Swtor PvP: Why solo ranked sucks and isn't fun in 7.0 (Explained)

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 62

  • @SchoiPvP
    @SchoiPvP  2 года назад +14

    I don't want fury/leth nerfed, I want others buffed. That way people whom enjoy leth/fury can still enjoy it, and others who play other specs can also enjoy theirs.

    • @pieservesserver9030
      @pieservesserver9030 2 года назад

      I could do with a buff on the self heals on hatred

    • @JohnFreedman0
      @JohnFreedman0 2 года назад

      Been a long time since I played. Are there new warzones since the original 3? Is heal spec bounty hunter still the worst class in the game pvp wise?

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад +1

      @@pieservesserver9030 Hatred self heals when you use the quick escalation tactical is actually very strong especially with the current class implants, and you can run that if you have players in the group who will eat the focus/tunnel rather than you instead of double cloak.

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад

      @@JohnFreedman0 There are many types of 8v8 unranked, but only a few types of 4v4 maps. Bounty hunter healer is actually amongst the best in my opinion (pvp)

    • @pieservesserver9030
      @pieservesserver9030 2 года назад

      @@SchoiPvP I run QE when its a ranged team, but for all melee, I trust im able to stand and cleave with TTT, its been working, but I'll definitely give QE another go

  • @SchoiPvP
    @SchoiPvP  2 года назад +12

    I spent about 40 minutes making subtitles manually for those who cannot understand me very well 👍

    • @drudenae
      @drudenae 2 года назад +1

      I can’t understand you very well

  • @prumprumprumprum6873
    @prumprumprumprum6873 2 года назад +5

    Man went from "I'm going to get a top3 in solo ranked next season" to "solo ranked sucks. I hate it."

  • @ragequittinggaming2342
    @ragequittinggaming2342 2 года назад +3

    LMFAO DUDE. IM DYING LAUGHING. Your voice super chill over the commentary and when combat starts, the extreme pitter patter followed by *LOSER KEYBOARD NOISES* LMFAO IM DEAD. This is a good video too btw. Lethality is slightly better than concealment so it makes sense all these known named operatives are playing the spec. For example myself, IF i were to play ranked again, Fury has a higher chance at a win than Carnage does just because of the immune to CC and extra gap closer with obliterate plus being able to put out more overall DPS. Although Carnage is my favorite spec FURY is just slightly better so in solo ranked to increase my chances of winning, I would play Fury.

  • @RougaSF
    @RougaSF 2 года назад +1

    Stealth meta persists in 7.0. Some specs are way too reliant on team composition, peels and off heals. I hope 7.2 improves the current state. Sniper DCDS also are a joke.

  • @deep2732
    @deep2732 2 года назад +2

    I love playing on my merc but it's almost useless when you get opened on by the two operatives in every match

    • @Ursxi
      @Ursxi 2 года назад +3

      Not only that, once you are dead your team gonna roast you so its like you are dying two times each round :D

  • @FilthySF
    @FilthySF 2 года назад +1

    Dood cmon class stacking has been a thing in solo ranked swtor every since it was introduced. 5.0 was about 6 mercs per match with nets flying everywhere. 4s has always been a broken game mode in swtor.

  • @natureshore
    @natureshore 2 года назад

    It is possible to gear your whole legacy of characters with one character. It is like soloing flashpoints (not anymore) If you don’t have a stealth character to gear all your characters you are spending extra time on each one. It’s all about loot discipline.

  • @IntoTheGalaxy66
    @IntoTheGalaxy66 2 года назад

    💯 agree with unbalanced issues. Should make it fair for every class to compete. Read that again .. to compete. With that said - I find it hilarious that juggs are complaining!! After being the one half of the ahole classes for what 8-9 years, about time they slowed them down.

  • @indianhacker9062
    @indianhacker9062 Год назад +1

    Welp there’s no more ranked

  • @Vlakell4476
    @Vlakell4476 2 года назад

    Don't expect a Meta change any time soon, it took the devs months to nerf maul spam in 6.0. They only nerfed it because everyone complained for weeks. I don't see them changing the meta any time soon.

    • @KingHobs
      @KingHobs 2 года назад

      Looks like all force users are in and everyone else is out for me. 2 months later are you getting the same? I cannot play anything other than a force user or im focused immediately.

  • @spacemilker9093
    @spacemilker9093 2 года назад

    As a ranked battle ground player in wow and played 8v8 in swtor 1.0/2.0 i hope the pvp revamp brings back 8v8 or just make arenas 3v3

  • @billyg3230
    @billyg3230 2 года назад

    If ur saying ranked sucks just to get more to play unranked....i fully endorse this

  • @Siviqs
    @Siviqs Год назад

    i will agree that the constant aoe dmg from ops/scoun and it really makes you not want to play a melee toon. however i also learned that the jug is kinda like the pt i.e. get them before they get you, you are literally a walking glass cannon. not to mention the way they disperse who goes wear on what team is a bit shit. i do enjoy the changes tho to overall pvp, not as toxic, easy season to grind for tokens, if only the rewards in the pvp season tab was better.

