become our highest version. How did you stop, what advice can you share with me?
Cheers to you, man. Quitting smoking is a significant accomplishment and handling life after is challenging. Best wishes from an ex-smoker❤
All One
Fasting is also a game changer
Dr Berg is informative on YT
I quit smoking 2 months ago as well! Woohoo! 🎉
I feel it so deeply when you transfer love from your heart to ours, I can't hold back the tears, you touch my soul. I send love to you, from my heart to yours. THANK you Kerry, I am grateful you are here to assist us, you're a blessing to us all ❤
nicely said
We can do this! 😌✨♥️✨🇨🇦
I'm so blessed to reach you in your heart space xx much love xx
@@iamkerrykOmg... I get the fantastic feeling of goosebumps and melt down 😢😢 when I hear Kerry says "from my heart.................... to yours". Definitely feel the power of love ripple into my heart.. ❤❤😢😢😢. Gladly received with loving tears. 😭😭😭
@@aggie2920| Wow! Well I even got goosebumps ‘reading your comment’… 😳 so… how big can this get? 🤔♥️✨👍🏽🎄🕊️😭🥹🇨🇦
My dream state has been off the hook for almost a week and so has my husband’s. Week 3 ancestral healing was very intense but amazing. Thank you for all your amazing support as we walk each other home. Much love to all❤
My dreams have been so whacked for some time now… I describe them as dystopian. I’ve received that it’s my subconscious using dreams to process personal, ancestral, even collective density, trauma, etc. Some of it now feels like dredged up residue/debris. It reminds me of Scrabble… the subconscious has select density to process and it does so by throwing it together in whatever mini movie works. Often casting my own familiarities (family,friends,stories). And wow- whacked. 😮😂😝❤
Mine too Stephanie! Looking forward to week 4! So happy to be walking together 💕
I'm able to communicate and remember again. I was able to do this when I was younger ❤
Same. Me and my husbands too . Real life dreams every night like me in a different life with all my people EVERY night
Yes I have had some weird dreams lately too! @@KAYHILDE
i have a feeling something big is about to happen
me too. Expect the unexpected. Cold water moment.
Me too ❤ - it seems that the light is changing.
Its 100% bound to the election. Trump talking about christ sounds so good for me. The dark ones will make their move. The biggest lie ever. After or before the election i dont know but it will be funny when you see through.
YEASSSS ❤❤❤ it keeps getting stronger 🎉🎉🎉
Ooooo baby as Kerry says💕
My life has shifted totally. All blockages have fallen apart, and I have so much courage to be my true self finally again.
Higher self = Hi, yourself!
@PeterRabbit53 love ❤️ this truth
We are Lightsurfers!
Love and surf these lightwaves, they are taking us home...
@@bersababr7019 I love it Living once with the nature
I see a lot of spheres and symbols all around me these days.all kinds of weird shapes really.It's very beautiful, even if I don't know what it means. Lots if love, for all of you !
Upon the shores of this great Sea,
That drop of water, that was me!
Though separate I did become
and heated in the light of sun,
Transformed was I, to air I rose,
on wind was carried as power grows
a gathering was met with me
and rained we did upon the sea,
That ONE and only, ever me!
Jane, Canada
When we remember WE are the ocean, we can go with the flow! Sea legs!!
I wrote this poem many years ago and it still holds me in my truth!!!
Holding the Light in Canada, sending much Love to ALL my ocean!!❤❤❤❤❤
Beautiful words Jane!!
Hello everybody.
Glad im not the only one whos experiences These things...
Thank you Kerry❤
We are all here together!
