Homosexuality, The Bible, and the Need for Nuance - Justin Lee

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 145

  • @Warhol-jb9zx
    @Warhol-jb9zx Год назад +3

    Amazing Justin Lee! You are truly have an amazing gift. Your message is truly striking!

  • @earlcurtis8992
    @earlcurtis8992 6 лет назад +19

    Thanks Justin Lee. It seems that you are becoming more of the person God wants you to be. Nuanced Bible reading is a necessity. Thanks for a taking a position of Mercy over Sacrifice.

  • @jenslack9407
    @jenslack9407 6 лет назад +23

    You helped me change my mind Justin Lee. You and the Holy Spirit of course.

    • @samuelpark8074
      @samuelpark8074 4 года назад +1

      @@markwills3602 Mark, get behind me Satan

    • @samuelpark8074
      @samuelpark8074 4 года назад

      @@markwills3602 I love your heart, brother, but I am compelled by the Spirit to disagree with you on this one.

    • @markwills3602
      @markwills3602 4 года назад +2

      @@samuelpark8074 No doubt you are compelled by a spirit - the question is what spirit? It is ok to disagree with me, I am just a follower of Jesus Christ. What you must consider is do you disagree with what God says in his word? Take me out of the way and what does the Bible say? I need to share this scripture because of what Paul speaks about AFTER this scripture. This is the basic problem with Man in general - which lead to specific sins. "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened." All people knew God - and then they made the decision not to honor him as God, this is what Paul starts out with in writing to the Church in Rome. Romans 1:20-21. Now what was going on in Roe at the time was writing this scripture? Homosexuality was running rampant - AND grown men were allowed to enslave boys as sex toys. This is just what was going on in Rome - as well as a lot of drinking and gluttony. So Paul starts to describe what happens when God decides to ignore a group of people who do not want to recognize God as GOD! V. 24-25 "Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever." He gave them over to the lusts of their heart, and they worshiped each other rather than God. This had a terrible expression of evil, "For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." Notice this does not say Homosexual - but God through Paul made it VERY CLEAR what he was talking about. Also, this had nothing to do with "Temple Prostitutes." Why? Because temple prostitutes had NOTHING to do with the first century Church of Jesus Christ. The reason is because the temple had clearly been moved to our hearts and that is what all the apostles taught! Also God is clear there is no mistaking the meaning of - "men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful" - this is as clear as Paul could put it.. The very act of homosexuality is un-natural!. If I did not tell you what God said in Romans 1 - and there are other scriptures - I would be held accountable. But I tell you this only because this is the word of God - and it clearly expresses the thoughts of Almighty God!!

    • @abirosehoyt
      @abirosehoyt 4 года назад +7

      Mark Wills Paul is condemning pagan idolatry sex acts, specifically the Isis cult- (a pagan cult that was very popular in Rome at the time.) He’s not condemning a whole group of ppl affiliated by sexual orientation but rather a religious group. Paul is also addressing two different groups of ppl the gentiles and Jews. To appeal to the gentiles he uses the stoic school of thought (this was the most prevalent school of thought, most gentiles would’ve been well-versed in stoicism.) the word natural according to a stoic means self-control I.e. sex acts that are motivated by love not lust, living by the sexual-social norms of the day (men playing the active role and women playing the passive role, subjection of women, gender hierarchy) and procreative sex acts. Guess what this could mean any number of things this does not exclusively condemn all lgbtq+ ppl.

    • @pazstephen9779
      @pazstephen9779 4 года назад +8

      Way to ignore context, quotes from Paul written at a time when engaging with someone providing services in prostitution was was as easy as ordering a Big Mac in a McDonalds.
      Some Christian folk really need to visit Pompeii and actually discover in person what life was like around the period Paul lived in. You can actually see the menu still etched in the wall.
      They will know we are Christian by our love. LGBTQ are welcome in any church I’m part of. Come in! And marry if you are serious about a long term committed relationship. I’ll come to your wedding.