  • @modesty834
    @modesty834 2 года назад

    Balance isn't as bad, as people said leth and fury are easy to play and feel oppressive because of their playrate - at reasonable level of play decep sin and madness sorc can be just as good - underperforming classes like jugg and sniper are having a hard time, but still can have impact in certain games

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад

      It's nice that my main class sometimes can be useful but is almost always a burden 🥲

    • @modesty834
      @modesty834 2 года назад

      Tbf it has been like that for quite some time 😂

    • @Vlakell4476
      @Vlakell4476 2 года назад

      Double leth destroys most comps because of the ridiculous burst, aoe, offheals, survivability. If you don't have a good sorc or competant ops to verse them you're at a big disadvantage generally.

  • @leroyjenkins1964
    @leroyjenkins1964 2 года назад

    Leth OP most definitely does not do the same single target dps as leth in ranked. And you didn't take in to account how much burst deception sin and conc op have. There is a huge difference between sustained dps and burst dps. In all dps games burst specs still have their roll. It just takes a better player to play them to their full potential. What we are seeing in preseason is a horde of average players playing easier specs. Things will change alot when season starts and the average players skulk back to regs.

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад

      I address that at the end of the video.
      Edit: right now I dont see platinum nonwintraded players playing conc op. I only see leth op, I will even provide names. I see prum playing leth, I see Nike playing leth, I see grand playing leth, I see sarkazm playing leth. I do not see anyone playing conc.

    • @leroyjenkins1964
      @leroyjenkins1964 2 года назад

      @@SchoiPvP Yeah I see the same. Conc is in a bad spot atm.

    • @leroyjenkins1964
      @leroyjenkins1964 2 года назад

      But I do think good players will play it when season starts and find ways to make it work.

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад +1

      @@leroyjenkins1964 I thought about what you said for a little bit here. No doubt concealment is fine even though lethality does have more numbers dps wise most of the time and always way more offhealing. Good operatives are absolutely able to play concealment well, very similar role to deception sin. The thing is though once rating comes out people want to win and minimize risk so I still think we'll see what we're seeing. Rating is about winning, it isn't separated by which discipline you are playing. So most marauders for example as well, that have plans at earning a really good flair will most likely climb as fury because annihilation and carnage simply isn't as good in most games. Some players I'm sure will make it a challenge for themselves to climb as a non meta spec, but only for that reason by itself.

    • @prumprumprumprum6873
      @prumprumprumprum6873 2 года назад

      @@leroyjenkins1964 Nah.

  • @criticalkel6045
    @criticalkel6045 2 года назад

    But wasnt that kinda, and i wanna "highlight" the word kinda here
    SR was always dominated by the meta classes
    I remember S13(?) Where i had a Match against 3 scrapper and one deception assassin. 2 Assassins on my own Team too
    It was, at least from my limited XP with SR, Mara/Sorc/Sin/Op that dominated SR. There were exeptions in some seasonal metas but they were kinda evergreen and most of the time S Tier or A Tier Picks

  • @hershyhersh8739
    @hershyhersh8739 2 года назад +1


  • @batja4757
    @batja4757 2 года назад

    I only played for a 1.5 years and all thet time i mained vengence jugg. Guess its time to try operative or marauder Xd

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад

      don't worry deception assassin has also been in style for solos for the past few xpacs

  • @bizula617
    @bizula617 2 года назад

    Just play on EU, less maras there - ok, less people who qualify as marauders because they would get globaled on all classes.

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад

      If I went to EU and queued I bet the people who get globaled would always be on my team lmao

  • @alexm7741
    @alexm7741 2 года назад


  • @deep2732
    @deep2732 2 года назад

    Cuz operatives exist. That's why

  • @dsayiasdad8099
    @dsayiasdad8099 2 года назад

    I could think about this a lot more but just off the top of my head jugg needs it's movement buffs back and maybe more/better ones. Furious power is hilariously bad on sith warrior & jedi crybabies compared to the other options because no more decent of the gamer set bonus. What if on jugg they replaced furious power with something that gives straight dmg reduction and movement speed when you critically hit and purges slowes etc. Stuff like that is already on other classes.

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад

      I like bloodbound, it's nice. Maybe another passive or a bloodbound boost would be nice and help out. If intercede gave damage reduction to both the player, and the targeted ally that would help out a lot too and incentivize helping others.

  • @mynameajeffblack8265
    @mynameajeffblack8265 2 года назад

    Imagine plaing sniper xD

  • @anteprs7908
    @anteprs7908 2 года назад

    Everbody cries sentinel is broken but that bs the fury build is the dot and sentinel combat are trash no stun and a lost of 3 defence abilities the class nerf is to much

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад

      If you think fury marauder is in a bad spot, I recommend you try to play juggernaut and sniper in solo ranked and see how that goes for ya

    • @anteprs7908
      @anteprs7908 2 года назад

      @@SchoiPvP i play always combat sentinel and no matter what i never give up on that class it wasnt meta ever it now horrible

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад

      @@anteprs7908 combat sentinel is carnage marauder. That's not fury, everyone plays fury because it's easy and OP. If you play combat sentinel you're just nerfing yourself by not playing Concentration (fury)

    • @anteprs7908
      @anteprs7908 2 года назад

      @@SchoiPvP i always played combat but both are bad combat is extremely bad

    • @SchoiPvP
      @SchoiPvP  2 года назад

      ​@@anteprs7908 If u think fury mara is bad u gotta be trolling me bro.