Thank you Kerry! So many are not knowing how powerful these times are. I appreciate all you share and teach. I am a PLT member and so grateful for your guidance. The ripple is growing fast and the ascension point is growing closer by the daily. Blessings to you and all our lightworkers bringing in this brave new world of Eden. Gaia is also most thankful for it. In joy
woohoooo to your Divine space with me in the PLT. I am so grateful to be walking home with you x much love ❤
I am ready to accept…it took me a while but I am ready to accept and take what is mine and should always have been. I trust the me I am today, I trust the courage I am today, I am ready to experience what is to come. Thank you Kerry for guiding me
It's sooooo good to know you're embracing it now go with the flow ♥
Just today I suddenly felt immense gratitude for my ancestors who survived hundreds upon hundreds of years of severe oppression from many different outside invasions and occupations, genocide, forced starvation, slavery etc. and somehow they survived, managed to stay high vibrational and pass that down to me today. I realized that I am chosen/volunteered to clear those codes of pain/suffering for my lineage as it is safe for me in this era to do so now, and help my ancestors ascend.
Beautiful! Wow!
You took me back to the beautiful memories of fishing with my Dad. I naturally loosened my knees to absorb the waves, having my sea legs. Funny enough I had to find my land legs when we got home. 💞
I can honestly say that the "me" I was a year ago feels like a total stranger, and the year feels like a lifetime with all of the internal changes we've been through. Holy smokes!
Part of me still has a hard time processing how MASSIVE this thing we're experiencing really is. Gotta keep reminding myself: "Drop into the heart, drop into the heart." That really is where the sea legs live, and the only thing that stabilizes me. Thanks, Kerry. All the hugs to you. I appreciate you.
From my ‘sea legs’ to yours! 😌✨♥️✨🌊✨🇨🇦
How brilliant! You are doing beautifully and it's a blessing to witness this. xx
It's amazing how your descriptions exactly match my situations! I have been going thru such nerve wrecking complications right now, that it's almost taking me to a point where I can't wait to get it done and over with. Enduring it, is a pain but I do understand that somehow, I have to cope and keep on going and maintaining my calm, though a strange feeling of unease is there all the time, making me think, exactly like you said, why and how did I manifest this? How could've I committed so many blunders? It's taking all my strength and patience to not go mad and crazy! But I can't sleep properly at night and do cry sometimes to let off the build up pressure! And you are right, unimaginable and strange problems and so many coming all at once! Makes me question my own sanity and intelligence!😢 Thanks Kerry, for this support!❤
Presence out the wazoo! I haven’t been this present since I was a child out playing by myself, feels like riding my bike around the block alone again. Pure bliss & pure freedom. Safe to say I’ve waited my whole life for this. We are FREE at last 🎉
I’ve been feeling that too!
@jayrayhenny89 I love this SO much. Those are my most favorite memories of all as a kid. Just hopping on my bike and tooling around by myself.
Even now, I'll pass these big empty buildings with massive, winding, parking lots here in NorCal, on the outskirts of town, and dream about just taking my bike out there and riding round and round and round the lot... 🚲 🚲 🚲 ❤️
Ugh I want this ancestral stuff to end! Every day I’m hit with memories that are cringy that I never want to think of again, ailments and discomforts my parents had I’m experiencing.
I’m constantly feeling 3D/5D, feels like I run out of “time” every day and I’m running on the hamster wheel. Let me off! Crystalline is going to be AMAZING, so excited!
Love to All You❤
Natasha G
I get it, those cringy feelings are tough but that's exactly what we need to do, feel them. It just wants to pass through you. The cringe gets less & less, I promise! You got this🤗❤
Hang in there! Much love from 🇨🇦! 😌✨♥️✨👍🏽
"feels like I run out of time " i thought only me feels this. its nice to know im not alone.
Almost at the finish line Kerry. Tremendous breakthroughs happening.
i hope soxxx
Best thing I ever did was join Kerry and her PLT. WE are held in so much love and support to navigate through what is happening NOW namaste Kerry for PLT 💜🌻🌷🦋🧚💥💜
Thank you so much Kerry for being here for us all...your guidance is outstanding. So much love and many blessings. Namaste 🙏
So much love to you xx
Exactly what I needed to hear!
