Last summer I was Fantine in a production of Les Mis. I ended up on this video and sang my heart out from beginning to end, haha! This song is so so beautiful and it brings back many wonderful memories. ❤️
Hello, sorry to ask but I have a singing competition tomorrow night and I would love to sing this song! Would it be alright if I use this as my karaoke in a competition?
Its weird as a guy as soon as it gets to "he took my childhood in his stride" all I can do is picture Anne Hathaway singing it and it becomes so much more real, so emotional.
In today's world, It absolutely could be "He took my childhood in his stride." Even within the time period the show is set in, it could have been "he", albeit less likely. And in the world of musical theater today, it would be more likely than not!
I am so grateful for your legitimate recordings. Every other track I've found for Les Miserables song sound so canned. These really give me the epic background music I need to go all out when I sing this. I'll be using your "On My Own" for a karaoke competition tomorrow :) Thank you again!
ohohpierre. If you are serious about that and haven't tried Verba, it will help you tremendously, or leastways it should. You will already know that if you have breath control, your voice will not break or crack and will enable you to hold notes for much longer.
한때는 꿈을 믿었지 희망이 가득했던 시절 사랑이 영원하도록 하늘도 축복 할 거라고 철없던 어린시절에 기약 없이 흘러간 꿈들 아무런 두려움 없이 마시고 노래하던 날들 잠시 눈을 떴을때 나를 짓밟은 그 시선 모든 꿈을 빼앗고 헐벗은 날 보았네 그와 함께한 여름날 모든게 새롭던 그 순간 그는 내 어린시절을 가을에 담아 떠났네 다시 그가 날 찾아와 함께 할 삶을 그려봐도 닿을 수 없는 꿈처럼 점점 더 멀어져만 가네 바라던 인생 이건가 왜 난 이 지옥에서 사는가 그 꿈은 어디로 갔나 다시 찾지 못 할 내 꿈
Thanks so much for taking the time to make these karaoke tracks for us. After using some of your tracks for some of my videos, I've contacted some karaoke companies about using their tracks for other songs I want to do on my channel, but quite possibly can't because they simply want too much money for a licensing fee. Being able to use your tracks for free is truly a blessing.
Found myself shedding a tear by the end of it when singing along, and this song isn't tailored for me (being a guy and all!) This, along with Stars is the reason why Les Miserables is my favourite musical of all time; many thanks for uploading this. For those wondering when you should start singing at the top, get ready when the video's 00:19 in, and a couple of beats afterwords, go. :-)
Thank you so much for the karaoke tracks! I love how accurate they are and that there isn't a piano or something playing the melody in the background. This song is probably one of my favorite musical theatre songs, and I really think it epitomizes what musical theatre should be like. It's so sad, but still strong, and fairly difficult to sing. I will credit you in all of my covers!
musicaltheatrelover123. I love musical theatre and sing mostly that but also a variety of other genres - good for practice and exercising. I find this song easy now because I do practice and scales every morning and you do need to take a lot of breath when singing, don't you? A voice can break on the "Shame...." section so a LOT of breath is needed there but you will know that anyway. Hope it gets easier for you to sing in time. Enjoy your singing. Kind regards.
Yeah, I totally agree. The "Shame" bridge definitely takes a lot of breath and you can sometimes even hear the actors taking a quick breath to prepare for that. Good luck on your singing!
Have you tried VERBA VOCAL via the internet? If not, do try it. There are lessons and practices for every aspect of singing. It has helped me tremendously since I started with them in mid July of this year (2017). If you try it, I hope you will find it useful. Good luck.
Thank you so much for keeping it real! I have gotten stuck with tinny, badly timed versions of this, so now I know to ask for the "official' in this and many other...makes me cry to hear, and I can actually sing it better in this good version.
Thank you so much fir this authentic orchestration. I can not describe to you how it has changed my life. I do not kniw if you are a musician but you are awesome enough to be and helping us out a lot.
Thank u I am going to use this for my recording I will be back soon with the link when I upload it. Thanks again for such a great creation ^_^!! Bravo!!
