try putting your hand behind it when wont focus. i find it curious they even made this figure but never gonna complain about new comic legends, and always need new cosmic entities for my heroes to battle on the coffee table. he might share parts with the west coast avengers set hank pym? i love this secret wars wave , i been wanting a rhodes iron man with the skates forever in the yellow and red instead of gold and then they screw me with a blue unibeam ... oh well
He actually had this body during Secret Wars 2. He was just energy during part one.
West Coast Avenger 5 set Dr Hank Pym shares a lot of this buck in my opinion.
try putting your hand behind it when wont focus. i find it curious they even made this figure but never gonna complain about new comic legends, and always need new cosmic entities for my heroes to battle on the coffee table. he might share parts with the west coast avengers set hank pym? i love this secret wars wave , i been wanting a rhodes iron man with the skates forever in the yellow and red instead of gold and then they screw me with a blue unibeam ... oh well
Not doing a comparison with molecule man is diabolical 💀