A Man Of Average Intelligence. Zoltan Kaszas - Full Special

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 2,3 тыс.

  • @zoltancomedy
    @zoltancomedy 2 года назад +3645

    Hell yeah! Thanks for all the nice comments everyone

    • @ArvinCastro
      @ArvinCastro 2 года назад +57

      Looking forward for the next one!

    • @CocoForBird
      @CocoForBird 2 года назад +63

      You are hilarious! Thanks for gracing us with your comedy.

    • @cherylolsen7811
      @cherylolsen7811 2 года назад +41

      Really love your style of comedy! You're amazing 👏!

    • @starian2
      @starian2 2 года назад +65

      Wait, wait, wait. This is the DryBar comedy video, don't you mean "Heck yeah!"? 😜

    • @kelleyg4894
      @kelleyg4894 2 года назад +23

      You're actually in my top 10 comedians, and that should mean a lot coming from a complete stranger. Keep up the good work.

  • @whitmolinar3191
    @whitmolinar3191 2 года назад +272

    I'm broke af rn, but this made me laugh so hard it cleared up my dry eye syndrome from these forsaken TX allergies after cry-laughing. Its only $2 but hopefully it'll buy ya sweet treat from 7/11 👌 thank you

    • @HeriEystberg
      @HeriEystberg 2 года назад +3

      A percentage of that goes to Google, the rest of it goes to Dry bar Comedy, and none of it goes to Zoltan.

    • @Torsive
      @Torsive 2 года назад +28

      End of the video says the tip all goes straight to Zoltann, in case the above puts anyone more generous than me off :)

    • @HeriEystberg
      @HeriEystberg 2 года назад +9

      @@Torsive oh, that's nice. I did not catch that.

    • @Torsive
      @Torsive 2 года назад +8

      @@HeriEystberg all good, it sounds too good to be true. Good on RUclips for caring about the creators. :)

    • @onethousandwords
      @onethousandwords 2 года назад +3

      @@Torsive The link says "supports Dry Bar Comedy," but I'm sure it's a nice gesture either way for good content. See him when he goes on tour, that's the best gift for a comedian!

  • @jacobsekela8691
    @jacobsekela8691 2 года назад +430

    Zoltan's special was one of the first I watched when I discovered Dry Bar back in 2017 and I've been hooked ever since. One of my favorite Dry Bar comedians ever! His delivery is iconic.

    • @itoibo4208
      @itoibo4208 2 года назад +8

      "I think I have too many teeth." XD

    • @joshbrigham942
      @joshbrigham942 2 года назад +2

      Yeah I still think Zoltans hair was more iconic long. This regular guy look isn't a good introduction to the odd sound he's making

    • @itoibo4208
      @itoibo4208 2 года назад

      @@joshbrigham942 I did not like the long hair on him, but this hair cut does not fit his style either.

    • @marshwetland3808
      @marshwetland3808 2 года назад +2

      @@joshbrigham942 I liked his long hair, too, but his words are even more surprising coming out of Mr. Average. But maybe that's the point. He is claiming to be average in some ways. Clearly by the standard of wit or comedy, he is not average. And I find his accent and speech habits are unique. Have never heard anything like it, unless you could put California and Kentucky in a blender somehow.

    • @lindsayanne3076
      @lindsayanne3076 2 года назад +1

      Me too!

  • @besomebeauty
    @besomebeauty Год назад +26

    Thanks, Zoltan! Please tell your mom you're making the world a better place with LAUGHTER! OXXO

  • @onethousandwords
    @onethousandwords 2 года назад +380

    I was all distracted like "I'll give this a minute's listen" and then sat and watched the whole show riveted. Zoltan is great!

    • @PETESGIRL7002
      @PETESGIRL7002 Год назад +10

      I put it on thinking I could fall asleep for a nap just listening to this but no nap here. Couldn’t turn away or turn it off.

    • @1staidgirl
      @1staidgirl Год назад +9

      Zoltan The Great.😁

    • @iDana256
      @iDana256 10 месяцев назад +3

      I put this as my “podcast” while driving and loved every bit of it

  • @FleaChristenson
    @FleaChristenson 2 года назад +525

    Zoltan is in my top five dry bar comics. Thanks for bringing him back and confirming that wasn’t a fluke! Just as funny this time.