Oh thank God I'm singing at a cabaret tomorrow I had found on karaoke with 3 keys too high thank you for having the original version of the instrumental and it being able to download for free I really appreciate it
I lose it everytime I hear " And still I dream he'll come to me ... That we will live the years together " but insted of he'll i say she'll come to me :'(
Hubo una vez un tiempo atras Y era dulce la voz De esos hombres buenos Hubo una vez amor veraz Una luz que no se va Y unos versos eternos Hubo una vez y llegó el final soñe un sueño tiempo atrás Cuando la vida era distinta soñé un amor que iba a durar Soñe que dios me ayudaría Yo era una niña sin temor La vida aun no conocía No había dudas ni dolor Mi sueños siempre alcanzaría Pero cuando el sol se va Y entran fieras en tus sueños Te arrepientes de vivir Se apoderan de tu ser Pasó un verano junto a mí Lleno mis dias de esperanza Le entregué mi juventud Pero al final el se fue Y sueño aun que volverá Estar con él toda mi vida Mejor sería no soñar Se que ese sueño es imposible Soñé una vida para mí De una manera doferente pero mi sueño terminó Hoy muere el sueño que soñé
Eu Tive um Sonho (I Dreamed a Dream) Les Misérables Brasil Já houve um tempo de homens bons De palavras gentis E de vozes mansas Já houve um tempo de outros dons E de tantas canções E de tantas lembranças E tanto mais Que já não há Eu tinha um sonho pra viver Um sonho cheio de esperança De que um amor não vai morrer E Deus perdoa e não se cansa Eu era forte, sem temor E os sonhos eram de verdade Não tinham preço, nem valor Canções e sons pela cidade Mas a noite então caiu E na noite, tantas feras Que pisaram meu jardim Tudo aquilo que eu sonhei Foi num verão que ele surgiu Como se fosse a primavera E floresceu o amor em mim Mas foi embora e eu fiquei E hoje eu sonho que ele vem E nos seus braços eu me entrego Mas sei que é sonho e nada além Dos velhos sonhos que eu carrego Eu tinha um sonho pra viver Mas eis que a vida foi mais forte E de repente eu acordei Mataram tudo que eu sonhei
When you realize "But the tigers come at night, with their voices soft as thunder, as they tear your hope apart, as they turn your dreams to shame" is the same as "one more day all on my own, one more day with him not caring. What a life I might have known, but he never saw me there" have the same beats.
Wyśniłam sen, pogodny sen Był czas nadziei, czas miłości A miłość we śnie wieczna jest I Bóg wybacza nam słabości Za młodych lat nie bałam się Że sny radosne się rozpłyną Bo ceny jeszcze nie znał nikt Śpiewano pieśni, lano wino Ale wilki szczerzą kły W oczach mają błyskawice Beznadzieja drzemie w nich Rozrywają dobry sen On całe lato ze mną śnił Wypełniał noc cudownym drżeniem Dzieciństwo słodkie z ust mych spił A na jesieni nagle znikł I wraca sen - znów ze mną jest Razem spędzamy długie lata Lecz to trucizna jest nie sen A burza każdą tęczę zmiata Ja los wyśniłam, który jest Tak inny niż to piekło wkoło Tak inny niż ten nędzny świat Życie zdeptało Dobry sen
Wyśniłam sen pogodny sen Był czas nadziei czas miłości A miłość we śnie wieczna jest I bóg wybacza nam słabości Za młodych lat nie bałam się Że sny radosne się rozpłyną Bo ceny jeszcze nie znał nikt Śpiewano pieśni lano wino Ale wilki szczerzą kły W oczach mają błyskawice Beznadzieja drzemie w nich Rozrywają dobry sen On całe lato ze mną śnił Wypełniał noc cudownym drżeniem Dzieciństwo słodkie z ust mych spił A na jesieni nagle znikł I wraca sen znów ze mną jest Spędzamy razem długie lata Lecz to trucizna jest nie sen A burza każdą tęczę zmiata Ja los wyśniłam który jest Tak inny niż to piekło wkoło Tak inny niż ten nędzny świat Życie zdeptało dobry sen
