I studied in Melbourne, have lived in HK and Beijing, travelled numerous times to US, Europe and Japan. I still preferred to retire in Malaysia. I value the pace of life in Malaysia, the harmony between the races despite many politicians playing the race card. I especially appreciate the ease of life here, getting things done in Malaysia is way easier and cheaper than most places. Still, I wish you the best if you think immigration is your best option.
@@chrissieng8146 perhaps instead of thinking the matter on face value and textbook answer, you should of why such politicians and policy can thrive in Malaysia, not to mention numerous news of religious discrimination already happening, of course, if u just live your life as a commoner without caring things on a higher level or outside of ur circle, perhaps this is a good place for u. But i value my mental health more, but anyway, wish you all the best
@@casual3318 Discrimination and corruption happen in every society, covert or otherwise. In US it is called lobbying. In Malaysia, corruption amongst some politicans are more open and blatant, simply because other races are not their target voters. The Malays have a more simplistic and relaxed approach to life, including corruption. Look how Najib continued to be feted and fawned upon when on appeal. Even the current King dined with him. If we Malaysian Chinese can influence one Malay into thinking we are not just money crazy, we on the way to progress and reform. I never thought the opposition would come into power in my lifetime. Now they have governed Selangor for 3 terms and we are in a better place. For the sacrifices of the likes of Lim Kit Siang, Mat Sabu and the rest, I will continue to support them and their parties and to spread the word. Hope you find your greener pastures and we welcome all those who think Malaysian pastures are green enough.
20:46 很多人出国转一圈回来后,会用不同的眼光去看待这里的一草一木,会更加珍惜这个国家原本已经拥有的一切。身在福中的我们,出国之前从来没好好静下来去仔细感受原本存在的幸福感。因为更爱这片土地,我们得更加努力去行使自己的监督权去监督政府、去改善社会的人文、商业的制度与文化,让这个国家变得更好。
華人在馬來亞是次等人 ? ? ?
馬來西亞治安很差,走在街上會被搶包包 家裡進賊 女生被拐帶 種族歧視 語言不通,繁文縟節多 辦事效率又差,政策朝令夕改 貪污腐敗,還有一些警察不友善對待外國人,更有不少詐騙集團等等。
馬來政府對華人很差 待遇不公平 有排華傾向,常看到種族群毆事件,因為是華裔 走在街頭常被歧視挨揍或被射殺的事件。
華校津貼比國民學校少,不接受改制的華文獨中 所得津貼更是少之又少,公立大學保留土著制 上市公司必須保留30%土著股權,土著在大馬買房可以享有 額外5%的折扣等。
族群政治下華人面對 各種歧視性政策與不公,在追求國家認同中 不被馬來人所承認,讓許多華人有~我愛這個國家 但國家不愛我~的尊嚴受創和悲憤,這種被忽略的屈辱與苦楚,往往比缺乏資源更讓人難受,也時而拉扯其政治認同的信念。
華人將現實中政治認同的挫敗,投射到中國歷文化 與之進行連結 形成中華民族的共同命運,在文化認同中尋找慰藉,可惜中國人並不認同馬來華人 !
@@pohanntan2645 馬來次等人
@@酸民殺手 哈哈哈🤣
@@stackerliew 😂不可能 我朋友台湾中国 她申请中国 。
😂你怎么可以这样说话误导他人 我朋友都拿不到 外国不能拿到马来ic。你忘记马来的护照是全世界几乎免签
纯粹个人想法,我认为经历了上一次大选,马来西亚人民已偏向于宗教主义了,关于改革这回事,我是保持悲观的。然后,我个人已是在金融业做了一段时间,和我的香港/中国同事都合作地非常愉快,说真的还快乐过我在马来西亚企业工作的时候 (在大马企业打拼时,都是遇到一些toxic management式的上司)。在这几年会通过公司,在计划我的移民吧。当自己的理念和国家方向,和对于国家的未来已不抱有好感了,没必要强求吧。最重要还是自己的未来,快乐和身心的平静。
I studied in Melbourne, have lived in HK and Beijing, travelled numerous times to US, Europe and Japan. I still preferred to retire in Malaysia. I value the pace of life in Malaysia, the harmony between the races despite many politicians playing the race card. I especially appreciate the ease of life here, getting things done in Malaysia is way easier and cheaper than most places. Still, I wish you the best if you think immigration is your best option.
@@chrissieng8146 perhaps instead of thinking the matter on face value and textbook answer, you should of why such politicians and policy can thrive in Malaysia, not to mention numerous news of religious discrimination already happening, of course, if u just live your life as a commoner without caring things on a higher level or outside of ur circle, perhaps this is a good place for u. But i value my mental health more, but anyway, wish you all the best
@@casual3318 Discrimination and corruption happen in every society, covert or otherwise. In US it is called lobbying. In Malaysia, corruption amongst some politicans are more open and blatant, simply because other races are not their target voters. The Malays have a more simplistic and relaxed approach to life, including corruption. Look how Najib continued to be feted and fawned upon when on appeal. Even the current King dined with him. If we Malaysian Chinese can influence one Malay into thinking we are not just money crazy, we on the way to progress and reform.
I never thought the opposition would come into power in my lifetime. Now they have governed Selangor for 3 terms and we are in a better place. For the sacrifices of the likes of Lim Kit Siang, Mat Sabu and the rest, I will continue to support them and their parties and to spread the word.
Hope you find your greener pastures and we welcome all those who think Malaysian pastures are green enough.
很奇怪的人。。。大马人不用大马方式说话要用中国方式而且又不纯。。。。明知道N发音不是嗯。。。这是怎么回事。。。不伦不类。。。大马华语方式下衰是吗 ?
@@nixonhor8795 你讲啊,你用你的懒膠给Citizenship啊?Loser只会鬼叫什么懒膠本事都没有🤣🤣Kam懒膠就厉害