    • @misodinamosa
      @misodinamosa 2 года назад +3

      Who are your other four?😊

    • @FleaChristenson
      @FleaChristenson 2 года назад +8

      @@misodinamosa Warren B Hall, Josh Sneed, Shawn - the neck tat guy (chemo brain), Dwayne can’t remember his last name - Perkins?

    • @misodinamosa
      @misodinamosa Год назад +2

      @@FleaChristenson Wow! This will be great, thank you!

    • @ermelinda2223
      @ermelinda2223 Год назад +2

      @@FleaChristenson Josh sneed is freaking hilarious!! He reminds me of Josh from drake and Josh.. haha

    • @crybabychrononaut
      @crybabychrononaut Год назад +3

      @@FleaChristenson Shayne Smith. Funny af.
      Agree about Sneed. His special is hilarious.

  • @AmityBell333
    @AmityBell333 Год назад +21

    I'm one of those aforementioned white ladies in a cardigan with photos of my cats. I really love your comedy, and I can't wait to see what you do next!

  • @duanelarkin9958
    @duanelarkin9958 2 года назад +118

    The joke about the 'uncle dressed as a yak' during the 1/6 debacle was PERFECT!
    We are going to watch your first comedy special as soon as we catch our breath, honest.

  • @jmoon1145
    @jmoon1145 2 года назад +572

    Bro this is one of the most original and funny shows i've seen in a long time. Not many comedians can make people laugh like this without getting into shock value or rehashed material. Well done, Sir.

    • @foreverJMJ93
      @foreverJMJ93 Год назад +8

      He has another one you should go find it. Equally as funny

    • @austinlawrence7371
      @austinlawrence7371 Год назад +2

      Hes super bad😂 luv this guy

    • @luzdeladiosa8454
      @luzdeladiosa8454 Год назад +2

      Dude! I just wrote the same thing, more or less. This guy was hilarious!

    • @nosvibes9786
      @nosvibes9786 Год назад

      Shock value?

  • @GenXsinglefree
    @GenXsinglefree Год назад +237

    Watched from my hospital bed. Thought I was going to break stitches from laughing.

  • @SuperZytoon
    @SuperZytoon 2 года назад +117

    Absolutely one of the funniest Dry Bar comedians I have watched. So hilarious!

  • @christopherbrau5229
    @christopherbrau5229 2 года назад +60

    Fantastic, loved both your sets on dry bar. Hope for a third. 😁👍

  • @melissanandanwar
    @melissanandanwar 2 года назад +93

    This guy is a shining star. One day soon he will make it in the Big Leaugues! Keep the jokes coming Zoltan! We love yah!

    • @marshwetland3808
      @marshwetland3808 2 года назад +4

      Johnny Carson would be cracking up if he could have booked Zoltan.

  • @luzdeladiosa8454
    @luzdeladiosa8454 Год назад +29

    😂 He is the funniest comedian I have seen in a very long time. Really surprised me. That's a great deal of talent when you can be so funny without being vulgar or divisive. This was clever and intelligent. Two thumbs up. Thank you!!!

  • @airport862
    @airport862 5 месяцев назад +3

    One of the funniest comedians working today. Excellent story teller and talks to his audience like one would speak to friends. Only funnier.

  • @bradym.5701
    @bradym.5701 2 года назад +143

    This was gold from start to finish. That line about your parents getting together and your face is the receipt was absolute genius. Finding a comedian this sharp nowadays is so rare.

  • @lauriepeters5936
    @lauriepeters5936 2 года назад +30

    I love Zoltan!! He is so funny! One of the first comedians I saw on Dry Bar and definitely one of my favorites! Love his style.. his delivery.. his jokes! He cut his HAIR!! LOL!

  • @cherylnoel9888
    @cherylnoel9888 2 года назад +97

    Zoltan is a amazingly creative comedian. Every time I've seen him, he just cracks me up!

  • @jaymorrison3645
    @jaymorrison3645 2 года назад +17

    Thanks! Amazing! As good or better than any contemporary comic. Bravo Sir.