Był taki czas, kiedy męski głos Tak wytworny miał ton Miłe słowa szeptał Był taki czas, kiedy serca głos Tak pogodny miał ton Lekkie słowa śpiewał Był taki czas, lecz ten sen już zgasł... Wyśniłam sen, pogodny sen Był czas nadziei, czas miłości A miłość we śnie wieczna jest I Bóg wybacza nam słabości Za młodych lat nie bałam się Że sny radosne się rozpłyną Bo ceny jeszcze nie znał nikt Śpiewano pieśni, lano wino Ale wilki szczerzą kły W oczach mają błyskawice Beznadzieja drzemie w nich Rozrywają dobry sen On całe lato ze mną śnił Wypełniał noc cudownym drżeniem Dzieciństwo słodkie z ust mych spił A na jesieni nagle znikł
I dreamed a dream in time gone by When hope was high and life worth living I dreamed that love would never die I prayed that God would be forgiving Then I was young and unafraid And dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paid No song unsung, no wine untasted But the tigers come at night With their voices soft as thunder As they tear your hopes apart And they turn your dreams to shame And still I dream he'd come to me That we would live the years together But there are dreams that cannot be And there are storms we cannot weather I had a dream my life would be So different from this hell I'm living So different now from what it seemed Now life has killed the dream, I dreamed
Nederlandse tekst/ Dutch lyrics Eens toonden mannen zich je vriend met de stem aangenaam en het woord jou behagend eens was de liefde groots en blind en de wereld een lied en het lied klonkt uitdagend maar op een dag ging alles mis Mijn droom, 't is lang geleden nou De hemel blauw, vol hoop en leven Een liefde die nooit sterven zou Een God die alles zou vergeven toen was ik jong en onbevreesd nog niet van werkelijkheid doordrongen het leven was een zorgloos feest de wijn geproefd het lied gezongen Maar de tijger in de nacht, gromt als ingehouden donder Als hij hoop aan stukken scheurt En mijn droom tot schande maakt een zomer lang bleef hij me trouw hij sliep naast mij 't was als een wonder ik was een kind en werd een vrouw 't werd herfst, ik ben alleen ontwaakt En in mijn droom, haalt hij zijn bruid Nog steeds wil ik hem alles geven Niet alle dromen komen uit Niet elke storm kun je overleven Mijn droom zo anders dan de hel Waarin ik ben gedoemd te leven Waarin geen enkele hoop meer gloort Het leven heeft mijn droom vemoord
Einst hab ich manchen Mann gekannt Ihre Stimmen waren sanft, ihre Worte geheuer Einst hab ich lichterloh gebrannt Und die Welt war ein Lied, Und das Lied war aus Feuer Es war einmal und ist nicht mehr Ich hab geträumt vor langer Zeit Von einem Leben, das sich lohnte Von Liebe und Unsterblichkeit Vom guten Gott, der mich verschonte Da war ich jung und ohne Angst Und Träume gingen wie sie kamen Ich find dir, was du auch verlangst Für jede Freude einen Namen Doch die Tiger in der Nacht Wittern gierig deine Wunden Reißen wild an deinem Herz Sie zerfleischen deinen Traum Der Sommer, als er bei mir schlief War wie ein uferloses Wunder War Kind noch, als er nach mir rief War Mädchen, als der Herbst begann Ich träum noch heut, er kommt zurück Gemeinsam trotzten wir den Jahren Doch wir sind nicht gemacht fürs Glück Für seine Stürme und Gefahren Ich hab geträumt, mein Leben wär Ein Schicksal außerhalb der Hölle Gott gibt den Wünschen keinen Raum Nichts blieb mir mehr von meinem Traum
Byl kdysi čas, Kdy přede mnou muži zvolnili krok, Kdekdo hold mi skládal, Svět hudbou zněl mi příjemnou. Šla jsem vstříc lichotkám, Byla jsem přece mladá. Ty doby znám, Jenže jsou ty tam. Má knížko snů Kde já tě mám? Chci zas tě číst a číst tě po sté Jak dřív, kdy svět byl zázrak sám A dýchat v něm se zdálo prosté. Jen stránky obracet, nic víc A vznést se tam, kam nikdo nesmí. Jak blízko zdál se půlměsíc, Jak blízko souhvězdí i vesmír. Smečka zákeřná a zlá Roztrhá i písmo svaté. Knížka snů, kus mého já, Zůstal z ní jen pouhý cár. To on mě líbal za nocí A breptal páté přes deváté. Zbavil mě dětských nemocí, Leč setrval jen týdnů pár. Já dodnes jsem jak na trní A doufám dál, že snad se vrátí. Ten sen se zřejmě nesplní, Mně nesplnil se žádný zatím. Já měla sen, to přísahám, Moc odlišný od bídy zdejší. Sen zemřel, skoncoval to sám. Má knížko snů, kde já tě mám?