  • @kiky.mp4
    @kiky.mp4 5 лет назад +16

    "he wanted somebody, not just some body." beautiful

    • @HillbillyBlack
      @HillbillyBlack 10 месяцев назад

      I am a sinner who was engrossed in deep sexual sin. I cheated on my wife with lust, was addicted to porn and Lust, I was always angry, a terrible father, I treated others around me with a scorn and rudeness and aggravation. I treated my wife as less than me as if she were a second class citizen lower than dirt. I hated people…..No more. I am redeemed. I felt the weight of my sin at a tipping point of my life where it was Christ or death. So, i begged for forgiveness. “LORD GOD I AM TERRIBLE. if i am worth saving, please save me. All my sin is in your hands. PLEEEEEASE HELP ME.”
      My transformation was not Overnight, Though the promiscuous behavior ended day one. God reveals the things we must repent of slowly through a process called sanctification.
      For almost 2 years i battled lust addiction and porn. It was a slow but up hill progressing journey. it was only possible by the spirit place within me in salvation. It’s not something you can “will” your own choices to overcome. The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. It really is a litteral and indwelling. A litteral companionship. Scripture speaks of it like this.
      Romans 7:25 ESV
      Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.
      I did not come to Christ simply believing with joy and no pain over my sin. My choice for Christ was one of self death. I had to deny myself and die in order to follow Christ. This is not instant BUT i was redeemed, saved even during this painful journey.
      We could table homosexuality, and there’s still plenty of sin to be broken over. If you don’t come to the cross broken with a contrite heart then you are not being truly drawn by the father but simply self seeking validation to justify human weakness. Many people can read the Bible and claim they know Christ but to actually have a spirit discernment of scripture is another thing entirely.
      If you possess the Spirit of God, then you exist in a constant state of struggle. And there’s a mountain difference between conscience and conviction when it comes to this particular struggle. Conscience is what the natural man absent of the spirit of God feels. God convicts the world from an inherent state of infused morality of right and wrong. Conviction is the combination of conscience and the emotional strain of the Holy Spirit, pressing on your heart the evil of your flesh. It can be beyond crippling and you can feel it for almost anything.
      Galatians 5:17 ESV
      For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
      Salvation in christ is a redemptive journey. Not a pietist knowledge truly empty of redemption. Salvation is lights on versus lights off. Before salvation, we are hostile to God, we consider the word of God foolish and ignorant. We are blinded by the truth of God, and we are allowed to be blinded to the truth of God by Satan.
      If you are truly saved then you exit past behavior by the spirit. You were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience- among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the DESIRES of the BODY and the MIND, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, MADE us ALIVE together with Christ- Ephesians 2
      You can claim you are Christian all day long, But can you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Can you claim redemption and a life story of radical change? That’s Christianity.

  • @angelsdancing7311
    @angelsdancing7311 4 месяца назад

    God Bless Justin Lee.

  • @KennyVert
    @KennyVert 7 лет назад +24

    You are a very gifted communicator, Justin.

    • @gregstaton128
      @gregstaton128 2 года назад +3

      Sounds like he is trying in justify his sin....he needs to repent

    • @GilbertGTV
      @GilbertGTV 2 года назад +2

      @@gregstaton128 If it sounded like that to you, it sadly shows that you weren't really listening. May God have mercy on you should you need fellowship when you have been falsely accused.

    • @jeffhensley9988
      @jeffhensley9988 Год назад

      @@GilbertGTV No, what Justin is saying about H*m*sexuality and being a Christian is wrong. It is a sin and an abomination to God.

    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@gregstaton128 Sounds like you are trying to justify your bigotry. Repent.

  • @milliesaysokboomer
    @milliesaysokboomer 2 года назад +4

    this guy is better than Matthew vines, god bless both of them, ahead of their times

  • @oopsiepoopsie2898
    @oopsiepoopsie2898 4 года назад +21

    I don’t know this is hard, I’m not religious at all. The Bible definitely seems pretty clear, but early transcripts aren’t. This is the problem with the Bible for me, it seems Christian fundamentals don’t worship god they worship a book.

    • @logans.butler285
      @logans.butler285 4 года назад +7

      Coulnd't agree more with you

    • @alessiarizzo908
      @alessiarizzo908 4 года назад +2

      SO TRUE

    • @alanaban3519
      @alanaban3519 3 года назад +3

      No not at all they use the book as a guide to their lives

    • @Truthjustice23
      @Truthjustice23 3 года назад +2

      You guys are not reasoning correctly about the bible. True Christians don't worship the bible, is God's word God's breathed. is our guide to not get lost etc. is the absolute truth. Bur many miss interpret without the law of hermeneutics. So that's why many are Confused and living in error believing like if is right, according to what standards?? Sad really sad

    • @gregstaton128
      @gregstaton128 2 года назад

      Religion will send you to hell. Only a personal relationship with Christ will SAVE you

  • @mariamayol5500
    @mariamayol5500 2 месяца назад

    Justin Lee’s analysis is brilliant - and yet so many of these viewer comments are negative, so many still don’t get it which is so disheartening! For some people romantic love is not among their repertoire of emotions, they just don’t experience it (look up the aroace personality type). This may be why it’s so easy for them to judge those of us that do! People who have aroace personalities are not discriminate with regards to sexual partners because they just don’t experience being in love with a unique very special person the way we do. That’s why they call it having sex instead of making love. Those who have ears to hear let them hear! The others will never hear because they lack the capacity to do so 😢

  • @michg8969
    @michg8969 5 лет назад +9

    A great homily. Thirty years too late for me though - I struggle to even pray now, let alone go to church. And most ironically I'm not even interested in sex any more!