  • @tinabeasley7821
    @tinabeasley7821 4 месяца назад +13

    Wanted to know that you’re a blessing…I have PTSD and severe anxiety, so I have what I call my “off” days. Sometimes I have to psych myself up to even leave my bedroom! You are my go-to to fix it when that happens. Thank you more than you know and much love to you and yours!

    • @BoogieOogieWoogie
      @BoogieOogieWoogie 28 дней назад +3

      God bless you and you are not alone 🤍.

    • @tinabeasley7821
      @tinabeasley7821 27 дней назад +2

      @ 😏good morning and I really appreciate that..!

    • @pamkyzar1456
      @pamkyzar1456 27 дней назад +3

      Me too. I developed PTSD from a terribly abusive childhood. ….. Every kind of abuse possible.
      I went through the process with a psychologist who specialized in dealing with this type of disorder.
      I truly do know what you are going through.
      Are you on any type of mental disorder medication?

    • @tinabeasley7821
      @tinabeasley7821 27 дней назад +1

      @ you’re an amazing person and I think people like us are the strong ones, not the one that cause harm. They can’t handle it…🫶🏻

    • @MediaLieDetector
      @MediaLieDetector 10 дней назад

      Courage needs practice.

  • @JusticeBurpees
    @JusticeBurpees 2 года назад +100

    I love how Dry Bar is uploading full specials like there's no tomorrow. I don't mind the trend a bit! Hope it continues.

    • @rocqitmon
      @rocqitmon 2 года назад +3

      there's no tomorrow, I'd
      rather it not continue!

    • @anaderol5408
      @anaderol5408 2 года назад +3

      @@rocqitmon deep... very deep indeed ....and disturbing ....🤣🤣😳😳

  • @methodsignature
    @methodsignature 2 года назад +44

    This was real quality. Glad to see Zoltan is proving to be prolific and getting even better.

  • @laurie1536
    @laurie1536 2 года назад +95

    First time I saw Zoltan was his Seattle bit on his cat Jessica. So funny! He's really perfected his craft the last few years, funny guy!

  • @LCarefortheworld
    @LCarefortheworld 4 месяца назад +10

    I'm so glad I found him-a comedian who's genuinely funny without resorting to cheap shots at vulnerable people or relying on crude humor. His jokes are intelligent, and I can't wait to see his performance in person.

  • @jacobhenderson9238
    @jacobhenderson9238 Год назад +14

    One of the most underrated comedians on the circuit right now. Follow follow follow!!

  • @marionholtzmann6872
    @marionholtzmann6872 2 года назад +115

    Nicely done, Zoltan, thank you very much for the belly laughs, which I did often throughout this.

    • @marshwetland3808
      @marshwetland3808 2 года назад +4

      I can't remember bellylaughs like these in years.

  • @emilysadeghi6825
    @emilysadeghi6825 2 года назад +10

    Absolutely masterful at getting everyone laughing like crazy no matter what their beliefs are! I love it!

  • @anikac8380
    @anikac8380 2 года назад +10

    Zoltan, you kill! I’ve had loads of laughter from your work over the years. Keep it coming.

  • @jenniferrichards9841
    @jenniferrichards9841 Год назад +47

    When he explained why the short togetherness of humanity hurt his heart, really felt that. I too have always assumed a certain type of event he went on to describe would bring all the humans together. The joke about why even that won't work, is true and painful, and Zoltan made me laugh about it. Crushed a hope I held, and made me laugh. THAT is talent!!!!

  • @dianaefrost
    @dianaefrost Год назад +1

    Love ur comedy style. Thanks for being lovely!

  • @Isabella66Gracen
    @Isabella66Gracen 2 года назад +58

    I admit to being one of the immediate Zoltan fans because of his Cat Jokes. So good 👍. I really find something special about men who like cats. And even more so if the cat loves them back. Happy to see this guy again!

    • @waynemyers2469
      @waynemyers2469 2 года назад +4

      Hi, Lydia, my name is Wayne and I have 4 cats, y'wanna go out? Wait, about the cats...they don't have to be alive, do they?