I may not have gotten the notes right, but i certainly got the emotions right.
Mavicity Relayson same
I dreamed the dream to listen to this song ! ps my vooice suck
That’s show biz bby
Fear and panic?
Last summer I was Fantine in a production of Les Mis. I ended up on this video and sang my heart out from beginning to end, haha! This song is so so beautiful and it brings back many wonderful memories. ❤️
It depends - if you want to sing the vocal introduction, it starts at 0:20 - if you just want to sing the main song, the music starts at 0:48
Hello, sorry to ask but I have a singing competition tomorrow night and I would love to sing this song! Would it be alright if I use this as my karaoke in a competition?
does anyone else just like listening to instrumentals for some reason
andyb6200 yes. is this Andrew hurlbut
Yes, love the instrumental version!!
Its weird as a guy as soon as it gets to "he took my childhood in his stride" all I can do is picture Anne Hathaway singing it and it becomes so much more real, so emotional.
NoDrNo. All you need to do is change the words to: "She took my childhood in her stride".
In today's world, It absolutely could be "He took my childhood in his stride." Even within the time period the show is set in, it could have been "he", albeit less likely. And in the world of musical theater today, it would be more likely than not!
"I took her childhood in my stride".
@@seligfykspert9387 lmao
one of my favorite musical piece from Les Miserables..thank you
This song make me cry. Its perfect. Thanks.
I am so grateful for your legitimate recordings. Every other track I've found for Les Miserables song sound so canned. These really give me the epic background music I need to go all out when I sing this. I'll be using your "On My Own" for a karaoke competition tomorrow :) Thank you again!
Les Mis music is so incredible. Schonberg is a genius.
i definitely need to warm up a bit before i attempt this one
ohohpierre. If you are serious about that and haven't tried Verba, it will help you tremendously, or leastways it should. You will already know that if you have breath control, your voice will not break or crack and will enable you to hold notes for much longer.
한때는 꿈을 믿었지 희망이 가득했던 시절
사랑이 영원하도록 하늘도 축복 할 거라고
철없던 어린시절에 기약 없이 흘러간 꿈들
아무런 두려움 없이 마시고 노래하던 날들
잠시 눈을 떴을때 나를 짓밟은 그 시선
모든 꿈을 빼앗고 헐벗은 날 보았네
그와 함께한 여름날 모든게 새롭던 그 순간
그는 내 어린시절을 가을에 담아 떠났네
다시 그가 날 찾아와 함께 할 삶을 그려봐도
닿을 수 없는 꿈처럼 점점 더 멀어져만 가네
바라던 인생 이건가 왜 난 이 지옥에서 사는가
그 꿈은 어디로 갔나
다시 찾지 못 할 내 꿈
I nearly cried just trying to sing this... so beautiful
Thanks so much for taking the time to make these karaoke tracks for us. After using some of your tracks for some of my videos, I've contacted some karaoke companies about using their tracks for other songs I want to do on my channel, but quite possibly can't because they simply want too much money for a licensing fee. Being able to use your tracks for free is truly a blessing.