    • @jackyjackymack1033
      @jackyjackymack1033 4 года назад +11

      I really don't know how say this but the church is 2,000 years late for this. Homosexuality is not a new pop up issue of 2019 it's always been there since time immemorial. People getting shocked over the discussion of homosexuality is really annoying. Men with Same sex attractions were always there ,homosexuality is an ancient issue always carried forward to the next generation as if the current generation feel so disgusted at even pronouncing the word homosexuality.Homosexuals might be disgusting to the church but they are not to God. It's like you start paying attention to this only when homosexuality hits your home. Homosexuals are 'people' with likes and dislikes with a heart a mind a body a soul and on they are not an 'issue' to be solved. I also have stopped going to church, it's been five years. I always say something like "I dont want to define myself as gay" but I know what it really means. At the end of the however you define yourself you have those same sex attractions. Heterosexuals didn't do anything to get opposite sex attractions so I didn't do anything to get same sex attractions. I tried gay conversion therapy for ten years but it never worked. I started to have suicidal thoughts but I never acted upon it. There might be many many men like me who experienced the same thing but I have understood now that I need to look at Jesus instead of people or culture or trends.

    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@jackyjackymack1033 That's because the gay brain is proven and reparative therapy is proven dangerous.

  • @steveempire4625
    @steveempire4625 2 года назад +18

    1 Corinthians 7 outlines the situation explicitly. Only heterosexual marriage and celibacy are legit vocations. And being celibate does not mean being alone, the opposite. It means to be part of the Body of Christ fully emersed as St. Paul was. And all references in the NT to "sexual immorality" refer to every sexual act outside of heterosexual marriage. The Bible doesn't need to list every kind of relationship or sexual act as a sin. That is how it was understood then and how it should be understood now.

    • @markrichter2053
      @markrichter2053 Год назад

      Blah, blah, black and white…blah, blah, black and white. You just don’t get it do you? The whole point of the message is nuance. To interpret the scriptures we need to bring our God given brains. Evangelical thinking causes people with good brains to think stupid because your whole security is based on a simplistic understanding of a book rather than a relationship with a loving God. All this pointing the finger at gays is just hypocrisy

    • @Ashdaesq
      @Ashdaesq 10 месяцев назад +2

      You don’t know how it was understood then because you weren’t born back then!
      You don’t know how it was understood back then because even if you were born back then you don’t know how every person interpreted it back then.
      Let’s not play on words being celibate does mean that you are not able to connect with anyone in a romantic/loving/intimate relationship. According to your over broad qualification of being apart of the body, all of us believers married or not married are already apart of the body of Christ. So there’s and obviously difference for those that are apart of the body of Christ and married than those who aren’t married.
      All references to sexual immorality refer to every sexual act outside of a heterosexual marriage. Prove that please. Give me all the scriptural passages in context and give me the original Greek translations so that we know the direct translation of those words.
      Last conjecture: if a husband rapes his wife according to your definition, that’s acceptable, right?…

  • @amberkammer9210
    @amberkammer9210 10 месяцев назад +2

    Focus on Jesus: Jesus was never married or had sex, and yet he embodied what it meant to be truly and fully human more than any other person who has ever lived.

  • @lindacook758
    @lindacook758 5 лет назад +3

    I love you. Thanks for helping us understand.

  • @canyonwlkr
    @canyonwlkr 7 лет назад +20

    Excellent job, as usual, Justin.

    • @alanaban1840
      @alanaban1840 Год назад

      The act of homosexual is conden it do not matter how and when it is done do not link it to slavery

  • @vousandi8673
    @vousandi8673 Год назад +5

    when you were younger, and simply "saw homosexuality as sin", you did so because that's what it is, and this is unambiguously declared in god's word. what has changed is that you now simply refuse to acknowledge it as such, and you reject or twist god's word, and create a new "christ", all so that you're not convicted. you've explained your own rebellion toward god.

    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад +1

      You are a hypocrite. Every Fundamentalist seems to cherry pick the Bible to come to their beliefs as well just as you do. Is it okay to sell your Daughter as per Exodus 21:7-11 for example?

    • @carlrodd2000
      @carlrodd2000 5 месяцев назад

      What is your understanding of “slavery”, as far as that text is concerned?

  • @joepugh678
    @joepugh678 5 лет назад +2

    If you're ever in Philadelphia giving a talk I hope to see you.

  • @williammaclean641
    @williammaclean641 2 года назад +1

    Brilliant and beautiful

  • @tinfacesful
    @tinfacesful Год назад +1

    Look up Becket Cook who understands this issue personally

  • @dannyiselin
    @dannyiselin Год назад +2

    The Gospel is not about people's anecdotal experiences, as though these have any authority. Only Jesus' story is authoritative, so STICK TO IT or else we MOVE ALONG!

    • @mikefamm5712
      @mikefamm5712 Год назад +1

      Nobody is saying that experience makes any difference. It’s really not complicated, the difficulty of the experience he states should be reason enough to be compassionate. Thats all he’s saying. I don’t understand why people go out of their way to ignore or avoid his, and others, actual rational biblical arguments, and instead pretend like he’s just saying “it makes me sad when you call me a sinner so I’m not sinning!!”. Its incredible. He didn’t make a single argument about why homosexuality as a condition (not an activity) isn’t sinful because that’s not what he’s trying to prove here. He’s JUST talking about treating people with dignity and approaching every issue with the humility of a flawed human being that MIGHT be wrong about anything. At least prove why he’s wrong using his actual arguments.

