Michael the Archangel, Jewelry, & the 144,000 - Line Upon Line - Q/A

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • "How do you pray in the Spirit? How do you know if you are?" Pastors John and Wes offer Bible answers to this question and more in episode 3 of season 3.

Комментарии • 35

  • @leemary4833
    @leemary4833 11 месяцев назад

    Wonderful way to present His Word of life.

  • @janetmuir6011
    @janetmuir6011 Год назад

    God bless you both.

  • @estherwingell4688
    @estherwingell4688 Год назад +2

    Greetings great Christian talk and the walk
    About time we view ‘The Apparel’
    Truth is from ‘The Word from GOD’ EDUCATION,

  • @Jesus_my_King777
    @Jesus_my_King777 Год назад +2

    About the question on Jewelry, Exodus 33.5 God asked the children of Israel to remove all sorts of jewelry amidst them that He may walk amongst them.. so I understand that the jewelry and other ornaments or any sort of things that would distract us from Jesus and that would take our time and focus from our ultimate goal and destination should be removed that the Spirit of God cam work in our hearts and Jesus can dwell in our hearts and we can live in Jesus

  • @plateroharrison2041
    @plateroharrison2041 Год назад +4

    Thanks for fulfilling truth about Jesus, the arkangel.

  • @swtnzfoods8420
    @swtnzfoods8420 Год назад

    Amen and Amen!!!!❤

  • @macdavid9986
    @macdavid9986 Год назад

    Jesus IS an Angel.

  • @larrybedouin2921
    @larrybedouin2921 Год назад +1

    For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (go before) them *which are asleep*
    For THE Lord *himself* shall descend from heaven with a shout, with THE *voice* of THE *archangel* and with the trump of God: and *the dead in Christ shall rise first*
    *Then we which are alive and remain* shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
    {1 Thessalonians 4:15-17}
    This is the first resurrection.

  • @MSB780
    @MSB780 Год назад

    I’ve heard it said, “There’s no one more miserable than a Seventh day Adventist who doesn’t know Jesus Christ, personally.”
    It’s a good thing, if the 144,000 isn’t a salvation issue. Not all SDA pastors agree, if it’s a literal number, or a symbolic number. It’s saver to Study for yourself, if it’s that important to you to know the difference.

  • @jmarrero1124
    @jmarrero1124 Год назад

    To add to the question of remembering. I will add, Jairus daughter was raised from death and she remembered. It says on Mark 5:41-45, that she walked and and she was to be given something to eat (ate). I know for baby, this two things are not from previous memory so the child has to learn. In this case, she already knew; therefore her memory was established. These two memories are good one too so Amen to that.

  • @jerrystilwell7666
    @jerrystilwell7666 Год назад +2

    Thank you for sharing the wisdom that God has given you, by answering these sometimes difficult questions. Something about Michael, what he said in Jude confused me. Why would Michael being the Lord say may the Lord rebuke you. Being the Lord why would he not just rebuke satan, why the need of making yhat statement. Especially considering He already rebuked and defeated satan twice once in heaven and once at the cross?

    • @mattymattyonga
      @mattymattyonga Год назад

      We see the same phrase used by the Lord in Zechariah 3:2 And the LORD said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?”

  • @leeswartz
    @leeswartz Год назад

    Might I suggest that the 144000 simply refers to the remnant church? You see when the new Jerusalem comes down it measures 12,000 by 12,000. Thats 144000 multiplied together. And being virgins…. Women in prophecy equate to churches. So, if the 144000 are the remnant church, it means they haven’t fornicated with apostate church systems. Love your content btw, its a blessing!

  • @gpl422sda
    @gpl422sda 3 месяца назад

    Suits, I got a perfect Calvin Klein at a second hand store for $6.00 Somone gave me a Calvin Klein white shirt for my birthday so I wear CK to church big deal....

  • @estherwingell4688
    @estherwingell4688 Год назад +1

    The Books in HEAVEN will reveal
    ? Who is n why they are not in heaven 🤝

  • @jobjoseph1815
    @jobjoseph1815 Год назад

    Thank you very much brothers in Christ for this teaching. Let me respectfully, lovely and kindly disagree with you on the issue of Jesus is Micheal the Archangel.
    John upfront, I need to tell you, you are one the individuals that God used to teach me to love his word so thank you for that. I am saying that because I wanted you to know that you played a role in my spiritual journey. However let us disagree with love and compassion and may be a bit of passion.
    Daniel 10: 13 identified Micheal as one of chief princes. The word one makes it very unlikely. Examine Hebrews 1: 5-13 and you may conclude differently. Thank you

  • @gpl422sda
    @gpl422sda 3 месяца назад

    Christ in heaven first Jesus applied to the baby Christ on earth now Jesus Christ but Christ is not His last name as we have last names.

  • @morningglory3681
    @morningglory3681 Год назад

    Do you think the hierarchy angels are allowed to use Jesus Christ's name Israel?