Think I'm gonna use this at competition. By far the best track I've heard so far
The music on its own is so beautiful.
Found myself shedding a tear by the end of it when singing along, and this song isn't tailored for me (being a guy and all!)
This, along with Stars is the reason why Les Miserables is my favourite musical of all time; many thanks for uploading this.
For those wondering when you should start singing at the top, get ready when the video's 00:19 in, and a couple of beats afterwords, go. :-)
This version is so wonderful! Thank you so much! 😍
I want to do this show again!! I miss being on the baracade it was so hard for me not to cry during this show
I was singing this in my room and my sister came in crying and said to me "that was amazing" ... I don't wanna sing in the house anymore
OMG SAME XD I hate singing around my fam XD
mine is quite the opposite my brother will try to sing/scream and tell me I'm horrible at it. it makes me feel the same though
youre lucky your sister appreciates your voice. my sister would burst into the room and yell at me to shut up.
Now this is a humble brag if I ever saw one
@@karlacruz02 same
Thank you so much for the karaoke tracks! I love how accurate they are and that there isn't a piano or something playing the melody in the background. This song is probably one of my favorite musical theatre songs, and I really think it epitomizes what musical theatre should be like. It's so sad, but still strong, and fairly difficult to sing. I will credit you in all of my covers!
musicaltheatrelover123. I love musical theatre and sing mostly that but also a variety of other genres - good for practice and exercising. I find this song easy now because I do practice and scales every morning and you do need to take a lot of breath when singing, don't you? A voice can break on the "Shame...." section so a LOT of breath is needed there but you will know that anyway. Hope it gets easier for you to sing in time. Enjoy your singing. Kind regards.
Yeah, I totally agree. The "Shame" bridge definitely takes a lot of breath and you can sometimes even hear the actors taking a quick breath to prepare for that. Good luck on your singing!
I'm doing this song for my cabaret and this back in track really helps
i was singing along, my voice is terrible, dear god.
Same 😂
+Noedette Perpetua I laughed so hard at your comment
Ah, I understand. I used to take lessons and I could've sung it beautifully a couple of years ago, but now... I definitely need training xD
Have you tried VERBA VOCAL via the internet? If not, do try it. There are lessons and practices for every aspect of singing. It has helped me tremendously since I started with them in mid July of this year (2017). If you try it, I hope you will find it useful. Good luck.
Just keep practicing!
Thank you so much for keeping it real! I have gotten stuck with tinny, badly timed versions of this, so now I know to ask for the "official' in this and many other...makes me cry to hear, and I can actually sing it better in this good version.
Thank you so much fir this authentic orchestration. I can not describe to you how it has changed my life. I do not kniw if you are a musician but you are awesome enough to be and helping us out a lot.
Thank u I am going to use this for my recording I will be back soon with the link when I upload it. Thanks again for such a great creation ^_^!! Bravo!!
I had a lot of fun using this track for my trumpet cover. Love instruments that actually sound like instruments lol.
Oh thank God I'm singing at a cabaret tomorrow I had found on karaoke with 3 keys too high thank you for having the original version of the instrumental and it being able to download for free I really appreciate it
goosebumps...the music is absolutely genius
Been scouring RUclips for this, thanks for making it/posting it! It rocked.
thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I lose it everytime I hear " And still I dream he'll come to me ... That we will live the years together " but insted of he'll i say she'll come to me :'(
bring him home
This is another wonderful karaoke video. Because the music is perfect, I think it helps you to sing the song with great emotion.
夏 あの人来て
喜びに あふれた
夢は かえらない
I've needed something to practice my performance exam with and this is perfect! Thank you so much!