    • @Ashdaesq
      @Ashdaesq 10 месяцев назад

      @@mikefamm5712thank you. So many people that argue against him never argue against his actual arguments. They quote what has been taught to them, regurgitate, say they are giving it in love and keep it moving. Where the true test of love to me is to wrestle with this. Do your own research, at least see where he is coming from and how he gets there. Even if you still come out disagreeing at least there’s a legitimate study of the actual issues and not a cursory broad stroke dismissal

    • @Ashdaesq
      @Ashdaesq 10 месяцев назад

      Actually if the gospel isn’t about anecdotal experiences then why do we have the story about the centurion and his daughter, why do we have a story about him healing a blind man, why do we have a story about Zaccheus?
      God is a personal God and the church has absolutely got it wrong when they try to fit everyone in ONE box. My experience is going to be very different than your experience because we are different people, raised in different places, going through different things. The one thing that Jesus commands across the board for everyone is the greatest commandments. Love for him(personal) and love for your neighbor. All the laws are summed up into that. My loving God is between me and him and anything that I need correction in loving him more, he will convict me. If he hasn’t convicted me in that area…then it’s not a concern.
      You need to move it along because last I checked you ain’t God

  • @julierammel9370
    @julierammel9370 Год назад +2

    The Bible is absolutely crystal clear on this.

    • @alanaban1840
      @alanaban1840 Год назад

      It is clear man and woman in a marriage not man and man

    • @HillbillyBlack
      @HillbillyBlack 10 месяцев назад

      I am a sinner who was engrossed in deep sexual sin. I cheated on my wife with lust, was addicted to porn and Lust, I was always angry, a terrible father, I treated others around me with a scorn and rudeness and aggravation. I treated my wife as less than me as if she were a second class citizen lower than dirt. I hated people…..No more. I am redeemed. I felt the weight of my sin at a tipping point of my life where it was Christ or death. So, i begged for forgiveness. “LORD GOD I AM TERRIBLE. if i am worth saving, please save me. All my sin is in your hands. PLEEEEEASE HELP ME.”
      My transformation was not Overnight, Though the promiscuous behavior ended day one. God reveals the things we must repent of slowly through a process called sanctification.
      For almost 2 years i battled lust addiction and porn. It was a slow but up hill progressing journey. it was only possible by the spirit place within me in salvation. It’s not something you can “will” your own choices to overcome. The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. It really is a litteral and indwelling. A litteral companionship. Scripture speaks of it like this.
      Romans 7:25 ESV
      Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.
      I did not come to Christ simply believing with joy and no pain over my sin. My choice for Christ was one of self death. I had to deny myself and die in order to follow Christ. This is not instant BUT i was redeemed, saved even during this painful journey.
      We could table homosexuality, and there’s still plenty of sin to be broken over. If you don’t come to the cross broken with a contrite heart then you are not being truly drawn by the father but simply self seeking validation to justify human weakness. Many people can read the Bible and claim they know Christ but to actually have a spirit discernment of scripture is another thing entirely.
      If you possess the Spirit of God, then you exist in a constant state of struggle. And there’s a mountain difference between conscience and conviction when it comes to this particular struggle. Conscience is what the natural man absent of the spirit of God feels. God convicts the world from an inherent state of infused morality of right and wrong. Conviction is the combination of conscience and the emotional strain of the Holy Spirit, pressing on your heart the evil of your flesh. It can be beyond crippling and you can feel it for almost anything.
      Galatians 5:17 ESV
      For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
      Salvation in christ is a redemptive journey. Not a pietist knowledge truly empty of redemption. Salvation is lights on versus lights off. Before salvation, we are hostile to God, we consider the word of God foolish and ignorant. We are blinded by the truth of God, and we are allowed to be blinded to the truth of God by Satan.
      If you are truly saved then you exit past behavior by the spirit. You were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience- among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the DESIRES of the BODY and the MIND, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, MADE us ALIVE together with Christ- Ephesians 2
      You can claim you are Christian all day long, But can you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Can you claim redemption and a life story of radical change? That’s Christianity.

    • @melaniexoxo
      @melaniexoxo 8 месяцев назад +1

      Just like it was “crystal clear” on slavery, interracial marriage and integration?

    • @HillbillyBlack
      @HillbillyBlack 8 месяцев назад

      @@melaniexoxo slavery in scripture is not the dame as slavery today.

    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад

      @@HillbillyBlack It's far worse.! A man could sell his Daughter as a sex slave as per Exodus 21 7-11.

  • @maegardnermills4292
    @maegardnermills4292 Год назад +2

    "Matt. 22:21). In other words, Jesus taught us to obey and honor both the laws of the land, or nation, we live in, and God's laws."
    I see the right for marriage and same-sex marriages. It is legal to marry. In many nations, it is the law of their ĺand too.
    Personally it is between each of us before God.

    • @Pro-j4q
      @Pro-j4q Год назад

      My god is fine with same sex marriage.