    • @itiswritten
      @itiswritten  Год назад +1

      Thank you for your question, MorningGlory. To some extent, the answer is yes. Speaking of angels, Isaiah 6:3 says, "And one cried to another and said: 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!'” Here, an angel calls Him LORD, one of His names (or titles). But at the same time, the angels are careful to show respect and reverence toward God. Verses 1 & 2 of the same chapter say, "In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew." In Revelation 4:8, the angels refer to Him as, "Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!" So there is a mixture of reverence, love, and appreciation in the way the godly angels relate to their King.

  • @tuxedoapps3532
    @tuxedoapps3532 Год назад

    Wes, please don't point to your wrists when talking about the nails that pierced Jesus. Scripture and SoP make it clear that His hands were pierced, not His arms. I love these presentations!

    • @itiswritten
      @itiswritten  Год назад

      Thanks for your feedback.

    • @kat-75
      @kat-75 Год назад

      The carpal tunnel inside runs through the wrist as well. That is the thickest in the had that could have held the Christ

  • @freddiebingham8903
    @freddiebingham8903 Год назад

    What about Revelation 7:9; yes that great number which no man could, of all nations, and kindreds, and people and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the lamb, clothe with white robes, and palmes in their hands. And verse 10, speaks volume about what they were saying. Is this not enough to say far more than 144,000.00 will be saved, whether or not only the 144,000.00 will be saved?

    • @freddiebingham8903
      @freddiebingham8903 Год назад

      Which no man could number.

    • @itiswritten
      @itiswritten  Год назад

      There are several views on who this "great multitude" could be. Some have suggested that it's the same group as the 144K but under different conditions, some a separate and distinct group, and a third view suggests that the great multitude includes the 144K. It is likely that the great multitude is a separate and distinct group from the 144K and represents the remaining triumphant saints from all the ages. There will no doubt be far more than 144K people in heaven, but the 144K (likely a symbolic number) are the ones who live through the crisis of the mark of the beast, are preserved through the seven last plagues, and get to see Christ come in the clouds at His second coming.

  • @toyinayetigbo4570
    @toyinayetigbo4570 Год назад +1

    I do not agree that Jesus is an archangel. Jesus is God in flesh (john 1).Isaiah 9:6 also confirmed Jesus was called the mighty God, the Everlasting Father. If we are going to follow your teaching, it would mean that God was an archangel. This is an error. Not biblical!

    • @gpl422sda
      @gpl422sda 3 месяца назад

      Listen to Pastor John, he made it abundantly clear that Jesus is NOT a created being (Angel) He is their commander and leader period.

  • @nelsangelin9667
    @nelsangelin9667 9 дней назад

    More about the archangel. What about commentators who are classifying archangel as a type of angel, as, Gabriel as an archangel? Even Lucifer was an archangel is said to have been. Is this more a form of presumption to put Gabriel and even Satan (Lucifer) on par with Jesus as "the" archangel? Keep paramount important, It is only Jesus as the Lord Himself that has the power to raise the dead with His voice. Jesus was not transformed into an Archangel, He has always been Lord and He is Commander.

  • @westaussie965
    @westaussie965 6 месяцев назад +1

    not a very good explanation of the 144.000 at all. Theres a lot of people who think thats all that will be saved.

  • @jeanneprusak1031
    @jeanneprusak1031 Год назад

    Wearing jewelry is NOT a salvation issue.

  • @giftsofYAH76
    @giftsofYAH76 Год назад

    false and false...blasphemous like an /the archangel, not an ANGEL...

  • @patriciaheinrich6857
    @patriciaheinrich6857 Год назад +1

    I am disappointed in your stand on jewelry. I will take Joe Crews stand over your compromise. Before Jacob entered Canaan all jewelry was removed and buried. Before the children of Israel entered Canaan their jewelry was buried on the east side of the Jordan. Please reconsider your compromise.

    • @Yariel-Abril.30.98
      @Yariel-Abril.30.98 4 месяца назад +1

      Hi sister!
      In the examples that you gave, it's necessary to look for the context to understand the WHY they did that. Nowhere in the Scriptures God instructed to lay aside jewelry because He dislikes it or because it's satanic in and of itself. It's WHY you use it that determines if it's bad or not. I PERSONALLY haven't studied those cases that you quoted from Scripture, but I've heard they did this because their jewelry use was linked to idolatry or something like that. Like I said, I haven't studied it by myself (although I will) but that's what some SDA pastors teach.
      Gold, precious stones, etc, are God's creation. They're often used to describe or amplify His majesty. His dwelling place is quite adorned (read Revelation 4 and 21). He Himself, like a proud Father and King, adorns His children with them (see Ezekiel 16:11-14 and 28:13). The problem with using them in our present weakened state is that they tend to corrupt our character and shift our priorities. It can become a distraction for ourselves and for others.
      Everything we do let it be for the glory of God. Is it lawful to use jewelry? According to Scripture, yes. Is it convenient? Ask God. After all, He's our Redeemer and also the Owner of gold and silver. Our possessions were given by Him, and in the end, we should use them for His glory out of love for our heavenly Father. We should look to please Him above all.
      God bless you, and may He continue to guide us unto a better understanding of Truth🙏🏻