Hubo una vez un tiempo atras
Y era dulce la voz
De esos hombres buenos
Hubo una vez amor veraz
Una luz que no se va
Y unos versos eternos
Hubo una vez y llegó el final
soñe un sueño tiempo atrás
Cuando la vida era distinta
soñé un amor que iba a durar
Soñe que dios me ayudaría
Yo era una niña sin temor
La vida aun no conocía
No había dudas ni dolor
Mi sueños siempre alcanzaría
Pero cuando el sol se va
Y entran fieras en tus sueños
Te arrepientes de vivir
Se apoderan de tu ser
Pasó un verano junto a mí
Lleno mis dias de esperanza
Le entregué mi juventud
Pero al final el se fue
Y sueño aun que volverá
Estar con él toda mi vida
Mejor sería no soñar
Se que ese sueño es imposible
Soñé una vida para mí
De una manera doferente
pero mi sueño terminó
Hoy muere el sueño que soñé
Eu Tive um Sonho (I Dreamed a Dream)
Les Misérables Brasil
Já houve um tempo de homens bons
De palavras gentis
E de vozes mansas
Já houve um tempo de outros dons
E de tantas canções
E de tantas lembranças
E tanto mais
Que já não há
Eu tinha um sonho pra viver
Um sonho cheio de esperança
De que um amor não vai morrer
E Deus perdoa e não se cansa
Eu era forte, sem temor
E os sonhos eram de verdade
Não tinham preço, nem valor
Canções e sons pela cidade
Mas a noite então caiu
E na noite, tantas feras
Que pisaram meu jardim
Tudo aquilo que eu sonhei
Foi num verão que ele surgiu
Como se fosse a primavera
E floresceu o amor em mim
Mas foi embora e eu fiquei
E hoje eu sonho que ele vem
E nos seus braços eu me entrego
Mas sei que é sonho e nada além
Dos velhos sonhos que eu carrego
Eu tinha um sonho pra viver
Mas eis que a vida foi mais forte
E de repente eu acordei
Mataram tudo que eu sonhei
When you realize "But the tigers come at night, with their voices soft as thunder, as they tear your hope apart, as they turn your dreams to shame" is the same as "one more day all on my own, one more day with him not caring. What a life I might have known, but he never saw me there" have the same beats.
Fun fact: Lea Solanga does a mash up of these two songs in her live performances. There are a few versions on youtube. It's brilliant.
So beautifu. All of these instrumental.
gorgeous! My7 year old is going to use this for her cover! Great job KaraokeJoeful!!
You are a gift to us! Bless you!
I love this so freakin much. :D I used this at audition and got the part as Fantine ! THANK U!
It is beautiful
I will use this instrumental as a
Thank you so much
I am singing this for my school talent show! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to have the music thanks!!!!😄😄😄😄
Thank you for this gift.
The music starts at 0:48 if you're just singing the main song, but you don't actually start singing until 0:58.
Used this for my cover on youtube! Thank you!
So beautiful
Thanks for posting this! I sang my cover of I Dreamed a Dream with your track. It was the most authentic. ☺ xo
It's so sad but beautiful.
"Now life has killed the dream I dreamed."
Glad to help! That's why I made this. :)
You are a master! So beautiful!
You have the best instrumental tracks on RUclips. You should be very proud of your work! I love them!
Soooooooo beautiful
OMG THIS IS PERFECT. I'm so using this, thanks for posting! :)
I love this song both the one with lyrics and the instrumental
Thank you so much for uploading this!
Thank you for all your stellar karaoke videos! Now I can show the singing talent that's within me in front of crowds! Haha! Thank you!
Thank you so much for your work 🙏
Love this soooo much.
Sir, you are awesome! Thank you for this beautiful video. :)
Amazing, thank you. My cover certainly doesn't do it justice...but ahh well!
Wow !!! Thanx ... Al the chords perfect... and the build up is nice too.... Plus this is THE ONLY one that matches my voice perfectly...
It's a wonderfully magnificent orchestral sound.
I am a theremin player and I would love to play using this accompaniment.
This is pretty great.
Awesome! Thank you!
Thank you so much!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I LOVE to sing this song.
Love this song.
I am having my own concert right now!! :)
Thank you so much for the karaoke!