    • @Isabella66Gracen
      @Isabella66Gracen 2 года назад +1

      @@waynemyers2469 😂 Well, only alive cats can love you back, Wayne. 👍

    • @waynemyers2469
      @waynemyers2469 2 года назад +1

      @@Isabella66Gracen Well, yeah but they're so troublesome and do you know what cat-food cost these days? I mean, my cats are very quiet and when I say "Stay", they stay and besides, other than a little shot of Fabreze occasionally, they are low maintenance and almost cost-free. As for them returning love, okay, you got me there but let me tell you little secret: Ever since I modified my cats my dog adores me...and that's worth everything...

    • @joannaedwards6325
      @joannaedwards6325 Год назад

      I fell in love with MY man when he cried happy tears when my lost cat finally came home.
      (and he wasn't a whimpy girly man. He was a big tatted up biker/ex con)!

    • @joannaedwards6325
      @joannaedwards6325 Год назад

      OMG!!! FABREEZE is POISONESS to animals!!! That stuff kills birds and blinds cats. Please stop using that product. GLADE makes a healthier anti odor product.

  • @janetttyminski7295
    @janetttyminski7295 2 года назад +860

    Zoltan’s mother must be so proud! She raised a cat comedian, who can tell jokes about lots of other stuff.

    • @LS-ys8nr
      @LS-ys8nr 2 года назад +11

      He has one story about a cat, he’s not a “cat comedian”

    • @snookwilliams1365
      @snookwilliams1365 2 года назад +9

      I like cats, moms, and jokes about other stuff. I can't tell if this is intended as a compliment or a hate comment 😆

    • @wendypuk4978
      @wendypuk4978 2 года назад +5

      Such a boomer comment

    • @Anona_Meows
      @Anona_Meows 2 года назад +4

      His mother is dead, JANETT. Her last dying wish was for him to share laughter and bring happiness to the world, as life is short. And look at him, she lives on through each laugh. So don't judge someone you don't even know.

    • @shannonnichols3415
      @shannonnichols3415 2 года назад

      @@wendypuk4978 - and that means….?

  • @claramay1814
    @claramay1814 2 года назад +427

    As a nurse, I had to learn to NEVER tell a patient "This is my first time doing this" because once I did, their face was filled with sheer panick😂Never again

    • @barbarat5729
      @barbarat5729 2 года назад +15

      Hope you can spell meds correctly.

    • @elizabethnovotny109
      @elizabethnovotny109 2 года назад +6

      That goes for all medical. I had a resident MD tell me that she was nervous doing something her first time… I told her not to keep it quiet … even other staff will have an issue with it.

    • @DragonFlyOwl
      @DragonFlyOwl Год назад +6

      My first week working in a hospital as a mental health clinician (not RPN)… I was quickly scolded for saying it was “quiet”. That is a BAD word apparently.

    • @geopolitix7770
      @geopolitix7770 Год назад +7

      Just save that one for the drunk and annoying patients?

    • @toxxicdutchie232
      @toxxicdutchie232 Год назад +11

      I had a dentist who came to do a filling and he said "im so glad they let me do this. Im not supposed to tell you but im not a dentist, im actually part of witness protection"

  • @arnieadam
    @arnieadam Год назад +1

    Thanks! Finally figured out how to adjust the money part.

  • @vermamohit
    @vermamohit 9 месяцев назад +1

    This was so funny! Please visit Seattle soon, Zoltan.

  • @yzolakitchi
    @yzolakitchi 2 года назад +27

    Thanks for the giggles and guffaws! Loved this! You seriously cheered me up on a gloomy rainy day here in England :-)

  • @JessieNebulous
    @JessieNebulous 2 года назад +44

    I adore this man! He came to perform in Myrtle Beach after I suggested it to him on a video, and it meant so much to me. 💕

  • @simonpatonx
    @simonpatonx 2 года назад +20

    What a legend! Thanks for the laughs Zoltan!

  • @melissaduffy4
    @melissaduffy4 5 месяцев назад +4

    First time hearing Zoltan. Loved his comedy! He's, hilarious, a creative thinker, clever, surprising and an engaging story teller who held my interest the whole time. He made me laugh out loud again and again ! I'm def watching more of his shows! Refreshing!