These last three weeks have been absolutely incredible with sudden, unexpected, significant events, no time to think and adapt immediately.
Arriving like buckets of water in the face indeed, some were truly enchanting miracles, others frightening shocks.
And everything is fine! Because I felt each of these events as “timeline jumps” indeed.
Thank you so much, Kerry :)
Thank you Kerry. I am so blessed to be part of the PLT and to receive all of this and so much more from you and the Tribe. My favorite part of every RUclips video you do is the sharing of love from your heart. I feel it so deeply and it is so nourishing and healing. I accept the invitation; I accept the love. Getting my sea legs on. Thank you. Love from my heart to yours!
Like the painting from Rembrandt "Christ in the storm on the sea of Galilee". Thank you "Kerry in the storm on the sea of Cape of good hope".🌊🙏♥️
The new energies hit me LAST FRIDAY & I have been in isolation ever since. I don't really know what exactly to do, so.... I'm protecting my energy right now. ❤
When I woke up this morning I had been dreaming about a book that I once read about a boy that was born with ‘sea legs’ because his father was a sailor. I thought it was strange that I had woken thinking of this particular part of the book. 30 mins later I was listening to this video. I think it’s a confirmation that I need to stop stiffening up and resisting. I definitely need to relax into my ‘sea legs’. Thanks Kerry 🥰🥰🥰🥰
"Get your sea legs on" rather than try to calm the waves. So appreciate this video because it feels personal, timely, and wise. ❤
I have seen nothing but the vision of the energy swirling today xx❤️❤️
Yes!!!! You're getting your "sea legs" xx
wau! Hugh! Smelting to a big healing timeline with best fun, shakka! My Knee and rear rejoice it welcome!😇😊🥰
Dearest Kerry ❤️ I find it very exciting that here in Germany ancestral healing is also making more and more waves and is spreading 👍😃 thank you 💕
Greetings from Germany!
I can't do anything else at the moment other than stay with myself. Neither manifest anything specific nor focus on the future.
Up until 4 years ago I could feel the future. But since then there has been nothing there, but it is full of potential. So I feel something that I cannot see with my inner perception. I feel against an invisible wall where there is nothing behind it for my mind. And yet I feel something massively new in this nothingness.
I let myself drift on the energy waves of my I AM. Not knowing where my soul's journey will take me.
If I wanted to consciously manifest my future at the moment, it would feel wrong.
I love you all. See you...
Blessings Kerry It’s hard being an earth angel with such a dark cloud over you and the authorities want to turn a blind eye. But with the energy from the divine there is nothing like it. ✨Love 💞 and be Loved 🥰✨ is the only way . 🙏 we are truly blessed and loved ❤️
Oh man that Sun has been so incredibly magnanimous. Everything about it! IT's so difficult to drive to work in the morning it's almost metallic but it is so alluring, and radiating such incredible energy.
Yes yes Yes! And I do cold/hot every morning at the end of my shower.That snaps me out of most things. But today - it has not quite done the job! Feel so depleted of energy! I figured it must be energies changing. I cant say I like it much but you are saying is good for me for tonight and beyond. Being 73 is not the easiest in this stage of the game- but you know - I kinda get it now!
Thank you for your beautiful love energy Kerry🤗 I was walking this morning looking at all the beautiful trees turning & losing their leaves & I realized I am like the trees. I am more solid, more grounded & rooting myself
more deeply into my higher self every day, dropping all the stories & programming of my past. How beautiful is that, how freeing is that & how much more beautiful can it it?!? Holy cannoli I am here for it, all of it! There aren't enough words to express how grateful I am for it all❤
🎉🎉🎉🎉yor true👌💯💯🤝we've been doing the work 🤝💕💕💕✨️feeling the same 💕💕
@matriciamoses 🤗❤️
🔥This is where I am. It has been intense, challenging indeed and at the same time has been transformative. So much growth the last week let alone the last few years. It is quantum and exciting!