  • @48Ballen
    @48Ballen 3 года назад +10

    Restrictions on sex apply to homosexuals and heterosexuals alike....YOu must be married to a member of the opposite sex to have sex. The prostitute who was going to be stoned violated this rule but Jesus saved her. Was his admonition...go and have a great time, I understand? NO, it was go and sin no more. Jesus loved her but that did not effect the rules spelled out in scripture.... Any man teaching otherwise if just making up his own rules which you can follow at your own peril.

    • @bounty8438
      @bounty8438 3 года назад +5

      Just no. We don’t need to be married to the opposite sex. That would be going against our nature. Not to mention that law would only be used to ensure future generations. At a time where overpopulation is a huge issue I think it’s fine if we don’t all follow those laws.

    • @christo-chaney
      @christo-chaney 2 года назад +2

      So when the woman who was caught in the act of adultery and brought to Jesus I noticed how Christian’s never ask one question…where was the man?

  • @hugoanson2135
    @hugoanson2135 Год назад +1


    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад

      True Christian Churches affirm the LGBT people for what they are. Exodus international folded and apologized in 2013 for the harm they caused gay people.

  • @48Ballen
    @48Ballen 3 года назад +7

    The UMC is doomed with pastors like this...

    • @alanaban3519
      @alanaban3519 Год назад +1

      You have to do what is what god say

    • @alanaban3519
      @alanaban3519 Год назад +1

      Adan and eve not steve

    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад

      Actually they aren't. Exodus International folded and apologized for the harm they caused. That was the largest ex-gay Christian organization.

  • @TS-vg3ly
    @TS-vg3ly Год назад +7

    Got to hand it to you Justin you really know how to twist scripture to suit your sinful lifestyle.

    • @flapjackluvr
      @flapjackluvr Год назад +3

      How mean. Work on eliminating your own sin and not what you assume is someone else's sin.

    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад

      So you can sell your Daughter as a sex slave as per Exodus 21? Hypocritical Bible cherry picker....

  • @48Ballen
    @48Ballen Год назад +7

    Pretending that God's commandments are wrong is nothing but trouble. The Bible is the Word of God, and you can violate his commandments at your own peril. Pretending is just wrong.

    • @derykdavid2849
      @derykdavid2849 Год назад +2

      Please refute why slavery is bad then. Assuming you believe that.

    • @markrichter2053
      @markrichter2053 Год назад

      “Where the Pharisees saw an issue, Jesus saw a person. ‘And Jesus looked around him with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart’.”

    • @Ashdaesq
      @Ashdaesq 10 месяцев назад

      Please also read Leviticus 18 and explain how people who eat shellfish, wear mix materials are not doomed for violating those commandments too!
      And please also tell me where he said anything about pretending the commandments are wrong?

    • @HillbillyBlack
      @HillbillyBlack 10 месяцев назад

      Arsenokoitai - ἀρσενοκοίτης, ἀρσενοκοιτου, ὁ (ἄρσην a male; κοίτη a bed), one who lies with a male as with a female, a sodomite: 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10.
      From arrhen and koite; a sodomite -- abuser of (that defile) self with mankind.
      Arsenokoitai is a compound word: arseno is the word for “a male,” and koitai is the word for “mat” or “bed.” Put the two halves together, and the word means “a male bed”-that is, a person who makes use of a “male-only bed” or a “bed for males.” And, truthfully, that’s all the information we need to understand the intent of 1 Corinthians 6:9.
      As in English, the Greek word for “bed” can have both sexual and non-sexual meanings. The statement “I bought a new bed” has no sexual connotation; however, “I went to bed with her” does. In the context of 1 Corinthians 6:9, koitai connotes an illicit sexual connotation-the apostle is clearly speaking of “wrongdoers” here. The conclusion is that the word arsenokoitai refers to homosexuals-men who are in bed with other men, engaging in same-gender sexual activity.
      You are dead in your sin. Those Very scriptures you are trying to understand say that you’re purposefully blinded by the god of this world. It literally says you require the Holy Spirit to understand the mind of God. You do not have the spirit of God but twist scripture to allow your sin. You cannot escape scriptures truth.
      You will remain hostile and against God until God awakens you to the reality of your sin. You must be made alive from a contrite and broken heart. A state absent by your current argument. You are intrenched in sin and will remain dead until the day of judgment when you realize you were horribly wrong. Then you will go away into everlasting punishment.
      “ what am I supposed to do? Be miserable and the single the rest of my life?”
      Yes. The Bible says that you are to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Christ. This is not easy. You are to put to death the deeds of the flesh. You are to deny yourself - Not “Accept” yourself and who you are: claiming this is what God made you to be. Under that logic, God made a whole lot of arrogant angry inebriated predisposed assholes and douche bags. Are they just allowed to be that way? By which moral metric standard are we measuring these guidelines? Human understanding or the God Breathed word of God?