    • @minkademko2335
      @minkademko2335 2 месяца назад

      Refreshing was the word that came to my mind as well. Zoltan is a diamond in the rough❤

  • @Telmach
    @Telmach 2 года назад +30

    It's so nice to see a comedian that tells jokes about everyone, you know - like a comedian. Really nice change of pace.

  • @jurgenvonjessica4656
    @jurgenvonjessica4656 2 года назад +235

    Love that he managed to make jokes about the pandemic and vaccine without making it divisive. 😎 I will need to go find his first video!!!😄

    • @marshwetland3808
      @marshwetland3808 2 года назад +9

      Yeah, I'm watching it a second time, now, and marvelling at that. He did many minutes where he kept coming back to the pandemic theme. I'll be watching it again, I'm sure. And laughing.

    • @JessicaMiller-pc4dj
      @JessicaMiller-pc4dj 2 года назад +5

      And Jan 6th 🤭, so well done 🤣.

    • @datheamore6395
      @datheamore6395 Год назад +1

      ​@My it actually was not too bad. Relatable and didn't make me cringe once.

    • @rickyspanish492
      @rickyspanish492 Год назад +9

      I don't know. Seemed like he was definitively on one side of things.
      That's ok, though. I can't blame him. The career, social, and professional climates necessitated that.

  • @SparrowHope
    @SparrowHope 2 года назад +68

    Anyone who would close their laptop on him has no soul. Haha. He is so funny and fun.

  • @brennytp8121
    @brennytp8121 2 года назад +33

    Man, i spent the whole show with a smile, thank you

  • @russgaudett
    @russgaudett 2 года назад +13

    I was crying 6 minutes in 🤣
    Zoltan is gonna be one of my all time favs

  • @shaunhermans
    @shaunhermans 2 года назад +18

    I hope you get your own sitcom Zoltan, you do surprise so well and I feel we're right there with you at the punch line like we're discovering it together, but above that your observations are spot on, you're hard working I wish the industry would adjust to welcome your talent. Best wishes and thank you

  • @elenavonpavel-pitts3442
    @elenavonpavel-pitts3442 2 года назад +26

    I LOVE the lighting of the gas heater! Being from SF, we dI'd it every year....my dad(WW2 vet) made it look so easy however...one year he wasn't home, we were freezing and had to do it ourselves...mom, baba and a 12 yr old girl. Took us 30 min to figure out just WHO would do it. Of course, I was the "chosen" one. All we had was a match from a bar ...I was terrified to light it...mom lit the match then HANDED IT TO ME!!! As we were all fervently praying NOT to blow up...I closed my eyes and lit it and NEVER did it again!

    • @wendelleg2002
      @wendelleg2002 2 года назад +6

      I first realized my stoner hippy bf was a REAL MAN when he had to light the pilot on our basement water heater after a flood, and the flame shot out of the burner 3 feet just grazing his left ear as he was still sprawled on his belly with the kitchen match in his hand. His eyebrows were singed off, but he was ok. He calmy stood back up going "s***, I hate (landlord's name)"! as I was just standing there in shock. I married him.

    • @simmiedavissimmiesings8185
      @simmiedavissimmiesings8185 4 месяца назад

      This would make a great sketch!

  • @wyioughta
    @wyioughta 2 года назад +34

    This guy is awesome, loved the first, this is even better. Which brings me to conclude he's a natural. Natural what, I don't know, but he sure can make life funny. Death, funnier. 😆🤣

  • @kristinesmart3134
    @kristinesmart3134 2 года назад +25

    Thank you so much, Zoltan. A few years ago, I lost a job, & was looking at my bottles of pills a little too much with bad thoughts. I thought I'd never work, much less get through a full-on breakdown. If it wasn't for discovering you, and some serious major help from my Mom and siblings(I lost my Dad during this time as well.) Hubby lost his Mom, Sister, and we lost our beloved black lab of 11 years, so you all are seeing why I wanted to go bye-bye. I hung in there. I could not do it alone. I am humbled by the help.and the laughter. Love, K. from Western New York

    • @ronnieking3848
      @ronnieking3848 Год назад +2


    • @kristinesmart3134
      @kristinesmart3134 4 месяца назад

      I am doing so much better. I shared too much, but THANKS ❤.​@@ronnieking3848

  • @sandram2974
    @sandram2974 2 года назад +133

    This guy is brilliant! We were laughing the entire time.