I got in a talent show and won 1st place due to this. Got all the judges to give me a ten. I also made one of the judges tear up.
me and two other people have callbacks for fontaine and if it wasn't for this version i'd never be able to practice, thanks! :)
i have a callback for fantine in like an hour and 15 minutes. i’m practicing 😂
Music for main song starts at 0:48, but the singing starts at 0:57
Wyśniłam sen, pogodny sen
Był czas nadziei, czas miłości
A miłość we śnie wieczna jest
I Bóg wybacza nam słabości
Za młodych lat nie bałam się
Że sny radosne się rozpłyną
Bo ceny jeszcze nie znał nikt
Śpiewano pieśni, lano wino
Ale wilki szczerzą kły
W oczach mają błyskawice
Beznadzieja drzemie w nich
Rozrywają dobry sen
On całe lato ze mną śnił
Wypełniał noc cudownym drżeniem
Dzieciństwo słodkie z ust mych spił
A na jesieni nagle znikł
I wraca sen - znów ze mną jest
Razem spędzamy długie lata
Lecz to trucizna jest nie sen
A burza każdą tęczę zmiata
Ja los wyśniłam, który jest
Tak inny niż to piekło wkoło
Tak inny niż ten nędzny świat
Życie zdeptało
Dobry sen
You should do all the musicals. :D Like Phantom of the opera and cats and stuff like that. :D
I agree
Rent? Miss Saigon? South Pacific?
夏 あの人来て
喜びに あふれた
夢は かえらない
This song makes me emotional every time i sing it
this is such fun!
Saw the first part of this movie in my chorus class today love anne Hathaway AMAZING actress and singer
I used your instrumental and i have credited in my video.
(sorry for my english, i'm french)
Hawn thank you :3
Thank you for the beautiful backing! I've posted a video response of my cover :)
Wyśniłam sen pogodny sen
Był czas nadziei czas miłości
A miłość we śnie wieczna jest
I bóg wybacza nam słabości
Za młodych lat nie bałam się
Że sny radosne się rozpłyną
Bo ceny jeszcze nie znał nikt
Śpiewano pieśni lano wino
Ale wilki szczerzą kły
W oczach mają błyskawice
Beznadzieja drzemie w nich
Rozrywają dobry sen
On całe lato ze mną śnił
Wypełniał noc cudownym drżeniem
Dzieciństwo słodkie z ust mych spił
A na jesieni nagle znikł
I wraca sen znów ze mną jest
Spędzamy razem długie lata
Lecz to trucizna jest nie sen
A burza każdą tęczę zmiata
Ja los wyśniłam który jest
Tak inny niż to piekło wkoło
Tak inny niż ten nędzny świat
Życie zdeptało dobry sen
Looking forward to it!
Thank you!!!!
Był taki czas, kiedy męski głos
Tak wytworny miał ton
Miłe słowa szeptał
Był taki czas, kiedy serca głos
Tak pogodny miał ton
Lekkie słowa śpiewał
Był taki czas, lecz ten sen już zgasł...
Wyśniłam sen, pogodny sen
Był czas nadziei, czas miłości
A miłość we śnie wieczna jest
I Bóg wybacza nam słabości
Za młodych lat nie bałam się
Że sny radosne się rozpłyną
Bo ceny jeszcze nie znał nikt
Śpiewano pieśni, lano wino
Ale wilki szczerzą kły
W oczach mają błyskawice
Beznadzieja drzemie w nich
Rozrywają dobry sen
On całe lato ze mną śnił
Wypełniał noc cudownym drżeniem
Dzieciństwo słodkie z ust mych spił
A na jesieni nagle znikł
Thanks for uploading this: now I can annoy my family without singing along with Ruthie Henshall....wahahahahaha
good job 1 million!!!!!!!!
I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I prayed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hopes apart
And they turn your dreams to shame
And still I dream he'd come to me
That we would live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream, I dreamed
Why the heck did you post the whole lyrics again? They could be seen since many years on the screen!