    • @HillbillyBlack
      @HillbillyBlack 10 месяцев назад

      I am a sinner who was engrossed in deep sexual sin. I cheated on my wife with lust, was addicted to porn and Lust, I was always angry, a terrible father, I treated others around me with a scorn and rudeness and aggravation. I treated my wife as less than me as if she were a second class citizen lower than dirt. I hated people…..No more. I am redeemed. I felt the weight of my sin at a tipping point of my life where it was Christ or death. So, i begged for forgiveness. “LORD GOD I AM TERRIBLE. if i am worth saving, please save me. All my sin is in your hands. PLEEEEEASE HELP ME.”
      My transformation was not Overnight, Though the promiscuous behavior ended day one. God reveals the things we must repent of slowly through a process called sanctification.
      For almost 2 years i battled lust addiction and porn. It was a slow but up hill progressing journey. it was only possible by the spirit place within me in salvation. It’s not something you can “will” your own choices to overcome. The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. It really is a litteral and indwelling. A litteral companionship. Scripture speaks of it like this.
      Romans 7:25 ESV
      Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself serve the law of God with my mind, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.
      I did not come to Christ simply believing with joy and no pain over my sin. My choice for Christ was one of self death. I had to deny myself and die in order to follow Christ. This is not instant BUT i was redeemed, saved even during this painful journey.
      We could table homosexuality, and there’s still plenty of sin to be broken over. If you don’t come to the cross broken with a contrite heart then you are not being truly drawn by the father but simply self seeking validation to justify human weakness. Many people can read the Bible and claim they know Christ but to actually have a spirit discernment of scripture is another thing entirely.
      If you possess the Spirit of God, then you exist in a constant state of struggle. And there’s a mountain difference between conscience and conviction when it comes to this particular struggle. Conscience is what the natural man absent of the spirit of God feels. God convicts the world from an inherent state of infused morality of right and wrong. Conviction is the combination of conscience and the emotional strain of the Holy Spirit, pressing on your heart the evil of your flesh. It can be beyond crippling and you can feel it for almost anything.
      Galatians 5:17 ESV
      For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
      Salvation in christ is a redemptive journey. Not a pietist knowledge truly empty of redemption. Salvation is lights on versus lights off. Before salvation, we are hostile to God, we consider the word of God foolish and ignorant. We are blinded by the truth of God, and we are allowed to be blinded to the truth of God by Satan.
      If you are truly saved then you exit past behavior by the spirit. You were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience- among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the DESIRES of the BODY and the MIND, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, MADE us ALIVE together with Christ- Ephesians 2
      You can claim you are Christian all day long, But can you claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ? Can you claim redemption and a life story of radical change? That’s Christianity.

  • @randomridesthoughts3616
    @randomridesthoughts3616 Год назад +2

    You keep saying context. How about learning the context of scripture

  • @AureliusFan
    @AureliusFan Год назад +1

    Leading people to accept sin is not something to celebrate.

    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад

      Cherry picing moral standards like you are isn't anything to celebrate. Women were treated as property to be sold in the Bible.

  • @gregstaton128
    @gregstaton128 2 года назад +5

    Just quit trying justifying the sin....get your heart right with Jesus Christ. Those people need to walk out of this church. If they stay they are saying ok to the repeated exercising of the speakers gay sex acts.....

    • @flapjackluvr
      @flapjackluvr Год назад

      What sex acts do you commit? Have you ever watched porn, had sex outside of marriage, oral sex, masturbated? Those are real sexual sins. Actually, why don't we all just stay out of others' bedrooms? It's none of our business.

  • @tjones020570
    @tjones020570 Год назад +4

    So, can I be a thief, a murderer, a drunk, someone who participates in beastality etc, can I be a pastor of your church? I am just asking a question?

    • @AZ-ty7ub
      @AZ-ty7ub Год назад

      Of course not, Christ had none of those as his followers! /sarcasm

    • @Mayrita77
      @Mayrita77 Год назад

      According to this guy you can. According to the Bible no, you can't. But people love to hear lies

  • @ПавелКохан
    @ПавелКохан Год назад +1

    Don’t name yourself Christians, you’re not!

  • @markanthony3275
    @markanthony3275 2 года назад +4

    This pastor must reject Jesus Christ...he wasn't very nuanced when he told people to repent of their sin...he wasn't very nuanced when he died on the cross either.

    • @christo-chaney
      @christo-chaney 2 года назад +1

      When did Jesus ever say anything about gay people?

    • @markanthony3275
      @markanthony3275 2 года назад +2

      @@christo-chaney What does LGBT sexuality, gluttony, alcoholism and drug addiction have in common? They are all volitional, addictive, compulsive , self soothing behaviours. As addictions...they are all automatically idolatrous because these behaviours first separate the addict from friends, then family...and finally , from God. The addict must then join with other likeminded people and form a "subculture" where they can get together and worship their god. That is what a Pride Parade is really about...addicts worshipping their god. Now...did Jesus say anything about idolatry? Yes he did...he said "You shall have no other gods in my place". So , the answer is YES Jesus did say something about LGBT sexuality and a good many other behaviours as well.