✨Much Love ❤️
Yes! We are right on the edge of new earth and I can totally feel it! So many synchronicities happening too! I've had some amazing lucid dreams with the ETs and spacecraft too! 🤩😉
When i woke up yesterday i wondered what had happened. I was so full of intense feelings and looked around expecting my home to look different. I was feeding the cats, and they were trying to eat the food as i was putting it on the plate...making it harder for me. I felt a huge burst of anger with an image of me lashing out at them. I didn't lash out, but it sure was intense and not at all normal. I'm tearing up multiple times during this video. And of course the tears really came when you sent love! Going to go inside tonight and allow whatever needs to flow. I keep getting the feeling that i am very much different than i ever thought of who I am. Thank you for your love and guidance.❤
I was struggling with the crazy energies and my emotions that were coming up and when she said, “ you aren’t doing anything wrong “, my childhood trauma of my father’s emotional abuse came up and now I understand that my emotions were from that false programming! Goodbye! I release you and I already feel so much better! Thank you Kerry!
Awesome! ♥️✨😌
Sending you so much love! xx
Spirit hit me with " we birthing a new earth and energetic labor ain't easy" 😂
lol 🩷🩵💜🤍💛
Spirit has such a good sense of humor. I love it.❤
@@GingeReneeyes !! They are so funny sometimes.. that’s what I need too .. laugher
Right. Can I get an epidermal for my spine?
Once again, I totally am in gratitude for you...explaining what's been going down.... I even feel dizzy sometimes like I'm standing on that boat. Sending much love. 🥰
I am always looking forward to your Videos Kerry☺️☀️💖🥰
Yay! Thank you!
You have such a light touch that spreads & holds sea legs for US ALL jUSt WONderFuLovEternaLight ❤
I am soo triggered when i am with other souls. So many of them doesnt even get a single aspect in live. Im like on drugs when i pray or meditate, but when a other person arrives talking about pervert things at work i cant stand it anymore. I want them all to be invisible or get more consciousness. Its a pain in the 😂😂
Edit : Learned my lesson in these 3 days since i wrote the comment. Unconditional love means even spreading love around people who seem to not „deserve“ it.
Even i was possibly waken up by someone i hated. Love.
Great analogy about the boat Kerry and riding the waves 👍. I've been lucky enough to have been on all types of boats in all types of seas and never felt seasick because I adjusted my perspective to one of absolute enjoyment of the ride and how amazing it all felt. Even sitting on the side of a deep canyon and looking down I again adjusted my perspective and said that actually it's not deep. Adjustment of perspective is all that is needed to allow us to ride the waves of newness coming in to us now. Blessings to all ✨🌟💖
From my heart...brought me to tears. I felt it deep within. Thank you so very much
You are so welcome x ❤️
My older brother just texted me and let me know he's road-tripping up the CA coast and would I have time to see him.
In two days... 😖
I haven't seen him in five years. He's not just sleeping when it comes to, you know, *everything* lol -- he's comatose. Completely unawakened, thinks everything's just fine, boosted multiple times
Talk about a curveball. I'm not ready for this, but apparently the universe thinks I am.
My entire family thinks I'm nuts. They've all drunk the kool-aid...
Thank you so much for this, Kerry.
Yep, now come the "surprises"...
You're not alone in this!!! Sending you so much love xx
Defo a diverging path opening up but first a toroidal vacuum which is this absolute shitstorm of energies overlapping, merging, beaten us all about.
I know it's here, coming and just hope my belief that this is the necessary steam to further awareness or h(aum) is calling 🙏💈
You're not alone L though it feels so so much that way here at the moment.
You are a special gift for us, Ms. Kerry. I am grateful for your wisdom and loving ways. You feel like........soothing balm. Thankyou
You are so welcome x
Yes❣️🙏🤗 I love you too, Kerry.