  • @magpie.314
    @magpie.314 Год назад +16

    Totally nailed Utah in the first 90 seconds of this special. Another comedian I saw perform here was completely confused and not a little terrified by the responses she got from the audience & tbh her reaction was completely justified, we do have that effect on people 😅

  • @jamicarman915
    @jamicarman915 2 года назад +24

    Zoltan has never disappointed me. Love this guys comedy. I can relate

  • @pakuma3
    @pakuma3 2 года назад +43

    This is the first time a comedian makes me cry laughing in like 10 years.

  • @robmc120
    @robmc120 2 года назад +23

    Glad to see this guy on stage again, that was one hell of a closer joke, my wife and i were in tears laughing. God bless you Zoltan!

  • @croatiansensation6062
    @croatiansensation6062 Год назад +5

    I laughed a lot during this entire performance. Thank you Zoltan!

  • @ibidesign
    @ibidesign Год назад +65

    That's some high-density, super-saturated, well-timed comedy right there.

  • @oracionmaqdosh2736
    @oracionmaqdosh2736 2 года назад +56

    This guy is officially my comedian of the year, may not mean much but its graciously awarded

    • @MclooseClark
      @MclooseClark Год назад

      He is awesome, him, Phil Hanley and Raul sanchez have been my favorites for quite some time now

  • @tamaraduyck3968
    @tamaraduyck3968 2 года назад +10

    Thanks Zoltan! You were one of my firsts on DryBar and my favorite. I was so happy to watch your new material!

  • @coleengoodell7523
    @coleengoodell7523 2 года назад +43

    Great set from start to finish. Hilarious!

  • @j.michaeljefferson60
    @j.michaeljefferson60 Год назад +47

    I almost didn't recognize him with his haircut and the way you tell the joke's really enjoyed video 📸 needed to laugh 😂 you did this easily

  • @ellenmcintyre1247
    @ellenmcintyre1247 2 года назад +40

    Your uncle dressed as a yak just killed it! I did want an update on Jessica however... 🐈‍⬛

  • @JustAGalOnTheGo
    @JustAGalOnTheGo 2 года назад +153

    Omg the “driving a stick” made me laugh so hard. It reminded me of when I had a learners permit in the 70’s. My mom (who didn’t drink often) accidentally drank too much at my grandparents house. The adults had a quick discussion of whether or not the adult in the car with a permitted driver legally had to be sober or awake (they decided nope 😳), then gave me a crash course driving her Volvo (w/ a stick) and gave me the green light after I could successfully go from the stop without stalling it…and off we went! 🤣

    • @neurodivtries4101
      @neurodivtries4101 2 года назад +3


    • @enviromental2565
      @enviromental2565 2 года назад +8

      Glad you made it home alive.

    • @marshwetland3808
      @marshwetland3808 2 года назад +8

      I learned stick on a frickin VW bug owned by a Moonie. Madness.

    • @tamaj152
      @tamaj152 2 года назад +6

      I learned to drive a stick shift on a cross-country trip with friends when I was 17. A VW bug with four people in it. Going up mountains and everybody else was asleep, but I figured it out. 🙂

    • @crybabychrononaut
      @crybabychrononaut Год назад +1


  • @syd2248
    @syd2248 2 года назад +12

    This guy is just so genuinely amusing. I love his style!

  • @sharonej7457
    @sharonej7457 2 года назад +12

    Brilliant delivery, so smart and witty! Respect to you, Zoltan, and thanks for the laughs!!!

  • @tiffanymiller9631
    @tiffanymiller9631 2 года назад +5

    Thanks! I needed to laugh tonight and you made the obvious chaos of the last two years a bit brighter (and funnier)!

  • @cobrabusadventures
    @cobrabusadventures 2 года назад +12

    We've been fans since your first Dry Bar special! Glad to see you doing live shows again! (Well, recordings of you doing live shows, I guess).