    • @christo-chaney
      @christo-chaney 2 года назад +1

      @@markanthony3275 a lot of LGBT people happen to be celibate. Also it wasn’t Jesus who said “you shall have no other gods in my place.” It was God in Exodus & Deuteronomy (among other places also) who said “have no other gods על פני literally “on my face.” God is not a man and Jesus said many times that his father was greater than he was. LGBT isn’t idolatry.the Bible doesn’t know anything about sexual orientation or attraction. It only understands sexual acts.
      Edited to add:the only people praying to a false god at Pride are the street preachers with their bull horns & signs screaming at us.

    • @markanthony3275
      @markanthony3275 2 года назад +2

      @@christo-chaney Celibate doesn't mean anything because Jesus said adultery was in the mind and heart...so was murder...and so is lust, celibate or not...maybe you didn't get the part in the Bible where Jesus , as the Son of God, was present at creation and the giving of those ten commandments ...that's why Jesus said " I have not come to abolish the commandments...but to fulfill them"...and that means he endorses his commandment " You shall have no other gods in my place".

    • @christo-chaney
      @christo-chaney 2 года назад +1

      @@markanthony3275 there are many places in the Bible that says God isn’t a man and doesn’t change. In the New Testament it says that Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature. That’s changing. If Jesus is God then who was he praying to in the garden?

  • @robertwood4194
    @robertwood4194 Год назад

    You would justify your position on whether a logical man would pull an ox out of a well on a Sunday? What other law or moral should we justify to satisfy ones self centered idolatry?...new opportunities...good fruit? Your generalities do not give justice to the scripture..All should be welcomed by the church as we all sin in one form or another...To justify ones sin and promote is heresy. Splitting the church over pride and self justification is not an act of compassion.

  • @buckyoung4578
    @buckyoung4578 Год назад

    In today's world nuance is license for condoning SIN! The Bible is crystal clear that homosexuality is a SIN and in need of repentance and censure!

  • @stanleymathis8644
    @stanleymathis8644 Год назад

    I don't care how you feel you know you had to pull him and you know that homosexuality is against God it's not what you believe is what God say so you standing there teaching preacher telling people about your experience but God clearly speaks against that in the Bible so I don't know what you talkin about you can't justify what you doing and God clearly speaks against it it's guys were not what you think it is a day God is the boss

  • @Zxkylar
    @Zxkylar Год назад

    If Jesus and Yahweh or whatever name they wanted to be used are Magical Gods who are Perfect Communicators who Exist - Why is there Always the Need for humans like you to InterPret what these Absentee Gods mean 🧐🤔

    • @Zxkylar
      @Zxkylar Год назад

      Always Guessing and Speculating - Is that the Best Method in Accessing Wisdom for - The Way, The Truth and The Life 🤨

    • @Zxkylar
      @Zxkylar Год назад

      Homosexuality ❓🤔 Slavery ❓🤔. Let’s Ask the 1st Century people 🙄
      Sabbath ❓🤔 Yahweh and Jesus canNot even agree between the two of them 🥴
      And the Pharisees are supposedly God’s representatives ( what quality of training was that, Yahweh ? ) - because - they were Jesus’s Number One adversaries - Not Rome, who just happened to be the Super Power Invaders of the time - which Super Jesus declined to criticize or ruffle 🦁 🙊
      Come to think of it -
      Slavery approved - Yahweh ✅ ,
      Jesus ✅ , Rome ✅
      Homosexuality - Yahweh 🚫, Rome 👌, Jesus 🤷‍♂️
      Sabbath - Yahweh 😍 , Rome 🥱 🎪, Jesus 🤷‍♂️

    • @melaniexoxo
      @melaniexoxo 6 месяцев назад

      It’s because WE aren’t perfect.

  • @belkys120
    @belkys120 2 года назад +2

    [ THE LORD GOD ] !!! , WAS , ( VERY CLEAR ) , IN ( GENESIS 18 & 19 ) .!!!! IN , DEALING , WITH , ( THOSE , SINFUL PEOPLE ) .!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.... [ DONT , COMPROMISED ] THEY , ARE , GUIDED , BY , LUST ) ☠️.!!!!! SEE , THERE UNDERWORLD !!!!! ... 😳😳😳.....

    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад

      Was he clear that you could sell your Daughter as per Exodus 21? (very clear)???

  • @bilbobaggins4403
    @bilbobaggins4403 5 лет назад +1

    Justin has never done anything bad though...he is a victim. Poor Justin.

    • @alanaban1840
      @alanaban1840 Год назад

      He is wrong the bible said he made woman for man one way / he said man with man is a sin

  • @Ark-Angel44
    @Ark-Angel44 Год назад +1

    Scripture isn't nuanced. 🙄

    • @melaniexoxo
      @melaniexoxo 6 месяцев назад +1

      It’s not, but humanity continuously gets it wrong.

    • @chrisanderson9981
      @chrisanderson9981 5 месяцев назад

      is it okay to sell your Daughter then as a slave as per Exodus 21 7-11? or treat women as property?