This song is wonderful..I love it!!!! Do you like this song?? Then push the heart button please!
I recorded with this as the backing track, hoping to release video soon
Awesome job!!!
Nederlandse tekst/ Dutch lyrics
Eens toonden mannen zich je vriend
met de stem aangenaam
en het woord jou behagend
eens was de liefde groots en blind
en de wereld een lied
en het lied klonkt uitdagend
maar op een dag
ging alles mis
Mijn droom, 't is lang geleden nou
De hemel blauw, vol hoop en leven
Een liefde die nooit sterven zou
Een God die alles zou vergeven
toen was ik jong en onbevreesd
nog niet van werkelijkheid doordrongen
het leven was een zorgloos feest
de wijn geproefd het lied gezongen
Maar de tijger in de nacht,
gromt als ingehouden donder
Als hij hoop aan stukken scheurt
En mijn droom tot schande maakt
een zomer lang bleef hij me trouw
hij sliep naast mij 't was als een wonder
ik was een kind en werd een vrouw
't werd herfst, ik ben alleen ontwaakt
En in mijn droom, haalt hij zijn bruid
Nog steeds wil ik hem alles geven
Niet alle dromen komen uit
Niet elke storm kun je overleven
Mijn droom zo anders dan de hel
Waarin ik ben gedoemd te leven
Waarin geen enkele hoop meer gloort
Het leven heeft mijn droom vemoord
Einst hab ich manchen Mann gekannt
Ihre Stimmen waren sanft, ihre Worte geheuer
Einst hab ich lichterloh gebrannt
Und die Welt war ein Lied,
Und das Lied war aus Feuer
Es war einmal und ist nicht mehr
Ich hab geträumt vor langer Zeit
Von einem Leben, das sich lohnte
Von Liebe und Unsterblichkeit
Vom guten Gott, der mich verschonte
Da war ich jung und ohne Angst
Und Träume gingen wie sie kamen
Ich find dir, was du auch verlangst
Für jede Freude einen Namen
Doch die Tiger in der Nacht
Wittern gierig deine Wunden
Reißen wild an deinem Herz
Sie zerfleischen deinen Traum
Der Sommer, als er bei mir schlief
War wie ein uferloses Wunder
War Kind noch, als er nach mir rief
War Mädchen, als der Herbst begann
Ich träum noch heut, er kommt zurück
Gemeinsam trotzten wir den Jahren
Doch wir sind nicht gemacht fürs Glück
Für seine Stürme und Gefahren
Ich hab geträumt, mein Leben wär
Ein Schicksal außerhalb der Hölle
Gott gibt den Wünschen keinen Raum
Nichts blieb mir mehr von meinem Traum
Byl kdysi čas,
Kdy přede mnou muži zvolnili krok,
Kdekdo hold mi skládal,
Svět hudbou zněl mi příjemnou.
Šla jsem vstříc lichotkám,
Byla jsem přece mladá.
Ty doby znám,
Jenže jsou ty tam.
Má knížko snů
Kde já tě mám?
Chci zas tě číst a číst tě po sté
Jak dřív, kdy svět byl zázrak sám
A dýchat v něm se zdálo prosté.
Jen stránky obracet, nic víc
A vznést se tam, kam nikdo nesmí.
Jak blízko zdál se půlměsíc,
Jak blízko souhvězdí i vesmír.
Smečka zákeřná a zlá
Roztrhá i písmo svaté.
Knížka snů, kus mého já,
Zůstal z ní jen pouhý cár.
To on mě líbal za nocí
A breptal páté přes deváté.
Zbavil mě dětských nemocí,
Leč setrval jen týdnů pár.
Já dodnes jsem jak na trní
A doufám dál, že snad se vrátí.
Ten sen se zřejmě nesplní,
Mně nesplnil se žádný zatím.
Já měla sen, to přísahám,
Moc odlišný od bídy zdejší.
Sen zemřel, skoncoval to sám.
Má knížko snů, kde já tě mám?
Great job, Thanks