  • @yuppers1
    @yuppers1 2 года назад +11

    One of my favorite standup comedians- love this guy. I'll be sure to share this new standup with my family and friends

  • @pamelagl1998
    @pamelagl1998 Год назад

    I love your comedy! Looking forward to seeing you in April in Chicago! 💚🦋

  • @stefs3460
    @stefs3460 2 года назад +441

    I don't know Zoltans age but everyone over 30 knew exactly what he meant by turning too quick and getting injured! Very funny guy. Very relatable 😄

    • @MagaMom
      @MagaMom 2 года назад +9

      He's 35

    • @stefs3460
      @stefs3460 2 года назад +19

      @@MagaMom Thanks. Then that's why he knows! I remember when I turned 31 I bent down to pet the dog and got stuck! Before I turned 30 I thought when tv shows did that they were exaggerating! Found out the sit coms were telling the truth 😂 Truth is funny though!

    • @heavnxbound
      @heavnxbound 2 года назад +10

      @@stefs3460 That happened to me in my teens 😂

    • @stefs3460
      @stefs3460 2 года назад +7

      @@heavnxbound Oh no! 😂 Well you were ahead of your time!

    • @nerdymk3194
      @nerdymk3194 2 года назад +5

      I’m 16 and I know what he means. 😅

  • @jo-sweets-c.2714
    @jo-sweets-c.2714 2 года назад +10

    One of my favorite comedians! I have so loved watching him mature and sharpen his delivery 😘

    • @joannaedwards6325
      @joannaedwards6325 Год назад +1

      But I miss his chubbiness and sexy long hair. But he still has those crazy eyes. Gotta love him.

  • @arrived4jiminstayed4ot76
    @arrived4jiminstayed4ot76 2 года назад +44

    As someone from Kentucky. The Louisville joke was hilarious and hit home. Loved your show.

  • @helenakhudyna2360
    @helenakhudyna2360 2 года назад +8

    One of my favorite comedians! Thanks for making me laugh every time!

  • @Karen-DeMars
    @Karen-DeMars Год назад +4

    What a standout comedian! Novel perspective, clever writing, perfect delivery - I laughed so much! 😂 The last two unfamiliar-to-me comedians I was this impressed with were a 2008 John Mulaney and a 2013 Nate Bargatze! Can’t wait to see more of you, Zoltan! 👍🔥👏

  • @jeanvignes
    @jeanvignes 2 года назад +44

    As a 66 year old woman who can definitely drive stick, but chooses not to, I salute you, Zoltan. 🚚

  • @dabjohn
    @dabjohn 2 года назад +12

    I can't believe this stuff is free. Zoltan's killing it!

    • @dovie2blue
      @dovie2blue 2 года назад

      You can tip him!! Do it!! I did

    • @TheSchaef47
      @TheSchaef47 2 года назад +1

      it's free because it elevates the visibility of comics that are funny without working blue.
      my wife found out Jeff Allen was in town and wanted to see him specifically after seeing the dry bar clips online.
      looks like we'll be adding Zoltan to that list

  • @senti2175
    @senti2175 2 года назад +18

    Yep! I am one of those guys that calls him the cat comedian 😼. And thats why I clicked. Browsing through my subscriptions.. and woah the cat comedian is back. 😺😺😸

  • @RonGuyor
    @RonGuyor 5 месяцев назад

    We laughed so hard! I didn't think I could get a muscle cramp from laughing, yet here we are. 🤣😂

  • @shannonwanlin4287
    @shannonwanlin4287 2 года назад +8

    Nothing better than a good night of laughing...just love comedy. Enjoyed your show a lot. Thanks so much

  • @crazyleaf257
    @crazyleaf257 2 года назад +46

    I really really appreciate how you warned us you were about to finish I'm like a little 4-year-old before bedtime, I need a little warning so that I don't get emotional when the fun stops. Seriously every time a comedian ends the show I feel like it's way too abrupt and it feels like a let down 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @jeremythelander5024
    @jeremythelander5024 2 года назад +14

    Absolutely killed it, Zoltan!!! Even better than your first special which was hands down my favorite on all of dry bar. You're gonna make the big time!