I am so glad to be in the PLT. The depths of your teachings is amazing ❤
Hello Kerry, I agree with Edith
I love the sea leg analogy. I am seeing putting my armor on. Being WITH the energy and not OF the energy in the collective right now.
I've had real strange things happening, I got off a ferry the other day, got to the end of the journey and felt I was on the ferry terminal i had just left, was totally disoriented. It was so weird, felt like I was on another planet but I wasn't here!
Yes, please. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
It is exactly what I experience - it is very turbulent energy and I cannot think and I forget things I can only be in my presense and that is good! Thank you for the message! 😊💕
Oh, KK, I am right next to you riding those waves so beautiful and blessed. Thank you!! ❤from my heart to yours❤🎉
Thank you
A very BIG Like 👍 ❤
Yes ❤❤❤❤
Thank you for all you are, from one light being to another, we are doing it and being it. 🥰💕💕
I’m saying yes to love and being loved as I was born to be, divinely guided and protected. Thank you Kerry.
Many angel numbers, weird dreams and visions. Waking often, especially when my higher self gives me information and energy which I ask to recall.
Already a feeling of floating in the 5th dimension.
Thanks so much Kerry ❤
Only love will change hearts❤
Thank you Kerry ❤. Love peace and light to all ❤❤❤❤
Благодарю вселенную за то, что я нашла тебя, Керри! Я чувствую всё, о чём ты говоришь. Ты стала мне близким человеком. С любовью из России ❤
I thank you with all my heart dear Kerry ❤❤❤
I already went through that turbulence two years ago. I’m stepping into guiding others now through this
🙏 we are concluding a way of being
🕊 that is so perfect 😌
Thank you Kerry. I was doing my sea legs while you told your childhood story of Dad and the fishing boat. ❤
✨ My Beautiful Beings of Light ✨ Remember that WE NEED TO BE HERE TO HELP THE COLLECTIVE … ⚓️💓 - Wendy
i feel like,... AAAaauaauaauuuAAAA... THANK YOU , LOVE YOU ALL... 💚💚💚💚💚
Your message was wonderful and helpful as always. But, the end of your video and the love you sent out was more powerful than ever today. ❤
perfect words for my broken left leg journey , started on the 8th ,falling in the dark ,lashing rain ,next to a swelling sea . Having to surrender to so so much help actually from people . having to let go of independence and control . getting to experience the miricle of the life force in my body ,doing it all for me , that healing is an inevitable river to flow with , not something to do
From my heart - all the way in to yours - so much love 😊♥️✨
I experience cold water in my face happenings, but then positive ones !!! Blowing my mind sometimes
Thank you! Let's take it higher!
For me, a Kerry K videos is one of the top 2 videos on RUclips I watch in a day. If I had to choose between the video of my favourite song or a Kerry K video, you all know which one I am choosing. I am doing a retreat with Gregg Braden right now and watching Kerry’s always inspirational- this for me is bliss. ❤😊😊😊
Sea legs !!! I love it!! THANKS for sharing, it's a wonderful picture, I'll keep in my heart, Dear Kerry !! Lots of love from Germany to S.A., Astrid
Thank you, Kerry!
Thanks a lot 🙏😁 Hello from Tenerife Island we are near and connected with Mama Africa☝️🤩
Sending sunny greetings to Tenerife from the sister island La Palma 🌞
Amazing experienced exactly what you are describing. I was on a Dolphin cruise last week. Letting go and being one with the boat as it rode across the rough waters was transformative truly.🐬🌊❤️thank you for sharing Sis-star.
Kerry, I thank you so much! I have been dealing with everything from the past coming to the surface & it has rattled my world. I have been stuck in the trauma for 2 months. Your video helped remind me what is actually happening. ❤❤❤
I am so glad you're here and that this video could help you.
Just what I needed to hear. Good surprises and sad surprises today. I need to put my sea-legs on❤❤❤
you've got this!