    • @Ark-Angel44
      @Ark-Angel44 5 месяцев назад

      @@chrisanderson9981 You are referring to the ancient Cultural/judicial law. The Laws The Lord gave His people were for their protection and as well as to set them apart from the tribes that surrounded them. They are not in force today. The only laws considered to carry over today would be the moral law post the coming of Messiah. After multiple diasporas, the Jews would have limited ability to retain the cultural laws, unlike strict Muslim communities who believe that they should have the right to live by Sharia law.

    • @Foxtrot_Woof
      @Foxtrot_Woof 5 месяцев назад

      @@Ark-Angel44 No where in the bible does it identify which laws are moral, civic, or ceremonial in the old testament. Neither did ancient Israelites nor early Judaism make such distinctions. Biblical scholars generally agree that these are divisions created by the early Christian church in the 2nd and 3rd Century in order to rationalize which laws they wanted to keep and which ones they wished to ignore. Initially the church only recognized Ceremonial and Moral distinctions, but at a later date added the Civic division as well.
      All scripture should be judged based on the context of the time it was written and the understanding/biases of the some 40-50 different authors who make up the book. The church was perfectly fine with slavery up and until the 19th century. We've simply rationalized that away as a modern educated people.

  • @alanaban3519
    @alanaban3519 3 года назад +1

    God see man would be lonely and made a mate which is a women not a man

    • @bounty8438
      @bounty8438 3 года назад +5

      But some men aren’t made to be attracted to women. God made Eve specifically for Adam, so why couldn’t the lgbtq community have their partners be made specifically for them?

    • @YOHANN-w3q
      @YOHANN-w3q 3 года назад +3

      U pay attention more properly.
      God has bestowed upon us the quality of love!
      He understands our need for intimacy.
      So when God says "its not good for a man to be alone" so he created a woman for her, isn't the definition of how relationships should be. Its rather an example of how God puts people into relationships.
      So when God saw Adam alone, HE REALISED the need for intimacy in Adam. So he created eve for him as someone Adam could love, a lifetime companion,a soul mate, someone who could understand him. And that's what LGBTQ people need!
      God has given us the need of intimacy, loving someone, marriage, he is the one who's given us the quality of love.
      And that is What people who are LGBTQ+ Need.
      Yes Adam and eve were the first couple. They were heterosexual. Adam and AREN'T the definition of the coming human generation will be. But from the same Adam and eve came diversity in human beings. Each human being started differing from one another.
      Because the population kept on increasing, humans started differing from one and other.
      There came a huge diversity in human beings. Human diversity exists in a spectrum.
      And the same way there exists a great diversity in sexuality, gender identity, gender expression. Existing in a continuum, and a huge spectrum.
      Every human being is different,but everyone is human being.
      In the bible too, "God knew us before we were born, he knit me together in my mother's womb"
      "we are fearfully and wonderfully made"
      Which shows how wonderfully God has created us. With such beauty, diversity, complexity.
      And LGBTQ people too are a part of God's creation, they're simply jus a part of a great, big, beautiful diversity existing in human beings.
      Science and Bible isn't an easy balance but, at times it does go together in many ways. Especially when it's about what God has created on this planet like our nature, our human body. And with the study of how God has created our bodies with such intricacy,along with the same study of our human body, includes the study of human sexuality, human sex, human gender identity, human gender expression.
      So our body, sexuality, sex, gender identity, gender, expression, our whole body is by God.
      And with such intricacy in our body it also shows theres existing such diversity, complexity and intricacy in human sexuality, gender identity, gender expression.
      Its a significant component of our human body. And is a part of nature
      LGBTQ itself is a active part in nature. Its found in 1500+ species on this planet including plants, animals. And this is how they perform their roles in nature as a process of life. This is how natural this really is. so LGBTQ occurs really naturally and normally. Like I said it's a part of human diversity.
      God's creation on this planet is really complex, hard to understand but it exists. Alot yet to be discovered. LGBTQ is a part of this gods complex and beautiful creation in human beings.

    • @alanaban3519
      @alanaban3519 3 года назад

      I agree we all need a companion but also to be complementary / like charge repell each other unlike charge attract each other that is the basic function of mature/ that is is call un matural attractions / I agree it happen in mature but not a correct president / woman with women could only lead to the extinction of the human race. They cannot full fild the creation plan because it is un matural it is an evel plan of man lust

    • @bounty8438
      @bounty8438 3 года назад +3

      @@alanaban3519, some straight people can’t fulfill the “creation mandate.” And the creation mandate isn’t exactly necessary anymore considering how many billion people live on the earth currently.

    • @bounty8438
      @bounty8438 3 года назад +1

      @@alanaban3519, the reason homosexuality wasn’t well regarded in the Bible is because they simply can’t create life. In the same way infertile and barren women ware also shunned and not well regarded because offspring were a major necessity. This is why Abraham and Sarah having a child is as powerful as it is because they simply couldn’t naturally make children.