  • @BetSeeBoo
    @BetSeeBoo 2 года назад +5

    I've loved you since your 1st DB special & have since searched out everything I could find on RUclips. Btw, thought you were cute before with your long hair, but oh baby! When I saw you 1st time with short hair...thought you were smokin'! If only I were 25ish years younger!🤣

    • @joannaedwards6325
      @joannaedwards6325 Год назад

      If I was only 40 years younger!!
      But I miss his longer hair and chubbier build. ❤ 😊

  • @tadyET
    @tadyET 2 года назад +68

    This dude is a killer 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @NunyaNomi
    @NunyaNomi 2 года назад +45

    He had me in tears 😂

    • @marshwetland3808
      @marshwetland3808 2 года назад +2

      Yeah, and I had to hold my abdomen as it was bouncing wildly.

  • @gr57mb
    @gr57mb Год назад +17

    The problem was that when I was roaring with laughter, I couldn't hear the next thing you said. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

  • @larryblomquist3866
    @larryblomquist3866 Год назад

    Great show, looking forward to the next one!

  • @BeardTech
    @BeardTech 2 года назад +17

    This is an absolutely awesome comedy set. Tonnes of real life content and proper jokes about the pandemic that land properly

  • @haleiwasteve8434
    @haleiwasteve8434 2 года назад +11

    Love his humor - one of my favorites

  • @symphantic4552
    @symphantic4552 2 года назад +26

    I love how he calls out the crowd on the tax joke 😂

  • @candyswirlfx
    @candyswirlfx Год назад +1

    Second time watching this and it's just as funny as the first time! Great stage presence!

  • @TrueBlueCat
    @TrueBlueCat 2 года назад +36

    Just want to say your one of my fav comedians and the new hairstyle is 🔥.
    Have a nice day!

  • @elizabethschuler8890
    @elizabethschuler8890 2 года назад +51

    Zoltan! Another killer set! Nicely done! Great things ahead for this one!

  • @leeboriack8054
    @leeboriack8054 2 года назад +50

    Zoltan, you are insanely funny, clever and awesome timing. Thank you for the incredible gift of laughter. Hope to see more of your work.

  • @ramabommaraju2715
    @ramabommaraju2715 2 года назад +7

    Humour through absolute humility.. nice touch!

  • @calisongbird
    @calisongbird 10 месяцев назад

    You are the best, Zoltan! ❤

  • @razorsedgefpv7941
    @razorsedgefpv7941 2 года назад +11

    Best comedy I’ve heard. Laughed the entire time and now I have to explain to my wife why I’m massaging my jaw

  • @angellebvi4784
    @angellebvi4784 2 года назад +13

    Gave him a round of applause in my house. Awesome stuff

  • @LadyVoldemort
    @LadyVoldemort 2 года назад +18

    Yeah I'm probably one of his cat person fan, LoLoLoL. What can I say, he's belly stitches hilarious, I can't help it.
    I found him at Dry Bar channel years ago (his unique name is easy to remember) and watched his other comedies on RUclips, so thank you Dry Bar for the introduction, and thank you for bringing him back!!!

  • @MrBipulpandey
    @MrBipulpandey 2 года назад +30

    What a weird, eclectic and funny energy you have got. You sir, hands down are one of the best comedians I’ve seen in recent times.

  • @MsShystah
    @MsShystah 2 года назад +2

    One of the best comics I've heard in along time...Come to Montréal!

  • @JessicaMiller-pc4dj
    @JessicaMiller-pc4dj 2 года назад +2

    So, so many gems here, that everyone gets it, no matter where in the world you are. Excellent job 👌.

  • @nattamused9074
    @nattamused9074 2 года назад +7

    I laughed so hard! “I really thought this virus was going to bring us together. What an idiot.” LOL! Good job finding the common ground in this divisive issue. I’m in the other camp, the one less gung ho about medical injections from conflict of interest machines. And I really appreciate that you made us all laugh together. Thanks for the laughs, my kids and I have watched your other dry bar show over and over. You’re one of our favorites! ❤