Thank you so much Kerry, once again for sharing your amazing heartfelt wisdom with us! Big tears today when you sent your beautiful love at the end of the video. 🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️❤️❤️❤️
Wow Kerry, I paused this video to check a message from my sister that was definitely a cold splash, and even as I was reeling from that, I continued the video and within a couple of seconds was the part where you started talking about the cold splash 😹🙏💗
Very beneficial information thank you so much Kerry. I started a Kirtran Kriya Yoga/Meditation challenge over the equinox and it is helping me so much to balance energy regardless of the outside world. I have lost my balance and felt weak sea legs this week a couple times out of nowhere so too cool you posted that. Big hugs and love and gratitude to you and all.
I'm so glad you're finding your stability in your beautiful way. xx
I am feeling like a Surfer on a tsunami 😳🤯 Still standing, going with the flow of waves that keep hitting me from every aspect of myself, keep showing me sides of me I never accepted or seen before. This is scary as hell! Many events are taking place now as my divorce procedure unravels and so many hidden truths come into light- my blessed, soon ex- husband triggers my shadows in a marvellous, intimidating way and lately one word only comes through me: " It's OK. Let it be. It is what it is. Let him do what he threatens to do. And you do You". Neutrality is being established in me and it gives me calmness and trust.
I had an enormous influx of energy lastnight and the convergence of the higher timeline I started to "feel /see" different timelines and energy coming into me then alchemising and then a fuller I AM was speaking IN ME.
Life is very different nowadays. Thank you Kerry for your explanation always helps to clarify the experiences. It has been intense, fully lived. I send lots of love from my heart to all of my brothers and sisters.
I clicked the 888th like! Love,blessings and Gratitude! 🙏 ❤ 🙏
I've been listening to Setwart Pearce.
,channeling Souls of Atlantis it's amazing..
Angels preparing us to the blackout
The flash.
Love & light. ❤
Thank you, Kerry. I always drop a like. I love ❤️ you!! See you Friday… at 3am!!!?! Love ❤️ from Thailand 🇹🇭
Thank you so much … this helped me a lot ❤ love the pictures with the leg 🌈🦄🧚♀️
After some dreamy days, out of the blue I was granted a brief glance onto the NEW🎈🎈🎈It struck me and opened an inner alley to me. The internal is my personal safe haven. It is about energy.
Thank you for sharing your observations and findings.🙏💫🦉
Hi Community,
I am 64 and have been on this path for 40 years. I strangely find myself suddenly without shelter or enough financial resources to afford local rent. I also just got incredibly ill with a viral being. My friend has been gracious enough to temporarily share her bedroom. I think my choices that led me to this were solid and courageous and based on deep listening but i didn't expect this as an outcome. It almost feels like the wrong timeline. My direction towards sovereignty and liberation landed me here? Even my friends are scratching their heads at my circumstance.
Sending you sooo much love!
You've made it this far. You'll get through this, too 💫❤💫
Gosh, it sounds like you are going through so much at the moment... I am sending you so much love as you navigate this part of your journey... hope you feel it - (and its n ot just from me, your guides and support team are with you too) xx ♥
I can fully relate to your story and feelings: no clue how it could have turned this bad despite strong commitment to inner truth and light. Will evil circumstances manage to steahl everything from me? Cannot help but believe there's a higher purpose, but doubt, discouragement and anxiety are overwhelming at times.
You're not alone, I send you love!
Another thought, if you’re open to reading. I almost always like a video that I watch, if even just a fraction. I see this as giving love ❤, or you can call it giving appreciation, or attention, connection. What if we changed the meaning of the like button away from a meaning of judgement, to a meaning of appreciation. What kind of world outside of that single collective effect would we be in?
Thank you Kerry. I always smile watching your videos (and a fellow south african now in NZ), you are able to articulate the inexplicable energies. ❤
i am feeling this . standing on my own two feer
Splendid! I feel so lightened by your powerful sharing. Thank you so much ☺️ ❤
Yes !
Ebb and flow is the essence of life itself